Florida Shooting Survivors Approached for Documentary Deals

The Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School could become a documentary soon, 'cause some students are getting approached by Hollywood producers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us at least a couple student survivors have been getting calls to participate in some sort of docu-type project that would depict the tragedy and its aftermath.

We're told these students are fielding requests from a number of producers and executives for potential deals on a full-blown movie documentary, a TV documentary and a TV docuseries. They're sorting through these talks with some high-powered publicists.

As we reported ... some students are also being hit up for possible book deals on the shooting ... they've taken meetings with publishers ... but nothing's been inked just yet.

Unclear what kind of money is being discussed for a documentary, but we're told any funds would either go directly to March For Our Lives or toward gun control advocacy efforts.

Sen. Joe Manchin Hollywood Won't Diminish MFOL ... Clooney Can Do No Wrong


Joe Manchin isn't worried about George Clooney getting his hands around the March for Our Lives protest, 'cause he says nothing can taint this movement ... not even Hollywood.

We got the West Virginia senator Sunday in D.C. and asked if he thought the fact celebs are getting in on the MFOL event later this month will take away the spotlight from students.

Manchin's not buying that -- he seems to believe the gun control rallying cry started by the student survivors of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High is bigger any one A-lister ... adding that famous folks like Clooney would actually help rather than hurt their effort.


That jibes with what a survivor told us last week -- that the students welcome any and all celebs who wanna help. As we reported, Clooney and Scooter Braun are already working behind the scenes to organize the march. Jimmy Fallon said he'd be there, too.

Looks like Congress -- at least W. Virginia, anyway -- is on the same page.

2018 Oscars #NeverAgain Student Leaders Won't Be Attending

The faces of the #NeverAgain movement won't appear at the Oscars Sunday, a decision that will surely keep their strong, pure message far far away from "Hollywood."

Oscar production sources tell us familiar faces like Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wing, Cameron Kasky and David & Lauren Hogg didn't get an invite to Sunday's big event ... for good reason.

People organizing the student marches tell us the kids would likely have turned down invitations to the Academy Awards ... it's just not the time or place given the importance of the movement.

TMZ broke the story ... George Clooney and Scooter Braun have been working behind the scenes organizing the March For Our Lives later this month in D.C. Our sources say the two Hollywood heavyweights have chosen to remain in the shadows to keep the focus on the kids.

Our sources say at this time it's unclear if Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel will make any mention of gun control or the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Florida Shooting Student Survivor AR-15 Bullet Nearly Tore Off My Foot ONE. SINGLE. BULLET.

A student who survived the Florida shooting wants you to see how a single AR-15 bullet butchered his foot ... mangling it to pieces.

Kyle Laman -- who was inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High when Nikolas Cruz opened fire and brutally murdered 17 people -- tells TMZ ... he damn near needed an amputation after a bullet pierced his right foot ... leaving a gaping and horrifying hole.

The 15-year-old freshman -- who will need at least 4 surgeries and a year of rehab before he can walk again -- described the excruciating pain he felt after waking up from one of his surgeries.


Kyle's mom, Marie, used the TV show "The Walking Dead" as a way of describing her son's injury. She's adamant -- no one in America who isn't old enough to buy a beer should be allowed to buy such powerful ammo. The family has now started a GoFundMe account.


White House Shooting Man Shoots Self Outside ... WH on Lockdown


11:30 AM PT -- The Secret Service says the man shot himself in the head a little before noon, after removing a concealed handgun and firing several rounds ... but none were directed toward the White House. Neither the Prez or Melania were there at the time. The man's been ID'd, but his name is being withheld until his family is notified.

Secret Service and cops have surrounded The White House after a man shot and killed himself outside the north fence ... TMZ has learned.

The WH has been on lockdown since the shot was fired Saturday morning, but everyone other than the shooter is reportedly safe. President Trump was not there ... he's in Florida at Mar-A-Lago.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... the adult male suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and was unconscious when police arrived and medical personnel began treating him. We're now told he's been declared dead.

It's unclear why he took his own life.

Fla. Student Leader Cameron Kasky Hates the NRA But Respects its Members


Marjory Stoneman Douglas student leader Cameron Kasky has clearly spent a lot of time over the last 2 weeks thinking about gun violence and how to curb it, because he distinguishes between the NRA and its members.

We got Cameron at LAX Friday night ... on his way home after appearing on Bill Maher's show and scoring a little swag as a parting gift.

Cameron has contempt for the NRA over its hard line position on any meaningful gun control, but he not only respects its members ... he says they're patriots.

And speaking of contempt ... Cameron rails on people who dismiss efforts by the students to change hearts and minds -- people who have never experienced the horror of February 14th.


And Cameron joins the head-scratching chorus of those trying to process Donald Trump's hollow brag that he'd have run into the school to save the students.

