Chrisean Rock Disparos en el set... Dice que salvó a 4 de recibir tiros

Pistolas en el set


Ha aparecido un nuevo video del incidente del Chrisean Rock y es aún más dramático de lo que pensábamos en un principio.

Drama Alert publicó diferentes ángulos de la acción y se puede ver la pistola a la que Chrisean se refería... y las imágenes son brutales. También se puede ver más de la lucha y cómo fue que se desarrolló, aunque todavía no está claro cómo comenzó la pelea.

Un show de citas en el que participaba Chrisean Rock terminó abruptamente después de que un asaltante armado entrara al set, y el impactante ataque fue capturado en cámara.

El martes por la noche, Chrisean estaba en Atlanta porque tenía previsto aparecer en un nuevo programa llamado "20 Vs. 1", una serie en la que el concursante elige entre 20 candidatos diferentes. El momento de miedo se desarrolló mientras estaban filmando. Las imágenes muestran a un hombre armado que agrede a otro hombre en el set con un arma de fuego, después de una breve refriega en el set.

La parte más extraña viene a continuación. Los espectadores cercanos parecen haber convencido al hombre enmascarado de no apretar el gatillo después de que este había dominado a su objetivo y lo había inmovilizado en el suelo. Miren, se puede ver que parece estar cargando dos armas de fuego y que tiene al hombre apuntando en el piso.

En vivo en IG

Chrisean Rock inmediatamente realizó un envivo en Instagram para decirle a sus seguidores que sobrevivió a unos "locos, raros, de mier* a". No hay discusión allí. También se atribuyó el mérito de la ausencia de balas y que supuestamente evitó que dispararan a 4 personas.

Su transmisión en vivo molestó a su hermano Petey, pero ella dice que lo hizo por la seguridad de ambos y porque tiene que documentar las pruebas a toda costa.

NoLuvMar, el creador de la serie también juró que la verdad sería revelada. Todavía planea poner el salvaje video en su canal y dice que se demostrará que son erróneas un montón de suposiciones acerca de lo que sucedió.

Otro día loco en la vida de Chrisean, y el de su papi es igual de dramático.

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Mi consejo es...

Recuerden, Cardi B le dijo a Chrisean que hay otras alternativas, que no implican tanta teatralidad. Aquí está la esperanza de que ella escuche y se rodee de gente buena.

'Rust' Case Armorer Allegedly Offered Leniency If She Explained Real Bullet

The armorer that's being prosecuted in the "Rust" criminal case was reportedly offered an ultimatum of sorts -- tell us how a real bullet made its way on set, or face more charges.

Variety cites emails that it says it's viewed -- which were supposedly sent to Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's legal team back in September from special prosecutor Kari Morrissey ... who's heading up the case after the D.A. recused herself.

According to the outlet -- which cites the emails that were allegedly sent -- Morrissey wrote ... "I feel very strongly she has some notion of how the live rounds came on set."

She adds, "I certainly respect her right not to come forward with that information and to stay silent, however if she were to come forward and answer some of these questions that plague the victims in this case that would go a long way toward getting her a favorable resolution."

Variety says the emails go on to float what Gutierrez-Reed's lawyers perceived as a threat ... "If she chooses not to, while I respect her decision, I will proceed with the additional felony charges we spoke of." Mind you, HGR has already said she doesn't know how a live round got into the gun that was used that day by Alec Baldwin, let alone how it got onto set.

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In response to this offer, her team invoked their client's right against self-incrimination -- and lo and behold ... Gutierrez-Reed was, in fact, hit with more charges shortly thereafter.

She was accused of carrying a gun into a liquor store about 10 days after the shooting ... a 4th-degree felony. Gutierrez-Reed is already facing involuntary manslaughter charges.

Now, her team has filed new docs asking that new charge to be dismissed -- claiming it was filed in retaliation for her not cooperating ... or as he puts it, for not making something up. She's pled not guilty to the charges against her, and has a trial set to start in February.

