NBA Star Brandon Miller Sued For Wrongful Death

Brandon Miller -- the ex-Crimson Tide star who was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draft -- has been sued for wrongful death by the family of the woman who was killed in a shooting earlier this year near the University of Alabama.

The lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, was filed in a federal court on Friday by Jamea Harris' mother, DeCarla Heard ... nearly 10 months after Harris was allegedly murdered by Miller's friend.

In the suit, Heard claims Miller played a significant role in her daughter's Jan. 14 death ... alleging Miller was the one who came to the location of the shooting with the firearm that Michael Davis then used to kill Harris.

Heard claims Miller, Davis and former Tide basketball player Darius Miles had all been together earlier in the night at a row of clubs in Tuscaloosa, when Miller left because a line to get into one of the bars was too long. She says Miles left his gun in Miller's ride before the basketball phenom took off.

A short time later, though, Heard says Davis and Miles left the bar ... and got into a dispute with Harris, her boyfriend and her cousin. She claims in the suit Miles then texted Miller, now a Charlotte Hornet, asking for his "joint" because "someone was 'fakin',' meaning using words in an aggressive manner with no intention or ability to back them up."

Heard says when Miller showed up minutes later, Miles then retrieved the gun from the hooper's ride, before he handed it off to Davis. She alleges Davis then approached Harris, her BF and her cousin in a car and fired off rounds -- striking Harris with at least one in the face, killing her.

Heard is seeking damages ... claiming Davis, Miles and Miller "should have known that bringing a dangerous weapon to a dispute and discharging said weapon would likely result in harm to those around them."

For his part, Miller's attorney said in February that Miller "never touched the gun, was not involved in its exchange to Mr. Davis in any way, and never knew that illegal activity involving the gun would occur." He was never charged with a crime.

As for Miles and Davis, both are facing capital murder charges over their alleged roles in Harris' death.

Miller, meanwhile, has since inked a multi-million-dollar deal with the Hornets ... and is expected to be a legit competitor for Rookie of the Year honors this season.

Suge Knight Starting Podcast From Prison!!! Barking Back At Snoop, Akon, Wack, P -- Everybody


7:11 AM PT -- Breakbeat's Dave Mays tells TMZ Hip Hop, “As we celebrate hip-hop’s 50th year, more than ever the hip-hop community needs a media platform that they can trust to bring a truthful and authentic perspective on so many important things happening in our world. I’m proud that Breakbeat provides this essential and valuable medium."

He adds, "And I'm so excited to be able to enlist the help of my longtime friend and one of hip-hop’s most formidable, pioneering, and fearless leaders to help Breakbeat continue to achieve this goal. 'Collect Call With Suge Knight' will awaken hip-hop fans worldwide and build bridges across multiple generations.”

Suge Knight might be locked up, but that doesn't mean his voice will remain behind bars ... cuz the Death Row mogul is starting a podcast from prison.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the first intro to "Collect Call With Suge Knight" -- his new podcast with Breakbeat Media CEO and The Source magazine founder, Dave Mays.


Dave tells us they've already stashed about 5 episodes containing half-hour conversations each ahead of the pod's official Halloween '23 launch.

As for topics covered -- we're told Suge won't leave much unturned when it comes to hip hop -- responding to the legions of artists/hip hop pundits who have been using his name for headlines and expanding on his thoughts of Snoop Dogg owning the Death Row brand.

Remember, Suge's got history with everyone from Master P and Wack 100 to Warren G and Akon ... so they're essentially all on notice.

Dave says the pod's not only about slinging mud -- Suge wants the younger generation to benefit from his experiences -- good and bad -- and will be looking to connect them with older artists and also fielding questions from the audience.

Breakbeat will be dropping podcast episodes weekly ... audio on Thursdays and video on Fridays on all major platforms with a sneak peek of the first convo coming on Oct. 24.


