Israel Americans Go Missing After Hamas Attacks

There's at least half a dozen American citizens who are unaccounted for in Israel following deadly attacks from Hamas ... including a mother and daughter visiting from Illinois.

President Joe Biden says 14 Americans have already died in the Hamas terrorist attack, with the death toll already standing at 1,700 and counting.

Joe Biden

It's unclear if the six Americans reported missing in Gaza are dead or alive, but their families are holding out hope for a safe return ... and Biden says more Americans are likely among those who have been taken hostage by terrorists.

In addition to the Illinois mother and her teen daughter, there's also a 23-year-old who was at the music festival where Hamas attacked and took hostages; a soldier with the Israeli Defense Force; a 35-year-old father of two; and a 66-year-old grandmother.

Judith Tai Raanan and Natalie Raanan traveled from their Chicago-area suburb to Israel last month to visit relatives, and they were reported missing during Saturday's attack and are feared to have been kidnapped by Palestinian gunmen, their family told ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie graduated from high school this past spring and their Illinois synagogue is praying she and her mother are safe.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin was at the desert music festival that became a target for Hamas terrorists ... and his parents told the Jerusalem Post he texted them Saturday morning saying "I love you" and "I'm sorry" before going radio silent.

Hersch was born in Berkley, CA before moving to Israel with his family in 2008 ... he had just celebrated a birthday before going to the rave, where Hamas killed hundreds of festivalgoers.

Itay Chen's a 19-year-old dual citizen serving in the IDF and he's been "missing in action" from his post in Gaza since Saturday, his father told CNN.

Chen's father says his son basically vanished along with his military unit and the family is hopeful he surfaces in time to make it to his younger brother's upcoming Bar Mitzvah in Italy.

Adrienne Neta, a mother of four and grandmother of seven, is thought to have been taken hostage by Hamas ... her family told Fox News they think she was kidnapped from her home, where she's lived for decades since moving from Fresno, Calif.

Neta's family says they were on the phone with her when terrorists entered her home ... and they heard her screaming.

Sagui Dekel-Chen, a father of two with another baby on the way, was among those in his neighborhood who fought back against a terrorist onslaught before going missing.

While some of his neighbors were seen being led away by Hamas, his father says Dekel-Chen was not among the hostages and vanished without a trace ... though his wife and kids survived the attack.

UFC's Natan Levy Hunkered Down in Israel Near Hamas Attacks ... 'These Are War Crimes'


UFC fighter Natan Levy says he's currently around 25-30 miles away from the heinous attacks Hamas is unleashing on his native Israel ... and the scene is horrifying.

The 32-year-old flew to Israel just a few days before the weekend wave of terror began ... and simply intended to spend time with his family at a cousin's wedding.

But, Tuesday on "TMZ Live," he told us about the moment all their plans changed, and they went into survival mode.

Natan said he and his family fled to a bunker as soon as they heard sirens in the area, but thought it was "just missiles" ... something that's, sadly, fairly common. Initially, they didn't realize the terrorists were invading on foot and killing civilians.

He adds, "What's happening -- it's not far from here. It's a war zone, and it's just by the hand of God I'm not there inside the war zone."

Citing the reports of Hamas beheading babies and burning others alive ... Natan said he's hoping Israel's severe retaliation continues.


"I think we're going to have to attack -- they've left us no choice," he said. "Hopefully the least amount of civilians get hurt, but all of the blood is on their hands."

Thinking of the hundreds of hostages, Natan added ... "We've got to strike back. And we've got to get out as much people as we can out of there as fast as possible. Because the way they hold people hostage, it's not humane. It's crimes against humanity."

Alec Baldwin Safety Role on 'Rust' Set Under Microscope ... New Charges Possible

Alec Baldwin might not be out of the woods in the 'Rust' criminal case, because the possibility of prosecutors refiling charges is still looming ... depending on what they learn about docs related to the movie's preproduction planning.

A judge recently made a major ruling after prosecutors in New Mexico asked for documents to be turned over tied to any contracts between Baldwin and the production companies working on the movie. Those docs could shed light on how the production dealt with weapons training and safety on the set, and whether any corners were cut to save money.


Hizzoner weighed in on the matter and decided the records needed to be forked over to the D.A.'s office.

The movie's armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- who's still facing an involuntary manslaughter charge -- has been arguing the production companies basically hamstrung her and prevented her from doing her job properly. She's claimed she was denied additional firearm training ... saying producers cited a tight budget as the reason.