Rick Ross I Got The Keys To Miami ... But Need Memphis to Stop The Violence!!!


Rick Ross was among the honored guests at 5000 Role Models' Dr. MLK Jr. Scholarship Breakfast on Monday ... a celebration he entered with a heavy heart in the wake of Big Jook's killing.

Ahead of the event, Rozay pumped up a motivational speech to all his followers in Memphis ... lose the ski masks -- or Pooh Shiesty's as they're known in the streets, and also ixnay on the gunplay.

Library Of Cong-Ross
Instagram / @richforever

Sounds like Ross wants the city to do better going forward. Memphis led the nation in homicides last year and Jook, who was Yo Gotti's brother and CMG Records top exec, started 2024 on a sour note after he was murdered over the weekend in the 901 after leaving a funeral procession.

Ross eventually arrived at the event where he was all smiles as he was swarmed by admirers and received The Key to the City of Miami from Mayor Francis Suarez and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson ... who stole the show dressed as a crimson cowgirl!!


The megastar rapper later took the floor and addressed the youth with Boss-isms for them to use in a future where gun violence doesn't impact them.

El hermano de Yo Gotti Big Jook asesinado a tiros en Memphis

El hermano de Yo Gotti, Anthony "Big Jook" Mims, fue asesinado a tiros este fin de semana... TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el hermano mayor del rapero fue asesinado a tiros el sábado en Memphis cerca de Winchester Road. Según los informes, este asesinato tuvo lugar después de que él habría asistido a un servicio funerario en la zona.

Circulan por Internet fotos y videos en los que supuestamente se ve a Jook sangrando en el suelo con gente atendiéndolo. Los detalles exactos del tiroteo no están claros, pero se confirma la muerte de Jook.

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Big Jook era increíblemente cercano a su famoso hermano. Parece estar oficialmente afiliado a la discográfica de Gotti Collective Music Group, promocionando artistas bajo el sello y apareciendo en videos musicales para ellos también. Jook parecía estar más en el lado de los negocios.

Es triste que él estuviera en un funeral, algo que aludió en una de sus últimas historias de Intagram el sábado... donde estaba honrando a un pariente caído.

No está claro si el propio Gotti estuvo con Jook durante el asesinato, y tampoco ha abordado el asesinato de su hermano. Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es la posibilidad de que esto podría estar relacionado con el asesinato de Young Dolph en 2021, al menos eso es la especulación en línea de todos modos.

Como hemos informado, los policías se apresuraron al restaurante de Memphis de Gotti poco después de que el joven rapero fue abatido a tiros fuera de una tienda de galletas, esto por temor a posibles represalias.

No es ningún secreto que entre Dolph y Gotti había una vibra pesada, y ahora, muchos sospechan que esto podría tener relación con el incidente. También vale la pena señalar que la ubicación del asesinato de Jook no está lejos del establecimiento de Gotti, de hecho, está en la misma cuadra. Tampoco está muy lejos de donde tuvo lugar el asesinato de Dolph.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento de Gotti para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Yo Gotti Brother Big Jook Shot & Killed ... After Funeral Service


1/14 2:57 PM PT -- Memphis police have a lead in the Big Jook shooting ... posting photos of a white Ford Explorer they say may have carried the rapper's killers.

They're asking the public for help identifying the car and are offering a $4,000 reward for information.

Yo Gotti's brother, Anthony 'Big Jook' Mims, was shot and killed this weekend ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the rapper's older sibling was gunned down Saturday in Memphis on near Winchester Road. Per reports, this murder took place after he'd attended a funeral service in the area.

There are photos and videos circulating online that purportedly show Jook bleeding on the ground with people attending to him. The exact details of the shooting are unclear at this point ... but Jook is confirmed dead.

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Big Jook was incredibly close to his famous brother ... he appears to officially be affiliated with Gotti's label Collective Music Group -- promoting artists under the imprint and appearing in music videos for them as well. Jook seemed to be more so on the business side.

