Tiroteo en Kansas City Una victíma escuchó a una mujer diciendo "no lo hagas" a un hombre

A unos metros del ataque

Un hombre que recibió un disparo tras la celebración de los Kansas City por el Super Bowl, al igual que su esposa y su hijo, dice que antes de que sonaran los disparos escuchó a una mujer diciéndole a un hombre: "No lo hagas. No aquí. Esto es estúpido".

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. dice que su esposa y su hija vieron al tirador disparando mientras se movía en círculos. Se habló de que el tiroteo podría haber sido el resultado de dos o más personas peleando, pero si lo que Gooch dice es correcto, dar vueltas con un arma de fuego sugiere que la persona estaba tratando de atacar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.

Y además está esto: 15 minutos antes del tiroteo, vio a unas personas que él percibió como sospechosas cerca de él, eran 4 a 6 "niños" con máscaras y ropa negra. Dice que desaparecieron entre la multitud poco antes de que terminara la celebración.

Gooch recibió un disparo en el tobillo, su mujer en el pecho y su hijo en el pie. Dice que todos están bien.

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eStallan los disparos

El tiroteo causó la muerte de una DJ de radio y dejó al menos 22 personas heridas, de las cuales al menos 11 son niños de entre 6 y 15 años.

Kansas City Parade Shooting Shooting Victim Heard Woman Tell Man, 'Don't Do It'


A man who was shot after the Kansas City Super Bowl Parade ended -- shot along with his wife and son -- says immediately before shots rang out he heard a woman tell a guy in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid."

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. says his wife and daughter saw the shooter fire as he spun in a circle. There was talk the shooting might have been the result of two or more people beefing with each other, but if Gooch's account is correct, spinning in a circle as the gunman fired suggests he was trying to hit as many people as he could.

And there's this ... 15 minutes before the shooting, he saw what he thought were suspicious people near him ... 4 to 6 "kids," wearing black masks and black clothing. He says they disappeared in the crowd shortly before the rally ended.

Gooch got shot in the ankle, his wife was shot in the calf, and his son was shot in the foot. He says all of them are ok.

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The shootings resulted in a female radio DJ dead, with at least 22 people injured, at least 11 are children between the ages of 6 to 15.

Kansas City Chiefs Eleven SB Parade Victims Aged 6 To 15 ... Officials Say

Eleven kids between the ages of 6 years old and 15 years old suffered wounds during Wednesday afternoon's shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, officials say.

Lisa Augustine, a spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said in a statement to TMZ Sports the hospital treated 12 patients after at least one gunman opened fire at Union Station following the championship festivities in K.C. -- and of those dozen, 11 were children.

Augustine added that nine of the 12 sustained gunshot wounds.

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Thankfully, the hospital rep said, "All are expected to recover."

So far, law enforcement says 22 people in total were struck by gunfire just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce had addressed the massive crowd that had gathered to celebrate their recent victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

At least one person, authorities said, died in the shooting.

Cops say three people have been detained in connection with the attack ... although no motive has been revealed. An investigation remains ongoing.

The Chiefs said in a statement they're "truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City," they added.

Mahomes and Kelce, meanwhile, also sent out prayers to the victims on their X pages following the tragedy.

Chiefs Rally Fatal Shooting New Video Reveals Rapid-Fire Shots AR-Style Rifle Seized, 22 Gunshot Victims

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4:45 PM PT -- A bit of good news ... an official at the local children's hospital tells us the 11 minor patients they are treating, ages between 6 and 15, are expected to survive. 9 of the victims were treated for gunshot wounds.

3:26 PM PT -- Kansas City officials just held a press conference and the scale of this mass shooting ... and it was much larger than anyone thought.

For starters, there are a total of 22 gunshot wound victims at this point ... and 7 of them have suffered life-threatening injuries -- way more than what was initially reported.

Fox 4 Kansas City

3 individuals have been detained at this point ... but it's unclear if they've been arrested and charged with anything just yet. The cops say that one of people detained stemmed the viral tackling that went around on social media -- where an apparent AR-style rifle was seized.

