Alec Baldwin New 'Rust' Outtakes Show Actor Warning Halyna Hutchins ... 'I Don't Want to Shoot Toward You'

NBC News

Alec Baldwin was calling the shots on the "Rust" set -- telling the woman he accidentally shot and killed to get out of the way while he fired a prop gun ... as seen in new video.

The actor is clearly taking charge of the set as he rehearses a scene, which requires him to fire his prop gun. At one point, he shows concern for director of photography Halyna Hutchins, telling her to go stand clear of his aim, saying, "I don't want to shoot toward you. I want to shoot close to you."

You hear a woman asking people to move away ... it's unclear if the voice is that of Hutchins or the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed.

The outtakes -- obtained by NBC News -- were shot just days before Baldwin unknowingly fired a live round that hit and killed Hutchins and wounded the director.

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Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter but the charges were later dropped. The Santa Fe D.A. is considering re-filing one or more charges against Baldwin.

Baldwin was an executive producer on the film -- although, the thought was it was more of a vanity title than someone who was in charge of day-to-day production. However, in the outtakes, Baldwin seems in charge of the action, at at one point after the director calls "cut," he fires another shot.

Prosecutors have indicated they will present the case, along with new information, to a grand jury ... which could reindict the actor.

Baldwin settled a civil suit with Hutchins' family. Part of the settlement included bringing her widower, Matthew Hutchins, on as executive producer.


Samuel Haskell Jr. Video of Workers Lifting Bags Allegedly Filled with Body Parts 1 Day Before Remains Found in Dumpster

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Chilling video shows alleged murderer Samuel Haskell Jr. enlisting several men to remove heavy bags from his home -- bags the laborers say contained body parts, and which police suspect are the remains of Haskell's missing wife and family.

TMZ obtained this surveillance video recorded Tuesday, Nov. 7 outside Haskell's home in Tarzana, CA. The ominous scene begins at 3:54 PM, as a man in a white shirt -- who witnesses have ID'd as Haskell -- waves down a blue moving truck to stop in front of his home.

Three minutes later, 2 men are seen lugging what appears to be a large, black garbage bag down the driveway and leaving it on the pavement. Then, at 3:58 PM, 2 other men are seen loading a 2nd garbage bag into the bed of a white truck -- then they do the same with the first bag.

Haskell walks away from the group, back up his driveway, and 2 of the men get in the blue truck ... as the white truck with the bags drives away.

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Haskell -- the son of former Hollywood super agent, Sam Haskell Sr. -- waits 7 minutes, and drives away in his white Tesla at 4:08 PM, heading in the opposite direction of the truck.

The laborers have told NBC4 in L.A. they only got a block away before they decided something was not right. They say Haskell hired them to move 3 bags he said were filled with rocks, but the men found them to be soft and soggy. So, they pulled over to look inside, and discovered human body parts in one bag ... including a belly button.

That's where the surveillance video picks up ... at 4:15 PM the white truck is back in front of Haskell's house, because the men say they returned the bags and Haskell's money.

You can see Haskell meet them in the driveway ... hands are extended, and it does seem like money is exchanged. The laborers say they left all 3 bags with Haskell, and at 4:17 PM, the truck pulls away again.

Finally, at 4:22 PM ... Haskell drives off again in his Tesla, but what he didn't know is that the laborers went straight to police to report what they'd seen.

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As we reported, Haskell was arrested in the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 8 ... after a homeless person discovered a dismembered body earlier that day, stuffed in a bag and left in a dumpster. The dumpster is a little more than 6 miles away from Haskell's home.

Additionally, TMZ has learned police -- after hearing what the laborers reported -- went to the neighborhood Tuesday night to interview some of Haskell's neighbors, and asked if they'd seen any garbage bags left in his driveway.

Haskell's wife, Mei Haskell, and her parents are both missing ... and, although police haven't identified the remains yet, the operating theory is they're the remains of Mei and/or her parents.

Police say they've found blood at the Haskell home, and evidence that leads them to believe there was a murder committed there.

Haskell Jr.'s father was once one of Hollywood's biggest power players -- repping celebs like George Clooney, Dolly Parton, Ray Romano, Kirstie Alley and Tony Danza. He's now president of Magnolia Hill Productions, which has produced several of Dolly's Christmas specials and TV movies.

It's unclear if police have seen the surveillance video yet -- but, obviously, it will be a major piece of evidence.

Haskell Jr.'s being held on $2 million bail.

