Walmart Cop Shoots at Customer ... Allegedly Stole a BBQ

Walmart Shooting
@recoveringvet / Twitter

A BBQ will get you shot at a Del City, Oklahoma Walmart ... that is if you dare to steal one.

It's hard to believe watching the video, but an off-duty officer from a college police department happened to be at the superstore and decided to take the law into his own hands after spotting a customer allegedly making off with a BBQ without paying.

As the customer and the cop get into a scuffle in the parking lot, you see the customer in the driver's seat back up while the cop is close to the vehicle. That's all it took for the officer to fire off 11 rounds.

Remarkably, the customer wasn't killed, but he was taken to a local hospital. It's unclear how many times, if any, he was hit. He is reportedly in stable condition.

As for the cop ... he's a member of the Langston University PD. His department says they are cooperating with the Del City Police Dept. which is investigating.

BTW ... cops say the man who was shot at had a receipt, but still left the store without paying for everything in his shopping cart.

Parking Lot Fight White Woman Pulls Gun on Black Mom ... Charged With Felony Assault

Takelia Shanee / Facebook

4:47 PM PT -- Here are the mugshots for the arrested couple, Eric and Jillian Wuestenberg.


2:06 PM PT -- The Oakland County Sheriff tells TMZ ... the couple who drew their guns were both taken into custody and charged with one count of felony assault.

A heated racial exchange in a Detroit area parking lot -- between a white woman and black mom and her daughter -- led to the woman pulling a gun and pointing it right at the mother's face.

The argument allegedly started Wednesday evening because the white woman bumped into Takelia Hill's 15-year-old daughter, Makayla, as she was entering a Chipotle in Orion Township, MI.

Makayla claims she moved out of the way, but tells The Detroit News ... "She bumped me and I said, ‘Excuse you.’ And then she started cussing me out, and saying things like I was invading her personal space."

Takelia then got involved and that's when the racial tension started rising. As the white woman and a male companion got into their SUV, Makayla and her mom accused them of being racist. The man got out of the car and asked, "Who the f**k do you think you guys are?"

The white woman shouted, "White people aren't racist, no one's racist" -- and then started to back out and leave ... but Takelia was apparently behind the SUV or near it. She claims they were about to hit her, and it sounds like Takelia banged on their window -- and that's when the white woman got out with her pistol ... and aimed it directly at Takelia's face.

The white woman screamed, "Don't you f***ing jump behind my car. Get the f**k back! Back up! Get the f**k back! Back the f**k up!"

Thankfully, the woman finally decided to put the gun down and get back in her SUV to leave ... as cops were called. Takelia says the incident traumatized her and her 3 daughters ... who were in their vehicle.

We've reached out to police, who say they are still investigating the incident but a report has been taken.

Originally Published -- 8:08 AM PT

St. Louis Protest Couple Points Guns at Crowd Marching by Their Mansion

A married couple in an upscale area of St. Louis came out of their home strapped and pointing guns at protesters ... while barefoot, mind you. 6/29/20

A married couple in an upscale area of St. Louis came out of their home strapped and pointing guns at protesters ... while barefoot, mind you.

The surreal scene went down Sunday evening in the Central West End neighborhood, as a crowd was marching to the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson to demand her resignation for releasing names and addresses of citizens who want to defund the police.

The couple, attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey, apparently felt threatened by the protesters and stepped outside brandishing firearms -- Mark with a semi-automatic weapon and Patricia with a handgun. Seems it was a split-second decision because they didn't even put on shoes.

In the video, at least, all the peaceful protesters remained on the sidewalk and didn't appear to trespass on the McCloskey's property. However, the couple told police the protesters entered their gated community by forcing their way through a gate marked "No trespassing." It's unclear if the sidewalk is public or private.

Fortunately, the act of intimidation from the barefoot Bonnie and Clyde only led to verbal spats with some of the reported 300 protestors.

One note of irony ... Mark and Patricia are personal injury lawyers who have exclusively represented people "seriously injured or killed as the result of the negligence of others" for the past 3 decades.

'Pop, Lock & Drop It' Rapper Huey Dead at 32 ... After Shooting in Missouri

St. Louis rapper Huey -- best known for his 2007 hit, "Pop, Lock & Drop It" -- is dead after an unsolved shooting incident ... TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... Huey is one of two men who were shot Thursday in St. Louis County. Huey succumbed to his injuries late Thursday night.