At least one person was killed in the shooting.

3:11 PM PT -- We're now learning more about the victims from this shooting -- a majority whom are apparently children.

Multiple reports are pouring in that say of the 12 patients at a local hospital -- 11 of them are children ... and 9 of those 11 have gunshot wounds.

2:37 PM PT -- As it turns out ... an AR-style rifle may well have been used during this shooting -- something you can now see clearly in zoomed-in footage of a man getting tackled.

In the clip below -- where bystanders take a man down and pin him until cops arrive -- you see a woman in white pick up what appears to be a clear firearm ... and from the looks of it, it's a long rifle. The gun itself seems to be black -- but it's unclear if it belonged to the person who was tackled.

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A lot of questions still need to be answered ... and cops are looking into it. On the face of it though -- this could've been a lot worse than it already was.

The Chiefs also addressed the tragedy ... saying, "We are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City."

The team added it will continue to stay in contact with law enforcement and local officials ... and shared their appreciation to all the first responders who took action.

New video, obtained by TMZ, shows the moment a flurry of shots rang out at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory rally.

You hear someone in the crowd scream out, "Patrick f**king Mahomes," seemingly in celebration of the Chiefs' victory. Then, in the distance, you hear a series of gunshots ... appearing to come from either an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, based on the rapid fire.

People then scramble for safety and victims fall to the ground.

At least one person was killed and authorities say 10 to 15 people were injured. None of the players, coaches or staffers were injured in the shooting.

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Two people are in custody in connection with the shooting.

Several people in the crowd had eyes on someone who they believed was one of the shooters. You see them run and then tackle that person to the ground ... while another bystander seems to grab what looks like a rifle, moving it away from the scrum until police arrived on the scene.

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The shooting occurred just after the parade ended.

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Police do not know the motive.

Originally Published -- 2:01 PM PT

Chiefs Parade Shooting Kansas Mom Dies From Gunshot Wound

There's now a name, family and story to one of the fatalities in the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting -- a mother of 2 has been identified as a victim.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan, a Chiefs fan from Kansas, is confirmed dead from a gunshot wound ... according to The Kansas City Star.

The news outlet reports ... Lopez-Galvan died during abdominal surgery for the gunshot wound she suffered while attending Wednesday's parade in Kansas City.

Lisa was big in the KC community -- she worked as a disc jockey and host at a community radio station, and lots of folks hired her to DJ their weddings. She was in her 40s, and is survived by 2 children and her husband.

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Folks who knew her are leaving emotional messages on her Facebook page ... sending prayers to her family.

Other notes make it sound like at least one of Lisa's sons and other relatives also suffered gunshot wounds in the mass shooting.

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A loyal Chiefs fan, Lisa was fired up after they won Super Bowl LVIII, and she was really looking forward to Wednesday's parade celebration.

The people who knew her describe Lisa as a happy person with a beautiful family.

Fox 4 Kansas City

As we reported ... video shows the moment a barrage of gunshots rang out toward the end of the Chiefs championship rally, sparking panic and sending people running in a frenzy.

Officials say there are at least 22 gunshot wound victims and at least one death. It's unclear right now if Lisa is the fatality cops are referencing ... it's also possible she's the second victim to die.

Meanwhile, police have detained at least 3 people in connection with the shooting.

tiroteo en la celebración incautan un fusil y hay 22 víctimas de disparos


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abriendo fuego

4:45 PM PT -- Algunas buenas noticias... un funcionario del hospital infantil local nos dice que se espera que los 11 pacientes menores de edad que están tratando, de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 15 años, sobrevivan. 9 de las víctimas fueron tratadas por heridas de bala.

3:26 PM PT -- Funcionarios de Kansas City acaban de hacer una conferencia de prensa y la escala de este tiroteo fue mucho más grande de lo que nadie pensaba.