Sam Haskell Jr. Video de trabajadores levantando bolsas supuestamente con restos de cuerpos

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Captado en cámara

Un escalofriante video muestra al presunto asesino Samuel Haskell Jr. alistando a varios hombres para eliminar unas bolsas pesadas de su casa, bolsas que los trabajadores dicen que contenían partes del cuerpo y que la policía sospecha corresponden a los restos de la desaparecida esposa de Haskell y su familia.

TMZ obtuvo este video de vigilancia grabado el martes 7 de noviembre fuera de la casa de Haskell en Tarzana, California. La ominosa escena comienza a las 3:54 PM, con un hombre de camisa blanca, que los testigos han identificado como Haskell, haciendo señas a un camión azul para que se detenga en frente de su casa.

Tres minutos más tarde, se ve a dos hombres arrastrando lo que parece ser una bolsa de basura grande y negra por el camino de entrada que dejan en el pavimento. Luego, a las 15:58, se avista a otros dos hombres cargando una segunda bolsa de basura en el maletero de un camión blanco, a continuación hacen lo mismo con la primera bolsa.

Haskell se aleja del grupo, de vuelta a la entrada, y dos de los hombres se meten en el vehículo azul mientras el camión blanco con las bolsas se aleja.

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Transportando dos bolsas

Haskell, hijo del ex superagente de Hollywood, Sam Haskell Sr., espera siete minutos y luego se aparta en su Tesla blanco a las 4:08 PM, en dirección opuesta al camión.

Los trabajadores contaron a NBC4 en Los Ángeles que solo se alejaron una manzana antes de darse cuenta de que algo no andaba bien. Dicen que Haskell los contrató para mover tres bolsas que, dijo, estaban llenas de rocas, pero los hombres las encontraron blandas y empapadas. Así que pararon para mirar que había dentro y descubrieron partes de un cuerpo humano en una bolsa, incluido un ombligo.

Ahí es donde el video de vigilancia vuelve a registrar, a las 4:15 PM. que el camión blanco regresa en frente de la casa de Haskell, con los hombres devolviendo las bolsas y el dinero a Haskell.

Se puede ver que Haskell se reúne con ellos en la entrada. Tiene las manos extendidas y parece que el dinero es intercambiado. Los trabajadores dicen que le dejaron las tres bolsas y a las 4:17 PM, el camión se fue de nuevo.

A las 16:22, Haskell se fue en su Tesla, pero no se percató que los trabajadores decidieron ir directamente a la policía para informar lo que habían visto.

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Escena macabra

Como informamos, Haskell fue detenido la noche del miércoles 8 de noviembre luego que una persona que vive en la calle descubriera un cuerpo desmembrado en una bolsa, que se fue en un contenedor de basura. El contenedor de basura está a un poco más de 6 millas de distancia de la casa de Haskell.

TMZ ha indagado que después de escuchar a los trabajadores, la policía fue al barrio el martes por la noche para entrevistar a algunos vecinos, a quienes les preguntó si habían visto alguna bolsa de basura en su entrada.

La esposa de Haskell, Mei Haskell, y sus padres están desaparecidos y aunque la policía aún no ha identificado los restos, la teoría operativa es que estos corresponden a Mei y/o sus padres.

La policía dice que encontraron sangre en la casa Haskell y evidencia que les lleva a creer que se cometió un asesinato allí.

El padre de Haskell Jr. fue una vez un importante jugador de Hollywood, representando a celebridades como George Clooney, Dolly Parton, Ray Romano, Kirstie Alley y Tony Danza. Ahora es presidente de Magnolia Hill Productions, que ha producido varios especiales de Navidad de Dolly y películas para televisión.

No está claro si la policía ha visto el video de vigilancia todavía, pero obviamente será una prueba importante.

Haskell Jr. está detenido bajo fianza de 2 millones de dólares.

Nicki Minaj Social Media's Full of False Realities ... Gen Z's Glued to Their Phones!!!

Nicki Minaj is very leery of social media these days and says her heart breaks for the younger generation because their entire lives revolve around being online!!!

The "Pink Friday 2" rapper got into detail about her postpartum life after having her son a few years ago, and admits she sought out other moms through social media for parenting tips ... but, overall, she still thinks the future looks bleak for folks who live on apps.

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Nicki told Vogue, "It’s gotten so easy to be alone physically, where young people spend 12, 16 hours a day in their rooms on their phones, looking at these false realities, comparing themselves."