Cops say they got a call about a 32-year-old male shooting victim who'd arrived at a local hospital suffering from at least one apparent gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital.

The second man who was shot was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Cops say the shootings are related and say it went down in Kinloch, Missouri, where as many as 10 people were present during the time of the shooting. It remains under investigation.

Huey's "Pop, Lock & Drop It" track was a huge hit back in 2007. It spent 23 weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 chart and peaked at No. 6 before earning double-platinum status.

The track was the single from his "Notebook Paper" album, which included collaborations with T-Pain and Bow Wow. Huey's music also became popular with St. Louis' most famous rapper, Nelly.

Huey -- who had recently released his single "Pulled Away" back in April -- was reportedly the target of a triple-homicide back in 2009 in St. Louis. The threats were so real ... a concert promoter allegedly told the rapper not to perform because he was being targeted.

Huey is survived by his 13-year-old daughter. He was 32.


Mario Cops Can Show Restraint ... But Most Just Don't


Mario says police can exercise restraint when they want to, but most cops just don't ... a lesson he's already learned first hand.

The singer joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" and recounted his recent run-in with police in Miami, when guns were drawn and an intense standoff was diffused only when an officer realized he was a celeb.

Mario says he was caught off guard when police stopped the car he was riding in and held him and the driver at gunpoint ... he says he was very lucky one cop recognized him because things could have turned ugly in a hurry.

The incident left Mario shaken, and also taught him a hard lesson ... he says cops can practice restraint whenever they want, especially when another cop steps in, but for some reason most police just let their instincts take over.

Mario's also got a new single out, "Rewrite It," and he tells us the inspiration behind it, and how it ties into protests against police brutality.

It's a fascinating conversation ... and Mario has some interesting ideas on changing policing in America too.

George Floyd Protests Activist Claims LAPD Shot His Scrotum ... Rubber Bullets Do Real Damage

A Black Lives Matter protester allegedly took rubber bullets fired by LAPD officers right to the crotch, and he claims it caused him to lose a testicle. So, yeah ... he's suing.

Bradley Steyn -- a South African man who protested apartheid back in the day -- claims he was maimed by law enforcement during a May 30 George Floyd protest in L.A.'s Fairfax District.

He claims he witnessed police brutality, then became a victim himself when cops allegedly used batons to beat him in the chest ... before shooting him with rubber bullets at point-blank range.

Bradley claims he was hit in the inner thigh and genitals and has since suffered horrific pain and the loss of a testicle.

His attorney, Lisa Bloom, will hold a press conference with him in front of LAPD headquarters Thursday, where Bradley will speak on "the impact his beating and shooting has had on his life and family."

Bloom and Bradley will also reveal details of the legal action they are taking against the police department and call for specific reforms. Bloom says, "Police brutality is our national shame."

Actor Nathan Davis Jr. Sues United Airlines Claims Racial Profiling


1:31 PM PT -- A spokesperson for the airline tells TMZ it cannot comment on active litigation, but says ExpressJet (partner of United) "does not tolerate racism and we are investigating this incident to better understand what occurred onboard our aircraft in December."

Nathan Davis Jr. is taking United Airlines to court because he claims he was racially profiled on a flight and falsely accused of having a gun ... according to a new lawsuit.

The TikTok star and ''Detroit'' actor just filed suit against UA, alleging he was singled out and harassed by a flight attendant late last year while he was on his way from Houston to Tennessee. Nathan says listening to music escalated to him getting removed from the flight ... for no reason at all.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Nathan says he was listening to music when one of the flight attendants told him it was too loud and that others could hear it. Nathan says others were listening as well, but he was the one reprimanded.

Nathan -- who has almost 9 million followers on TikTok -- says he complied but goes on to allege the lady circled back twice more in a rude manner and continued to tell him his music was too loud -- even though he disagreed and claims she even scolded him when the music was muted.

Nathan Davis Jr
Oh, I got a gun?!?

Eventually, Nathan says she snitched to the pilot ... and that's when s*** really hit the fan. He claims the plane turned around and the staff forced him to exit the aircraft in what sounds like a humiliating display. Nathan claims the captain even tried to take his cell phone, before ultimately ordering him to go back, get his stuff and get out for good.

That's when Nathan says a gun claim was made against him over the aircraft loudspeaker ... he claims it was shocking, reckless and false.

