TUPAC SHAKUR Ex detective testifica en el caso Ve relación con el asesinato de Biggie Smalls

El tiroteo que acabó con la vida de Tupac Shakur en 1996 estaría relacionado con el asesinato de su compañero Biggie Smalls al año siguiente, según el testimonio de un ex detective.

El detective retirado de la Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas, Clifford Mugg, testificó ante el gran jurado del condado de Clark en el caso Tupac el mes pasado después de la reciente detención de Duane "Keefe D" Davis por el asesinato de la estrella del hip hop, informó CNN.

Mugg, uno de los investigadores del caso Tupac, declaró que personas "relacionadas con ambos asesinatos estaban involucradas", y añadió que la "teoría de que estaban relacionados era acertada".

No reveló los detalles de la teoría, pero admitió que hubo diferentes agresores en cada ataque, dando a Davis un pase en el asesinato de Biggie.

El fiscal Marc DiGiacomo preguntó: "Cuando dices que estaban relacionados, ¿no estás diciendo que fueron perpetrados por los mismos individuos?". Mogg respondió: "Eso es correcto". Davis fue detenido a finales de septiembre y acusado del asesinato de Tupac.

Mogg dijo que Davis se abrió camino a la cárcel por haber concedido numerosas entrevistas a lo largo de los años y por haber hablado abiertamente de su presunta implicación en el asesinato de Tupac. Según el testimonio de Mogg, Davis solo hablaba para que le pagaran por la historia.

Shakur fue asesinado a tiros en un vehículo conducido por el entonces director ejecutivo de Death Row Records, Suge Knight, mientras se encontraban en Las Vegas para ver una pelea de boxeo en septiembre de 1996. Suge resultó herido, pero sobrevivió.

En marzo de 1997, Smalls fue asesinado en un tiroteo en Los Ángeles.

Tupac Shakur Retired Detective Testifies In Murder Case ... Sees Link With Biggie Smalls Slaying

Tupac Shakur's fatal 1996 shooting was related to the murder of fellow rapper Biggie Smalls the following year, according to grand jury testimony from a former detective.

Retired Las Vegas Metro Police Detective Clifford Mugg testified before the Clark County grand jury in the Tupac case last month after the recent arrest of Duane "Keefe D" Davis for the hip hop star's murder, CNN reported.

Mugg, one of the investigators in the Tupac case, testified people "associated with both murders were involved," adding that the “theory was accurate that they were related.”

He didn't reveal the theory but admitted there were different assailants in each attack, giving Davis a pass on the Biggie murder.

Prosecutor Marc DiGiacomo asked, “When you say they were related, you’re not saying perpetrated by the same individuals?” Mogg replied, “That’s correct.” Davis was busted in late September and charged with Tupac's murder.

Mogg testified Davis talked his way right into jail by granting so many interviews over the years and talking openly about his alleged involvement in the Tupac murder. Davis was only speaking out to get paid for the salacious story, according to Mogg's testimony.

Shakur was shot to death in a vehicle driven by then-Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight while they were in Vegas for a boxing match in September 1996. Suge was wounded, but survived.

In March 1997, Smalls was killed in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles.

Ex-Steelers LB Anthony Chickillo Tased By Cops ... After Alleged Meltdown At Hospital



7:36 AM PT -- Anthony Chickillo's girlfriend, Tatu Baby, tells TMZ Sports ... the former NFL player was going through a medical episode due to bipolar disorder caused by a concussion that he suffered during his playing days.

"It was just a medical situation," Tatu Baby says.

Tatu Baby added that Chickillo is currently hospitalized and getting the medication he needs in order to get better.

Former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Anthony Chickillo was tased by cops at a hospital this week ... after police say he had a breakdown inside of a doctor's office.

According to the Hialeah Police Department, Chickillo was at the Hialeah Hospital in Hialeah, Fla. on Thursday morning ... when witnesses say he suddenly snapped and began "trashing" an office, breaking things and throwing chairs.

