Boxer Besar Niman Gunned Down In Germany ... Dead At 38

Besar Nimani, a former boxing champion with only one loss in his career, was shot to death outside a restaurant in Germany.

Nimani was leaving the establishment in Bielefeld Saturday night around 6 PM, according to a report, when 10 shots were fired ... at least some striking Nimani, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

"One or more perpetrators approached and shot the victim," police said in a statement, adding, Nimani "died at the scene due to the great wounds he received."

Authorities are currently investigating -- a "major police operation" -- as they hunt for the person (or people) behind the shooting.

Cops have not commented on motive or the identity of any suspect(s).

Besar, an Albanian who was born in Kosovo in 1985, fled to Germany in the late '90s as the Kosovo War raged in the Southeastern European country.

And, the boxer eventually made his mark in his new country ... becoming a successful pro pugilist. In fact, Besar was 26-1 with 22 knockouts ... and once held the IBF European Super Welterweight title. Nimani retired in 2019 after winning his last fight by TKO.

Nimani's brother, Berati, paid tribute to his late sibling on social media ... "My brother Besar Nimani was killed today in an ambush in Bielefeld, Germany."

He added ... "May God join us in heaven with him. I will forever be proud of you, I love you."


Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Hacen una visita sorpresa a familia de Uvalde

El Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están teniendo un momento íntimo en el corazón de Texas, tras hacer una parada no anunciada a la familia de Irma García, la maestra que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en la escuela de Uvalde.

Los Sussexes se dirigieron a Uvalde el sábado para pasar un tiempo con la familia de Irma. Se recordarán que la historia de Irma fue aún más trágica, pues su marido Joe murió 2 días después del tiroteo de un ataque al corazón.

Los García estaban encantados con la visita sorpresa. Su sobrino John Martínez escribió en X: "¡Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry vinieron a mi casa! Son una pareja tan hermosa y soy tan afortunado, ¡qué bueno que vinieron a ver cómo está la familia!".

Feliz cumpleaños
TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martínez también habló de lo cariñoso y solidario que fueron Harry y Meghan con sus primos y compartió un clip de la pareja cantando "feliz cumpleaños" a su mamá.

Como se puede ver, Harry y Meghan también posaron para unas fotos y conversaron con los García, convirtiéndose prácticamente en parte de la familia por un día.

Meghan conectó por primera vez con los García unos días después del trágico tiroteo en 2022, mientras estuvo en Uvalde para honrar a los profesores y estudiantes asesinados.

Meghan fue fotografiada afuera del Uvalde County Courthouse en su momento, dejando un ramo de rosas blancas en un improvisado monumento.

Palabras cariñosas
X/ @fuhknjo

Semanas más tarde, se puso en contacto con la hermana de Irma para saber cómo estaba la familia, especialmente los 4 niños que perdieron a su madre y a su padre en circunstancias desgarradoras.

Irma fue una de las dos profesoras y 19 niños asesinados a tiros el 24 de mayo en la escuela primaria Robb, en Uvalde, Texas.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a moment deep in the heart of Texas -- they made an unannounced stop to see the family of Irma Garcia ... a teacher killed during the Uvalde school shooting.

The Sussexes headed to Uvalde Saturday to spend some QT with Irma's family. You might recall, her story was even more tragic, because her husband Joe died 2 days after the mass shooting from a heart attack.

The Garcias were delighted by the surprise visit, with her nephew John Martinez writing on X: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry came to my house! They're such a beautiful couple and I'm so blessed - so glad they came to check up on the family!"

TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martinez also gushed about how loving and supportive H&M were to his cousins ... and also shared a clip of the pair singing "Happy Birthday" to his mom.

As you can see, Harry and Meghan also posed for snaps and chatted with the Garcias ... virtually becoming part of the family for the day.

Meghan first connected with the Garcias a few days after the tragic 2022 shooting ... while she was in Uvalde to honor the slain teachers and students.

