El Paso Shooting Prisoners to Host Baked Potato Sale ... To Help Shooting Victims

Prisoners near El Paso are holding a bake sale for the victims of the mass shooting this weekend -- and by bake ... we actually mean baked potato.

The Otero County Prison Facility -- which is in Chaparral, New Mexico, about 30 minutes North of the Texas town -- is putting on an event Friday on its grounds, where inmates will be selling loaded baked potatoes to prison staff ... in an effort to raise money.

Nissi Jimenez, an Otero County Prison official, says the facility wanted to help their neighbors in any way possible ... figuring it would be a great way to help the grieving community with an in-house effort. All proceeds will be given to the El Paso Community Foundation, which is facilitating donations for the victims and their families.

As for how it'll work ... we're told the prison bought around 150 potatoes for the event, and plan to have 15 inmates working the kitchen to hand out the stuffed snack at $6 a pop, plus charging extra for add-ons.

Their goal is to raise $1,000 in baked potato sales ... but the facility is also taking straight-up check and cash donations in addition to potato profits. It'll all go down in the front lobby, where hundreds of prison employees are expected to attend.

There are more ways the prison plans to contribute -- Jimenez says there are extracurricular clubs in which prisoners participate, and 4 of them have committed to donating money toward the event ... upwards of $1,000 has been pledged so far.

Might sound like small potatoes, but at a time like this ... every penny counts for hospital bills, medical procedures, and other costs.

22 people were killed in Saturday's massacre, and dozens more were injured. The suspected shooter, Patrick Crusius, was taken into custody.

Times Square Panic Total Chaos Due to Mass Shooting Fear ... Dozens Injured After Motorcycle Backfire

More than a dozen Times Square tourists are nursing injuries after fears an active shooter was opening fire caused mass chaos -- but it turns out, it was just a bunch of motorcycles backfiring. 8/6/19

More than a dozen Times Square tourists are nursing injuries after fears an active shooter was opening fire caused mass chaos -- but it turns out, it was just a bunch of motorcycles backfiring.

The scene around 10 PM Tuesday was insane ... hundreds fleeing in all directions, stampeding over each other as they sought cover. Some ran into packed Broadway theaters which brought productions to a halt.

In the panic, several people suffered broken bones and lacerations -- multiple slammed their heads into signs and other displays as they fled. The scene clearly reflects the nation's uneasiness after last weekend's mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

NYPD says what really happened is a group of people on motorcycles rode through the Square with their engines backfiring as they went -- and that sound caused the mass panic.

Cops are now using surveillance cameras to try to identify the motorcyclists ... and we're told they could be charged with reckless endangerment.

Mass Shootings GoFundMe Cracking Down on Scammers ... Verified Campaigns ONLY

GoFundMe is going to extreme lengths to make sure no one scams money from people looking to donate to the families of mass shooting victims ... and so far, the company says the funds are being distributed as intended.

Sadly, a harsh reality -- fake accounts pop up in the wake of tragedies like this weekend's massacres in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio ... but GoFundMe tells us they're implementing safeguards to ensure no one gets duped this time around.

Honchos at GoFundMe tell TMZ ... the company has a team working around the clock to review and verify all the campaigns seeking money related to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings, ensuring donations end up in the right hands.

The confirmation process goes like this ... before any money is released or transferred to the beneficiary of the campaign, their information, including their banking information, is verified. If there are any red flags, GoFundMe freezes the funds until they're sure everything is kosher.

You might notice something different on the GoFundMe site for this go-round ... they've launched a centralized hub for verified campaigns, and we're told they're working directly with campaign organizers to guarantee funds raised for the tragedies are not misappropriated.

As you know ... 22 people were killed in the mass shooting in El Paso, and hours later in Ohio, another shooter took 9 innocent lives.

Money has been pouring in to help victims' families and their beneficiaries ... and GoFundMe is guaranteeing no one gets scammed this time.

Steve Kerr Fears GSW Practice Could Be Target ... After Latest Massacres

Steve Kerr says he's legitimately fearful a shooter could walk into Warriors practice and start "spraying" him and the team ... after the latest massacres in Dayton and El Paso.

"I think about it all the time," the Golden State head coach said this week. "Somebody could walk in the door in the gym right now and start spraying us with an AR-15."

"They could," he added. "It might happen because we’re all vulnerable."

