Artículos relacionados con el asesinato de John F. Kennedy están ahora a la venta, 60 años después de que fuera asesinado, incluyendo objetos del infame  lugar donde fue abatido e incluso del pasado sombrío del asesino.

RR Auction tiene 80 objetos diferentes a la venta que se relacionan con el asesinato de JFK en 1963, y uno de los lotes es una sección de una valla de madera del montículo que marcaba la ruta del desfile del expresidente.

Eso no es todo, la casa de subastas también está vendiendo una ventana original de Texas School Book Depository, el mismo edificio desde donde Lee Harvey Oswald disparó y mató a JFK. Las ventanas originales del edificio fueron reemplazados en los años 80, por lo que es extra significativo.

También se incluye en la subasta la primera pistola de Oswald, que fue vendida a su hermano por $10 y el recibo de la llamada telefónica de Oswald desde la cárcel. Esta llamada se hizo justo 1 día después del asesinato de JFK.

Hay además un montón de joyas ocultas, perfectas para cualquier aficionado a la historia. Un postor afortunado puede incluso asegurar el diario personal del expresidente a partir de 1945, que cuenta un montón de detalles de su vida antes de convertirse en Presidente.

La subasta se cierra el 8 de noviembre, así que será mejor que pujen rápido.

JFK Relics From Assassination Up For Sale ... Picket Fence, Oswald Jail Call Receipt

Items linked to John F. Kennedy's assassination are now up for auction, 60 years after he was killed ... including objects from the infamous grassy knoll and even the killer's grim past.

RR Auction has over 80 objects up for sale connected to November 22, 1963 ... including a section of the wooden picket fence behind the "grassy knoll" that overlooked the Presidential parade route. Lots of people -- including many who were there that day -- believe at least one gunman fired from that fence.

That's not all -- the auction house is selling a window from the Texas School Book Depository ... the building where Lee Harvey Oswald fired shots at JFK.

Also included in the auction are Oswald's first handgun, which he sold to his brother for $10 ... and Oswald's phone call receipt from jail -- the call he made just 1 day after JFK's assassination and one day before Oswald himself was shot and killed while in custody.

There are a ton of hidden gems for history buffs ... a lucky bidder can secure JFK's personal diary from 1945 ... which features a ton of insights before he became President.

The auction closes on November 8 ... so ya better get your bids in fast.

Chiefs' Justyn Ross Allegedly Pushed GF, Knifed Car ... Over Cheating Claims

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Justyn Ross allegedly roughed up his girlfriend, broke her stuff ... and then knifed her Mercedes during an altercation that led to his arrest last week.

The allegations are all spelled out in newly released court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs -- an affidavit -- prosecutors say cops told them the incident between Ross and his girlfriend happened in Johnson County, Kansas on Oct. 23 ... after the football player allegedly found out the woman had been cheating on him.

According to the documents, the woman told cops that after Ross viewed her phone ... he got in her face, pushed her, threw her to the floor, and then began throwing objects at her. The docs say the woman was seen with "a small scratch" on her hand following the incident.


Officials say the woman also told cops Ross broke several of her items during the confrontation, including jewelry, a cell phone, a laptop and her Mercedes key.

The docs also note that two neighbors say they witnessed Ross push the woman ... as well as "run a knife across" the woman's vehicle.

According to the docs, however, Ross told cops he had thrown the woman's stuff out the door after he found out she was cheating him. He allegedly admitted to breaking a computer -- though he claimed it was his. He denied breaking anything else that belonged to the woman, the docs state.

As we reported, Ross was ultimately arrested over the allegations and charged with one count of domestic battery with no priors as well as one count of criminal damage of less than $1,000. He pleaded not guilty to the charges at a hearing on Oct. 24. He's due to appear before a judge once again on Dec. 4.

As for his football career, he was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List on Oct. 27, which means he's not currently allowed to play in games or practice with the Chiefs ... though he can still attend meetings and get any necessary medical treatment while his criminal case plays out.

Ross had played in seven games prior to the arrest, logging three catches.