Suge called into TMZ Live not too long ago and told us he had no intention of snitching on Keefe D after his arrest in connection Tupac Shakur's murder ... so don't count on that happening on the podcast.

So ya, maybe the saying is true ... just about everybody DOES have a podcast.

Originally Published -- 12:50 AM PT


Suge Knight puede estar encerrado, pero eso no significa que su voz no será escuchada. El magnate de Death Row está comenzando un podcast desde la cárcel.

TMZ Hip Hop obtuvo la primera introducción a "Collect Calls With Suge Knight", su nuevo podcast con Breakbeat Media CEO y cofundador de la revista The Source, Dave Mays.

desde la fuente

Dave nos dice que ya tienen alrededor de cinco episodios que contienen conversaciones de media hora cada uno antes del lanzamiento del podcast de Halloween número 23 y, por lo visto, el personal de la prisión parece no tener problema.

En cuanto a la temática, nos informan que Suge va a hablar prácticamente de todo, respondiendole a legiones de artistas y expertos de hip hop que han hablado en su nombre. Además, va a compartir sus pensamientos acerca de que Snoop Dogg sea el sueño de la marca Death Row.

Recordemos que Suge tiene historia con todo el mundo, desde Master P hasta Wack 100. Desde Warren G hasta Akon... prácticamente todo el mundo estará involucrado.

Dave dice que el programa no es sólo acerca de slinging barro - Suge quiere que la generación más joven para beneficiarse de sus experiencias - buenas y malas - y se busca conectarlos con los artistas de más edad y también responder a las preguntas de la audiencia.

suge va a hablar

Suge llamó a TMZ Live no hace mucho tiempo y nos dijo que no tenía ninguna intención de delatar a Keefe D después de su detención en relación con el asesinato de Tupac Shakur, así que no cuenten con que eso ocurra en el podcast.

Tal vez el dicho es cierto, casi todo el mundo tiene un podcast.

Tori Spelling Evacuate STAT, Suspected Gunman Next Door!!! SWAT Team Descends on Neighborhood

Tori Spelling and her kids had a terrifying Wednesday after a SWAT team looking for a man with an assault rifle turned her block upside down.

Tori and co., along with her neighbors, were ordered to evacuate, and no one needed any encouragement to skedaddle.

Witnesses say the talk on the block was that a man next door to Tori's rental house was barricaded inside with an AR-15. Police took one man into custody.

Tori appeared visibly upset as she raced home in a full sprint ... frantically looking for her children. The actress and her family were in the thick of the action.

Tori stood behind the yellow police caution tape as the standoff played out ... and she was talking with neighbors and taking phone calls.

Police say it all started with a radio call ... with LAPD responding and a SWAT Team assembling too. The good news, cops say no one was hurt.

APLASTÓ SU CABEZA Después de que ella rechazara sus proposiciones sexuales

La vida de Natalee Holloway se apagó de una manera enferma y brutal luego de que ella rechazó sexualmente a su asesino, Joran van der Sloot.

En documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, van der Sloot admite haber matado a Holloway en una transcripción de una confesión hecha a su abogado, donde expone los últimos minutos de su vida.

Joran dice que él y Natalee estaban caminando por la playa en Aruba después de una noche de fiesta en un bar local. Dice que los dos encontraron un espacio en la arena, se acostaron y empezaron a besarse. Joran le dice a su abogado: "Empiezo a tocarla otra vez y ella me dice que no. Me dijo que no quería que la tocara. Yo insisto. Sigo tocandola de cualquier".

Enojado, Joran dice que Natalee le da un rodillazo en la entrepierna y él se levanta y le da una patada "extremadamente fuerte" en la cara y la deja inconsciente.

En una confesión repugnante, van der Sloot dice que coge un bloque de hormigón y la golpea en la cabeza con él: "Le aplasto la cabeza con él completamente".

