President Trump Whisked Out of Press Room Due to Shooting Near White House

Donald Trump
Fox News

4:24 PM PT -- A law enforcement source tells TMZ the suspect was believed to be armed and was shot in the upper-right torso. The suspect was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition.

President Trump was abruptly removed from his coronavirus briefing in what seemed like an immediate threat -- but he returned shortly to say it was due to a shooting outside the White House.

Trump's Monday evening news conference was interrupted by a Secret Service agent telling him he needed to leave, and there were reports the WH was on lockdown briefly as the press was asked to clear the lawn outside.

However, the Prez came back minutes later and told reporters there was a shooting outside and someone was taken to the hospital. He says Secret Service agents were responsible for the shooting, which he claims occurred just outside of the property at 17th and Pennsylvania Ave.

Video showed law enforcement tending to the person on the ground.

Trump says he waited in the Oval Office until he got the all clear, and told agents he wanted to return for his regular Q&A.

He went back to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic -- or as he still puts it, the "China virus" -- and the economy.

Law enforcement is still on the scene investigating the shooting.

Originally published -- 3:45 PM PT

George Floyd Police Body Cam Shows Fear On Face ... 'Please Don't Shoot Me'


George Floyd was terrified and afraid when cops first approached him in his car ... pleading for his life with a gun trained on his head.

The footage -- just released by a judge -- from Floyd's fatal interaction with Minnesota cops shows him begging Thomas Lane at gunpoint, "Mr. Officer, please don't shoot me." George also tells Lane his mom just died while pleading with him not to pull the trigger.

A distressed Floyd was finally yanked outta the driver's seat and police yelled at him to stop resisting arrest as they slapped on a pair of handcuffs. Lane and J. Alexander Kueng walked George across the street and tried to stuff him in the back of a police SUV ... and that's when things got way more tense.

George Floyd Body Cam Keung

In the video, George again says he's not resisting and didn't do anything, then sobs and wails while telling the officers he's afraid of getting in the back of the SUV because he's claustrophobic.

Floyd told the officers he's "going to die in here" as they manhandled him into the back of the car. He said he was scared and anxious, then screamed and sobbed as they forced him inside.

A massive struggle ensues and suddenly Floyd is on the pavement and Derek Chauvin's knee is pinned on his neck. All the while, George tells the cops he can't breathe.

You know what happens next ... Chauvin's knee remains on Floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes and he dies.

Although a judge just made this video available to the media ... it had been leaked a week ago.

L.A. County Sheriffs Point Guns at Three Black Teens Bystanders Scream, They're the Victims!!!

Santa Clarita
tammilaray / Instagram

8:23 AM PT -- The L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. tells TMZ, the 911 call came in as an assault with a deadly weapon ... specifically, 2 adult males hitting another man with a skateboard. The kids were detained and after deputies spoke with them and witnesses, they were released and no arrests were made. The Dept. doesn't know what happened to the homeless man.

The L.A. County Sheriffs are under fire again after pointing guns at three black teens who actually needed their help following several 911 calls.

The incident went down Friday in Santa Clarita, about 35 miles north of L.A., and you see in the video a bunch of deputies roll up as several other deputies are already pointing high-powered weapons at the teens, who have their hands up.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Tammi Collins, the mother of one of the teens, says her son and a couple of friends were sitting at a bus stop when a homeless man asked if they had any crack and then tried to steal their stuff. She says the man became super aggro, ripped his shirt off and pulled a knife on them, and attempted to stab them.  She says the kids fended the man off with their skateboards.

Tammi says several 911 calls were placed and all but one claimed the boys were the victims, but one caller, she says, told the dispatcher "two black guys were attacking a homeless man."

The deputies have their weapons trained on the teens, as bystanders explained they were the victims, but the cops were unmoved. It's unclear if the teens were placed under arrest. We have no idea if the cops detained the homeless man, or if he was even around when they arrived.

We reached out to the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. ... so far, no word back.

Originally published -- 7:13 AM PT

Libertarian Candidate Jo Jorgensen Bitten by Bat ... Cancels Campaign Appearance

The Libertarian Party's candidate for President has been sidelined .... 'cause she was bit by a bat.

Jo Jorgensen had a rally scheduled in Louisiana but she had to cancel, because somewhere on the campaign trail a bat took a bite out of her. She announced, "I will not be able to attend the campaign rally tomorrow morning ... I will be getting a rabies vaccine as a precaution after having been bitten by a bat near the start of this campaign tour!"