She went on to mourn some of the younger generation's late rappers ... "I’ve seen artists gone way too soon, and I wonder if that could have been avoided if they’d just had the chance to talk about what they were going through."

Gen Z has seen the deaths of Juice Wrld, Big Scarr and Mac Miller to drug overdoses in the past few years, in addition to losing Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion and King Von to gun violence, and the effects have taken their toll on the culture as it tries to push forward.

Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki interjected in a big social media blowup this week when she convinced Soulja Boy to stop flipping out over J. Cole ... instructing the "Crank Dat" rapper to log off and woosah!!!

A rule she's applies to her own life as well, especially when it comes to politics.

Ever since the White House scolded her for claiming COVID-19 vaccines make your balls blow up, she won't be making any campaign endorsements anytime soon!!!

Nicki Minaj Las redes sociales están repletas de falsas realidades Gen Z pegada a sus teléfonos...

¡¡¡Nicki Minaj está muy recelosa de las redes sociales en estos días y dice que su corazón se rompe por la generación más joven, ya que toda su vida gira en torno a estar en línea!!!

La rapera de "Pink Friday 2" entró en detalles sobre su vida después de tener a su hijo hace unos años, y aunque admite que buscó a otras madres a través de las redes sociales para obtener consejos sobre cómo criar a los hijos... en general, piensa que el futuro se ve sombrío para la gente que vive en esas aplicaciones.

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Nicki le dijo a Vogue: "Se ha vuelto tan fácil estar solo físicamente, los jóvenes pasan 12, 16 horas al día en sus habitaciones, en sus teléfonos, mirando todas esas falsas realidades, comparándose".

Continuó lamentándose por algunos de los últimos raperos de la generación más joven: "He visto artistas que se han ido demasiado pronto, y me pregunto si eso se podría haber evitado si hubieran tenido la oportunidad de hablar de lo que estaban viviendo".

Juice Wrld, Big Scarr y Mac Miller son algunos de los raperos de la generación Z, que han fallecido en los últimos años por sobredosis de drogas, además de Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion y King Von a causa de la violencia armada... y sus consecuencias han pesado en la cultura y sociedad, que intenta seguir adelante.

Crisis superada
Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki intervino en una gran trifulca en las redes sociales esta semana cuando convenció a Soulja Boy para que dejara de pelear con J. Cole, instruyendo al rapero de "Crank Dat" que se desconectara.

Una regla que ella aplica a su propia vida también, sobre todo cuando se trata de política.

Desde que la Casa Blanca la regañó por afirmar que las vacunas COVID-19 hacen que te exploten las pelotas, ¡¡¡no va a hacer ninguna campaña electoral a corto plazo!!!

Human Remains Found Ex-H'wood Agent's Son Arrested for Murder ... Dismembered Body Found in Bag

There's a Hollywood connection to a deeply disturbing crime ... the son of a powerful former Hollywood agent has been booked for murder after a woman's dismembered torso was found in a bag.

LAPD arrested 35-year-old Samuel Haskell Wednesday following the grisly discovery -- the bag containing the female victim's body was in a dumpster in Encino, CA. Haskell's wife, Mei Haskell, and her parents are currently missing. The coroner hasn't identified the victim yet ... but in the meantime, Haskell's being held on $2 million bail.

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Haskell's father, Sam Haskell Sr., is currently the President of Magnolia Hill Productions -- the company behind several Dolly Parton specials -- including "Dolly Parton's Magic Mountain Christmas" and "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors."

Haskell Sr. was once a powerful agent at William Morris Agency ... he retired as an agent in 2005, but during his 27-year-career represented the likes of Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford ... and even King Charles' younger brother, Prince Edward.

As for the criminal investigation into Haskell's son, investigators are currently searching through Junior's Tarzana home where he lived with his wife and her parents Yanxiang Wang and Gaoshen Li.

So far, police say they've found evidence of a crime with blood in the home.

The dismembered torso was reportedly found Wednesday by a homeless person who was sifting through a strip mall dumpster. Haskell Jr. and Mei have 3 kids who are safe in the custody of L.A.'s DCFS.

We've reached out to Haskell Sr. at Magnolia Hill Productions ... so far, no word back.

ARRESTAN AL HIJO DE UN EX AGENTE encuentran cuerpo desmembrado en una bolsa

El hijo de un poderoso ex agente de Hollywood ha sido fichado por asesinato luego de  que un torso desmembrado de una mujer fue encontrado en una bolsa.