MM was pictured visiting outside the nearby Uvalde County Courthouse at the time ... leaving a bouquet of white roses at a makeshift memorial.

X/ @fuhknjo

Weeks later, she reached out to Irma's sister to check on the family's wellbeing, especially the 4 children who lost both their mom and dad under heart-wrenching circumstances.

Irma was one of 2 teachers and 19 children gunned down on May 24 at Robb Elementary, in Uvalde, Texas.

Armadora de "Rust" No lo pasa bien en la cárcel... Tras ser condenada

La cárcel es un infierno para Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. La armadora de "Rust" no lo está pasando bien mientras espera la sentencia por su condena de homicidio involuntario.

El abogado de Hannah, Jason Bowles, le dice a TMZ que ella está teniendo un tiempo muy difícil en el centro de detención de Nuevo México.

Nos dicen que la familia de Hannah ya se está organizando para ir a visitarla y sus seres queridos se encuentran devastados con la sentencia de culpabilidad por el homicidio involuntario de Halyna Hutchins mediante a un disparo.

Hannah fue declarada culpable el miércoles y rápidamente fue ingresada en el Centro de Detención de Adultos del Condado de Santa Fe, donde posó para una foto policial.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como bien saben, Hannah era la armera que estaba en el set de la película "Rust" cuando Alec Baldwin le disparó a Halyna con un arma de utilería cargada con munición real durante una escena.

El abogado de Hannah dice que van a apelar su condena e intentarán anular el veredicto y la sentencia.

Hannah fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero fue considerada inocente del cargo de manipulación de pruebas.

Recuerden, la defensa de Hannah atribuyó el accidente a que ella estaba sobrecargada con el trabajo de producción, y su equipo legal insistió en que el disparo fatal de Halyna no tuvo nada que ver con Hannah.

El abogado de Hannah dice que la sala quedó conmocionada cuando se emitió el veredicto de culpabilidad y parece que ella está lidiando con su propia conmoción mientras se adapta a su vida tras las rejas.

Aún no se ha fijado la fecha de la sentencia, pero se enfrenta a 18 meses de prisión.

'Rust' Armorer Having Difficult Time In Jail ... After Manslaughter Conviction

Jail is hell for Hannah Gutierrez-Reed ... the "Rust" armorer is having a tough time behind bars as she awaits sentencing for her manslaughter conviction.

Hannah's lawyer, Jason Bowles, tells TMZ ... she is having a really ​difficult time in her new digs, a New Mexico detention center.

We're told Hannah's family is already setting up a time to visit her ... and her loved ones have been devastated by her guilty verdict for involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Halyna Hutchins.

Hannah was found guilty Wednesday and was quickly booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, posing for a mug shot.

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As you know ... Hannah was the armorer on the "Rust" movie set when Alec Baldwin shot Halyna with a prop gun loaded with live ammunition during a scene.

Hannah's lawyer says they will be appealing her conviction, seeking to overturn the verdict and judgment.

While Hannah was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, she was found not guilty of evidence tampering.

Remember, Hannah's defense blamed the accident on her being overworked by the production, and her legal team insisted Halyna's fatal shooting wasn't on Hannah at all.

Hannah's attorney says the courtroom was shocked when the guilty verdict was returned ... and it sounds like she's dealing with shock of her own as she tries to adjust to life behind bars.

Her sentencing date has not been set yet, but she's facing up to 18 months in prison.

Armadora de "Rust" Se libera su foto policial tras la condena... Vistiendo el uniforme

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed ya está tras las rejas a la espera de su sentencia luego de ser condenada por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins producto de un disparo y su foto ya fue liberada.

La ex armera, que estaba trabajando en el set de "Rust" cuando ocurrió la tragedia en 2021, fue ingresada en el Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility el miércoles e hizo lo que cada preso tiene que hacer cuando es procesado: tomarse una foto para el registro.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como se puede ver, Hannah no mostró ninguna sonrisa sosteniendo su pizarra. Es interesante, su foto se ve algo anticuada, hasta la clasificación de color.