Tupac Shakur Presunto asesino Keefe D en el tribunal para lectura de cargos

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, el hombre presuntamente responsable del asesinato de Tupac Shakur hace más de 25 años, finalmente tuvo su día en la corte después de dos retrasos.

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Keefe D estuvo presente y esposado el jueves por la mañana en un tribunal del Condado de Clark, en Las Vegas, para hacer frente a su cargo de asesinato, del cual se declaró no culpable después de que le designaran a un defensor público.

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Como informamos, el sospechoso de 60 años de edad se presentó por primera vez en la corte a principios de octubre, pero su abogado nunca apareció retrasando la lectura de cargos un par de semanas. La segunda audiencia se retrasó por el mismo motivo.

Después de la audiencia inicial, el fiscal del distrito Steve Wolfson dijo que se esperaba que Keefe se declarara no culpable del cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal.

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Captado durante un paseo

Recuerden, Keefe D fue detenido a fines de septiembre y las imágenes captadas en cámara lo muestran bastante calmado mientras es llevado a la parte trasera del carro policial.

Keefe había sido muy abierto en entrevistas sobre su participación en el asesinato de Tupac, lo que en última instancia llevó a los investigadores a reabrir el caso, que ya tiene 27 años.

Tupac Shakur Alleged Killer Keefe D In Court ... For Arraignment on Murder Charge

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, the man who's allegedly responsible for the murder of Tupac Shakur over 25 years ago finally got his day in court after 2 delays.

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Keefe D was present and in handcuffs Thursday morning at a Clark County courtroom in Las Vegas to face his murder charge ... he pled not guilty after being appointed a public defender.

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As we reported, the 60-year-old suspect first showed up in court at the beginning of October, but his lawyer never appeared ... delaying the arraignment a couple of weeks. The second hearing was again delayed for the same issue.

After the initial hearing, Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson said Keefe was expected to plead not guilty to the charge of murder with the use of a deadly weapon.

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Remember, Keefe D was arrested near the end of September -- and the body cam footage of the arrest showed him acting pretty calmly while being put in the back of the cop car.

Keefe had been outspoken in interviews about being involved with Tupac's killing ... which played a big role in ultimately leading investigators to crack open the 27-year-old case.

OFFSET & QUAVO Riden tributo a Takeoff en el aniversario de su muerte

Offset y Quavo están honrando a su hermano caído de Migos, Takeoff, en el primer aniversario de su muerte, compartiendo una mirada retrospectiva de sus mejores días juntos.

Offset publicó sobre Takeoff el miércoles, justo a un año de que le dispararan afuera de un bowling en Houston. Él escribió: "Los tiempos que pasamos no tienen precio, lo que construimos en este juego, nunca quisieron darnos las flores que influimos en el mundo."

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Junto con el conmovedor video, Offset agregó: "Te amo Take, sigues aquí con nosotros, estoy seguro que sí!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo también honró a su difunto compañero de banda y pariente, con una foto de Takeoff y el comentario "No puedo olvidarlo, no lo olvidaré, NUNCA lo olvidaré 🚀♾️ ¡Recuerdo!"

También ha compartido obras de arte suyas en sus historias de Instagram.

Recuerden, el presunto asesino de Takeoff, Patrick Xavier Clark, fue acusado de asesinato en mayo. Su juicio aún no comienza, pero él ya se ha declarado inocente y está programado que regrese al tribunal en enero.

Offset & Quavo Paying Tribute To Takeoff On Anniversary of Death

Offset and Quavo are honoring their fallen Migos brother, Takeoff, on the one-year anniversary of his fatal shooting ... sharing a look back at their better days together.

Offset posted about Takeoff Wednesday, which marks a year since he was shot outside a bowling alley in Houston. He wrote, "The times we spent is priceless what we built in this game they never wanted to give us our flowers we influenced the world."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Along with the touching video, Offset added, "I Love you Take you still here with us I just know you are!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo also honored his late bandmate and relative -- sharing a pic of Takeoff with the caption, "Can’t forget it won’t Forget It NEVER Forget it 🚀♾️ I Remember!"

He's also been reposting artwork of the guy on his IG story.

