Travis y Jason Kelce hablan del tiroteo de Kansas City E instan a los aficionados a hacer donaciones

"amamos a la familia de los chiefs"
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis y Jason Kelce se tomaron un descanso de sus habituales bromas para opinar sobre el trágico tiroteo de Kansas City esta semana, agradeciendo a los primeros en responder por entrar en acción y prometiendo ayudar a los afectados.

Los dos hermanos de la NFL dejaron caer un video sorpresa antes del episodio del pódcast "New Heights" del miércoles, con Travis explicando que "no se sentía bien" seguir adelante con el programa pregrabado sin abordar primero el incidente después del desfile de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl el 14 de febrero que dejó a un muerto y más de 20 heridos.

Jason dijo que sus pensamientos están con todas las víctimas, sus familias y el Reino Chiefs, también compartió su gratitud con los agentes del orden locales y todos aquellos dispuestos a cooperar durante el desafortunado evento.

El centro de las Águilas habló desde el corazón: "Una de las cosas que es evidente es lo mucho que Kansas City se está uniendo en torno a las personas que han sido afectadas por esto".

Añadió que los Kelces están actualmente averiguando qué pueden hacer para involucrarse en el proceso de recuperación ... pero mientras tanto, espera que sus fans hagan lo que puedan donando al fondo de los Chiefs para las víctimas.

Travis terminó el clip diciendo: "92%ers, te apreciamos. Kansas City y el Reino de los Chiefs, los queremos. Estamos con ustedes y los veremos pronto".

Como informamos anteriormente, dos menores van a ser acusados como resultado del tiroteo, incluyendo cargos relacionados con armas de fuego y resistencia a la autoridad.

Travis, así como su novia, Taylor Swift, cada uno donó $100k a las víctimas del tiroteo y Patrick y Brittany Mahomes también contribuyeron con $50k a la campaña del equipo.

Travis And Jason Kelce Address Kansas City Parade Shooting ... Urge Fans To Donate

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis and Jason Kelce took a break from their usual lighthearted banter to weigh in on the tragic Kansas City shooting this week ... thanking the first responders for springing into action and vowing to help those affected.

The two NFL brothers dropped a surprise video ahead of Wednesday's "New Heights" podcast episode ... with Travis explaining it "didn't feel right" to move forward with the pre-taped show without first addressing the incident after the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on Feb. 14 that left one dead and more than 20 others injured.

Jason said their thoughts go out to all the victims, their families and Chiefs Kingdom ... also sharing his gratitude for local law enforcement officials and all those willing to step up during the unfortunate event.

The Eagles center spoke from the heart ... saying, "One of the things that's evident is how much Kansas City is coming together and rallying around the people that have been affected by this."

He added the Kelces are currently figuring out what they can do to get involved in the recovery process ... but in the meantime, he's hoping their fans will do what they can by donating to the Chiefs' fund for victims.

Travis ended the clip ... saying, "92%ers, we appreciate you. Kansas City and Chiefs Kingdom, we love you guys. We're with you guys and we'll see you guys soon."

As we previously reported, two juveniles are going to be charged as a result of the shooting ... including gun-related charges and resisting arrest.

Travis -- as well as his girlfriend, Taylor Swift -- each donated $100k to victims of the shooting ... and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes also contributed $50k to the team's campaign.

Kansas City Shooting Moments Before Shots Fired Teens Facing Off in Heated Exchange

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a heated moment

New video from the Kansas City shooting appears to show the exact moments before shots started to ring out -- and as the cops have indicated, there are teenagers in the mix here.

TMZ has obtained footage that depicts the KC rally Wednesday at 1:48 PM CT -- right around the time the first reports of a shooting came in -- and eyewitnesses tell us that the young guys you see in the background got into a heated exchange with someone off camera.

There are a few key players to focus on -- a teen in red, who you can see get angry and throw his bag down as he argues with someone who's not in clear view. There's also another teen in all black with a satchel-like bag hanging from his side, who walks toward the action.

These 2, in particular, were recorded walking away from the shooting just moments later -- also seen in the footage we got -- and the young man in black looks to have been shot.

We're told by eyewitnesses who saw this that he appeared to have been shot in the face. If you look closely, his buddy in red is trailing close behind him as they beelined it outta there.

Going back to the main video ... there are a couple other dudes who were pointed out to us who also seem to have been involved -- one young guy in a brown jacket (who looks to be the same guy who got tackled in that now-viral video) and another guy in a black jacket and red beanie ... whom we're told appeared to be reaching for something in his coat.