Kerr -- in a sit-down interview with the Bay Area News Group on Monday -- candidly revealed his concerns after at least 31 more people died in mass shootings over the weekend in Texas and Ohio.

The head coach says all of the violence has made him feel he's not safe anywhere ... including in an NBA gym.

"We’re all vulnerable," he said, "whether we go to a concert, a church, the mall or go to the movie theater or a school."

The 53-year-old says there's only one way to fix the issue ... saying American citizens need to "demand change from the gutless leadership that continues to allow this to happen."

Steve adds the country's leaders need to reevaluate the second amendment, saying, "The only thing that second amendment is doing is leading to mass murder right now. This is all just insanity."

Kerr does believe there's momentum building among America's citizens to force a change ... and he's ready to see the day where gun ownership is more heavily regulated.

"People are more and more frustrated in our country. I think at this point, the vast majority of people in this country have had it. Now it’s a matter of taking action."

Rep. Adam Kinzinger Gun Laws Have to Change It's on Congress to Find Common Ground

Congressman Adam Kinzinger is having an epiphany after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton -- saying it's time to change some gun laws, and time to say screw partisan politics.

Congressman Adam Kinzinger is having an epiphany after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton -- saying it's time to change some gun laws, and time to say screw partisan politics.

The GOP lawmaker from Illinois was on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to discuss last weekend's domestic terrorism -- resulting in 31 deaths -- and why it compelled him to do an about-face on 2 key points on gun control. He's now supporting universal background checks -- a House measure he voted against earlier this year -- and raising the gun purchasing age from 18 to 21.

Kinzinger says he's fully aware his new views could potentially hurt him politically, but he doesn't care. Just as importantly, he strongly believes there's a way for Democrats and Republicans to come together on this issue.

You've gotta see what Kinzinger is proposing because, honestly, it's refreshing to hear from anyone in Washington, DC.

Kinzinger makes no bones about it ... he's sick and tired of partisan politics when it comes to preventing future mass shootings.

He also has some advice for the media when it comes to covering these tragedies, and you can see that when the full interview airs on Tuesday's "TMZ Live" (click here for times).

Donald Trump Cosigns on Criticism of Obama & Mass Shootings ... But 44 Didn't Empower White Supremacists

Donald Trump is promoting the notion President Obama got a pass from past Presidents when there were mass shootings on his watch ... but the differences are glaring, obvious and, frankly, enraging.

Trump tweeted a quote from Brian Kilmeade from "Fox & Friends" ... "Did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. Not many people said Obama is out of Control. Mass shootings were happening before the President even thought about running for Pres."

Kilmeade said that Tuesday morning on his show, and 45 must've been watching -- and perhaps applauding -- the response to Obama's comments Monday. The former Prez said, "We should soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred or normalizes racist sentiments; leaders who demonize those who don't look like us, or suggest that other people, including immigrants, threaten our way of life, or refer to other people as sub-human, or imply that America belongs to just one certain type of people."

Obama is clearly referencing Trump -- and who can argue with him? Donald Trump preaches fear -- undeniable. He demonizes those who don't look like us -- undeniable. And, on and on.

Donald Trump laughed at a rally when someone said the solution to immigrants coming into the country illegally was to shoot them.

FACT -- Obama advocated banning assault weapons, but too many members of Congress sold their souls to the NRA for their own self-preservation and wouldn't hear of it.

Trump came up with an alternative theory -- somehow put the brakes on the insidious video games, which he links to mass shootings. FACT -- in Japan in 2017 there were 22 shooting crimes. Video games in Japan are wildly popular -- way more than in the United States.

So, the overarching message from President Obama addresses the destruction of America and the rise of white nationalists who clearly feel empowered to mete out justice, John Wick-style.

Yung Miami Pregnant Rapper Shot At in Miami

Yung Miami -- one half of the hip-hop duo, City Girls -- was the target of a drive-by shooting in Miami ... but fortunately she and her unborn baby were unharmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... Miami-Dade PD got a call of a shooting early Tuesday morning near Circle House Studios. Yung Miami was in the red Mercedes G-Wagon that took fire, but we're told she was not hit.

You can see Yung Miami in a video from after the shooting scene talking to cops, explaining what happened.

She told officers the shots came from behind her from a vehicle with its lights off, and a bullet struck the spare tire of her ride. She was reportedly leaving the studio when it happened

Miami-Dade PD is investigating, but we're told there are no suspects at this time.

