EX-MMA FIGHTER 'CHOKED OUT' KNIFE-WIELDING ATTACKER ... Urged to Teach Self-Defense Amid Viral Fame


Ex-MMA fighter Javier Baez didn't just body slam a crazed knife-wielding assailant; he also "choked him out" ... telling TMZ his 15 years of pro training finally came in handy in the streets.

As we reported, the shocking clip making the rounds online shows Javier's attacker, Omar Marrero, didn't stand a fighting chance when he charged ... even though he had a 14-inch knife in his hand.

Javier tells us it all started while he was minding his biz, sitting in his car and talking to his fiancee -- he says that's when Marrero banged on his car window, shattering it.

Javier Baez
Muscle memory

He told Marrero to beat it, and warned he was going to call the police, but Omar brandished the giant knife -- and while some people would've driven off at that point, Javier stepped out of his car and the fight was on!

As you've seen, Javier body slammed Marrero to the ground, but what's harder to see is that he also blocked the knife by applying a chokehold ... which made the assailant pass out.

He then called the cops, and Marrero woke up with Javier's foot on his back.

With his amazing piece of ass-kicking going viral, Javier says he's getting a slew of calls from folks who want to hire him for personal and self-defense training.

As for Marrero, he was arrested and charged with several felonies, including aggravated battery -- not to mention the ass-whupping he won't soon forget.

Wild Knife Attack Ex-MMA Fighter Body Slams Assailant In Miami ... Caught On Video!!!!

Javier Baez
Muscle memory

A former MMA fighter used his combat skills to open a can of whoop-ass on a knife-wielding assailant in self-defense... and the dramatic scene was caught on video.

Javier Baez drove back to his Miami apartment complex after a night out on Halloween ... and spotted Omar Marrero screaming and brandishing a knife in the parking lot, according to WPLG News.

After Baez parked his car, Marrero reportedly walked over and started hitting his window with the knife.

Marrero then opened the driver's side door and tried to slash Baez, who got out to dial down the escalating tension.

But it didn't work ... Marrero kept swinging the knife at Baez and retrieved a second blade from his vehicle nearby.

Baez wasn't intimidated, though, reverting back to his days as a mixed martial arts fighter and making quick work of Marrero.

Check out the video ... Holding one of the knives, Marrero charges at Baez, who lifts him up and body slams him to the ground. Baez then disarms Marrero and puts him in a chokehold.

Baez later told a WPLG reporter, "Once I started putting the choke in, he kind of just let it go because no one is worried about anything else but breathing when you’re losing air."

Baez added, "I was able to hold him down with my knee and call the cops, and he woke up, cops came, and it was good, easy peasy!"

Police arrested Marrero, who was charged with several felonies, including aggravated battery.

Gal Gadot PROYECCIÓN DE IMÁGENES SIN EDITAR DE HAMÁS... Es aplastada por una organización judía

Gal Gadot planea organizar una proyección de casi una hora de la brutalidad cometida por Hamás en Israel, pero está siendo criticada por una organización judía en Estados Unidos.

Se dice que la actriz israelí le está dando una mano al director Guy Nattiv en la emisión de una película de aproximadamente 45 minutos, llamada "Bearing Witness", que fue originalmente compilada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y muestra imágenes gráficas de lo ocurrido el pasado 7 de octubre.

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Secuestrados en Israel

El objetivo de todo esto es mostrar lo que realmente sucedió ese día. Esto, en medio de un montón de escépticos que están alegando que Israel está plantando banderas falsas para justificar sus represalias en Gaza. Los informes de bebés israelíes decapitados, por ejemplo, han sido objeto de escrutinio.

Por supuesto, esto ocurre un mes después del ataque inicial y desde entonces, Israel parece haber perdido algo de apoyo público a medida que continúa su campaña en Gaza. Eso se avecina aquí, también.

La primera proyección de "Bearing Witness" está prevista para esta semana en un lugar no revelado y, según los informes, se ha invitado a más de 120 personas. Se proyectará primero en Los Ángeles y en función de la acogida es posible que haya más proyecciones en el futuro.

En términos de reacción a esto, ha habido una gran cantidad de reacciones negativas de los partidarios pro-Palestina, pero curiosamente también está recibiendo críticas de una organización activista llamada Voz Judía por la Paz que, por cierto, se describe a sí misma como anti-sionista.