La policía de Los Ángeles detuvo el miércoles a Samuel Haskell, de 35 años, tras el espeluznante descubrimiento. La bolsa que contenía el cuerpo de la víctima estaba en un contenedor de basura en Encino, California. La esposa de Haskell, Mei Haskell, y sus padres se encuentran en paradero desconocido. El forense no ha identificado a la víctima todavía, pero mientras tanto, Haskell está detenido bajo fianza de 2 millones de dólares.

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una escena impactante

El padre de Haskell, Sam Haskell Sr., es actualmente el Presidente de Magnolia Hill Productions  —la compañía detrás de varios especiales de Dolly Parton— incluyendo "Dolly Parton's Magic Mountain Christmas" y "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors".

Haskell Sr. fue una vez un poderoso agente de William Morris Agency, se retiró como agente en 2005, pero durante sus 27 años de carrera representó a gente como Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford, e incluso el hermano menor del rey Carlos, el príncipe Eduardo.

En cuanto a la investigación criminal sobre el hijo de Haskell, los investigadores están buscando actualmente a través de la casa de Tarzana de Junior, donde vivía con su esposa y sus padres Yanxiang Wang y Gaoshen Li.

Hasta ahora, la policía dice que han encontrado evidencia de un crimen con sangre en la casa.

Según los informes, el torso desmembrado fue encontrado el miércoles por una persona sin hogar que estaba hurgando en un contenedor de basura de un centro comercial. Haskell Jr. y Mei tienen 3 hijos que están a salvo bajo la custodia del DCFS de Los Ángeles.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Haskell padre en Magnolia Hill Producciones, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

A$AP ROCKY Ex miembro de A$AP Mob testifica ... Con la pistola en el estómago me dijo "voy a matarte"

El excompañero de A$AP Rocky en Mob, quien asegura que Rocky le disparó hace dos años, acaba de testificar que también amenazó con matarlo antes de apretar el gatillo.

Terell Ephron, quien iba como A$AP Relli cuando estaba junto a la cuadrilla de Rocky, subió al estrado el miércoles en una audiencia preliminar para el caso de asalto en Los Ángeles.

Por supuesto, Relli es el testigo clave y supuesta víctima aquí, por lo que fue bajo juramento para explicar lo que ocurrió el 6 de noviembre de 2021. Asegura que su viejo amigo abrió fuego contra él y le golpeó la mano con al menos uno de los disparos.

En la corte, Relli recordó cuando se reunieron por primera vez y cómo se formó A$AP Mob entonces, pero también describió cómo su relación comenzó a deshilacharse cuando la carrera de Rocky se disparó, mientras otros en el grupo fueron dejados un poco de lado.

Relli dice que empezó a resentir Rocky para los movimientos que percibía como deshonesto, como la supuesta promesa de ayudar a mantener la familia de un miembro de A$AP Mob asesinado lo que Rocky nunca hizo, según Relli. La mala sangre supuestamente llegó a un punto crítico esa fatídica noche.

Según Relli, Rocky lo llamó y le preguntó dónde estaba. Acabaron encontrándose en un hotel de Los Ángeles, lo que él pensó que podría ser una buena oportunidad para terminar con sus rencillas. En cambio, Relli afirma que Rocky y algunos matones se abalanzaron sobre él, y las cosas se calentaron.

Relli afirma que se intercambiaron palabras duras. Rocky puso el arma en su estómago, supuestamente diciendo: "Te voy a matar ahora mismo". Relli declaró que Rocky no disparó en ese momento, pero afirma que las balas empezaron a volar poco después de que se separaron.

En ese momento, Relli dice que sintió cómo se le calentaba la mano y supo que le habían dado. Alega que Rocky disparó unas cuatro veces antes de salir corriendo y dejarlo allí en la calle. Relli dice que no fue a la policía hasta el día siguiente por miedo.

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En la escena

Como les contamos, Rocky ya se ha declarado inocente de dos cargos de asalto con un arma de fuego semiautomática. Los policías rodearon su casa el año pasado y llevaron a cabo una redada justo después de que aterrizara en Los Ángeles de un viaje a Barbados en el que estaba con Rihanna.

Rocky también estuvo en el tribunal hoy, y escuchó todo el testimonio de Relli. Fue visto al salir a almorzar durante un descanso. La sesión se reanudará el jueves por la tarde.

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Frente al juez

Hasta ahora no hay señales de Rihanna, por lo que parece que Rocky está lidiando con todo esto solo con sus abogados por el momento.