Remember, Takeoff's alleged killer -- Patrick Xavier Clark -- was indicted for murder back in May. His trial hasn't started yet, but he's pled not guilty ... and is scheduled to be back in court in January.


Muchos judíos estadounidenses e israelíes de Los Ángeles están tomando medidas para protegerse a sí mismos y a sus familias y algunos están recurriendo a las armas de fuego.

Eric Fletcher, un gerente de Burbank Ammo and Guns, le dice a TMZ que la tienda ha visto recientemente una gran afluencia de judíos estadounidenses e israelíes comprando armas de fuego por primera vez.

Nos dicen que muchos de los nuevos propietarios de armas por primera vez son mujeres, y a veces familias enteras están llegando a la tienda de armas.

Las cifras son asombrosas, el gerente dice que solo este mes la tienda ha procesado 194 pruebas de certificados de seguridad de armas de fuego y contando, en comparación con las 45 pruebas que se procesaron en octubre de 2022. El gerente estima que el 75% de las personas que vienen ahora son judío-estadounidenses o israelíes.

Las pruebas de seguridad se requieren para cualquier persona que compra un arma por primera vez, por lo que los números representan compradores de armas debutantes.

En Burbank Ammo and Guns, las pistolas son el arma de fuego más popular y nos dicen que se están agotando y la tienda está haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerse al día con el aumento de la demanda.

Mientras hay una guerra entre Israel y Hamás a un mundo de distancia, en América ha habido una reciente ola de ataques contra la comunidad judía. Según el grupo de defensa Anti-Defamation League, los incidentes antisemitas en EE.UU. han aumentado casi un 400% desde que Hamás atacó Israel.

Es un momento bastante loco en nuestras vidas, el gerente de la tienda de armas dice que la tienda no ha estado tan ocupada desde que comenzó la pandemia.

Run on Firearms Jewish Americans, Israelis Becoming First-Time Gun Owners

With antisemitism on the rise, many Jewish Americans and Israelis in Los Angeles are taking steps to protect themselves and their families ... and some are turning to firearms.

Eric Fletcher, a manager for Burbank Ammo and Guns, tells TMZ ... the shop has recently seen a huge influx of Jewish Americans and Israelis who are buying guns for the first time.

We're told many of the first-time gun owners are women, and sometimes entire families are coming to the gun shop together.

The numbers are staggering ... the manager says this month alone the store has processed 194 firearm safety certificate tests and counting, compared to just 45 in October 2022, and the manager estimates 75% of the folks coming in now are Jewish Americans or Israelis.

The safety tests are required for anyone buying a gun for the first time ... so the numbers represent first-time gun buyers.

At Burbank Ammo and Guns, handguns are the most popular firearm purchased ... and we're told stock is running low and the shop is doing its best to keep up with increased demand.

While there's a war between Israel and Hamas a world away, in America there's been a recent wave of attacks on the Jewish community. According to the advocacy group Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents in the U.S. have risen by almost 400% since Hamas attacked Israel.

It's a pretty crazy time in our lives ... the gun store manager says the shop hasn't been this busy since the pandemic began.

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Sospechoso Robert Card es encontrado muerto Por aparente suicidio

Robert Card, el hombre acusado de iniciar un tiroteo masivo en Maine, en el que murieron al menos a 18 personas y más de una docena salió herida, fue hallado sin vida y con una herida de bala autoinfligida.

El cuerpo de Card acaba de ser encontrado en el bosque en Maine y se espera que los funcionarios compartan más detalles en una conferencia de prensa programada para las 7 PM PT.

Como informamos, estaba en marcha una persecución para encontrar al hombre de 40 años, después de que abriera fuego en un bowling y un bar en Lewiston el miércoles por la noche. Algunas de las personas que estaban en el bowling eran parte de una liga de bolos juvenil.

El tiroteo del miércoles por la noche quedó registrado como uno de los 10 tiroteos masivos más mortíferos en la historia de Estados Unidos.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

Una orden de refugio en el lugar estaba en efecto después del tiroteo masivo. La gobernadora de Maine, Janet Mills, había instado a los residentes a no acercarse a Card si lo veían. También se habían cerrado los colegios de la zona mientras continuaba el operativo.