Depending on what's found in the handed over docs, it could possibly spell new trouble for Baldwin.

Remember, he was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter, but in April that was dropped. Now, it's possible he could be charged again.

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The victim, Halyna Hutchins, was shot and killed during a rehearsal ... with Baldwin's gun going off and striking her. Baldwin has insisted he never pulled the trigger.

Israel Ciudadanos de Estados Unidos desaparecidos en ataques de Hamás

Hay al menos media docena de ciudadanos estadounidenses cuyo paradero en Israel aún es desconocido en Israel después de los ataques mortales de Hamás, incluyendo una madre y su hija de visita desde Illinois.

El presidente Joe Biden dice que 14 estadounidenses ya han muerto en el ataque terrorista de Hamás, con un total de muertes que ya se eleva a las 1.700 y contando.

Joe Biden
Esto es terrorismo

No está claro si los seis estadounidenses dados por desaparecidos en Gaza están vivos o muertos, pero sus familias mantienen la esperanza de que puedan volver seguros a casa. Biden ha comentado que es probable que haya más estadounidenses entre los que han sido tomados como rehenes por los terroristas.

Además de la madre de Illinois y su hija adolescente, también hay un joven de 23 años, que estaba en el festival de música donde Hamas atacó y tomó rehenes, un soldado de la Fuerza de Defensa de Israel, un hombre de 35 años, padre de dos hijos y una abuela de 66 años.

Judith Tai Raanan y Natalie Raanan viajaron el mes pasado desde su barrio de Chicago a Israel para visitar a unos parientes y fueron dadas por desaparecidas durante el ataque del sábado. Se teme que ambas fueron secuestradas por pistoleros palestinos, dijo su familia a ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie se graduó de la escuela secundaria en la primavera pasada y su sinagoga de Illinois está orando para que ella y su madre estén a salvo.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin estaba en el festival de música que se convirtió en un objetivo para los terroristas de Hamás. Sus padres dijeron al Jerusalem Post que les envió un mensaje de texto el sábado por la mañana diciendo "Te amo" y "Lo siento" antes de desaparecer.

Hersch nació en Berkley, California. Luego se mudó con su familia a Israel en 2008 y recientemente había celebrado su cumpleaños antes de ir al festival, donde Hamás mató a cientos de asistentes.

Itay Chen es un joven de 19 años con doble nacionalidad que sirve en las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y se encuentra "desaparecido en combate" de su puesto en Gaza desde el sábado, dijo su padre a CNN.

El padre de Chen dice que su hijo desapareció junto a su unidad militar y la familia tiene la esperanza de que salga a la superficie a tiempo para llegar al próximo Bar Mitzvah de su hermano menor en Italia.

Adrienne Neta, madre de cuatro hijos y abuela de siete, se cree que ha sido tomada como rehén por Hamás. Su familia dijo a Fox News que piensan que fue secuestrada de su casa, donde ha vivido por décadas desde que se mudó de Fresno, California.

La familia de Neta dice que estaban al teléfono con ella cuando los terroristas entraron en su casa y la oyeron gritar.

Sagui Dekel-Chen es padre de dos hijos y tiene otro bebé en camino. Él fue una de las personas que se defendió del ataque terrorista en su barrio antes de desaparecer.

Mientras que algunos vecinos fueron vistos siendo llevados por Hamás, su padre dice que Dekel-Chen no estaba entre los rehenes y desapareció sin dejar rastro, aunque su esposa e hijos sobrevivieron al ataque.

New Dash Cam Footage Hamas Lunatics Fatally Shoot Victim In Ditch ... Violently Kidnap Others


More nightmarish images have emerged showing the Hamas-led massacre of concertgoers at the Supernova Festival in Israel.

Dash cam video from a car at the event captured footage of the terrorist group carrying out Saturday's sneak attack that left 260 people brutally murdered.

The clip starts with a Hamas militant holding a terrified man from behind with his hands raised and marching him away to an almost certain death.

Another terrorist -- armed with a machine gun -- sees one of the festival attendees hiding in a ditch near the trunk of a second car. He rushes over and pumps bullets into the pit, apparently killing the person.

The video then cuts to several other terrorists yanking a helpless woman from the backseat of the second car and escorting her away.

One of the terrorists then removes luggage from the trunk of a third vehicle and rummages through the bag, throwing clothes on the ground before the clip ends.

As you already know, Hamas terrorists launched a full-scale assault on Israel around dawn Saturday.