It's no laughing matter ... these shots are supposedly super painful, but life-saving because bats can be carriers of rabies. People who contract rabies and don't get the vaccine have virtually no chance of survival.

Jorgensen, btw, is a psychologist and university lecturer. Her campaign positions oppose the right to sue firearms manufacturers in cases where gun violence was committed by someone who never should have possessed a firearm.

'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Hubby Gets 64 Months in Prison In Federal Gun Case

"Mob Wives" star Drita D'Avanzo asked the judge to go easy on her husband in his federal gun case ... but instead, the judge dropped the hammer.

Drita and her 2 daughters were in court Friday for her husband Lee D'Avanzo's sentencing in New Jersey where judge Rachel P. Kovner sentenced Lee to 64 months in prison.

Lee's counsel argued a sentence of 37 months was more than enough because he took responsibility for the crime ... but federal prosecutors in Brooklyn wanted up to 46 months. Kovner wasn't having it, saying keeping 2 loaded guns with hollow point ammunition in a home with 2 daughters was extremely dangerous.

Kovner added she didn't have confidence Lee would learn his lesson if she gave him a lighter sentence. She also noted Lee has 6 prior convictions and had previously violated supervised release. She said she had a duty to protect the public. Once he's done serving his sentence ... Lee will be on 2 years of supervised release.

As we reported ... Lee apologized for his actions and pled guilty to gun possession charges in back March after the NYPD raided the family home and found the guns. Drita was eventually cleared of all charges.

Drita wrote a letter to the judge asking her to cut Lee a break because he's a good father to their two daughters. That plea obviously fell on deaf ears.

Breonna Taylor Oprah Buys Billboards in Louisville ... Arrest & Charge the Officers!!!

Oprah Winfrey is amping up the pressure to get justice for Breonna Taylor by blanketing Louisville with billboards demanding the arrest of the cops who shot her.

Oprah purchased dozens of billboards Thursday in Breonna's hometown -- her latest push for justice in the case.

The new billboards will also feature the Until Freedom website, a social justice org whose mission is to address systemic and racial injustice. This same group organized a rally outside of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron's home, which resulted in 87 arrests. Their stories -- dubbed the "Louisville 87" -- are featured on Until Freedom's site.

There will be a total of 26 billboards across the city -- one for every year of Breonna's life. They're expected to be completed by Monday.

Remember, Det. Brett Hankison -- one of the 3 Louisville cops who fired their weapons during the deadly March 13 raid at Breonna's home -- has been fired but not charged.

The other 2 officers involved -- Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Det. Myles Cosgrove -- were placed on administrative leave, but that's it.

The family has also claimed Breonna's home was targeted by cops as part of the city's gentrification plan.

As we reported ... Breonna posthumously made history last week when she landed on the cover of Oprah's magazine, the first time EVER in the magazine's 20-year history O herself was not front and center.

Oprah's cover declared, "If you turn a blind eye to racism, you become an accomplice to it." These same words are also on all 26 billboards.

Jake Paul FBI Raid Was Not Over Firearms

The firearms seized in the FBI raid at Jake Paul's house are now in the hands of the Sheriff ... and we're told the guns aren't the reason the feds stormed the place with a warrant.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... there were multiple guns taken from Jake's crib in Calabasas during Wednesday's FBI raid, and they're now being held by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for safekeeping.

It sure seemed weapons may have been what drove the FBI to get a search warrant and, in a massive show of force, raid Paul's L.A. home, as well as his friend's home in Vegas. We do know the raids were somehow connected to looting at a Scottsdale, AZ, mall ... where Jake and his friend were front and center.

As you know ... aerial footage of the scene from ABC 7 showed law enforcement officials walking down Jake's driveway with rifles and perhaps shotguns.

We're told Sheriff's deputies seized the guns once FBI agents entered the home because the house was not secured and deputies couldn't just leave the guns laying around.

Our sources stress the guns were not taken as evidence of any crime, or FBI agents would have taken them themselves.

We broke the story ... Jake had 2 large guns prominently displayed in his bedroom, which were casually displayed in a recent YouTube prank.

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Jake can still get the firearms back ... we're told if he wants the guns returned, he will have to show he owns them and provide proof of purchase.

