nadie piensa que el prófugo es un héroe popular Dice U.S. Marshal retirado

no es un héroe

El hombre que se escapó de la cárcel en Pennsylvania y que actualmente está en la carrera no es el Robin Hood de la gente, y probablemente lo capturen pronto. Esas son las palabras de un ex U.S. Marshal.

Hablamos con Art Roderick el martes en "TMZ Live" y le preguntamos al veterano oficial— que ha trabajado en casos como este con anterioridad— si Danelo Cavalcante está preparado para eludir a las autoridades para siempre, teniendo en cuenta que ha estado sin capturar durante casi 2 semanas.

Roderick cree que el fugitivo será llevado ante la justicia, sin embargo, reconoce que las cosas están empezando a verse un poco complicadas teniendo en cuenta que su ubicación está en constante cambio. Además, la única forma de hacer el seguimiento es por medio de la gente que lo ha visto y pronosticando a donde se dirige.

Dicho esto, Roderick confía en que Cavalcante será detenido y que es sólo cuestión de tiempo.

Por supuesto, el último desarrollo es preocupante, Cavalcante se robó un rifle de una casa en un pequeño pueblo de Pensilvania. Así que ahora está armado y es peligroso, lo que sin duda complica las cosas.

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el momento de la fuga

Roderick reconoce la gravedad de la situación, pero confía en que este tipo no quiere hacerle daño a nadie, lo más probable es que esté intentando huir del país.

A la pregunta de si los lugareños podrían aceptar su historia de bandido en la línea de los antihéroes estadounidenses como D.B. Cooper, Roderick responde que la gente de la zona sabe muy bien que no es un buen tipo y no lo aceptarán.

Para su información, Calvacante es un asesino convicto y se escapó de la prisión del condado de Chester en una de las fugas más descaradas en mucho tiempo.

Escaped PA Inmate Not Viewed as Folk Hero ... Says Retired U.S. Marshal


The man who escaped prison in Pennsylvania -- and who's currently on the run -- ain't no Robin Hood of the people, and he'll likely be caught soon ... so says a former U.S. Marshal.

We talked to Art Roderick Tuesday on "TMZ Live" and asked the veteran law enforcement official -- who's worked on cases like this one before -- if Danelo Cavalcante is primed to elude the authorities for good, considering he's gone uncaptured for almost 2 weeks.

Roderick tells us he does believe this fugitive will be brought to justice eventually, however ... he does acknowledge it's starting to look a little murky considering their ever-changing perimeters based on where this guy is spotted and where he might realistically be heading.

With that said ... Roderick is confident Cavalcante is going to be apprehended, and that it's just a matter of time.

Of course, the latest development is a concerning one -- Cavalcante snagged a rifle from someone's home in a small PA town. So, now, he's armed and dangerous ... which certainly ups the ante.

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Roderick acknowledges the severity of the situation, but says he's confident this guy probably isn't out to hurt anyone -- in all likelihood, he's probably trying to flee the country.

On the question of whether locals might embrace his bandit-esque story -- in the vein of American antiheroes like D.B. Cooper -- Roderick halts that notion in its tracks, saying people in that area know damn well this isn't a good guy, and will not embrace him.

FWIW, Calvacante is a convicted murderer ... and he crab-walked his way out of Chester County Prison in one of the brashest escapes in a long time.

Prófugo irrumpe en una casa Se roba un rifle y el residente... abre fuego

La persecución del prófugo de Pensilvania ha dado un giro inesperado, al parecer, el asesino irrumpió en una casa y le dispararon mientras robaba un rifle.

El lunes por la noche, Danelo Cavalcante forzó la entrada de su casa en East Nantmeal Township, un pequeño pueblo en la zona rural de Pensilvania, según Fox 29 Philadelphia.

El medio de comunicación informó de que el residente sacó una pistola y disparó 7 tiros a alguien que encajaba con la descripción de Cavalcante. El ladrón se dio a la fuga, pero no antes de llevarse el rifle del calibre 22 del interior de la casa.

Los investigadores no pudieron confirmar si el hombre que se creía que era Cavalcante resultó herido, pero dijeron que sus zapatillas podrían haberse encontrado cerca. La policía considera ahora a Cavalcante armado y peligroso, y ha cerrado una escuela debido a la amenaza que representa.

TMZ publicó la noticia, Dog the Bounty Hunter podría unirse a las autoridades en su búsqueda masiva del asesino convicto que fue condenado a cadena perpetua luego de apuñalar mortalmente a su ex novia en 2021.

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el escape

Cientos de agentes que forman parte de un grupo especializado en fugitivos, están buscando a Cavalcante por todos los rincones del estado. Se han producido varios avistamientos la última semana, pero ninguno de ellos ha conducido a su captura.