Susan Sarandon Parkland Kids Have to Change Gun Laws ... Trump NEVER Will


Susan Sarandon is beaming like a proud mama about the students behind the March for Our Lives rally ... and says she'll absolutely be there to support them.

We got Susan Friday at LAX, and she told us the Parkland, FL kids now have a chance to effect real change when it comes to gun reform. She says they can essentially do do what politicians -- especially President Trump -- have refused to do.

As we reported, celebs have an open invitation to attend the March 24 rally in Washington, DC ... even if others prefer to keep their involvement on the DL.

Susan left no doubt about her plans and applauds Marjory Stoneman Douglas High students for keeping the pressure on local, state and federal legislators.

O.J. Simpson I Had an Accomplice In Nicole Brown Simpson/Ron Goldman Murders

O.J. Simpson told Judith Regan he "hypothetically" had an accomplice in the murders of his ex-wife and her friend ... an accomplice who was with him during the killings.

FOX is belatedly airing an O.J. Simpson interview it had shelved years ago ... shelved under extreme pressure. Regan, a book publisher, helped Simpson write a book called, "If I Did It: Confessions of a Killer."

Regan interviewed Simpson on camera for the TV special and he initially drew from the book and talked hypothetically about how the murders might have been committed. The un-aired show was viewed as a confession of sorts, and now TMZ knows why.

Sources familiar with the program tell us, Simpson talked in the third person as he described how the murders might have been committed, but at some point in the interview he lapsed into first person. We're told it sounded like a first-person account of the murders and, although it's not a clear confession, it's in that arena.

We're told Simpson flat-out talks about an accomplice who was with him at Nicole's home. He did not name the accomplice.

Simpson's scenario goes like this ... he went to her house the evening of June 12, 1994, to "scare the s*** out of her." He took the Bronco to her home with his friend, brought a knife and put a hat and gloves on for dramatic effect.

Simpson then says he looked in Nicole's window ... saw burning candles and believed she was expecting a man to show up. Just then Ron, a waiter from the restaurant where she had just dined, appeared with a pair of sunglasses Nicole's mom had forgotten at the restaurant. Simpson started screaming in rage, Nicole came running out ... and at that point he says he "blacked out" and came to covered in blood.

The special airs on Sunday, March 11.

Jonathan Martin Alma Mater Gets Restraining Order After His Shotgun Post

3:15 PM PT -- In court docs, Harvard-Westlake officials say Martin checked into a mental health facility following his arrest ... but he might be out already and the school doesn't want to take any chances.

School officials say the fact Martin was arrested with a gun in his possession coupled with the fact he lives less than 45 minutes from campus is very concerning to faculty, parents and students.

The restraining order request was granted -- and Martin has been ordered to stay 150 yards away from the school.

Ex-NFL player Jonathan Martin's alma mater wants to make sure he comes nowhere near the famous high school after his arrest with a shotgun.

Harvard-Westlake High School filed docs Thursday to get a restraining order against Martin. As we reported, police detained him last week after he posted a photo of a shotgun and ammo, and tagged the names of 2 former Harvard-Westlake classmates -- as well as 2 of his Dolphins teammates, including Richie Incognito.

Out of precaution, the private school campus was shut down when Martin posted the photo. Police eventually located him and detained him. He was carrying a gun with him at the time the police caught up to him.

Martin was scheduled to undergo psychiatric evaluation. It is unclear if the judge has approved the restraining order.

Queen Elizabeth 1981 Assassination Attempt Revealed ... New Zealand Officials Covered It Up

Queen Elizabeth was the target of an assassination attempt in New Zealand, but government officials covered it up over fear of losing future Royal tours ... according to new declassified docs.

New Zealand's Security Intelligence Service says 17-year-old Christopher Lewis fired a shot at the Queen during her October 1981 visit to Dunedin. He was arrested shortly afterward -- a rifle and used gun cartridge were found in a building overlooking QE2's parade route.

Police at the time claimed the gunshot sound was caused by a falling sign, and journalists have said cops told them not to report the incident.

According to the docs, Lewis intended to kill Elizabeth, but was never charged for it. Instead, he was accused of merely discharging a firearm. The lesser charge was an apparent attempt by top officials to cover up any connection to the Queen's parade.

Lewis served an initial jail term and went on to commit armed robberies and be charged with murder. He killed himself in prison in 1997.

John Salley to Trump: Don't Arm Teachers ... Give Your Gun $$$ to Schools


The only thing Donald Trump should be giving teachers is more school supplies -- so says John Salley, who tells TMZ Sports he ain't down with POTUS' idea to have educators packin' heat in the classroom.

We got Salley at an event at NeueHouse in Hollywood ... and the 4-time NBA champ told us only people trained to protect should carry guns, and no one else.

As for Trump's classroom cop proposition -- "I think teachers should carry books and pencils and pads. You know what, they've been lacking those."