Para empezar, hay un total de 22 víctimas heridas de bala hasta el momento y 7 de ellos han sufrido lesiones que amenazan sus vidas... esto es mucho más de lo que se informó inicialmente.

actualizando la situación
Fox 4 Kansas City

Tres personas han sido detenidas, pero no está claro si han sido arrestados. La policía dice que una de las personas detenidas la encotraron gracias al seguimiento viral que dio la vuelta en redes sociales, y donde se incautó un rifle de estilo AR.

Al menos una persona murió en el tiroteo.

3:11 PM PT -- Ahora estamos aprendiendo más acerca de las víctimas de este tiroteo - la mayoría de los cuales son aparentemente niños.

Múltiples informes están llegando que dicen que de los 12 pacientes en un hospital local - 11 de ellos son niños ... y 9 de los 11 tienen heridas de bala.

2:37 PM PT -- Resulta que un rifle AR-15 podría haber sido utilizado durante el tiroteo, algo que ahora se puede ver claramente en estas nuevas imágenes.

En el clip se puede ver como los transeúntes tienen un hombre inmovilizado para entregarlo a la policía. Se ve a una mujer de blanco recogiendo lo que parece ser un arma de fuego,  y por lo que parece, es un rifle largo. El arma en sí parece ser negra, pero no está claro si pertenecía a la persona que fue inmovilizada.

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un tacleo heroico

Todavía quedan muchas preguntas por responder... y la policía está investigando. A primera vista, esto podría haber sido mucho peor de lo que fue.

Un nuevo video obtenido por TMZ, muestra el momento en que una ráfaga de disparos aterrorizó la celebración de la victoria de los Kansas City Chiefs en el Super Bowl.

Se oye a alguien entre la multitud gritando "Patrick f**king Mahomes", aparentemente para celebrar la victoria de los Chiefs. Entonces, en la distancia, se oye una serie de disparos que parecen venir de un arma automática o semiautomática.

A continuación, la gente lucha por su seguridad y las víctimas caen al suelo.

Al menos una persona murió y las autoridades dicen que entre 10 y 15 personas resultaron heridas. Ninguno de los jugadores, entrenadores o miembros del personal resultó herido en el tiroteo.

Dos personas están detenidas en relación con el tiroteo.

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Varias personas de la multitud tenían los ojos en alguien que creían que era uno de los tiradores. Se les ve correr y derribar a esa persona al suelo y sujetarla hasta que llegaron los policías y se hicieron cargo.

El tiroteo se produjo justo después de que terminara el desfile.

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un momento aterrador
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

La policía no sabe el motivo.

Historia en desarrollo...

Kansas City Chiefs Tiroteo en desfile... 22 personas heridas de bala, 1 fallecido

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Las fuerzas policiales acaban de revelar que un total de 22 personas fueron alcanzadas por los disparos del tiroteo de este miércoles, diciendo que ocho de esas víctimas sufrieron heridas "que ponen en riesgo su vida".

Nuevas actualizaciones
Fox 4 Kansas City

No se ha revelado el posible motivo del ataque, aunque las autoridades dijeron que tres personas han sido detenidas en relación con el fatal incidente.

1:51 PM PT -- La jefa del Departamento Policial de Kansas City acaba de decir en una reunión con miembros de los medios de comunicación que "más de 10 a 15" personas resultaron heridas por disparos, con un fallecido. Añadió que no creía que ninguna de las víctimas fueran niños.

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Dos sospechosos en custodia
Fox 4 Kansas City

El alcalde de Kansas City, por su parte, dijo que todos los jugadores, entrenadores y empleados de los Chiefs se encuentran a salvo.

En cuanto al posible motivo del tiroteo, el jefe dijo que todavía no está claro, ya que la investigación sigue en curso. Dos sospechosos, sin embargo, están bajo custodia, dijo.

1:22 PM -- La policía dice que una persona murió en el tiroteo, mientras que otras nueve resultaron heridas.

1:19 PM -- Acaba de surgir un perturbador y explícito video de la escena que muestra a varias personas que necesitan atención médica mientras la sangre corre por el suelo.