A$AP Rocky Ex-A$AP Mob Member Testifies ... Gun to My Stomach, He Said 'I'll Kill You'


6:16 PM PT -- Rocky's high-powered attorney, Joe Tacopina, grilled Relli on cross in court today ... and it proved to be a combative back-and-forth that delved into the alleged victim's personal history with Rocky -- including the nitty-gritty of what led to them falling out ... as well as how, exactly, he came to report the alleged crime and when.

The whole purpose of this questioning, it seems, was to get Relli to admit that he seemingly dragged his feet in raising this issue with law enforcement ... with the implication being that he may have had ulterior motives. That's certainly what Tacopina was driving at, anyway.

Relli, meanwhile, reiterated he only waited a bit to report this out of fear of retaliation ... and insisted he was a gunshot victim, period. He also denied trying to extract money out of this situation. Like we said, the exchanges were testy ... and it proved to be heated at times.

Now, a source directly familiar with the proceedings today tells us they feel like Relli got exposed, and that his case likely won't hold up in front of a jury due to inconsistencies addressed in the prelim. Of course, time will tell if that actually comes to pass.

5:10 PM PT -- A$AP Rocky's first day in court for his criminal trial appears to have just wrapped, 'cause the dude just left the building ... and he's looking cool and confident on his way out.


Check out this video of Rocky cruising out of the front doors of the DTLA courthouse he's been in all day ... where one of his former A$AP Mob members testified he shot him 2 years ago. As you can see, AR was in a damn good mood ... signing autographs and smiling wide.

From the looks of it, he's not all that worried about this case ... despite how serious it is.

A$AP Rocky's former fellow Mob member -- who claims Rocky shot him 2 years ago -- just testified Rocky also threatened to kill before pulling the trigger.

Terell Ephron -- who went by A$AP Relli when he was rolling with Rocky's crew -- took the stand Wednesday in a preliminary hearing to AR's assault case in Los Angeles.

Of course, Relli is the key witness/alleged victim here ... so he went under oath to explain what he alleges happened on Nov. 6, 2021 -- which is that his old pal opened fire on him and struck his hand with at least one of the shots.

While in court, Relli recounted how he and Rocky first came together and how A$AP Mob formed back in the day -- but also described how their relationship started to fray when Rocky's career skyrocketed, as others in the group were kinda left behind.

Relli says he began resenting Rocky for moves he perceived as dishonest, such as allegedly promising to help support a slain A$AP Mob member's family ... which Relli claims Rocky never did. All their bad blood allegedly came to a head that fateful night.

According to Relli, Rocky called him and demanded to know where he was, and they ended up meeting at an L.A. hotel -- which he thought might be a chance to squash their beef. Instead, Relli claims Rocky and some goons rolled up on him ... and things got heated, with a gun allegedly being drawn.

Relli claims harsh words were exchanged, and Rocky put the gun to his stomach ... allegedly saying, "I'll kill you right now." Relli testified Rocky didn't shoot right then and there, but claims the bullets started flying shortly thereafter as they separated.

At that point, Relli says he felt his hand get hot and knew he'd been hit ... and alleges Rocky fired around 4 times before taking off running and leaving him there on the street. Relli says he didn't go to cops until a full day later out of fear.

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As we told you ... Rocky has already pleaded not guilty to 2 counts of assault with a semi-automatic firearm. Cops swarmed his pad last year and conducted a raid right after he landed back in L.A. from a Barbados trip he was on with Rihanna.

Rocky himself is in court today and heard all of Relli's testimony -- he was seen stepping outside during a lunch break ... and they're set to resume the hearing on November 20.

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No sign of RiRi anywhere ... looks like Rocky's dealing with all this with just his lawyers at the moment.

Originally Published -- 2:15 PM PT

EX-MMA FIGHTER 'CHOKED OUT' KNIFE-WIELDING ATTACKER ... Urged to Teach Self-Defense Amid Viral Fame


Ex-MMA fighter Javier Baez didn't just body slam a crazed knife-wielding assailant; he also "choked him out" ... telling TMZ his 15 years of pro training finally came in handy in the streets.

As we reported, the shocking clip making the rounds online shows Javier's attacker, Omar Marrero, didn't stand a fighting chance when he charged ... even though he had a 14-inch knife in his hand.

Javier tells us it all started while he was minding his biz, sitting in his car and talking to his fiancee -- he says that's when Marrero banged on his car window, shattering it.

