ORLANDO BROWN DV Arrest Costs Him Movie Role ... Mental Health Issues???

Orlando Brown is losing a movie role because of his domestic violence arrest ... a role the alleged victim actually got him.

TMZ broke the story ... the former Disney star was arrested Thursday for misdemeanor domestic violence after cops in Ohio responded to a call about a fight in progress between two men.

Matthew Sanders, the alleged victim, tells TMZ ... he's directing and producing a movie called "Up The Score" and wanted Orlando to be part of it, because he considers OB not only a friend but extremely talented.

Orlando's legal issues have been well documented over the years, and Matthew says Orlando had been living at his home in Ohio since November during preproduction for the movie. We're told there were no major issues until Thursday's incident.

Matthew, who told cops Orlando came at him with a broken-off knife blade and a hammer, believes OB is struggling with a mental illness. He thinks Orlando is at times out of touch with reality, and he's bummed he wasn't able to help Orlando make a movie comeback.

Beautiful Mind Creations

Orlando was supposed to have a secondary role in the movie ... a dramedy about a military man who meets someone on social media and leaves his family for this person only to find out they are not who they said they were ... but that's no more.

Matthew tells us Orlando is no longer allowed to live at his house at this point in time and is currently removed from the film.

What's more, Matthew hopes Orlando seeks mental health help and only then would he consider bringing him back on. With filming for the project beginning in January, we're told it's likely not possible for Orlando to be involved.

Tory Lanez Found Guilty of Shooting Megan Thee Stallion Facing Likely Deportation

Tory Lanez is guilty of shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the foot back in 2020 ... a jury has decided.

The verdict came in Friday, just before the holiday -- where a group of L.A. jurors found the Canadian rapper guilty of all three charges against him -- felony negligent discharge of a firearm, assault with a semiautomatic firearm and carrying a loaded and unregistered firearm.

After the verdict was read, several members of Tory's family -- including his dad and stepmom -- shouted, "This system stands before God!" and calling the court system evil. Deputies surrounded his family members and escorted them out of the courtroom.

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Tory was filmed entering court before the verdict was read, telling cameras his spirits were high.

Tory now faces more than 22 years in prison, which will be determined during sentencing on January 27. Sources connected to the case tell us Tory's lawyers were in touch with immigration officials -- before the guilty verdict -- and we're told they've been informed there's a strong likelihood he will be forced to leave the country.

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This marks the conclusion of a wild 2 weeks in court, which saw a handful of witnesses take the stand to recount what they say happened on that fateful night. Megan herself obviously testified, squarely pointing the finger at Tory as the shooter.

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She said she saw Tory with the gun, explaining she remembers him firing at her from his Cadillac Escalade ... and claims he shouted, "Dance, bitch!" MTS also testified that Tory offered her $1 million to keep quiet.

Meg was called out by the defense for several items, including the fact she initially wasn't forthright about having an intimate relationship with Tory Lanez, and that she'd initially lied to police about how her feet had gotten injured.

The defense also tried to target Meg's ex-BFF, Kelsey, as the shooter ... and the reason she might've shot her was because of alleged creeping behind her back with guys like Ben Simmons, DaBaby and Tory himself -- a revelation that apparently sparked a major argument among all 3 of them in the car.

What exactly happened in the car was a major source of contention during the trial. While Megan had one version of events -- Kelsey seemed to have a different story ... albeit, with a very spotty memory on the stand that created stop-and-go recounting under oath.

What she did definitively testify to on the stand ... she wasn't the one who shot Megan ... but she wasn't willing to go as far as to say Tory did.

But, remember ... prosecutors were eventually able to get the green light to play a prior interview she'd given investigators in September -- and in that recording, she said Tory did actually shoot Meg.

Other witnesses took the stand too, but none of them were as consequential as Megan and Kelsey -- including the guy who supposedly saw the two women fighting from his balcony. Ultimately, he wasn't very definitive about who he says he saw fire the gun.

