'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

TMZ Studios

Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.

ECU Gunman Exchanges Gunfire w/ Cops on Video ... Allegedly Shot Employee


Police in North Carolina have taken a man into custody after he allegedly shot a college employee ... and their confrontation with the suspect was all caught on video.

Greenville police officers said the alleged gunman -- identified as 38-year-old Savell Hightower -- was taken into custody after they say he shot an East Carolina University employee outside a local elementary school in what they're currently calling an unprovoked attack.

Police say the alleged victim encountered a man on a bike before that man apparently fired at him at least five times. The 27-year-old ECU employee sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

Fast-forward a bit ... and cop cars flying down the street apparently drew the attention of a local citizen who started to film through his windows as a man calmly rode by the house on a bike.

It appears he caught the moment two police cars pulled up with officers hopping out, guns drawn and pointed at the man on the bike. It looks like the cops open fire though it's unclear from the video if the man is firing back -- though police say he did fire at officers.

Somehow, the suspect was reportedly uninjured, and cops say they managed to get him into custody without further incident.

Hightower is reportedly booked on multiple charges, including attempted murder counts, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen firearm.

TMZ Studios

Seems like everyone's gonna be just fine from this encounter ... but, certainly a scary situation to say the least.

Rajon Rondo Asks Judge To Throw Out Gun Charge ... What About 2nd Amendment?!?

Rajon Rondo is hoping he won't have to fight a criminal gun charge much longer ... TMZ Sports has learned he's just asked a judge to throw out the count he's facing.

Court documents we obtained show the former NBA star's lawyer filed a motion on Tuesday to dismiss the unlawful carrying of a handgun charge prosecutors hit Rondo with following his arrest late last month.

In the documents, Rondo's attorney argues the charge is unconstitutional ... saying the ex-Boston Celtics point guard is protected by the Second Amendment right to bear arms that gave him the right to have the handgun cops say they found on him during a Jan. 28 traffic stop in Indiana.

"The statute under which Rondo is charged fails to be consistent with the Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation," the docs state.

A judge has not yet made a ruling on the motion ... but there is a hearing on the docket scheduled for late March.

Rondo was first booked on the gun charge following allegations that a loaded, black, 9MM, Sig Sauer P365 was discovered under the cupholder of his car after cops pulled him over for not having plates on the back of his Tesla.

Cops said due to a previous case against Rondo, he was not allowed to have the firearm. In fact, in police documents, one officer wrote, "I asked Rondo Sr. if he was allowed to have a gun and Rondo Sr. said he was not allowed."

In addition to the gun charge, Rondo is also facing one count of possession of marijuana and one count of possession of paraphernalia in the case ... after cops said they found weed, THC gummies and a pipe with marijuana residue in his Tesla during the stop as well.

TMZ Studios

Rondo -- a four-time All-Star -- last played in the NBA during the 2021-22 season.

Andy Reid Honors K.C. Shooting Victim Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... 'Very Good Human Being'


Chiefs head coach Andy Reid gave a brief eulogy for the woman who lost her life in the Kansas City parade shooting on Tuesday ... praising Lisa Lopez-Galvan as someone who had a positive impact on so many people.

The three-time Super Bowl-winning coach met with the media at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis minutes ago ... but before he started talking football, he wanted to address the tragedy that resulted in the local DJ's death -- and injuries to 22 others.

"I want to share my condolences for the Galvan and Lopez family for their loss of Lisa, and for the people of Kansas City," Reid told reporters.

"She was a personality there, and a very good human being, first of all. We'll all miss her, as I know her family will."

Reid said the shooting is not what Kansas City stands for as a whole ... and he called on the next generation to take action and be a part of the solution.

"You're our future," he added, "and as great as we can make this place, we want to do that. So we can turn this, which was a negative, into a real positive. With just a little togetherness and love we can fix a lot of problems."

As we previously reported, the Chiefs launched a fundraiser for those affected by the incident ... with Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes donating to the cause.

Harrison Butker -- whose jersey Lopez-Galvan was wearing at the celebration -- also donated one of his own tops to the family for her funeral services.

Two men -- Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller -- currently face charges for their involvement in the shooting.


El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

TMZ Studios

We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.

Drake Free Tory Lanez!!!

Drake is throwing more support to his fellow Canadian Tory Lanez as he serves out his 10-year sentence in the Megan Thee Stallion case ... but Champagne Papi wants him out ASAP!!!