Javier Baez
Muscle memory

He told Marrero to beat it, and warned he was going to call the police, but Omar brandished the giant knife -- and while some people would've driven off at that point, Javier stepped out of his car and the fight was on!

As you've seen, Javier body slammed Marrero to the ground, but what's harder to see is that he also blocked the knife by applying a chokehold ... which made the assailant pass out.

He then called the cops, and Marrero woke up with Javier's foot on his back.

With his amazing piece of ass-kicking going viral, Javier says he's getting a slew of calls from folks who want to hire him for personal and self-defense training.

As for Marrero, he was arrested and charged with several felonies, including aggravated battery -- not to mention the ass-whupping he won't soon forget.

Wild Knife Attack Ex-MMA Fighter Body Slams Assailant In Miami ... Caught On Video!!!!

Javier Baez
Muscle memory

A former MMA fighter used his combat skills to open a can of whoop-ass on a knife-wielding assailant in self-defense... and the dramatic scene was caught on video.

Javier Baez drove back to his Miami apartment complex after a night out on Halloween ... and spotted Omar Marrero screaming and brandishing a knife in the parking lot, according to WPLG News.

After Baez parked his car, Marrero reportedly walked over and started hitting his window with the knife.

Marrero then opened the driver's side door and tried to slash Baez, who got out to dial down the escalating tension.

But it didn't work ... Marrero kept swinging the knife at Baez and retrieved a second blade from his vehicle nearby.

Baez wasn't intimidated, though, reverting back to his days as a mixed martial arts fighter and making quick work of Marrero.

Check out the video ... Holding one of the knives, Marrero charges at Baez, who lifts him up and body slams him to the ground. Baez then disarms Marrero and puts him in a chokehold.

Baez later told a WPLG reporter, "Once I started putting the choke in, he kind of just let it go because no one is worried about anything else but breathing when you’re losing air."

Baez added, "I was able to hold him down with my knee and call the cops, and he woke up, cops came, and it was good, easy peasy!"

Police arrested Marrero, who was charged with several felonies, including aggravated battery.

Gal Gadot PROYECCIÓN DE IMÁGENES SIN EDITAR DE HAMÁS... Es aplastada por una organización judía

Gal Gadot planea organizar una proyección de casi una hora de la brutalidad cometida por Hamás en Israel, pero está siendo criticada por una organización judía en Estados Unidos.

Se dice que la actriz israelí le está dando una mano al director Guy Nattiv en la emisión de una película de aproximadamente 45 minutos, llamada "Bearing Witness", que fue originalmente compilada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y muestra imágenes gráficas de lo ocurrido el pasado 7 de octubre.

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Secuestrados en Israel

El objetivo de todo esto es mostrar lo que realmente sucedió ese día. Esto, en medio de un montón de escépticos que están alegando que Israel está plantando banderas falsas para justificar sus represalias en Gaza. Los informes de bebés israelíes decapitados, por ejemplo, han sido objeto de escrutinio.

Por supuesto, esto ocurre un mes después del ataque inicial y desde entonces, Israel parece haber perdido algo de apoyo público a medida que continúa su campaña en Gaza. Eso se avecina aquí, también.

La primera proyección de "Bearing Witness" está prevista para esta semana en un lugar no revelado y, según los informes, se ha invitado a más de 120 personas. Se proyectará primero en Los Ángeles y en función de la acogida es posible que haya más proyecciones en el futuro.

En términos de reacción a esto, ha habido una gran cantidad de reacciones negativas de los partidarios pro-Palestina, pero curiosamente también está recibiendo críticas de una organización activista llamada Voz Judía por la Paz que, por cierto, se describe a sí misma como anti-sionista.

Su capítulo de Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que consideran que esta proyección es un "evento de propaganda", y que simplemente no muestra una imagen completa de esta guerra, incluyendo lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo en Palestina. Es decir, miles de civiles inocentes que mueren en el fuego cruzado.

JVFP-LA dice que este tipo de material solo sirve para "[avivar] las llamas de la guerra y el genocidio", añadiendo que Israel está socavando su propia misión de tratar de salvar a los rehenes que aún están en poder de Hamás a través de sus tácticas brutales. En otras palabras, no están de acuerdo con Gal y compañía.

