Walter Wallace Shooting 'White Racist Cops Got My Dad' ... Son, Family Call For Justice

FOX 29

Walter Wallace Jr.'s family is speaking out over his fatal shooting at the hands of police in West Philadelphia ... and one of his sons is blaming it on racism.

Walter's mother and children just broke their silence after a night of violence in that city in the wake of Monday's fatal shooting. Speaking to reporters, his oldest son choked back tears trying to explain what his father meant to him.

Then he claimed it all boiled down to race -- accusing "white racist cops" of shooting his father, and raising his fist to declare "Black lives matter."


As we reported ... Walter was shot by cops at least 10 times, according to Walter's father. Police say Walter was wielding a knife, which seems evident in graphic video of the incident.


Walter's mother denounced the looting going on in the city and called for justice. She also claimed police were aware of Walter's mental health issues, and ignored her pleas not to shoot.

Philadelphia Protests Violence Over Fatal Police Shooting ... 30 Cops Injured, 1 Hit by Truck

The police killing of a 27-year-old black man wielding a knife in West Philadelphia set off severe unrest in the city ... and escalated to extreme violence and chaos.

At least 30 Philly police officers were injured overnight and 33 people were arrested for rioting, vandalism and looting. A 56-year-old female sergeant suffered a broken leg and other injuries when she was struck by a pickup truck.


Philadelphia PD says she's hospitalized in stable condition, and the other 29 officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries from being hit by bricks or rocks thrown at them. Cops say multiple businesses were looted and damaged, and 5 police vehicles -- along with one fire vehicle -- were vandalized.

Protesters first clashed with cops outside a police precinct as tensions rose over the fatal shooting of Walter Wallace. Around 2:45 PM Monday, cops responded to a call of a man with a weapon.

The officers discovered Wallace brandishing a knife and acting erratically, according to Philadelphia Police Chief Eric Gripp. Footage of the incident shows Wallace walking around a parked car as the officers back away with their guns pointed at him.


Wallace appeared to move toward them and they opened fire, taking him down instantly. He was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Gripp says the officers ordered Wallace to drop his weapon multiple times to no avail ... which you can hear on the video. One witness, Maurice Holoway, says several people were yelling for him to drop the knife, but Holoway told reporters he also thinks cops could have shot him in the leg instead of shooting to kill.

Wallace's father, Walter Wallace Sr., says his son was shot at least 10 times. He told reporters his son had mental health issues and was on medication, and questioned why he had to be gunned down instead of police using non-lethal force.

Both the mayor and the police commissioner say an investigation will address what happened.

Trump Supporter Pulls Gun, Points It at Protesters ... After Liquid's Dumped on Him

TMX News

A Trump supporter was caught on camera pulling a gun on a group of protesters after getting splashed with some gunk -- and now, cops are on the hunt for the gunk-hurler ... seriously.

Check out this video that was posted this weekend from out in Woodinville, WA -- just north of Kirkland. In the clip, you see a man -- who was reportedly wearing a pro-Trump cap -- waving a gun at a group of what appear to be mostly young, female demonstrators.

As soon as the pistol comes out, the person filming immediately notices and calls it out ... while at the same time demanding to get his name, as well as the names of the people he seemed to be rolling with, who also looked like Trump supporters from their getups.

Eventually, he's walked back by one of his friends ... and the gun goes back to wherever he pulled it from. The woman berates him for threatening violence, and his excuse is ... you guys dumped something on me. The lady claims it's just water and calls him a snowflake.

Cops were called, and after interviewing witnesses, we're told it was relayed like this ... 2 groups were protesting -- pro-Trumpers and anti-Trumpers -- and at some point, this fella gets liquid tossed on him with a 5-gallon bucket by an unknown assailant, who fled by foot.

Unclear what the liquid was -- the dude claims it was a mix of spit and piss ... but officers haven't determined exactly what was inside. In any case, when they arrived, the gun-puller remained on the scene and cooperated with authorities. He was NOT arrested or cited.

Here's the kicker ... cops tell us they're still looking for the alleged bucket bandit, whose act appears not to have been captured on tape. Brave new world, ain't it?

Washington Walmart Road Rage Incident Ends in Gunfire


A road rage incident turned potentially deadly when one of the idiots pulled out a gun and fired at the other idiot ... and it was all captured on video.

It went down Friday at a Walmart in Bonney Lake, Washington. The video begins mid-rage when the guy gets violently thrown to the ground. He's able to stand and unsteadily walks to his car, where he grabs what looks like a weapon.

The other driver leaves, and the guy delivers a parting shot by slamming his hand on the back of the car.

