Tiroteo masivo en Maine Sospechoso Robert Card es encontrado muerto Por aparente suicidio

Robert Card, el hombre acusado de iniciar un tiroteo masivo en Maine, en el que murieron al menos a 18 personas y más de una docena salió herida, fue hallado sin vida y con una herida de bala autoinfligida.

El cuerpo de Card acaba de ser encontrado en el bosque en Maine y se espera que los funcionarios compartan más detalles en una conferencia de prensa programada para las 7 PM PT.

Como informamos, estaba en marcha una persecución para encontrar al hombre de 40 años, después de que abriera fuego en un bowling y un bar en Lewiston el miércoles por la noche. Algunas de las personas que estaban en el bowling eran parte de una liga de bolos juvenil.

El tiroteo del miércoles por la noche quedó registrado como uno de los 10 tiroteos masivos más mortíferos en la historia de Estados Unidos.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

Una orden de refugio en el lugar estaba en efecto después del tiroteo masivo. La gobernadora de Maine, Janet Mills, había instado a los residentes a no acercarse a Card si lo veían. También se habían cerrado los colegios de la zona mientras continuaba el operativo.

Se informó que el reservista del Ejército de EE.UU., Robert Card era instructor de armas de fuego con 20 años de experiencia militar. Había trabajado como especialista en suministro de petróleo, sin despliegues de combate. Se había alistado en 2002.

Huyendo para protegerse

Según varios medios de comunicación, el sospechoso había dicho que recientemente que escuchaba voces e incluso había amenazado con disparar a una base de la Guardia Nacional en Saco, Maine. También se informó de que fue internado en una institución mental este verano, pero fue puesto en libertad después de un par de semanas.

Las relajadas leyes de posesión de armas en Maine se han convertido en un gran tema de conversación a raíz del horrible tiroteo. El estado no tiene una ley de bandera roja que permita a los miembros de la familia pedir directamente a un juez que le quiten las armas a alguien que muestra signos de ser una amenaza para los demás.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Robert Card Found Dead ... From Apparent Suicide

Robert Card -- the man accused of going on a shooting spree in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring over a dozen more -- has been found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Card's body was just found in the woods in Maine and officials are expected to share more details in a news conference scheduled for 7 PM PT.

As we reported, a manhunt was underway for 40-year-old Card after he opened fire at a bowling alley and a bar in Lewiston, Maine Wednesday night ... with some of the people at the bowling alley being a part of a youth bowling league.

Wednesday night's shooting is now infamously cemented as one of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in American history.


A shelter-in-place order was in effect following the mass shooting, with Maine Governor Janet Mills urging residents not to approach Card if they saw him. Schools in the area were also shut down as the hunt continued.

The U.S. Army Reservist is reportedly a trained firearms instructor with 20 years of military experience, working as a petroleum supply specialist in the Reserve with no combat deployments -- enlisting in 2002.


According to multiple media outlets, he recently reported hearing voices and had even threatened to shoot up a National Guard Base in Saco, ME. He also was reportedly committed to a mental institution this summer but was released after a couple of weeks.

Maine's relaxed gun laws have become a big talking point in the wake of the horrific shooting -- the state doesn't have a red flag law that lets family members directly ask a judge to take guns away from someone who shows signs of being a threat to others.

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Recordando a las 18 víctimas

Dieciocho personas fallecieron después del tiroteo masivo de esta semana en Maine, vidas que quedaron truncadas cuando Robert Card abrió fuego en un bowling y un restaurante... y la lista de sus víctimas incluye a personas de 70 años e incluso un niño de 14 años.

Los informes dicen que el adolescente Aaron Young estaba con su padre Bill en el bowling Just-In-Time Recreation el miércoles por la noche en Lewiston. Se encontraban allí para jugar y presenciar la liga de bolos de Aaron cuando el pistolero abrió fuego dentro del edificio. Tanto el padre como el hijo fueron asesinados.

Bob Violette, de 76 años, también perdió la vida en el bowling. Estaba como entrenador voluntario de la liga de bolos juvenil. Su compañero de trabajo le dijo a WBZ News que era un hombre "muy amable", "súper comprensivo" y "muy paciente con todo el mundo."