Cops say the former football player then allegedly "tried to attack everybody" -- before he got into a wrestling match with his dad.

Bystanders called 911 -- and when officers arrived on scene, we're told they deployed a taser in order to subdue him.

In video obtained by TMZ Sports, you can see 30-year-old Chickillo was barefoot and shirtless as cops finally got him in handcuffs and took him away from the area.

The HPD tells us, though, Chickillo was not arrested ... and instead was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

We're told he will not be arrested once he's released either because nobody at the doctor's office wanted to press charges.

Chickillo is not a stranger to run-ins with the law. In 2019, he was arrested for allegedly roughing up his girlfriend. The charges were ultimately dropped, however, after prosecutors said she refused to testify against him.

Chickillo was drafted into the NFL by the Steelers in 2015 ... and he went on to play five seasons in Pittsburgh, before joining the Denver Broncos in 2020. In 2021, he announced his retirement, writing on his Instagram page, "I am so grateful for the opportunity and thankful for every one of the teams that gave me a shot."

Usman Nurmagomedov Pumped To Have Cain Velasquez In My Corner ... At Bellator 300


Cain Velasquez has been given the all-go to corner Usman Nurmagomedov's Bellator 300 fight this weekend despite his ongoing criminal case ... and Usman tells TMZ Sports he couldn't be more pumped to have the UFC legend by his side.

"I'm so excited," the MMA star said.

It was unknown a few weeks ago if Velasquez would be able to help out in Nurmagomedov's championship tilt against Brent Primus in San Diego on Saturday night ... as he's still facing 10 charges for allegedly trying to shoot Harry Goularte, a man who had been accused of molesting one of his close relatives.

But, according to MMAFighting.com, Velasquez was cleared by the courts recently to help coach in the bout ... and Nurmagomedov -- who's been training with Velasquez at American Kickboxing Academy in San Jose in the leadup to the match -- is thrilled.

"Cain he's like, he talks with everybody the same," the 25-year-old said. "If you're a star, he doesn't talk with you different."

"He's, like, a very good person," Usman added. "Family guy. He's really humble, too. Very kind guy."

Cain isn't the only MMA legend to help Nurmagomedov gear up for his match ... he said his cousin, Khabib Numagomedov, has called to give tips and advice as well.

The Bellator 300 card is slated to start at 7 PM PT ... getcha popcorn ready!!!

21 Savage Deja Estados Unidos por primera vez en años... Se une a Drake en Toronto

21 Savage tiene su Green Card y finalmente está haciendo uso de ella, porque según ha indagado TMZ, se uniría a Drake este fin de semana en Toronto.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que 21 y su equipo estarán en "The 6" el viernes y sábado por la noche para las paradas en Toronto de la gira "It's All a Blur". Es la primera vez en años que 21 puede salir legalmente de Estados Unidos.

Drake lanzó su esperado álbum "For All The Dogs" el viernes e insinuó que 21 finalmente había resuelto sus problemas de inmigración en la canción "8AM in Charlotte".

En ella Drake rapea: "Savage consiguió una tarjeta verde directamente del consulado / Donde yo voy, tú vas, hermano, somos yugoslavos".

Fue en 2019 cuando 21 fue detenido por el ICE (el Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas de Estados Unidos). En ese entonces nos enteramos de que 21 era en realidad del Reino Unido, y que había estado viviendo ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos con una visa expirada. El caso se prolongó durante años y se complicó aún más por el hecho de que fue atrapado con codeína y una pistola durante la redada.

Por supuesto, 21 ha estado de gira con Drake desde hace meses, pero nunca había podido ir a lugares fuera de Estados Unidos. De hecho, cuando Drake fue a Vancouver decidió llevar consigo a Travis Scott en lugar de 21.

No está claro exactamente cuando se resolvieron los asuntos con el gobierno, pero hay un montón de fans en todo el mundo que no pueden esperar a verlo de vuelta en su ciudad.