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Our sources tell us all the young guys you can see on camera here all looked to be rolling together as a group -- and that they were bickering with a much taller and possibly older man off camera ... who our eyewitnesses say definitely fired the first shots at them.

It's not entirely clear if the young guys fired back, but we're told people there believe they might have ... although, you don't see them pull out or use a gun at all in these videos.

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Of course, in the aftermath of this ... cops have only charged 2 individuals -- juveniles as they've been described -- with gun-related offenses, although more charges are likely to come.


The pieces of the puzzle are still falling into place ... and there are more questions than answers right now. From the looks of it -- this may have been an argument gone wrong.

Of course, it's a tragedy regardless ... as the shooting left one person dead, and almost two dozen others injured with gunshot wounds -- many of whom were young children.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Momentos antes ... Adolescentes se enfrentan en un acalorado intercambio

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Momento de la disputa

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City parece mostrar el momento exacto antes de los disparos, y como los policías han indicado, hay adolescentes involucrados.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes que muestran la celebración del miércoles a las 1:48 PM CT, hora en que empezaron a llegar los primeros reportes de los disparos, y testigos presenciales nos dicen que los jóvenes que se ven al fondo se metieron en un acalorado intercambio con alguien fuera de cámara.

Hay unos pocos jugadores en los que concentrarse: primero, un adolescente de rojo, que se molesta y tira su bolsa al suelo mientras discute con alguien que no está a la vista. También hay otro adolescente vestido de negro con un bolso que camina hacia ellos.

Estos 2 en particular fueron grabados alejándose del tiroteo momentos después, cuestión que también se ve en las imágenes que conseguimos. El joven de negro, en tanto, parece haber recibido un disparo.

Testigos que vieron esto nos dicen que parece que le dispararon en la cara. Si se fijan bien, su amigo de rojo lo sigue de cerca mientras sale de allí.

Volviendo al video principal, hay un par de otros tipos que también fueron señalados y que parecen haber estado involucrados: un chico joven con una chaqueta marrón (que parece ser el mismo tipo que fue abordado en ese video ahora viral) y otro chico con una chaqueta negra y gorro rojo, de quien se nos dice que parecía estar alcanzando algo en su abrigo.

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Heroica contención

Nuestras fuentes dicen que todos los chicos en cámara andaban en grupo y estaban discutiendo con un hombre mucho más alto y posiblemente mayor fuera de cámara. Nuestros testigos dicen que este definitivamente habría disparado los primeros tiros contra ellos.

No está del todo claro si los jóvenes le devolvieron los disparos, pero nos han dicho que la gente del lugar cree que podrían haberlo hecho. Aunque no se los ve sacando o usando un arma en absoluto en estos videos.

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La terrible escena

Los policías solo han acusado a 2 individuos menores de edad por delitos relacionados con armas de fuego, aunque es probable que se vengan más cargos.

Las piezas del rompecabezas recién están cayendo en su lugar y siguen habiendo más preguntas que respuestas en este momento. Por lo que parece, esta podría haber sido una discusión que salió mal.

Por supuesto, es una tragedia. El tiroteo cobró la vida de una persona y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos, muchos de los cuales eran niños pequeños.

Patrick y Brittany Mahomes Visitan el hospital infantil tras el tiroteo y se sientan con las víctimas

Patrick Mahomes y su esposa Brittany están intentando alegrar algunos rostros después del trágico tiroteo del miércoles en el desfile de los Chiefs: los dos fueron vistos haciendo una visita al hospital local el jueves y levantando el ánimo de algunos niños heridos.

Los Mahomeses fueron específicamente a las habitaciones de una niña de 8 años y a otra de 10 años, ambas heridas de bala después de que se produjera un tiroteo tras la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl en Union Station.

Las niñas, parte de la familia Reyes, fueron alcanzadas en las piernas por las balas y necesitaron cirugía poco tiempo después para curar sus dolencias.

Pero cuando Patrick y Brittany pasaron a saludar no fue difícil ver a los pequeños muy felices, ambos tenían grandes sonrisas mientras posaban para las fotos.

Parece que la estrella de Kansas City y su esposa también trajeron regalos, ya que las niñas llevaban cascos en miniatura de los Chiefs.

La familia Reyes -que al parecer está relacionada con la mujer que trágicamente perdió la vida en el tiroteo- estaba agradecida de que los dos fueran a visitarlos y escribieron un comunicado: "Queremos dar un agradecimiento personal al equipo del Hospital Children's Mercy y a Patrick y Brittany Mahomes por su efusivo cuidado, amor y apoyo."

