Youth Football Shooting 11-Yr-Old Ordered to Stay In Custody


The 11-year-old youth football player accused of shooting two of his teammates earlier this week has been ordered by a judge to stay in custody for at least the next 21 days.

The boy, who cops say opened fire on two 13-year-olds following a dispute at a practice at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka, Fla. on Monday, had hoped for home detainment ... but he will now be forced to stay in juvenile detention for at least the next 3 weeks.

Reporters at the hearing in Orange County on Wednesday morning said the child began crying when the ruling was announced.

He's now expected to be on suicide watch at the detention center ... according to WFTV 9.

At the hearing, an aunt for one of the alleged shooting victims took the stand and said the teen's family had hoped the 11-year-old would remain in detention.


A police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, stated a witness to the shooting said the initial dispute happened due to a quarrel "over a bag of chips."

Police said one of the 13-year-olds was shot in the upper body, while the other was hit in the arm. But, thankfully, both are expected to recover from their injuries.

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

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The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"

KEEFE D SOSPECHOSO DE ASESINATO Primera vez ante el tribunal


8:37 AM PT -- Bueno, el resultado ha sido anticlimático, Keefe D se presentó pero su abogado no pudo llegar a la audiencia. El asunto se ha pospuesto por 2 otras semanas.

Keefe D, principal sospechoso del asesinato de Tupac, está dando la cara en la corte por primera vez y pronto tendrá la oportunidad de responder a la acusación en su contra.

Duane Davis ha sido acusado de un cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal, además de cargos relacionados con las pandillas. El miércoles será su primera aparición pública desde que fue acusado y puesto bajo custodia la semana pasada.

Él está siendo procesado hoy, por lo que tendrá la acusación en su contra leída en voz alta en la corte abierta. Por lo general, un acusado se declara culpable o inocente en este momento.

Como informamos, La detención de Keefe se produjo después de una redada en la casa de su esposa a principios de este verano, donde pudieron obtener pruebas. Ahora, las autoridades sienten claramente que tienen suficiente para vincularlo oficialmente al crimen.

Por supuesto, en lo que respecta al público, gran parte del misterio sobre quién le disparó a Tupac ha sido resuelto, y gran parte de la narrativa ha venido de la boca del propio Keefe. El tipo ha estado haciendo entrevistas desde hace años, admitiendo su participación en el tiroteo.

Según Keefe, su sobrino menor, Orlando Anderson fue quien apretó el gatillo esa noche en el 96, con Keefe como pasajero y suministrando el arma utilizada. Orlando está muerto y también los otros 2 hombres que estaban en el carro con ellos. Keefe es aparentemente la única persona viva que iba a bordo esa noche.

Mientras que los fiscales parecen reconocer que Keefe probablemente no fue el que apretó el gatillo, argumentan que la ley de Nevada todavía se puede aplicar para acusarlo de asesinato.

Keefe D había sido implicado anteriormente en el asesinato de Tupac que, curiosamente, se reconstruyó durante la investigación del asesinato de Notorious B.I.G. Funcionarios de la policía de Los Angeles involucrados en el caso han dicho que a Keefe se le hizo una oferta para que hablara y potencialmente evitar el enjuiciamiento, sin embargo, sus muchas declaraciones públicas finalmente lo pusieron donde está.

no va a testificar

La única otra persona viva que tiene conocimiento directo del asesinato es Suge Knight, y ha dejado muy claro que no va a cooperar con los fiscales.

Los miembros de la familia de Tupac han expresado sorpresa, dolor y alivio a raíz de la noticia, al igual que otros que conocían a Tupac, incluyendo a Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tupac solo tenía 25 años cuando fue asesinado.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:20 AM PT

Tupac Murder Suspect Keefe D Arraigned ... First Court Appearance


8:37 AM PT -- Well, that was anticlimactic ... Keefe D showed up, but the lawyer he hired couldn't make it to the hearing. The matter has been continued for another 2 weeks.

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Tupac's murder suspect, Keefe D, is showing his face in court for the first time in the Tupac murder case -- where he'll soon have a chance to respond to the charge against him.