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un tema cerrado

Inseguro de qué hacer con su cuerpo, van der Sloot dice que luego la lleva al agua, caminando hasta que está cerca de la rodilla y la empuja hacia fuera en el agua para que se la lleven.

Como hemos informado, van der Sloot estaba en la corte en Alabama el miércoles, donde participó en una declaración de culpabilidad de los cargos de fraude electrónico y extorsión después de decirle a la familia que iba a dar detalles de su muerte por dinero.

Sorprendentemente, van der Sloot ofreció una disculpa a la familia el miércoles, diciendo que había encontrado la religión, pero eso no funcionó con la madre de Holloway —Beth— quien dijo que siempre sería un asesino.

Holloway desapareció en un viaje a Aruba en 2005 y ahora su familia por fin tien respuestas.

Natalee Holloway Van Der Sloot Crushed Head with Cinder Block After She Refused His Sexual Advances

Natalee Holloway's life was ended in a sick and brutal way after she refused sexual advances from her killer, Joran van der Sloot.

In legal docs, obtained by TMZ, van der Sloot admits to killing Holloway in a transcript of a confession made to his attorney ... where he lays out the final minutes of her life.

Joran says he and Natalee were walking along the beach in Aruba after a late night out at a local bar. He says the two found a space on the sand, laid down, and started to kiss. Joran tells his attorney, "I start feeling her up again and she tells me no. She tells me she doesn't want me to - to feel her up. Uh, I insist. I keep feeling her up either way."

Angered by his advances, Joran says Natalee then knees him in the crotch ... and he stands up and kicks her "extremely hard" in the face and knocking her out.

In a sickening confession, van der Sloot then says he grabs a nearby cinder block and smashes her in the head with it ... "I smash her head in with it completely."

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Unsure of what to do with her body, van der Sloot says he then carries her into the water, walking until he's about knee-deep and pushes her out into the water to be carried away.

As we reported, van der Sloot was in court in Alabama Wednesday where he entered a guilty plea to charges of wire fraud and extortion after telling the family he'd give up details of her death for money.

Shockingly enough, van der Sloot offered up an apology to the family Wednesday, saying he'd found religion ... but that didn't work with Holloway's mother, Beth, who said he'd always be a killer.

Holloway disappeared on a trip to Aruba back in 2005 ... and now her family finally has some answers.

42 Dugg Gets Outta Prison ... Yo Gotti There with CMG Welcome


42 Dugg is a free man again -- released from prison earlier after serving 17 months for gun possession ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

The Detroit rapper was greeted by family, friends and his CMG Records boss Yo Gotti on Monday outside the Georgia prison where he'd been since May 2022.

After a rousing welcome home, we're told they immediately got some good grub and headed straight to the studio!!!

If you recall, 42 lashed out about his prison conditions back in May of this year ... claiming he was being held illegally past his court date, and the U.S. Marshals were playing mind games with him as if they'd captured Ethan Hunt.

42 led the feds on a manhunt for months, starting at the end of 2021, when he was supposed to turn himself in to a West Virginia prison.

He eventually was sentenced to 1 year, and quickly had regrets after intake at the prison -- he lashed out at the lack of hot water and other amenities on the inside.

Gotti offered up a pretty penny for his release -- $2 million to any attorney able to get his sentence shortened.

No word if he ended up forking out that dough, but Dugg is definitely home.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

His arrival comes just in time for the upcoming CMG Tour featuring, arguably, the hottest team in rap ... Moneybagg Yo, GloRilla, EST Gee and more.

If all the paperwork checks out, fans just might see Dugg onstage too!!! #FreeDemBoyz

Alec Baldwin May Be Recharged in 'Rust' Case ... His Attorneys Respond

Alec Baldwin might be put through the legal wringer again -- because prosecutors are zeroing in on him again ... a move his legal team thinks is complete BS.