Por su parte, se creó un GoFundMe para ayudar a las niñas y a su familia en su recuperación y ya han recaudado 54.000 dólares.

En total, 23 personas fueron alcanzadas por las balas justo después de que Mahomes pronunciara un discurso en el mitin. Según las autoridades, al menos la mitad de las víctimas eran menores de 16 años.

Dos menores han sido acusados de delitos penales en relación con el tiroteo, pero las autoridades dicen que podrían presentarse más cargos.

Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims

Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.

The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.

The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.

But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.

It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.

The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."

A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.

In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.

Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.

Kansas City Suspects in Shooting Criminally Charged ... Two Juveniles Only

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Jeremy Scherle

Criminal charges are being handed down in the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs rally -- and we're now learning that, for now, two juveniles stand accused of being responsible.

Prosecutors hit two individuals -- described as minors -- with gun-related charges and for resisting arrest ... but nothing yet pertaining to any actual deaths. Officials in Kansas City say more charges are likely coming.

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Because they're minors, court hearings and criminal proceedings related to this case will not be open to the public. Both suspects are being held in a juvenile detention center.

As we reported ... 22 people were shot and one person died in Wednesday's shooting, which broke out after the Chiefs wrapped up their championship parade. The shooting caused a mass panic, and ended up with multiple people being hospitalized, including children.

Cops detained 3 people at the scene ... however, only 2 people now are facing criminal prosecution -- unclear what might've happened with the third person who was detained.

Witnesses and gunshot victims have described the chaotic scene that erupted after shots rang out in K.C. ... one survivor said the gunman spun around in a circle as he fired multiple shots into the large crowd that was gathered.

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Another Chiefs fan was among the people who subdued an armed person in the crowd ... tackling the guy to the ground before police got to him. It's unclear if the person who got tackled is one of the people who's now charged. The identities of the suspects are unknown.

Police aren't calling the shooting an act of terrorism ... instead, they claim it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated to gun violence.

New images are surfacing daily that show the carnage from the scene -- including these new pictures and videos from photographer Jeremy Scherle who was there in K.C. Wednesday.


Take a look at these photos showing the immediate aftermath ... including a gun that may have been used in the shooting ... not to mention pools of blood around it. Clearly, officers wanted to secure this scene right after it happened -- and that's what you're seeing here.

Of the 22 people who were shot and injured, at least half are under 16 years old. There have been a lot of unanswered questions about what happened here -- and even now with two people being held responsible ... we still don't know very much.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Story developing ...

Kansas City Sospechosos del tiroteo son acusados penalmente ... Solo dos menores

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Las caóticas secuelas
Jeremy Scherle

Dos personas están siendo acusadas con cargos criminales por el tiroteo masivo en Kansas City en medio de las celebraciones por el Super Bowl, y ahora nos estamos enterando de que, por ahora, solo hay dos menores de edad acusados como responsables.

Los fiscales imputaron a dos individuos, descritos como menores de edad, con cargos relacionados con el uso de armas y resistencia a la autoridad, aunque aún no hay nada relacionado con las muertes. Funcionarios de Kansas City dicen que es probable que se vengan más cargos.

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Caos total

Debido a que son menores de edad, las audiencias judiciales y los procedimientos penales relacionados con el caso no estarán abiertos al público. Ambos sospechosos están detenidos en un centro de detención de menores.

Como informamos, 22 personas fueron heridas de bala y una persona murió en el tiroteo del miércoles, que estalló después de que los Chiefs terminaran su desfile por el campeonato. El tiroteo causó pánico y terminó con varias personas hospitalizadas, incluidos niños.

Los policías detuvieron a tres personas en la escena. Sin embargo, solo 2 personas se enfrentan a un proceso penal. No está claro lo que puede haber pasado con la tercera persona que había sido detenida.

Los testigos y las víctimas de los disparos han descrito la caótica escena: un sobreviviente dijo que el pistolero giró en círculos mientras disparaba tiros hacia la gran multitud.

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Estallan los disparos

Otro fan de los Chiefs contuvo a una persona armada en la multitud, abordando al tipo en el suelo antes de que la policía llegara por él. No está claro si la persona que fue abordada es uno de los acusados. Se desconoce la identidad de los sospechosos.

La policía ha dicho que los disparos no corresponden a un acto terrorista, en cambio, dicen que fue una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó con la violencia armada.