Se informó que el reservista del Ejército de EE.UU., Robert Card era instructor de armas de fuego con 20 años de experiencia militar. Había trabajado como especialista en suministro de petróleo, sin despliegues de combate. Se había alistado en 2002.

Huyendo para protegerse

Según varios medios de comunicación, el sospechoso había dicho que recientemente que escuchaba voces e incluso había amenazado con disparar a una base de la Guardia Nacional en Saco, Maine. También se informó de que fue internado en una institución mental este verano, pero fue puesto en libertad después de un par de semanas.

Las relajadas leyes de posesión de armas en Maine se han convertido en un gran tema de conversación a raíz del horrible tiroteo. El estado no tiene una ley de bandera roja que permita a los miembros de la familia pedir directamente a un juez que le quiten las armas a alguien que muestra signos de ser una amenaza para los demás.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Robert Card Found Dead ... From Apparent Suicide

Robert Card -- the man accused of going on a shooting spree in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring over a dozen more -- has been found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Card's body was just found in the woods in Maine and officials are expected to share more details in a news conference scheduled for 7 PM PT.

As we reported, a manhunt was underway for 40-year-old Card after he opened fire at a bowling alley and a bar in Lewiston, Maine Wednesday night ... with some of the people at the bowling alley being a part of a youth bowling league.

Wednesday night's shooting is now infamously cemented as one of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in American history.


A shelter-in-place order was in effect following the mass shooting, with Maine Governor Janet Mills urging residents not to approach Card if they saw him. Schools in the area were also shut down as the hunt continued.

The U.S. Army Reservist is reportedly a trained firearms instructor with 20 years of military experience, working as a petroleum supply specialist in the Reserve with no combat deployments -- enlisting in 2002.


According to multiple media outlets, he recently reported hearing voices and had even threatened to shoot up a National Guard Base in Saco, ME. He also was reportedly committed to a mental institution this summer but was released after a couple of weeks.

Maine's relaxed gun laws have become a big talking point in the wake of the horrific shooting -- the state doesn't have a red flag law that lets family members directly ask a judge to take guns away from someone who shows signs of being a threat to others.

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Recordando a las 18 víctimas

Dieciocho personas fallecieron después del tiroteo masivo de esta semana en Maine, vidas que quedaron truncadas cuando Robert Card abrió fuego en un bowling y un restaurante... y la lista de sus víctimas incluye a personas de 70 años e incluso un niño de 14 años.

Los informes dicen que el adolescente Aaron Young estaba con su padre Bill en el bowling Just-In-Time Recreation el miércoles por la noche en Lewiston. Se encontraban allí para jugar y presenciar la liga de bolos de Aaron cuando el pistolero abrió fuego dentro del edificio. Tanto el padre como el hijo fueron asesinados.

Bob Violette, de 76 años, también perdió la vida en el bowling. Estaba como entrenador voluntario de la liga de bolos juvenil. Su compañero de trabajo le dijo a WBZ News que era un hombre "muy amable", "súper comprensivo" y "muy paciente con todo el mundo."

Tricia Asselin, de 53 años, fue tiroteada mientras intentaba llamar al 911 y el gerente del local Tommy Conrad, de 34 años, también murió mientras intentaba someter a Card.

Jason Walker y su amigo Michael Deslauriers II estaban en el bowling con sus esposas e hijos cuando sonaron los disparos. El padre de Michael dice que los dos hombres cargaron contra Card después de asegurarse de que sus familias estuvieran a salvo, y fue entonces cuando recibieron un disparo mortal.

Como se informó, Card salió del bowling y abrió fuego de nuevo en Schemengees Bar and Grille, matando a ocho personas más, incluyendo a Maxx Hathaway, un padre que estaba allí con su esposa embarazada Brenda y su hijo pequeño Lilian.

De acuerdo a su GoFundMe, la familia estaba en Schemengees cuando su esposa -que va a tener a su tercer hijo en poco más de un mes- decidió llevarse a su hijo pequeño a casa mientras Max se quedaba a jugar un poco más al billar.