Nathan filmed some of the encounter, and while he was leaving the plane for the second time ... you can hear someone over the PA system say "He has a gun now." He instantly reacted.

We should note -- Nathan says he wasn't even approached by law enforcement over the false and inflammatory remark. He also says no further action was taken by the airline itself ... other than bumping him up to first class on a later flight.

Now, he's suing United ... claiming negligent hiring, assault, infliction of emotional distress, discrimination and more. He's asking a judge to award him damages of no less than $10 mil.

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

'Once Upon a Time' Lana Parrilla Confronts Woman with Bat, Shotgun ... Gets Restraining Order

Lana Parrilla played an evil queen in "Once Upon a Time" ... so it's not surprising she's not afraid to confront trouble ... like pointing a shotgun at a woman who she claims went on an expletive-laced rant and accused her of murdering 13 children.

Lana beelined it to L.A. County Superior Court for a restraining order against a woman named Antoinette Hinckley, a 50-year-old who allegedly showed up to Lana's crib twice in 5 days. According to Lana's docs, Hinckley harassed her to the point the actress was forced to show force.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the bizarre incidents began June 9 when Antoinette was walking barefoot in front of Lana's home. Lana said hello and asked, "Are you just going for a walk?" Lana says Antoinette laughed and said, "I just wanted to look someone in the eyes" before asking Lana, "How do you sleep at night?" Lana says she responded she sleeps well. Antoinette scoffed, "f*** off!!" before walking away.

The second incident went down on June 14 ... Lana -- who says Antoinette is a friend of a former male friend -- claims Antoinette rang the gate bell that morning and things quickly got crazy. Lana claims Antoinette started yelling and making up stories ... like alleging Lana owed her $400,000. She says Antoinette threatened her before making this bizarre allegation: "I have video of you murdering my 13 children last night."

In docs, Lana says she was scared for her life ... she called cops but also "grabbed a bat and an unloaded shotgun and went to the porch." Lana claims she confronted Antoinette and told her she needed mental help and to "get the f*** off my property." That's when Lana claims Antoinette shot back, "f*** you. I'm going to jump over this fence and beat the s*** out of you."

It's at this point when Lana claims she pointed the shotgun at Antoinette, who yelled back but walked away. Cops were called and ultimately tracked Antoinette down, telling her she'd be arrested if she threatened Lana again. But, Lana says it didn't end there ... she claims 45 minutes later a homeless man came to her gate and called for her. Lana says she fears for her life and worries Antoinette will send people she knows to her house to hurt her.

Antoinette must now stay at least 100 yards away from Lana, her home and workplace.

The actress has appeared in tons of TV shows ... including "Spin City," "Boomtown," "Windfall," "Swingtown," "Miami Medical" and, of course, "Once Upon a Time" where she spent 7 seasons on the hit ABC fantasy drama series.

Rayshard Brooks Woman Shot During Protest

Girl Shot in Leg
Regg Inkagnedo/YouTube

A woman was shot in the leg during a protest Friday night near the Wendy's where Rayshard Brooks was shot in the back and killed.

The protest, which was held on Juneteenth, was peaceful until suddenly, shots rang out. Eyewitnesses say they heard around 20 shots, and you can certainly hear a number of them in the video.

The woman who was shot was conscious and her injuries seem to be non-life-threatening. She was taken to a hospital by ambulance.

It was the third shooting in Atlanta Friday night, as the city grapples with the tragic death of Rayshard Brooks and the arrests of the 2 officers.

Earlier in the evening, a man was critically injured after being shot during a dispute with the shooter. There was another shooting during a protest in the Midtown area, but no one was injured.

Breonna Taylor Officer to Be Fired 1 of 3 Involved in Killing

Brett Hankison, one of the 3 Louisville cops who fired their weapons during the deadly March 13 raid at Breonna Taylor's home ... is about to be tossed off the force.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer just announced Hankison will no longer be employed by the Louisville Metro Police Department.

A letter from police Chief Robert Schroeder says Hankison had "violated obedience to rules and regulations," and use of deadly force while serving the no-knock warrant at Breonna's home.

The letter also says, Hankison "displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life when [he] wantonly and blindly fired 10 rounds into the apartment of Breonna Taylor." The chief also calls out Hankison for firing on someone he did not know posed a threat, and also for firing through a patio door without knowing who or what was on the other side of it.

As we've reported ... the 3 officers -- which includes Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove -- had been placed on administrative reassignment but were still part of the force, until Hankison's Friday firing.