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The physical evidence in the case wasn't that strong -- there was gun residue found on both Kelsey and Tory ... and inconclusive DNA evidence on the gun itself. Tory never took the stand, and neither did his driver that night ... Jaquan Smith. Aside from cops and a witness to the Kylie Jenner party that preceded all this -- it really boiled down to Kelsey and Meg.

In the end, the jury obviously sided with prosecutors. As for the court of public opinion ... the jury is still very much out. People certainly took sides on social media -- and on traditional media too -- but now ... it's unclear if their allegiances will change.

A long and twisted journey ... finally over.

Walmart Employee Held Hostage No Plans To Quit ... Company Offers Counseling

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Being held hostage at gunpoint during work is not enough for Jessica Redfern to leave her front end team lead position at Walmart ... she tells us she's willing to return to her post.

Jessica, the Walmart employee seen on video being held hostage by a woman wielding a gun inside a Mississippi store, tells TMZ ... she's rightfully taking a few days off work after the scary incident, but doesn't have any plans to quit and look for a new job.

As we reported ... the hostage situation played out on video Wednesday night at a crowded Walmart in Richland, MS ... with Jessica being held against her will at gunpoint before police responded and ultimately shot and killed the suspect.

Jessica tells us Walmart is offering counseling services to her and the coworkers who had a front-row seat to the traumatic experience ... but she hasn't decided if undergoing counseling is the right move for her.

In the meantime, Jessica is dealing with police ... giving cops a statement. But, she's not ready to publicly address the hostage situation.

Jessica, who's worked at Walmart for 10 years, tells us one of her managers called her Thursday to check up on her ... and she's simply not ready to give up on the only job she's ever known.

Walmart, Jessica says, is a big part of her life ... she cares deeply about her coworkers and some of the regular customers.

Megan Thee Stallion BF Pardi Breaks Silence on Shooting Trial 'I Wouldn't Wish This On Anyone'

Megan Thee Stallion's boyfriend, Pardi, is publicly sharing his thoughts about Tory Lanez's shooting trial for the first time ... saying he "wouldn't wish this on anyone."

Pardi took to social media Thursday, as the jury began deliberating on a verdict ... saying, "To any woman especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice I feel for you."

He continued, "When you do find the courage to speak up .. it seems you will be ridiculed," noting people can quickly go from "victim to defendant in the eyes of the public."

He ends the post, "To any one with a daughter sister mother niece or aunt .. I pray for their protection .. I pray for their covering .. I wouldn't wish this on anyone."

As we reported, closing arguments wrapped Thursday, sending the jury to begin deliberations ... the prosecution made one last effort to convince jurors that Tory shot Megan -- pointing to Tory's "bruised ego" as a reason he shot her.

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The defense's closing argument went hard on Kelsey Harris, claiming she was the one that pulled the trigger -- while also calling Megan a liar, and claiming Tory was trying to save the day in the aftermath of the shooting.

Tory Lanez Jury Begins Deliberations

Both sides have rested their case in Tory Lanez's shooting trial ... and now, the singer's fate will be decided by the jury.

The jury started deliberations Thursday, after 9 days of trial. Closing arguments from the prosecution started Wednesday afternoon, with Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott making one last effort to convince jurors that Tory shot Megan Thee Stallion ... saying the case is simply about "a guy who shot a girl, then apologized for it."

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Prosecutors also pointed to Tory's "bruised ego" as a reason he shot Meg.

The defense's closing argument went hard on Kelsey Harris, claiming she was the one that pulled the trigger -- while also calling Megan a liar, and claiming Tory was trying to save the day in the aftermath of the shooting.

The defense also tried to make the point that Megan was lying about Tory because they're both artists, and she's looking to stay on top in the music game.

We've also obtained the jury sample verdict form that they'll use in making their decision ... the document has been circulating online as alleged proof to Tory's guilt or innocence -- but the jury has not yet made a decision, the document is only a guide.