Han surgido nuevas imágenes que muestran la tragedia en la escena, incluyendo estas nuevas fotos y videos del fotógrafo Jeremy Scherle que estaba allí el miércoles.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos que muestran las consecuencias del fatal incidente. Se ve un arma que puede ser la que se utilizó en el tiroteo, por no hablar de los charcos de sangre a su alrededor. Claramente, los oficiales querían resguardar esta escena justo después de que ocurrió y eso es lo que se ve aquí.

De las 22 personas que fueron baleadas y heridas, al menos la mitad son menores de 16 años. Ha habido un montón de preguntas sin respuesta sobre lo que pasó aquí e incluso ahora que hay dos personas consideradas responsables. Todavía no sabemos mucho.

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Comenzó como una disputa...
Fox 49 Ozarks

Historia en desarrollo ...

Taylor Swift Dona $100K a la familia de la mujer que falleció... En el tiroteo de Kansas City

Taylor Swift abrió su billetera para ayudar a la familia de la mujer que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en Kansas City, desembolsando seis cifras para ella justo antes de comenzar sus shows en Australia.

El jueves se había creado un GoFundMe para Elizabeth "Lisa" López-Galván, en concreto, para ayudar a sus seres queridos a crear un monumento para ella, así como asistencia financiera en general. Ella dejó a su marido y dos hijos y el objetivo fue fijado en $75.000.

Taylor aportó un total de $100.000 solo de su bolsillo, que llegó en forma de dos contribuciones diferentes de $50k cada una, que ella puso a su nombre.

También dejó una dulce nota junto a sus donaciones que decía: "Mi más sentido pésame por su devastadora pérdida. Con amor, Taylor Swift".

Las ofrendas en efectivo se realizaron en la noche, justo antes del primer concierto de Taylor en Melbourne. Ella ha pasado un par de días allá para prepararse para una serie de conciertos como parte de su gira "Eras". Taylor no se refirió al tiroteo durante su actuación.

Pero esta donación dice mucho y deja claro que está muy consciente de lo que pasó.

Taylor ha demostrado ser muy sensible a las tragedias, incluidas las que han ocurrido en sus propios espectáculos. Recuerden, una fan murió en una de sus actuaciones en Brasil en noviembre y Taylor terminó cancelando el siguiente concierto para reconocer su pérdida.

Taylor Swift $100k to Family of Woman Killed ... In Kansas City Shooting

Taylor Swift opened up her wallet to help the family of the woman who was killed during the Kansas City parade shooting -- forking out six figures as she started her Australia shows.

A GoFundMe had been set up Thursday for Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan -- specifically, to assist her loved ones in setting up a proper memorial for her, as well as general financial assistance. She left behind a husband and two kids ... and the goal set was $75,000.

Taylor gave an assist and then some -- chipping in a total of $100,000 just from herself alone -- which came in the form of two different $50k contributions, which she put in her name.

She also left a sweet note along with her donations, writing ... "Sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. With love, Taylor Swift."

The cash offerings generated overnight, just ahead of Taylor's first concert in Melbourne -- where she's been the past couple days to prepare for a string of shows there as her "Eras" tour ramps up again. Taylor did not address the shooting during her performance.

Still, this donation speaks volumes ... and makes clear, she's well aware of what happened.

Taylor has proven to be incredibly sensitive to tragedies -- including ones that have happened at her own shows. Remember, a young fan died at one of her performances in Brazil back in November -- and TS ended up canceling the very next concert, recognizing the loss.

Travis Kelce, Brittany Mahomes Pictured at Private Dinner ... After Kansas City Shooting

Travis Kelce and Brittany Mahomes showed up in the same photograph that shows exactly who was in attendance for the private dinner after the Kansas City shooting this week.

Chiefs tight end Matt Bushman's wife, Emily, proudly posted the pic Thursday on her social media account -- owning the fact that she and her hubby were among the people there ... which, as it turns out, was a lot smaller than anyone previously thought.

Emily included the snap as part of a collage of photos she uploaded -- which showed her and Matt enjoying the parade earlier in the day ... and eventually landing at the Granfalloon.

She wrote in her caption, "Yesterday was tough. Not going to allow evil to take away all the happiness and memories of the day. The team and city deserved to celebrate and what a fun parade we had!"

Emily goes on to say ... "I’ll never forget the chaos and fear that followed the parade. Our family will be continuing to pray for the victims of the shooting. We love KC!"

