Hunter Biden Hit With 9 Charges in Fed Tax Case

Hunter Biden has been charged with 9 crimes in connection with the DOJ's investigation into his alleged tax evasion.

President Joe Biden's son was charged with failure to pay taxes, evasion of assessment, filing false or fraudulent tax returns, among other charges.

The new case from special counsel David Weiss stems from Hunter's business dealings overseas. Prosecutors claim Hunter at one point owed $2 million to the IRS, which he apparently paid back in 2021 ... with a loan from a friend.

As we reported, Hunter was also indicted on gun charges back in September -- charged with one count of making false statements in connection with the purchase of a firearm, one count of making false statements to a federal firearms licensed dealer, and one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

You'll recall, Hunter had a plea deal for both the federal tax case and the gun situation ... but the deal fell through in July, after a judge rejected it.

LeBron James Pleads For Gun Control After UNLV Shooting ... 'It's Ridiculous'


LeBron James is fed up with the lack of change to America's gun laws after the recent mass shooting on UNLV's campus ... saying it's "ridiculous" to see yet another tragedy unfold somewhere people should feel safe.

LeBron and the Los Angeles Lakers are slated to face off against the New Orleans Pelicans in Vegas for the semi-finals of the In-Season Tournament on Thursday ... and when speaking with media members, the four-time champ expressed his frustrations with hearing about yet another act of gun violence.

"It just goes back to what I said before about guns in America," LeBron said Wednesday. "I think it's such a longer conversation, but we're the only ones who keep dealing with this same story, this same conversation every single time it happens, and it just continues to happen."

"The ability to get a gun, the ability to do these things over and over and over, and there's been no change is literally ridiculous. It makes no sense that we continue to lose innocent lives, on campuses, on schools, at shopping markets and movie theaters and all type of stuff. It's just ridiculous."

67-year-old college professor Anthony Polito is accused of opening fire on UNLV's campus ... killing three people and wounding a fourth. Investigators are reportedly looking into whether a recent job rejection played a role in the act.

LeBron -- who has been outspoken against gun violence in the past -- believes lawmakers are asleep at the wheel ... claiming firearms have become even more accessible throughout the country.


"The fact that we haven't changed anything -- it's actually been a lot easier to actually be able to own a firearm, it's stupid."

Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

The league will reportedly hold a moment of silence for the UNLV victims ... but as of right now, the In-Season Tournament games will continue as planned.

Autor de tiroteo en UNLV Es identificado como un profesor universitario Posiblemente rechazado tras solicitar un trabajo

El hombre acusado de iniciar un tiroteo masivo en Las Vegas y que dejó varias víctimas fatales ha sido identificado como un profesor universitario que puede haber sido rechazado de un trabajo y que también dice que resolvió el infame caso de asesinato Zodiac.

Anthony Polito, de 67 años, fue identificado por la policía como el sospechoso que disparó mortalmente a tres personas e hirió de gravedad a una cuarta víctima durante la matanza del miércoles en el campus de la Universidad de Nevada, en Las Vegas, según informó ABC News citando fuentes policiales.

Escoltados por la policía
Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

La CNN dijo que los investigadores estaban estudiando si Polito fue desairado después de haber enviado su currículum para un puesto en la UNLV, lo que habría llevado al ataque.

Según la Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas, Polito estaba armado con una pistola cuando entró en la escuela de negocios de la universidad alrededor del mediodía y fue piso por piso, disparando a cuatro personas, tres de los cuales perdieron la vida.

La víctima superviviente fue trasladada a un hospital local y se encuentra en estado crítico, pero estable. Otras cuatro personas también fueron tratadas por crisis de pánico.

Un oficial de la policía rápidamente acudió a la universidad cuando recibió el llamado y le ordenó a todos los estudiantes y profesores que se refugiaran en el lugar. Dos detectives de la universidad se enzarzaron finalmente en un tiroteo con Polito, quien fue declarado muerto en el lugar de los hechos. Al parecer, fue abatido a tiros por la policía.

Se presume que Polito tenía su propio sitio web, donde publicó un documento de 15 páginas en el que afirmaba haber descifrado algunas de las crípticas cartas que el asesino del Zodiaco envió a los medios de comunicación sobre su matanza a finales de los 60 y principios de los 70 en el norte de California. Hasta hoy, el caso sigue sin resolverse.

Polito también tenía una página de LinkedIn, en donde se describía a sí mismo como un "profesor universitario semi-retirado" que había trabajado en la Universidad de Carolina del Este entre 2001 a 2017. También profesaba tener un doctorado en filosofía de la Universidad de Georgia y una maestría en administración de empresas de la Universidad de Duke.