The Santa Fe District Attorney's Office announced Monday that they'll convene a grand jury in the near future to consider whether to refile an involuntary manslaughter charge against Baldwin ... saying they feel it's appropriate for ordinary citizens to decide if the case against him should be revived.


Baldwin's attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro of Quinn Emanuel tell TMZ ... "It is unfortunate that a terrible tragedy has been turned into this misguided prosecution. We will answer any charges in court."

Remember, the D.A. dropped this same charge against Baldwin just earlier this year ... this after making a big show of filing charges in the first place. While they seemed to close the book on his role in the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins -- they did say at the time that they reserved the right to recharge him if new information came to light. Apparently, it has.

Prosecutors reportedly decided to send the case back to the grand jury after submitting the gun for further analysis, which they claim contradicts Baldwin saying he never pulled the trigger.

This latest news comes on the heels of a ruling in the pending case against the armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed just last week -- when a judge decided that the production companies involved in "Rust" had to fork over correspondence and other docs pertaining to the film's pre-production.

The implication ... prosecutors wanted to see what, if any, role Alec had as a producer of the film as it pertains to allegations that corners were cut when it came to gun safety and training -- something Gutierrez-Reed has claimed took place in defending herself.

Gutierrez-Reed is also being criminally prosecuted in this case ... with the same charge. If convicted, the charge carries a prison sentence of up to 18 months.


Alec Baldwin podría tener problemas legales de nuevo porque los fiscales están yendose contra él otra vez... un movimiento de su equipo legal piensa que es una completa canallada.

La Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Santa Fe anunció el lunes que van a convocar a un gran jurado en un futuro próximo para considerar si se debe volver a presentar un cargo de homicidio involuntario contra Baldwin, diciendo que sienten que es apropiado para los ciudadanos comunes para decidir si el caso en su contra debe ser retomado.

tiro de práctica

Los abogados de Baldwin, Luke Nikas y Alex Spiro de Quinn Emanuel le informan a TMZ: "Es lamentable que una terrible tragedia se ha convertido en este enjuiciamiento equivocado. Vamos a responder a cualquier cargo en la corte".

Recordemos que la justicia retiró este mismo cargo contra Baldwin a principios de este año, después de hacer un gran espectáculo de la presentación de cargos desde el comienzo. Si bien parecían cerrar el libro sobre su papel en el tiroteo mortal de Halyna Hutchins, dijeron en ese momento que se reservaban el derecho de volver a acusarlo si salía a la luz nueva información. Al parecer, lo ha hecho.

Al parecer, los fiscales decidieron devolver el caso al gran jurado tras someter el arma a nuevos análisis, que según ellos contradicen la afirmación de Baldwin de que nunca apretó el gatillo.

Esta última noticia se produce después de que la semana pasada un juez dictara sentencia en el caso pendiente contra la armera Hannah Gutierrez-Reed y decidiera que las productoras implicadas en "Rust" tenían que entregar la correspondencia y otros documentos relacionados con la preproducción de la película.

Los fiscales querían estar seguros de cuál era el papel de Alec como productor de la película y su poder de decisión respecto a la seguridad de las armas en el set. Gutiérrez-Reed ha sacado a relucir este tema en su defensa

Gutiérrez-Reed también está siendo procesada penalmente en este caso, con el mismo cargo. Si es declarada culpable, el cargo conlleva una pena de prisión de hasta 18 meses.

Home Invasion Horror Gunman Accosts Woman Entering Her House ... Caught On Camera


A masked gunman was caught on security footage attempting a home invasion in Washington state, rushing up behind a fast-reacting woman, who managed to shut her front door and lock it just before he could gain entry.

Check out the Ring camera video ... it starts with the woman's male companion walking onto a porch and unlocking and opening the door before disappearing into the house in Kent, WA.

Moments later, the woman steps up onto the porch and is about to enter her abode when she suddenly feels someone behind her and spins around.

The ski-masked suspect dashes up to her with a gun in one hand. But the woman is too quick, running inside, slamming the door closed and bolting it.