In her picture, you can see Matt, Travis, Brittany, fellow Chiefs teammates Creed Humphrey, Tommy Townsend and some others were in the mix as well. All in all, about 14 people.

No sign of Patrick in this photo -- although we know he was among the people there -- and presumably ... he's the one handling camera duties here. Neither he nor Travis have addressed the fact they were at the restaurant and continued on with their plan to celebrate.

Just about all the Chiefs players, however, expressed their condolences in the wake of the shooting.

It's interesting ... Emily seems to be telegraphing how the group at large might feel about the backlash they're getting right now. On its face, you could argue she's totally owning it.

Kansas City Shooting New Video Shows Injured Kids Flee ... 40 Shots Fired, AR-Style Pistol

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New video of the Kansas City shooting shows some of the injured children trying to escape the horrific scene -- and we've learned new info about what sort of weapon police believe the shooter used.

TMZ obtained this never-before-seen footage ... a new angle of Wednesday's shooting as the Chiefs Super Bowl celebration wrapped, and now you can see exactly where the shooting started ... and how the injured -- including a handful of kids -- reacted.

Police have said 9 minors were among the 23 victims who suffered gunshot wounds yesterday, and here you can see a few of them hobbling away -- but heroically, also helping each other -- immediately after the barrage of gunfire outside Union Station.

You can also hear someone yelling, "It's fireworks!" -- a mistake several witnesses have said people were making amid the chaos and confusion immediately following the shots.

Remember, cops have come out and said this didn't appear to be a terroristic act, but rather, a possible dispute between parties ... which killed at least one person.

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As for the investigation ... cops have only said they have 3 persons of interest in custody, and 2 of them are juveniles -- but our sources, with direct knowledge of the investigation, say cops also know there were an estimated 40 shots discharged on the scene.

We're also told cops recovered at least 3 weapons -- one of them is an AR-style pistol, and 2 others are handguns with extended magazines. It's unclear if all those weapons were fired during the shooting.

Our sources say cops believe the violence was set off by a confrontation between 2 males and one female -- and it's possible there was more than one person who opened fire in the dense crowd.

As of now, no one's been charged in the mass shooting ... and we're told the 3 persons of interest are being held in separate jails while police question them and gather more information.

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Time will tell if/when more info comes to light ... but for now, we have this intel.

BTW, vigils are going on in Kansas City Thursday night to honor the victims of the shooting -- and a lot of public officials are out there ... as are citizens to pay their respects, as well as to send their prayers.

Tough time in the city, no doubt.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra a niños heridos huyendo...

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La terrible escena

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City muestra a algunos de los niños heridos tratando de escapar del lugar y junto con eso hemos averiguado nueva información sobre el tipo de arma que la policía cree que utilizó el tirador.

TMZ obtuvo este material, que es un nuevo ángulo del tiroteo ocurrido el miércoles en medio de la celebración del Super Bowl de los Chiefs, y ahora se sabe exactamente dónde comenzó el tiroteo y cómo reaccionaron los heridos, incluyendo un puñado de niños.

La policía ha dicho que 9 menores estaban entre las 23 víctimas que sufrieron heridas de bala, y en este video se puede ver incluso a algunos de ellos cojeando, pero heroicamente y ayudándose unos con otros. Esto ocurrió inmediatamente después de que estallaran los disparos afuera de Union Station.

También se puede escuchar a alguien gritando: "¡Son fuegos artificiales!", un error que varios testigos escucharon a la gente decir en medio del caos y la confusión después del tiroteo.

Recuerden, los policías han dicho que esto no parece ser un acto terrorista, sino más bien una posible disputa entre las partes que terminó cobrando la vida de una persona.

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Estallan los disparos

En cuanto a la investigación, los policías solo han dicho que tienen a tres personas de interés en custodia. Dos de ellas son menores de edad, pero nuestras fuentes, quienes tienen conocimiento directo de la investigación, dicen que los policías también saben que se efectuaron alrededor de 40 disparos en la escena.

También nos han dicho que la policía recuperó al menos tres armas: una de ellas era una pistola AR y otras dos contaban con cargadores de gran capacidad. No está claro si todas esas armas fueron disparadas durante el tiroteo.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía cree que la violencia fue provocada por un enfrentamiento entre dos hombres y una mujer, y es posible que hubiera más de una persona abriendo el fuego entre la densa multitud.

Por ahora, nadie ha sido acusado y nos dicen que las 3 personas de interés están detenidas en cárceles separadas, mientras la policía los interroga y reúne más información.