Duane Davis -- who's been charged with one count of murder with use of a deadly weapon, plus a gang enhancement -- is due to appear in front of a judge Wednesday ... marking his initial public appearance since he was indicted and taken into custody last week.

He's being arraigned today, so he'll have the charge against him read out loud in open court ... and usually, a defendant pleads guilty or not guilty at this time.

As we reported ... Keefe's arrest came after a raid at his wife's home earlier this summer, when law enforcement busted into their Henderson, NV address and collected evidence. Now, the authorities clearly feel like they have enough to officially tie him to the crime.

Of course, as far as the public is concerned ... much of the mystery over who shot Tupac has long been resolved -- and a big part of that narrative has come from Keefe's own mouth. The guy's been doing interviews for years now, admitting to his involvement in the shooting.

According to Keefe ... his younger nephew, Orlando Anderson was the actual trigger man that night in '96 -- with Keefe riding passenger and supplying the weapon used. Orlando is now dead ... and so are the other 2 men who were said to have been in the car with them. Keefe is apparently the only living person from the car that night.

While prosecutors seem to acknowledge Keefe was likely not the one who pulled the trigger, they will argue Nevada law still applies to charge him with murder.

Keefe D had previously been implicated in Tupac's murder -- which, interestingly enough, got pieced together during the Notorious B.I.G. murder investigation. LAPD officials involved in that matter have said Keefe was given a proffer agreement to spill the beans and potentially avoid prosecution ... but it sounds like his many public statements eventually landed him on LVMPD's radar.


The only other living person who has direct knowledge of the murder is Suge Knight -- and he's made it abundantly clear to us that he won't cooperate with prosecutors here.

Members of Tupac's family have expressed both surprise, grief, and relief in the wake of the news ... as have others who knew Tupac back in the day, including Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tupac was only 25 when he was killed. And, even all these years later, the case draws interest.

Originally Published -- 8:20 AM PT

Michael Myers Actor Tyler Mane Careful With Prop Knives, Britney ... They Can Still Hurt You!!!


Tyler Mane, famous for playing Michael Myers on the big screen, is an expert on prop knives ... and despite their dull edges, he says they can still hurt someone like Britney Spears.

We got the "Halloween" star at LAX and our photog asked him to weigh in on Britney's knife dancing controversy ... playing him a clip of her clanking knives together, which she insists are just props.

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Tyler says Britney could be wielding prop knives, based on the sounds they're making, and he tells us how they're different from real knives ... basically, prop knives have dull edges and a dulled tip.

Remember ... this guy knows his stuff, he's used tons of real and prop knives on the set of 2 movies as notorious serial killer Michael Myers.

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But, Tyler's not saying prop knives are inherently safe ... warning they still pose a danger if the person wielding them isn't careful.

Britney's fans aren't buying her prop knife explanation ... because she's also on video with a bandage on her arm and a cut on her leg ... and cops went to her house to do a welfare check, which didn't go over so well with Britney.

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Bottom line from Tyler ... Britney's gotta know what she's doing if she's going to play with knives, prop or not.

ACTOR DE MICHAEL MYERS Cuidado con los cuchillos falsos, Britney... ¡¡También pueden dañarte!!

Háganme caso

Tyler Mane, famoso por interpretar a Michael Myers en la gran pantalla, es un experto en cuchillos de utilería, y a pesar de que sus bordes no causan dolor, también pueden herir a alguien como Britney Spears.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "Halloween" en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles y nuestro fotógrafo le pidió que opinara sobre Britney y su polémico video, en donde aparece chocando dos cuchillos, los que ella insiste que no son reales.

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Por favor, son falsos!!!

Tyler dice que Britney podría estar usando cuchillos de utilería, por los sonidos que está haciendo, y nos explica las diferencias que tienen con los reales. Básicamente, los cuchillos de utilería no tienen bordes ni una punta afilada.

Recuerden, este tipo sabe de lo que habla, ha utilizado toneladas de cuchillos reales y falsos en el set en las dos películas como el notorio asesino en serie Michael Myers.

