Florida Deputy Mistakes Acorn for Shots Fired ... Overreaction on Body Cam


A Florida sheriff's deputy is looking more like a cartoonish cop from "Reno 911!" on body cam footage of him mistaking an acorn hitting his patrol car for bullets ... prompting him to open fire on the vehicle.

The video, which was just released, shows Okaloosa County deputy Jesse Hernandez on the job, detaining a guy back in November for allegedly sending threatening texts. Hernandez and his partner cuffed the man and put him in the back of their patrol car.

All seemed to be going well, until Hernandez appeared to hear what he perceived as a shot being fired -- which catapulted him into a frantic drop and roll as he drew his weapon and started firing multiple shots at his car.

Hernandez seems to unload his entire clip ... and, remember, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson was helplessly sitting inside the patrol car, unarmed and completely restrained -- yet, Hernandez clearly thought Jackson had shot at him from inside the car.

Amid the panic, his partner -- who didn't hear anything like a gunshot -- seemed confused as to why he was freaking out, and also started shooting at their car.

Miraculously, both of them missed Jackson, but Hernandez's body cam video shows he completely overreacted ... which was the finding of the Sheriff's Office investigation. Okaloosa officials determined his use of deadly force wasn't reasonable, and his partner got a pass ... since she only fired based on his actions.

Over the course of the investigation ... Hernandez was made aware that what he thought he heard was literally just an acorn falling on his car's hood. Hernandez ended up resigning in the aftermath of all this ... and was not criminally charged.

From what we can tell, Jackson hasn't sued, yet, but has told local media outlets he was "damaged" from what he went through.

Once the dust settled, the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office said this ... "We are very thankful Mr. Jackson wasn’t injured and we have no reason to think former Deputy Hernandez acted with any malice. We are limited in further response due to pending litigation. But let this be clear, we understand this situation was traumatic for Mr. Jackson and all involved and have incorporated this officer-involved shooting into our training to try to ensure nothing similar happens again."

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They finished with ... "Though his actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear."

Un video parece captar disparos de un tirador activo En la iglesia de Joel Osteen

se oyen disparos
Lakewood Church

Un tirador activo al parecer disparó dentro de Lakewood Church, la casa de culto de Joel Osteen en Houston y el momento fue capturado en video.

Los medios de comunicación locales están reportando disparos que comenzaron alrededor de las 2 PM hora local, justo cuando un servicio de habla hispana hizo el llamado al que  departamento del Sheriff respondió rápidamente.

Estaba comenzando un sermón cuando se sintieron varios estallidos. Se puede ver a la gente bajando por las escaleras mecánicas hasta que la emisión se cortó, mostrando simplemente el logotipo de Lakewood en la pantalla.

Testigos presenciales relataron a medios locales que hubo pánico y confusión entre los asistentes a la iglesia mientras intentaban salir rápidamente del local.

Según los informes, los ayudantes del sheriff se enfrentaron a un posible sospechoso, intercambiando disparos dentro de la iglesia. Un sheriff local tuiteó que un sospechoso ha sido abatido, aunque no está claro cuántos presuntos sospechosos estaban involucrados.

John Osteen -padre de Joel- abrió Lakewood Church a finales de 1950 y se ha convertido en una de las mayores mega-iglesias en los Estados Unidos. Joel se hizo cargo de la iglesia tras el fallecimiento de su padre en 1999.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Joel sobre el tiroteo, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Joel Osteen Active Shooter Reported at Lakewood Church

Shots Fired
Lakewood Church

An active shooter reportedly fired shots inside Lakewood Church -- Joel Osteen's house of worship in Houston ... and the moment was caught on video.

Local news outlets are reporting shooting began around 2 PM local time, just as a Spanish-language service was starting -- with the Sherriff's department quickly responding.

A clip, posted to X, shows a man seemingly beginning a sermon when several loud pops go off. People can be seen scrambling down escalators in the background, and the broadcast cuts to a screen of the Lakewood logo.

Eyewitnesses told local outlets there was panic and confusion among churchgoers as they quickly tried to exit the premises.

Deputies reportedly engaged with a possible suspect -- exchanging gunfire inside the church. A local sheriff tweeted out a suspect has been shot, though it's unclear how many alleged suspects were involved.

John Osteen -- Joel's father' opened Lakewood Church in the late 1950s, and it's grown into one of the largest megachurches in the United States -- Joel took over the church following his dad's passing in 1999.

We've reached out to Joel about the shooting ... so far no word back.

La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario

Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

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Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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cadena perpetua

Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.