Como informamos, Hannah fue puesta en custodia inmediatamente después de que se leyera su veredicto en la corte, donde un jurado emitió una sentencia dividida por dos cargos. Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario y no culpable de manipulación de pruebas.

Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el proceso, pero su familia la apoyó con emoción.

El caso duró alrededor de 2 semanas y los fiscales interrogaron a múltiples testigos que subieron al estrado y declararon en contra de Hannah, incluyendo los productores que dijeron, bajo juramento, que nunca le pidieron tiempo adicional al armero en el set (como ella había afirmado) y que descartó el sistema de registro para asegurarse de que las armas estaban siendo atendidas adecuadamente durante la filmación.

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Declinó usar el sistema de registro
Court TV

El abogado de Hannah argumentó que la producción en sí ya era un ambiente inseguro por su reducido presupuesto y que ella estaba abrumada con sus deberes, aunque el jurado no le creyó.

La familia de Halyna emitió un comunicado tras el veredicto y dicen que están contentos con el resultado, aunque también presagiaron que se podría venir más justicia cuando comience el juicio de Alec Baldwin.

El actor también se ha declarado inocente de los cargos de homicidio involuntario.

'Rust' Armorer Mug Shot Released Post-Conviction ... Already Wearing Jumpsuit

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is already behind bars as she awaits sentencing after being convicted in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins -- and her mug shot's already out.

The former armorer -- who was working on the set of "Rust" when the tragedy occurred in 2021 -- was booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility Wednesday and did what every inmate has to do when they're processed ... take a photo for the record.

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Court TV

As you can see, Gutierrez-Reed didn't flash any smiles ... and her info is right there on the slate she's holding up. It's interesting, her mug is kinda old-timey, right down to the color grading.

As we reported, Hannah was remanded to custody immediately after the verdict was read aloud in court, where a jury returned a split verdict on two charges she was facing. She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and not guilty of evidence tampering.

Hannah remained stoic throughout the proceeding, but her family was emotional behind her.

The trial lasted about 2 weeks, and prosecutors trotted out multiple witnesses who took the stand and testified against Hannah -- including producers who said, under oath, that she never requested additional armorer time on set (as she'd claimed), and she brushed off a logging system to make sure the weapons were being attended to properly during filming.

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Hannah's attorney argued the production itself was already an unsafe environment because of its shoestring budget, and she was overwhelmed with her duties ... but the jury didn't buy it.


Halyna's family released a statement in the aftermath, and they're happy with the result ... while also foreshadowing more justice might be coming when Alec Baldwin's trial begins.

He's pled not guilty to manslaughter charges as well.

'Rust' Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed Guilty of Manslaughter In Death of Halyna Hutchins

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Court TV


7:34 PM PT -- Halyna Hutchins' parents and sister just reacted to the news of Hannah's conviction. Their attorneys, Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, say ... "Halyna’s parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna’s death to be held accountable.Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process."

They add, "We are satisfied that the jury, based on the evidence, found Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for her part in the taking of Halyna’s life.We look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for Halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences for their actions."

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- the armorer on "Rust" who was charged in connection to the death of Halyna Hutchins -- just lost her criminal trial ... 'cause a jury says she's guilty of a crime.

A verdict was just read in court Wednesday out in New Mexico, where Gutierrez-Reed has been on trial since the end of last month ... with prosecutors going after her on two different charges -- namely, involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering.

She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, but not guilty of the alleged tampering.

A slew of witnesses were trotted out by the prosecution ... including the first assistant director, a producer on the film, and a line producer as well -- all of whom testified against HGR.

The prosecution's case basically amounted to Hannah being careless on the set -- to the point that it amounted to negligence, they claimed -- and it sounds like the jurors agreed after about a 2 week-long trial.

