TORY LANEZ Holding Out Hope For Jail Release ... Vows to Fight Bond Denial

Tory Lanez is still hoping to stay out of prison pending his appeal in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting case ... even though his first crack at getting out on bond was shut down.

Ceasar McDowell, a member of Tory's legal team and the CEO of Unite the People, tells TMZ ... Tory called his lawyers Thursday, just minutes after a judge denied him bond, and assured them he remains hopeful for the future.

We’re told Tory talked with Ceasar on the phone, starting the conversation by saying he wasn't surprised the judge denied his request ... chalking it up to being "all in God's plan."

Ceasar says Tory is focused on next steps for his legal team ... including plans to file an emergency motion to try to reverse the judge's ruling. We're told Tory believes a higher court will be more receptive to him than the trial court judge who issued Thursday's ruling, which keeps Tory behind bars at the moment.

As we reported ... Tory's asking to be released on bond so he can live with his son as his appeal plays out in court. Tory says he wants to be able to take his young son to school now that class is back in session.

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Remember ... Tory was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being found guilty in the Megan shooting case. As we first told you, he's been leaning on his faith, and his unwavering hope for the future appears to be a byproduct of that.

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We’re told Tory's also got a long history with Unite The People ... a nonprofit that provides defense attorneys to folks who are strapped for cash in order to give them a fair shot with the legal system. One of their attorneys represented him in Thursday's hearing, and Tory previously donated $50k to the org and has been an advisory member.

PRISONER DANELO CAVALCANTE Under Watchful Eye In Prison ... Good Luck Escaping Now!!!

Danelo Cavalcante, the convicted murderer who escaped prison only to be captured after a two-week manhunt, is under constant watch behind bars to make sure he doesn't get out again.

Folks with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections tell TMZ ... Danelo is being held in a specialized observation unit at SCI Phoenix for security reasons.

We're told Danelo gets all his meals served in his cell ... and he can only leave for medical services, or to see counselors. In other words, the prison is taking extra steps to make sure Danelo does not escape again.

As we reported ... Danelo kept himself alive and under the radar during his two weeks on the lam by eating watermelon, drinking water from creeks and concealing his poop to avoid detection.

Danelo was ultimately captured by Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and SWAT teams in the same rural town where he broke into a home and stole a rifle after getting shot at by the person living there ... with a K-9 playing a key role in finding him.

The grub being served in prison sounds a lot better than fruit and creek water ... the menu at SCI Phoenix this week includes eggs and hot cakes for breakfast, sweet and sour chicken for lunch, and salisbury steak for dinner.

One thing's for sure though, Danelo won't be breaking bread with the other inmates.

Tory Lanez Denegada la fianza en caso de Megan Thee Stallion

Tory Lanez permanecerá tras las rejas después de haber sido declarado culpable de disparar a Megan Thee Stallion, pues su solicitud para ser puesto en libertad bajo fianza en espera de su apelación acaba de ser denegada.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Tory estaba pidiendo a un juez de Los Ángeles que le permitiera vivir con su hijo y su esposa en lugar de permanecer tras las rejas mientras se desarrolla su apelación.

Tory tuvo una audiencia el jueves sobre su solicitud, pero un juez le dijo que no, señalando que está condenado por un delito violento, tiene un historial de violación de las órdenes judiciales, y no es un ciudadano de EE.UU., como razones para decirle lo siento.

La defensa de Tory argumentó el último punto, diciendo que el rapero canadiense está en Estados Unidos legalmente con un visado de trabajo activo y no tiene ninguna razón para volver a Canadá. Pero al parecer eso no tuvo ninguna influencia en el juez.

Como ya informamos, Tory fue condenado el mes pasado a una década tras las rejas después de enfrentarse a más de 22 años.

El año pasado fue declarado culpable de tres cargos: disparo negligente de un arma de fuego, agresión con un arma de fuego semiautomática y portar un arma de fuego cargada y no registrada.

Tory habló después de su sentencia: continuó diciendo que es inocente y que fue "injustamente condenado".

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Dejando el vehículo

El infame video de 2020, obtenido por TMZ, mostró a Megan cojeando cerca de su vehículo con un rastro de sangre detrás de ella.