UNLV Mass Shooter Identified As College Professor ... Possibly Snubbed After Applying For Job

The man accused of going on a fatal mass shooting spree in Las Vegas is a college professor who may have been rejected from a job he applied for, while also claiming he cracked ciphers in the infamous Zodiac murder case.

67-year-old Anthony Polito was identified by police as the suspect who fatally shot three people and critically wounded a fourth during Wednesday’s rampage on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, ABC News reported, citing law enforcement sources.

Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

CNN said investigators were looking into whether Polito was snubbed after sending in his resume for a position at UNLV, leading to the attack.

According to Las Vegas Metro Police, Polito was armed with a handgun as he entered the university's business school around noon and went floor to floor, shooting four people -- three of whom fatally.

The surviving victim was rushed to a local hospital and listed in critical but stable condition. Four other people were also treated for panic attacks.

An army of police officers quickly responded to the college, ordering all students and professors to shelter in place. Two university detectives ultimately got into a shootout with Polito, who was pronounced dead at the scene. It appears he was shot and killed by police.

Meanwhile, Polito reportedly maintained his own website, where he posted a 15-page document, claiming he decoded some of the Zodiac Killer's cryptic letters sent to the media about the late '60s and early '70s serial murders in Northern California. To this day, the Zodiac case remains unsolved.

Polito also has a LinkedIn page, describing himself as a "semi-retired university professor" who worked at East Carolina University from 2001 to 2017. He also professed to have a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Georgia and a master's in business administration from Duke University.

Impactante video Un policía militar golpea a su esposa ... Y la mata a tiros

El fatal incidente

Un policía militar le disparó a su esposa hasta provocarle la muerte después de haberla golpeado brutalmente durante un enfrentamiento en Brasil y todo fue grabado en video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima estaba fuera de servicio el domingo cuando comenzó a discutir con su esposa, Erika, por alguna razón dentro de un carro aparcado en Sao Paulo.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes de vigilancia, Erika salta del asiento del conductor, da vueltas alrededor del carro e intenta abrir una puerta del lado del pasajero para sacar a Thiago del asiento trasero.

Los dos se enzarzan en un violento forcejeo mientras Thiago sale del vehículo con una pistola en la mano. Thiago golpea repetidamente a Erika en la cabeza antes de apuntarle con la pistola.

Según los informes, Thiago cargó a Erika en el carro y se la llevó a un hospital local, donde fue declarada su muerte.

Las autoridades brasileñas detuvieron a Thiago, quien confesó haber disparado mortalmente a Erika, según la CNN. No está claro si se presentaron cargos criminales.

Shocking Video Execution Military Police Officer Beats Wife ... Fatally Shoots Her in Brazil


A military police officer reportedly shot his wife to death after brutally beating her during a heated confrontation in Brazil ... and it was all caught on video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima was off-duty Sunday when he started arguing with his wife, Erika, for some reason inside a parked car in Sao Paolo.

Check out the surveillance footage ... Erika jumps out of the driver's seat and circles around the car, ripping open a passenger side door and trying to yank Thiago out of the backseat.

The two get into a violent struggle as Thiago pops out of the vehicle with a pistol gripped in his hand. Thiago repeatedly punches Erika in the head before aiming the gun at her.

Thiago reportedly loaded Erika into the car and drove her to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Brazilian authorities arrested Thiago, who confessed to fatally shooting Erika, CNN said. It's not clear whether criminal charges were filed.

Israel-Hamas War U.S. Warship Attacked in Red Sea ... Yemen Rebels to Blame

An American warship was attacked in the Red Sea this weekend as the fighting between Israel and Hamas picked back up again -- and the U.S. government says Yemen did it.

The USS Carney -- a Naval destroyer of ours that patrols the region -- was bombarded with missiles and drones over the course of 5 hours Sunday, but appears to have fought off much of (if not all) of the incoming fire ... this according to Pentagon officials.

There were accompanying commercial ships that were traversing the Red Sea alongside Carney -- and reports say some of those might've been hit during the cross fire.

None of those commercial ships are American, but some are said to have British and Israeli ties ... allies of the U.S. Government officials say Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility, although the rebels didn't specifically ID Carney as a target. Still, it appears the warship was caught up in it all ... at this point, no casualties have been reported.

The Houthi militia stand in solidarity with Hamas and are warning vessels that they believe come from Israel to stay out of the area -- and claim the ships that were attacked Sunday failed to heed their commands and evacuate the space.