Hannah was remanded to custody ... meaning she was taken to jail right there in the courthouse -- this despite the fact that her attorneys asked she remain free until sentencing. The judge denied that ... noting a death had occurred, and that she'd been found guilty.

Hannah's family was sitting behind her during all this, and once the decision was reached that she'd be going behind bars immediately ... her loved ones started to break down.

Hannah herself remained stoic throughout the proceeding, and she didn't put up a fight as deputies led her away. A sentencing date will be set later down the line. She was facing up to 3 years in prison if convicted on both counts ... now, it'll be a fraction of that -- just up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Unclear how much time she'll end up serving.

As we reported ... some key people testified against Hannah -- with Ryan Winterstern (a producer) going under oath to refute Hannah's claim that she'd asked for more armorer time while they were shooting the flick, specifically as it related to Alec Baldwin's cross draw.

Another producer, Gabrielle Pickle, testified that Hannah had ignored her complaints about weapons being left unattended on the set ... and that she allegedly shot down a logging system to see who was handling the guns and when. That was just some of the evidence.

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Hannah's defense ended up basically boiling down to her being overworked by the production ... with her attorneys insisting Halyna being shot and killed wasn't on her whatsoever.


Clearly, a jury disagreed on that front ... but they didn't see enough evidence to convince them that Hannah had tampered with anything. No word on whether she'll appeal.

Of course, Alec himself still has a looming trial that'll kick off later this summer. He's facing manslaughter charges as well ... which he's pled not guilty to.

Originally Published -- 3:29 PM PT

"RUST" HANNAH GUTIERREZ-REED CULPABLE Por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins

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Court TV

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed -la armera en "Rust" que fue acusada de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins- acaba de perder el juicio.

Un veredicto se acaba de leer en el tribunal el miércoles en Nuevo México, donde Gutiérrez-Reed ha estado en juicio desde finales del mes pasado con los fiscales yendo tras ella en dos cargos diferentes: homicidio involuntario y manipulación de pruebas.

Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero no culpable de la supuesta manipulación.

Un montón de testigos fueron llamados por la fiscalía, incluyendo el primer asistente de dirección, un productor de la película y un productor de línea y todos testificaron en contra de Hannah.

El caso de la fiscalía básicamente acusa a Hannah ser descuidada en el set -hasta el punto de ser negligente- y parece que los miembros del jurado llegaron a un acuerdo después de un juicio de dos semanas de duración.

Hannah fue puesta en prisión preventiva, lo que significa que fue encarcelada en el mismo juzgado, a pesar de que sus abogados pidieron que permaneciera libre hasta la sentencia.

La familia de Hannah estuvo sentada detrás de ella durante todo el proceso, y una vez que se llegó a la decisión de que iba a ir tras las rejas, sus seres queridos comenzaron a romper en llanto.

La propia Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el procedimiento y no opuso resistencia mientras los ayudantes del sheriff se la llevaban. Más adelante se fijará la fecha de la sentencia. Se enfrentaba a hasta 3 años de prisión si era declarada culpable de ambos cargos, ahora será una fracción de eso: tal vez 18 meses de prisión y una multa de 5.000 dólares... la verdad aún no está claro cuánto tiempo va a terminar cumpliendo.

Como informamos, algunas personas clave testificaron en contra de Hannah, con Ryan Winterstern (un productor) bajo juramento para refutar la afirmación de Hannah que había pedido más tiempo en su trabajo, específicamente en lo que respecta a la cruz de Alec Baldwin.

Otra productora, Gabrielle Pickle, testificó que Hannah había ignorado sus quejas sobre las armas que se dejaban sin supervisión en el set y que supuestamente derribó un sistema de registro para ver quién estaba manejando las armas y cuándo. Esas fueron solo algunas de las pruebas.