Su capítulo de Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que consideran que esta proyección es un "evento de propaganda", y que simplemente no muestra una imagen completa de esta guerra, incluyendo lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo en Palestina. Es decir, miles de civiles inocentes que mueren en el fuego cruzado.

JVFP-LA dice que este tipo de material solo sirve para "[avivar] las llamas de la guerra y el genocidio", añadiendo que Israel está socavando su propia misión de tratar de salvar a los rehenes que aún están en poder de Hamás a través de sus tácticas brutales. En otras palabras, no están de acuerdo con Gal y compañía.

Haciéndose eco de ese sentimiento, hay otra organización llamada Alianza para la Paz (ALLMEP) en Oriente Medio, que nos dice: "Ha habido una negación y ofuscación muy preocupantes de los terribles crímenes cometidos el 7 de octubre. Es comprensible que se quiera evitar que esa negación se generalice. Sin embargo, esto debe equilibrarse con el hecho de que estamos tratando con personas cada vez más traumatizadas -tanto en la región como en todo el mundo- que han estado expuestas a imágenes, tanto de los ataques en Israel como ahora de los ataques aéreos en Gaza, que no pueden dejar de ver".

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Emboscada en un Kibutz

Y añaden: "Esto es especialmente preocupante para los niños y los jóvenes. ALLMEP centra sus esfuerzos en reparar las relaciones entre israelíes y palestinos y promover la paz. Que es, en última instancia, como podemos evitar que escenas espeluznantes como estas se vuelvan a repetir".

Otras fuentes de la organización nos dicen que creen que el gobierno israelí está utilizando a Gal, y un ex soldado de las FDI, para impulsar su agenda, con la esperanza de utilizar sus contactos en Hollywood para difundir su mensaje y así ganar una "guerra por poderes" en el tribunal de la opinión pública.

Se nos dice que ALLMEP reconoce las atrocidades cometidas por Hamás el 7 de octubre, pero dice que la verdadera solución para poner fin a la violencia radica en mostrar el derramamiento de sangre en todo su alcance, tanto de Israel como de Gaza. Dicho todo esto, la postura de Israel ha sido clara en todo momento: sus ciudadanos fueron masacrados y hacer pagar a Hamás con un método quirúrgico es prácticamente imposible.

Israel ha dicho que hace todo lo posible por evitar la muerte de víctimas civiles en Gaza, y ha emitido amplias advertencias sobre los ataques aéreos. El tiempo dirá cómo ven la película quienes lo observan desde fuera.

Gal Gadot Screening of Raw Hamas Footage ... Slammed by Jewish Org

Gal Gadot plans to host a screening this week that'll show off nearly an hour of nonstop carnage undertaken by Hamas in Israel ... but it's being slammed by a Jewish org in the U.S.

The Israeli actress is said to be lending a hand to director Guy Nattiv in airing a roughly 45-minute film, of sorts, called "Bearing Witness" -- originally compiled by the Israeli Defense Forces ... and which depicts graphic footage and images of Hamas' Oct. 7 rampage.

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The whole point of this is to showcase what really happened there that day -- this amid a lot of skeptics and others who've alleged Israel is planting false flags to justify their retaliation in Gaza. Reports of beheaded Israeli babies, for instance, have been scrutinized.

Of course, it comes a month after the initial attack ... and since then, Israel seems to have lost some public support as its campaign in Gaza continues. That's looming here, too.

The first screening of "Bearing Witness" is supposed to go down sometime this week at an undisclosed location -- and according to reports, upwards of 120 people have been invited. L.A. is first, and based on the reception ... more screenings might happen down the line.

In terms of reaction to this ... there's been a lot of pushback from pro-Palestine supporters -- but interestingly enough ... she's also catching flak from an activist organization called Jewish Voice for Peace ...which, FWIW, pegs itself as anti-Zionist.

Its L.A. chapter tells TMZ ... they consider this screening to be a "propaganda event," going on to say it simply won't tell the full picture of this war -- including what's happening right now in Palestine ... namely, thousands of innocent civilians being killed in the crossfire.