Cavalcante se dio a la fuga el 31 de agosto cuando escaló un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por un tejado y saltó al suelo, ganando así su libertad.

Esperemos que sea sólo temporal.

Pennsylvania Escaped Prisoner Breaks Into Home, Steals Rifle ... Resident Opens Fire At Him

The manhunt for the escaped Pennsylvania prisoner Danelo Cavalcante just got a whole lot crazier … the killer reportedly broke into a house and got shot at while stealing a rifle.

On Monday night, Cavalcante forced his way inside the home in East Nantmeal Township, a tiny village in rural PA, according to Fox 29 Philadelphia.

The outlet reported the resident pulled a gun and fired 7 shots at someone who fit the description of Cavalcante. The burglar got the hell out of dodge, but not before he swiped the .22 Caliber rifle from inside the house.

Investigators could not confirm if the man believed to be Cavalcante was injured but said his sneakers might have been found nearby. Police now consider Cavalcante armed and dangerous, closing a school due to the threat he poses.

The frightening development comes as TMZ broke the story … Dog the Bounty Hunter might join authorities in their massive search for the convicted murderer, who was sentenced to a life term after fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in 2021.

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Hundreds of officers, part of a fugitive task force, are looking in every nook and cranny across the state for Cavalcante. There have been a number of sightings over the past week or so, but none of them have led to his capture.

Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, winning his freedom.

Let's hope that's only temporary.

A$AP Rocky SUED BY Ex-A$AP Mob Member ... For Defaming Him

A$AP Rocky's attorney went way too far in his defense of the rapper after his 2021 shooting incident ... at least according to the alleged victim, A$AP Relli, who's now suing Rocky and his high-powered attorney, Joe Tacopina.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Relli claims Tacopina went on a press campaign after he was allegedly shot by A$AP Rocky .... and Relli was defamed in the process.

Relli claims he was painted by Tacopina in the media as a liar, a money grabber, and an extortionist  ... and he believes this was all the direction of A$AP Rocky.

The suit claims Tacopina spoke to various outlets, including TMZ ... in one story, Tacopina said, "Rocky didn't commit a crime. It was an extortion attempt by a former associate, who threatened to make false, criminal accusations if Rocky didn't pay him."

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Relli claims as a result of the alleged attack on him, he received several death threats and has been the subject of ridicule. He's asking for unspecified damages.

As for Rocky ... his case is still pending. He has pled not guilty.

Joe Tacopina tells TMZ ... "This is actually nothing more than a publicity stunt which is going to backfire badly. I more than welcome this lawsuit especially because the resolution of the criminal case has not happened yet. This opens up this extortionist to depositions under oath now before the resolution of the criminal case. It will expose the fraud he committed and unfortunately for his lawyers, it will cause them to be responsible for legal fees in this case. They don't know the facts of this case or the actions taken by their client. But, I will be more than happy to educate them."

Horrifying Video High School Security Guard Shot In Head ... Critical Condition, Teen Arrested


A security guard was shot in the head after a high school football game in upstate New York ... and the terrifying moment was captured on video.

The violence erupted Saturday afternoon in the parking lot at Thomas R. Proctor High School in Utica following Proctor's 60-30 win over Binghamton HS.

Check out this new footage posted to X, which shows a bunch of brawlers going at it as two security guards try to break up the fight.

After people start to disperse, the crackle of gunfire is heard, and one of the guards is hit in the back of the head. You can see him drop to the ground.

He was rushed to a local hospital, where he was listed in critical, but stable condition.

The Utica Police Department said a 16-year-old boy was identified as the shooter after detectives reviewed several videos filmed at the scene.

The teen surrendered Sunday and was charged with attempted murder and firearm offenses. His motive was not disclosed.

Aterrador video Guardia de escuela recibe un disparo en la cabeza El adolescente fue arrestado

Disparo a un guardia de seguridad

Un guardia de seguridad recibió un disparo en la cabeza luego de un partido de fútbol americano de una escuela secundaria en el norte del estado de Nueva York. Y el aterrador momento fue capturado en video.

La violencia estalló el sábado por la tarde en el estacionamiento de la escuela Thomas R. Proctor High School en Utica luego de que el Proctor venciese por 60-30 al Binghamton HS.

Echa un vistazo a esta nueva grabación publicada en X, que muestra a un puñado de pendejos peleando, mientras dos guardias de seguridad intentan disolver el pleito.

Cuando la gente empieza a dispersarse, se oyen disparos y uno de los guardias es alcanzado en la nuca. En el video, se ve cómo el guardia cae al suelo.

El hombre fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde se encuentra en estado crítico pero estable.

El Departamento de Policía de Utica dijo que un chico de 16 años fue identificado como el tirador después de que los detectives revisaran varios videos filmados en el lugar.