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Tyler está diciendo que los cuchillos de utilería no son intrínsecamente seguros, advirtiendo que todavía representan un peligro si la persona que los empuña no tiene cuidado.

Los fans de Britney no están creyendo su explicación de que son de utilería porque en otro video aparece con un vendaje en el brazo y un corte en la pierna. Los policías fueron a su casa para chequear que todo esté bien, lo que no le cayó muy bien a Britney.

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En palabras simples, Britney tiene que saber lo que hace si va a jugar con cuchillos, ya sean falsos o no...

Morgan State University Five People Shot On Campus ... Manhunt Underway For At Least One Gunman


An annual homecoming event at Morgan State University was marred by violence Tuesday after five people were shot and injured on campus -- and at least one gunman is still at large.

The bullets started flying in the evening after the crowning of Mister and Miss Morgan State, which happens every year at the historic Black college in Baltimore, Maryland, around this time.

Baltimore PD said officers were patrolling the grounds when they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire as attendees of the event were emptying out of an auditorium at the Murphy Arts Center to go to a coronation ball in another building nearby.

Cops warned there was an active shooter loose around the arts center and one of the dormitories -- and issued an order for everyone to shelter in place.

Moments later, officers responding to that area stumbled upon the shooting victims -- four men and one woman between the ages of 18 and 22.

The victims, four of whom were students, were rushed to a local hospital, where they were treated for non life-threatening injuries.

A SWAT team searched high and low for the gunman but came up empty-handed, as police officials noted there could be more than one assailant still on the run.

Cops also determined there was no longer an active shooter on campus and lifted the shelter in place order by early Wednesday morning.

The university canceled all classes today.

Morgan State University Cinco heridos deja un tiroteo en el campus

La policía en los dormitorios

Un evento anual de exalumnos en la Morgan State University se vio empañada por la violencia el martes, después de que cinco personas fueran baleadas y heridas en el campus. Al menos un tirador sigue en libertad.

Las balas comenzaron a escucharse tras la coronación de Mister y Miss Morgan State, que se celebra cada año por estas fechas en la histórica universidad de Baltimore (Maryland).

La policía de la ciudad dijo que los oficiales estaban patrullando los terrenos cuando escucharon una ráfaga de disparos y vieron a los asistentes vaciar el auditorio en Murphy Arts Center para dirigirse a otro baile en otro edificio cercano.

Los policías advirtieron que había un tirador activo suelto alrededor del centro de artes y uno de los dormitorios, y emitió una orden para que todos se refugiaran en su lugar.

Momentos después, los agentes que acudieron a la zona se toparon con las víctimas del tiroteo: cuatro hombres y una mujer de entre 18 y 22 años.

Las víctimas, cuatro de los cuales eran estudiantes, fueron trasladados a un hospital local, donde fueron tratados por lesiones que no ponen en peligro su vida.

Un equipo SWAT buscó por todas partes al autor de los disparos, pero no encontró nada. Los agentes de policía señalaron que podría haber más de un agresor en fuga.

También determinó que ya no había un ningún tirador activo en el campus y levantó la orden de refugio a primera hora de la mañana del miércoles.

La universidad canceló todas las clases de hoy.

Tiroteo en fútbol juvenil Video muestra a joven de 11 años disparando a sus compañeros

Impactante registro

La policía dice que el video de vigilancia muestra el momento en que un jugador de fútbol americano juvenil de 11 años, disparó a dos de sus compañeros de equipo durante un altercado en una práctica en Florida el lunes, y las imágenes son impactantes.

En el clip, se ve a un niño corriendo hacia un vehículo estacionado, agarrar un arma de fuego desde el asiento del pasajero y luego dispararle a otro niño que estaba de espaldas.

Segundos más tarde, se puede ver a una mujer que intenta agarrar el arma de fuego de las manos del niño y que luego le llama la atención en el estacionamiento.