It's sad that he happened to be killed during a time of mourning -- something he alluded to in one of his last IG Stories Saturday ... where he was honoring a fallen relative.

Unclear if Gotti himself was with Jook during the killing -- he hasn't addressed his brother's murder just yet either. Another element to this is the possibility that this might be related to the murder of Young Dolph in 2021 ... at least that's the speculation online anyway.

As we reported ... cops rushed to Gotti's Memphis restaurant shortly after the young rapper was shot down himself outside of a cookie store -- this out of fear of possible retaliation.

It's no secret Dolph and Gotti had beef ... and now, many suspect this might be connected. Also worth noting -- the location of Jook's murder is not far from Gotti's establishment ... in fact, it's on the same block. This is also not very far from where Dolph's murder took place.

We've reached out to Gotti's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 1/13 5:14 PM PT

Playboi Carti 2022 Arrest Speeding 133 MPH Ended Without Legal Drama For Rapper

Playboi Carti had his spot blown this week ... body cam footage of the enigmatic rapper being arrested in September 2022 for driving over 133 miles per hour on Atlanta's I-75/85 Southbound Expressway leaked online.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the police report from the incident ... Carti was slapped with multiple traffic violations, including reckless driving ... a case he tried to plead with the arresting officer to no avail.

Carti told the officer he was driving like greased lightning because of an emergency getting to the airport, to which the officer informed him that driving 133 MPH in a 55-mile-per-hour zone, was a hazard in itself and placed him in the back of his vehicle.

According to the docs, a search of his car also found a Glock handgun on the passenger seat, along with an extended mag in the weapon but no round was chambered.

The firearm was legally registered to Carti and his background check revealed he was not a convicted felon ... his uncle later arrived on the scene and took possession of the weapon at Cart's request.

A somewhat funny moment also occurred when Carti was booked ... a fan recognized him through his face mask and openly admitted Carti was his fav rapper in the whole wide world!!!

We checked the records and Carti emerged with a clean slate from the incident ... which wasn't the case that following December.

His next challenge to overcome is getting his album and tour to the public after numerous delays.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Leaves Jail After Gun Arrest ... Feels 'Good!'


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. spent four nights in an L.A. jail after he was arrested for allegedly possessing two "ghost guns," but the former boxing champion was in high spirits when he was finally sprung Thursday night, before heading to rehab.

37-year-old Chavez Jr. was met with a crowd outside the detention center in Los Angeles ... where he was asked how he was doing following his arrest over the weekend.

"Good, good," Julio responded in Spanish.

Of course, TMZ Sports broke the story on Monday ... Chavez Jr., son of the legendary Chavez Sr., was arrested by LAPD for illegal weapons possession around 1:30 PM Sunday after cops responded to a call to Julio's home.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Chavez Jr. had two "ghost guns," untraceable firearms.

A reporter asked JCC Jr. about his time behind bars.

"Well, everyone is given what they deserve. But I'm well, thank God. I'm well and ready to defend myself," Julio responded, adding, "You guys here know I'm a good person. I'm good, everything's good. They treated me good [in jail] and I'm ready to move forward."

Chavez Jr. is due back in court in mid-February ... but until then, the plan is to enter a treatment program where the former WBC middleweight champ can receive help from professionals.

Sam Haskell Jr. Pleads Not Guilty in Triple Murder Case Continues to be Shirtless

Sam Haskell Jr. is officially denying culpability in his triple murder case this week -- and the guy continues to go shirtless before a judge ... this as officials have fears of self-harm.

The murder suspect had an appearance in court Friday in Los Angeles, where he and his lawyers officially entered not guilty pleas to the 3 counts of murder Haskell is facing. Also of note ... the fact he was trotted out in front of everybody with his bare chest exposed again.

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Remember, he was rocking the same sorta look when he first appeared in court last month ... something correctional officers relegated him to because of what they said were suicidal thoughts he was expressing.