El adolescente se entregó el domingo y fue acusado de intento de asesinato y delitos con armas de fuego. No se ha revelado el motivo.

New Mexico Gov. Defends Suspending Carrying Guns After Albuquerque Violence


New Mexico's governor temporarily banned Albuquerque's citizens from carrying guns in public -- this after a surge in shootings -- and defended her controversial decision on video.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham made the move Friday, issuing an order to suspend open and concealed carry of firearms in this one city specifically -- for a total of 30 days -- after citing a public health emergency pertaining to the number of gun violence incidents of late.

The story that broke the camel's back ... the shooting death of an 11-year-old boy on Wednesday named Froylan Villegas -- who was killed after leaving a park with his family, which police now say emanated from a road rage matter. He got caught in the crossfire.

Tragic as that is, many are outraged ... calling the Gov's order a blatant violation of the Constitution. She disagrees with that -- explaining to the press Friday why she felt she had the unilateral power on this issue ... noting not every Constitutional right is absolute.

Check out how she explains this ... Gov. Lujan Grisham says she has a duty to protect the people of her state, and if gun violence starts to present a serious public health problem -- she says she's within her right and powers to do what she needs to stop the bleeding.

Worth noting, NM is an open-carry state in general -- meaning people can walk around with pistols in their holster in most public areas ... so that's why it's ruffling a lot of feathers.

As far what repercussions people face during this month-long ban ... it's not all that serious -- they amount to civil penalties and a fine of up to $5,000. So we'll see who abides or not.

Interestingly enough, some law enforcement leaders have already publicly said they are not going to enforce what the governor is asking for here ... and, of course, legal challenges in court are expected to be filed in the coming days as well.

Snoop Dogg & E-40 Passing West Coast Torch ... And Still Keeping Their Skills Up!!!

Mount Westmore OGs Snoop Dogg and E-40 can never be accused of hogging the spotlight from the younger generation of rap.

They're both helping up-and-coming Los Angeles rapper Zoe Osama get his name out in the streets by hopping on his new track!!!

On Friday, Zoe released the new video for his "Underrated (Remix)" which finds Snoop sliding in the 2nd verse and 40 following suit with complex rhyme styles.

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The track also features MoneySign Suede, the L.A. rapper who was murdered inside California's Correctional Training Facility back in April.

Per our report at the time, MoneySign was stabbed in the neck in the showers on the evening of April 26 and prison officials were unable to revive him ... but Zoe's making sure he lives on through the music.

Zoe also dedicated the song to MoneySign and several other slain West Coast rappers, including Nipsey Hussle.

Church... preach ... tabernacle!!!

Polo G Legal Drama Delayed My Album ... But Won't Affect Touring Schedule

Polo G's September 15 release date for his upcoming "Hood Poet" album is no longer a thing ... having endured not one, but two eye-popping arrests in the last few months that have prevented him from promoting the music.

The Chicago rap star made the somber announcement Friday, calling it a minor setback.

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Sources close to Polo tell TMZ Hip Hop ... as of now, the album delay won't affect his current touring schedule.

He's scheduled to perform in New Mexico in October, blitz through Europe for much of November and also has a concert in Canada in December.

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Polo's wild chain of events last month got us to this point. We broke the story ... Polo and his brother Trench Baby were arrested twice in a 24-hour span around August 23, resulting in a gun possession charge for Polo and a robbery charge for his brother.

Cops claim they found tons of guns and even a small bag of drugs following their raid of Polo's home.

Delaying the album while he gets all this legal drama squared away definitely sounds like the best move.

CEO Jizzle Okay After Lil Baby Concert Shooting ... Cops Leaning On Fans For Info


CEO Jizzle, the Memphis-based rapper in Young Dolph's Paper Route Empire camp who was shot during Lil Baby's concert Thursday night, appears to be OK ... and cops are still trying to find the suspect.

Memphis Police sources tell TMZ Hip Hop they're actively investigating how someone was able to get a firearm past security at the FedEx Forum in Memphis. We're told there were no other injuries reported, indicating Jizzle might have been targeted.

seriously injured
Facebook / @GlentaviousJones

For now, cops are gathering video and asking the public to call CrimeStoppers at 901-528-2274 with any additional info that might lead to an arrest.

After arriving on the scene, officers discovered Jizzle with a gunshot wound ... he was taken out of the arena on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital.

X / @TheOfficialThaj

Jizzle was listed in critical condition but appeared to be feeling much better Friday when he posted on IG ... lashing out at rumors of his death which were floating online.

Much like the police, Jizzle didn't seem to know who his assailants were but assured his supporters he was made of concrete, and the opps could never take him out.