Jake Paul Guns on Display in Recent Vid

Jake Paul hasn't been low-key about showing off his weapons, and a casual display of 2 firearms in a recent video may have been a factor in the massive response by the FBI during the raid at his home.

In the vid, the YouTube star got pranked by his pal, Tanner Fox, who hung up a bunch of photos of Jake's exes in his room. As you can see in the vid posted last month ... 2 large guns are clearly shown hanging on the wall at the 7:48 mark.

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These guns look very much like the ones the FBI seized from Jake's Calabasas home Wednesday, as officers were spotted walking down his driveway with several weapons in hand.

As for the intense raid at his home ... the guns could very well explain why truckloads of agents in protective gear descended on the home. If the FBI feels things could get dangerous ... they suit up.

We've also learned the raid is somehow in connection with Jake getting arrested in Scottsdale during a George Floyd protest. The FBI says it's "investigating allegations of criminal acts surrounding the incident at Scottsdale Fashion Square in May, 2020."

As we reported ... Jake was in the mall and arrested for trespass and later charged with a criminal misdemeanor. However, the City Attorney has dropped the case -- apparently at the behest of the FBI -- and the more serious investigation has taken precedence.

This includes a second raid that took place around the same time as Jake's, about 300 miles away in Las Vegas at the famous Graffiti Mansion said to be owned by Armani Izadi, one of Jake's friends.

Jake Paul Manager 8/5/20

We got video of some people being led out of the mansion in cuffs, and law enforcement sources tell us the 2 raids are connected. However, it doesn't appear Jake or Armani were arrested.

Jake's attorney, Richard Schonfeld, stated after the incident ... "We understand that a search warrant was executed at Jake's Calabasas home this morning while Jake was out-of-state. We are still gathering information and will cooperate with the investigation."

Prosecutors to Roger Goodell Pull NFL's Stephon Clark PSA ... DAs Claim It Omits Facts

Stephon Clark
Courtesy of NFL

Roger Goodell's latest effort to fight for social justice is being challenged by California prosecutors ... who are demanding the NFL stop running a video about the police shooting of Stephon Clark.

The California District Attorneys Association fired off a letter Tuesday to the NFL Commissioner outlining why it believes the Stephon Clark Legacy video, "though well intentioned," also "performs a disservice instead of a public service by omitting the crucial facts which preceded Mr. Clark's tragic death."

Among the complaints made by the association's president, Vern Pierson, is that the video leaves out the fact the Sacramento County D.A. and California Attorney General came to the conclusion the 2 police officers involved in Stephon's 2018 death broke no laws.

As we reported, the Stephon video is the 5th PSA created by Inspire Change -- a joint initiative between the NFL and Jay-Z's Roc Nation which aims to raise awareness about racial injustice and improve police and community relations.

In the video, Stephon's mother, Se’Quette Clark, walks viewers through the horrific night he was killed, and talks about the need for new laws to prevent more tragic police-involved shootings.

You might recall, officers opened fire on Stephon in his grandmother's backyard, believing he was brandishing a weapon.

Stephon, of course, was holding a cell phone. He was shot 8 times ... with 6 of those bullets striking him in the back. But, another complaint from the association is the NFL's video fails to mention Stephon was fleeing police who suspected him of vandalism.

The association wants Goodell to "produce a video that accurately depicts the conduct of all concerned in an officer involved shooting."

The NFL has yet to issue a public response.

L.A. House Party Shooting Cops Don't Believe NFL Player Involved ... Alleged Gang Cover-Up

Mulholland Drive Party
@gabrieldaactor323 / Instagram

There were no NFL players involved in the fatal shooting at a raging house party in a swanky Los Angeles mansion, contrary to reports ... at least according to cops.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... they believe the Mulholland Drive mansion party that ended when shots rang out was a gang-related bash for the 8-Tray Gangster Crips, and they say they don't have any evidence to support an NFL player being there.

Mansion Party 8/4/20
FOX 11

The fatal shootout went down early Tuesday morning, ending the wild party and sending three people to the hospital, one of whom is now dead. The other two gunshot victims are in critical condition.

Mulholland Shooting EMTs
RMG News

While a man who claimed to be the head of security told CBS L.A. the party was in celebration of a player recently getting drafted by an NFL team, our law enforcement sources say cops believe the NFL player scenario was a cover story if any trouble happened. It's maybe not the brightest excuse -- the NFL Draft was held in April and rookies are already in training camps.