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negándose al registro
Court TV

La defensa de Hannah terminó básicamente reduciéndose a su exceso de trabajo por la producción, con sus abogados insistiendo que no tuvo nada que ver con lo que le ocurrió a Halyna.

Claramente, un jurado no estuvo de acuerdo, pero no vieron pruebas suficientes para convencerlos de que Hannah había manipulado nada. No se sabe si va a apelar.

Por supuesto, el propio Alec todavía tiene un juicio inminente que se iniciará a finales de este verano. Se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario, así que se ha declarado inocente.


A super rare, historic 1945 report on the development of the atomic bomb, signed by 24 Manhattan Project contributors like Oppenheimer, Fermi, Lawrence, Chadwick, Urey, and Rabi has hit the auction block.

RR Auction got their hands on that historic report titled "Atomic Bombs: A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes Under the Auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945" by Henry D. Smyth.

The historical report was privately printed in August 1945 and written before the testing of the first bomb at the Los Alamos "Trinity" test site.

The report is signed in ink on the cover by 24 prominent scientists and administrators engaged in developing and deploying the most dangerous weapon ever created.

The names include J. Robert Oppenheimer and Nobel Prize winners Enrico Fermi, Ernest Lawrence, James Chadwick, Harold Urey, and Isidor I. Rabi.

The author's signature is also displayed on the title page in fountain pen ... 'cause he played a crucial role in the early development of nuclear energy, including participation in the Manhattan Project, membership in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and served as U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Gen. Leslie Groves' War Department secretary in Washington, Nellie V. Sanderson, obtained all the signatures.

This report was first released days after the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is likely the very first publicly available report on the creation of the bomb.

The creation of the nuclear bomb in the United States culminated in a successful test of the doomsday weapon in July 1945.

Weeks later, America dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, putting an end to World War II. The villages were obliterated, with roughly 200,000 people killed.

The events were depicted in Christopher Nolan's 2023 movie "Oppenheimer," which is winning huge acclaim in the award season circuit, and is also up for Best Film at this year's Oscars.

Six Flags Over Georgia Teen Shot on Opening Day


Chaos reigned at the grand opening of Six Flags Over Georgia ... with mobs of unruly teenagers fighting inside the theme park, escalating to a massive police response and an officer-involved shooting.

Cops in Georgia say there were 500 to 600 youth running amok in the park Saturday night, getting out of control and leading to a huge brawl and panic among park guests.

The huge crowd of fighting teens overwhelmed theme park security, who called police.

When cops got there, officers say they followed the group out of Six Flags onto a nearby service road ... where gunshots started ringing out.

Police say several suspects fired at officers, with cops returning fire. One person was shot, reported to be a 15-year-old ... who's said to be in critical condition.

Six Flags Over Georgia confirmed a shooting outside the grounds and told FOX 5 Atlanta ... "It is incredibly disappointing that our community is disrupted at public events throughout the region by groups of underaged youth."

The park adds ... "We won't put up with that type of activity here."

Meanwhile, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the officer-involved shooting.

'Rust' Director Joel Souza Couldn't Believe He'd Been Shot ... X-Ray Confirmed Real Bullet

Court TV

Joel Souza recalled being rushed to the hospital after the "Rust" shooting ... and said he couldn't believe he'd been shot with a real bullet ... that is, until doctors showed him proof.

The director -- who was wounded in the same accidental shooting that killed Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" back in 2021 -- testified Friday during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's trial that he didn't understand he'd been shot even while standing in the hospital.

Souza explained he did understand something had hit him -- but he couldn't believe it at first when doctors told him a real, live bullet had hit him.

Joel said he told hospital workers repeatedly they didn't understand what happened, repeating often that the incident took place on a movie set -- so there's no way a live bullet could've struck him.


After much protesting, JS says docs showed him an X-ray of his back ... and a real bullet was right there nestled underneath his skin, and he finally accepted the truth.