JVFP-LA says this type of material only serves to "[fan] the flames of war and genocide" ... adding, Israel is undermining its own mission of trying to save hostages still being held by Hamas through their brutal tactics. In other words ... they're not on board with Gal and co.

Echoing that sentiment is another org called Alliance for Middle East Peace, which tells us ... "There has been some very disturbing denial and obfuscation of the terrible crimes committed on October 7th. It is understandable that there would be a wish to prevent that denial from becoming more widespread. However, this needs to be balanced by the fact that we are dealing with increasingly traumatized people -- both in the region and around the world -- who have been exposed to images, both in the attacks in Israel and now the airstrikes in Gaza, that they cannot unsee."

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They add, "This is particularly worrying for children and young people. ALLMEP is focusing efforts on repairing relations between Israelis and Palestinians and furthering peace. Which is ultimately how we can prevent shocking scenes such as these from ever occurring again."

Other org sources tell us they believe Gal -- an ex-IDF soldier herself -- is being used by the Israeli government to push an agenda -- hoping to use her Hollywood connections to spread their message in hopes of winning a "proxy war" in the court of public opinion.

Israel has said they do their best to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza -- and have issued ample warnings about airstrikes. Time will tell how the movie lands on those who watch.

Rick Ross Ankle Monitor Beepin' at White House Brings Me Tears of Joy Now!!! 😂

Rick Ross is looking back at the infamous moment his ankle monitor sounded while meeting with President Obama inside the White House -- and, now at least, it brings him nothing but LOLs!!!

Complex's Speedy Mormon asked Rozay to detail the embarrassing moment during his co-interview with Meek Mill to promote their joint album ... and he recalled trying to maneuver around D.C. in spite of being on house arrest at the time.

We broke the story back in 2016 ... Ross was among the hip hop heavyhitters invited to the WH for Obama's Brother's Keeper youth initiative when the ankle monitor went off. He'd been fitted with the device after his 2015 arrest for aggravated assault and aggravated battery.

Rozay remembers hearing the thing beeping outta control, and says he slumped in his seat hoping no one would notice -- but, it's totally the Secret Service's job to notice. He says agents sprung into action seeking out the source of the noise.

Obama totally heard the ankle monitor and commented, but the MMG rapper won't spill the deets on what was said. Although, he seems to think Busta Rhymes, who was also there, will!!!

Also in attendance were J. Cole, Wale, Chance The Rapper, DJ Khaled, as well as Nicki Minaj, who was dating Meek at the time.

Meek says he was also on house arrest at the time ... and learned of the incident after Nicki came home cussing him out that he wasn't capitalizing off the moment.

That story alone was enough to push Ross over the edge to tears!!!

Boxing Star Jared Anderson Arrested In Ohio Booked On Gun, OVI Charge

Heavyweight boxing star Jared "Big Baby" Anderson -- who Tyson Fury calls a future champ -- was arrested Monday in Ohio after cops say he was driving under the influence with a gun in his car.

Oregon (OH) Police Department tells TMZ Sports the arrest occurred a little after 1 AM after an officer allegedly saw Anderson driving his '23 Dodge Charger 55 in a 40 MPH zone, and initially pulled him over for speeding.

During the stop, the cop says he smelled "the faint odor of burnt marijuana," as well as alcohol on Anderson's breath. The officer also allegedly spotted an opened bottle of Don Julio tequila.

OPD says they observed Anderson's eyes, which were allegedly "bloodshot and glassy," so they administered a blood alcohol content test which came up .038, under the legal limit (.08).

As part of the stop, officers also conducted a search of his vehicle ... and located a firearm in the glovebox.

According to Lucas County jail records, the 23-year-old was booked on two charges ... improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly transporting under the influence, and operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI).

OVI can be used to charge a person operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The news comes just days after Fury praised the 16-0 (15 KOs) fighter, calling Anderson the next star of the heavyweight division.

"Jared's the man. This is the future champ," Fury said ahead of his bout with Francis Ngannou.

"I said it three years ago. This is the heir to the throne.”

Anderson started boxing as a teenager and has won several championships ... from the Elite National Championships to the National Golden Gloves.

He last fought Andrii Rudenko in August ... a fight Jared won by TKO.