Según la policía, el incidente ocurrió alrededor de las 20:20 en el campo de fútbol del Northwest Recreation Complex en Apopka. Todo ocurrió después de que el niño de 11 años y otros dos jugadores de fútbol de 13 se enzarzaran en una discusión. Dicen que el niño hirió a los otros cuando empezó a disparar la única ronda de municiones, a uno le dio en la parte superior del cuerpo y a otro en un brazo.

Se espera que ambos niños se recuperen de sus heridas, una revelación sorprendente teniendo en cuenta lo alterada que se escucha la mujer que llamó al 911 tan solo unos segundos después del disparo.

Audio del 911

En el audio, la mujer dice ser la madre de uno de los niños y pide ayuda médica en repetidas ocasiones después de asegurar que su hijo recibió un disparo en la espalda.

La policía dice que cuando los agentes llegaron al lugar, detuvieron al niño de 11 años. Añadieron que desde entonces ha sido acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley sobre el asunto durante una conferencia de prensa el martes, "pero basándose en nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Un incidente aislado

La policía también dijo que los padres del niño podrían enfrentar cargos criminales si los funcionarios determinan que dejaron un arma en un lugar donde el niño podía alcanzarla.

Cops: Youth Football Shooting Video Shows 11-Year-Old Firing On Teammates


Cops say surveillance video shows the moment an 11-year-old youth football player shot two of his teammates during an altercation at a practice in Florida on Monday ... and the footage is shocking.

In the clip, you can see a boy race to a vehicle in a parking lot, grab a gun from the passenger-side seat, and then fire on another boy who had his back turned.

Seconds later, you can see a woman grab the firearm from the kid's grasp ... before appearing to chastise him in the parking lot.

According to cops, the incident happened at around 8:20 PM at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka ... after the 11-year-old and two other 13-year-old youth football players had gotten into an argument. They say when the child fired off the single round, it hit the others -- catching one in the upper body while clipping another in the arm.

Both boys are expected to recover from their injuries ... a surprising revelation, considering how frantic a woman was in a 911 call placed just seconds after the shot went off.


In the audio, you can hear a woman claiming to be the mother of one of the boys asking for medical help repeatedly after she says her son was shot in the back.

Cops say when officers got to the scene, they arrested the 11-year-old. They added that he's since been charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said of the matter during a press conference on Tuesday, "but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."


Police also said the 11-year-old's parents could be facing criminal charges ... if officials determine they left a gun in a place where the child could reach it.

Ja Morant Returns To Grizzlies Practice ... First Since Suspension

Ja Morant got back to business on Tuesday -- the NBA superstar participated in practice with the Memphis Grizzlies ... one day after it was announced he would be allowed to be with the team as he serves out his suspension.

Despite being hit with a 25-game ban for his second gun-related social media video in June, the NBA is allowing Morant to travel and work out with the Grizz as he prepares for his return.

Ja was out on the court with his teammates earlier in the day ... and media members got footage of him putting up shots.

"It’s great to have him here," Grizzlies president and general manager Zach Kleiman said.

ja gun 5/14/23
Instagram / @_dtap2

"I think he’s put himself in a position where there’s no reason why he can’t keep following through on this. So we’re glad he’s here and can’t wait to have him back."

His teammates are happy as well ... including Derrick Rose, who told reporters he connected with Morant in the offseason.

"Talked to him a little bit," Rose said. "Just told him I'm not here to babysit you. I'm not here to follow you around, I'm not here to cheerlead. I'm here to push you."


Morant -- who's averaged 22.4 points and 7.4 assists in his four-year NBA career -- won't be able to return to the court until December 19 against the Pelicans.

NIÑO DE 11 AÑOS LE DISPARA A SUS COMPAÑEROS DE EQUIPO Acusado por intento de asesinato

Un jugador de fútbol juvenil de 11 años se enfrenta a un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado después de presuntamente dispararle a dos de sus jóvenes compañeros de equipo en la práctica de esta semana en Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmó el incidente que ocurrió en el Northwest Recreation Center alrededor de las 8:20 PM del lunes, cuando tres niños estaban involucrados en una discusión después de la práctica que tomó un giro aterrador.