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Intento de reanimación

El desfile de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl acaba de tomar un giro horrible: unos disparos estallaron en la fiesta y varias personas han resultado heridas.

El Departamento de Policía de Kansas City dijo en un comunicado que poco después de que Travis Kelce y Patrick Mahomes se dirigieran a los cientos de miles de fanáticos del Kansas City en Union Station, estallaron unos disparos alrededor de un garaje cercano.

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Conmoción en las calles

Según la policía, "varias personas fueron alcanzadas" por las balas, aunque no está claro la gravedad de sus lesiones.

La policía dice que "dos personas armadas" fueron "detenidas para más investigación".

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Entrando en acción
Fox 4 Kansas City

Las autoridades están ahora instando a todos a abandonar la zona "con el fin de facilitar el tratamiento de las víctimas del tiroteo".

Un video de la escena muestra cómo se desencadenaron estos lamentables hechos. En las imágenes se pueden ver múltiples policías con sus armas desenfundadas mientras corrían dentro de Union Station para hacer frente a la situación.

El KCPD dijo en su declaración que los oficiales estaban "trabajando para proporcionar la seguridad de todos dentro de la estación y acelerar la atención de los heridos".

Mientras tanto, James Palmer, de NFL Network, dijo que él y sus colegas fueron instruidos inicialmente para meterse debajo de un escenario después de que estalló el tiroteo. Minutos después, sin embargo, fueron escoltados fuera de la escena.

Tras el caos, el linebacker de los Chiefs Drue Tranquill publicó oraciones por los heridos en su página de X escribiendo: "Oren para que los médicos y los primeros en responder tengan manos firmes y que todos experimenten una curación completa".

Historia en desarrollo ...

Kansas City Chiefs Gunfire Erupts At Parade ... 22 Shot, One Dead

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Law enforcement just revealed a total of 22 people were struck by gunfire in Wednesday's shooting ... saying eight of those victims suffered "immediately life threatening" wounds.

Fox 4 Kansas City

No potential motive for the attack has been released ... although authorities said three people have been detained in connection with the shooting.

1:51 PM PT -- The Kansas City Police Dept. Chief just said in a meeting with media members that "upwards of 10 to 15" people were injured by gunfire ... with one deceased. She added that she did not believe any of the victims were children.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

K.C.'s Mayor, meanwhile, said all of the Chiefs' players, coaches and staffers are accounted for and safe.

As far as a potential motive for the shooting, the chief said that's still unclear -- as an investigation remains ongoing. Two suspects, however, are in custody ... she said.

1:22 PM PT -- Law enforcement says one person died in the shooting -- while nine others were injured.

1:19 PM PT -- Disturbing and graphic video has emerged from the scene ... showing multiple people needing medical attention -- while blood is clearly on the ground nearby.

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The Chiefs' Super Bowl parade has just taken a horrifying turn ... cops say gunfire has broken out at the party -- and multiple people have been wounded.

The Kansas City Police Dept. said in a statement that shortly after Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes addressed the hundreds of thousands of K.C. supporters at Union Station ... gunfire erupted around a garage nearby.

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According to cops, "several people were struck" by bullets ... though it's unclear the severity of their injuries.

Cops say "two armed people" have been "detained for more investigation."

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Authorities are now urging everyone to leave the area "in order to facilitate treatment of shooting victims."

Video from the scene shows just how horrifying things got ... you can see in footage multiple cops had their guns drawn as they raced inside Union Station to deal with the matter.

The KCPD said in its statement the officers were "working to provide for the safety of everyone inside union station and expedite care of those injured."

NFL Network's James Palmer, meanwhile, said he and his colleagues were initially instructed to get under a stage after the gunfire erupted. Minutes later, though, they were escorted from the scene.

Following the mayhem, Chiefs linebacker Drue Tranquill posted prayers on his X page for those injured ... writing, "Pray that doctors & first responders would have steady hands & that all would experience full healing."

