Jimmy Kimmel Texas Shooting Monologue Cut Off in Dallas ... Station Apologizes, Explains


Jimmy Kimmel now has an answer for why his emotional monologue calling out the Texas governor about the school shooting got preempted in Dallas.

According to the local station, WFAA ... it was an innocent technical error caused by an automated system -- but you can understand why Jimmy himself was demanding answers Wednesday night for why his powerful message was partially cut off.

Jimmy opened his show with a nearly 9-minute appeal for lawmakers, like Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and all lawmakers to enact gun reform in the wake of the elementary school shooting in Uvalde ... where 19 students and 2 adults were killed.

It was poignant, powerful and extremely critical of Texas politicians ... which is probably why JK immediately got word when folks in Dallas noticed they didn't get to see all of it. Kimmel tweeted he was trying to get answers.

WFAA says the machine that airs its commercials was erroneously triggered because their newscast, which precedes Kimmel's show, ran late ... due to coverage of the Uvalde tragedy.

If you wanna know why Jimmy would be so upset about the preemption, just watch his full monologue. He did it for a national audience, but he was directly, and passionately, appealing to Texas politicians to do something ... this time.

Texas School Shooting Bulletproof Backpacks in High Demand

Parents are doing anything to keep their kids safe on the heels of another school mass shooting -- and that means an all-new run on bulletproof backpacks.

Former Secret Service agent, Mike De Geus, is the founder and CEO of Leatherback Gear, and he says his company has seen an 800% spike in sales for their fortified knapsacks since Tuesday's shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

Mike, who protected former Presidents Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton when he was a Secret Service agent, says his brand's backpacks offer the same amount of bulletproof armor he had when he was protecting POTUS.

We're told most of the sales are for a $249.99 Sport One Jr. backpack that separates into two pieces, creating a bulletproof vest in seconds, covering the user's front and back.

Mike says the backpack was designed with active shootings in mind.

Another bulletproof backpack manufacturer, TuffyPacks, says it's seeing a noticeable uptick in sales for armor inserts that can go inside any bag. Owner Steve Naremore says the products are being shipped all over the country, with sales up 300%.

It's interesting ... TuffyPacks is based in Texas and they say they work with several school districts across the country, but not the one in Uvalde, where 19 students and 2 teachers were gunned down.

A third company, Guard Dog Security, says it's seen an increase in demand from consumers and retail partners who carry their bulletproof bags, including Lowe's and Dick's Sporting Goods.

The company's president, Yasir Sheikh, tells TMZ the brand donates a portion of its proceeds to Make Our Schools Safe, an organization founded by the parents of a student killed in the 2018 Parkland shooting in Florida.

Notably, these bulletproof bag sales also surged after that tragedy.

Former OH Sen. Nina Turner Gun Lobby Own Congress ... We Need Moms to Step Up!!!


Most Congress members are pawns in the hands of gun lobbyists, according to former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner ... which is why she's calling on another group to make gun reform happen.

We got the outspoken Ohio politician at LAX, and she gave us way more than her 5 cents about Congress' reaction -- or lack thereof -- to the tragic Texas mass shooting that killed 19 elementary school children and 2 adults.

Nina ripped elected officials for playing footsy with gun lobbyists, and insists politicians do have the power to stop gun violence, but instead they make decisions based purely on money and power.

You can see and feel just how fed up Turner is with politicians who refuse to act -- and now she wants mothers across the country to unite and demand action from lawmakers.


While we've seen lots of officials making speeches since the Uvalde tragedy -- she's calling BS, saying we need results instead of rhetoric.

And, as far as Beto O'Rourke confronting Texas Governor Abbott during a news conference ... Nina says that was genuine, and also a bit of theater. But, as she explains ... it's necessary theater!

In a powerful final plea, she says there's only one way to break gun lobbyists' hold on Congress ... "If the mamas get together, we'll shut this whole thing down!"

Moms to the rescue -- what else is new?

Don McLean 'American Pie' Singer Drops Out of NRA Convention

The National Rifle Association will be without one of its performers this weekend ... singer Don McLean will no longer play at the event after the elementary school shooting in Uvalde.

McLean tells us, "In light of the recent events in Texas, I have decided it would be disrespectful and hurtful for me to perform for the NRA at their convention in Houston this week. I’m sure all the folks planning to attend this event are shocked and sickened by these events as well. After all, we are all Americans."