Obviously, this comes on the heels of the end of the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel last week -- with the IDF now continuing their campaign in Gaza to secure hostages.

It's unclear how the U.S. will respond to the Houthi aggression -- but it goes without saying ... attacking an American warship could easily result in an escalation of tensions on our end.

Story developing ...

Un buque de guerra estadounidense es atacado en el Mar Rojo por los rebeldes yemeníes

Un buque de guerra estadounidense ha sido atacado en el Mar Rojo este fin de semana al reanudarse los combates entre Israel y Hamás, y el gobierno de Estados Unidos afirma que ha sido Yemen.

El USS Carney, un destructor naval norteamericano que patrulla la región, fue bombardeado con misiles y aviones no tripulados en el transcurso de 5 horas el domingo, pero parece haber luchado contra la mayor parte (si no todos) del fuego entrante, esto de acuerdo con funcionarios del Pentágono.

Estaba acompañando a los buques comerciales que atravesaban el Mar Rojo junto a Carney, y los informes dicen que algunos de ellos podrían haber sido alcanzados durante el fuego cruzado.

Ninguno de esos buques comerciales es estadounidense, pero se dice que algunos tienen vínculos británicos e israelíes. Aliados de los EE.UU. y funcionarios del gobierno dicen que los rebeldes Houthi en Yemen han reivindicado la responsabilidad, aunque los rebeldes no identificaron específicamente a Carney como un objetivo. Aun así, parece que el buque de guerra se vio envuelto en todo por el momento, no se ha informado de víctimas.

La milicia Houthi solidariza con Hamás y le advierte a los buques que ellos creen que proceden de Israel que se mantengan fuera de la zona y afirman que los buques que fueron atacados el domingo no hicieron caso a sus órdenes y evacuaron el espacio.

Obviamente, esto viene tras el fin del alto el fuego entre Hamás e Israel la semana pasada, con las FDI continuando ahora su campaña en Gaza para asegurar a los rehenes.

No está claro cómo los EE.UU. responderá a la agresión Houthi, pero no hace falta decir que atacar a un buque de guerra estadounidense podría fácilmente dar lugar a una escalada de tensiones en nuestro extremo.

Historia en desarrollo...

Fat Joe Rap Lyrics Are For Entertainment, Not Charges ... Free Young Thug!!!


Fat Joe believes rappers have a right to use their imagination and lyrics any way they see fit ... and those words shouldn't be used in criminal cases.

The Bronx-bred rap legend spoke to TMZ Hip Hop Friday in NYC as he supported the United Justice Coalition at the Jacob Javitz Center ... he really wants justice for Young Thug after feeling prosecutors in his ongoing RICO trial are trying to jam him up by highlighting generic lyrics.

Joe explains he never goes into writing a song to lie ... he says hip hop is the ultimate storytelling vehicle and compares it to fictional books and movies.

If he had a bad day, Joe says he may record an aggressive track like "Take A Look At My Life," a good mood could birth a Grammy Award nominee in "All The Way Up" ... emotions have always been his guide to lyrical content.

Joe was recently on CNN where he made the 95% estimate during a convo about Young Thug's ongoing RICO trial where his lyrics are being used as evidence by the prosecution in attempts to prove murders and corruption.

He tells us freedom of speech shouldn't come with prison sentences -- or censorship of art.

Joe says he would hate to see Martin Scorsese abandon mafia movies and notes he recently watched three Netflix movies involving killers ... and nobody is going to trial for depicting the fake murders.

Joe doesn't want to see it happen to Thugga, either.

Lil Wayne Sued Former Bodyguard Claims Rapper Hit & Threatened Him With Gun

Lil Wayne is being dragged to court a former bodyguard who is suing the rapper after telling cops Wayne allegedly brandished a gun and punched him in the ear.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Carlos Christian claims Weezy threatened to shoot him with a semiautomatic rifle ... a threat he says he took seriously considering Wayne once spent time in prison on weapons charges.

TMZ broke the story ... Christian called cops back in December 2021, claiming Lil Wayne pulled an assault rifle on him during a dispute at the rapper's Hidden Hills, CA home.

The bodyguard told police an altercation escalated to physical violence and Weezy ended up brandishing an AR-15, but sources close to Weezy denied the incident ever happened and claimed Wayne didn't even own a gun.

In the docs, the guard says he incurred medical expenses, lost wages, and suffered emotional distress as a result of the alleged incident ... and he's going after Lil Wayne for compensatory and punitive damages.

