T.I. Shootout Ruins H.S. Gig He's Too Gangsta!

T.I.'s wallet got caught in the crossfire of that NYC shooting -- a huge high school graduation party thinks he's damaged goods after the violent incident ... and organizers are demanding a $55k refund.

Tip was set to perform a concert in South Florida for grads from multiple high schools on June 11. The contract was signed and promoters had sent him $55,000 to retain his services -- but then the shootout happened.

TMZ has learned promoters fired off a legal notice saying, due to the shooting, "the quality of the Talents services is not satisfactory to our Client." They added ... the event was marketed "as a safe environment for the students."

Translation: We're worried kids will get shot if you do this show.

To be fair -- T.I. and his crew had nothing to do with the NYC incident. He hadn't even taken the stage when the shots rang out.

We've reached out to T.I. ... no word yet on how he plans to respond.

T.I. Concert Chaos Backstage as Shots Ring Out (NEW VIDEO)


TMZ has obtained video from backstage at T.I.'s NYC concert just as the shots were fired, and it reveals the total chaos and panic in a small confined area.

The video starts with some guys pushing and shoving backstage, and then you hear the gunfire start. Watch the video ... it seems like not everyone immediately realized the danger, because some people were standing around.

That changed quickly as more shots were fired, and everyone tried to squeeze through the exit.

Police have not made any arrests yet, but they've seen several videos, like this one, and say it's helping them close in on the suspect.


T.I. Shots Ring Out at Concert ... 1 Dead


Shots rang out at a T.I. concert Wednesday night ... multiple people were hit and one is dead.

The rapper was set to perform at Irving Plaza in NYC Wednesday night when the shooting occurred. We're told at least 2 men and 2 women were hit. A 33-year-old man who was shot in the stomach didn't make it.


The rapper had not yet taken the stage when the incident went down. Sources backstage tell us an argument erupted just before one of the opening acts took the stage. Someone brandished a gun and people backstage scrambled into the crowd as shots rang out.

Cops say at this point it's unclear how many shooters were involved and they don't have any suspects.

The Game Let Me Teach You About Hustling Weed & Guns in My New App

IM3 Gaming Studios

The Game wants to turn you into a hustling drug kingpin and street soldier -- and he can guarantee you won't get arrested too ... since it's all virtual in his new app "Block Wars."

Sources tell TMZ the rapper teamed with IM3 Gaming Studios to create a gritty mobile game set in Compton. The goal? Conquer one street at a time while competing with rival gangs to sell weed, guns, knives, buildings and cars. All in the name of fueling the economy, of course.

Game stars as the hood boss in his hometown, but there are plans to expand the game to include an East Coast vs. West Coast war.

Game's game is set to drop sometime this summer and it'll be free. In-app purchases -- for weapons, cars, goons, etc. -- will range from 99 cents to $99.

'The Wonder Years' Star Busted for DUA ... Ambien

"The Wonder Years" star Jason Hervey just learned the hard way ... never take Ambien before you get behind the wheel.

Tennessee law enforcement tells TMZ ... they got a call about a swerving pickup truck and were able to locate it. Cops say Hervey was behind the wheel and totally out of it ... slurring, red-eyed and confused.

Cops say Hervey miserably failed a field sobriety test. They searched the pickup and found a loaded handgun, but the actor had a permit. Hervey was booked for DUI and carrying a weapon while under the influence.

The incident went down back in January 2015 but it went unnoticed, until this past weekend when Hervey served 48 hours behind bars for a misdemeanor DUI charge. The weapons charge was dropped.

Jason, who played Wayne Arnold on the show, tells us he has a prescription for Ambien and stupidly took one before hopping in the truck for a quick errand, he had no alcohol in his system ... he's thankful cops got him off the road before anything really bad happened.

Chumlee Plea Deal Tells It to the Judge ... I'll Be Good for 3 Years


Chumlee from "Pawn Stars" laid out his plea deal for the judge in his drugs and guns case, and left court one step closer to dodging a huge bullet ... aka jail time.

TMZ broke the story ... Chumlee's attorneys scored him a sweet deal where he'll get off without a single day behind bars for his arrest for drug and weapon possession.