The other jerk actually drives back for more, and then the guy with the gun -- who's covered in blood -- starts shooting. It looks like he's shooting at the tires, but who knows.

The person shooting the video understandably freaks out. Both drivers fled before cops arrived. Cops were able to find both men and they were taken into custody. One of them was taken to the hospital with non-serious injuries ... apparently the result of the physical altercation and not the shooting.

Sen. Chuck Schumer Let Voters Rock Candidate Tees ... But Guns at Polls Are a 'Very Bad Idea!!!'


Sen. Chuck Schumer is weighing in on an odd fact about most polling places in America -- where you cannot wear clothing with a candidate's face or name, but CAN carry a firearm.

The Senate Minority Leader was heading to his ride Thursday on Capitol Hill when we asked him about the rule banning voters from wearing t-shirts or caps hyping their candidate when they go to cast their vote.

In theory, it's about not coercing others to vote for your candidate ... but when we asked Sen. Schumer he seems to think t-shirts are harmless when it comes to the election process.

On the other voter intimidation hand ... there are guns. You might be surprised to know it's perfectly legal to bring your legally registered firearm to the polls. According to the L.A. Times, only a dozen states have banned guns where you vote.

We raised that with Schumer too, and again ... he answered quickly, but much differently from the t-shirt question.

If you're curious ... California, Florida, Arizona and Georgia are among the states that have outlawed guns at voting sites.

In Michigan, an open-carry state, they've enacted a temporary ban on firearms at polling places. Remember, we've already seen citizens armed to the teeth this year in Michigan's Capitol during protests ... not to mention the foiled plot to kidnap Gov. Meg Whitmer.

Even if you do live in an open-carry state it's not a guarantee guns are okay when you cast your ballot ... especially if you're voting somewhere like a school.

As they say, check your local laws.

Joe Biden Possible Assassination Plot ... By N.C. Man Arrested with Guns, Explosives

A North Carolina man may have been plotting the assassination of Joe Biden and showed an alarming fascination with domestic terrorism ... this according to the FBI.

The feds filed legal docs detailing why Alexander Hillel Treisman -- who was originally arrested back in May on child pornography charges -- should remain locked up pending trial. Among the reasons the FBI wants to keep him behind bars ... a possible plot to assassinate the Democratic Presidential nominee.

The feds claim Treisman posted a meme on social media -- asking if he should kill Biden. The feds say he had planned on traveling to a Wendy's that's 4 miles from Biden's home. The feds claim they also found a checklist that ended with the word "execute."

And, then there's this ... in docs, obtained by TMZ, the feds say back in May they found Treisman's van filled with guns and explosives ... from an AR-15 style rifle and a Taurus .380 caliber handgun to a canister of the explosive material Tannerite. What's more ... the feds say Treisman had $509k in U.S. currency, books about survival and bomb-making and drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings.

The feds also say they uncovered driver's licenses from 3 different states. According to docs ... Treisman's Internet searches between March and May 2020 also included information about Biden's home address and night-vision goggles, among other things.

And, if that's not terrifying enough ... the feds allege they found an October 2019 note created on Treisman's Samsung cell phone about a plan to carry out a mass shooting at a mall food court on Christmas Day or Black Friday.

The feds filed the order as reasons why Treisman should remain behind bars pending his trial on child pornography charges.

Breonna Taylor Case Officer Shot in Raid Gives His Side ... This Isn't a 'Race Thing' Like Floyd, Arbery Killings


The officer who was shot on the night cops busted into Breonna Taylor's apartment and fatally shot her says he and his fellow cops were just doing their job ... and he's frustrated the case has been compared to the killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery.

Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly was shot in the leg during the raid on March 13, and he's giving his account to Michael Strahan on "Good Morning America" of what went down before Taylor was killed ... claiming he wants to clear up all the disinformation out there.

For starters, Mattingly describes how he banged on the door and insists that he -- along with several other officers -- announced their presence before entering. This is the key to the case, because if the police didn't announce themselves, they would not be entitled to use self-defense once inside. Mattingly insists they repeatedly said "Police, search warrant, open the door." He says they banged 6 times and repeated their announcement.

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This, of course, contradicts what Breonna's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, claims ... as well as several neighbors. Mattingly says the neighbors have to be discounted, because they said they didn't even hear banging on the door, and Walker acknowledges he heard it.

Though Mattingly concedes Walker and Taylor may not have heard them, he refutes that Walker only fired a warning shot at the cops after they busted the door open. He says Walker had a gun pointed right at him ... and fired 4 times, hitting him once.

When Strahan presses Mattingly on whether things would have been different if the cops involved had body cams, Mattingly says yes ... because it would have shown they did nothing wrong ... and nobody would even know about Breonna Taylor.