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Ejemplo extremo

El abogado de Tory, José Báez, llamó a la sentencia "increíblemente dura". También expresó su desaprobación por el equipo de la fiscalía, quienes a su juicio quieren construir un caso ejemplificador con su cliente.

Tory Lanez Denied Bond In Megan Thee Stallion Case ... Stays Behind Bars Pending Appeal

Tory Lanez will remain behind bars after being found guilty of shooting Megan Thee Stallion ... his request to be released on bond pending his appeal was just denied.

For those unaware, Tory was asking a judge in Los Angeles to let him live with his son and wife instead of staying behind bars while his appeal plays out.

Tory had a hearing Thursday about his request, but a judge said no dice -- noting Tory's convicted of a violent felony, has a history of violating court orders, and isn't a U.S. citizen as reasons for the thumbs down.

Tory's defense argued the last point, saying the Canadian rapper is in America legally on an active work visa and has no reason to go back to Canada ... but that didn't seem to sway the judge.

As we reported, Tory was given his sentence last month -- being handed a decade behind bars after facing over 22 years.

He was found guilty of 3 charges last year ... negligent discharge of a firearm, assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and carrying a loaded and unregistered firearm.

Tory spoke out after his sentencing ... continuing to claim he's innocent, saying he was "wrongfully convicted."

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The infamous 2020 clip, obtained by TMZ, showed Megan limping near their vehicle with a trail of blood behind her.

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Tory's lawyer, Jose Baez, called out the "incredibly harsh" sentence as it came in last month ... also expressing disapproval for the prosecuting team for making an example out of his client.

Hunter Biden Acusado por los federales de tenencia de armas

Hunter Biden acaba de ser acusado de tenencia de armas, y su presunto consumo de drogas es un factor en el caso.

Los fiscales federales de Delaware acusaron al hijo del presidente Biden de tres cargos relacionados con la posesión de armas mientras consumía estupefacientes, según documentos judiciales.

Hunter está acusado de un cargo de falsa declaración en la compra de un arma de fuego, un cargo de falsa declaración relacionada con la información requerida para mantener la licencia federal de armas de fuego, y un cargo de posesión de un arma de fuego por parte de un usuario ilegal o adicto a una sustancia controlada.

Hunter está acusado de presentar un formulario afirmando que no consumía drogas ilegales en octubre de 2018 cuando compró un revólver Colt Cobra, y estaba en posesión de un arma mientras consumía estupefacientes.

La acusación se produce después de que el acuerdo de culpabilidad de Hunter por cargos fiscales y de armas implosionara en julio, y los cargos se presentan mientras los republicanos de la Cámara continúan investigando las finanzas de Hunter.

El abogado especial David Weiss está supervisando el caso contra Hunter.

Hunter Biden Indicted By Feds On Gun Charges

Hunter Biden has just been indicted on gun charges ... and his alleged drug use is a factor in the case.

Federal prosecutors in Delaware indicted President Biden's son on three counts related to gun possession while using narcotics ... according to court documents.

Hunter is charged with one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance.

HB is accused of filing a form claiming he was not using illegal drugs in October 2018 when he bought a Colt Cobra revolver ... and of being in possession of a gun while using narcotics.

The indictment comes after Hunter's plea deal on tax and gun charges imploded back in July ... and the charges are being brought as House Republicans continue to investigate Hunter's finances.

Special counsel David Weiss is overseeing the case against Hunter.

Peso Pluma Cartel lo amenaza de muerte El concierto de Tijuana "será el último"

El artista mexicano Peso Pluma va a dar un concierto en Tijuana y el cártel mexicano no está contento con ello. Han dejando amenazas de muerte para el cantante por toda la ciudad.

Una de ellas es una pancarta encontrada el martes por la mañana colgada en un puente que dice: "Esto va para Peso Pluma, abstente de presentarte el 14 de octubre porque será tu última presentación por irrespetuoso y lengua suelta".

La última línea es difícil de descifrar, pero parece terminar con: "Te presentas y te vamos a sacar la m...". Podría traducirse de varias maneras pero todas ellas implican daños físicos.