He continues, "I share the sorrow for this terrible, cruel loss with the rest of the nation."

McLean, the voice behind the 1971 hit, "American Pie," was one of several performers scheduled to take the stage in Houston this weekend -- some of the others include Lee Greenwood, Danielle Peck and Larry Gatlin.

As we reported, 19 children inside a 4th-grade classroom and two teachers were killed when an 18-year-old gunman opened fire with an AR-15.

Of course, there's still a ton of pressure on Texas government officials, including Governor Abbott, to move the event out of the state. Houston is about 250 miles from Uvalde.

Beto O'Rourke Goes Off on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ... At School Shooting Presser


Beto O'Rourke just crashed a news conference on the deadly school shooting in Texas ... confronting Governor Greg Abbott and other Republican leadership, including Ted Cruz, and getting escorted out.

Beto showed up unannounced to Wednesday's press briefing in Uvalde, where 19 children and 2 teachers were shot and killed the day before at an elementary school, and went off on the state's GOP leaders.

Video shows Beto approaching the stage, where Abbott is sitting on the dais along with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and blames them for the tragedy, saying the blood is on their hands.

Beto says to the group, which includes Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn ... "This is on you until you choose to do something." He also says the incident was predictable.

Beto's been vocal about the school shooting on social media, mostly going after Abbott, but now he's literally taken the crusade to the Governor's feet.

Someone on stage shoots back at Beto, who is running for Texas Governor, telling him this isn't the time or the place to get political and calling him an "a**hole." There are reports the man is Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin.

Beto's then escorted out by law enforcement, but not before turning back to say his piece  ... while some folks in the crowd call for him to be able to speak.

Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson joined us on "TMZ Live" and called for background checks on anyone trying to buy a gun in the country.


The California congressman says he and other gun owners in his district support background checks for gun purchases and calls for 10 GOP Senators to step up and get a law passed that's been sitting on the Senate floor.

Texas Mass Shooting Slain Teacher Hailed As Hero In Daughter's Tribute

Eva Mireles, the 4th-grade teacher who was killed in the Texas school shooting, is being remembered as a hero in a touching tribute from her daughter, who says her mom used her body to shield students from bullets.

Eva's daughter, Adalynn, says her mom "selflessly jumped in front of her students to save their lives" and adds ... "I'm so happy that people know your name and that beautiful face of yours and they know what a hero looks like."

The teacher's daughter says she's heartbroken by the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX, which claimed the lives of another adult and 19 children, expressing disbelief and saying she never imagined writing a goodbye to her mom.

Eva sounds like a great mom ... her daughter says they were best friends who laughed over TikToks, sang karaoke together, woke each other up from naps, talked on the phone every day after work and fought over the stupidest things only to laugh about it later.

Adalynn she's proud Eva was her mother ... and she's promising to take care of dad and the family dogs.


Texas Mass Shooting Alleged Killer Sent IG Message to Girl 'Got a Secret to Tell You'

The man who gunned down 19 children and 2 adults in the latest shooting massacre was telegraphing his deadly plan to a random woman on social media ... weeks before his act.

The messages have surfaced online from what appears to be a female minor in Los Angeles -- who says the 18-year-old suspect DM'd her on May 12 out of the blue and for no apparent reason at all ... explaining she has no idea who he is or why he reached out.

The alleged shooter tagged her in a photo he posted of his guns -- including what seem to be semi-automatic rifles that resemble AR-15s -- and then proceeded to start a private chat.

Of the many disturbing DMs he sent, this one was the most chilling ... "I got a lil secret I wanna tell u. I'm about to..." Apparently, he never revealed his exact intentions -- dancing around the subject/playing coy as the girl engaged him ... totally confused and flabbergasted.

The man went back and forth with her for a while, telling her she oughta be grateful he tagged her -- and then on Tuesday, he said this ... "Ima air out." The girl clearly didn't know what he was talking about, and seemed to acknowledge as much with follow-up questions.

In the aftermath of the onslaught Tuesday ... the girl revealed these messages and defended herself -- insisting she had no idea what this guy would do, and explaining she only engaged him to try to deter him from committing a horrible act.

The shooter, who we're not naming, shot his grandmother before heading to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX ... where he barricaded himself in classrooms and opened fire, eventually getting taken out by law enforcement.

He's said to have been armed with a rifle and a handgun during the bloodshed ... and apparently loaded up on a ton of heavy artillery on his 18th birthday, all of which seem to have been obtained legally.