Dee-1 Vs. Rick Ross Older Rappers Need To Stop Glorifying Murder ... Rozay Says He's A Philanthropist

Dee-1 and Rick Ross have been engaged in a war of words on IG for days ... all stemming from Dee's open disapproval of Rozay's new "Shaq & Kobe" collab with Meek Mill.


The "Uno" rapper recently appeared on Sway's Universe ... where Dee called out Ross, Meek and Jim Jones for still glorifying killing people in their music after so many hip hop artists have been slain.

Sway's Universe / Sirius XM

Dee lumped Meek, Jim and Rozay into a category he calls "DGs" -- aka disappointing grown-ups, and told a story of how he once spearheaded a shoe giveaway in his New Orleans hometown for Meek's Reform Alliance ... speaking to the movement's strength.

Meek claimed 1st Amendment for his part but Ross didn't take too kindly and dissed Dee for questioning his place in the community, citing his Thanksgiving turkey drives and other contributions for 20 straight years across Miami-Dade!!!


Dee took Ross' "baskethead" snipes in stride but explained to the MMG rapper he was actually criticizing his status as a Hip Hop OG who's still detailing graphic murders like he did on the "Shaq & Kobe" track.

Dee also explained to Rozay that he wasn't clout-chasing ... he's collaborated with several of Rozay's peers and has a long track record of giving back himself, although that wasn't the point of the debate.

Several of their peers were also watching the debate from the sidelines ... Teddy Riley's calling it game, set, match in favor of Dee. 👀


Artículos relacionados con el asesinato de John F. Kennedy están ahora a la venta, 60 años después de que fuera asesinado, incluyendo objetos del infame  lugar donde fue abatido e incluso del pasado sombrío del asesino.

RR Auction tiene 80 objetos diferentes a la venta que se relacionan con el asesinato de JFK en 1963, y uno de los lotes es una sección de una valla de madera del montículo que marcaba la ruta del desfile del expresidente.

Eso no es todo, la casa de subastas también está vendiendo una ventana original de Texas School Book Depository, el mismo edificio desde donde Lee Harvey Oswald disparó y mató a JFK. Las ventanas originales del edificio fueron reemplazados en los años 80, por lo que es extra significativo.

También se incluye en la subasta la primera pistola de Oswald, que fue vendida a su hermano por $10 y el recibo de la llamada telefónica de Oswald desde la cárcel. Esta llamada se hizo justo 1 día después del asesinato de JFK.

Hay además un montón de joyas ocultas, perfectas para cualquier aficionado a la historia. Un postor afortunado puede incluso asegurar el diario personal del expresidente a partir de 1945, que cuenta un montón de detalles de su vida antes de convertirse en Presidente.

La subasta se cierra el 8 de noviembre, así que será mejor que pujen rápido.

JFK Relics From Assassination Up For Sale ... Picket Fence, Oswald Jail Call Receipt

Items linked to John F. Kennedy's assassination are now up for auction, 60 years after he was killed ... including objects from the infamous grassy knoll and even the killer's grim past.

RR Auction has over 80 objects up for sale connected to November 22, 1963 ... including a section of the wooden picket fence behind the "grassy knoll" that overlooked the Presidential parade route. Lots of people -- including many who were there that day -- believe at least one gunman fired from that fence.

That's not all -- the auction house is selling a window from the Texas School Book Depository ... the building where Lee Harvey Oswald fired shots at JFK.

Also included in the auction are Oswald's first handgun, which he sold to his brother for $10 ... and Oswald's phone call receipt from jail -- the call he made just 1 day after JFK's assassination and one day before Oswald himself was shot and killed while in custody.

There are a ton of hidden gems for history buffs ... a lucky bidder can secure JFK's personal diary from 1945 ... which features a ton of insights before he became President.

The auction closes on November 8 ... so ya better get your bids in fast.

Chiefs' Justyn Ross Allegedly Pushed GF, Knifed Car ... Over Cheating Claims

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Justyn Ross allegedly roughed up his girlfriend, broke her stuff ... and then knifed her Mercedes during an altercation that led to his arrest last week.

The allegations are all spelled out in newly released court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs -- an affidavit -- prosecutors say cops told them the incident between Ross and his girlfriend happened in Johnson County, Kansas on Oct. 23 ... after the football player allegedly found out the woman had been cheating on him.