Video shows the moment gunshots ring out on the property, which was crawling with hundreds of people, many of whom were dropped off in buses. The driveway was also packed with luxury cars.

Our sources say the party had cake, balloons, decorations and loads of Crips ... but to their knowledge, no NFL players.

Mulholland Shooting Cop Cars
ANG News

Parties of any size are banned in Los Angeles county due to the pandemic, and so far cops say no arrests have been made.

Breonna Taylor Graces O Magazine Cover ... First Time in Mag's HISTORY Without Oprah

Breonna Taylor posthumously made history by landing on the cover of Oprah's Magazine ... the first time EVER in the magazine's 20-year history O herself was not front and center.

Oprah stepped aside for one of her final print editions ... dedicating the September cover with Breonna's image, declaring, "If you turn a blind eye to racism, you become an accomplice to it." These words are emblazoned on the cover ... "HER LIFE MATTERS."

O dropped the news on Insta ... where she gave a touching tribute to Breonna ... "She was just like me. She was just like you. And like everyone who dies unexpectedly, she had plans. Plans for a future filled with responsibility and work and friends and laughter."

Oprah went on, "I think about Breonna Taylor often. Imagine if three unidentified men burst into your home while you were sleeping. And your partner fired a gun to protect you. And then mayhem. What I know for sure: We can’t be silent. We have to use whatever megaphone we have to cry for justice. And that is why Breonna Taylor is on the cover of @oprahmagazine."

Ex-College Football Player Shot In Liquor Store Fight ... Terrifying Video

A former Buffalo State football player is fighting for his life after being shot during an altercation at a liquor store Monday ... and cops have released the shocking footage in hopes of catching the suspect.
NYPD Crimestoppers

1:21 PM PT -- The NYPD says it apprehended the shooting suspect late Wednesday afternoon.


"Great investigative work done by the 105 Precinct Detective Squad, Queens South Homicide, Sergeant Castle, Detective Covatti & the rest of Team Castle from Regional Fugitive Task Force for apprehending Jeffrey Thurston in less than 48 hours," NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said.

A former Buffalo State football player is fighting for his life after being shot during an altercation at a liquor store Monday ... and cops have released the shocking footage in hopes of catching the suspect.

NYPD officials say a fight broke out between Malachi Capers -- a former D-end at Buff. State -- and another man after the two bumped into each other inside 136 Deli & Grill in Queens.

You can see in surveillance footage of the incident ... Capers brushed up against the man's shoulder -- and then the two exchanged words.

Eventually, fists started flying ... and that's when the former football player tackled the guy to the ground outside the store.

When the man was able to free himself from Capers' grasp ... you can see in the video, he pulled out a firearm and shot the 20-year-old in the stomach.

Capers is now reportedly in the hospital battling critical injuries.

Now, the NYPD says it's looking for the gunman -- who officials ID'ed as Jeffrey Thurston -- and is asking for any help in finding his location.

Buffalo State head coach Christian Ozolins, meanwhile, released a statement to multiple media outlets regarding the shooting ... saying, "Malachi was a well-liked member of our football family during his freshman year in 2018 and has remained a friend to many in our program as he has continued his education at Buffalo State after leaving the team due to on-going injury issues."

"We have him in our thoughts as we wish for a speedy and full recovery."

Originally published -- 7:32 AM PT

50 Cent Apologizes to Meg thee Stallion For Mocking Gun Incident

50 Cent's doing what he hardly ever does after one of his troll jobs -- he's saying sorry ... and it's none other than to Megan Thee Stallion, who made it clear his jokes were hurtful.

Fitty hopped on the Gram Monday to issue a mea culpa following Meg's tearful video, writing ... "👀Damn I didn’t think this shit was real,🤦‍♂️It sounded so crazy @theestallion i’m glad your feeling better and i hope you can accept my apology. I posted a meme that was floating around. I wouldn’t have done that if i knew you was really hurt sorry. 🤷🏽‍♂️"

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The apology comes on the heels of Megan herself going into more detail about the gun incident, which left her with bullets in both her feet and required surgery.

During her IG Live sesh, Meg was fighting back tears as she tried speaking about it ... explaining it was a serious situation, and she didn't appreciate all the jokes and mocking from scores of people on social media in the immediate aftermath.