Tricia Asselin, de 53 años, fue tiroteada mientras intentaba llamar al 911 y el gerente del local Tommy Conrad, de 34 años, también murió mientras intentaba someter a Card.

Jason Walker y su amigo Michael Deslauriers II estaban en el bowling con sus esposas e hijos cuando sonaron los disparos. El padre de Michael dice que los dos hombres cargaron contra Card después de asegurarse de que sus familias estuvieran a salvo, y fue entonces cuando recibieron un disparo mortal.

Como se informó, Card salió del bowling y abrió fuego de nuevo en Schemengees Bar and Grille, matando a ocho personas más, incluyendo a Maxx Hathaway, un padre que estaba allí con su esposa embarazada Brenda y su hijo pequeño Lilian.

De acuerdo a su GoFundMe, la familia estaba en Schemengees cuando su esposa -que va a tener a su tercer hijo en poco más de un mes- decidió llevarse a su hijo pequeño a casa mientras Max se quedaba a jugar un poco más al billar.

Entre los muertos en el bar había varios miembros de la comunidad sorda, que estaban peleando un torneo de cornhole, incluyendo Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket y Joshua Seal.

Joseph Walker, de 56 años, era gerente de Schemengees y también fue abatido a tiros. Perdió la vida después de tratar de detener Card.

Como ustedes saben, Card también hirió a 13 personas durante su brutal ataque. Su casa en Bowdoin, Maine, fue rodeada por la policía el jueves por la noche, aunque él no se encontraba en casa. La persecución contra él sigue en marcha. Las tiendas de armas locales han visto un gran aumento en las ventas de armas de fuego y municiones en respuesta.

Maine Mass Shooting 18 Victims Remembered

Eighteen people are dead after this week's mass shooting in Maine -- lives cut short when Robert Card opened fire in a bowling alley and a bar -- and the list of his victims includes people in their 70s and even a 14-year-old boy.

Reports say teenager Aaron Young was with his father, Bill, at the Just-In-Time Recreation bowling alley in Lewiston Wednesday night for Aaron's bowling league when the gunman opened fire inside the building -- the father and son were both killed.

76-year-old Bob Violette also lost his life in the bowling alley. There for his volunteer job coaching the youth bowling league, his coworker told WBZ News he was "so kind," "super understanding," and "very patient with everybody."

53-year-old Tricia Asselin was gunned down while trying to call 911 at the bowling alley, and the location's manager, 34-year-old Tommy Conrad, died while trying to subdue Card.

Jason Walker and his friend Michael Deslauriers II were both at the alley with their wives and kids when the shots rang out -- Michael's father says the 2 men charged at Card after making sure their families were safe, and that's when they were fatally shot.

As we reported, Card left the bowling alley and opened fire once again on the crowd at Schemengees Bar and Grille, killing 8 more people ... including Maxx Hathaway, a father who was there with his pregnant wife, Brenda, and their toddler, Lilian.

According to their GoFundMe, the family was at Schemengees when his wife -- who is due with their 3rd child in just over a month -- took their little one home while he stayed behind to play some more pool.

Among those killed at the bar were several members of the deaf community, who were there for a cornhole tournament ... including Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket, and Joshua Seal.

56-year-old Joseph Walker, manager at Schemengees, was also gunned down ... losing his life after trying to stop Card.

As you know, Card also injured 13 people during his murder spree -- his Bowdoin, ME home was surrounded by police Thursday night, but he wasn't home. A manhunt is still underway for him, as local gun stores have seen a huge uptick in sales of firearms and ammo in response.

Sospechoso de tiroteo en Maine Puede haber tenido como objetivo a su ex novia ... Persecución continúa

Robert Card podría haber tenido como objetivo a su exnovia cuando eligió los dos específicos lugares en Maine para atacar en masa con su arma.

El reservista del ejército de EE.UU. solía pasar el rato con su ex amante en el bowling y restaurante en Lewiston, donde desató sus brutales ataques con un rifle de estilo AR, matando a 18 personas e hiriendo a otras 13.

Las autoridades dijeron a ABC News, que la hermana de Card cree que los disparos fueron provocados por una "disputa doméstica", que la policía está explorando como un posible motivo. Según los informes, la familia de Card ha estado cooperando con los investigadores.