Of course, all this and much more has come out during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's involuntary manslaughter trial that kicked off last week.

A number of Hannah's former coworkers have testified on behalf of the prosecution ... with line producer Gabrielle Pickle even claiming she recommended a system to Hannah so she might keep track of the on-set guns better -- which she said Hannah turned down.

It's all part of the prosecution's argument that Hannah's sloppiness with guns and ammo on the set is to blame for the tragic incident.

For her part, Hannah's lawyers are claiming she was under an incredible amount of stress because she served as both armorer and prop assistant for the movie.

TMZ Studios

It looks like the trial will continue into next week.

Stay tuned ...

'The Crow' OG Cast Member Slams Remake ... Bill Skarsgård, Yuck!!!

One of the OG main characters from "The Crow" is slamming the remake ... and she's mostly worried about how Bill Skarsgård will portray the late Brandon Lee's iconic character.

Rochelle Davis -- who plays Sarah in the 1994 goth cult classic -- tells TMZ … Bill's revamped Crow doesn't resemble anything about the true character, not even from the comic book, and her initial reaction to the first images of Bill in character was ... "yuck."

Even before the photos of Bill as Eric Draven came out this week, Rochelle says she wasn't expecting anything good to begin with ... and her suspicions were ultimately confirmed.

Rochelle's not bashing Bill's talent as an actor ... but she hates his "dingy, dirty, grungy" look and says producers made this version of Eric Draven look like the bad guys he's supposed to be fighting.

For Rochelle ... Eric Draven is supposed to be a good man with a good soul ... and the remake seems to be missing the mark here, at least from what she can see so far.

What's more, Rochelle wishes there was more diversity in the cast ... she says anyone other than a straight white male would be a better fit for replacing Brandon's character -- and she thinks producers should have cast someone who resembles Brandon out of respect.

Remember ... Brandon was shot and killed by a prop gun on "The Crow" set. Rochelle says the least Hollywood could do was give him some reverence and not remake his last flick.

With that said ... Rochelle gives filmmakers props for casting FKA Twigs as Shelly.

At this point it shouldn't come as a shock ... Rochelle tells us she does NOT plan on watching the remake, mainly out of respect for Brandon, and she's calling on other fans of the OG movie to boycott the new version.

There's been some fan outrage over Bill's look and Rochelle knows folks are going to watch regardless, at least for curiosity's sake, and she does find some joy in the remake introducing newer generations to "The Crow."

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... she ain't a fan of the new take.


revelando un trauma
Court TV

El ayudante de dirección del rodaje de "Rust" -que le entregó a Alec Baldwin la pistola que finalmente se disparó contra Halyna Hutchins- acaba de subir al estrado en el juicio del armero, y lloró.

David Halls testificó en nombre de la fiscalía el jueves en Nuevo México, donde van tras de Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed por cargos de homicidio, y dio una descripción detallada de su última interacción con Halyna antes de que muriera en el set.

Court TV

Es increíblemente emocional. Él dice que Halyna le dijo que no podía sentir sus piernas antes de morir... y David derramó algunas lágrimas.

La fiscalía también tuvo a un productor de la película, Ryan Winterstern, testificando el jueves. Los fiscales dicen que Hannah afirmó anteriormente que habló con dos productores llamados Ryan y Nathan y les dijo que necesitaba tiempo adicional con Baldwin para realizar el tiro cruzado.

Recordemos que Alec estaba trabajando en el lugar designado cuando su arma se disparó, golpeando a Halyna y en última instancia tomando su vida. Los fiscales dicen que Hannah comparte al menos parte de la culpa porque ella era responsable de las armas en el set.

tirando el gatillo

De todos modos, a Ryan le preguntaron directamente si se acuerda de haber tenido esa conversación con Hannah y testificó que no recordaba ningún momento en que ella intentara llamar su atención, y dijo que probablemente recordaría tal conversación si hubiera ocurrido.