According to the documents, the woman told cops that after Ross viewed her phone ... he got in her face, pushed her, threw her to the floor, and then began throwing objects at her. The docs say the woman was seen with "a small scratch" on her hand following the incident.


Officials say the woman also told cops Ross broke several of her items during the confrontation, including jewelry, a cell phone, a laptop and her Mercedes key.

The docs also note that two neighbors say they witnessed Ross push the woman ... as well as "run a knife across" the woman's vehicle.

According to the docs, however, Ross told cops he had thrown the woman's stuff out the door after he found out she was cheating him. He allegedly admitted to breaking a computer -- though he claimed it was his. He denied breaking anything else that belonged to the woman, the docs state.

As we reported, Ross was ultimately arrested over the allegations and charged with one count of domestic battery with no priors as well as one count of criminal damage of less than $1,000. He pleaded not guilty to the charges at a hearing on Oct. 24. He's due to appear before a judge once again on Dec. 4.

As for his football career, he was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List on Oct. 27, which means he's not currently allowed to play in games or practice with the Chiefs ... though he can still attend meetings and get any necessary medical treatment while his criminal case plays out.

Ross had played in seven games prior to the arrest, logging three catches.

Tupac Shakur Presunto asesino Keefe D en el tribunal para lectura de cargos

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, el hombre presuntamente responsable del asesinato de Tupac Shakur hace más de 25 años, finalmente tuvo su día en la corte después de dos retrasos.

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Keefe D estuvo presente y esposado el jueves por la mañana en un tribunal del Condado de Clark, en Las Vegas, para hacer frente a su cargo de asesinato, del cual se declaró no culpable después de que le designaran a un defensor público.

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Como informamos, el sospechoso de 60 años de edad se presentó por primera vez en la corte a principios de octubre, pero su abogado nunca apareció retrasando la lectura de cargos un par de semanas. La segunda audiencia se retrasó por el mismo motivo.

Después de la audiencia inicial, el fiscal del distrito Steve Wolfson dijo que se esperaba que Keefe se declarara no culpable del cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal.

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Captado durante un paseo

Recuerden, Keefe D fue detenido a fines de septiembre y las imágenes captadas en cámara lo muestran bastante calmado mientras es llevado a la parte trasera del carro policial.

Keefe había sido muy abierto en entrevistas sobre su participación en el asesinato de Tupac, lo que en última instancia llevó a los investigadores a reabrir el caso, que ya tiene 27 años.

Tupac Shakur Alleged Killer Keefe D In Court ... For Arraignment on Murder Charge

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, the man who's allegedly responsible for the murder of Tupac Shakur over 25 years ago finally got his day in court after 2 delays.

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Keefe D was present and in handcuffs Thursday morning at a Clark County courtroom in Las Vegas to face his murder charge ... he pled not guilty after being appointed a public defender.

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As we reported, the 60-year-old suspect first showed up in court at the beginning of October, but his lawyer never appeared ... delaying the arraignment a couple of weeks. The second hearing was again delayed for the same issue.

After the initial hearing, Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson said Keefe was expected to plead not guilty to the charge of murder with the use of a deadly weapon.

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Remember, Keefe D was arrested near the end of September -- and the body cam footage of the arrest showed him acting pretty calmly while being put in the back of the cop car.

Keefe had been outspoken in interviews about being involved with Tupac's killing ... which played a big role in ultimately leading investigators to crack open the 27-year-old case.

OFFSET & QUAVO Riden tributo a Takeoff en el aniversario de su muerte

Offset y Quavo están honrando a su hermano caído de Migos, Takeoff, en el primer aniversario de su muerte, compartiendo una mirada retrospectiva de sus mejores días juntos.

Offset publicó sobre Takeoff el miércoles, justo a un año de que le dispararan afuera de un bowling en Houston. Él escribió: "Los tiempos que pasamos no tienen precio, lo que construimos en este juego, nunca quisieron darnos las flores que influimos en el mundo."

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Junto con el conmovedor video, Offset agregó: "Te amo Take, sigues aquí con nosotros, estoy seguro que sí!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo también honró a su difunto compañero de banda y pariente, con una foto de Takeoff y el comentario "No puedo olvidarlo, no lo olvidaré, NUNCA lo olvidaré 🚀♾️ ¡Recuerdo!"