Following the Cleveland show of his, "It's All a Blur - Big As the What?" tour, Drake tossed up a black-and-white photo of Tory and captioned the flick "3 you" ... as in free the "Alone At Prom" singer from his current predicament.

Tory was found guilty of shooting MTS last August and promptly sentenced to 10 years ... and was eventually denied bond.


Megan's lawyer told us Drake and other doubters would eat crow ahead of the verdict but Drake's going Team Canada all the way.

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Despite Drake's wishes, it appears Tory will be staying put for the time being ... a scenario Tory says he's since made peace with.

TMZ Studios

Fans are pissed at Drake for still standing by Tory and this isn't the first time he rubbed them the wrong way.

Drake sent a slick shot to Megan about her lying about being shot by Tory on his Grammy-nominated "Her Loss" album ... and his new call for freedom says the Hotties won't be getting an apology anytime soon.

TAYLOR SWIFT fans australianos asisten con bolsos normales Gracias a leyes de armas más fuertes

La política sobre bolsos de Taylor Swift en Australia es bastante notable en comparación con la de Estados Unidos: sus fans pueden entrar sin tener que mostrar visiblemente lo que llevan dentro... y el motivo son leyes sobre armas más firmes.

La gente ha estado reaccionando al hecho de que todos los australianos que van a los conciertos de Taylor en el último par de semanas han estado paseando en los estadios con bolsos regulares colgando de sus hombros, y la razón por la que esto llama la atención es porque Estados Unidos es muy diferente.

Echa un vistazo por ti mismo, estas fotos han despertado una conversación sobre el contraste entre las leyes de armas de Australia y los EE.UU.

El hecho es que estos jóvenes son capaces de entrar con bolsas regulares porque sus leyes nacionales en torno a las armas de fuego son muy diferentes en comparación a EE.UU. Puedes tener un arma en Australia, pero tienes que pasar por un montón de pruebas para obtener una, y el porte oculto no existe. Las armas semiautomáticas también están completamente prohibidas.

TikTok / @mollykhalter

Compara eso con las fotos de las Swifties americanas que asistieron a sus conciertos de "Eras" el año pasado y verás, tenían que llevar bolsas transparentes que dejaban al descubierto todo lo que llevaban dentro.

Casi nadie piensa que un fan de Taylor Swift pueda llevar algo peligroso a uno de sus conciertos, pero la verdad es que en Estados Unidos nunca se sabe. Esa es la realidad hoy en día.

Australia adoptó leyes de control de armas más estrictas a mediados de los 90, tras un terrible tiroteo masivo que se cobró más de 35 vidas e hirió a muchas otras. Desde entonces, no ha habido muchos tiroteos.

Hay otras cosas en Australia que se han vuelto más estrictas, lo cual ha llevado a algunos pensar que el país se está volviendo un poco rígido, pero al final del día, están sufriendo menos tiroteos que nosotros.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Así está la cosa. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Taylor Swift Aussie Fans Rolling with Regular Bags ... Gun Laws Praised

Taylor Swift's Australia bag policy is pretty noticeable compared to the States -- her fans can walk in without having to visibly show what they have inside ... and the reason is gun laws.

People have been reacting to the fact all these Aussies going to Taylor concerts over the past couple weeks have been strolling into the stadiums with regular shmegular bags hanging from their shoulders ... and the reason it's getting attention is because America is very different.

Take a look for yourself ... these shots of Swifties down under have stirred a conversation about the contrast between Australia's gun laws and the USA's -- which are way more strict.

Fact is ... these youths are able to come in with concealed bags because their national laws surrounding firearms are almost night and day compared to the States. You can own a gun in Australia, but you gotta jump through a ton of hoops to obtain one -- and concealed carry is not a thing out there. Semi-automatic weapons are also completely banned there, period.

Why No Clear Bags?
TikTok / @mollykhalter

Compare that to photos of American Swifties who were going to her "Eras" shows last year ... and you'll see, they had to bring clear, see-through bags that exposed everything inside.

Hardly anyone thinks a Taylor Swift fan would ever bring anything dangerous to one of her concerts -- but the truth is, in America, you just never know. That's the reality these days.

