Jacob Blake Cop Who Shot Him In The Back Identified

The Wisconsin cop who fired seven shots into the back of Jacob Blake has been identified as officer Rusten Sheskey ... as more details from the case were just released.

The shooting is being investigated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, and an initial account of Sunday's incident fingers Sheskey as the trigger man.

According to the DOJ ... Kenosha Police Department officers were dispatched to a residence after a female caller reported her boyfriend was there when he was not supposed to be.

During the incident, the DOJ says police attempted to arrest Jacob and used a taser to try and stop him, but it didn't work.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

The DOJ then describes what you've already seen on video ... Jacob walked around his vehicle, opened the driver's side door and leaned forward as Officer Sheskey held onto Blake's shirt and fired 7 shots into his back.

Fox 6

As we reported ... Jacob's family says he is paralyzed from the waist down and will need a miracle to walk again.

The DOJ says Jacob told he had a knife in his possession, but DCI agents recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard in Blake's car.  In other words, it wasn't even close to Jacob when he was shot in the back 7 times. The DOJ says no other weapons were found in Jacob's car.

The state says the DCI is continuing to review evidence and determine facts and will turn over its investigative report to a prosecutor once complete.

Kenosha 'Vigilante' Shooter Arrested ... Booked for Homicide

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1:32 PM PT -- Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth says the shooting that occurred and resulted in 2 people dying is exactly why he doesn't support deputizing citizens with guns to help police patrol neighborhoods. He says it's way too much added liability for his department ... and leads to more confrontation.

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Sheriff Beth says he thinks the 2 victims got mixed up with this group inquiring about becoming deputized. He also gave his reasoning why law enforcement let the shooting suspect -- identified as the 17-year-old Rittenhouse -- leave the scene without being arrested.


10:15 AM PT -- The "vigilante" shooter in Kenosha who allegedly shot and killed at least two people has been captured by cops -- and he's now facing homicide charges.


Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested in Antioch, Illinois. Court records indicate he was booked for first-degree homicide in relation to the Kenosha shooting. It appears he's been assigned a public defender and is set to appear in court for an extradition hearing later this week.

A man -- who witnesses described as being part of a vigilante militia group -- with a long gun brazenly walked down a street in Kenosha, Wisconsin Tuesday night and began firing his weapon at people protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake, killing 2, and incredibly walking right past a swarm of cops who let him go into the night.

The protest centered around the courthouse and got out of hand, with water bottles, rocks and fireworks aimed at police. The police then fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd, which then dispersed and moved several blocks.

That's when the white vigilante appears on video with his gun. He reportedly had already shot someone several blocks away, and he was being chased by protesters who were trying to subdue him.

The vigilante falls to the ground as he's being chased and then begins unloading his weapon, striking and killing 2 people.

And, then the unthinkable happens. As police swarm the area in patrol cars and fortified vehicles, the vigilante -- gun clearly visible around his chest -- put his hands up in the air. The police vehicles all pass him, as the crowd screams he's the shooter.

It's a stunning contrast ... the white vigilante posed a clear and present danger, even if cops didn't know he was the shooter, yet Jacob Blake, an unarmed black man, was shot in the back 7 times as he tried to get in his car. Jacob is now paralyzed from the waist down.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

The vigilante escaped and is still on the loose.

Originally Published -- 6:00 AM PT

Ex-NYPD Commish Rips LeBron James 'You Have No Idea' How Policing Works

The former Commissioner of the NYPD is going after LeBron James ... saying the NBA superstar should keep his mouth shut when it comes to criticizing police because he "has no idea what the job is."

Bernie Kerik -- who was commish from 2000 to 2001 -- was really upset with LeBron's critical comments about the police officers involved in the Jacob Blake shooting.

"I’ve got nothing nice to say about those cops at all," Bron told the media on Monday.

"If you’re sitting here and telling me that there was no way to subdue [Blake] or detain him before the firing of guns, then you’re sitting here and lying to not only me, you’re lying to every African American, and every black person in the community."

Enter Kerik ... who clapped back hard at Bron on social media.

"You should not comment or criticize when you have no idea what the job is, nor would you have the courage to do it," he said.

"I’d challenge [LeBron James] to handcuff someone the refuses to comply, or spend a day in a firearms simulations training center?"

Kerik has been a staunch defender of the police in several high profile shooting cases over the years.

He's also a big Donald Trump supporter -- and was pardoned by POTUS in 2020 stemming from a 2010 conviction on 8 felonies, including tax fraud and lying to govt. officials.