"El altercado continuó en el estacionamiento donde este menor tuvo acceso a un arma de fuego en el coche de su madre", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley durante una conferencia de prensa el martes.

Fue entonces cuando McKinley dijo que el sospechoso sin nombre (la policía no está revelando su identidad debido a su corta edad), que no tiene antecedentes penales, apretó el gatillo y le dio a sus dos compañeros de equipo.

un incidente aislado

Una de las víctimas fue alcanzada en el brazo y la otra sufrió heridas en la parte superior del cuerpo. Ambos chicos tienen 13 años.

"Disparó un solo tiro", dijo McKinley, "y ese único disparo alcanzó a ambas víctimas".

McKinley dijo que el joven sospechoso está acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado (podrían añadirse más cargos) y el departamento también está estudiando la posibilidad de presentar cargos contra los padres que dejaron el arma en un lugar al alcance del niño.

"Es un crimen para permitir que sus hijos tengan acceso a su arma de fuego en una caja no segura", dijo el jefe McKinley.

En cuanto a la corta edad del tirador, el jefe dice que esta no es una posición en la que querían estar.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera, pero en base a nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Afortunadamente, se espera que las dos víctimas estén bien.

Youth Football Players 11-Yr-Old Arrested For Shooting Teammates ... Facing Attempted Murder

An 11-year-old youth football player is facing a second-degree attempted murder charge after allegedly shooting two of his young teammates at practice this week in Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmed the incident with police who say it all happened at the Apopka (FL) Northwest Recreation Center around 8:20 PM on Monday ... when three kids were involved in an argument after practice that took a terrifying turn.

"[The altercation] continued into the parking lot where this juvenile had access to a firearm in his mother's car," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said during a press conference on Tuesday.

That's when McKinley said the unnamed suspect (cops aren't releasing his identity because of his age), who doesn't have a criminal history, squeezed off a single round, striking his two teammates with a single shot.


One of the victims was hit in the arm and the other suffered injuries to the upper body. Both boys are 13.

"Fired one shot," McKinley said, "and that one shot hit both victims."

McKinley said the young suspect is being charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder (more charges could be tacked on) ... and the department is also looking at potentially pressing charges against the parents who left the gun in a place the child could reach it.

"It is a crime to allow your children to have access to your firearm in an unsecured box," Chief McKinley said.

As for the young age of the shooter, the chief says this isn't a position they wanted to be in.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means, but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."

The two victims are thankfully expected to be okay.

Tupac Led Massive Crew Out of MGM Grand ... New Video Shows

100323_tupac_footage_kal_v2 SEPTEMBER 1996

Tupac Shakur looked like a man on a mission after he got into a fight with the person suspected to have shot and killed him -- this according to new surveillance footage.

KLAS 8 News in Las Vegas obtained the 27-year-old security video recorded inside the MGM Grand shortly after Pac, Suge Knight and a bunch of other Death Row associates jumped Orlando Anderson in a casino lobby.

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It mirrors the famous security footage that's already out there, showing Tupac and co. charging toward Anderson after catching wind of him being in the building.

The new footage, though, shows Tupac still looking pretty heated as he leads a massive group of people as they head for an exit of the MGM Grand. It's also very clear that casino security was tracking their every move, because the security cam zooms in on Tupac a few times.

KLAS also got new photos taken later that night -- after the shooting -- showing the famous BMW he and Suge were riding in riddled with bullets. The new frames show the interior and more close-up shots of the exterior, which display the full extent of the damage.

You can see the passenger seat where Tupac was seated when a white Cadillac pulled up alongside of them on the strip -- after the MGM brawl -- and the aftermath looks brutal.

As we reported ... Duane "Keefe D" Davis was arrested last week and charged with murder. He's often said, publicly, he wasn't the actual triggerman ... but instead handed the gun to others in the car.


Clark County officials have explained even someone who aids and abets in a murder -- as they're alleging Keefe D did here -- can be charged with the murder itself. There's also no statute of limitation in Nevada for murder.