We reached out to Wayne's camp ... so far no word back.


La casa de Tennessee de Kellie Pickler donde su marido —Kyle Jacobs— se disparó trágicamente a principios de este año, está en el mercado por $2.890.000, TMZ ha aprendido.

De acuerdo con los registros de propiedad, la exquisita casa hecha a medida de 4 dormitorios y 5 baños en Nashville fue puesta en el mercado el miércoles.

A través de 4.865 pies cuadrados, la morada de estilo Tudor, cuenta con un concepto de planta abierta de invitación con un techo de bóveda de cañón en el comedor y bodega en el nivel principal.

Hay 10x10 postes de cedro que le dan el toque final a la casa. La chimenea de dos pisos en la gran sala contribuye a la acogedora sensación de estar rodeado de bosques.

Por supuesto, hay una piscina en el patio trasero y algunos hermosos trabajos de carpintería en toda la propiedad para un toque elevado de lujo de celebridades.

Kellie es el objetivo de hacer un beneficio considerable en la venta después de comprar la almohadilla en febrero de 2010 por $1.435.000.

El listado se produce poco más de nueve meses después de que el marido de Kellie Jacob fue encontrado muerto por suicidio en el dormitorio de arriba, el cual era la oficina de la casa.

Kellie y Kyle se casaron en 2011, y ambos protagonizaron "I Love Kellie Pickler" durante tres temporadas a partir de 2015.

Kyle trabajó como compositor de música country, con créditos vinculados a estrellas como Tim McGraw, Kelly Clarkson, Darius Rucker, Garth Brooks y otros. Tenía 49 años.

KELLIE PICKLER Grim House Listing ... Site of Husband's Suicide Now for Sale

Kellie Pickler's ready to put a painful memory behind her -- the longtime Tennessee home where her husband, Kyle Jacobs, fatally shot himself is now on the market for $2,890,000 ... TMZ has learned.

According to property records, the 4 bed, 5 bath custom-built home in Nashville was listed Wednesday.

The sprawling Tudor-style abode boasts 4,865 sq. feet and includes an inviting open floor plan, a barrel vault ceiling in the dining room and wine cellar on the main level.

Architecturally, it features 10x10 cedar posts throughout the home ... and the two-story fireplace in the great room makes for a super cozy, cabin-in-the-woods feel.

Of course, there's a pool nestled in the backyard and some beautiful millwork throughout the property for an elevated touch of celeb luxury.

Kellie purchased the pad in February 2010 for $1,435,000 -- so, depending on how much cash she put into it over the last 13 years, she stands to make a handsome profit.

The listing comes nearly 10 months after Kellie's husband was found dead by suicide in the upstairs bedroom/office at the home.

If you're wondering, Tennessee law does NOT require a seller to disclose a death in a house to potential buyers.

Kellie and Kyle married in 2011, and both starred on "I Love Kellie Pickler" for 3 seasons starting in 2015. Kyle was a songwriter, penning tracks for Tim McGraw, Kelly Clarkson, Darius Rucker, Garth Brooks and others.

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H.S. Hoops Star Mikey Williams Cuts Sweet Deal In Shooting Case ... Avoids Jail Time

Mikey Williams was all smiles leaving a San Diego County courtroom on Thursday ... 'cause he formally cut a sweet deal with prosecutors in his shooting case that will allow him to avoid jail time.

The 19-year-old Univ. of Memphis basketball commit had been facing multiple felony charges in the case -- including five counts of assault with a firearm and one count of shooting at an occupied vehicle -- after he was arrested in April for his alleged role in a shooting that went down outside his Jamul, Calif. home back on March 27.

However, following his pact with prosecutors on Thursday ... Williams pled guilty to just one single count of making criminal threats in order to close out the case.

According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, in exchange for the plea, Williams must attend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, gun safety, and anger management classes ... as well as complete 80 hours of community service. If he does all of the above by his sentencing date on Aug. 12, 2024 -- and keeps his nose clean -- the charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor, and, perhaps more importantly, he'll stay out of a cell.

Video of Williams following Thursday's court proceedings showed the hooper was happy with the resolution in the case ... walking away from the courthouse with a grin on his face.

"I feel good," Williams said on camera. "All glory to God."

Deputy District Attorney George Modlin told reporters, meanwhile, he, too, was happy with the results of Thursday's plea deal.