La pancarta con la amenaza estaba firmada por el Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, un sindicato del crimen con sede en Jalisco (México), donde nació el cantante de 24 años. El grupo está dirigido por "El Mencho", uno de los capos de la droga más buscados del mundo.

La amenaza se produjo antes de que Peso subió al escenario la noche del martes en los MTV Video Music Awards en Nueva Jersey.

Peso aún no ha respondido a la amenaza, pero algunos de sus próximos conciertos han sido aplazados. El de Tijuana se mantiene como estaba previsto y el siguiente tendrá lugar en Nevada a finales de septiembre.

No está claro si los aplazamientos se deben a las amenazas.

Peso Pluma Cartel Makes Death Threats ... Tijuana Concert 'Will Be Your Last'

Mexican artist Peso Pluma's putting on a concert in Tijuana, and the Mexican cartel ain't happy about it ... it's leaving death threats for the singer all around the city.

One of them is a banner found Tuesday morning hanging on a bridge, and it reads, "This goes to Peso Pluma, refrain from presenting yourself on October 14, because it will be your last show due to your disrespect and loose tongue."

The last line is hard to make out, but it appears to end with, "You show up and we are going to (break you)." It could be translated several ways, but all of them involve physical harm.

The threatening banner was signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel -- a crime syndicate based in Jalisco, Mexico ... where the 24-year-old singer was actually born. The group is led by "El Mencho," one of the most-wanted drug lords in the world.

BTW, the threat came before Peso took to the stage Tuesday night at the MTV Video Music Awards in New Jersey.

Peso has yet to respond to the threat, but a handful of upcoming concerts have been postponed -- the Tijuana concert remains as scheduled, and his next show goes down in Nevada at the end of September.

It's unclear if the postponements are the result of any threats.

Gillie Da Kid Son's Death Made Me A Man ... Freeway Helped Me Get Through

Gillie Da Kid says the moment he washed his late son's body -- in tradition with Islamic faith -- was his lowest moment in life, but he also says enduring the tragedy officially took him to adulthood.

The "Million Dollarz Worth of Game" co-host made the emotional confession Tuesday while appearing on The Pivot podcast.

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His son, 25-year-old rapper YNG Cheese, was shot and killed in Philly back in July. Before his death, Gillie says he thought he understood the concept of being a man ... taking the reigns, providing for his immediate family and even supporting several non-relatives.

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But, he says going through the body-washing process opened his eyes, "and that day, I became a man."

Gillie also tearfully thanked fellow Philly rapper Freeway for standing by his side, and helping him through what he calls the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Despite the unimaginable grief, he's confident he sent his son off the right way.

Gillie spearheaded Cheese's funeral procession at famed venue The Met Philadelphia. Police are still searching for suspects in his murder.

nadie piensa que el prófugo es un héroe popular Dice U.S. Marshal retirado

no es un héroe

El hombre que se escapó de la cárcel en Pennsylvania y que actualmente está en la carrera no es el Robin Hood de la gente, y probablemente lo capturen pronto. Esas son las palabras de un ex U.S. Marshal.

Hablamos con Art Roderick el martes en "TMZ Live" y le preguntamos al veterano oficial— que ha trabajado en casos como este con anterioridad— si Danelo Cavalcante está preparado para eludir a las autoridades para siempre, teniendo en cuenta que ha estado sin capturar durante casi 2 semanas.

Roderick cree que el fugitivo será llevado ante la justicia, sin embargo, reconoce que las cosas están empezando a verse un poco complicadas teniendo en cuenta que su ubicación está en constante cambio. Además, la única forma de hacer el seguimiento es por medio de la gente que lo ha visto y pronosticando a donde se dirige.

Dicho esto, Roderick confía en que Cavalcante será detenido y que es sólo cuestión de tiempo.

Por supuesto, el último desarrollo es preocupante, Cavalcante se robó un rifle de una casa en un pequeño pueblo de Pensilvania. Así que ahora está armado y es peligroso, lo que sin duda complica las cosas.

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el momento de la fuga

Roderick reconoce la gravedad de la situación, pero confía en que este tipo no quiere hacerle daño a nadie, lo más probable es que esté intentando huir del país.