Jacob Blake Paralyzed from Waist Down ... 'Miracle' If He Walks Again

Fox 6

Jacob Blake is paralyzed from the waist down as a result of being shot in the back by a cop in Kenosha, WI ... and he'll need a miracle if he's ever gonna walk again.

Jacob's father and mother got super emotional Tuesday as they asked for answers and prayers outside the Kenosha County Courthouse.

His dad fought back tears as he wondered why police shot his son in the back like his life didn't matter. His mother said she's praying for everyone, even the cops, and asked for an end to the riots and violence erupting in the aftermath of her son's shooting.

Fox 6

The family's lawyer, Ben Crump, and his legal team provided a harrowing update on Jacob's medical condition ... doctors are telling them Jacob will need a "miracle" to learn to walk again after a bullet ripped through his spinal cord.

Jacob was rushed into surgery Tuesday, with doctors removing his colon and small intestine. His lawyers also say he has holes in his stomach, plus damage to his liver, kidney and arm. More surgeries await Jacob, plus a long and difficult rehab.

Jacob's father got emotional again as he explained the toll the shooting is taking on the family ... he says his grandson keeps asking him why the police shot his dad.

His mother says Jacob's trying his best to keep in good spirits ... even telling a joke when she was finally allowed inside his hospital room.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

The family says its planning to file a civil lawsuit to hold the cops involved accountable, and their lawyers are asking for the officers to be fired and arrested.

The shooting of another unarmed Black man resulted in growing protests Sunday night in Kenosha, which escalated to violence ... including a police officer being knocked out cold.

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The unrest continued Monday, and a peaceful protest march through the city was again followed by violence and fires set to buildings after dark.

Jacob's mom says her son would not be pleased with the violence, and called for healing and prayer throughout the country.

As we reported ... Blake was shot 7 times in the back as he was walking away from cops and trying to get in his SUV. His partner and the couple’s 3 children were in the back seat of the vehicle screaming when police shot him. We're told they are severely traumatized by what they saw.

Michelle Smith via TMX.news

An alternate angle of the shooting shows that Jacob appeared to be involved in a tussle with the officers before getting up and walking around to the driver's side, where he was shot. A witness claims he heard the cops say Blake had a knife as they pointed their guns ... but in fact, he was unarmed.

Jacob Blake's Family Atty Cops Aren't Afraid to Kill Black People No Repercussions!!!


Police in America don't hesitate to shoot and kill Black people in a confrontation because they consistently get away with it ... that's what Jacob Blake's family lawyer, Ben Crump, thinks anyway.

The civil rights attorney -- who's also representing the families of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others -- is going to work for Blake now as well, after the 29-year-old father was shot in the back 7 times by a white cop in Kenosha, WI.

Crump tells us the family's been assured by the Governor's office that an independent and unbiased investigation into the shooting will be launched ... but he says Kenosha residents are understandably skeptical.

Crump cites a pattern of cops killing Black people -- not just in Kenosha, but throughout the history of the U.S. -- and facing zero consequences ... to the point where it's become totally normalized.

That's why, according to Crump, we continue to see white officers pulling the trigger on people of color ... even when they know everything is recorded these days.

Crump adds that this isn't just a police issue ... it's a cultural pattern of condoning mistreatment of Black people that starts at the top, and continues to manifest itself in what he refers to as the "intellectual justification of discrimination."

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Raysean White via TMX.news

As you know, Blake's story is just the latest example of an unarmed Black person being shot or killed by cops. The alarming trend has finally sparked massive outrage and nationwide protests against police brutality and racism this summer.

None of it is going away soon either, because like Crump suggests ... you can't change the entire course of American history and how police have been trained to act overnight.

Milwaukee Protest Group Fired Upon by PA Rifle Owner ... In BLM March to D.C.

Frank Nitty/Facebook

A group of Black activists were shot at -- and apparently hit at least once -- by a gun-toting Pennsylvania home-owner with a long-range rifle.

Activist Frank Nitty documented the incident on social media live Monday night, when he and several other protesters were marching/caravanning from Milwaukee to D.C. ... and stopped through a town in PA along the way, where things got deathly scary in a flash.

In Frank's video, you see he and other fellow marchers making their way through what appears to be an open residential street ... when, all of a sudden, you hear a loud shot ring out somewhere from a relatively close distance. It sounds almost like a sniper rifle round.

Frank Nitty/Facebook

The video is a bit jumbled, but for a brief moment ... you can see the camera aimed at a house across the road with at least two to three men staring down the group. One of the men appears to be holding a long object in his arms, perhaps a firearm.