Now, more than a month later of his being in custody ... he's still shirtless, something his lawyers griped about Friday -- claiming their client has not indicated he intends self-harm upon himself. Despite this, hizzoner denied Sam a shirt ... offering a self-harm vest instead.

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Doesn't sound like Sam took the judge up on that ... and now, he's due back in court next month. It's unclear what exactly he's wearing behind bars, but when he's appeared in court ... he's been shirtless both times.

Remember, prosecutors allege Sam killed his wife, Mei, as well as her parents Yanxiang and Gaoshan. TMZ obtained surveillance video that appeared to show Haskell dumping something off at a dumpster shortly before he was arrested.

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He remains in custody without bail.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

'The Voice' Star Lauren Duski's Mother Dies By Apparent Suicide

The mother of "The Voice" star Lauren Duski appears to have died by suicide ... this after being found dead in her car with a gunshot wound, TMZ has confirmed.

According to the Tuscarora Township Police in Indian River, Michigan, officers found a car "sitting on the edge of the roadway with a female in the driver's seat slumped over" on Friday -- and paramedics were unable to find a pulse when they arrived.

Police say she had a "single gunshot wound to the chest" and a handgun was found in the car with "one round spent." TMZ confirmed with law enforcement sources the woman was Lauren's 59-year-old mother, Janis Duski.

While cops are still investigating Janis' death, it appears all signs point to it being a suicide.

Lauren said an emotional goodbye to her mother in a touching post online Monday, saying, "My mom was the greatest human I’ve ever known. There was no one who loved harder."

In the post, the season 12 contestant took time to remind people to "please talk to one another. If you’re struggling, do not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed. Your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of and neither is talking about it."

Janis was 59.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

La madre de Lauren Duski estrella de "La Voz" es encontrada sin vida

La madre de la estrella de "The Voice" —Lauren Duski— parece haber muerto por suicidio, esto después de haber sido encontrada muerta en su carro con una herida de bala, TMZ ha confirmado.

De acuerdo con la Policía de Indian River (Michigan) los oficiales encontraron un carro "sentado en el borde de la calzada con una mujer en el asiento del conductor desplomado" el viernes... y los paramédicos la encontraron sin pulso cuando llegaron.

La policía dice que tenía una "sola herida de bala en el pecho" y se encontró una pistola en el carro con "una ronda menos." TMZ confirmó con fuentes policiales que la mujer era la madre de Lauren, Janis Duski, de 59 años.

Aunque la policía sigue investigando la muerte de Janis, parece que todo apunta a que se trata de un suicidio.

Lauren dio un emotivo adiós a su madre en un conmovedor post en línea el lunes, diciendo: "Mi mamá fue la más grande persona que he conocido. No había nadie que amara más".

En el post, la concursante de la temporada 12 se tomó su tiempo para recordarle a la gente que "por favor, hablen entre ustedes. Si tienes problemas, no te avergüences. No se avergüencen. No te avergüences. Tu salud mental no es motivo de verguenza y tampoco lo es hablar de ello".

Janis tenía 59 años.


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Ja Morant Suffers Season-Ending Injury ... 'Damn Dawg'

Ja Morant was a man of few words after learning his 2023-24 season was over ... going to social media to express his frustrations by simply saying, "Damn dawg."

The Memphis Grizzlies broke the news Monday night ... saying their superstar guard suffered a partial dislocation of his right shoulder during Saturday's training session.

The team said Morant continued to experience soreness and instability in the following days ... so he underwent an MRI, which revealed an underlying labral tear.

The ailment brings Morant's revenge tour to a screeching halt ... as he was out to make up for time lost after missing the first chunk of the season due to his gun-related suspension.

As we previously reported, Morant was quick to make sure his haters knew he heard all the talk in his first game back ... yelling he "kept receipts" after nailing the game-winning bucket against the New Orleans Pelicans last month.

Ja -- who missed Sunday's matchup against the Phoenix Suns -- was understandably bummed about his season being over ... also sending out a blue heart and posting "just waiting for the sun to come out..." later Monday night.