The terrorists broke through barriers separating the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip from the Jewish state, putting the festival under siege for hours. They moved on to other parts of Israel, leveling buildings with rockets and going house to house to fatally shoot men, women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promptly declared war against Hamas, and the two sides have been battling each other for days now.

So far, the overall death toll has reached upwards of 1500 with at least 11 Americans slain.

Nuevas grabaciones Lunáticos de Hamás disparan hasta dar muerte a víctima Secuestran a otros...

Perturbadoras grabaciones

Más imágenes de pesadilla han aparecido en las últimas horas, las que muestran la masacre dirigida por Hamás contra los asistentes a un concierto en el Festival Supernova de Israel.

El video registrado por la cámara de un carro que se encontraba en el evento captó imágenes del grupo terrorista llevando a cabo el furtivo ataque este sábado, que dejó a 260 personas brutalmente asesinadas.

El video comienza cuando un militante de Hamás sujeta por la espalda a un hombre aterrorizado y se lo lleva hacia lo que casi seguramente será su muerte.

Otro terrorista armado con una ametralladora ve a uno de los asistentes al festival escondido en una zanja cerca del maletero de un segundo carro. Luego se acerca corriendo y dispara contra el foso, aparentemente matando a la persona.

A continuación, el video muestra cómo otros terroristas sacan a una mujer indefensa del asiento trasero del segundo carro y se la llevan.

A continuación, uno de los terroristas saca el equipaje del maletero de un tercer vehículo y rebusca en la bolsa, tirando la ropa al suelo antes de que termine el clip.

Como ya saben, el grupo terrorista Hamás lanzó un asalto a gran escala contra Israel en la madrugada del sábado.

Huyendo del festival

Los terroristas rompieron las barreras que separan la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, del Estado judío, y sitiaron el festival durante horas. Se desplazaron a otras partes de Israel, arrasando edificios con cohetes y yendo casa por casa para disparar mortalmente a hombres, mujeres y niños.

El Primer Ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, no tardó en declarar la guerra a Hamás y ambos bandos llevan días enfrentándose.

Hasta el momento, el número total de muertos asciende a más de 1.500 y al menos 11 estadounidenses han sido asesinados.

Hamas Sneak Attack Concertgoers Hid In Bushes Recorded Messages To Loved Ones


Horrified concertgoers dove into an underbrush to try and save their lives at the Israeli festival where Hamas terrorists slaughtered 260 innocent people.

Two attendees -- a man and a woman -- recorded the harrowing images with their cell phones and posted the footage on social media.

The clips show the two hiding in bushes and whispering messages to family and friends in case they don't make it out alive.


In the background, you hear artillery fire and bombs exploding during Saturday's bloodbath at the Supernova Festival.

Survivors stayed hunkered down for up to 5 hours until Israeli soldiers came in to bring them to safety.

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The Palestinian militant group crashed through barriers separating Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip to carry out the sneak attack around dawn.

Gunmen rolled up in trucks to the venue where fans were listening to music all night and opened fire into the crowd, killing hundreds of people.

At the same time, Hamas launched surprise assaults in other parts of Israel, leaving more than 700 dead. Videos posted online show kidnappings and rockets blowing up buildings.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war on Hamas, vowing to unleash "mighty vengeance" on the terror organization.

ATAQUE SORPRESA en HAMáS ASISTENTES A un CONCIERTO SE ESCONDen envían mensajes a sus seres queridos

entre los arbustos

Los asistentes a un concierto tuvieron que esconderse entre los matorrales para salvar sus vidas en un festival israelí donde los terroristas de Hamás masacraron a 260 inocentes.

Dos asistentes —un hombre y una mujer— grabaron las angustiosas imágenes con sus teléfonos móviles y las publicaron en redes sociales.

En los clips se los ve a ambos escondidos entre los arbustos y susurrando mensajes a familiares y amigos en caso de no salir con vida.

escapando del festival

De fondo, se oyen disparos de artillería y explosiones de bombas durante la devastación del sábado en el Festival Supernova.

Los supervivientes permanecieron agazapados hasta 5 horas hasta que los soldados israelíes entraron para ponerlos a salvo.

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las explosiones

El grupo militante palestino atravesó las barreras que separan Israel de la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, para llevar a cabo el ataque sorpresa hacia el amanecer.

Los hombres armados llegaron en camiones al lugar donde los aficionados habían estado escuchando música toda la noche y abrieron fuego contra la multitud, matando a cientos de personas.