It's the worst mass shooting here in the States that's occurred in quite some time -- comparable to the awful Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012. Of course, this follows yet another mass shooting in Buffalo less than 2 weeks ago ... where 10 people were killed in cold blood.

Warriors' Steve Kerr Rips Politicians Over Mass Shooting ... 'Ive Had Enough'

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr was absolutely livid before his team's playoff game Tuesday night ... pleading with politicians across the nation to do something after a mass shooting at an elementary school left at least 19 children and 2 adults dead.

"When are we going to do something?" 56-year-old Kerr started off his impassioned speech. "I'm tired. I'm so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there."

"I'm tired of the moments of silence. Enough!" he added.

Kerr then went on to rip senators who refuse to vote on HR8 -- a bill that requires a background check for every firearm sale -- accusing the politicians of choosing to hold onto power instead of protecting the lives of children, the elderly and churchgoers.

"I'm fed up. I've had enough," Kerr said. "But, I want every person here, every person listening to this to think about your own child, your own grandchild, or mother, father, sister, brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today?"

An 18-year-old gunman opened fire on students and faculty at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday ... leaving at least 19 kids and 2 adults dead.

Kerr slammed the representatives in Congress for "holding us hostage" by choosing to not vote on the HR8 bill -- which he says 90% of Americans favor background checks -- and prioritizing politics over human lives.

"It's pathetic. I've had enough," Kerr said right before he stormed off the podium. But, Kerr wasn't only the notable figure to sound off in wake of the heinous tragedy that took place in Uvalde yesterday.

WNBA star Natasha Cloud, who plays for the Washington Mystics, urged people to write to their local and federal representatives in an effort to see change in the wake of the senseless tragedy that occurred.

Cloud called on government officials to implement sensible gun laws, so that an event like this doesn't happen in the future, and expressed she was tired of the system caring about money and profit over people and lives.

"If our government is not going to do our job, then we got to do our job and come together as a community. This is absolutely ridiculous at this point."

Matthew McConaughey TX School Shooting in His Hometown ... 'We Must Do Better'

Matthew McConaughey is pleading for gun reform following the tragic mass shooting in the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas ... which happens to be his hometown.

The actor shared his thoughts Tuesday, hours after the shooter went into Robb Elementary School and killed 21 people, including 19 students and 2 teachers.

He wrote, "As you all are aware there was another mass shooting today, this time in my home town of Uvalde, Texas. Once again, we have tragically proven that we are failing to be responsible for the rights our freedoms grant us."

Matthew's added, "The true call to action now is for every American to take a longer and deeper look in the mirror, and ask ourselves, 'What is it that we truly value? How do we repair the problem? What small sacrifices can we individually take today, to preserve a healthier and safer nation, state, and neighborhood tomorrow?'"

His post continued, "We cannot exhale once again, make excuses, and accept these tragic realities as the status quo. As Americans, Texans, mothers and fathers, it's time we re-evaluate, and renegotiate our wants from our needs. We have to rearrange our values and find a common ground above this devastating American reality that has tragically become our children's issue."

Clearly knowing the national conversation will turn political, Matthew also urged folks on both sides of the political aisle to do better -- "Action must be taken so that no parent has to experience what the parents in Uvalde and the others before them have endured."

As we've told you, the shooter was an 18-year-old local high school student. All his victims were reportedly in the same classroom.

TX Elementary School 19 Children, 2 Adults Dead After Mass Shooting


6:05 AM PT -- 5/25 -- The Texas Department of Public Safety is now saying at least 19 children and 2 teachers are dead after a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday.


4:19 PM PT -- Texas Senator Roland Gutierrez just confirmed to CNN that 18 children and 3 adults were killed in the shooting. The Senator says the shooter's grandmother is still alive but in critical condition.


3:25 PM PT -- Senator Chris Murphy just begged his colleagues on both sides of the political aisle to come together and figure out a way to help reduce the number of mass shootings in the country.


Murphy pleaded they find some sort of common ground to come up with a solution for stricter gun control, saying no parent should have to worry about sending their kid to school.


1:50 PM PT -- Gov. Abbott says the shooter was an 18-year-old student at the local high school. The shooter reportedly killed his grandmother first, then went to the school and opened fire before barricading himself in a room. He was killed by responding officers.