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The judge is letting the jurors decide if they want to come in on Friday to continue deliberations -- the day before Christmas Eve ... so it's possible deliberations could continue into next week if a verdict isn't reached today.

Stay tuned ...

Walmart Employee Held Hostage at Gunpoint ... Cops Fatally Shoot Suspect

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A woman with a firearm held a Walmart employee hostage at gunpoint inside a Mississippi store ... causing cops to race to the scene and take lethal action.

The nightmare situation played out Wednesday night at a Walmart in Richland, MS ... video from inside the store shows a woman holding a gun in one hand and grabbing hold of a Walmart employee with the other.

As you can see, the Walmart worker looks terrified as she's ordered around the store by the woman with the gun.

Police say they responded to a report of a hostage situation and an officer ended up shooting and killing the suspect. Cops say no one else was hurt in the incident, and now the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is on the case.

It's unclear why the woman took a Walmart employee hostage ... but cops say they were told the suspect walked into the store with a gun and demanded news crews show up.

Folks who were there told local TV news station WAPT they were ordered outside the busy Walmart before hearing gunshots.

Babyface Ray Brand New Bimmer Breaks Down ... Leads to His Arrest!!!

Red-hot Detroit rapper Babyface Ray is in some red-hot trouble after a traffic stop exposed a gang of warrants -- but the stop might not have happened if his new whip didn't fail him.

According to the police report, a patrolling officer noticed a broken-down BMW blocking the roadway and went to investigate. After getting BR's ID, the cop says he ran his name in the system only to discover several outstanding misdemeanor warrants.

We've learned the warrants were for driving with a suspended license, missing a child custody court appearance and improper possession of a weapon -- so, cops booked him into Oakland County Jail.

As for his brand new bimmer -- which we're told he'd just driven off the lot -- Babyface authorized his GF to tend to it, which meant her getting it towed.

Babyface Ray just released his new album, "MOB" and made his late-night television debut on 'The Tonight Show' earlier this month, so maybe the car was a celebratory gift to himself.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

But now, he'll have to deal with some legal trouble!!! 😣

We reached out to Babyface Ray ... we'll keep you updated when we hear back!!!

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan Detains Home Intruder At Gunpoint ... Using .44 Caliber Pistol

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan has had his fair share of battles inside and outside the ring ... but perhaps none scarier than when the WWE legend recently had to ward off an intruder at his South Carolina home.

68-year-old Duggan told the story in an interview with Wrestling Inc. ... saying someone broke into his SC home around 6:45 PM on Thursday, December 8.

Jim says he took the man, who was in his mid-20s, down to the ground, and then held the guy at gunpoint using a .44 caliber pistol.

Jim's wife, Debra, was also home at the time of the horrifying incident.

As if the guy breaking in wasn't scary enough, Jim and Debra heard other people in the neighborhood yelling, which made them fear more danger was on the way.

The intruder reportedly knocked on multiple doors seeking refuge from a separate legal matter ... before ultimately entering Duggan's house, through an unlocked front door, as a last resort.

"Thank God we didn't shoot him," the WWE Hall of Famer said, who declined to press charges on the intruder.

On Saturday, Jim -- who previously battled prostate cancer -- commended the Kershaw County Sherriff's Department in SC for responding and apprehending the intruder.

"We would like to thank the Kershaw County Sherriff's Department for their prompt and professional response last week. Thanks to everyone for the concern and well wishes."

Armed Homeless Man Takes Over Home ... Kicks Woman Out Of Her Own Place

An apparently unhoused man is in police custody after an hours-long standoff sparked by the guy boldly taking over a woman's home while armed with a sword.

The scary intrusion went down Monday in Venice, CA, where resident Marcia Davalos told KCAL9 she arrived home to find the man already chilling inside, and claiming it was really his. Aside from trashing her place, he slammed the door in her face and locked her out.

What's more, the man reportedly had a knife and a massive sword ... which resulted in a huge LAPD response, swarming the block with the SWAT team and even sending in a robot to check out the situation.