21 Savage Leaves United States for First Time in Years ... Joins Drake in Toronto

21 Savage has a Green Card and he's finally putting it to good use, joining Drake in Toronto to perform together ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ 21 and his team will be in "The 6" Friday and Saturday night for the Toronto stops of the "It's All a Blur" tour. It's the first time in years 21 has legally been able to leave the United States.

Drake dropped his highly-anticipated "For All The Dogs" album Friday, and hinted 21 had finally cleared his immigration issues on the track "8AM in Charlotte."

Drake raps, "Savage got a green card straight out of the consulate/Where I go, you go, brother, we Yugoslavian."

It was back in 2019 when 21 was taken into custody by ICE, and we learned he was actually from the UK -- living in the United States illegally on an expired visa. The case dragged on for years, further complicated by the fact he was caught with codeine and a handgun during the ICE bust.

Of course, 21's been touring with Drake for months now but has never been able to hit locations outside the US -- most notably when Drake went to Vancouver and brought Travis Scott out in place of 21.

Unclear exactly when 21 got everything cleared up with the government, but there are plenty of his fans around the world who can't wait to see him back in their city.

Britney Spears Great Escape to Private Island After Knife Dance Drama

Britney Spears needed some serious rest and relaxation after becoming the target of social media criticism for dancing with knives ... and decided the best place to escape was a private island.

knife-free vacay

Sources close to the pop star tell TMZ, she and a group of friends took off to the famous Brando hotel in French Polynesia this past weekend.

Britney shared a quick video of herself and some pals in a private plane as they flew over the crystal blue water near the resort.

Fans speculated one of the men onboard the plane, and sitting closest to Britney, could be a new love interest, but our sources say that's not the case ... they're simply acquaintances.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Of course, it's no surprise why Britney might have wanted to escape.

She took a ton of heat for posting multiple videos dancing with knives, a stunt that even prompted a police response for a welfare check. Britney has maintained the knives were fake, but some disagree.

If the Brando sounds familiar ... it's the same spot Beyoncé recently rented out for her birthday during a small break from her "Renaissance" tour. Kim Kardashian also took a group of her closest friends and family members there for her 40th birthday.


The resort features a bunch of private villas, offering anywhere from one to four-bedroom accommodations.

Beyoncé rented out the cream of the crop for her bday bash ... a villa with a private pool which usually goes for about $20,000 per night.

Unclear how much Britney plunked down, but it certainly ain't cheap.

VIDEO DEL ARRESTO DE KEEFE D sospechoso del asesinato de tupac

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El sospechoso del asesinato de Tupac Shakur salió a dar su paseo matutino, y de repente se encontró esposado y acusado en el caso sin resolver por casi 30 años.

TMZ acaba de obtener imágenes de la cámara de la policía en las que se puede ver a Duane "Keefe D" Davis siendo detenido. Se le ve caminando por una calle residencial cuando los policías se detienen y le dicen que está siendo arrestado.

Keefe D es totalmente obediente durante toda la interacción con la policía de Las Vegas. No se resiste en lo absoluto. De hecho, su única queja fue que estaba "más sediento que la mier...".

Es la primera vez que vemos las imágenes de la detención de Keefe D y se va bastante tranquilo.

Cuando los agentes lo meten en el coche les dice que es un "profesional" y se sube al asiento del copiloto. Incluso participa en una conversación informal con un oficial que deja claro que Keefe sabe exactamente por qué está siendo arrestado.

¿para qué estás aquí?

En sus palabras, él está involucrado en el "caso más grande en la historia de Las Vegas".

Como hemos informado, Keefe fue detenido el viernes y acusado de un cargo de asesinato con un arma mortal, además de estar relacionado con pandillas.

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el momento del juicio

Keefe apareció en la corte por primera vez esta semana pero sus procedimientos de lectura de cargos terminó siendo retrasado.

Tupac fue asesinado a tiros en Las Vegas en septiembre de 1996 y la policía detuvo a Keefe más de 27 años más tarde, diciendo que sus entrevistas acerca de estar involucrado en el asesinato de Pac les llevó a reabrir el caso.