The sergeant does suggest they could have done something different to avoid the tragedy, though -- bust in right away next time, thus preventing the people inside from grabbing a gun.

Finally ... Mattingly insists Breonna's death did not involve race, adding the case is nothing like what happened to George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery. He clearly feels he and his fellow officers have received unfair treatment from the public at large ... and says he's a victim too.

Mattingly makes a point to say what happened to Floyd was horrible, but goes on to mention Floyd may have died of an overdose and adds that he wasn't a model citizen. These statements clearly seem to upset Strahan ... especially on the heels of Mattingly insisting he's not racist.

Young Buck GF Allegedly Fired Gun During Spat


12:40 PM PT -- Young Buck's girlfriend admitted to cops she fired at least 2 shots during an argument with Buck that ignited over social media passwords ... according to the police affidavit.


The officer says Buck’s girlfriend, Lucresia Neal, told him Young Buck flipped over a large glass table in the home during the fight and grabbed her by her jacket and tried to throw her to the ground.


She told cops she escaped his grasp and went to the bedroom, where she retrieved a handgun from a gun safe.


Neal told police Young Buck ran into the room and she pointed the gun at the ground. She claims Buck saw the firearm and went down to the garage, where he started kicking a wall.


According to cops, Neal claims she went down to the garage, stood at the top step and Young Buck started to come up the stairs aggressively.


Neal told police she then fired a shot into the ground at the top of the stairs, and Buck started yelling at her to shoot him before jumping in his truck.


Next, Neal told cops she went outside to see if Young Buck had left, but he was still there and he revved the truck and started driving towards her.


Police say Neal claims she fired another shot outside and didn't think she hit anyone and insisted she wasn't trying to shoot Buck.


When the dust settled ... Neal told cops the damage to the home included 2 damaged TVs, paint thrown all over the bedroom, living room and foyer, plus a broken glass table.

Young Buck might have dodged a bullet ... we've learned his girlfriend got busted by cops after allegedly firing a gun while squaring off with him.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the G-Unit rapper and his girlfriend were involved in a domestic incident Tuesday at a home in Tennessee, and at some point, she allegedly picked up a firearm and let off a few rounds.

As you can see, an image captured by someone who says they witnessed the incident appears to show Young Buck's girlfriend pointing a gun toward his truck at the foot of the driveway.

Our sources say it's unclear if anyone was struck by gunfire or where the girlfriend was aiming. We're told she was arrested and booked her for reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon.

We reached out to Young Buck, who had no comment.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

Tory Lanez I'm Innocent & Still Friends With Meg ... But She Calls Him 'Crazy'


Tory Lanez says he still considers Megan Thee Stallion a friend despite her claim he shot her ... but Meg doesn't sound too friendly.

The rapper proclaimed his innocence for the first time on video Tuesday, hopping on Instagram Live to defend himself against Megan's accusations, and he really raised eyebrows when he said, in his book, they're still pals.

The friendship sounds like news to Meg ... she says Tory is "genuinely crazy."

It's not like they can hang out as friends anymore anyways ... Tory was ordered to stay the hell away from MTS after a hearing on his felony assault charge in connection with the shooting.

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Tory's now calling the shooting a "debacle" and says the only people who really know what happened are him and Meg. Seems he's forgetting Meg's friend and his chauffeur were also there when a gun went off during an argument.

Tory says he's not talking down to Meg or disrespecting her, but says he's tired of his name and character being assassinated for something he "did not do."

Jacksonville, FL Deadly Shooting at Youth Football Game ... 7-Year-Old Hit, Father Killed

Darnell CoachDee Dorsey/Facebook

Cops are on the hunt for the person who opened fire at a youth football game in Jacksonville -- killing a 27-year-old man and wounding his 7-year-old son.

Video shows the moment the shooting took place Sunday at the football fields next to Arlington Heights Elementary School.

The footage does NOT show either of the victims.

You can see dozens of children playing football while their families watch -- and then all of the sudden, 4 gunshots ring out.

Cops describe the shooter as a man wearing a hoodie and a mask -- who jumped out of a grey SUV and fired the shots, before jumping back in the vehicle and driving away.

Officials believe it was NOT a random shooting -- they believe the 27-year-old victim was targeted.

During the shooting, most of the football players dropped to the ground to avoid being hit. Moments later, everyone on the field took off running, trying desperately to leave the area.

When the dust settled cops say the 27-year-old victim was killed in the attack -- and a 7-year-old boy (believed to be his son) was also shot, but he's expected to recover.