FYI, the Education Market Association says teachers spend hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of their own money on school supplies every year ... so Spider ain't wrong.

Florida Shooting Student Survivor We Welcome All Celebs at MFOL ... They're Powerful Voices!!!


A student who survived the Florida shooting says he's happy George Clooney and Scooter Braun are super involved with their cause -- in fact, he says the more, the merrier.

Dimitri Hoth -- a student survivor at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High -- has a clear view of the upcoming March for Our Lives rally in D.C. He wants celebs front and center, because they have the key to the most powerful engine of change -- social media.

TMZ broke the story ... Scooter and George are deeply embedded in organizing the event for MFOL, but have stayed out of the spotlight to avoid blurring the students' message.

It's a student effort, but he says famous people, including vocal supporters Oprah and Jimmy Fallon, will be warmly received.

Sen. Cory Booker Don't Drag the Holocaust Into Today's Gun Debate ... Hello!!!


Senator Cory Booker is stunned that Congressman Don Young tried pitching the Holocaust as a serious defense for arming teachers ... calling the pro-gun notion "outrageous."

We got the senator from New Jersey on Wednesday in D.C. and asked him what he thought of Rep. Young suggesting the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if Jews had their own guns.

Booker admits he hadn't heard the remarks or seen the video himself -- but says it doesn't take a genius to know the idea is historically inaccurate and highly offensive. Uh, ya think?

He tells us Young's sentiment is simply propaganda for the NRA, and just a way to push more guns ... which he says definitely isn't the answer now, and wasn't the answer then.

George Clooney, Scooter Braun Secretly Major Forces Behind March for Our Lives

George Clooney and Scooter Braun are secretly working behind the scenes for the March for Our Lives campaign ... and TMZ knows this all because we wanted to find out how many MFOL t-shirts were sold.

One of our producers emailed members of the campaign triggered by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting. She wanted to know how many sweatshirts, t-shirts and other merch items have been sold to raise money for the upcoming marches -- in particular, the march in Washington to ban assault rifles and end gun violence.

We were told over 22,000 items have been sold, but our producer wanted to know more, and she was referred to a woman who is running the fundraising campaign. Turns out ... the woman works for Scooter Braun.

After more digging, we found out Scooter is deeply involved in the fundraising efforts but was determined not to take the spotlight away from the students, so he used one of his employees for cover. As you know, Scooter organized the Manchester charity event for the victims of the Ariana Grande concert bombing.

We also found out Clooney, who donated $500k to March For Our Lives, is actively working behind the scenes to provide various forms of help. And sources at MFOL tell us Clooney is the one who started the behind-the-scenes work and recruited Braun and others.

We're assuming they've done all this on the QT because they feel it would diminish the impact of the movement if celebrities appear to be running the show -- the students are the ones changing hearts and minds and it's important it stays that way.

Clooney tells TMZ, "Amal and I fully support the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas. We've donated money to help pay for their march. But the march and all of the activities surrounding this movement belong to the young people across the country."

Clooney goes on ... "To suggest anything else would not only be completely inaccurate but also undercut the courage and determination of these incredible kids. They make me proud to be an American."

Rep. Don Young Armed Jews Would Have Stopped Nazis

Dimitri Shein, CNN via KTOO

Alaskan Congressman Don Young says if Jewish people in Nazi Germany were armed, they could have prevented the Holocaust -- and that's his argument against gun control.

The U.S. representative was fielding questions about how to make schools safer in the wake of the Parkland, FL mass shooting when he floated his jaw-dropping theory. He was responding last week to Dimitri Shein, a democrat running for Young's seat, who recorded their heated exchange.

Young actually said, "How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?"

Young is an NRA member who's down with arming school teachers. He's said video games and the breakdown of American families are to blame for epidemic gun violence. In video of his town hall-style meeting (around 2:10), Young added ... 50 million Russians were killed because they didn't have guns.

There was plenty of vocal support for Young's theories during the meeting.

For what it's worth, there was a Nazi law prohibiting Jews from owning guns -- but remember, they would have been battling Hitler's army, which was steamrolling entire countries.

We're guessing Young does NOT remember that.

Dan Rather Trump's School Shooting Bravado Smells Like BS ... He Ducked the Vietnam War!


Dan Rather's not buying President Trump rushing into the Florida high school to stop the mass shooter -- he says history shows that's just not his style.

We got the legendary CBS anchor in NYC Tuesday, and asked him to assess Trump's claim -- "I really believe I'd run in there, even if I didn't have a weapon." Rather started to say he wants to be respectful of the office of the Presidency ... then dropped a BIG ol' but.

He says Trump had a chance to stand up and show his bravery during the Vietnam War, but "ducked" it. Dan does acknowledge that was a long time ago, and the Prez could have changed.

But, you can hear it in his voice ... Dan ain't got no time for Trump's hypothetical courage, and he doesn't think he's alone.