Mahomes also posted prayers on X ... writing, "Praying for Kansas City…"

Originally Published -- 12:16 PM PT

Policía de Florida Confunde una bellota con un disparo... Exagerada reacción en video

Exagerada reacción

¡Un oficial de policía de Florida se parece más a un personaje de los dibujos animados de "Reno 911!" cuando confundió la caída de una bellota en su carro patrulla con una bala y se puso a disparar como loco en contra del vehículo!

El video filmado en noviembre, que acaba de ser publicado, muestra al ayudante del sheriff del condado de Okaloosa, Jesse Hernández, deteniendo a un individuo por supuestamente enviar mensajes de texto amenazadores. Hernández y su compañero esposaron al hombre y luego lo metieron en la parte trasera de su carro patrulla.

Todo parecía ir bien hasta que Hernández oyó lo que percibió como un disparo, lo que lo llevó a rodar mientras sacaba su arma y luego a disparar múltiples tiros hacia su carro.

Parece que Hernández descargó todas sus balas mientras Marquis Jackson, de 22 años, estaba indefenso al interior del vehículo policial, desarmado y completamente restringido. Sin embargo, Hernández claramente pensó que este había sido quien inició los disparos contra él desde el interior del coche.

En medio del pánico, su compañera, que no oyó nada parecido a un disparo, parecía confundido sobre su frenética reacción y también comenzó a dispararle al coche.

Milagrosamente, ambos fallaron, pero el video de cuerpo de Hernández muestra que su reacción fue completamente exagerada o al menos esa fue la conclusión de la investigación de la Oficina del Sheriff. Los funcionarios de Okaloosa determinaron que su uso de la fuerza no fue razonable. A su compañera se le dio un pase, pues solo siguió sus acciones.

En el curso de la investigación, Hernández se dio cuenta de que el sonido que había escuchado literalmente era solo una bellota cayendo sobre el capó. Hernández terminó renunciando a raíz de todo esto y no fue acusado penalmente.

Por lo que sabemos, Jackson no ha demandado todavía, pero ha dicho a los medios de comunicación locales que estaba "dañado" por lo que pasó.

Una vez que el polvo se asentó, la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Okaloosa dijo esto: "Estamos muy agradecidos de que el Sr. Jackson no resultara herido y no tenemos ninguna razón para pensar que el ex ayudante del sheriff Hernández actuara con malicia. Estamos limitados en nuestra respuesta debido a litigios pendientes. Pero que esto quede claro, entendemos que esta situación fue traumática para el Sr. Jackson y todos los involucrados y hemos incorporado el tiroteo de este oficial en nuestro entrenamiento para tratar de asegurarnos de que nada similar vuelva a suceder."

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Terminaron diciendo: "Aunque sus acciones no estaban justificadas en última instancia, creemos que sintió que su vida estaba en peligro y su respuesta se basó en la totalidad de las circunstancias que rodean este miedo".

Florida Deputy Mistakes Acorn for Shots Fired ... Overreaction on Body Cam


A Florida sheriff's deputy is looking more like a cartoonish cop from "Reno 911!" on body cam footage of him mistaking an acorn hitting his patrol car for bullets ... prompting him to open fire on the vehicle.

The video, which was just released, shows Okaloosa County deputy Jesse Hernandez on the job, detaining a guy back in November for allegedly sending threatening texts. Hernandez and his partner cuffed the man and put him in the back of their patrol car.

All seemed to be going well, until Hernandez appeared to hear what he perceived as a shot being fired -- which catapulted him into a frantic drop and roll as he drew his weapon and started firing multiple shots at his car.

Hernandez seems to unload his entire clip ... and, remember, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson was helplessly sitting inside the patrol car, unarmed and completely restrained -- yet, Hernandez clearly thought Jackson had shot at him from inside the car.

Amid the panic, his partner -- who didn't hear anything like a gunshot -- seemed confused as to why he was freaking out, and also started shooting at their car.