De acuerdo con documentos de la corte, el sospechoso estuvo casado alguna vez, pero se divorció en 2007. Su exesposa citó "diferencias irreconciliables" como la razón de la separación. La sentencia de divorcio incluía la custodia compartida de su hijo, que entonces era menor de edad y vivía principalmente con su madre.

Antes de su presunto crimen, Card escribió una nota dirigida a su hijo y la dejó en su casa de Bowdoin, según cuenta ABC. Los investigadores encontraron más tarde la incoherente "nota de suicidio", que contenía información personal y datos bancarios.

Al parecer, Card también "interactuó con contenido conspiranoico" en Internet, explorando una serie de temas como el COVID-19, cuestiones LGBTQ+, derechos de armas y comentarios políticos sobre el presidente Joe Biden.

Después de la masacre de la noche del miércoles, Card huyó en un Subaru blanco, que dejó abandonado en Lisboa, Maine, y que luego fue recuperado por la policía.

Cientos de agentes se han desplegado por toda la región para tratar de encontrar a Card, que les ha eludido hasta ahora, lo que algunos expertos atribuyen a sus supuestas habilidades como amante de las actividades al aire libre.

Las autoridades han dado instrucciones a los residentes de varias ciudades para refugiarse en sus lugares, ya que el sospechoso se considera armado y peligroso por sus antecedentes militares.

En 2002, Card se alistó en la Reserva del Ejército y se convirtió en un especialista en suministro de petróleo. Era responsable de la recepción, almacenamiento y envío de productos derivados de este combustible.

Recientemente, Card informó que tenía problemas de salud mental, como escuchar "voces". Durante el verano, fue internado en una institución psiquiátrica durante dos semanas después de que amenazara con disparar contra una base militar en Saco, Maine.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Robert Card May Have Been Targeting Ex-Lover ... As Manhunt Continues

Robert Card might have been targeting his ex-girlfriend when he chose two specific locations in Maine to go on his alleged mass murder spree.

The U.S. Army Reservist used to hang out with his former lover at the bowling alley and bar and grill in Lewiston, where he unleashed his brutal attacks with an AR-style rifle, killing 18 people and injuring 13 others.

Law enforcement told ABC News  ... Card's sister believes the shootings were triggered by a "domestic dispute," which police are now exploring as a possible motive. Card's family has reportedly been cooperating with investigators.

According to court docs ... Card was once married, but got divorced in 2007, and his ex-wife cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason. The divorce order included shared custody of their son, who was then a minor and primarily living with his mother.

Before his alleged killing rampage, Card wrote a note and addressed it to his son, leaving it behind at his Bowdoin home, ABC said. Investigators later found the rambling "suicide note," containing personal information and bank account details.

Card also reportedly "interacted with conspiratorial content" online, exploring a slew of topics such as COVID-19, LGBTQ+ issues, gun rights and political commentary about President Joe Biden.

After Wednesday night's massacre, Card fled in a white Subaru, which was left abandoned in Lisbon, ME, and recovered by police.

Hundreds of officers have fanned out across the region to try to find Card, who has eluded them so far, with some experts attributing this to his purported skills as an outdoorsman.

The authorities have instructed residents in several towns to shelter in place since Card is considered armed and dangerous with a military background.

In 2002, Card enlisted in the Army Reserve and became a petroleum supply specialist. He was responsible for receiving, storing and shipping petroleum-based products.

Recently, Card reported he was having mental health issues, including "hearing voices." Over the summer, he was committed to a mental institution for two weeks after he threatened to shoot up a military base in Saco, ME.

Maine Mass Shooting Residents Rush To Buy Guns ... As Suspect on Loose

Folks in Maine are rushing to stock up on guns to protect themselves in the wake of a mass shooting with a suspect who remains on the loose.

Gun and ammo stores near Lewiston, Maine are seeing a huge surge in folks trying to buy firearms and bullets, with the majority of people coming in to buy handguns.

First Due Firearms tells TMZ ... the phone is ringing off the hook with lots of first-time gun buyers and others looking to add to their firearm collection, with many folks ready to purchase and put money down.

The store says buyers are citing Wednesday's mass shooting, which killed 18 people, as the reason for purchasing guns and ammo.