A la pregunta de si los lugareños podrían aceptar su historia de bandido en la línea de los antihéroes estadounidenses como D.B. Cooper, Roderick responde que la gente de la zona sabe muy bien que no es un buen tipo y no lo aceptarán.

Para su información, Calvacante es un asesino convicto y se escapó de la prisión del condado de Chester en una de las fugas más descaradas en mucho tiempo.

Escaped PA Inmate Not Viewed as Folk Hero ... Says Retired U.S. Marshal


The man who escaped prison in Pennsylvania -- and who's currently on the run -- ain't no Robin Hood of the people, and he'll likely be caught soon ... so says a former U.S. Marshal.

We talked to Art Roderick Tuesday on "TMZ Live" and asked the veteran law enforcement official -- who's worked on cases like this one before -- if Danelo Cavalcante is primed to elude the authorities for good, considering he's gone uncaptured for almost 2 weeks.

Roderick tells us he does believe this fugitive will be brought to justice eventually, however ... he does acknowledge it's starting to look a little murky considering their ever-changing perimeters based on where this guy is spotted and where he might realistically be heading.

With that said ... Roderick is confident Cavalcante is going to be apprehended, and that it's just a matter of time.

Of course, the latest development is a concerning one -- Cavalcante snagged a rifle from someone's home in a small PA town. So, now, he's armed and dangerous ... which certainly ups the ante.

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Roderick acknowledges the severity of the situation, but says he's confident this guy probably isn't out to hurt anyone -- in all likelihood, he's probably trying to flee the country.

On the question of whether locals might embrace his bandit-esque story -- in the vein of American antiheroes like D.B. Cooper -- Roderick halts that notion in its tracks, saying people in that area know damn well this isn't a good guy, and will not embrace him.

FWIW, Calvacante is a convicted murderer ... and he crab-walked his way out of Chester County Prison in one of the brashest escapes in a long time.

Prófugo irrumpe en una casa Se roba un rifle y el residente... abre fuego

La persecución del prófugo de Pensilvania ha dado un giro inesperado, al parecer, el asesino irrumpió en una casa y le dispararon mientras robaba un rifle.

El lunes por la noche, Danelo Cavalcante forzó la entrada de su casa en East Nantmeal Township, un pequeño pueblo en la zona rural de Pensilvania, según Fox 29 Philadelphia.

El medio de comunicación informó de que el residente sacó una pistola y disparó 7 tiros a alguien que encajaba con la descripción de Cavalcante. El ladrón se dio a la fuga, pero no antes de llevarse el rifle del calibre 22 del interior de la casa.

Los investigadores no pudieron confirmar si el hombre que se creía que era Cavalcante resultó herido, pero dijeron que sus zapatillas podrían haberse encontrado cerca. La policía considera ahora a Cavalcante armado y peligroso, y ha cerrado una escuela debido a la amenaza que representa.

TMZ publicó la noticia, Dog the Bounty Hunter podría unirse a las autoridades en su búsqueda masiva del asesino convicto que fue condenado a cadena perpetua luego de apuñalar mortalmente a su ex novia en 2021.

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el escape

Cientos de agentes que forman parte de un grupo especializado en fugitivos, están buscando a Cavalcante por todos los rincones del estado. Se han producido varios avistamientos la última semana, pero ninguno de ellos ha conducido a su captura.

Cavalcante se dio a la fuga el 31 de agosto cuando escaló un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por un tejado y saltó al suelo, ganando así su libertad.

Esperemos que sea sólo temporal.

Pennsylvania Escaped Prisoner Breaks Into Home, Steals Rifle ... Resident Opens Fire At Him

The manhunt for the escaped Pennsylvania prisoner Danelo Cavalcante just got a whole lot crazier … the killer reportedly broke into a house and got shot at while stealing a rifle.

On Monday night, Cavalcante forced his way inside the home in East Nantmeal Township, a tiny village in rural PA, according to Fox 29 Philadelphia.

The outlet reported the resident pulled a gun and fired 7 shots at someone who fit the description of Cavalcante. The burglar got the hell out of dodge, but not before he swiped the .22 Caliber rifle from inside the house.