You hear one other gunshot and then you hear screaming and chaos. One of the marches can be heard telling the men they're leaving and that there's no need to get violent.

Frank and the rest of his group jump into vehicles that were accompanying them and race to the hospital. In a separate video, you can see him holding somebody in the car who appears to have a bloodied shirt. They arrive to the hospital and end up talking to cops about it.

The status of the person who might've been shot is unclear at this point -- but one thing that is clear ... this is eerily reminiscent of another time in our history, the Civil Rights era.

Kenosha, Wisconsin Protests for Jacob Blake ... Leave Cop Knocked Out Cold, Struck with Brick


Protests that erupted over the police shooting of Jacob Blake -- the unarmed Black man who was shot 7 times in the back by a white police officer -- have triggered even more violence.

A Kenosha, WI police officer was struck in the temple with some sort of projectile ... which people on scene say was a brick. In the 40-second clip, you see the cop with a few of his fellow officers surrounded by protesters near their police cruiser, which appears to be under siege and near a fire.

The cops chase off some of the crowd, but eventually, someone breaks one of the car windows ... and as the officer in question runs to check it out, something strikes him hard in the head that was hurled off-camera ... knocking him out cold.

You hear someone say he got "bricked" and then more people scurry over to condemn the cops as the officers pull the man aside and try tending to him. It's a tense scene.

The protests are reactions to what certainly appears to be an outrageous use of excessive force/police brutality when a cop shot Jacob 7 times in the back when he was not threatening and was unarmed.

The unrest is a microcosm of what's been going on over the past 24 hours in Kenosha and surrounding areas -- reports of cops in riot gear facing off with civilians were aplenty, as were accounts of vehicles set ablaze and storefronts and other buildings vandalized.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

As for Jacob, the 29-year-old father of 3, he's out of surgery and in the ICU.

Rapper Lil Mosey Busted on Felony Gun Charge

Rapper Lil Mosey can't legally drink yet, but he's old enough to have some adult trouble with the law after getting arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the 18-year-old "Pull Up" rapper was busted in Burbank when cops pulled over a 2016 Cadillac Escalade with 3 people inside -- Mosey, his driver/bodyguard and a juvenile.

We're told cops initially made the stop last Sunday around 1 AM because they didn't have plates. That turned out to be the least of Mosey and his crew's problems.

Cops say things got serious when they noticed an empty holster sitting on the driver's lap, which prompted an immediate search ... and the discovery of 3 loaded 9mm semi-automatic pistols.

One was allegedly on the juvenile, one in the glove box and one in the center console. And, bonus round ... our sources say cops also found 4 credit cards in the bodyguards backpack that did NOT belong to any of the occupants.

All 3 occupants were placed under arrest -- all 3 got booked for felony concealed weapons since no once claimed the 2 weapons found in the glove and console.

We're told Lil Mosey posted $35k bail. The L.A. County D.A.'s Office is currently reviewing the case and Mosey's expected back in court next month.

Black Lives Matter Police Shoot and Kill Black Man ... As He Walks Away from Them


8:56 AM PT -- The police department said the shots were fired just as the victim was about to enter the convenience store, armed with a knife. What they did not explain ... why 11 shots?

A Black man was fatally shot and killed by cops -- shot 11 times -- as he walked away from them, and it was all caught on video.

The man was at a gas station in Lafayette, Louisiana when someone called police to report a disturbance. At least half a dozen police arrived, and according to the eyewitness --who shot the video -- he appeared to be holding a knife.

You hear cops order the man on the ground, but he continues to walk. The woman who shot the video says she saw police tase him, but he was still upright.

As the man reaches the door of the gas station convenience store, shots ring out -- 11 shots, and the man is dead.

A spokesperson from the Louisiana State Police says the man was involved in an altercation in an intersection. It's unclear from police reports, but it appears cops may have followed the man for half a mile before the fatal encounter at the gas station.

The officers have all been placed on administrative leave with pay pending an investigation.

Originally Published -- 6:23 AM PT

Megan Thee Stallion Shooting D.A. Considering Assault Charges Against Tory Lanez

The L.A. County D.A.'s Office is reviewing possible assault charges against Tory Lanez for his alleged involvement in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting ... TMZ has confirmed.

The D.A.'s mulling over a charge of felony assault with a firearm after Megan said she was shot back in July as she exited the SUV she was riding in with Tory. As you probably know by now ... he was arrested, but only charged with possession of a firearm. Now, it's possible he'll face the additional charge after prosecutors asked the LAPD to further investigate the incident.