Tupac Murder Suspect Keefe D's Arrest Vid ... Goes Quietly, Thirstily

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Tupac Shakur's murder suspect went out for his morning walk, and then suddenly found himself in handcuffs ... charged in the nearly 30-year-old unsolved case.

TMZ just obtained police body cam footage from Duane "Keefe D" Davis' arrest, and you see him walking down a residential street when cops pull up, and tell him he's being busted.

Keefe D is totally compliant throughout the interaction with Las Vegas cops ... he doesn't resist at all. In fact, his only complaint was that he was "thirsty as f***" for the bottled water he was carrying.

It's the first time we've seen the footage of Keefe D's arrest ... and he goes pretty quietly.

When officers put him in the car, he tells them he's a "pro" and climbs in the front passenger seat. He even engages in some casual conversation with one officer that makes it clear, Keefe knows exactly why he's being arrested.


In his words, he's involved in the "biggest case in Las Vegas history" ... and drops the exact date of Tupac's murder.

As we reported ... Keefe was arrested Friday and charged with one count of murder with a deadly weapon, plus a gang enhancement.

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Keefe appeared in court for the first time this week ... but his arraignment proceedings ended up being delayed.

Tupac was shot and killed in Las Vegas in September 1996 ... and cops arrested Keefe over 27 years later ... saying his outspoken interviews about being involved in Pac's murder prompted them to reopen the case.

We covered it all on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Philly Biker Arrested After Stomping Through Car Window ... Bail Set at $2.5 Million!!!

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Instagram /@vortex.hz

Severe road rage has a Philly biker behind bars this morning ... after he was caught on camera smashing the rear window of a woman's car as her 2 young kids were in the backseat.

Cops busted 26-year-old Cody Heron Wednesday night for a heinous attack on a driver Sunday night. Heron was part of a group of bikers riding through the city when they rolled up on Nikki Bullock's sedan.

Video of the incident shows Heron hop off his motorcycle, and stomp twice on the rear window of her car before he smashes right through it.

You can also see Heron was armed with a handgun, because it falls out of his waistband as he jumps off the car to get back on his bike. After a brief physical confrontation -- during which Heron headbutts Nikki with his helmet -- he and the other bikers flee the scene.

Cops finally tracked down Heron Wednesday night at a home where they also found his motorcycle, helmet and a 9mm handgun.

He was booked for possession of an instrument of crime, recklessly endangering another person, and multiple counts of aggravated assault.

Nikki says the whole thing started because Heron sideswiped her car while she was delivering for Uber Eats. She was arguing with him and other bikers, and says that's when Heron jumped off his bike and pounced on the window ... with her 5-year-old and 2-year-old kids just inches away.

Prosecutors are showing they mean business, requesting Heron's bail be set at $5 million, but the judge brought it down to $2.5 mil during arraignment. He can be released by posting 10 percent of that amount, though.

Morgan State University Cancels Homecoming Football Game ... After Campus Shooting


6:36 AM PT -- The Morgan State athletics department just announced they're canceling the homecoming game against Stony Brook this Saturday.

The Bears' next game will be on October 19 against North Carolina Central.

Morgan State University is postponing its highly anticipated homecoming football game this weekend after five people were injured in an on-campus shooting.

Officials at the HBCU made the announcement on Wednesday ... less than a day after at least two gunmen opened fire on the Baltimore campus, hitting four men and a woman who were between the ages 18 and 22.

"Regrettably," university president David Wilson said in a statement, "for the very first time in Morgan's history, all activities planned around Homecoming will be either canceled or postponed until the perpetrator(s) of this atrocity have been found and brought to justice."

The home game against Stony Brook had been slated to go down at 10 AM on Saturday.


Other canceled events included the Lady Bears' volleyball match, the school's "Homecoming Concert," the homecoming pep rally, the homecoming parade and a silent headphones party.