Michigan High School Shooter Mother Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

It's a landmark ruling, the first of its kind ... the mother of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter ... and she could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of being grossly negligent by not stopping her son Ethan Crumbley from killing 4 students at Oxford High School in November, 2021.

The jury reached the unanimous verdict on the second day of deliberations.

Never before has a parent been criminally charged with a child who committed a mass shooting. Jennifer's husband, James, is also facing manslaughter charges and will stand trial next month. He's the one who purchased the gun.

Jennifer testified in her trial James was responsible for hiding the gun their son used in the shooting.

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Jennifer also testified she knew her son was struggling but had no idea he was capable of committing a mass shooting. She never put her son Ethan in therapy and said if she had it to do over again she would have done nothing differently.

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17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison. As for Jennifer, she'll be sentenced in April --- presumably after her husband's trial.

Nicki Minaj Megan quería un "momento Rihanna" En su entrevista con CBS

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Un "momento Rihanna"
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Nicki Minaj no ha terminado de atacar a Megan Thee Stallion, ahora la está acusando de buscar desesperadamente el cariño del público cuando se sentó con Gayle King para conversar sobre el tiroteo de Tory Lanez.

La rapera, que ha estado en pie de guerra desde que Megan lanzó "Hiss" la semana pasada, estuvo en un X Spaces junto a Joe Budden y comparó su entrevista de 2022 con CBS con una de Rihanna en 2009, donde habló de su agresión por parte de Chris Brown.

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Difícil de decir

Recordemos que Megan no pudo contener las lágrimas mientras hablaba sobre el aterrador tiroteo en el que estuvo involucrada, y aunque tocó la fibra de la mayoría de los espectadores, Nicki no fue uno de ellos.

Nicki acusó a Megan de hacer quedar mal a artistas como Tory y DaBaby para llamar la atención, y finalmente intentar conseguir un "momento Rihanna".

Minaj lo elaboró más diciendo que RiRi recibió un montón de apoyo cuando se emitió su entrevista porque era sobre ella y no para conseguir nada. Dijo que Rihanna trató de pasar rápidamente sobre la agresión de Brown en su entrevista, atribuyéndolo a la juventud.

Pero Nicki dijo que no pasó lo mismo con Meg. Alega que ella estaba buscando constantemente la "f***ing simpatía".

Este es solo el último de una serie de ataques de Nicki, incluyendo una broma sobre la difunta madre de Meg y el lanzamiento de "Big Foot", una pista dirigida a ella.

Meg ha permanecido en silencio desde el lanzamiento de "Hiss", en donde rapea el controvertido verso sobre la "Ley de Megan". Tal vez esto la convenza de devolver el golpe finalmente. Eso es claramente lo que Nicki quiere.

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O, tal vez se lo tome todo con calma. Siempre es agradable ser comparada con Rihanna.

Manténgase atentos ...

Nicki Minaj Megan Wanted 'Rihanna Moment' ... Played Up Drama On CBS!!!

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A “Rihanna Moment”
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Nicki Minaj isn't done sniping at Megan Thee Stallion -- now she's accusing her of desperately seeking sympathy when she sat down with Gayle King to discuss the Tory Lanez shooting.

The rapper, who's been on the warpath since MTS released "Hiss" last week, hopped on an X Spaces hosted by Joe Budden ... and compared Meg's 2022 CBS interview to a Rihanna interview in 2009, after Chris Brown assaulted her.

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Remember, Megan couldn't hold back tears as she talked about the terrifying shooting -- and while it tugged at most viewers' heartstrings, Nicki wasn't one of those people.

NM accused Megan of making artists like Tory and DaBaby out to be attention-seeking bad guys ... before hamming it up to get a "Rihanna moment."

Minaj elaborated ... saying RiRi received a ton of support once her interview came out because she's all about being herself, and would never "milk anything." She pointed out Rihanna tried to move past Brown's assault quickly in her interview, chalking it up to youth.

But, Nicki said it's not the same with Meg ... claiming she needs "constant f***ing sympathy."

It's the latest in a long string of attacks Nicki's shot off ... including a joke she made about Meg's dead mom and releasing "Big Foot" -- a diss track aimed at MTS.

Meg's stayed silent since dropping "Hiss" with its controversial "Megan's Law" line last week ... perhaps this will finally convince her to hit back. That's clearly what Nicki wants.

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Or, maybe she will take it all in stride ... it's always nice to be compared to freakin' Rihanna!!!

Stay tuned ...

Teen Accused Of Killing Bicyclist Facing New Attempted Murder Charge ... Prosecutors Want It Added

The Las Vegas teen accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief is now facing an attempted murder charge in a totally separate case ... and prosecutors wanna lump this into his already-existing murder case.