Australia pivoted to harsher gun control laws in the mid-90s after an awful mass shooting that claimed upwards of 35 lives and injured many others. After that, they swiftly enacted these stringent regulations over owning guns ... and there haven't been many mass shootings since.

There are other things about Australia that are also on a tighter leash -- which has led some to accuse the country of being overbearing -- but bottom line ... they're experiencing fewer shootings than us.

TMZ Studios

Take it for what it is, we suppose. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Lyndell Mays Alleged Parade Shooter ... Appears In Court In Shackles

Lyndell Mays -- the man who cops say fired the first gunshots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week -- appeared in a Missouri courtroom on Wednesday for the first time since he was hit with a murder charge over the shooting during the K.C. celebration.

Reporters inside of the courtroom say the 23-year-old showed up to the proceedings in an orange jumpsuit ... with shackles around his waist and feet. They added he also had a piece of white gauze taped to his face -- presumably covering wounds he suffered amid the chaos on Feb. 14 at Union Station.

Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

According to KHSB 41, Mays walked in front of the judge with his head dropped slightly ... although he did make eye contact with some who were present.

Mays did not enter a plea at the hearing ... and he's now due back in court for a bond review next Thursday. He remains in police custody on $1 million bail.

As we previously reported, Mays is facing one count of murder in the second degree, two counts of armed criminal action, and one count of unlawful use of a weapon ... after police say he admitted to firing his gun multiple times following a dispute with other people at the K.C. party.

Cops say Mays told them his actions were "stupid."

"Just pulled a gun out and started shooting," police said he told them. "I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid."

One other adult, Dominic Miller, and two juveniles have also been hit with criminal charges related to the shooting. It's unclear when their first court appearances will take place.

More than 20 people in total were shot after gunfire erupted at the rally ... and one -- 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan -- lost her life.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Connects With K.C. Shooting Victim's Family ... Gives Jersey For Burial

The woman who lost her life in the Super Bowl parade shooting last week will be laid to rest in a Harrison Butker jersey that the Chiefs star personally gave to her family himself.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan had considered the kicker her favorite player ... and when she was tragically shot and killed while celebrating his most recent championship at Kansas City's title parade on Feb. 14, she was actually wearing his white No. 7 uniform.

Her family said on social media they wanted to bury her in a new Butker jersey to pay homage to her fandom ... although they were apparently having some trouble finding the item ahead of her funeral services on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24.

Turns out, though, as soon as Butker was made aware of their request ... he jumped into action and got a fresh uniform delivered their way.

In a statement following his kind gesture, he said he was heartbroken over the situation ... and praying for her grieving family.

"Murder is a sin that cries out to God for vengeance and I pray the men involved in this tragedy will be brought to justice," said Butker, who made four key field goals in the Chiefs' Super Bowl win over the 49ers on Feb. 11.

"Hearing that she was a fan of my outspokenness for our shared Catholic Faith makes this even more personal. I am honored to provide a jersey to the family for her to wear. While the family is mourning their loss and grappling with their numerous injuries, I will continue to pray for their healing and the repose of Lisa's soul."

According to officials, Galvan was struck by stray gunfire after a violent argument between several groups of people broke out near where she was celebrating. Prosecutors have charged two adult males with murder in connection with her death.

She was just 43 years old.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Los fiscales presentan cargos por asesinato... Contra dos nuevos adultos

Presentan cargos

Dos adultos que han sido vinculados al tiroteo de Kansas City ahora se enfrentan a cargos de asesinato y otros delitos graves, algo que acaban de anunciar los fiscales de la ciudad.

Lyndell Mays y Dominic Miller fueron golpeados con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado el martes y también se enfrentan a otros de acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma. Estos chicos son diferentes de los dos adolescentes que fueron acusados la semana pasada.

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La terrible escena

Es un desarrollo sorprendente, ya que recién nos estamos enterando de que los policías incluso tenían a estos dos hombres bajo custodia. Lo último que habíamos escuchado es que solo tenían 3 personas detenidas, entre ellas dos menores de edad.

Ahora, sin embargo, sabemos que hay al menos 4 personas en total implicadas en el crimen. Los fiscales dicen que todavía no están liberando fotos de los acusados porque estos 2 hombres todavía se están recuperando en el hospital.

Los fiscales llegaron a decir que podría haber otras personas detenidas y acusadas en el caso, pero por ahora están empezando aquí. Señalaron que los dos menores están siendo procesados por un tribunal diferente y sus identidades no se darán a conocer, ya que son justamente menores de edad.