Mientras tanto, en el testimonio del miércoles, los fiscales le preguntaron al productor Gabrielle Pickle si alguna vez expresó su preocupación a Hannah acerca de las armas de fuego en el set.

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sin registrarse
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Gabrielle testificó que dos veces le planteó la cuestión a Hannah, en persona y también a través de correo electrónico.

Cuando le preguntaron si ella sugirió una manera de arreglar el problema con las armas de fuego desatendidas en el set de "Rust", Gabrielle testificó que le propuso un sistema de registro a Hannah, donde las armas de fuego serían registradas de entrada y salida cada vez que se usen.

Gabrielle testificó que Hannah rechazó la sugerencia, supuestamente diciéndole a Gabrielle que era "demasiado complicado" y que Hannah estaba trabajando con su propio sistema para realizar un seguimiento de las armas.

Como informamos, la declaración de apertura de la fiscalía estuvo enfocada en que Hannah fue la culpable de la ronda que mató a Halyna.

Los fiscales dijeron que Hannah no siguió los protocolos de seguridad de armas adecuadas en el set, alegando que regularmente dejaba armas y municiones tiradas por el set, e incluso permitió que munición real se infiltrara en la producción.

Por su parte, los abogados de Hannah han dicho que ella tenía la tarea de múltiples puestos de trabajo en el set; de armero y asistente de apoyo, y que era mucho trabajo para alguien de solo 24 años de edad.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

El equipo de Hannah afirma que su edad y su relativo anonimato la convierten en un chivo expiatorio perfecto.



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Rust' Armorer Trial AD Gives Emotional Testimony ... Others Testify Against Her

Court TV

The first assistant director on the set of "Rust" -- who handed Alec Baldwin the gun that was ultimately fired at Halyna Hutchins -- just took the stand in the armorer's trial, and he cried.

David Halls testified on behalf of the prosecution Thursday in New Mexico -- where they're going after Hannah Gutierrez-Reed on manslaughter charges ... and he gave a detailed description of his last interaction with Halyna before she died on set.

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It's incredibly emotional ... he says Halyna told him she couldn't feel her legs before she passed -- and DH sheds some tears here.

The prosecution also had a producer on the film, Ryan Winterstern, testify Thursday. Prosecutors say Hannah previously claimed she spoke to 2 producers named Ryan and Nathan and told them she needed additional armorer time with Baldwin concerning his cross draw.

Remember ... Alec was working on his cross draw in the scene when his gun went off and shot a live round, hitting Halyna and ultimately taking her life. Prosecutors say Hannah shares at least some of the blame because she was responsible for the guns on set.


Anyway, Ryan was asked straight up if he remembers having that conversation with Hannah ... and he testified he didn't recall her ever bringing that to his attention, and said he probably would remember such a convo if it had occurred.

Meanwhile, in testimony from Wednesday, prosecutors asked line producer Gabrielle Pickle if she ever expressed concerns to Hannah about firearms being left unattended on set.

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Court TV

Gabrielle testified she twice raised the issue with Hannah ... in person and also via email.

Asked if she suggested a way of fixing the issue with unattended firearms on the "Rust" set, Gabrielle testified she proposed a logging system to Hannah, where the firearms would be checked in and checked out with each use.

Gabrielle testified Hannah shot down the suggestion ... allegedly telling Gabrielle it was "too complicated" and that Hannah was working with her own system for keeping track of the guns.

As we reported ... the prosecution's opening statement was all about Hannah being at fault for the live round that killed Halyna.

Prosecutors said Hannah did not follow proper gun safety protocols on set ... claiming she regularly left guns and ammo just lying around the set, and even allowed live ammo to infiltrate the production.

For her part, Hannah's lawyers have said she was tasked with multiple jobs on set -- armorer and prop assistant -- which was a lot to ask of her at just 24 years old.

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Hannah's camp claims her age and relative anonymity make her a textbook scapegoat here.