Investigators could not confirm if the man believed to be Cavalcante was injured but said his sneakers might have been found nearby. Police now consider Cavalcante armed and dangerous, closing a school due to the threat he poses.

The frightening development comes as TMZ broke the story … Dog the Bounty Hunter might join authorities in their massive search for the convicted murderer, who was sentenced to a life term after fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in 2021.

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Hundreds of officers, part of a fugitive task force, are looking in every nook and cranny across the state for Cavalcante. There have been a number of sightings over the past week or so, but none of them have led to his capture.

Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, winning his freedom.

Let's hope that's only temporary.

A$AP Rocky SUED BY Ex-A$AP Mob Member ... For Defaming Him

A$AP Rocky's attorney went way too far in his defense of the rapper after his 2021 shooting incident ... at least according to the alleged victim, A$AP Relli, who's now suing Rocky and his high-powered attorney, Joe Tacopina.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Relli claims Tacopina went on a press campaign after he was allegedly shot by A$AP Rocky .... and Relli was defamed in the process.

Relli claims he was painted by Tacopina in the media as a liar, a money grabber, and an extortionist  ... and he believes this was all the direction of A$AP Rocky.

The suit claims Tacopina spoke to various outlets, including TMZ ... in one story, Tacopina said, "Rocky didn't commit a crime. It was an extortion attempt by a former associate, who threatened to make false, criminal accusations if Rocky didn't pay him."

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Relli claims as a result of the alleged attack on him, he received several death threats and has been the subject of ridicule. He's asking for unspecified damages.

As for Rocky ... his case is still pending. He has pled not guilty.

Joe Tacopina tells TMZ ... "This is actually nothing more than a publicity stunt which is going to backfire badly. I more than welcome this lawsuit especially because the resolution of the criminal case has not happened yet. This opens up this extortionist to depositions under oath now before the resolution of the criminal case. It will expose the fraud he committed and unfortunately for his lawyers, it will cause them to be responsible for legal fees in this case. They don't know the facts of this case or the actions taken by their client. But, I will be more than happy to educate them."

Horrifying Video High School Security Guard Shot In Head ... Critical Condition, Teen Arrested


A security guard was shot in the head after a high school football game in upstate New York ... and the terrifying moment was captured on video.

The violence erupted Saturday afternoon in the parking lot at Thomas R. Proctor High School in Utica following Proctor's 60-30 win over Binghamton HS.

Check out this new footage posted to X, which shows a bunch of brawlers going at it as two security guards try to break up the fight.

After people start to disperse, the crackle of gunfire is heard, and one of the guards is hit in the back of the head. You can see him drop to the ground.

He was rushed to a local hospital, where he was listed in critical, but stable condition.

The Utica Police Department said a 16-year-old boy was identified as the shooter after detectives reviewed several videos filmed at the scene.

The teen surrendered Sunday and was charged with attempted murder and firearm offenses. His motive was not disclosed.

Aterrador video Guardia de escuela recibe un disparo en la cabeza El adolescente fue arrestado

Disparo a un guardia de seguridad

Un guardia de seguridad recibió un disparo en la cabeza luego de un partido de fútbol americano de una escuela secundaria en el norte del estado de Nueva York. Y el aterrador momento fue capturado en video.

La violencia estalló el sábado por la tarde en el estacionamiento de la escuela Thomas R. Proctor High School en Utica luego de que el Proctor venciese por 60-30 al Binghamton HS.

Echa un vistazo a esta nueva grabación publicada en X, que muestra a un puñado de pendejos peleando, mientras dos guardias de seguridad intentan disolver el pleito.

Cuando la gente empieza a dispersarse, se oyen disparos y uno de los guardias es alcanzado en la nuca. En el video, se ve cómo el guardia cae al suelo.

El hombre fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde se encuentra en estado crítico pero estable.

El Departamento de Policía de Utica dijo que un chico de 16 años fue identificado como el tirador después de que los detectives revisaran varios videos filmados en el lugar.

El adolescente se entregó el domingo y fue acusado de intento de asesinato y delitos con armas de fuego. No se ha revelado el motivo.

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