No está claro cuántos años tienen los dos hombres adultos ni cuándo entraron en el radar de la policía. Pero algo interesante que mencionaron es que estas dos facciones en duelo - recuerden, habían dicho todo comenzó por una discusión- no se conocían entre ellos.

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El momento de la discusión

Los fiscales señalan que las pruebas sugieren que este acalorado intercambio llevó a que Mays desenfundara su arma de fuego, lo que motivó a que los demás hicieran lo mismo casi inmediatamente después, incluyendo Miller. Después de que estallaron los disparos, los fiscales dicen que el arma de Miller fue la que terminó golpeando a Lisa López-Galván, a pesar de que están atribuyendo su asesinato a ambos chicos.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, un registro audiovisual demostraba que había adolescentes capturados en la escena del miércoles, justo antes de que sonaran los disparos y testigos presenciales nos habían dicho que creían que estaban involucrados.

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Estallan disparos

Aunque nuestros testigos no vieron a los adolescentes abriendo fuego, afirman que la persona o personas con las que estaban discutiendo fuera de cámara, fueron los que hicieron los primeros disparos.

Las autoridades de Kansas City dicen que la investigación sigue en curso y que tienen la intención de exigir responsabilidades a todos los que participaron en la tragedia. De momento, esto es lo que tienen.

Además de la muerte de Lisa, al menos otras 22 personas sufrieron heridas de bala.

Kansas City Shooting Prosecutors File Murder Charges ... Against Two New Adults

new charges announced

Two adults who've been linked to the Kansas City mass shooting are now facing murder charges and other serious counts ... something just announced by KC prosecutors.

Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller were both hit with 2nd-degree murder charges Tuesday ... and they're also up against armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon charges on top of that. These guys are different than the two teens who were charged last week.

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It's a stunning development, as we're just now learning about the fact that cops even had these two men in their custody. Last we heard ... they only had 3 people detained, including two juveniles.

Now, however ... we know there are at least 4 people total at this point being implicated in this crime. Prosecutors say they're not releasing mug shots yet 'cause these 2 men are still recovering in the hospital.

Prosecutors went on to say that there might be other people arrested and charged in the case -- but for now, they're starting here. They note that the 2 juveniles are being prosecuted by a different court ... and their identities will not be released since they're underage.

It's unclear how old the two adult men are -- and it's also unclear when these two guys came onto the cops' radar. But something interesting officials noted is that these two dueling factions -- remember, they say this all started with an argument -- did not know each other.

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Prosecutors note evidence suggests this heated exchange led to a firearm being drawn by Mays ... which then led to others pulling their firearms almost immediately afterward, including one by Miller. After the shots rang out -- prosecutors say Miller's weapon ended up being the one that hit Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... although they're pinning her murder on both guys.

TMZ broke the story ... there were teenagers caught on camera on the scene Wednesday just before shots rang out -- and eyewitnesses tell us they believe they were involved.

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While our eyewitnesses say they never saw any of the teens open fire ... they claim the person or persons they were facing off with, off-camera, did unload the first shots.

Kansas City officials say the investigation is still ongoing, and that they intend to hold everyone who participated in the tragedy responsible. At the moment, this is where they're at.

In addition to Lisa's death ... at least 22 others suffered gunshot wounds that day.

Travis y Jason Kelce hablan del tiroteo de Kansas City E instan a los aficionados a hacer donaciones

"amamos a la familia de los chiefs"
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis y Jason Kelce se tomaron un descanso de sus habituales bromas para opinar sobre el trágico tiroteo de Kansas City esta semana, agradeciendo a los primeros en responder por entrar en acción y prometiendo ayudar a los afectados.

Los dos hermanos de la NFL dejaron caer un video sorpresa antes del episodio del pódcast "New Heights" del miércoles, con Travis explicando que "no se sentía bien" seguir adelante con el programa pregrabado sin abordar primero el incidente después del desfile de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl el 14 de febrero que dejó a un muerto y más de 20 heridos.

Jason dijo que sus pensamientos están con todas las víctimas, sus familias y el Reino Chiefs, también compartió su gratitud con los agentes del orden locales y todos aquellos dispuestos a cooperar durante el desafortunado evento.