Entre los muertos en el bar había varios miembros de la comunidad sorda, que estaban peleando un torneo de cornhole, incluyendo Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket y Joshua Seal.

Joseph Walker, de 56 años, era gerente de Schemengees y también fue abatido a tiros. Perdió la vida después de tratar de detener Card.

Como ustedes saben, Card también hirió a 13 personas durante su brutal ataque. Su casa en Bowdoin, Maine, fue rodeada por la policía el jueves por la noche, aunque él no se encontraba en casa. La persecución contra él sigue en marcha. Las tiendas de armas locales han visto un gran aumento en las ventas de armas de fuego y municiones en respuesta.

Maine Mass Shooting 18 Victims Remembered

Eighteen people are dead after this week's mass shooting in Maine -- lives cut short when Robert Card opened fire in a bowling alley and a bar -- and the list of his victims includes people in their 70s and even a 14-year-old boy.

Reports say teenager Aaron Young was with his father, Bill, at the Just-In-Time Recreation bowling alley in Lewiston Wednesday night for Aaron's bowling league when the gunman opened fire inside the building -- the father and son were both killed.

76-year-old Bob Violette also lost his life in the bowling alley. There for his volunteer job coaching the youth bowling league, his coworker told WBZ News he was "so kind," "super understanding," and "very patient with everybody."

53-year-old Tricia Asselin was gunned down while trying to call 911 at the bowling alley, and the location's manager, 34-year-old Tommy Conrad, died while trying to subdue Card.

Jason Walker and his friend Michael Deslauriers II were both at the alley with their wives and kids when the shots rang out -- Michael's father says the 2 men charged at Card after making sure their families were safe, and that's when they were fatally shot.

As we reported, Card left the bowling alley and opened fire once again on the crowd at Schemengees Bar and Grille, killing 8 more people ... including Maxx Hathaway, a father who was there with his pregnant wife, Brenda, and their toddler, Lilian.

According to their GoFundMe, the family was at Schemengees when his wife -- who is due with their 3rd child in just over a month -- took their little one home while he stayed behind to play some more pool.

Among those killed at the bar were several members of the deaf community, who were there for a cornhole tournament ... including Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket, and Joshua Seal.

56-year-old Joseph Walker, manager at Schemengees, was also gunned down ... losing his life after trying to stop Card.

As you know, Card also injured 13 people during his murder spree -- his Bowdoin, ME home was surrounded by police Thursday night, but he wasn't home. A manhunt is still underway for him, as local gun stores have seen a huge uptick in sales of firearms and ammo in response.

Sospechoso de tiroteo en Maine Puede haber tenido como objetivo a su ex novia ... Persecución continúa

Robert Card podría haber tenido como objetivo a su exnovia cuando eligió los dos específicos lugares en Maine para atacar en masa con su arma.

El reservista del ejército de EE.UU. solía pasar el rato con su ex amante en el bowling y restaurante en Lewiston, donde desató sus brutales ataques con un rifle de estilo AR, matando a 18 personas e hiriendo a otras 13.

Las autoridades dijeron a ABC News, que la hermana de Card cree que los disparos fueron provocados por una "disputa doméstica", que la policía está explorando como un posible motivo. Según los informes, la familia de Card ha estado cooperando con los investigadores.

De acuerdo con documentos de la corte, el sospechoso estuvo casado alguna vez, pero se divorció en 2007. Su exesposa citó "diferencias irreconciliables" como la razón de la separación. La sentencia de divorcio incluía la custodia compartida de su hijo, que entonces era menor de edad y vivía principalmente con su madre.

Antes de su presunto crimen, Card escribió una nota dirigida a su hijo y la dejó en su casa de Bowdoin, según cuenta ABC. Los investigadores encontraron más tarde la incoherente "nota de suicidio", que contenía información personal y datos bancarios.

Al parecer, Card también "interactuó con contenido conspiranoico" en Internet, explorando una serie de temas como el COVID-19, cuestiones LGBTQ+, derechos de armas y comentarios políticos sobre el presidente Joe Biden.