Yung Miami revealed she's pregnant with her second child in June, but it's unclear how far along she is. What's interesting -- just a week ago Kodak Black dissed her in a freestyle from jail and made a detestable comment about her pregnancy.

Kodak rapped, "I bought Yung Miami a ring, she wanted 808 baby. When I see her I'ma hit that b*tch in her stomach. The way I keep my sh*t too real, they say I'm f**king up my money."

808 is a reference to 808 Mafia producer, Southside, who's Miami's baby daddy.

City Girls is best known for their hit track, "Twerk," featuring Cardi B.

Travis Barker Visiting 03 Greedo in Prison ... During Texas Mass Shooting

Travis Barker's weekend was an emotional roller coaster in El Paso -- it started with plans to visit a friend in prison and then rock out with his band ... but his band ended up in lockdown across the street from the slaughter as he was miles away visiting a friend in prison.

As you know, a gunman with an assault rifle opened fire Saturday morning at a Walmart in El Paso, TX ... killing 22 and injuring many others.

Blink-182 was in town for a show, and Mark Hoppus tweeted they were about to head to the mall where the massacre took place when they got word their hotel was on lockdown.

Barker wasn't with the band ... he had traveled 250 miles to visit rapper 03 Greedo at the Fort Stockton prison.

We're told Travis promised his friend he'd visit him whenever he was in Texas and made plans in advance to see him before the Blink concert. We're told he was at the prison visiting Greedo at the time of the shooting ... but didn't get word of it until after he left.

Travis was horrified at the news, but thankful his bandmates and the crew were okay. Blink-182 postponed its show out of respect and to show solidarity with the community.

As for Greedo -- we're told he's doing well behind bars and is staying positive and healthy. He's currently serving a 20-year sentence on drug and gun charges.

Despite his incarceration ... he and Travis dropped an EP together last month called "Meet the Drummers."

Dikembe Mutombo On Mass Shootings ... 'Nothing Shocks Me Anymore In America'

Dikembe Mutombo

Dikembe Mutombo says he's almost numb to the news of MORE mass shootings in America -- telling TMZ Sports he's seen it so often since moving from Africa that "nothing shocks me anymore."

The 53-year-old NBA legend touched down at Reagan National Airport in Virginia (where he got tons of love from fans BTW) and made it clear he's disappointed the United States hasn't taken a stronger approach to eliminate gun violence.

"The people have spoken enough, nothing has been done," Mutombo says.

Mutombo moved to the U.S. from the Congo back in 1987 -- and says he's pretty much been desensitized to the terrible gun-centric headlines that have been dominating the news.

"Nothing shocks me anymore in America ... when you've been living in America 30 years, nothing shocks you anymore."

More than 293 people have been killed in mass shootings in the United States in 2019 alone -- from Virginia Beach to Gilroy, CA ... and of course, Ohio and Texas over the weekend.

We asked Dikembe how he feels about how President Trump is handling the issue ... and you're gonna want to see his response.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Apologizes for Heartless Tweet 'I Got This One Wrong'


6:15 AM PT -- 8/5 -- Data, shmata ... Neil says he straight-up got it wrong for his cold-hearted tweet from over the weekend. He said Monday, "My intent was to offer objectively true information that might help shape our conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die."


He goes on to say, "Where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believed the Tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America. What I learned from the range of reactions is that for many people, some information -- my Tweet in particular -- can be true but unhelpful, especially at a time when many people are either still in shock or trying to heal -- or both.


"So if you are one of those people, I apologize for not knowing in advance what effect my Tweet could have on you ... I got this one wrong."


1:52 PM PT -- Smash Mouth had an apt response to Neil's tweet, which many people appear to agree with. On Twitter, the band wrote "F*** OFF!!!! There's your data!!!!"


Couldn't have said it better ourselves. 

Neil deGrasse Tyson wants you to know as sad as it is that we lost upwards of 30 people to mass shootings this weekend ... it's nothing compared to other causes of death.

The astrophysicist tweeted out some bizarre information Sunday after the back-to-back mass shootings in Ohio and Texas -- which have claimed 29 lives thus far, and injured dozens more -- basically saying ... mass shootings are a blip on the death spectrum.