Officials are still looking for the suspect -- and they're asking anyone with information to reach out to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office at (904) 630-0500 or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-866-845-TIPS (8477) to remain anonymous.

2020 Election, Violence, Kidnapping Plots Huge Spike in Gun Sales in Michigan

Folks in Michigan are panicking and rushing to stock up on guns ... and it's not just 2nd Amendment enthusiasts ... it's all sorts of folks who are scared stiff over the prospect of violence on the heels of the election.

Gun and ammo stores across Michigan are seeing a huge surge in folks trying to buy firearms, and it became all too real when their Governor became the target of a plot to kidnap and possibly kill her. But, the reality is ... tensions have been brewing all year, and around people are arming themselves.

Sue Sizemore, store manager of Recoil Firearms in Taylor, MI, tells TMZ ... her shop is seeing guns fly off the shelves, and they've already sold out of Glocks, AKs, semiautomatic pistols and ARs.

Sizemore says 75% of her customers in the past 2 weeks are first-time gun buyers, and lots of folks are coming in scared Joe Biden's going to restrict the 2nd Amendment and defund police departments in the suburbs if elected.

Meanwhile in Niles, On Sight Armory manager Kyle Giddings tells us firearm sales are higher than at any point over the last 5 years, and the difference he sees is Democrats buying guns.

Giddings, who says his clientele usually skews conservative, tells us customers are scared from what they're seeing on the news -- he says tons of single mothers are coming in looking to buy guns -- and the store's sold out of handguns.

Over at M.R. Guns in Cheboygan, the manager, Ron, tells TMZ ... folks are stocking up on guns and ammo because they're scared a Biden administration could take firearms away. Ron says customers are looking to buy in hopes of a potential grandfather clause under such a scenario.

The demand is so high, Ron tells us M.R. Guns recently had its inventory wiped out. He's still fielding calls daily from interested buyers, but has nothing to sell.

And, at Buck Shots Firearms in Perry, the manager, Bryan, says his store is extra busy because of hunting season and the election. Bryan tells us he's bracing for another sales surge if Biden's elected, based on what customers are saying.

Buck Shots previously saw a run on guns at the start of the pandemic, Bryan says, and he's anticipating folks to stockpile again after election day.

Michigan is not an outlier ... 110,000 Californians have bought guns since March -- that's a huge number.

It's been a big year for firearm sales across the country ... as we first told you, the civil unrest triggered by George Floyd's killing and the Jacob Blake shooting resulted in lines around the block at L.A. gun stores and a run on guns in the Midwest.

Lil Xan Sued For Pulling Gun on Man ... During Altercation Over Tupac

Lil Xan's gas station blow-up -- after a guy apparently called him out for disrespecting Tupac -- might cost him ... 'cause the rapper's being sued for pulling a gun.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ -- Anthony Sanchez is going after Lil Xan for their June 7, 2019 altercation at an L.A. 7-Eleven ... the tail end of which Sanchez recorded video.

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Sanchez claims he asked the rapper about a controversial comment he'd made, calling Tupac's music "boring" -- and says Xan pulled a gun out and pointed it at him.

In the lawsuit, Sanchez says he backed away and began recording the incident, and says the rapper continued to wave the gun around ... taking his finger on and off the trigger. Sanchez says he feared for his life.

The video shows Sanchez called Lil Xan a "bitch" a few times before Xan brandished what at least looks very much like a gun. According to the suit, Xan also threw his cup out of the window as he drove away and hit Sanchez ... which seems pretty trivial after the whole gun stuff.

Sanchez claims he suffered severe emotional distress, and he's suing for assault and battery as well.

At the time of the incident, Lil Xan posted on social media that he only pulled out the gun to protect himself from an attack. We've reached out to about the lawsuit ... no word back so far.

Lil Uzi Vert Cops Break Up Paintball War in Philly ... Allegedly Fired at Cars


9:10 AM PT -- Uzi was not ticketed. Although he was clearly part of the paintball mayhem, he apparently had left the area by the time officers arrived. Cops cited his friends, but not him.

Lil Uzi Vert took a paintball match to the streets of his hometown, but the fun didn't last long -- cops ended up busting his friends.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the Philly-based rapper's pals were detained and cited Tuesday night after reports came in about them firing what appeared to be real guns out the window of a vehicle near N. Philadelphia.

We're told officers eventually found the car in question and searched it ... recovering 7 different paintball guns.


They kinda brought this on themselves via social media. Uzi himself documented the paintball war with his buddies on his own IG Live. Somebody captured the footage and posted it on YouTube afterward, and you actually see the dude firing.