Haciéndose eco de ese sentimiento, hay otra organización llamada Alianza para la Paz (ALLMEP) en Oriente Medio, que nos dice: "Ha habido una negación y ofuscación muy preocupantes de los terribles crímenes cometidos el 7 de octubre. Es comprensible que se quiera evitar que esa negación se generalice. Sin embargo, esto debe equilibrarse con el hecho de que estamos tratando con personas cada vez más traumatizadas -tanto en la región como en todo el mundo- que han estado expuestas a imágenes, tanto de los ataques en Israel como ahora de los ataques aéreos en Gaza, que no pueden dejar de ver".

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Emboscada en un Kibutz

Y añaden: "Esto es especialmente preocupante para los niños y los jóvenes. ALLMEP centra sus esfuerzos en reparar las relaciones entre israelíes y palestinos y promover la paz. Que es, en última instancia, como podemos evitar que escenas espeluznantes como estas se vuelvan a repetir".

Otras fuentes de la organización nos dicen que creen que el gobierno israelí está utilizando a Gal, y un ex soldado de las FDI, para impulsar su agenda, con la esperanza de utilizar sus contactos en Hollywood para difundir su mensaje y así ganar una "guerra por poderes" en el tribunal de la opinión pública.

Se nos dice que ALLMEP reconoce las atrocidades cometidas por Hamás el 7 de octubre, pero dice que la verdadera solución para poner fin a la violencia radica en mostrar el derramamiento de sangre en todo su alcance, tanto de Israel como de Gaza. Dicho todo esto, la postura de Israel ha sido clara en todo momento: sus ciudadanos fueron masacrados y hacer pagar a Hamás con un método quirúrgico es prácticamente imposible.

Israel ha dicho que hace todo lo posible por evitar la muerte de víctimas civiles en Gaza, y ha emitido amplias advertencias sobre los ataques aéreos. El tiempo dirá cómo ven la película quienes lo observan desde fuera.

Gal Gadot Screening of Raw Hamas Footage ... Slammed by Jewish Org

Gal Gadot plans to host a screening this week that'll show off nearly an hour of nonstop carnage undertaken by Hamas in Israel ... but it's being slammed by a Jewish org in the U.S.

The Israeli actress is said to be lending a hand to director Guy Nattiv in airing a roughly 45-minute film, of sorts, called "Bearing Witness" -- originally compiled by the Israeli Defense Forces ... and which depicts graphic footage and images of Hamas' Oct. 7 rampage.

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The whole point of this is to showcase what really happened there that day -- this amid a lot of skeptics and others who've alleged Israel is planting false flags to justify their retaliation in Gaza. Reports of beheaded Israeli babies, for instance, have been scrutinized.

Of course, it comes a month after the initial attack ... and since then, Israel seems to have lost some public support as its campaign in Gaza continues. That's looming here, too.

The first screening of "Bearing Witness" is supposed to go down sometime this week at an undisclosed location -- and according to reports, upwards of 120 people have been invited. L.A. is first, and based on the reception ... more screenings might happen down the line.

In terms of reaction to this ... there's been a lot of pushback from pro-Palestine supporters -- but interestingly enough ... she's also catching flak from an activist organization called Jewish Voice for Peace ...which, FWIW, pegs itself as anti-Zionist.

Its L.A. chapter tells TMZ ... they consider this screening to be a "propaganda event," going on to say it simply won't tell the full picture of this war -- including what's happening right now in Palestine ... namely, thousands of innocent civilians being killed in the crossfire.

JVFP-LA says this type of material only serves to "[fan] the flames of war and genocide" ... adding, Israel is undermining its own mission of trying to save hostages still being held by Hamas through their brutal tactics. In other words ... they're not on board with Gal and co.

Echoing that sentiment is another org called Alliance for Middle East Peace, which tells us ... "There has been some very disturbing denial and obfuscation of the terrible crimes committed on October 7th. It is understandable that there would be a wish to prevent that denial from becoming more widespread. However, this needs to be balanced by the fact that we are dealing with increasingly traumatized people -- both in the region and around the world -- who have been exposed to images, both in the attacks in Israel and now the airstrikes in Gaza, that they cannot unsee."

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They add, "This is particularly worrying for children and young people. ALLMEP is focusing efforts on repairing relations between Israelis and Palestinians and furthering peace. Which is ultimately how we can prevent shocking scenes such as these from ever occurring again."

Other org sources tell us they believe Gal -- an ex-IDF soldier herself -- is being used by the Israeli government to push an agenda -- hoping to use her Hollywood connections to spread their message in hopes of winning a "proxy war" in the court of public opinion.

Israel has said they do their best to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza -- and have issued ample warnings about airstrikes. Time will tell how the movie lands on those who watch.