Al mismo tiempo, Hamás lanzó ataques sorpresa en otras partes de Israel, dejando más de 700 muertos. Circulan videos en Internet que muestran secuestros y cohetes lanzados contra edificios.

El primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, le ha declarado la guerra a Hamás, prometiendo desatar una "poderosa venganza" contra la organización terrorista.

Biden Administration Put on Notice ... After Bombshell Iran-Israel News

President Biden's administration may or may not be shocked to hear Iran was supposedly instrumental in the lead-up to the attack on Israel ... the implications of which are dire.

The Wall Street Journal published a bombshell report Sunday, citing multiple sources from within Hamas, Hezbollah and even a European official with knowledge ... all of whom say Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps worked with Hamas in planning the ambush.

This alleged coordination dates back several weeks, apparently ... with talks going as far back as August and several reported meetings taking place in Beirut between all the parties. In addition to Iran being involved, WSJ reports that Lebanon's Hezbollah was in the mix.

The intention in all this, per WSJ, was two-pronged ... Iran apparently wanted to manufacture a "multi-front threat" against Israel -- this as the country grappled with its own internal politics, while disrupting U.S.-brokered peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

When asked directly about whether the U.S. had any knowledge of Iran's alleged involvement in directing the Hamas-led attack ... Sec. of State Anthony Blinken denied knowing anything about it, saying there was no evidence on their end that was, in fact, the case.

A separate U.S. official said the same thing to the WSJ ... but the outlet is insisting people overseas are saying differently. If what they're saying is true -- it's troubling on many fronts.

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For one, it would be an indictment on U.S intelligence ... but it would also indicate that a broader conflict in the Middle East is looming -- with Israel having already gone on the record to say they would retaliate if it was found that Tehran sanctioned this Hamas move.

Time will tell if this account is confirmed ... but it sounds like this might the beginning of a volatile situation that's prolonged and ugly, with the U.S. likely getting roped in even further.

ATAQUE DE HAMÁS ISRAEL CONTRAATACA Cientos de muertos en el conflicto

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buscando refugio

Israel ha reaccionado con rapidez al mayor ataque sufrido por el país en 50 años, bombardeando zonas de Gaza en represalia por el ataque de Hamás que, según los informes, ha causado ya más de 500 muertos israelíes.

Se ve a la gente corriendo para protegerse mientras los edificios se derrumban tras los bombardeos.

Israel ha declarado estado de guerra y está tomando represalias rápidamente por el ataque que escapó completamente a la inteligencia militar, tanto en Israel como en los EE.UU.


Este dramático video muestra a una reportera haciendo una toma en vivo en Gaza cuando cayó una bomba, los sonidos de la explosión la inquietan, pero ella resiste y continúa su reportaje.

En el momento del ataque, había un festival de música lleno de gente cerca de la Franja de Gaza y se ve el terror y el pánico cuando los terroristas lanzan cohetes y abren fuego contra la multitud

Algunos de los asistentes al festival fueron tomados como rehenes por hombres armados. Se llevan a una mujer en moto mientras grita: "¡No me matéis! No, no, no".

Decenas de personas han sido tomadas como rehenes y se encuentran ahora en algún lugar de la Franja de Gaza, lo que dificulta las represalias del ejército israelí. Es probable que algunos de los rehenes se encuentren en túneles que albergan a algunos de los terroristas, así como artillería militar y de otro tipo.

Al menos 1.500 personas resultaron heridas en el atentado del sábado y se espera que aumente tanto el número de muertos como el de heridos.

El Primer Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, que dijo: "Estamos en guerra", prometió que Hamás "pagará un precio muy alto".

Oriente Medio está sufriendo terribles momentos de violencia... se desconoce si otros países que rodean a Israel se unirán al conflicto.

Funcionarios estadounidenses creen que el ataque de Hamás fue alimentado y organizado por Irán.

Hamas Attack Israel Strikes Back with Force ... Hundreds Dead in Conflict

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Israel has reacted swiftly to the biggest attack on the country in 50 years, bombing areas of Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas attack that now reportedly killed more than 500 Israelis.

You see people running for cover as buildings collapse after the bombings.

Israel has declared a state of war and is swiftly retaliating for the attack that completely escaped military intel -- both in Israel and the U.S.


This dramatic video shows a reporter doing a live shot in Gaza when a bomb hit ... the sounds from the explosion unnerve her but she toughs it out and continues her reporting.