Después de la masacre de la noche del miércoles, Card huyó en un Subaru blanco, que dejó abandonado en Lisboa, Maine, y que luego fue recuperado por la policía.

Cientos de agentes se han desplegado por toda la región para tratar de encontrar a Card, que les ha eludido hasta ahora, lo que algunos expertos atribuyen a sus supuestas habilidades como amante de las actividades al aire libre.

Las autoridades han dado instrucciones a los residentes de varias ciudades para refugiarse en sus lugares, ya que el sospechoso se considera armado y peligroso por sus antecedentes militares.

En 2002, Card se alistó en la Reserva del Ejército y se convirtió en un especialista en suministro de petróleo. Era responsable de la recepción, almacenamiento y envío de productos derivados de este combustible.

Recientemente, Card informó que tenía problemas de salud mental, como escuchar "voces". Durante el verano, fue internado en una institución psiquiátrica durante dos semanas después de que amenazara con disparar contra una base militar en Saco, Maine.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Robert Card May Have Been Targeting Ex-Lover ... As Manhunt Continues

Robert Card might have been targeting his ex-girlfriend when he chose two specific locations in Maine to go on his alleged mass murder spree.

The U.S. Army Reservist used to hang out with his former lover at the bowling alley and bar and grill in Lewiston, where he unleashed his brutal attacks with an AR-style rifle, killing 18 people and injuring 13 others.

Law enforcement told ABC News  ... Card's sister believes the shootings were triggered by a "domestic dispute," which police are now exploring as a possible motive. Card's family has reportedly been cooperating with investigators.

According to court docs ... Card was once married, but got divorced in 2007, and his ex-wife cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason. The divorce order included shared custody of their son, who was then a minor and primarily living with his mother.

Before his alleged killing rampage, Card wrote a note and addressed it to his son, leaving it behind at his Bowdoin home, ABC said. Investigators later found the rambling "suicide note," containing personal information and bank account details.

Card also reportedly "interacted with conspiratorial content" online, exploring a slew of topics such as COVID-19, LGBTQ+ issues, gun rights and political commentary about President Joe Biden.

After Wednesday night's massacre, Card fled in a white Subaru, which was left abandoned in Lisbon, ME, and recovered by police.

Hundreds of officers have fanned out across the region to try to find Card, who has eluded them so far, with some experts attributing this to his purported skills as an outdoorsman.

The authorities have instructed residents in several towns to shelter in place since Card is considered armed and dangerous with a military background.

In 2002, Card enlisted in the Army Reserve and became a petroleum supply specialist. He was responsible for receiving, storing and shipping petroleum-based products.

Recently, Card reported he was having mental health issues, including "hearing voices." Over the summer, he was committed to a mental institution for two weeks after he threatened to shoot up a military base in Saco, ME.

Maine Mass Shooting Residents Rush To Buy Guns ... As Suspect on Loose

Folks in Maine are rushing to stock up on guns to protect themselves in the wake of a mass shooting with a suspect who remains on the loose.

Gun and ammo stores near Lewiston, Maine are seeing a huge surge in folks trying to buy firearms and bullets, with the majority of people coming in to buy handguns.

First Due Firearms tells TMZ ... the phone is ringing off the hook with lots of first-time gun buyers and others looking to add to their firearm collection, with many folks ready to purchase and put money down.

The store says buyers are citing Wednesday's mass shooting, which killed 18 people, as the reason for purchasing guns and ammo.


Over at G3 Firearms, we're told the store's been packed since it opened bright and early at 9 AM ... with people wanting guns for protection. Most of the sales were for handguns, but we're told a few folks bought AR-15s and some even asked for body armor.

Meanwhile, at 3 Cousins Firearms we're told the business is being swamped with calls, emails and Facebook messages from people wanting guns ... and they expect to be super busy the rest of the week.


At another gun store in the area, we're told there was a 50% increase in firearms and while interest was largely for handguns, we're told a couple rifles were sold too.

With multiple counties in Maine in lockdown amid the manhunt for alleged gunman Robert Card, it sounds like people are arming themselves and bracing for the worst.

We're also told the ATF reached out to gun stores in Maine asking owners about Card, but no one was familiar with him.

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