24-year-old Morant had been playing well so far this season ... averaging 25 points, 5.6 rebounds and 8 assists in 9 appearances.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Arrested For 'Ghost Gun' In L.A. Illegal Weapons Possession

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. was arrested for illegal possession of an assault rifle this weekend in L.A. ... after cops were called to the scene by a concerned fan who believed the boxer may be a danger to himself or others.

TMZ Sports has learned the 37-year-old former champ, son of the legendary Mexican pugilist Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., was taken into custody by LAPD around 1:30 PM ... after Jr. permitted responding officers to enter his home, where they located the illegal rifle.

Law enforcement sources tell us the weapon was an untraceable "ghost gun."

Chavez Jr. was ultimately transported to the Valley Jail in Van Nuys ... where the 6'1", 170 lb. fighter was booked.

It's not the first time people around Julio have feared for his safety. In fact, Chavez Sr. recently opened up about fears his son could lose his life if he continues down the same path.

Speaking of his God-like figure of a dad, although Julio didn't come close to the astronomical success his dad achieved in the squared circle, Jr. finished his boxing career with a 53-6-1 record ... fighting the likes of Daniel Jacobs and Canelo Alvarez.

Chavez Jr. a former WBC middleweight champion in 2011, last fought in December 2021, when he beat David Zegarra.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard 'Harry Potter' Date Night on Broadway ... Years After Learning to Read From Books


Gypsy Rose Blanchard decided to take in some high culture Saturday night, going to a Broadway show ... one with a special personal meaning.

The controversial ex-con hit the Big Apple with her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, and the two hustled to make curtain for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child."

If you recall ... her mother, Dee Dee, yanked her out of school when she was very young, and she repeatedly read the 'Harry Potter' series to learn to read.

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Gypsy took to TikTok minutes before the curtain went up to share her 'Harry Potter' love, and snaps of her seats, with her exploding social media audience.

The couple's fun night out sits in stark opposition to the harrowing details emerging in her new Lifetime docuseries.

Gypsy recently revealed she'd been violent toward her mother before she and her then-boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn plotted her murder.

The 32-year-old says, after her mother caught her trying to run away when she was 19, Dee Dee chained her to the bed and beat her severely.

She said Dee Dee also bought a gun and one day, while arguing, Gypsy grabbed it off the table and fired multiple shots at her mother.

It turned out to only be a BB gun, but Gypsy said she was shocked to find she'd pulled the trigger at all, having made the snap decision without thinking.

Dee Dee's medical records show she was treated for a pellet gun injury ... but she said a man robbed and shot her in a Walmart parking lot.

Of course, a few years later, Gypsy did plan and successfully stab her mother to death ... a crime for which she served seven years.

ABC News

Since getting out of prison late last month, Gypsy has lived a pretty exciting life, doing interviews with "Good Morning America" and "The View" while also enjoying everyday errands ... like shoe shopping and grabbing fast food.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard disfruta de su cita en Broadway con Harry Potter

una tarde mágica

Gypsy Rose Blanchard decidió empaparse de alta cultura el sábado por la noche y asistió a un espectáculo de Broadway... uno con un significado personal especial.

La controvertida ex convicta llegó a la Gran Manzana con su marido Ryan Scott Anderson y los dos se apresuraron a hacer fila para "Harry Potter y el Niño Maldito".

Recordemos que su madre, Dee Dee, la sacó de la escuela cuando era muy pequeña y leyó repetidamente la serie de "Harry Potter" para aprender a leer.

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Minutos antes de que se abriera el telón, Gypsy usó TikTok para compartir su amor por Harry Potter y las instantáneas de sus asientos con su creciente audiencia en las redes sociales.

La divertida noche de la pareja contrasta con los angustiosos detalles que aparecen en su nueva docuserie de Lifetime.

Gypsy reveló recientemente que había sido violenta con su madre antes de que ella y su entonces novio Nicholas Godejohn planearan su asesinato.