"Cases are individually looked at," Modlin said. "There is no rubber stamp for any type of case, but when we looked into the details of Mr. Williams' age, lack of criminal record, everything that took place that night, both sides got together and worked really hard and came up with a resolution that we both believed creates justice for Mr. Williams and the community, keeps the community safe and creates the proper safeguards."

It's now unclear if and when Williams will join the Tigers in Tennessee this season ... a spokesperson for the university told TMZ Sports on Thursday afternoon there were no new updates despite the day's news.

UFC's Sean Strickland Holds Man At Gunpoint ... After Alleged Domestic Violence Incident

112723-sean-strickland-kal November 2023
Sean Strickland

Put this guy in the Hall of Fame for (alleged) stupid criminals! First ballot.

UFC middleweight champion Sean Strickland captured a man fleeing authorities after he was allegedly involved in a domestic violence incident ... and it was all captured on surveillance video!

32-year-old Strickland, who became UFC champ after defeating Israel Adesanya at UFC 293 in September, posted video of the incident, along with an explanation of the WILD story.

"The guy was drunk stomping out a girl, a security guard seen it, he jumped in his car and drove off. Security followed him, hit a curb, completely shredded his tire, drove on the rim for awhile then jumped out and tried to hide at my house. I initially thought he was stealing my car," Sean described.

The video shows a man, clearly in a hurry, walking onto Strickland's driveway, before attempting to hide between two parked vehicles.

Another angle then shows Sean walking out of his house and toward the driveway while carrying a handgun. The video then cuts back to the first angle, where Strickland has the man at gunpoint.

The suspect seemingly tries to walk away, while Sean and another man follow closely behind him. Strickland gives the feeling man a shove, sending him to the ground, still at gunpoint.

The UFC champ says the alleged criminal was arrested ... though the charges are unclear.

110120_jon_jones_robbery_kal_v2 NOVEMBER 2020

Believe it or not, it's not the first time a UFC fighter has had to deal with an unwelcomed guest -- as we previously reported, Jon Jones ran after someone with a shotgun during an alleged attempted burglary back in 2020.


Un hombre de Vermont se encuentra bajo custodia policiaca tras ser acusado de disparar contra 3 estudiantes universitarios palestinos en lo que podría ser un posible crimen de odio, mientras siguen aumentando las tensiones en Medio Oriente.

Jason Eaton, de 48 años, fue arrestado el domingo cerca de Burlington, el sitio del tiroteo del sábado por la noche, cuando 3 jóvenes de ascendencia palestina fueron atacados en la calle mientras caminaban y platicaban en árabe rumbo a una cena familiar.

Desde entonces, fueron identificados como Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ahmad y Kinnan Abdalhamid, estudiantes de diferentes universidades en Nueva Inglaterra, incluyendo Brown.

Al menos 2 de ellos llevaban pañuelos Keffiyeh tradicionales, una prenda común en los países musulmanes. Debido a esto y al hecho de que aparentemente fueron atacados sin provocación, funcionarios estadounidenses indican que esto podría ser un crimen de odio, y las autoridades federales están investigando si es el caso o no.

Con respecto a Eaton… no está claro qué cargos enfrenta en este momento, pero se espera que comparezca ante el tribunal el lunes. Al anunciar su arresto, las fuerzas del orden citaron "tres incidentes de agresión agravada".

Se dice que es un residente local de la zona y, al parecer, no vive lejos del lugar del tiroteo.

Burlington, VT Suspected Arrested ... In Possible Hate Crime Shooting of 3 Palestinians


9:45 AM PT -- The suspect accused of shooting three Palestinian men has pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempted murder in the second degree.

Police released a booking photo of Jason Eaton. He's being held without bail.

A Vermont man is now in custody after cops claim he shot 3 Palestinian college students in what might be a possible hate crime ... this as tensions continue to rise in the Middle East.

48-year-old Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday near Burlington ... the site of the Saturday night shooting when 3 young men of Palestinian descent were fired upon on the street as they were walking and speaking Arabic and heading to a family dinner.

They've since been identified as Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ahmad and Kinnan Abdalhamid ... all of whom attend different universities in New England, including Brown.

At least 2 of them were also wearing traditional Keffiyeh scarves ... a garment often worn in Muslim countries. Because of this and the fact they were seemingly attacked without provocation, U.S. officials are saying this might be a hate crime, and the feds are investigating whether that's the case or not.

As for Eaton ... it's unclear what charges, exactly, he's facing at this point -- but he's due to be arraigned Monday. When announcing his arrest, law enforcement cited "three incidents of aggravated assault."

He's said to be a local resident of the area, and reportedly doesn't live far from the shooting.

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