Over at G3 Firearms, we're told the store's been packed since it opened bright and early at 9 AM ... with people wanting guns for protection. Most of the sales were for handguns, but we're told a few folks bought AR-15s and some even asked for body armor.

Meanwhile, at 3 Cousins Firearms we're told the business is being swamped with calls, emails and Facebook messages from people wanting guns ... and they expect to be super busy the rest of the week.


At another gun store in the area, we're told there was a 50% increase in firearms and while interest was largely for handguns, we're told a couple rifles were sold too.

With multiple counties in Maine in lockdown amid the manhunt for alleged gunman Robert Card, it sounds like people are arming themselves and bracing for the worst.

We're also told the ATF reached out to gun stores in Maine asking owners about Card, but no one was familiar with him.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect's Home Surrounded By Police


6:43 PM PT -- Reports say several of the agents and officers outside the home have left as it now appears Card is not inside the home. ABC News reports the strategy taken by law enforcement is standard procedure in executing a search warrant.

Cops believe they're zeroing in on the man suspected of going on the shooting rampage in Maine ... because his home is surrounded by law enforcement vehicles, drones and helicopters.

The wild and tense scene is playing out at the Bowdoin, ME residence of alleged gunman Robert Card, and cops believe they've seen some movement in a window of the home. Police are shouting commands out over a loudspeaker, telling Card -- or whoever's inside -- to come out and surrender.

At this point, cops aren't confirming there's definitely someone in there, but they're taking every precaution.


The huge police presence includes armored vehicles and drones in the air. It seems pretty clear, they have no intent of sending officers into Card's last known residence, and will instead try to encourage any individuals inside to come out with their hands up.

As we reported ... Card was captured on surveillance cameras during Wednesday night's massacre -- when he opened fire inside a bowling alley and then a bar, killing 18 people.

Card got away, and a huge manhunt ensued all day ... forcing authorities to instruct residents in several towns to shelter in place.

Meanwhile, folks have been buying up guns left and right ... and Pete Davidson and John Mulaney have postponed their upcoming weekend comedy gigs in Maine.

Card has a military background -- he enlisted over 20 years ago in the Army Reserve -- so, law enforcement's taking a slow and careful approach outside his house.

Story developing ...

Originally Published -- 5:15 PM PT

Northwestern State Football Season Canceled, Coach Resigns After Player's Tragic Death

Northwestern State University has canceled its football team's season following a player's tragic death.

The school announced the move on Thursday ... just 14 days after junior safety Ronnie Caldwell was shot and killed near NSU's campus in Louisiana.

The university said in a statement "the mental health and wellbeing of its student-athletes" was the "primary reason" for the decision.

"While our instinct was to return to the field of play following [Caldwell's] death," NSU President Dr. Marcus Jones said, "we've since learned that the hurt on our team was too deep. Now it is in the best interest of our players, coaches, and staff to pause and to take this time to mourn, to heal, and to support Ronnie's family."

The team canceled its Oct. 14 game against Nicholls State immediately after Caldwell's death, but it suited up for its game against Southeastern Louisiana a week later. It lost the contest, 37-20, but players and coaches all honored Caldwell during the matchup.

The team had four more games remaining on its schedule before Thursday's decision to forego the rest of the year was made.

Meanwhile, NSU head coach Brad Laird revealed he was resigning from his position after holding it for the past six years ... saying he was heartbroken over Caldwell's passing.

"Due to the loss of Ronnie and the emotional burden it has caused me, I don't feel I can give my all to these players or this program," Laird said. "Any coach will tell you that their players become like family, so the loss of Ronnie was like losing a son. I love this program and this university and I know it will persevere and move forward with the competitive spirit that is at the core of our DNA."

Caldwell had appeared in 11 games last season for NSU, but hadn't suited up this season due to a preseason injury.

He was just 21 years old.

Pete Davidson and John Mulaney Postpone Comedy Gigs In Maine ... 'Devastated' By Mass Shooting

Pete Davidson and John Mulaney are pushing back the dates for their upcoming shows in Maine as residents deal with the fallout from a mass shooting.

The comedians just announced they are postponing their scheduled weekend shows in Bangor and Portland, roughly 30 miles from where Wednesday's deadly shooting took place.