18-year-old Jesus Ayala was charged for attempted murder earlier this month, with prosecutors in Nevada claiming he stabbed somebody in the Vegas area -- which they say went down two months before he allegedly ran over Andreas Probst.

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The authorities say the alleged victim told them Ayala and another person approached him on the street and started to use brass knuckles and knives on him -- with the man claiming he sustained multiple lacerations to his torso as well as near his head.

Now, in light of this new info -- the state wants to add the attempted murder charge to Ayala's original case in a new indictment ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.


Remember ... in the OG case, prosecutors claimed Jesus was behind the wheel of a stolen car when he ran over a bicyclist on the road back in August ... killing the guy on the bike, who turned out to be retired police chief Andreas Probst. There was another teen in the car who is accused of recording the incident. Video of the alleged incident surfaced as well.

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Like we said ... prosecutors are now seeking to amend Ayala's original charges to add the attempted murder charge from the stabbing incident -- and their argument is ... it's related.

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It's not a done deal yet ... Ayala's legal team is pushing back against the amended charges -- claiming the prosecution's original case against their client is thin, which is why they're trying to add something completely different in the 11th hour. A judge has yet to rule.

Un adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de matar a un ciclista se enfrenta a un nuevo cargo De intento de asesinato

El adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de atropellar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado se enfrenta ahora a un cargo de intento de asesinato en un caso totalmente distinto, y los fiscales quieren mezclarlo con su caso de asesinato ya existente.

Jesús Ayala— de 18 años— fue acusado de intento de asesinato a principios de este mes, con los fiscales en Nevada alegando que apuñaló a alguien en el área de Las Vegas dos meses antes de que supuestamente atropellara a Andreas Probst.

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el horrible momento

Las autoridades dicen que la presunta víctima les dijo que Ayala y otra persona se acercaron a él en la calle y comenzaron a golpearlo incluso utilizando cuchillos. El hombre afirma que sufrió múltiples laceraciones en el torso, así como cerca de su cabeza.

Ahora, a la luz de esta nueva información, el estado quiere añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato al caso original de Ayala en una nueva acusación, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

audio del 911

Recordemos que en el caso original, los fiscales afirmaron que Jesús estaba al volante de un carro robado cuando atropelló a un ciclista en la carretera en agosto, matando al ciclista que resultó un jefe de policía retirado llamado Andreas Probst. Había otro adolescente en el carro al que se le acusa de grabar el incidente.

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golpeando y corriendo

Como dijimos, los fiscales están tratando de modificar los cargos originales de Ayala para añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato por el incidente de apuñalamiento y su argumento es que todo está relacionado.

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El equipo legal de Ayala está presionando en contra de los cargos enmendados, alegando que el caso original de la fiscalía contra su cliente es débil, por lo que están tratando de añadir algo completamente diferente en la 11 ª hora. El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Alec Baldwin Defended by SAG-AFTRA ... Amid New 'Rust' Charges

Alec Baldwin is getting major support from his union -- with SAG-AFTRA coming out swinging against prosecutors in New Mexico who are gunning for him yet again with new charges.

The actor wasn't named by SAG specifically, but he was most certainly alluded to in this new statement they put out slamming the decision to prosecute him twice in this case. The union made clear ... knowing how to handle firearms is NOT an actor's job, from their POV.


They write, "To the extent that the charges filed on January 19 are based on an accusation of negligent use of a firearm predicated on this or any actor having a duty to inspect a firearm as part of its use, that is an incorrect assessment of the actual duties of an actor on set."

Then comes a haymaker, with SAG adding ... "An actor’s job is not to be a firearms or weapons expert. Firearms are provided for use on set under the guidance of multiple expert professionals directly responsible for the safe and accurate operation of that firearm."

SAG goes on to say that the procedure for safe use of firearms on set is clearly laid out in their rules and guidelines ... but they explicitly point out that a performer is not and should not be tasked with making sure the weapons used are dangerous or live.

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Basically, there are experts for that type of thing on set ... and SAG is making that clear in no uncertain terms. It's a huge win for Alec as far as optics are concerned -- he's been making this point all along, and now ... SAG-AFTRA is confirming he is, indeed, correct.

You'll recall ... Alec was hit with a new involuntary manslaughter charge in the 'Rust' case -- and he's supposed to answer for it in court on Feb. 1 during an arraignment. Alec and his attorneys already responded to that, noting he has a right to speedy trial ... and wants to exercise that in this case, not wanting to drag it out further.

Meanwhile, the armorer from that movie -- Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- is facing her own criminal charges in the matter ... although she too has pleaded innocence/ignorance over what led to Halyna Hutchins' death.