TMZ broke the story ... law enforcement sources told us LAPD detectives opened an investigation into Tory in July after he allegedly shot Megan in the foot as she exited his chauffeur-driven SUV on the heels of an argument that erupted inside the ride.

As we reported, sources connected to Tory say there were mitigating circumstances -- and based on what we know ... IF he's charged for it, we believe Tory's going to say it was an accidental shooting.

However, charging him might have gotten a little more difficult because of what Megan said hours earlier on Tuesday.

She posted pics of her gruesome foot injury after the alleged shooting, but in her caption made the point of saying she had her back to the SUV when she was shot in the heel ... which would mean she didn't see who fired at her.

That's something she hadn't previously said, and it potentially complicates the D.A.'s ability to charge an alleged trigger person.

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You'll recall ... video of the incident showed cops pulling over the SUV in the Hollywood Hills -- with Tory lying face-down on the pavement and Megan gingerly tip-toeing ... leaving bloody footprints with each painful step.

We broke the story ... Megan's injuries to her feet were so bad she had to go into the operating room to remove bullets or bullet fragments.

As we've told you ... MTS says the ordeal left her "hurt and traumatized."

Lanez was previously arrested and booked for possession of a concealed weapon -- the handgun cops say they found in the vehicle -- and now he may be in the crosshairs criminally for the shooting itself.

Megan Thee Stallion Shares Gruesome Pics of Foot Injury ... Still Celebrating 'WAP' Tho!!!

Megan Thee Stallion's sharing pictures of the injuries her foot sustained after Tory Lanez allegedly shot her ... and it's pretty gruesome.

The rapper revealed Wednesday she got stitches out of her foot around 2 weeks ago. She said despite the painful appearance ... she was still ready to celebrate her hit track, "WAP," with Cardi B going No. 1.

Megan posted a long caption on Instagram ... clearing the air on some misconceptions. She added, "I usually don’t address internet bullsh*t but y’all people are so sick! God was really watching over me and I’m healing so well! Sorry I’m not ass sad and miserable as a lot of y’all lol but ima keep being Megan Thee Mf STALLION." 'Nuff said.

As we reported ... the rapper could barely hold it together last month when she addressed the incident. Though she never mentioned Lanez by name, Megan did share other deets .. like the fact she had to get surgery to get the bullets out, and, luckily, no bones or tendons were hit.

As we reported ... Tory allegedly shot Megan back in early July as she exited the SUV they were riding in together. He was charged with possession of a firearm, but nothing more.

R. Kelly Alleged Manager Charged ... Over Shooting Threat to Nix 'Surviving' Doc Screening

R. Kelly's alleged manager is facing more legal fallout over what the feds claim are efforts to run interference for the disgraced singer.

Donnell Russell has just been charged by the U.S. Department of Justice for an alleged threat to shoot up an NYC theater in December 2018 when the Lifetime documentary, "Surviving R. Kelly," was being screened there.

The feds claim Russell admitted to first sending a cease-and-desist letter trying to end the screening -- but when that failed, prosecutors allege he phoned in the shooting threat ... and successfully nixed the event, which was being attended by a number of Kelly's alleged victims.

TMZ broke the story ... law enforcement sources told us an R. Kelly associate was a person of interest over an alleged threat that came in just 20 minutes before the start of the screening. Russell was charged with 1 count of conspiracy to threaten physical harm and 1 count of threatening physical harm. Each charge carries a max sentence of 5 years in prison. This, of course, is just the tip of the legal iceberg for Russell.

As we reported ... Russell is also 1 of 3 people charged for allegedly harassing and intimidating witnesses in Kelly's criminal cases.

Louisville Rideshare Driver Survives Insane Drive-By Shooting ... All Caught on Video

Uber Driveby
Patrick Hemmerle/Facebook

A rideshare driver's lucky to be alive after surviving a drive-by shooting ... as he tried to drop off some late-night passengers ... and it was all caught on video.

The incident went down Wednesday around 1 AM in Louisville, Kentucky where Patrick Hemmerle was on his way to drop off some of his passengers when, out of nowhere, a Ford Fusion pulled up and opened fire.

Check out the video ... the footage comes from Patrick's own dash-cam which shows bullets, glass and shrapnel flying across his dashboard as he and his passengers desperately try taking cover. You also see the moment the Ford sedan pulled up ahead of Patrick's Toyota SUV and someone inside starts firing away.

Patrick, a local real estate agent who drives Uber and Lyft to make extra cash, told WDRB cops told him these guys have been driving around shooting at random people.