In a statement on social media, John and Pete say they are "devastated" by the incident and "We are thinking of you all."

As you know ... a gunman went on a shooting rampage Wednesday night at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston, Maine ... 18 people are dead and 13 more are injured.


The suspected shooter, Robert Card, is still on the loose ... and there's an ever-expanding manhunt.


Meanwhile, residents are being asked to shelter in place as law enforcement tries to find Card.

Folks are applauding Pete and John for postponing the shows ... and there's been no word on a rescheduled date.


Pete Davidson y John Mulaney están posponiendo las fechas de sus próximos espectáculos en Maine, ya que los residentes se están ocupando de las secuelas de un tiroteo masivo.

Los comediantes acaban de anunciar que están posponiendo sus shows programados para el fin de semana en Bangor y Portland, aproximadamente a 30 millas de donde tuvo lugar el tiroteo mortal del miércoles.

En un comunicado en las redes sociales de John y Pete dicen que están "devastados" por el incidente y "Estamos pensando en todos ustedes".

Como ustedes ya saben; un hombre armado fue el infame autor de un tiroteo la noche del miércoles en local de bolos y un bar en Lewiston, Maine. 18 personas han muerto y 13 resultaron heridas.

si ven algo por favor háganlo saber

El presunto tirador, Robert Card, sigue suelto y hay una persecución cada vez mayor.

buscando donde esconderse

Mientras tanto, a los residentes se les pide que se refugien en el lugar mientras las fuerzas del orden tratan de encontrar a Card.

La gente está aplaudiendo a Pete y John por posponer los espectáculos y no ha habido ninguna palabra sobre una fecha reprogramada.


Robert Card, el hombre que según la policía es el autor del tiroteo masivo de Maine, tiene antecedentes militares. Ganó medallas en la Reserva del Ejército a pesar de no haber entrado nunca en combate.

Card se alistó en la Reserva del Ejército en 2002, trabajando como especialista en suministro de petróleo.

Durante su servicio, Card fue galardonado con varias medallas; incluyendo la Medalla de Logro del Ejército, la Medalla de Servicio de Defensa Nacional, la Medalla de Servicio Humanitario, dos Medallas de Logro del Componente de Reserva del Ejército y la Cinta de Servicio del Ejército.

Las funciones de Card como especialista en suministro de petróleo le hicieron responsable de la recepción, almacenamiento y envío de productos derivados del petróleo, asegurándose de que el combustible era transportado y manejado de forma segura y correctamente dispensado en varios vehículos y aviones de las Fuerzas Armadas.

La Reserva del Ejército de la lista de trabajo en línea para la posición de Card promueve el trabajo de esta manera: "Como Especialista en Suministro de Petróleo, suministrarás al Ejército el combustible que necesita para mantener un estado de preparación en todo momento".

si ves algo por favor testifica

Como informamos, la policía está buscando a Card. La información actual es que fue en un caótico tiroteo en un bar en Maine, en el que al menos 18 personas murieron y 13 resultaron heridas.

buscando refugio

Card supuestamente utilizó un rifle AR-15 en el tiroteo masivo del miércoles y en este momento hay una búsqueda cada vez mayor y desesperada para encontrarlo.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Has Army Background ... Enlisted Over 20 Years Ago

Robert Card, the guy cops say is the Maine mass shooter, has a military background ... earning medals in the Army Reserve despite never seeing combat.

Card enlisted in the Army Reserve way back in 2002, working as a petroleum supply specialist.

During his service, Card was awarded several medals ... including the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, 2 Army Reserve Component Achievement Medals and the Army Service Ribbon.

Card's duties as a petroleum supply specialist made him responsible for receiving, storing and shipping petroleum-based products ... making sure the fuel was transported and handled safely and properly dispensed in various Armed Forces vehicles and aircraft.

The Army Reserve's online job listing for Card's position promotes the job like this ... "As a Petroleum Supply Specialist, you’ll supply the Army with the fuel it needs to maintain a state of readiness at all times."


As we reported ... cops are on the hunt for Card, with police saying he went on a shooting rampage at a bowling alley and a bar in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring 13.