Alec Baldwin Es defendido por SAG-AFTRA... En medio de nuevos cargos en el caso "Rust"

Alec Baldwin está recibiendo un gran apoyo de su sindicato, pues SAG-AFTA se está yendo en contra de los fiscales de Nuevo México que están apuntando una vez más al actor con nuevos cargos.

El actor no fue nombrado específicamente por SAG, pero sin duda fue aludido en la nueva declaración que publicaron criticando la decisión de procesarlo dos veces en este caso. El sindicato ha dejado claro que, desde su punto de vista, no es el trabajo de un actor el saber cómo manejar armas de fuego.

Práctica de tiros

Ellos dicen: "En la medida en que los cargos presentados el 19 de enero se basan en una acusación de uso negligente de un arma de fuego, basada en que este o cualquier actor tenía el deber de inspeccionar un arma de fuego como parte de su uso, se trata de una evaluación incorrecta de los deberes reales de un actor en el set".

Y luego viene un hachazo, con SAG añadiendo: "El trabajo de un actor no es ser un experto en armas o armas de fuego. Las armas de fuego se proporcionan para su uso en el set bajo la guía de múltiples expertos profesionales que son directamente responsables de la operación segura y precisa de esa arma de fuego".

SAG continúa diciendo que el procedimiento para usar seguramente armas de fuego en el set está claramente establecido en sus normas y directrices, pero señalan explícitamente que no es tarea de un artista y no debiese serla el asegurarse de que las armas utilizadas sean peligrosas o no.

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Básicamente, hay expertos para ese tipo de cosas en el set. Es una gran victoria para Alec en lo que se refiere a la defensa de su caso, ya que el actor ha estado haciendo este punto todo el tiempo y ahora SAG-AFTRA está confirmando que es, de hecho, correcto.

Usted se acordarán, Alec fue golpeado con un nuevo cargo de homicidio involuntario en el caso "Rust" y se supone que debe responder por ello ante el tribunal el 1 de febrero durante una lectura de cargos. Alec y sus abogados ya respondieron, señalando que tiene derecho a un juicio rápido y que quiere ejercer en este caso, para no alargarlo aún más.

Mientras tanto, el armero de esa película, Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed se enfrenta a sus propios cargos criminales en la materia, aunque ella también ha declarado su inocencia e ignorancia sobre lo que llevó a la muerte de Halyna Hutchins.

Rams' Demarcus Robinson Sues L.A. Hotel After Robbery ... You Failed To Protect Me!!!

Rams wide receiver Demarcus Robinson is suing an L.A.-area hotel ... after he says the establishment didn't do enough to protect him during a terrifying robbery in its lobby last year.

The 29-year-old claimed in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County last week that the incident happened at the Lexen Hotel in North Hollywood at around midnight on Oct. 20, 2023.

Robinson claims he entered the facility through a side entrance after pulling into the parking garage ... but when he made his way into the lobby, two masked men pulled guns on him and threatened to murder him.

In the suit, Robinson says the men took nearly $150,000 worth of stuff off of his person during the encounter ... including a luxury diamond watch and two diamond chains.

Robinson claims the hotel didn't have security guards outside the hotel or in the lobby -- adding that employees who were working at the front desk at the time didn't call authorities until after the suspects had fled the area.

Robinson's suing the place for negligence and more ... seeking at least $149,500 in damages ... plus punitives.

Robinson played in 16 regular season games for the Rams this year. He also logged snaps in the team's lone playoff game earlier this month against the Lions, recording three catches for 44 yards.

Robinson did it all despite saying in his suit he suffered "an emotional toll" from the October incident at the hotel.

Bristol Palin Defends Arming Herself Against Stalkers ... The Law Doesn't Help!!!

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Sarah Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has been hounded by stalkers for years -- and after little help from the criminal justice system ... she's taken matters into her own hands.

We talked to Bristol for a new documentary airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX -- delving into the horrors of famous people who've had to battle obsessed fans ... to the point their lives have been put at risk, including BP here -- whose history with this is well-documented.

The incidents for Bristol date back to the mid-2010s ... and they were all harrowing.

In the years since, Bristol hasn't shied away from the fact that she exercises her 2nd Amendment right to bear arms -- something she touches on here in our sit-down with her.

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Check it out ... she describes the anxiety she lives with in the aftermath of everything she's gone through -- and explains why she feels protecting herself, her home and her family is absolutely essential in her daily life going forward.

Part of the reason she feels she needs to go to these extremes is because the law itself is simply too lenient when it comes to stalking -- and doesn't do enough to deter them.