A nightmare is unfolding in Texas as another mass shooting is being reported -- this time at an elementary -- where at least 14 children and one teacher have been killed.

Reports out of Uvalde, Texas say a gunman first opened fire near Robb Elementary School before running inside the building. Once inside, he allegedly barricaded himself inside a classroom where the shooting continued.

At this time, Governor Abbott says 14 children and one teacher are dead.

It appears the last day of the school year for students in the district was Thursday, Robb Elementary has a student population of about 500 students.

The elementary school mass shooting comes just 10 days after 10 people were killed and 3 other people were injured when an 18-year-old opened fire. Gendron's attack was racially motivated, declaring himself a white supremacist and carrying a Bushmaster XM-15 rifle with "n*****" and other racist references written in sharpie on the gun.

It's currently unclear who the shooter at Robb Elementary is, but they're reportedly dead as well.

Originally Published -- 5/24 1:39 PM PT

LeBron James Begs For Change After School Shooting ... 'When Is Enough Enough Man!!!'

LeBron James is devastated after another shooter took the lives of at least 14 students at an elementary school in Texas on Tuesday ... and he's now begging for it all to stop.

"There simply has to be change!" the Los Angeles Lakers superstar said just minutes after the tragedy happened. "HAS TO BE!!"

Texas Governor Greg Abbott just revealed 14 kids and a teacher were killed at a Uvalde Elementary School on Tuesday morning -- explaining an 18-year-old has been identified as the suspected gunman.

James -- who has three children himself -- was clearly sick to his stomach after hearing the news ... taking to his Twitter page to plead for officials to make changes to try to put an end to the horrific mass shootings.

"My thoughts and prayers goes out to the families of love ones loss & injured at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX!" LeBron said.

"Like when is enough enough man!!!" the 37-year-old added. "These are kids and we keep putting them in harms way at school. Like seriously 'AT SCHOOL' where it's suppose to be the safest!"

LeBron then said he's "Praying to the heavens above to all with kids these days in schools."

This is the second time in the last two weeks that a shooter has opened fire on people. Just 10 days ago, several men and women were gunned down at a grocery store in Buffalo, NY.

Ex-Laker Slava Medvedenko Fighting Russian Troops In Ukraine ... w/ AK-47 & Binoculars

2x Lakers champ Slava Medvedenko -- Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal's former teammate in Los Angeles -- is doing everything in his power to protect his home country of Ukraine against Russian forces ... including picking up an AK-47.

Medvedenko, who spent 7 seasons in the NBA and won two championships ('01,'02) with Mamba in L.A., grew up in Ukraine and took up arms to help defend his country.

The 43-year-old has been involved in the war almost since the first day Vladimir Putin ordered his military to invade the sovereign country ... sparking one of the most violent conflicts in recent history.

Slava provided The Athletic with a very detailed account of what life is like for him as he protects the tallest building in Kyiv -- the neighborhood he lives in with his wife and kids.

The former power forward, who had no military experience prior to joining the war, told the outlet things are typically quiet during the day, but fighting intensifies during the nighttime.

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Equipped with binoculars and a Russian-made Kalashnikov (AK-47), Medvedenko recalled a night when he watched Russian forces fire more than 20 missiles ... in an attempt to eliminate Ukraine's radar system.

Of course, the professional hooper, who played alongside one of the most potent 1-2 combos in NBA history (Shaq and Kobe) never envisioned he'd be in the middle of such a dangerous war.

“Can you imagine?” Medvedenko said. “You’re just sitting at a checkpoint and you see a big f***ing rocket just fly over you?” he told The Athletic.

Although fighting seems to have quieted down in Kyiv (at least for the time being) where Slava spends a majority of time ... the near 7-footer is turning his attention to relief efforts for those who've been affected.

The 2-time NBA champ is committed to building a charitable foundation with the aim of helping Ukrainian children, and delivering food to areas hit by Russian forces.

Jewelry Store Smash-and-Grab Robbers Get an Ass-Whooping ... Employees Fight Back!!!

Instagram / @princessbridediamonds

A group of smash-and-grab thieves definitely got more than they bargained for when jewelry store employees decided they weren't going to give up their goods without a fight.

The whole thing went down at Princess Bride Diamonds in Huntington Beach, CA over the weekend. It's business as usual until 4 men in hoodies, covering their faces and armed with hammers charged into the building. One man was able to smash a jewelry case ... but then the employees leap into action.