He was in a Las Vegas court Monday morning to lay out the terms for the judge -- 3 years probation, plus counseling ... and if he keeps his nose clean, the felonies will be dropped to misdemeanors. The judge still has to approve the deal.

Outside the courthouse, we asked Chumlee about his penchant for buying weed "in bulk" -- as he explained to cops when they raided his home.


George Zimmerman Kills One Deal ... Strikes Bigger One for Trayvon Gun

George Zimmerman will now make $100,000 more than anticipated for the sale of the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin -- because he got a much bigger offer for the 9 mm weapon.

Zimmerman had reached a deal with a Florida bar owner to sell it Friday for $150k -- but at the last minute Zimmerman pulled the plug when he found out someone else was offering $250k.

Sources connected to Zimmerman tell us a female bidder contacted his attorney Thursday to make a deposit. Zimmerman initially didn't take the offer seriously, but we're told her funds were verified before the auction ended.

We're told it's now a done deal at the $250k price tag. Still unclear if the purchaser will remain anonymous.

George Zimmerman Trayvon Gun Sold for Over $120K

George Zimmerman's auction for the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin has closed ... and the winning bid topped $120,000.

We're told roughly 7 verified users participated in the bidding war. Zimmerman has to verify the winner and his or her funds before the sale is finalized. The top bidder is anonymous at this point, due to the auction site's rules.

TMZ previously reported United Gun Group decided to pull the listing due to fake bids driving up the price. The site added a private email verification to sift out the fake bids.

There are reports the gun sold for $138k, but we're told that number is one of those fake bids.

YG & AD AK-47 Shots Rip Music Video Set

YG and AD were in the middle of filming a rap video in Compton when bullets sent more than 200 people running and ducking ... TMZ has learned.

It all unfolded Sunday afternoon as the rappers shot their video for "Thug." Production came to an immediate halt though when the shots started, and law enforcement sources tell us it appears to be gang related. Not coincidentally, we're told there were Bloods and Crips on the set.

We're also told officers found about 30 shell casings from an AK-47 on the ground, and a handgun was recovered. Cops haven't figured out who owns the gun. YG and his crew were briefly detained before getting released.

So far no one's been arrested, and no one was hit in the hail of shots.

A rep for YG tells us he had no involvement and fully cooperated with cops.


Madeleine Stowe Naked & Afraid ... I Was Robbed at Gunpoint

Madeleine Stowe says she survived a terrifying ordeal -- a home intruder putting a gun to her neck in the middle of the night, and making off with $75k worth of jewelry.

According to law enforcement docs ... Stowe and her husband, Brian Benben, were asleep at home last September, when she was awakened by someone rummaging through their master bathroom. Madeleine, who was nude at the time, says she went to check it out -- and was confronted by a Latino man, the intruder, who pointed a handgun to her neck.

The former "Revenge" star told police the man spoke in broken English and demanded, "I want all the valuable, I want something." She says she gave him a bag filled with $75k worth of antique jewelry, and then he made a clean getaway.

A few months later cops busted the suspect, Walter Canizalez, as he was allegedly attempting another heist. Police believe he's pulled 3 other armed home robberies, and he's been charged with more than 15 counts ... including robbery and sexual battery.

When Canizalez was caught, cops say he was wearing a Spiderman mask -- just as he was during some of the alleged robberies.

Snoop Dogg Fatal Shooting Reenacted Parkgoers Panic

The tranquility at a San Fernando Valley park was shattered by what sounded like gunfire, sending picnickers and others scrambling for cover ... but it was all just a reenactment of an infamous murder case that put Snoop Dogg in the defendant's chair.

It happened last week at Tarzana Park. A scene was being shot for the docuseries "Rich and Acquitted," putting the spotlight on the 1993 shooting death of gang member Philip Woldemariam. Snoop, who was in a rival gang, was tried for murder and acquitted.

We're told cops were aware blanks would be fired in the park to reenact the murder, but apparently the memo didn't get out to people who were strolling around.

It's really bizarre ... this is happening more and more where there's a shooting reenactment for a TV show or movie but bystanders are left in the dark. It happened recently on the Vegas strip during a reenactment of the Tupac shooting.