Cops are still on the hunt for the shooters.

Allen Merrick UAB Football Player Dead At 19 After Apparent Accidental Shooting

UAB freshman linebacker Allen Merrick has died at age 19 .... after suffering a gunshot wound in what cops are describing as an apparent accidental shooting.

Details on the incident are unclear at this time, other than it happened in Merrick's hometown of Gadsden, Alabama. We're working on it.

UAB football head coach Bill Clark rushed to support Merrick and his family in the wake of the shooting. He had asked people to send prayers and support on Friday ... but unfortunately, Merrick passed away a short time later.

"Please pray for the family of Allen Merrick, a young man who joined our UAB Football Family this season," Clark said at the time.

"Allen was visiting home in Gadsden yesterday when he suffered a gunshot wound. He is at UAB Hospital where I've been with Allen's family, but I do not have a condition I can share at this time."

Gadsden PD confirmed the news to AL.com on Friday ... saying the investigation is ongoing, but it appears to be an accidental shooting.

Merrick -- a 3-star prospect -- was a star for Gadsden High ... earning Defensive Player of the Year honors.

"I ask that everyone please respect his family's privacy and keep them all in your prayers."


Chip Banks Ex-NFL Star Injured In Georgia Shooting ... 'Serious Condition'

Former All-Pro linebacker Chip Banks -- the #3 overall pick in the 1982 NFL Draft -- is fighting for his life after he was shot in an apparent targeted attack in Georgia ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Cops tell us officers responded to a call about a shooting in the Atlanta area around noon on Wednesday and arrived to find 3 victims -- including Banks -- suffering from gunshot wounds.

One of the men, cops say, was pronounced dead at the scene by medical personnel.

The other two men -- including Banks -- were "alert, conscious and breathing" and transported to a local hospital for treatment, officials added.

We're told 60-year-old Banks, the 1982 NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year, is currently in "serious condition."

As for how the shooting went down ... cops told local media outlets Wednesday they believe a group of 5 or 6 men with masks on rolled up to the residence, shot a man in the driveway and then went inside and shot the other two men before running off.

Cops told local outlets they do not believe the shooting was random -- in other words, it appears at least one of the men was the target of a hit.

"Detectives are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding this incident," a spokesperson for the Atlanta Police Dept. tells us. "The investigation continues."

Banks was a pretty big star in the NFL in the 1980s and early 1990s ... playing for the Cleveland Browns, San Diego Chargers and Indianapolis Colts.

Banks -- who was drafted out of USC ahead of guys like Jim McMahon and Marcus Allen in 1982 -- was a 4-time Pro Bowler in his 10 seasons in the league.

Lil Wayne Bus Shooting Alleged Shooter Cops Plea Deal

The guy accused of shooting at Lil Wayne's bus in 2015 has copped a pretty sweet plea deal ... but we're told he's not getting out of jail just yet.

Jimmy Winfrey has pled guilty to 2 counts of violation of the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act ... this according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ. As part of the deal, prosecutors have dropped a slew of other charges -- 4 counts of violation of the RICO Act, 6 other counts of violation of the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act, 12 counts of aggravated assault, 2 counts of criminal damage to property in the first degree and 1 count of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

He was sentenced to 7 years in prison ... a much lighter sentence than what he got in 2015, when the judge threw the book at him with a 20-year sentence. The Georgia Supreme Court overturned his conviction in 2018 and so the case went back to square 1.

And, get this ... Winfrey got credit for time served and set to be released, but Winfrey's lawyer, Steve Sadow, tells TMZ ... the reason his client hasn't been released involves an unrelated outstanding warrants case. Sadow wants to be clear ... Winfrey entered a special kind of guilty plea where his client maintains his innocence, despite pleading guilty.

As part of the sentence, he's also gotta pay $100k in restitution to Alvin Lewis, the bus driver.

TMZ broke the story ... Alvin accused Birdman and Young Thug of striking secret deals with prosecutors in the case. Alvin had said he found it unusual Cobb County prosecutors described Birdman and YT as co-conspirators in the alleged shooter's indictment but did NOT bring charges against them.

Alvin made no bones about it ... he claimed there was overwhelming evidence of complicity among Winfrey, Birdman and Young Thug ... evidence that includes phone records, recorded confessions, and promises of payment.

Sources close to Birdman had told us the rapper denied any involvement in the case. Young Thug has never commented publicly on the incident.

In the 2015 shooting, Alvin claims he suffered spinal cord, rotator cuff and psychological injuries when Weezy's bus was shot up in Atlanta.