A male employee comes sprinting to the front of the store, landing some serious haymakers. The female employees turn it on too, kicking, punching and even throwing a chair at the would-be-robbers.

The whole thing is pretty badass ... and the crooks take off without managing to steal any jewelry.

Princess Bride Diamonds let customers know they'll be closed for the next 4 days while they clean up the smashed glass and get their case restored.

It's currently unclear if any of the men were apprehended.

Tyler Perry Man Threatens to Blow Up Studio ... According to Atlanta PD

The house Tyler Perry built was almost blown to smithereens -- at least that's what could've happened if this guy got his way ... so say cops.

The media mogul was at the center of a scary bomb threat from a man named Coles Arrasheed ... according to Atlanta PD which arrested him for making terroristic threats against Tyler's Georgia studio.

In the report, obtained by TMZ, cops say Coles dialed in to the studio's main number back on May 13, and demanded to speak to TP himself -- but the receptionist told him it was impossible, which apparently pissed off this guy to the point he started talking gibberish.

Naturally, the receptionist was freaked out, hung up and even blocked his number. But, according to the report, she discovered he left a voicemail in which he allegedly threatened to blow the place to high heaven. That's what prompted her to call the police.

They eventually tracked down Coles, and he was brought in on a felony charge at Fulton County Jail. He's been released on $5k bond.

Gilbert Arenas I'm Still Cool W/ Javaris Crittenton Talk To Him Weekly In Jail

Ex-NBA star Gilbert Arenas says there's no bad blood whatsoever between him and Javaris Crittenton more than a decade after they had their infamous locker room gun incident ... saying this week he still talks to his former teammate in jail.

The 40-year-old former Wizards guard sat down for an interview with LeSean McCoy, Adam "Pacman" Jones and Brandon Marshall for an episode of "I AM ATHLETE" -- where he opened up about his relationship with JC.

Pacman asked Arenas if he and Javaris were still quarreling after the two drew guns on each other in the Wizards' locker room following a gambling spat in 2009 ... and Gilbert said not at all.

In fact, Arenas said the two are actually great friends ... and despite Javaris being locked behind bars after he was accused of shooting and killing a woman in 2011, they still chat regularly.

"We talk once a week," Arenas said. "It's just like when we were teammates -- 'Man, what do you think about this series? What do you think about this series?'"

"He just talks basketball. We just talk about basketball."

Gilbert said even though the duo's careers spiraled following league punishment for their locker room gun incident ... he was even cool with the former Wizards player shortly after it all.

"His mother needed surgery for her neck," Arenas said. "He asked me [for money] -- because he knows I'm not going to hold it personal."

"Even then, I took care of him," Arenas said. "Because nobody wanted to f*** with him at that time. Like, even to this day, I send him cell phones if he needs a new cell phone."

Arenas left the NBA following the 2012 season. 34-year-old Crittenton, meanwhile, is currently in the middle of a 23-year prison sentence.

Chiefs' L'Jarius Sneed Car Shot Up In Louisiana ... Police Say DB Not Involved


2:12 PM PT -- Sneed's agent tells us ... "A random and unnecessary act of violence occurred while Mr. Sneed was visiting his home town. No one was injured, but gunshots damaged his vehicle. He was briefly questioned and released without incident."


We're told there is a $5,000 reward for any info that could lead to an arrest or conviction.

Kansas City Chiefs cornerback L'Jarius Sneed's car was shot up in Louisiana ... but cops say he was not inside of the ride at the time and has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

The Minden Police Department tells TMZ Sports ... the gunfire went down at some point on Friday afternoon in Minden, where Sneed played high school football.

According to a department spokesperson, Sneed's Ford Bronco -- which the 25-year-old football player was not an occupant in at the time -- was hit by bullets ... and Sneed later showed up on the scene to check things out.

We're told Sneed and others were detained on the scene and questioned by officers, but ultimately, Sneed was not arrested and not charged with a crime ... and was let go.

Sources close to Sneed say two of his friends were driving the vehicle at the time ... and believe the shooting was random.

The spokesperson said cops are investigating the situation to find out who fired on the vehicle. No arrests have been made at this time, the spokesperson added.

We've reached out to the Chiefs for comment.

Sneed was picked in the fourth round by the Chiefs in the 2020 NFL Draft ... and quickly became one of K.C.'s best players.

In his two seasons with the team, he's started 21 games ... logging five interceptions, three sacks and 117 combined tackles.