El centro de las Águilas habló desde el corazón: "Una de las cosas que es evidente es lo mucho que Kansas City se está uniendo en torno a las personas que han sido afectadas por esto".

Añadió que los Kelces están actualmente averiguando qué pueden hacer para involucrarse en el proceso de recuperación ... pero mientras tanto, espera que sus fans hagan lo que puedan donando al fondo de los Chiefs para las víctimas.

Travis terminó el clip diciendo: "92%ers, te apreciamos. Kansas City y el Reino de los Chiefs, los queremos. Estamos con ustedes y los veremos pronto".

Como informamos anteriormente, dos menores van a ser acusados como resultado del tiroteo, incluyendo cargos relacionados con armas de fuego y resistencia a la autoridad.

Travis, así como su novia, Taylor Swift, cada uno donó $100k a las víctimas del tiroteo y Patrick y Brittany Mahomes también contribuyeron con $50k a la campaña del equipo.

Travis And Jason Kelce Address Kansas City Parade Shooting ... Urge Fans To Donate

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis and Jason Kelce took a break from their usual lighthearted banter to weigh in on the tragic Kansas City shooting this week ... thanking the first responders for springing into action and vowing to help those affected.

The two NFL brothers dropped a surprise video ahead of Wednesday's "New Heights" podcast episode ... with Travis explaining it "didn't feel right" to move forward with the pre-taped show without first addressing the incident after the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on Feb. 14 that left one dead and more than 20 others injured.

Jason said their thoughts go out to all the victims, their families and Chiefs Kingdom ... also sharing his gratitude for local law enforcement officials and all those willing to step up during the unfortunate event.

The Eagles center spoke from the heart ... saying, "One of the things that's evident is how much Kansas City is coming together and rallying around the people that have been affected by this."

He added the Kelces are currently figuring out what they can do to get involved in the recovery process ... but in the meantime, he's hoping their fans will do what they can by donating to the Chiefs' fund for victims.

Travis ended the clip ... saying, "92%ers, we appreciate you. Kansas City and Chiefs Kingdom, we love you guys. We're with you guys and we'll see you guys soon."

As we previously reported, two juveniles are going to be charged as a result of the shooting ... including gun-related charges and resisting arrest.

Travis -- as well as his girlfriend, Taylor Swift -- each donated $100k to victims of the shooting ... and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes also contributed $50k to the team's campaign.

Kansas City Shooting Moments Before Shots Fired Teens Facing Off in Heated Exchange

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a heated moment

New video from the Kansas City shooting appears to show the exact moments before shots started to ring out -- and as the cops have indicated, there are teenagers in the mix here.

TMZ has obtained footage that depicts the KC rally Wednesday at 1:48 PM CT -- right around the time the first reports of a shooting came in -- and eyewitnesses tell us that the young guys you see in the background got into a heated exchange with someone off camera.

There are a few key players to focus on -- a teen in red, who you can see get angry and throw his bag down as he argues with someone who's not in clear view. There's also another teen in all black with a satchel-like bag hanging from his side, who walks toward the action.

These 2, in particular, were recorded walking away from the shooting just moments later -- also seen in the footage we got -- and the young man in black looks to have been shot.

We're told by eyewitnesses who saw this that he appeared to have been shot in the face. If you look closely, his buddy in red is trailing close behind him as they beelined it outta there.

Going back to the main video ... there are a couple other dudes who were pointed out to us who also seem to have been involved -- one young guy in a brown jacket (who looks to be the same guy who got tackled in that now-viral video) and another guy in a black jacket and red beanie ... whom we're told appeared to be reaching for something in his coat.

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Our sources tell us all the young guys you can see on camera here all looked to be rolling together as a group -- and that they were bickering with a much taller and possibly older man off camera ... who our eyewitnesses say definitely fired the first shots at them.

It's not entirely clear if the young guys fired back, but we're told people there believe they might have ... although, you don't see them pull out or use a gun at all in these videos.

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Of course, in the aftermath of this ... cops have only charged 2 individuals -- juveniles as they've been described -- with gun-related offenses, although more charges are likely to come.


The pieces of the puzzle are still falling into place ... and there are more questions than answers right now. From the looks of it -- this may have been an argument gone wrong.

Of course, it's a tragedy regardless ... as the shooting left one person dead, and almost two dozen others injured with gunshot wounds -- many of whom were young children.