The would-be intruder desperately tries to force open the door, but his efforts are futile. He then turns and sees the camera recording him, smashing it with the butt of his gun and cutting off the clip.

We've reached out to Kent PD to see if they've caught the perpetrator ... so far no word back.

HORROR en casa delincuente sorprende A MUJER mientras ENTRA a SU CASA Capturado en video

por poco

Un hombre armado y enmascarado fue capturado en imágenes de seguridad intentando un allanamiento de morada en el estado de Washington, corriendo detrás de una mujer que logró cerrar la puerta y bloquearla justo a tiempo

Échale un vistazo al video. Comienza con el compañero de la mujer caminando hacia la casa y abriendo la puerta principal para posteriormente entrar.

Justo detrás venía la mujer que, cuando está a punto de entrar en su morada, siente a alguien detrás de ella y se da la vuelta.

El sospechoso, enmascarado, se precipita hacia ella con pistola en mano, pero la mujer es demasiado rápida para él y corre hacia el interior cerrando la puerta al instante.

El intruso intenta desesperadamente forzar la puerta para abrirla, pero sus esfuerzos son inútiles. Entonces se gira y ve la cámara que lo está grabando y la rompe con la culata de su pistola, cortando el video.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la policía de Kent para ver si han capturado al autor pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

2Pac's Brother Mopreme Shakur Diddy Told Me, Personally ... He Was Not Involved in Pac's Murder

Tupac Shakur's brother Mopreme says Diddy called him personally to deny involvement in the Las Vegas murder, and while folks like 50 Cent continue to fuel that rumor ... it sounds like Mopreme still wants an official verdict.

On Monday, Pac's bro was back in the hot seat for "Art Of Dialogue" -- the same platform where Tupac murder suspect Keefe D told on himself -- and Mopreme dug into his memory vault to recall the Diddy phone call.

At the time, they hadn't met, but Mo says the Bad Boy mogul knew exactly who he was and what he was about -- and wanted to tell him "man-to-man" the killing wasn't on his hands.

Mopreme says Diddy dialed him "sometime in the 2000s" ... which aligns with the 2008 Los Angeles Times story written by Chuck Philips that implicated Diddy in Tupac's murder.

The Times eventually retracted the story after the FBI reports it cited were found to be falsified.

Mopreme admits finding answers behind Pac's death has been a chore, and doesn't know what to make of Diddy's phone call to him.

For what it's worth, Keefe has previously claimed Diddy was orchestrating behind the scenes. It's unclear what he'll say in court now, should he actually stand trial for Tupac's murder.

50 Cent hasn't seemed to care whether Diddy's involvement is fact or fiction, and has been riling up fans with jabs on social media and onstage.

Jimmie Allen Carrying Knife at Kids Football Game

Jimmie Allen showed face at a Pop Warner youth football game over the weekend with some protection ... carrying a hunting knife on his side while taking in the action.

TMZ obtained photos of the country music star with a huge knife in a sheath hanging from his hip. A witness tells us Jimmie showed up Saturday to a Pop Warner game in Lewes, DE to watch a family member play.

Folks who were there say Jimmie had a friendly conversation with the man he was standing next to on the field ... and we're told Jimmie seemed to be rooting for the winning team.

While it's unclear exactly why he had the knife, a source close to the singer tells us he fishes almost daily and is always outdoors, so it's possible he just happened to have the knife on him.

Jimmie's been going through a lot lately ... as we've reported, he's countersuing a woman who is accusing him of sexually assaulting her and secretly filming the alleged encounter.

What's more, Jimmie is also countersuing his former manager, who is accusing him of sexual abuse.

Meanwhile, Jimmie and his wife Alexis are back together after briefly separating when he confessed to cheating on her ... and last month they welcomed their third child together.