The equipment he's using seems to be pretty advanced -- almost like, well, an Uzi-style paintball gun that can shoot several rounds at once. In Uzi's clip, you can even see some of the damage he or one of his friends did on the side of a nearby SUV ... lit it up pretty good.

At one point, Uzi discusses someone getting "the law" involved -- but he laughs it off, claiming he's the law around those parts.

Not last night! Uzi and co. were all released after getting tickets.

Originally Published -- 7:50 AM PT

Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend I'm 'Million Percent Sure' Cops Didn't ID Themselves

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Kenneth Walker says he and Breonna Taylor were watching a movie when they heard a loud bang at the door, and despite asking who it was they never got an answer ... until the door blasted open and bullets started flying.

Breonna's boyfriend gave his firsthand account of her fatal shooting by police on "CBS This Morning," telling Gayle King he's "a million percent sure" cops didn't announce themselves ... and insisting he and Breonna would have opened up if they would have, because they had nothing to hide.

Instead, Walker says they were scared and he thought it was a break-in, so he grabbed his gun and claims he fired one warning shot to scare off a possible burglar.

As we know, the cops responded by firing more than 30 bullets into the apartment -- 5 of which hit Breonna. Walker says he's never heard so much gunfire and compared it to war, and says he tried to pull Breonna down but she was scared ... and he knew she was hit when he heard her scream.

Walker says after the shooting stopped, cops didn't enter the apartment and he still didn't know who it was. He claims he called his mom, who told him to call 911. He tells King, "If I knew who it was, I would have said the police. I wouldn't have called the police on the police."

Walker says when he went outside he told one officer he was not hit by the gunshots, and he claims the officer replied ... "that's unfortunate."

He also says the way cops were treating him changed drastically from the time he was arrested to a few hours later -- when they were being nice to him and tried to explain to him a "little bit of miscommunication" that resulted in the raid at Breonna's apartment.

Despite all that ... Walker claims nobody told him directly that Breonna died, and he had to find out on the news.

As we've reported ... none of the officers involved in Breonna's death were charged for it. Former officer Brett Hankison was only charged with wanton endangerment for firing into a neighboring apartment.

Tory Lanez Judge Orders Him in Court Hearing ... Stay Away from Megan!!!


10:48 AM PT -- The judge also ordered Tory must surrender any guns he owns.

Tory Lanez has just been ordered to stay the hell away from Megan Thee Stallion after a hearing for his felony assault charge.

Tory appeared by phone for Tuesday's hearing in L.A. County court for what was supposed to be his arraignment ... but his attorney, Shawn Holley, requested a continuance. It was granted so he did not enter a plea. The judge, however, issued a protective order against Tory ... and now he's gotta stay at least 100 yards away from MTS, and not contact her.

His bail was set at $190k ... which he'll be posting via a bondsman present at the hearing. The hearing comes on the same day MTS wrote an op-ed for The New York Times on why she speaks up for Black women, saying she's not afraid of criticism and being adamant that saying "protect Black women" should NOT be a controversial topic.

She also addressed the Tory Lanez case, saying, "I was recently the victim of an act of violence by a man. After a party, I was shot twice as I walked away from him. We were not in a relationship. Truthfully, I was shocked that I ended up in that place."

Meg added, "My initial silence about what happened was out of fear for myself and my friends. Even as a victim, I have been met with skepticism and judgment. The way people have publicly questioned and debated whether I played a role in my own violent assault proves that my fears about discussing what happened were, unfortunately, warranted."

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As we reported ... The L.A. County D.A.'s Office slapped him with 1 count of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and 1 count of carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. The D.A. also alleges Tory inflicted great bodily injury on Megan.

If convicted, the rapper/singer faces up to 22 years and 8 months in prison.

Tory defended himself publicly last week and said he deserves his day in court. As we told you ... the rapper broke his silence Friday morning and reminded fans the "charge is not a conviction."

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT

Blac Youngsta Busted Again on Weapon Charge ... This Time in Dallas

Blac Youngsta allegedly can't keep his hands off some serious firepower ... 'cause he just got busted AGAIN on a weapons charge.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the Memphis MC was busted early Sunday around 2:40 AM when cops pulled over the car he was riding in after it made an illegal turn. We're told Blac Youngsta was riding shotgun and during the traffic stop, cops say they found a handgun between his legs.

Youngsta was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. He was taken to jail and hours later posted cash bond. The arrest comes a little over a year after the 30-year-old rapper was arrested in Houston ... after cops said the rapper was carrying prohibited ammo when they pulled over a car in which he was -- AGAIN -- a passenger.

According to the police report, 2 fully loaded semi-automatic pistols were inside a Louis Vuitton bag Youngsta claimed was his during that September 2019 arrest.