That includes 50, who put up two different memes making fun of the scenario. One of them portrayed Meg running away from a car as Tory Lanez chased her in a car -- a screengrab from a scene in 'Boyz n the Hood' with Meg and Tory's faces Photoshopped in -- and another showed Tory as MiniMe from 'Austin Powers' holding a gun. Both have been deleted.

071520_lanez_stallion_exit_kal_vF JULY 2020

It's rare that Fitty ever apologizes or takes back his jokes -- which he often makes at the expense of others. Looks like this one was serious enough to make him do a double-take.

Osundairo Bros. Get Stuff Back from Jussie Case ... But Not Ski Mask and Hat

Jussie Smollett's alleged "attackers" picked up some of their possessions seized by cops over a year ago -- including a large gun -- but the judge said they still gotta wait for a couple more infamous items.

Abel and Ola Osundairo were granted permission by the court to get back many of their belongings no longer considered to be pertinent to Jussie's case ... including a shotgun, a safe, household supplies and their clothes.

However, according to legal docs ... authorities are still holding several items connected to the 2019 alleged fake attack on Smollett -- most notably a black face mask and a red hat.


As you'll recall, the brothers were seen on security footage buying some of the items the day before the "attack" on Jussie.

The brothers' attorney, Gloria Rodriguez, says they both went to the Chicago PD evidence pickup spot earlier this month to get their stuff ... but left with less than they thought they'd get.

Abel and Ola Osundairo

As you can see ... Abel's carrying 2 gun cases, but we're told one is empty. That's because, according to Rodriguez, another shotgun was misclassified in the paperwork, but they hope to get that back soon.

Also, Rodriguez says there's a third firearm -- a 9MM -- the cops kept because it was in the brothers' safe. According to the legal docs, prosecutors and Jussie's defense are allowed to review the contents of the safe before they go back to Abel and Ola. The brothers did already get back the actual safe.

We're told Smollett's camp has not been given a chance yet to review the remaining safe items for his upcoming criminal trial.

As we've reported ... Jussie's still facing 6 felony counts for allegedly lying to cops.

Portland Protests Feds Pepper Spray Vietnam Vet ... Point-Blank in the Face

Vet Pepper Sprayed
@andrewkimmel / Twitter

A Vietnam veteran took a nozzle-full of pepper spray right to the face as he confronted federal officers in riot gear who've now taken to the streets of Portland.

The incident was captured Saturday night by journalist Andrew Kimmel, and it shows Mike Hastie peacefully confronting the authorities -- some of whom are said to be Homeland Security Border Patrol agents recently deployed by the White House.

Mike is telling them about his service in 'Nam, where he says he was a medic ... and where Americans committed atrocities against the Vietnamese people, something he says the agents and their generation know nothing about. He was keeping his distance and being peaceful -- simply voicing his opinion to the squad in front of him. Not being threatening at all.

And yet, that didn't stop one of the agents from pepper spraying him right in his face, point-blank and walking off like nothing happened. It went down almost like a hit of sorts.

Mike retreated -- clearly injured by the spray, which was all over his face and eyes -- but he kept up his rant, continuing to get his message across as the officers shipped out. We gotta say for someone who just got a dose of that in their eyeballs, the dude stood tough.

This is just a small example of the chaos that has overtaken the streets of Portland over the past week or so -- where cops and feds alike are deploying tear gas and pepper spray to break up the civil unrest that's been unfolding. In most cases, like this, the method is completely unnecessary and a blatant use of excessive force ... which can be heinous.

The problem ... because of how wild it is right now, there's little to no accountability. And, a lot of these officers are wearing gas masks, fatigues and riot gear, so it's hard to identify them.

Black Lives Matter Austin Protest Ends in Gunfire with One Dead

A man was shot dead Saturday night during a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin.

The protest was largely peaceful, with cops there monitoring the scene, when a confrontation erupted and 5 gunshots rang out.

Before opening fire, the shooter, who was driving a car, sped at the protesters in an apparent attempt to strike them.

The victim, identified as Garrett Foster, reportedly was protesting, carrying a rifle and approached the shooter's car, and that's when he was struck.

Foster's mother, Sheila, claims her son was pushing his fiancee in a wheelchair before the shooting. She says, "This gentleman got out of his car and started firing shots, and my son was shot three times."

The suspect has been arrested and is in custody. Cops say he's cooperating.

The victim reportedly was carrying a rifle and came up to a vehicle. The man inside the car shot the victim.