He wrote, "In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings. On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose…500 to Medical errors 300 to the Flu 250 to Suicide 200 to Car Accidents 40 to Homicide via Handgun."

Neil followed up by saying, "Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data."

In essence, it seems like Neil is downplaying the significance of mass shootings ... suggesting that while it's horrible they happen, they're not nearly as much an epidemic as some of these other categories. Safe to say, dude's getting torn to shreds online for this.

Many people are calling his tweet callous, cruel and out of touch, especially since the Dayton shooting just happened less than 24 hours ago ... not to mention El Paso.

Others also pointed out that while these freak incidents are regular risks in any country, dying at the hands of a gun is becoming more and more uniquely American, and is not considered to fall within the realm of possibility day-to-day under regular circumstances.

That might be changing in today's America, but for now ... Neil seems to think folks are overreacting.

Spoiler alert ... they're not.

Originally Published -- 12:23 PM PT

Post Malone Stunned to Hear About Shootings ... Mental Health is Key

Post Malone is absolutely beside himself after getting the heartbreaking news about the mass shootings in his home state of Texas, and also in Ohio.
First I've Heard

Post Malone is absolutely beside himself after getting the heartbreaking news about the mass shootings in his home state of Texas, and also in Ohio.

We got Post Sunday outside of NYC's Greenwich Hotel, where our camera guy broke it to him that a crazed gunman shot up a mall and a Walmart in El Paso this weekend -- which claimed 20 lives and injured numerous others.

Post, who is from the Dallas area, had been traveling internationally and didn't know about it. Check out the rapper's reaction ... it's clear he's having a difficult time processing the tragedy as he tries to come up with answers.

Our photog asks how people in El Paso can bounce back from this, and he says the people of Texas are strong and the folks just need to be there for each other at a time like this.

On how to possibly resolve this national epidemic, Post is a bit at a loss for words on that one -- as it's such a complicated issue.

But, he does have one suggestion on where to start ... mental health and guns. He says some people should have 'em, others clearly shouldn't.

Donald Trump Partly Blames Video Games ... for Mass Shootings

Donald Trump

Donald Trump believes video games are partly to blame for the mass shootings in America -- claiming the "glorification of violence" is desensitizing potential real-life killers.

POTUS just delivered a speech from the White House in the wake of 2 mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas ... where 29 people were killed by domestic terrorists.

During his speech Monday morning, Trump noted 3 things the government can do to address the threat ... one of which is do a better job of regulating video game violence.

"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society -- this includes the gruesome and grizzly video games that are now commonplace," Trump said.

"It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence."

"We must stop or substantially reduce this and it has to begin immediately."

Trump is clearly referring to ultra-popular games like Fortnite, Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto ... where killing people is the point.

The issue with Trump's logic ... they have video games in other countries, right?

250th Mass Shooting 9 Dead in Dayton ... 29 Dead This Weekend


10:46 AM PT -- The suspected Dayton shooter has been identified as 24-year-old Connor Betts of Bellbrook, OH. He was a Chipotle employee, and the food chain sent a letter to its staff Sunday confirming as much ... saying they're working with law enforcement on the investigation, and offering full support to employees who knew or worked with Betts.


Shots rang out in Dayton, Ohio early Sunday Morning leaving 9 people dead and dozens injured, just hours after another mass shooting that slaughtered 20 ... all at the hands of 2 crazy people with assault rifles.

A lone gunman used what appears to be an AR-15 assault rifle and opened fire at around 1 AM in the City's crowded nightclub district, and in less than a minute 9 people lay dead on the street, and at least 26 injured.

Police responded quickly and shot and killed the shooter, who wore body armor.

This follows Saturday's massacre at a Walmart store in El Paso, TX, where a gunman used an assault rifle, opening fire and killing 20 and critically wounding many others.

President Trump sent prayers via twitter, but what he did NOT do is call for a ban of assault rifles, which is the weapon of choice for mass shooters. BTW ... assault rifles have a singular purpose ... to kill people. Don't be fooled otherwise, despite the BS you hear from the NRA. They try to tell you the 2nd Amendment gives Americans an absolute right to bear arms, but that's just false. Even the First Amendment -- which says there shall be no law restricting freedom of speech -- is not absolute.

The problem ... the NRA has bought off enough politicians to the point they won't do the right and sane thing ... ban assault rifles. People have a right to own guns, but not every weapon is legal and assault rifles have no place in this society.