Card allegedly used an AR-15-style rifle in Wednesday's mass shooting ... and now there's an ever-expanding, and desperate, search to find him.

Maine Mass Shooting Gunman Opens Fire At Bowling Alley & Bar ... 18 Dead, 13 Injured


10/26 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Officials just held another press conference, revealing 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting and 13 were injured. 7 (1F, 6M) of the deceased were killed at the Just-In-Time Recreation Center, 8 (8M) were killed at Schemengees Bar and Grille ... and 3 people transferred to the hospital died.


8:35 PM PT -- Cops just provided an update, saying the person of interest is 40-year-old Robert Card. Residents are advised to shelter in place, as he's still on the loose.

7:31 PM PT -- Reports now say at least 20 are dead ... and the suspect is still on the loose, allegedly seen driving a white Subaru.

A gunman went on a deadly shooting rampage at a bowling alley in Maine, killing at least 16 and injuring dozens more ... and the suspect is still on the loose.

The mass shooting went down Wednesday night in Lewiston, Maine ... and there are also reports of shots being fired at two other locations ... a local bar and a Walmart.

Maine State Police says it's an active shooter situation ... and folks are being asked to shelter in place.

There are images of a gunman in the bowling alley ... and he appears to be armed with an assault rifle.

Cops are also looking for a car believed to belong to the gunman.

Lewiston is the second largest city in Maine ... it's roughly 30 miles north of Portland.

Originally Published -- 10/25 6:47 PM PT

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Hombre armado abre fuego en un bowling... 18 muertos y 13 heridos


26/10 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Las autoridades acaban de dar otra conferencia de prensa, revelando que 18 personas murieron en el tiroteo del miércoles por la noche y 13 resultaron heridas.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

8:35 PM PT -- La policía acaba de proporcionar una actualización, diciendo que la persona de interés es Robert Card y tiene 40 años de edad. También ha aconsejado a los residentes que se refugien en sus lugares, mientras el sospechoso sigue suelto.

7:31 PM PST -- Los informes dicen ahora que al menos 20 personas han muerto, y el sospechoso sigue suelto. Fue visto supuestamente conduciendo un Subaru blanco.

Un hombre armado inició un tiroteo mortal en un bowling en Maine, causando la muerte de al menos 16 personas e hiriendo a decenas más, y el sospechoso sigue suelto.

El tiroteo masivo se llevó a cabo la noche del miércoles en Lewiston, Maine, y también hay informes de disparos en otros dos lugares: un bar local y un Walmart.

La policía del estado de Maine dice que el estatus del tirador sigue activo y se le ha pedido  a la gente que se refugie en el lugar.

Hay imágenes de un hombre armado en el bowling, al parecer con un rifle de asalto.

Los policías también están buscando un carro que se cree que pertenece al sospechoso.

Lewiston es la segunda ciudad más grande de Maine y se ubica aproximadamente a 30 millas al norte de Portland.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:47 PM PT

Maine Mass Shooting State Doesn't Have Red Flag Law ... Relaxed Gun Policies Become Talking Point

Maine is a state in the U.S. without a red flag law to take away firearms from those who show signs of being a threat to others -- a law that could have protected the 18 people killed and 13 injured in Wednesday's mass shooting.

U.S. Army Reservist Robert Card allegedly used an AR-15-style gun to kill 18 people in Lewiston, Maine. While a massive manhunt is underway to find him, many have pointed to the state's light gun laws as a major issue.

The state does have a yellow flag law -- the main difference is that, unlike a red flag law, it doesn't specifically empower family members to directly ask a judge to order the removal of someone's guns and block them from purchasing more.

In this case, only cops can issue a request.


It's also a permitless carry state and doesn't have a robust background check program ... and hasn't banned the purchase of assault-style weapons, like the one Card allegedly used at the bowling alley where a youth league was competing.

As we reported, authorities say Card is a trained firearms instructor with 2 decades of military experience -- and recently reported "hearing voices" and threatened to shoot up the National Guard Base in Saco, ME.

There are also reports he was committed to a mental institution this past summer and was released.

The question people are asking in the wake of the massacre is how Card was able to have weapons in his possession after his recently reported issues with his mental health -- with some saying a red flag law could've prevented the tragic incident.