On Thursday, KY Attorney General Daniel Cameron addressed the investigation into Taylor's death, saying his team was working nonstop ... but had nothing to report yet in terms of possible charges for the officers.

Instead, he pled for patience and peace and vowed to follow the truth and be "thorough and fair" to everyone involved.

'A Bay Bay' Rapper Hurricane Chris Busted for Murder

Rapper Hurricane Chris -- best know for the hit track, "A Bay Bay" -- has been arrested for murder in Louisiana ... TMZ has confirmed.

The rapper, who's real name is Christopher Dooley, Jr., was arrested and booked for second-degree murder after cops say he shot and killed a man early Friday morning at a Texaco gas station in Shreveport, Louisiana ... according to the Shreveport PD.

Cops say Chris initially told them there was an alleged struggle over his car, so he shot the man multiple times in self-defense. But, cops say surveillance footage painted a much different picture ... resulting in Chris' arrest for second-degree murder.

What's more ... cops say the car Chris was riding in was actually reported stolen out of Texas, which resulted in the rapper also getting booked for illegal possession of stolen things.

The Shreveport native is best known for his 2007 album "51/50 Ratchet" which includes his hit single, "A Bay Bay." That track's music video has nearly 30 million views on YouTube.

Rayshard Brooks Shooting Rolfe Turns Himself In ... Booked for Felony Murder


3:25 PM PT -- Brosnan just spoke publicly for the first time since being charged. His attorney claims the allegations by the D.A. are exaggerated and misleading, and says Brosnan was actually unaware Brooks was shot initially and was trying to figure out what happened.


Once he did, the lawyer says Brosnan went to get a first aid kit to help Brooks, and by that point, other officers had arrived. Brosnan added that Brooks was friendly and respectful, and he just wanted to try to help him out ... before the incident turned violent.


12:32 PM PT -- Rolfe has now also been booked and charged with felony murder. He also faces charges of aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, criminal damage to property in the first degree and violation of oath by public officer charges.


10:18 AM PT -- Brosnan has already been released from jail ... he was just spotted leaving the facility with his attorney.


One of the cops involved in Rayshard Brooks' shooting has turned himself in and he's been charged with aggravated assault ... TMZ has learned.

In addition to aggravated assault, Devin Brosnan faces 3 acts of violation of oath by a public officer ... according to the Fulton County Sheriff's Office in Atlanta.

Garrett Rolfe the cop who shot Rayshard -- and is charged with felony murder -- has not turned himself yet. The D.A. gave him until Thursday evening to do so.

Rayshard Brooks

As we reported ... Fulton County D.A. Paul Howard announced 11 charges against Garrett Rolfe, including multiple counts of aggravated assault. Howard claims Rolfe kicked Rayshard while he lay dying.

Howard didn't mince words ... he doesn't believe Rolfe feared for his life and noted Rayshard had been cordial, cooperative and calm for more than 41 minutes before he was fatally shot.

The D.A. also said Rolfe was not motivated by fear but rather "another type of emotion." Howard didn't specifically say which emotion, but did say you can hear Rolfe right after he shot Brooks say, "I got him."

Originally Published -- 9:34 AM PT

Louisville Protests Man Recording Cops Nearly Shot!!! Thankful for Strong Window

Police Shoot At Camera
@kenjiboijoi / Twitter

A man who was recording video of cops pouncing on a protester from his building got his window blasted ... and he's looking for the officer he believes fired at him.

Twitter user Kentucky Kenji says he was shooting the Black Lives Matter protests in Louisville earlier this week, and as he got close to his window to zoom in on some potential police brutality, he got shot at.

As you can see, his window got smashed by a projectile -- looks like a rubber bullet or a pepper ball -- and the damage was visible as he backed away. Makes ya think ... they're non-lethal rounds, but damn!!! If one of those hit you from 20-30 feet away?

It's unclear exactly who shot at him, but Kenji's looking for "the name of the cop who shot at me."

Protesting in Louisville has continued as residents there seek justice for Breonna Taylor, and call for the cops responsible for her death to be arrested.

Rayshard Brooks D.A. Charges Shooting Cop with Felony Murder ... Death Penalty on the Table


2:49 PM PT -- Rayshard's wife, Tomika Miller, just addressed the media and thanked everyone for their support. She got emotional when revealing how she heard the news of the charges.