This year alone, 293 people have been massacred in mass shootings ... 1072 have been injured.

Originally Published -- 7:23 AM PT

Ed Reed Dumps HOF Polo To Raise Awareness For Police Violence Victims

Baltimore Ravens legend Ed Reed sent a message loud and clear at Thursday's Hall of Fame game ... ditching his HOF golf polo to remember victims of police violence instead.

Six of the seven living members who are set to be enshrined in Canton this weekend rocked black polos with the Pro Football Hall of Fame logo on them at the Falcons-Broncos game Thursday.

But, Reed spurned that dress code ... and instead, wore a shirt with the faces of victims of police brutality on it.

Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Alton Sterling, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Stephon Clark and Freddie Gray were all featured on the white and black T-shirt.

Reed didn't comment on the fashion statement during NBC's broadcast -- he wasn't asked about it during his 2nd quarter interview -- but the shirt clearly speaks for itself.

Ed is following in the footsteps of 2018 HOF inductee Randy Moss, who also remembered police brutality victims with names stitched in his tie during the induction ceremony.

Of course, NFL players all over the league have been trying to raise awareness to stop police violence for years ... with Colin Kaepernick famously kneeling for the national anthem back in 2016.

In fact, Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid has already said he'll continue that protest in 2019 ... telling reporters last month, "If a day comes that I feel like we’ve addressed those issues, and our people aren’t being discriminated against or being killed over traffic violations, then I’ll decide it’s time to stop protesting."

"I haven’t seen that happen."

Gas Station Murder Hostages Subdue Alleged Killer ... In Wild Video!!!


Hostages huddled inside an Arizona convenience store banded together to subdue a man police say fatally shot a customer moments before ... bum-rushing the suspect and tackling him to the ground in a wild incident that was caught on video!!!

Footage from the intense standoff is insane ... you see the gunman pacing around an aisle when one of the hostages suddenly engages him, wrestling him to the ground. As the struggle continues, an employee rushes over and starts smashing the alleged killer over the head with a crate.

With the gunman subdued, more hostages got in on the action ... stomping, kicking and absolutely pummeling the man as he squirms on the floor.

The unreal scene went down May 9 at a Circle K gas station in Phoenix ... and the surveillance video was just entered into evidence in the alleged killer's murder trial.

Cops shot the alleged killer, 53-year-old Joel McClain Carson, who police say walked into the store and killed a customer with a gunshot to the back of their head.

In the video ... you see the gunman barking at an employee to lock the doors, then he barricades the entrance with a donut display ... all while holding a handgun.

Once the hostages overpowered the gunman, they ran to the exit, broke down the barricade, unlocked the door and got the hell outta Dodge.

Roughly an hour later, a SWAT team makes its move ... entering the store before shooting and injuring the alleged killer.

Carson faces a first-degree murder charge for the death of Efran Hernandez, a 24-year old father of two.

John Lynch Moment Of Silence For Gilroy Victims ... At 49ers Practice

49ers Moment of Silence
San Francisco 49ers

John Lynch asked everyone in attendance at the San Francisco 49ers' practice Monday to participate in a 30-second moment of silence to honor victims of the shooting in Gilroy over the weekend.

Three people were killed and 12 others were injured when a man opened fire at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California late Sunday afternoon.

Lynch -- who's the Niners' general manager -- wanted to honor everyone affected by the tragedy ... so he called for 30 seconds of prayer before SF's training camp workout.

"Our community was affected by a horrific tragedy last night down in Gilroy," Lynch said ... "and our players, our team, our organization thought it would be appropriate to start practice with a moment of silence."

Lynch added, "Let's give it 30 seconds to think about the people affected by Gilroy in this community."

As we previously reported ... people began running from the Gilroy festival -- which is just 40 miles from the Niners' stadium -- after gun shots rang out during one of the concerts.

An eye witness, Tommy Huxley, tells TMZ the whole thing was scary as hell ... saying chaos and firework-like sounds filled the festival grounds for minutes.

Tommy Huxley

Law enforcement says the shooter used an AK-47-style rifle ... while witnesses claim he was wearing fatigues and shooting at random.

The father of the 6-year-old who was shot and killed in the gunfire was wearing seen wearing a Jimmy Garoppolo jersey at the hospital shortly after the tragedy.