Rick Ross Ankle Monitor Beepin' at White House Brings Me Tears of Joy Now!!! 😂

Rick Ross is looking back at the infamous moment his ankle monitor sounded while meeting with President Obama inside the White House -- and, now at least, it brings him nothing but LOLs!!!

Complex's Speedy Mormon asked Rozay to detail the embarrassing moment during his co-interview with Meek Mill to promote their joint album ... and he recalled trying to maneuver around D.C. in spite of being on house arrest at the time.

We broke the story back in 2016 ... Ross was among the hip hop heavyhitters invited to the WH for Obama's Brother's Keeper youth initiative when the ankle monitor went off. He'd been fitted with the device after his 2015 arrest for aggravated assault and aggravated battery.

Rozay remembers hearing the thing beeping outta control, and says he slumped in his seat hoping no one would notice -- but, it's totally the Secret Service's job to notice. He says agents sprung into action seeking out the source of the noise.

Obama totally heard the ankle monitor and commented, but the MMG rapper won't spill the deets on what was said. Although, he seems to think Busta Rhymes, who was also there, will!!!

Also in attendance were J. Cole, Wale, Chance The Rapper, DJ Khaled, as well as Nicki Minaj, who was dating Meek at the time.

Meek says he was also on house arrest at the time ... and learned of the incident after Nicki came home cussing him out that he wasn't capitalizing off the moment.

That story alone was enough to push Ross over the edge to tears!!!

Boxing Star Jared Anderson Arrested In Ohio Booked On Gun, OVI Charge

Heavyweight boxing star Jared "Big Baby" Anderson -- who Tyson Fury calls a future champ -- was arrested Monday in Ohio after cops say he was driving under the influence with a gun in his car.

Oregon (OH) Police Department tells TMZ Sports the arrest occurred a little after 1 AM after an officer allegedly saw Anderson driving his '23 Dodge Charger 55 in a 40 MPH zone, and initially pulled him over for speeding.

During the stop, the cop says he smelled "the faint odor of burnt marijuana," as well as alcohol on Anderson's breath. The officer also allegedly spotted an opened bottle of Don Julio tequila.

OPD says they observed Anderson's eyes, which were allegedly "bloodshot and glassy," so they administered a blood alcohol content test which came up .038, under the legal limit (.08).

As part of the stop, officers also conducted a search of his vehicle ... and located a firearm in the glovebox.

According to Lucas County jail records, the 23-year-old was booked on two charges ... improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly transporting under the influence, and operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI).

OVI can be used to charge a person operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The news comes just days after Fury praised the 16-0 (15 KOs) fighter, calling Anderson the next star of the heavyweight division.

"Jared's the man. This is the future champ," Fury said ahead of his bout with Francis Ngannou.

"I said it three years ago. This is the heir to the throne.”

Anderson started boxing as a teenager and has won several championships ... from the Elite National Championships to the National Golden Gloves.

He last fought Andrii Rudenko in August ... a fight Jared won by TKO.

Dee-1 Vs. Rick Ross Older Rappers Need To Stop Glorifying Murder ... Rozay Says He's A Philanthropist

Dee-1 and Rick Ross have been engaged in a war of words on IG for days ... all stemming from Dee's open disapproval of Rozay's new "Shaq & Kobe" collab with Meek Mill.


The "Uno" rapper recently appeared on Sway's Universe ... where Dee called out Ross, Meek and Jim Jones for still glorifying killing people in their music after so many hip hop artists have been slain.

Sway's Universe / Sirius XM

Dee lumped Meek, Jim and Rozay into a category he calls "DGs" -- aka disappointing grown-ups, and told a story of how he once spearheaded a shoe giveaway in his New Orleans hometown for Meek's Reform Alliance ... speaking to the movement's strength.

Meek claimed 1st Amendment for his part but Ross didn't take too kindly and dissed Dee for questioning his place in the community, citing his Thanksgiving turkey drives and other contributions for 20 straight years across Miami-Dade!!!


Dee took Ross' "baskethead" snipes in stride but explained to the MMG rapper he was actually criticizing his status as a Hip Hop OG who's still detailing graphic murders like he did on the "Shaq & Kobe" track.

Dee also explained to Rozay that he wasn't clout-chasing ... he's collaborated with several of Rozay's peers and has a long track record of giving back himself, although that wasn't the point of the debate.

Several of their peers were also watching the debate from the sidelines ... Teddy Riley's calling it game, set, match in favor of Dee. 👀

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