Jimmie's kids are all 3 years and under ... and he was watching 10-year-olds play football, so this would have to be some serious advance scouting. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jimmie Allen apareció en un partido de fútbol de jóvenes durante el fin de semana portando ni más ni menos que un cuchillo de caza.

TMZ obtuvo fotos de la estrella de la música country con un enorme cuchillo en una funda que cuelga de su cadera. Un testigo nos dice que Jimmie apareció el sábado en un juego de Pop Warner en Lewes, Delaware, para ver a un miembro de la familia jugar.

La gente que estaba allí dice que Jimmie tuvo una conversación amistosa con el hombre que estaba de pie junto a la cancha, y nos dicen Jimmie parecía estar apoyando al equipo ganador.

Aunque no está claro exactamente por qué tenía el cuchillo, una fuente cercana al cantante nos dice que pesca casi a diario y siempre está al aire libre, por lo que es posible que simplemente llevara el cuchillo encima por mera casualidad.

Jimmie está pasando por muchas cosas últimamente, como hemos informado, está contra demandando a una mujer que lo acusa de agredirla sexualmente y de filmar en secreto el supuesto encuentro.

Lo que es más, Jimmie también está contra demandando a su ex manager, que lo acusa de abuso sexual.

Mientras tanto, Jimmie y su esposa Alexis están juntos de nuevo después de separarse brevemente cuando él confesó haberla engañado y el mes pasado dieron la bienvenida a su tercer hijo juntos.

Los niños de Jimmie son todos de 3 años o menos, y él estaba viendo a niños de 10 años jugar al fútbol, por lo que esto debe ser un poco de exploración anticipada. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Gun Show w/ Kids ... Amid Possible Charges

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are possibly on the verge of being charged with child neglect -- and amid that scary reality ... here they are taking the family to a gun show.

The 'Teen Mom' star was spotted Sunday with her husband and two children hitting up an event in Wilmington, NC -- where firearms, knives and other weaponry were out on tables and up for grabs for gun enthusiasts ... the perfect place to bring your little ones.


Eyewitnesses tell us David was hanging with Jenelle's 9-year-old son, Kaiser, while she stayed near her and DE's 6-year-old daughter Ensley. The boys checked out a number of items -- knives, holsters and rifle scopes. As far as what they actually picked up -- we're told David appear to purchase a bullet-proof vest for himself, and a wooden battle ax for Kaiser.

Jenelle and Ensley were only there briefly, leaving about 20 minutes into the shopping spree -- the other child in their custody at the moment, 14-year-old Jace, was nowhere to be seen.

Jace's repeated runaway attempts have been at the center of a probe there -- where law enforcement officials are considering bringing charges against either Jenelle, David or both. In addition to Jace constantly fleeing the home, we've heard there've also been abuse claims.

As we reported ... the investigation is in the final stages, and our sources tell us criminal charges are likely. We've reached out to Jenelle and David -- but haven't heard back.

While they haven't responded to us ... Dave has telegraphed that everything's fine in the household -- recently posting a bunch of photos of him and Jace, and saying no one understands their relationship, suggesting they're close.


If that was the case, you'd figure Jace might've tagged along for this outing -- but he didn't.

Texas State Fair Gunman Opens Fire, Wounding Fairgoers


A man with a gun wreaked havoc at the State Fair of Texas Saturday night, firing shots into the food court, injuring 3 and sending scores of people running for their lives, and you see the panic from above as someone shot video from the Ferris wheel.

The incident occurred just before 8 PM at the Dallas State Fairgrounds. Police received reports of an active shooter.


When they arrived, they found 3 people sustained gunshot wounds. Fortunately, all 3 injuries were non-life threatening.

The entire fair was evacuated and shut down. The video shows the chaos as people scrambled to leave. It's expected to re-open Sunday at 2 PM.

It's unclear if the shooter was targeting his victims. Details are still coming in.

The shooter was apprehended after attempting to flee. No word on his identity. Cops recovered the gun.

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