Miraculously, both of them missed Jackson, but Hernandez's body cam video shows he completely overreacted ... which was the finding of the Sheriff's Office investigation. Okaloosa officials determined his use of deadly force wasn't reasonable, and his partner got a pass ... since she only fired based on his actions.

Over the course of the investigation ... Hernandez was made aware that what he thought he heard was literally just an acorn falling on his car's hood. Hernandez ended up resigning in the aftermath of all this ... and was not criminally charged.

From what we can tell, Jackson hasn't sued, yet, but has told local media outlets he was "damaged" from what he went through.

Once the dust settled, the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office said this ... "We are very thankful Mr. Jackson wasn’t injured and we have no reason to think former Deputy Hernandez acted with any malice. We are limited in further response due to pending litigation. But let this be clear, we understand this situation was traumatic for Mr. Jackson and all involved and have incorporated this officer-involved shooting into our training to try to ensure nothing similar happens again."

TMZ Studios

They finished with ... "Though his actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear."

Un video parece captar disparos de un tirador activo En la iglesia de Joel Osteen

se oyen disparos
Lakewood Church

Un tirador activo al parecer disparó dentro de Lakewood Church, la casa de culto de Joel Osteen en Houston y el momento fue capturado en video.

Los medios de comunicación locales están reportando disparos que comenzaron alrededor de las 2 PM hora local, justo cuando un servicio de habla hispana hizo el llamado al que  departamento del Sheriff respondió rápidamente.

Estaba comenzando un sermón cuando se sintieron varios estallidos. Se puede ver a la gente bajando por las escaleras mecánicas hasta que la emisión se cortó, mostrando simplemente el logotipo de Lakewood en la pantalla.

Testigos presenciales relataron a medios locales que hubo pánico y confusión entre los asistentes a la iglesia mientras intentaban salir rápidamente del local.

Según los informes, los ayudantes del sheriff se enfrentaron a un posible sospechoso, intercambiando disparos dentro de la iglesia. Un sheriff local tuiteó que un sospechoso ha sido abatido, aunque no está claro cuántos presuntos sospechosos estaban involucrados.

John Osteen -padre de Joel- abrió Lakewood Church a finales de 1950 y se ha convertido en una de las mayores mega-iglesias en los Estados Unidos. Joel se hizo cargo de la iglesia tras el fallecimiento de su padre en 1999.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Joel sobre el tiroteo, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Joel Osteen Active Shooter Reported at Lakewood Church

Shots Fired
Lakewood Church

An active shooter reportedly fired shots inside Lakewood Church -- Joel Osteen's house of worship in Houston ... and the moment was caught on video.

Local news outlets are reporting shooting began around 2 PM local time, just as a Spanish-language service was starting -- with the Sherriff's department quickly responding.

A clip, posted to X, shows a man seemingly beginning a sermon when several loud pops go off. People can be seen scrambling down escalators in the background, and the broadcast cuts to a screen of the Lakewood logo.

Eyewitnesses told local outlets there was panic and confusion among churchgoers as they quickly tried to exit the premises.

Deputies reportedly engaged with a possible suspect -- exchanging gunfire inside the church. A local sheriff tweeted out a suspect has been shot, though it's unclear how many alleged suspects were involved.

John Osteen -- Joel's father' opened Lakewood Church in the late 1950s, and it's grown into one of the largest megachurches in the United States -- Joel took over the church following his dad's passing in 1999.

We've reached out to Joel about the shooting ... so far no word back.

La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario

Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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cadena perpetua

Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.

Michigan High School Shooter Mother Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

It's a landmark ruling, the first of its kind ... the mother of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter ... and she could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of being grossly negligent by not stopping her son Ethan Crumbley from killing 4 students at Oxford High School in November, 2021.

The jury reached the unanimous verdict on the second day of deliberations.

Never before has a parent been criminally charged with a child who committed a mass shooting. Jennifer's husband, James, is also facing manslaughter charges and will stand trial next month. He's the one who purchased the gun.

Jennifer testified in her trial James was responsible for hiding the gun their son used in the shooting.