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We get far more into the topic in the doc itself -- titled 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- and cover more stars who've dealt with this.

The show airs Monday evening on FOX at 9/8c. BTW ... this show launches our "TMZ Investigates" series on Fox Monday nights at 9 PM ET/8 Central.

Bristol Palin Defiende ir armada contra los acosadores... La ley no ayuda

Armada y lista
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La hija mayor de Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, ha sido hostigada por los acosadores durante años, y después de recibir poca ayuda del sistema de justicia penal, ella decidió tomar el asunto por sus propias manos.

Hablamos con Bristol para un nuevo documental que se emitirá el lunes a las 9 PM y 8PM Central en FOX, que profundiza en los horrores de los famosos que han tenido que lidiar con fans que se obsesionan con ellos a tal punto que sus vidas han estado en riesgo, incluyendo el caso de Bristol, cuya historia está bien documentada.

Los incidentes de Bristol se remontan a mediados de la década del 2010, y todos ellos fueron desgarradores.

En los años transcurridos desde entonces, ella no ha rehuido el hecho de que ejerce su derecho de la 2ª Enmienda de portar armas, algo que conversó con nosotros.

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Echa un vistazo al video, en este ella describe la ansiedad con la que vive después de lo que pasó y explica por qué siente que protegerse a sí misma, su hogar y su familia es absolutamente esencial en su vida diaria.

Siente que tiene que llegar a estos extremos en parte porque la ley en sí es simplemente demasiado indulgente cuando se trata de acoso, y no hace lo suficiente para disuadirlos.

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En el documental "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", cubrimos mucho más sobre las celebridades que han lidiado con esto.

El programa se emite el lunes en la noche en FOX a las 9 PM ET y 8 Central.

Alec Baldwin Hit with New Criminal Charge ... In 'Rust' Case

Alec Baldwin is being dragged back into criminal court in the "Rust" case -- and he's facing the same charge as before ... involuntary manslaughter.

The actor just got hit with a new grand jury indictment out of Santa Fe -- and it says he's being rung up on one count of involuntary manslaughter involving negligent use of a firearm. However, there's an alternative charge he could face ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.

The reason there are 2 charges listed is because the grand jury basically agreed there is enough evidence for him to be prosecuted on either ... but the D.A.'s office will presumably only pursue one of these.

Remember, Alec has already been put through the wringer on this front -- he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but those charges were eventually dropped.


He might've thought he was out of the woods, but prosecutors have been signaling for months they were leaving the window open to possibly re-charge ... and now they've followed through with the grand jury's indictment.


Alec pled not guilty at first -- and we imagine he'll enter the same plea again. His attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, signaled as much ... telling TMZ, "We look forward to our day in court."

Chrisean Rock Guns Get Pulled Out on Set Says She Saved 4 From Being Shot 😲



New video has surfaced from the Chrisean Rock incident ... and it's even more dramatic than we initially thought.

Drama Alert posted a lot of different angles of the action -- and you can see the pistol-whipping the CR was referring to in the aftermath ... it looks absolutely brutal. You can also see more of the fight and how exactly it broke ... although it's still unclear what sparked it.

Chrisean Rock's stint on a popular speed-dating show ended abruptly after an armed assailant crashed the set -- and the shocking attack was caught all on camera.

On Tuesday night, Chrisean was in Atlanta when she was scheduled to appear on a new show called "20 Vs. 1" ... a series where the contestant picks from 20 different candidates. The scary moment unfolded as they were filming ... with the footage cutting to an armed man assaulting another man on the set with a firearm, this after a brief scuffle on set.

The freakiest part comes next ... onlookers nearby appear to have convinced the masked man not the pull the trigger after he overpowered his target and had them pinned on the ground. Watch ... you can see that he appears to be carrying two firearms, and he has them drawn and pointed at the guy on the ground.


CR immediately went live on Instagram to tell her followers she survived some "crazy, weird sh*t" ... no argument there. She also took credit for the lack of bullets -- allegedly preventing 4 people from being shot.

Her live stream pissed off her brother Petey but she claimed it was for both of their safety -- got to document the evidence at all costs.

NoLuvMar, the series creator also vowed the truth will be revealed ... he still plans on putting the wild video out on his channel, and he says a lot of assumptions about what happened will be proven wrong.

Another crazy day in the life of Chrisean ... and her baby daddy's is just as dramatic.

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Cardi's advice For Chrisean...

Remember, Cardi B said there's another way for Chrisean that doesn't involve so many theatrics ... here's hoping she listens up and surrounds herself with good people.

Originally Published -- 9:24 AM PT