At the time of the attack, there was a crowded music festival near the Gaza Strip and you see the terror and panic as terrorists launched rockets and opened fire into the crowd

Some of the people at the festival were taken hostage by gunmen. One woman is taken away on a motorcycle as she screams, "Don't kill me! No, no no!"

Dozens, and many more, have reportedly been taken hostage and are now somewhere in the Gaza Strip, making retaliation by the Israeli military problematic. It's likely some of the hostages are in tunnels which house some of the terrorists as well as military and other artillery.

At least 1,500 people were injured in Saturday's attack and both the death toll and toll of those injured is expected to climb.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said, "We are at war," vowed that Hamas "would pay a price it has never known."

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The Middle East is a powder keg of violence ... it's unknown if other countries surrounding Israel will join the conflict.

U.S. officials believe the Hamas attack was fueled and organized by Iran.

Doja Cat Recibe críticas por usar camiseta de la extrema derecha ... Sam Hyde como meme

Doja Cat está siendo acusada una vez más de ser complaciente con las comunidades marginales después de llevar una camiseta con una foto que la gente de la alt-right (fanáticos de derecha) conoce muy bien... Sam Hyde.

La cantante publicó y luego borró estas fotos en su Instagram el viernes, pero afortunadamente Internet las capturó y ahora están circulando por todas partes, arrastrando a Doja Cat por el barro, en lo que muchos consideran un respaldo a Hyde y su humor.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Hyde es un comediante muy querido por los trolls en los foros en línea, y que ha sido acusado incluso de abrazar sentimientos neonazis.

Esta foto en particular de él sosteniendo una semiautomática se ha convertido en carne de meme durante años. Cada vez que hay un tiroteo masivo en Estados Unidos, partidarios de extrema derecha hacen circular la foto por Internet, afirmando falsamente que Sam Hyde es el autor del tiroteo, en un intento por difundir información falsa.

No está claro si el propio Hyde comenzó la tendencia, pero él y su grupo se han apoyado en la broma. En pocas palabras... el tipo es muy problemático y polarizante.

Es por eso mismo que resulta increíblemente extraño que Doja Cat esté usando la camiseta, que, por cierto, el propio Hyde parece estar vendiendo en su sitio web por $38. Muchos otros no están tan sorprendidos tampoco.

Lo cierto es que Doja ha coqueteado con los ultraderechistas desde hace mucho tiempo. En 2020, salieron a la luz viejas imágenes en las que aparecía hablando con unos tipos en un chat, en lo que más tarde se dijo eran conversaciones racistas. Ella negó las acusaciones en ese momento.

Por supuesto, también está la canción "Dindu Nuffin'", que sacó hace tiempo. Todo esto junto, además de esta última movida, está empujándola nuevamente a la controversia.

Doja aún no ha respondido a esta última oleada de críticas.

Doja Cat Catches Heat for Alt-Right Shirt ... Showing Sam Hyde Meme

Doja Cat is once again being accused of pandering to fringe communities after wearing a shirt with a photo folks on the alt-right know all too well ... showing off one Sam Hyde.

The rapper/singer posted and then deleted these pics on her IG Friday, but fortunately ... the Internet captured them and they're now circulating -- with DC getting dragged through the mud for what many consider an endorsement of Hyde and his brand of humor/following.

For those unaware, Hyde is a comedian ... who has been widely embraced by trolls in online chat rooms and forums, and who's even been accused of embracing neo-Nazi sentiments.

This particular photo of him holding a semiautomatic has become meme fodder for years -- anytime there's a mass shooting here in the States ... far-right keyboard warriors circulate the pic and falsely claim that Sam Hyde is the shooter, attempting to spread misinformation.

It's unclear if Hyde himself started that whole trend, but he and his comedy group have leaned into the joke -- bottom line ... the dude is highly problematic and polarizing.

That's exactly why Doja Cat rocking this shirt -- which, BTW, Hyde himself appears to be selling on his own website for a cool $38 -- is incredibly strange ... and getting double takes from her fans online. By the same token, many others aren't all that surprised by this either.

Fact is ... Doja has flirted with far-right wingers for a long time now -- including back in 2020 when old footage surfaced showing her talking to a bunch of dudes in a chat room ... which was later alleged to have featured racist convos. She denied those allegations at the time.

Of course ... there's also the "Dindu Nuffin'" song she put out once upon a time. All of that stuff mixed together -- plus this latest stunt -- is again thrusting her into controversy.