The school also announced that classes will be canceled for the rest of the week as security measures increase on campus.

"We strongly believe that this moment calls for reflection, thus allowing our students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to focus on their mental health," MSU said.

"We greatly appreciate the support of our later community who have expressed their concern and support during this most trying time."

Anyone with information about the shooting is urged to call Baltimore police at 410-396-2444 or leave an anonymous tip at 1-866-7LOCKUP.

Originally Published -- Oct 04, 03:07 PM PT

TIROTEO en partido de FÚTBOL JUVENIL chico de 11 años deberá seguir en prisión

el perturbador registro

El juez ha ordenado que el jugador de fútbol juvenil de 11 años acusado de disparar a dos de sus compañeros de equipo a principios de esta semana permanezca bajo custodia durante al menos los próximos 21 días.

El niño, que la policía dice que abrió fuego contra dos de 13 años de edad, después de una disputa en una práctica en el campo de fútbol Northwest Recreation Complex en Apopka, Florida, el lunes, estaba esperado detención domiciliaria, pero ahora se verá obligado a permanecer en detención de menores durante al menos las próximas 3 semanas.

Los reporteros en la audiencia en el Condado de Orange el miércoles por la mañana dijeron que el niño comenzó a llorar cuando se anunció el fallo.

Ahora se espera que esté bajo vigilancia de suicidio en el centro de detención, de acuerdo con WFTV 9.

En la audiencia, la tía de una de las presuntas víctimas del tiroteo subió al estrado y dijo que la familia del adolescente esperaba que el niño de 11 años de edad permanecería en detención

audio al 911

Un informe policial, obtenido por TMZ Sports, declaró que un testigo del tiroteo dijo que la disputa inicial ocurrió debido a una pelea "por una bolsa de papas fritas".

La policía dijo que uno de los niños de 13 años recibió un disparo en la parte superior del cuerpo, mientras que el otro fue alcanzado en el brazo. Afortunadamente, se espera que ambos se recuperen de sus heridas.

Youth Football Shooting 11-Yr-Old Ordered to Stay In Custody


The 11-year-old youth football player accused of shooting two of his teammates earlier this week has been ordered by a judge to stay in custody for at least the next 21 days.

The boy, who cops say opened fire on two 13-year-olds following a dispute at a practice at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka, Fla. on Monday, had hoped for home detainment ... but he will now be forced to stay in juvenile detention for at least the next 3 weeks.

Reporters at the hearing in Orange County on Wednesday morning said the child began crying when the ruling was announced.

He's now expected to be on suicide watch at the detention center ... according to WFTV 9.

At the hearing, an aunt for one of the alleged shooting victims took the stand and said the teen's family had hoped the 11-year-old would remain in detention.


A police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, stated a witness to the shooting said the initial dispute happened due to a quarrel "over a bag of chips."

Police said one of the 13-year-olds was shot in the upper body, while the other was hit in the arm. But, thankfully, both are expected to recover from their injuries.

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"

KEEFE D SOSPECHOSO DE ASESINATO Primera vez ante el tribunal


8:37 AM PT -- Bueno, el resultado ha sido anticlimático, Keefe D se presentó pero su abogado no pudo llegar a la audiencia. El asunto se ha pospuesto por 2 otras semanas.

Keefe D, principal sospechoso del asesinato de Tupac, está dando la cara en la corte por primera vez y pronto tendrá la oportunidad de responder a la acusación en su contra.

Duane Davis ha sido acusado de un cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal, además de cargos relacionados con las pandillas. El miércoles será su primera aparición pública desde que fue acusado y puesto bajo custodia la semana pasada.

Él está siendo procesado hoy, por lo que tendrá la acusación en su contra leída en voz alta en la corte abierta. Por lo general, un acusado se declara culpable o inocente en este momento.

Como informamos, La detención de Keefe se produjo después de una redada en la casa de su esposa a principios de este verano, donde pudieron obtener pruebas. Ahora, las autoridades sienten claramente que tienen suficiente para vincularlo oficialmente al crimen.