After a 4-hour-long standoff, police used tear gas to force the man out of the home ... and, bizarrely, he emerged wrapped in a bath towel!

The guy had made himself so at home, he was taking a shower when cops decided his time was up.

Neighbors weren't nearly as shocked by the incident as you'd think -- they told reporters on the scene stuff like this happens all too often. Venice is one of the most impacted communities amid L.A.'s unhoused crisis.

Phil Urban College Basketball Player Dead At 20 ... Shot & Killed At Nature Preserve

College basketball player Phil Urban -- a freshman forward at Post University -- was tragically shot and killed at a nature preserve in New Jersey on Saturday, officials said.

He was just 20 years old.

According to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office, police responded to the Hopewell Valley Nature Preserve in Hopewell Township at 7 PM on Saturday ... and found Urban "slumped over" in the driver's seat of a Mercedes on a trail.

Officials say Urban was taken to a local medical facility -- but was pronounced dead there from a gunshot wound.

Authorities say a preliminary investigation showed Urban appeared to have been attempting to meet someone at the preserve ... and "was shot at some point during the encounter."

No arrests have been made ... and a probe is ongoing.

Post Univ. president John Hopkins said in a statement that Urban "modeled the attributes of leadership, commitment and hard work on the court and in the classroom."

Hopkins added the school and its community are "heartbroken" over Urban's death.

Urban committed to play hoops at Post Univ. back in April. The school welcomed him at the time with a tweet ... writing, "We are excited about what Phil will add to our team both as a player and person. Welcome to the nest, Phil!"


CLUB Q SHOOTING Judge Tossed Alleged Gunman's 2021 Case Warned 'It’s Going To Be So Bad'

The man charged with the fatal mass shooting at a Colorado gay bar last month was locked behind bars for a 2021 kidnapping ... but a judge later tossed out the case and released him, possibly leading to the massacre, according to new court documents.

First some background ... in June 2021, Anderson Aldrich allegedly held his grandparents at gunpoint inside their Colorado Springs home after he became irate upon learning they were moving to Florida because he was making a bomb in the basement. But, his grandparents managed to flee and call 911.

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A SWAT team arrested Aldrich after a brief standoff. Investigators recovered Aldrich's homemade bombs and firearms for a planned terrorist attack. He was charged with menacing, kidnapping and crime of violence.

Two months later, Judge Robin Chittum expressed concerns over Aldrich stockpiling weapons and explosives during a court proceeding, according to legal docs obtained Friday by the AP. At the hearing, Chittum also referenced Aldrich's struggles with mental illness, saying he needed treatment or “it’s going to be so bad."

Fast forward to July 2022 ... during another hearing, there was no mention of Aldrich’s violent tendencies or his mental health status. Then Chittum granted a defense counsel’s motion to dismiss the case and drop all charges against Aldrich just before trial. The reason? Aldrich's grandparents stopped cooperating, although other relatives warned the judge in a letter that Aldrich would kill someone if released.

Of course, the case's dismissal raises concerns about whether the recent mass shooting at Club Q could have been prevented. In that case, five people were killed and dozens were wounded. Aldrich has been charged with a whopping 305 criminal counts, including hate crimes and murder.

Tory Lanez Trial Kelsey Saw Him Shoot at Meg ... Says So On Tape Played in Court


5:30 PM PT -- Friday's testimony included an interesting note from LAPD criminologist, Randy Zepeda, who told the jury he swabbed the gun for DNA and did not find any traces of Tory Lanez's DNA on the magazine. Zepeda also testified DNA testing on the gun came back inconclusive.

Megan Thee Stallion's ex-friend Kelsey Harris says she absolutely saw Tory Lanez firing a gun at Meg -- that's what she told police back in September, and today the jury heard that whole exchange.

As you know, Kelsey has been hesitant, to say the least, to give up many details while testifying this week, but on Friday prosecutors played audio of the entire interview she did with cops earlier this year ... when she spilled every detail from that July 2020 night.