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Jennifer also testified she knew her son was struggling but had no idea he was capable of committing a mass shooting. She never put her son Ethan in therapy and said if she had it to do over again she would have done nothing differently.

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17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison. As for Jennifer, she'll be sentenced in April --- presumably after her husband's trial.

Nicki Minaj Megan quería un "momento Rihanna" En su entrevista con CBS

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Un "momento Rihanna"
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Nicki Minaj no ha terminado de atacar a Megan Thee Stallion, ahora la está acusando de buscar desesperadamente el cariño del público cuando se sentó con Gayle King para conversar sobre el tiroteo de Tory Lanez.

La rapera, que ha estado en pie de guerra desde que Megan lanzó "Hiss" la semana pasada, estuvo en un X Spaces junto a Joe Budden y comparó su entrevista de 2022 con CBS con una de Rihanna en 2009, donde habló de su agresión por parte de Chris Brown.

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Difícil de decir

Recordemos que Megan no pudo contener las lágrimas mientras hablaba sobre el aterrador tiroteo en el que estuvo involucrada, y aunque tocó la fibra de la mayoría de los espectadores, Nicki no fue uno de ellos.

Nicki acusó a Megan de hacer quedar mal a artistas como Tory y DaBaby para llamar la atención, y finalmente intentar conseguir un "momento Rihanna".

Minaj lo elaboró más diciendo que RiRi recibió un montón de apoyo cuando se emitió su entrevista porque era sobre ella y no para conseguir nada. Dijo que Rihanna trató de pasar rápidamente sobre la agresión de Brown en su entrevista, atribuyéndolo a la juventud.

Pero Nicki dijo que no pasó lo mismo con Meg. Alega que ella estaba buscando constantemente la "f***ing simpatía".

Este es solo el último de una serie de ataques de Nicki, incluyendo una broma sobre la difunta madre de Meg y el lanzamiento de "Big Foot", una pista dirigida a ella.

Meg ha permanecido en silencio desde el lanzamiento de "Hiss", en donde rapea el controvertido verso sobre la "Ley de Megan". Tal vez esto la convenza de devolver el golpe finalmente. Eso es claramente lo que Nicki quiere.

TMZ investiga
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O, tal vez se lo tome todo con calma. Siempre es agradable ser comparada con Rihanna.

Manténgase atentos ...

Nicki Minaj Megan Wanted 'Rihanna Moment' ... Played Up Drama On CBS!!!

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A “Rihanna Moment”
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Nicki Minaj isn't done sniping at Megan Thee Stallion -- now she's accusing her of desperately seeking sympathy when she sat down with Gayle King to discuss the Tory Lanez shooting.

The rapper, who's been on the warpath since MTS released "Hiss" last week, hopped on an X Spaces hosted by Joe Budden ... and compared Meg's 2022 CBS interview to a Rihanna interview in 2009, after Chris Brown assaulted her.

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Remember, Megan couldn't hold back tears as she talked about the terrifying shooting -- and while it tugged at most viewers' heartstrings, Nicki wasn't one of those people.

NM accused Megan of making artists like Tory and DaBaby out to be attention-seeking bad guys ... before hamming it up to get a "Rihanna moment."

Minaj elaborated ... saying RiRi received a ton of support once her interview came out because she's all about being herself, and would never "milk anything." She pointed out Rihanna tried to move past Brown's assault quickly in her interview, chalking it up to youth.

But, Nicki said it's not the same with Meg ... claiming she needs "constant f***ing sympathy."

It's the latest in a long string of attacks Nicki's shot off ... including a joke she made about Meg's dead mom and releasing "Big Foot" -- a diss track aimed at MTS.

Meg's stayed silent since dropping "Hiss" with its controversial "Megan's Law" line last week ... perhaps this will finally convince her to hit back. That's clearly what Nicki wants.

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Or, maybe she will take it all in stride ... it's always nice to be compared to freakin' Rihanna!!!

Stay tuned ...

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