La joven de 32 años dice que, después de que su madre la sorprendiera tratando de huir cuando tenía 19 años, Dee Dee la encadenó a la cama y la golpeó severamente.

Dijo que Dee Dee también compró una pistola y un día, mientras discutían, Gypsy la cogió de la mesa y le disparó varias veces a su madre.

Resultó ser solo una pistola de aire comprimido, pero Gypsy dijo que se sorprendió al descubrir que había apretado el gatillo, después de haber tomado la decisión sin pensar.

Los registros médicos de Dee Dee muestran que fue tratada por una herida de escopeta de perdigones, pero ella dijo que un hombre le robó y le disparó en un estacionamiento de Walmart.

Por supuesto, unos años más tarde, Gypsy hizo un plan que resultó con su madre apuñalada hasta morir... un crimen por el que cumplió siete años.

gypsy lo dice todo
ABC News

Desde que salió de la cárcel a finales del mes pasado, Gypsy ha vivido una vida muy emocionante, haciendo entrevistas con "Good Morning America" y "The View", mientras que también disfruta de diligencias cotidianas, como ir a comprar zapatos y disfrutar de comida rápida.

Blueface $13 Mil Vegas Judgment ... Now Up to $14 Mil, Interest's a Bitch!!!

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Blueface escaped jail time in his Las Vegas shooting case, but his debt to the shuttered strip club's owner is growing even bigger by the day.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Euphoric Gentleman's Club's $13,072,482 judgment has gone unpaid since the judge ordered it in October 2023 ... and accrued interest has raised the new total due to a staggering $14,386,164.23.

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The Vegas Arrest

The judge hit the rapper with probation after he took a plea deal for his role in the Nov. 2022 shooting. However, he was still ordered to shell out over $12 million for the venue's lost revenue and another $84k to cover lost wages for the employees.

Euphoric's owner slammed Blueface and his buddies with a passionate response at the time of the incident ... vowing to make him pay off the debt until the day he leaves this earth.

Unfortunately for him, IG likes don't enforce court orders. On the positive side, that interest is pilling up in his favor.

The guy who claimed he was shot by BF wasn't a happy camper in court, either, as he snapped a solemn selfie with the rapper/boxer in the background.

Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Blueface recently bought a house for his child's mother Jaidyn Alexis -- so, he's spending, but very selectively.

Blueface Debe $13 mil por la sentencia en Las Vegas Ahora hasta $14 mil por los intereses!!!

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Blueface escapó de pasar tiempo en la cárcel por el tiroteo en Las Vegas, pero su deuda con el propietario del cerrado club de striptease está creciendo cada día.

De acuerdo con los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ Hip Hop, el monto de $13,072,482 por el juicio con Euphoric Gentleman's Club no ha sido pagado desde que el juez lo ordenó en octubre de 2023, y los intereses devengados han elevado el nuevo total a la asombrosa suma de $14,386,164.23.

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Sorpresivo arresto

El juez le otorgó al rapero la libertad condicional después de que aceptara un acuerdo de culpabilidad por su papel en el tiroteo de noviembre 2022. Sin embargo, también se le ordenó pagar más de $12 millones por los ingresos perdidos del lugar y otros $84k para cubrir los salarios de los empleados.

El propietario de Euphoric golpeó a Blueface y sus amigos con una respuesta apasionada en el momento del incidente, prometiendo que los haría pagar hasta el día de su muerte.

Por desgracia para él, los me gusta de Instagram no hacen cumplir las órdenes judiciales. Por el lado positivo, los intereses se están acumulando a su favor.

El hombre que asegura que recibió un disparo de Blueface tampoco estaba feliz en la corte, y se tomó una solemne selfie con el rapero y boxeador de fondo.

Sorpresa de Navidad
Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Recientemente, Blueface compró una casa para la madre de su hijo Jaidyn Alexis, por lo que está gastando, pero muy selectivamente.