Kelsey says while they were in the SUV -- after the party at Kylie Jenner's house -- she and Tory first got into an argument when he made fun of Megan. When Kelsey came to her friend's defense, she claims Tory said, "My n****, I'm gonna shoot you." Kelsey says Tory reached toward the center console, but didn't do anything more than that.

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However, the vehicle was pulled over at that point. Then she says Meg and Tory started insulting each other's careers, and things got so heated, both Meg and Kelsey got out of the SUV.

Almost immediately Kelsey says she started hearing gunshots, and after the 2nd or 3rd shot she turned around and says she saw Tory in the front seat firing the gun forward, over the open right front door in Meg's direction.

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Kelsey was outside of the vehicle, but behind Tory and could only see Meg from the chest up. She ran toward Megan "in defense mode," and saw her bleeding ... and Tory was still sitting in the front seat, apparently in shock.

She claims Tory walked toward them, and that's when Kelsey and Tory started fighting. She describes it as Tory assaulting her, and adds she did not see a gun at that point.

Once they all got back in the SUV, Kelsey says she texted Megan's security, "911. Tory shot Meg."

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Once the police arrived, Kelsey claims Tory told them not to say anything to officers because he was about to sign a big deal, and he offered both women $1 million each.

That's all that's been played of Kelsey's interview so far, but there's more to come after the lunch break.

Obviously, the audio reveals just about everything Kelsey skirted talking about on the stand -- with a lot of I don't recalls -- but her memory sounded pretty solid a few months ago.

Originally Published -- 1:34 PM PT

Tory Lanez Shows Up to Court Without Kiddo By His Side


Tory Lanez raised a lot of eyebrows when he brought his young son to court for the Megan Thee Stallion shooting trial ... so it might not be a total surprise he was without him today.

Tory pulled up to a DTLA courthouse Friday in a white Range Rover -- Tory looked dapper in a black and white suit, earring and sunglasses. However, he was silent, not speaking with cameras as he walked inside.

As we reported, Tory walked hand in hand with 5-year-old Kai'Lon into the courthouse earlier this week -- adjusting his son's suit and then carrying him out on his back on the exit.

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We were inside the courtroom for the hearing, and while Kai'Lon wasn't there the whole time, he made at least one appearance ... and hung with his dad during breaks.

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Tory told cameras earlier this week Kai'Lon was his biggest support system and that's why he decided he wanted to bring him to the hearing.

Friday marks the 5th day of testimony in the case. On Thursday, Meg's former friend Kelsey, who was also in the car during the shooting, took the stand -- and while she was mostly uncooperative as far as sharing detail -- she did say Tory didn't pay her off.

Aqib Talib Sued For Wrongful Death ... After Fatal Shooting At Youth Football Game

Ex-NFL star Aqib Talib has just been sued ... after he allegedly helped incite an altercation that led to a fatal shooting at a youth football game back in August.

Michael Hickmon's family filed the lawsuit in Dallas County on Tuesday ... claiming the actions of Talib and his brother, Yaqub Talib, at a Big XII Youth Sports League event ultimately led to Hickmon's tragic death on Aug. 13.

According to the suit, Hickmon was coaching the Dragons Elite Academy 9-and-under youth football team against the Talibs' North Dallas United Bobcats.

Hickmon's family says the game was contentious -- claiming several calls had tensions running "high" throughout the contest.


At one point, according to Hickmon's family, the Dragons scored a touchdown following a Bobcats' taunting penalty -- and the Talibs were so upset about it, they ended the game.

The plaintiffs claim in the suit that Hickmon then went to retrieve the game ball -- but was "confronted" by Aqib, who allegedly threw a punch.

"Surprised and outnumbered," the Hickmon family said in the suit, "Hickmon defensively backpedaled."


The family went on to say in the lawsuit that Yaqub then pulled out a handgun and fired five shots -- striking Hickmon with several bullets.

Hickmon later died at a local hospital.