Clippers' Amir Coffey Charged With Two Misdemeanors ... Over Gun Arrest

Amir Coffey's July arrest has led to criminal charges ... TMZ Sports has learned the Clippers forward was hit with two misdemeanors late last month.

The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office has filed one count of carrying a loaded firearm and one count of carrying a concealed firearm against Coffey ... after alleging he had a gun in his ride during a routine traffic stop in Hollywood earlier this summer.

We broke the story ... a car Coffey was in was initially pulled over on July 30, after authorities claimed it had been speeding at around 2:30 AM.

According to law enforcement, officers said the vehicle smelled like marijuana -- so they searched it and found a loaded gun they say Coffey claimed was his.

Coffey was then placed into custody -- and spent several hours behind bars before he was released.

The NBA player -- who's been a member of the Clippers' org. since 2019 -- has not yet commented publicly on the case. He's due back in court later this month for a hearing on the matter.

Elvis Presley Revolver Sells At Auction For $200K

Elvis Presley's gun collection is in demand ... 'cause someone dropped six figures on one of his revolvers, with the final bid more than doubling what it was expected to fetch at auction.

The late singer's Smith & Wesson Model 53 double-action revolver was up for sale through Rock Island Auction Company, and they tell us the winning bid came in at $199,750.

Elvis received the gun as a gift in November 1976, just 9 months before he died, and it's loaded with custom features marking the Bicentennial.

The revolver is customized with five-pointed stars and a bald eagle holding a Betsy Ross American flag, plus the Liberty Bell ... and "1776-1976" is inscribed in gold near the muzzle.

As we first reported, Elvis' gun was expected to fetch at least $60,000 at auction ... but a bidding war broke out.

The King of Rock and Roll reportedly owned 37 firearms and a machine gun ... and interest appears sky-high.

UNC Shooting Students Leap From Building After Shots Ring Out ... Alleged Gunman In Custody

X / @MarkBoyleTV

Students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill resorted to climbing out of windows and jumping out of buildings after bullets started flying on campus.

In new video from Monday's deadly school shooting, you see college students fleeing a building through an open window ... dropping their book bags to the ground and then jumping to safety.

Amid spreading reports of an active shooter on campus, the students are left to climb out a window and onto a ledge, where they take a few steps to find a soft spot to land ... jumping down into some bushes.

The university shots were fired inside a chemistry lab Monday afternoon around 1 PM and the suspect, Tailei Qi, a UNC doctoral student, was taken into custody around 2:30 PM after a faculty member was shot dead.

Campus police say there is no longer an immediate threat ... and the video shows just how scary the situation was as it unfolded.


Charles Manson's hair and cremated remains are being used in a new exotic piece of art ... and it looks eerily similar to the famous mass murderer.

Ryan Almighty tells TMZ ... he and fellow artist Terry Barr -- who specializes in sculpting shrunken heads -- recently joined forces to create Manson art.

Ryan owns some of Manson's cremated remains and pieces of his hair ... both of which were gifted to him by a close friend of Manson's.

Once Terry sculpted the lifelike Manson head, Ryan added the remains in the eyes and attached grey hairs to the head.

Bad news for Manson followers ... the shrunken head isn't for sale, but Ryan says you can check it out at his private museum in Warren, PA.

Ryan has a history of using Manson's remains in his art ... even using ashes in a "Helter Skelter" tattoo for one Manson fanatic.

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It's dark, for sure, but it's not the first time people were obsessed with mass killers.

Polo G & Trench Baby Guns, Drugs Found During Raid ... Both Charged in Robbery Case


5:56 PM PT -- Polo’s lawyer Bradford Cohen tells TMZ … regarding the Burbank arrest, "We are waiting [for] additional information. The charges against Polo are very unusual given the timing and alleged knowledge of the police."


He continues, "We believe once all the facts come out it will be a very different picture than how the charges look on paper. We look forward to challenging the accusations and vindicating our client."

Polo G and Trench Baby's arrests ended with them both getting booked for crimes -- the rapper for gun possession and his brother for robbery.

LAPD says Wednesday's raid at Polo's house was in response to a report from August 15, which alleged Trench Baby robbed a man in Granada Hills during a music video shoot.

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The alleged victim arrived on location to film the video, and cops say Trench Baby drew a handgun with an extended magazine, demanding the man empty his pockets and wire money to him into another account.

According to cops, Trench Baby and the alleged victim had a prior working relationship. When officers made the arrest, they say they found a small baggy of unknown drugs on Trench's person during a pre-booking search.

Polo was booked for illegal possession of the short-barreled rifle, and cops say numerous firearms were recovered during the raid.

As we told you earlier, the Chicago-born brothers were released on bond early Thursday but were then promptly arrested by Burbank PD for a separate incident.

Originally Published -- 3:41 PM PT