There is only one other living witness who could possibly speak on this case ... and that would be Suge himself -- who told us just yesterday that he ain't saying s*** about it.

In other words, this prosecution and the one defendant will have to do in terms of answers ... even all these decades later.


Mind you, Tupac was shot and killed in 1996 ... and Keefe D has been boasting about his involvement for several years now -- another element to this whole saga that's turned heads.

TUPAC liderando en mgm grand antes de morir Nuevo video

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nueva evidencia

Tupac Shakur parecía bastante determinado a la acción luego de que se metió en una pelea con el  sospechoso de haberle disparado y matado, esto de acuerdo a las nuevas imágenes de vigilancia.

KLAS 8 News en Las Vegas obtuvo el video de seguridad de hace 27 años, grabado dentro del MGM Grand poco después de que Pac, Suge Knight y un grupo de otros asociados de Death Row se abalanzaron sobre Orlando Anderson en el vestíbulo del casino.

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la pelea de orlando anderson

El vídeo refleja las famosas imágenes de seguridad que ya existen, en las que se ve a Tupac y compañía atacando a Anderson tras darse cuenta de que estaba en el edificio.

Las nuevas imágenes muestran a Tupac todavía bastante acalorado mientras lidera un grupo de personas que se dirigen a la salida del MGM Grand. También está muy claro que la seguridad del casino estaba siguiendo todos sus movimientos, porque la cámara de seguridad se acerca a Tupac un par de veces.

KLAS también consiguió nuevas fotos tomadas más tarde esa noche (después del tiroteo) que muestran al famoso BMW en el que él y Suge viajaban acribillado a balazos. Los nuevos fotogramas muestran el interior y más primeros planos del exterior, que muestran toda la extensión de los daños.

Se puede ver el asiento del pasajero donde Tupac estaba sentado cuando un Cadillac blanco se detuvo junto a ellos —justo después de la pelea en el MGM— y las consecuencias son brutales.

Como hemos informado, Duane "Keefe D" Davis fue detenido la semana pasada y acusado de asesinato. Ha dicho públicamente que no era el encargado de disparar y que le pasó el arma a otros en el carro.

Funcionarios del Condado de Clark han explicado que alguien que ayuda en un asesinato —como están alegando Keefe D hizo aquí— puede ser acusado por el asesinato en sí. Tampoco hay prescripción en Nevada por asesinato.

Solo hay otro testigo vivo que posiblemente podría testificar sobre este caso y que sería el propio Suge, quien nos dijo ayer que no piensa decir nada al respecto.

En otras palabras, el único acusado tendrá que dar respuestas a pesar de todo el tiempo que ha transcurrido desde el incidente.

negándose a testificar

Tupac fue asesinado a tiros en 1996 y Keefe D ha estado jactándose de su participación desde hace varios años. Otro elemento a tener en cuenta en toda esta saga.

Motorcycle Madness Video Shows Biker Chaos In Philly ... Mom, Kids Violently Targeted

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Instagram /@vortex.hz

A gang of motorcycle riders briefly took over downtown Philadelphia this past weekend ... and one pistol-packin' hooligan put a mom and her kids in his violent crosshairs.

Dozens of bikers rolled through "The City of Brotherly Love" Sunday night, stopping traffic and causing a total ruckus.

Check out this video ... which shows all the chaos as it unfolds and the armed troublemaker getting off his bike to climb onto the back of the mom's car.

The young man jumps up and down on the rear windshield, shattering the glass.

As he leaps out of the car, his gun drops to the ground, and he quickly scoops it up as the furious mom exits the driver's seat and confronts him at an intersection.

During their ensuing argument, the mom walks toward him, making him backpedal before he shoves her and headbutts her with his helmet on.

He then straddles his bike, but the mom pushes him over, yet he manages to ride away.

The mom, Nikki Bullock, later told CBS Philadelphia that at the time she was driving for Uber Eats with her kids in the car so she wouldn't have to pay for expensive daycare services. Bullock said her children were terrified and screaming throughout the ordeal.

Philadelphia cops are now searching for the gun-toting suspect.