The Hickmon family is suing the Talibs and others for wrongful death ... asking for unspecified damages.

As we previously reported, Yaqub was arrested and later charged with murder. 36-year-old Aqib, meanwhile, has not been charged with any crimes.

Aqib's attorney released a statement following it all in August ... saying, "Aqib was present when this unfortunate incident occurred and is very distraught and devastated over this terrible loss of life. He would like to convey his condolences to the family of the victim and to everyone who witnessed this unfortunate tragedy."

The ex-Denver Broncos star has yet to publicly comment on the suit.

UVA's Mike Hollins Shooting Survivor Says Campus Gunman Was Silent ... Looked 'Normal' Earlier


UVA running back Mike Hollins says he isn't sure why a gunman opened fire on him and three other football players last month ... explaining this week the shooter was silent during his killing spree -- and had looked "normal" earlier in the day.

Hollins sat down with Michael Strahan on "Good Morning America" ... and gave some insight into the shooter's mindset -- while walking the ex-NFL star through how he was able to survive the terrifying Nov. 13 tragedy.

Hollins said he initially heard the gunshots ring out on the bus as it made its return to UVA's campus following a class field trip ... and he got off in a hurry -- unharmed.

But, he told Strahan that when he realized others weren't following him, he ran back in ... and that's when he said he locked eyes with suspected shooter Christopher Darnell Jones Jr.

"It was just a cold look," Hollins said, adding that the man said "nothing at all" to him. "It was, I don't know, it was just like a numb look."

Hollins said he turned to run again, and was shot in the back.

The football player said he didn't know Jones Jr. -- a former walk-on on the UVA football team -- "at all" ... and added that the guy had given him no indication that was upset earlier in the day.

"I had saw him that morning before we got on the bus," Hollins said. "He was looking normal to me."

Hollins suffered serious injuries in the shooting -- and required multiple surgeries to fix the damage. He told Strahan it wasn't until he came out of his initial surgery two days after the incident that he learned of the deaths of his teammates, D'Sean Perry, Lavel Davis and Devin Chandler.

"I've never cried like that before," he said.

Hollins is expected to make a full recovery.

Jones Jr., meanwhile, has since been hit with six criminal charges, including three counts of second-degree murder. He's due in court for another hearing in the case in March.

Megan Thee Stallion Ex-BFF Kelsey Recants Statements In Wild Court Testimony

Megan Thee Stallion's ex-best friend is the key witness who, all of a sudden, doesn't seem to remember much about the night in question ... which amounted to a wild day in court.

Kelsey Nicole Harris -- who was the other woman in the car with Tory Lanez and MTS during the 2020 shooting -- caused fireworks Wednesday when she was called to the stand by the prosecution ... almost immediately asking for immunity in the case, and receiving it for her testimony.

Despite this, Kelsey proved to be an incredibly difficult witness during direct examination ... attempting to invoke her 5th Amendment rights constantly, and often asking the judge if she had to answer certain questions -- hesitantly doing so when she did actually talk.

What she definitively testified to Wednesday, under oath, was that she did NOT shoot Megan Thee Stallion -- contradicting the defense's theory that she could've pulled the trigger.

Now, as for who she says did the shooting ... unclear. At one point, Kelsey did testify that Tory threatened to shoot her (Kelsey) -- but later on the stand, Kelsey seemed to backtrack ... saying sworn statements she'd given investigators in the lead-up to this trial weren't entirely truthful, despite being played back recordings of her saying just that back in September.

Prosecutors clearly wanted her to point the finger at Tory -- but so far, Kelsey has not done that ... and it could have a disastrous impact on the prosecution’s case.

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Of course, another way to look at this ... by process of elimination, if Kelsey is denying doing the shooting -- and with the driver never having been accused whatsoever -- one could surmise there's only one person left who could have fired the shots -- Tory Lanez.


Time will tell how this all impacts the jury -- but so far, there's been a lot of confusion kicked up in just the three days of the trial so far. And, it's not even close to over yet.