Rayshard Brooks Wife
Fox 5 Atlanta

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms released a statement as well, saying, "It is my hope that justice will be served—not only for the family of Mr. Brooks, but for the victims and families of the other use of force cases waiting to be resolved by the District Attorney. My condolences and prayers remain with the family of Mr. Brooks, as well as the other families awaiting justice."

The former Atlanta cop who shot Rayshard Brooks in the back and killed him has now been charged with felony murder, and the cop's partner has agreed to testify against him.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced 11 charges against Garrett Rolfe, including multiple acts of aggravated assault. Howard made particular notice that Rolfe kicked Brooks while he lay dying.

Howard made it clear ... he does not believe Rolfe feared for his life in any way, shape or form. Howard noted Brooks had been cordial, cooperative and calm for more than 41 minutes. The D.A. said Rolfe was not motivated by fear but rather "another type of emotion." Howard didn't specifically say which emotion, but did say you can hear Rolfe right after he shot Brooks say, "I got him."

It's especially significant the other cop, Devin Brosnan, is now cooperating with the D.A.'s investigation.

Howard has charged Brosnan with aggravated assault -- he's on video stepping on Brooks' shoulder. He's also been charged with failure to render timely aid. He could face more than 20 years in prison, but it's almost certain he'll get way less for cooperating.

Video of the incident shows Brooks was shot by Rolfe during a chase in a Wendy's parking lot after Brooks had obtained one of the officer's Tasers and was attempting to flee arrest following a failed breathalyzer test.

This is a sea change to the extent prosecutors have now sent a message to cops they don't have to blindly stand by colleagues who cross the line.

APD Shooting

Howard said his office talked to multiple witnesses and reviewed a number of videos and other physical evidence before reaching the decision to charge them.

The D.A. is recommending a $50,000 bond for Brosnan and no bond at all for Rolfe. Both men have until Thursday night to surrender.

Originally Published -- 6/17 11:30 AM PT

VA White Man Arrested for Pointing AR-15 At Black Bikers Near His House

Guy Pointing Rifle

Brandishing his semi-automatic rifle at a group of black men who'd simply parked near his home was enough for a white guy in Virginia to get busted by cops.

This wild incident was caught on camera Sunday in Partlow, VA, where Dennis Lee Berry allegedly approached a squad of motorcycle riders who pulled over near his home to catch their breath and re-route.

One of the bike riders says Mr. Berry sprung up on them with an AR-15 cocked and seemingly loaded ... asking if they lived there, and then demanding they leave.

Some of the interaction was captured on video ... the men (4 of whom are black) tried talking him down, and questioning why he seemed so ready to shoot. They also pointed out they didn't appear to be on his property.

Welp, after some back and forth -- without any bullets flying -- the cops showed up and sorted things out. Berry was arrested for brandishing a firearm. He was released on bond, and the rifle was seized as evidence.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

According to the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office -- which responded to the call -- the bikers had, in fact, pulled into a private neighborhood ... but acknowledge the men didn't see a "No Trespassing" sign when they did it.

The cops also say Berry approached them from his property, but it's unclear if the men were on Berry's land.

Rayshard Brooks 911 Call from Wendy's ... 'Intoxicated' at Drive-Thru, No Weapons

Rayshard Brooks 911

A Wendy's employee was concerned Rayshard Brooks had drank too much because he was sleeping in his car, but also made it clear she didn't think he posed any danger.

TMZ's obtained audio of the 911 call that employee made, and she told the dispatcher she needed police to respond because Brooks is asleep at the wheel and partially blocking the drive-thru. She said she believed he was "intoxicated."

The woman said she tried to wake Brooks, and get him to pull off to the side ... but she couldn't get through to him.

The Wendy's employee described Rayshard's car, and when asked, told the operator he was black. When the operator asked if he had any weapons, the worker replied ... "No, no I think he's intoxicated."

APD Shooting

As we reported ... Rayshard was cordial and cooperative with the 2 officers who arrived -- Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan -- for nearly 30 minutes ... based on Brosnan's bodycam footage.

However, after a failed field sobriety test, he resisted when Rolfe tried to slap the cuffs on him, a struggle ensued. When Rayshard took off running, Rolfe opened fire ... hitting him twice in the back.

Rolfe has since been fired, and Brosnan placed on administrative leave. Neither has been arrested or charged yet.

Rayshard's family spoke out about the incident Monday, and the family lawyer summed it up by saying ... "It didn't have to end that way."