Doja hasn't responded to this latest wave of criticism.

Israel 'At War' After Hamas Attacks ... Brutality Along Gaza Strip

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Terrorists unleashed a surprise attack in Israel this weekend that has left scores of people dead -- marking what's sure to be the start of a prolonged bloodbath in the Middle East.

The radical group known as Hamas swarmed Israeli territory along the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas early Saturday morning -- this after launching countless rockets at civilian buildings and going around to wreak havoc on the streets thereafter in armed convoys.


There are several videos surfacing from Israel that capture the sheer brutality and horror of what's happening on the ground ... and most of them are far too graphic for publication.

What we can show, however, are key clips of Israelis being taken hostage in this hellish ordeal -- including lots of women and children who are being wrangled by Hamas members and thrown into the backs of their trucks ... getting tossed and thrashed and mistreated.

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As of this writing, the official body count on Israel's side is upwards of 150 ... and it continues to soar as the government scours through the wreckage and aftermath. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is "at war" following the Hamas incursion -- and promised to retaliate with everything in his power to send a message of deterrence.

Israel has already begun to do that ... firing its own rockets and destroying buildings that are believed to be affiliated with Hamas militants -- and there are aerial strikes happening as well.

The fighting has only escalated since the initial onslaught ... the latest reports say a new wave of rockets have been fired from the Gaza region and are headed toward central Israel, including Tel Aviv. The U.S. is already on its toes in the wake of all this ugly news.

President Biden says he's monitoring the situation closely and prepared to help Israel with as much support as it needs -- while going on to condemn the terror attacks from Hamas.

21 SAVAGE Desaparecido en acción... No se presenta en show de Drake en Canadá

Lo mejor de lo mejor


8:47 AM PT -- Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que funcionarios canadienses decidieron a último minuto que 21 Savage no podía entrar al país, aunque no está claro el porqué.

21 Savage se perdió su muy publicitada actuación con Drake en Canadá, después de que obtuviera finalmente su Green Card, y es un gran misterio el porqué.

Se suponía que el rapero iba a actuar con Drake en el Scotiabank Arena en Toronto el viernes por la noche, pero Champagne Papi trajo a Lil Baby en su lugar.

Sin contratiempos
TikTok / @officialdpainclain

El concierto habría sido el primero al que 21 puede asistir legalmente, fuera de los Estados Unidos - gracias a su nueva Green Card. Desafortunadamente, eso no pasó, dejando a todo el mundo rascándose la cabeza.

Como informamos, Drake insinuó recientemente en su canción "8AM in Charlotte" que 21 había superado sus problemas de inmigración. En el tema dice: "Savage obtuvo una Green Card directamente del consulado / Donde voy, vas, hermano, somos yugoslavos".

En 2019, las autoridades de inmigración de Georgia detuvieron a 21 tras descubrir que era ciudadano del Reino Unido y que había estado viviendo ilegalmente en Estados Unidos con un visado caducado. Su caso se prolongó durante años, y se complicó aún más por el hecho de que fue atrapado con codeína y una pistola durante el arresto.

21 ha estado de gira con Drake desde hace meses, pero nunca en lugares fuera de Estados Unidos. La vez más icónica fue cuando Drake visitó Vancouver y se llevó con él a Travis Scott.

21 Savage MIA From Drake Performance In Canada ... Mystery Swirls



8:47 AM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Canadian officials decided last minute 21 Savage could not enter the country though it’s unclear why.

21 Savage went MIA from his much-hyped performance with Drake in Canada after finally getting his Green Card -- and it's a big mystery why.

The rapper was supposed to perform with Drake at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto Friday night, but Champagne Papi brought out Lil Baby instead.

TikTok / @officialdpainclain

The concert would have marked the first time 21 was legally permitted to travel outside the United States -- thanks to his shiny new Green Card. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, leaving everyone scratching their heads.

As we reported, Drake recently hinted in his rap song, "8AM in Charlotte," that 21 had finally overcome his immigration issues. He rapped, "Savage got a green card straight out of the consulate/Where I go, you go, brother, we Yugoslavian."

Back in 2019, 21 was taken into custody by immigration authorities in Georgia because he was actually a UK citizen -- living in the United States illegally on an expired visa. His case dragged on for years, and was further complicated by the fact he was caught with codeine and a handgun during the bust.

For months now, 21's been touring with Drake, but has never been able to hit locations outside the US -- most notably when Drake went to Vancouver and ushered Travis Scott onto the stage.

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