También ha compartido obras de arte suyas en sus historias de Instagram.

Recuerden, el presunto asesino de Takeoff, Patrick Xavier Clark, fue acusado de asesinato en mayo. Su juicio aún no comienza, pero él ya se ha declarado inocente y está programado que regrese al tribunal en enero.

Offset & Quavo Paying Tribute To Takeoff On Anniversary of Death

Offset and Quavo are honoring their fallen Migos brother, Takeoff, on the one-year anniversary of his fatal shooting ... sharing a look back at their better days together.

Offset posted about Takeoff Wednesday, which marks a year since he was shot outside a bowling alley in Houston. He wrote, "The times we spent is priceless what we built in this game they never wanted to give us our flowers we influenced the world."

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Along with the touching video, Offset added, "I Love you Take you still here with us I just know you are!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo also honored his late bandmate and relative -- sharing a pic of Takeoff with the caption, "Can’t forget it won’t Forget It NEVER Forget it 🚀♾️ I Remember!"

He's also been reposting artwork of the guy on his IG story.

Remember, Takeoff's alleged killer -- Patrick Xavier Clark -- was indicted for murder back in May. His trial hasn't started yet, but he's pled not guilty ... and is scheduled to be back in court in January.


Muchos judíos estadounidenses e israelíes de Los Ángeles están tomando medidas para protegerse a sí mismos y a sus familias y algunos están recurriendo a las armas de fuego.

Eric Fletcher, un gerente de Burbank Ammo and Guns, le dice a TMZ que la tienda ha visto recientemente una gran afluencia de judíos estadounidenses e israelíes comprando armas de fuego por primera vez.

Nos dicen que muchos de los nuevos propietarios de armas por primera vez son mujeres, y a veces familias enteras están llegando a la tienda de armas.

Las cifras son asombrosas, el gerente dice que solo este mes la tienda ha procesado 194 pruebas de certificados de seguridad de armas de fuego y contando, en comparación con las 45 pruebas que se procesaron en octubre de 2022. El gerente estima que el 75% de las personas que vienen ahora son judío-estadounidenses o israelíes.

Las pruebas de seguridad se requieren para cualquier persona que compra un arma por primera vez, por lo que los números representan compradores de armas debutantes.

En Burbank Ammo and Guns, las pistolas son el arma de fuego más popular y nos dicen que se están agotando y la tienda está haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerse al día con el aumento de la demanda.

Mientras hay una guerra entre Israel y Hamás a un mundo de distancia, en América ha habido una reciente ola de ataques contra la comunidad judía. Según el grupo de defensa Anti-Defamation League, los incidentes antisemitas en EE.UU. han aumentado casi un 400% desde que Hamás atacó Israel.

Es un momento bastante loco en nuestras vidas, el gerente de la tienda de armas dice que la tienda no ha estado tan ocupada desde que comenzó la pandemia.

Run on Firearms Jewish Americans, Israelis Becoming First-Time Gun Owners

With antisemitism on the rise, many Jewish Americans and Israelis in Los Angeles are taking steps to protect themselves and their families ... and some are turning to firearms.

Eric Fletcher, a manager for Burbank Ammo and Guns, tells TMZ ... the shop has recently seen a huge influx of Jewish Americans and Israelis who are buying guns for the first time.

We're told many of the first-time gun owners are women, and sometimes entire families are coming to the gun shop together.

The numbers are staggering ... the manager says this month alone the store has processed 194 firearm safety certificate tests and counting, compared to just 45 in October 2022, and the manager estimates 75% of the folks coming in now are Jewish Americans or Israelis.

The safety tests are required for anyone buying a gun for the first time ... so the numbers represent first-time gun buyers.

At Burbank Ammo and Guns, handguns are the most popular firearm purchased ... and we're told stock is running low and the shop is doing its best to keep up with increased demand.

While there's a war between Israel and Hamas a world away, in America there's been a recent wave of attacks on the Jewish community. According to the advocacy group Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents in the U.S. have risen by almost 400% since Hamas attacked Israel.

It's a pretty crazy time in our lives ... the gun store manager says the shop hasn't been this busy since the pandemic began.