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Caos total

El tiempo dirá si sale más información a la luz, por ahora, contamos con esto.

Por cierto, se realizaron varias vigilias en Kansas City el jueves por la noche para honrar a las víctimas del tiroteo. Un montón de funcionarios públicos estuvieron ahí, al igual que los ciudadanos quienes quisieron presentar sus respetos y enviar sus oraciones.

Es un momento duro para la ciudad, sin duda.

Una víctima del tiroteo de Kansas describe el momento En que el pistolero abrió fuego

Uno de los aficionados de los Chiefs que estuvo en el tiroteo masivo, dice que el pistolero abrió fuego en medio de una multitud, girando alrededor mientras mantenía un dedo en el gatillo.

"estoy en ese video"

Jacob Gooch Sr. -un fan de los Chiefs de Kansas- fue una de las 23 personas alcanzadas por los disparos y se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el Jueves para contarnos acerca de su experiencia desgarradora.

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el momento del caos

Jacob dice que alguien en la multitud le estaba diciendo al tirador, "Ahora no, este no es el lugar" momentos antes de que los disparos comenzaron a sonar. Dice que sus hijas vieron al tirador sacando una pistola y disparar mientras giraba en círculo.

El tiroteo fue capturado en el video de vigilancia y Jacob dice que puede verse a sí mismo en el suelo mientras cunde el pánico y la multitud comienzan a correr para cubrirse.

Al principio, Jacob dice que pensó que los fuertes ruidos eran fuegos artificiales, hasta que miró hacia abajo y vio humo que salía de una herida de bala de su tobillo. También dice que su hijo recibió un disparo en el pie y su esposa recibió un disparo en la pierna.

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comenzando una disputa
Fox 49 Ozarks

La policía dice que el tiroteo no parece haber sido un acto de terrorismo, en cambio, las autoridades creen que una disputa entre varios grupos se intensificó hasta llegar a los disparos.

Jacob dice que no vio bien al tirador, pero su familia lo describe como un hombre de mediana edad.

KANSAS CITY PARADE SHOOTING Gunman Sprayed Bullets in Circle ... Gunshot Victim Recalls

One of the Chiefs fans hit with bullets at the Super Bowl parade mass shooting says the gunman opened fire in the middle of a crowd ... spinning around as he kept a finger on the trigger.

Recounting The Shooting

Jacob Gooch Sr., a Chiefs fan from Kansas, was among the 23 people struck by gunfire ... and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us about his harrowing experience.

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Jacob says someone in the crowd was telling the shooter, "Not now, this isn't the place" moments before gunshots started ringing out. He says his daughters saw the shooter pull out a gun and fire shots as he spun around in a circle.

The shooting was captured on surveillance video and Jacob says he can see himself on the ground as panic ensues and people in the crowd start running for cover.

At first, Jacob says he thought the loud noises were fireworks, not gunshots ... until he looked down and saw smoke coming out from a gunshot wound to his ankle. He also says his son was shot in the foot and his wife was shot in the leg.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe a dispute between multiple groups escalated to gunfire.

Jacob says he didn't get a good look at the shooter, but his family described the gunman as a middle-aged man.

KANSAS CITY Parade SHOOTING Chiefs Fan Tackled Armed Suspect ... I Saw Big Gun Fall Out

The KC Chiefs fan who tackled an armed suspect at the parade shooting says he didn't think twice about going after him ... and the guy apparently had a big gun on him.

Paul Contreras is the person on video tackling one of the people who got detained Wednesday -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us how he ended up being hailed a hero.


It all happened super fast ... Paul says folks were yelling at the crowd to tackle an individual who was running the opposite direction of everyone else. He had an angle on the guy and he says his instincts kicked in and he went out and pounced.

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Paul tells us he was wrestling the man to the ground when he noticed a large firearm hit the deck. As others fled for their lives, Paul says he fought for his ... wrestling with the guy and trying like hell to keep him pinned until police came and eventually handled the rest.

Cops say there are at least 3 people in custody in connection with the deadly mass shooting -- but none of them have been arrested or booked on any charges as far as we know.

Paul, a Chiefs fan from Nebraska, was at the Super Bowl victory parade with his 3 daughters ... one of whom tells us she helped keep the gun away from the shooter once the weapon was on the ground. That seems to be who we see pick up the gun in the now-viral clip.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated.

Police say 23 people were shot and one person died.

TMZ Studios

For now, it's unclear if there was one shooter or several ... but Paul says, this guy was strapped.