Por supuesto, en lo que respecta al público, gran parte del misterio sobre quién le disparó a Tupac ha sido resuelto, y gran parte de la narrativa ha venido de la boca del propio Keefe. El tipo ha estado haciendo entrevistas desde hace años, admitiendo su participación en el tiroteo.

Según Keefe, su sobrino menor, Orlando Anderson fue quien apretó el gatillo esa noche en el 96, con Keefe como pasajero y suministrando el arma utilizada. Orlando está muerto y también los otros 2 hombres que estaban en el carro con ellos. Keefe es aparentemente la única persona viva que iba a bordo esa noche.

Mientras que los fiscales parecen reconocer que Keefe probablemente no fue el que apretó el gatillo, argumentan que la ley de Nevada todavía se puede aplicar para acusarlo de asesinato.

Keefe D había sido implicado anteriormente en el asesinato de Tupac que, curiosamente, se reconstruyó durante la investigación del asesinato de Notorious B.I.G. Funcionarios de la policía de Los Angeles involucrados en el caso han dicho que a Keefe se le hizo una oferta para que hablara y potencialmente evitar el enjuiciamiento, sin embargo, sus muchas declaraciones públicas finalmente lo pusieron donde está.

no va a testificar

La única otra persona viva que tiene conocimiento directo del asesinato es Suge Knight, y ha dejado muy claro que no va a cooperar con los fiscales.

Los miembros de la familia de Tupac han expresado sorpresa, dolor y alivio a raíz de la noticia, al igual que otros que conocían a Tupac, incluyendo a Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tupac solo tenía 25 años cuando fue asesinado.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:20 AM PT

Tupac Murder Suspect Keefe D Arraigned ... First Court Appearance


8:37 AM PT -- Well, that was anticlimactic ... Keefe D showed up, but the lawyer he hired couldn't make it to the hearing. The matter has been continued for another 2 weeks.

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Tupac's murder suspect, Keefe D, is showing his face in court for the first time in the Tupac murder case -- where he'll soon have a chance to respond to the charge against him.

Duane Davis -- who's been charged with one count of murder with use of a deadly weapon, plus a gang enhancement -- is due to appear in front of a judge Wednesday ... marking his initial public appearance since he was indicted and taken into custody last week.

He's being arraigned today, so he'll have the charge against him read out loud in open court ... and usually, a defendant pleads guilty or not guilty at this time.

As we reported ... Keefe's arrest came after a raid at his wife's home earlier this summer, when law enforcement busted into their Henderson, NV address and collected evidence. Now, the authorities clearly feel like they have enough to officially tie him to the crime.

Of course, as far as the public is concerned ... much of the mystery over who shot Tupac has long been resolved -- and a big part of that narrative has come from Keefe's own mouth. The guy's been doing interviews for years now, admitting to his involvement in the shooting.

According to Keefe ... his younger nephew, Orlando Anderson was the actual trigger man that night in '96 -- with Keefe riding passenger and supplying the weapon used. Orlando is now dead ... and so are the other 2 men who were said to have been in the car with them. Keefe is apparently the only living person from the car that night.

While prosecutors seem to acknowledge Keefe was likely not the one who pulled the trigger, they will argue Nevada law still applies to charge him with murder.

Keefe D had previously been implicated in Tupac's murder -- which, interestingly enough, got pieced together during the Notorious B.I.G. murder investigation. LAPD officials involved in that matter have said Keefe was given a proffer agreement to spill the beans and potentially avoid prosecution ... but it sounds like his many public statements eventually landed him on LVMPD's radar.


The only other living person who has direct knowledge of the murder is Suge Knight -- and he's made it abundantly clear to us that he won't cooperate with prosecutors here.

Members of Tupac's family have expressed both surprise, grief, and relief in the wake of the news ... as have others who knew Tupac back in the day, including Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tupac was only 25 when he was killed. And, even all these years later, the case draws interest.

Originally Published -- 8:20 AM PT

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