"Rich and Acquitted" will also chronicle the acquittals of Robert Blake, Oscar Pistorius, O.J. Simpson, R. Kelly, and Michael Jackson.

The series airs on Reelz beginning in September.

George Zimmerman Legit Bid for Trayvon Gun Tops $400k

George Zimmerman is projected to make big bucks from his ongoing gun auction -- we've learned the current legitimate bid is $415,000.

A rep for United Gun Group, the site hosting Zimmerman's controversial auction, tells us the site's been flooded with fake bids -- the highest was $65 million -- but it's using software to sift through the BS offers.

The problem is you don't have to provide credit card info unless you have the winning bid. The auction's set to end Tuesday ... so, it's a safe bet there will be a ton more troll bids until then.

George Zimmerman Relists Trayvon Martin Death Gun

George Zimmerman has relisted the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin ... less than 2 hours after it was yanked from its original auction site.

The Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm just went up at unitedgungroup.com -- the listing and starting bid of $5,000 remains the same.

A spokesperson for unitedgungroup.com says he got in touch with Zimmerman through a mutual friend once the initial listing was removed. He tells us unitedgungroup.com's stance on the controversial item is if it's legal, they have no objections and it "comes down to a moral decision for George to do what he wants with his property."

Ex-UFC Fighter Diego Brandao Yes, I Pulled a Gun at Strip Club


Ex-UFC fighter Diego Brandao has admitted to pulling a gun during an altercation with bouncers at an Albuquerque strip club ... but the former "Ultimate Fighter" champ insists it was only in self-defense.

TMZ Sports obtained video of Brandao being grilled by cops following his arrest on April 15th -- during an incident in which cops say the fighter pistol-whipped a bouncer at Knockouts bar after he was denied entry. The bouncers told cops Brandao was too drunk to get in.

During the interrogation, the 28-year-old Brazilian fighter begins by adamantly denying he ever had a weapon -- but the cops pressed him hard and warned there would be consequences if he was lying.

"Listen, you just said you don't wanna f*** your life," one of the cops told Brandao ... "If anybody comes up with video showing that you had a gun, you're life is gonna be f***ed."

Brandao immediately changed his story and admitted to having the gun -- but says he only pulled it out because one the bouncers had a gun. Plus, Brandao says he was being choked out and wanted to put a stop to it.

When cops asked Brandao what happened to his gun, the UFC fighter said he broke it into several pieces and scattered them away from the bar.

During the interrogation, cops suggest there may be video of the entire incident -- and it could hold the key to Brandao's case.

We spoke with a rep for the Bernalillo County District Attorney's office ... who tells us prosecutors are still considering whether or not to file formal charges.

George Zimmerman Gun Auction Pulled But Not By Trayvon's Family

12:05 PM PST -- GunBroker.com just released a statement saying they had no part in Zimmerman's listing. The site says it acts like a social media forum for postings ... and was never contacted by or given a heads-up from George. GB says they reserve the right to reject listings and did just that with Zimmerman's auction.

The auction for the gun George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin has been taken down ... and TMZ has learned it wasn't because Trayvon's family requested it.

Sources close to the Martin family tell TMZ their legal team reached out to GunBroker.Com Thursday asking for general info about the sale. We're told they also asked for the contact info of auction officials. However, our sources say Martin's team never demanded the auction be canceled.

It's still unclear why the auction was yanked, but we've been told it's not because someone purchased it already.

Zimmerman put the gun up for sale with a starting bid of $5k, and the auction was supposed to run all day Thursday -- a mortifying thought for Trayvon's family. Their attorney tells us ... "It is insulting to this family that he would decide that he would sell the gun that he killed their child with. Think about what that means: This is a gun that took a child’s life and now he wants to make money off of it.”

George Zimmerman Gun I Used to Kill Trayvon Martin Is Now for Sale

The handgun George Zimmerman used to take Trayvon Martin's life is now going to the highest bidder -- and Zimmerman calls the weapon an "American Firearm Icon."

The Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm is listed on GunBroker.com for what's touted as a single-day auction on Thursday. Opening bid is set at $5,000.

Zimmerman's not shy about the gun's history either. His listing on the site includes this: "I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon. The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012."

Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon.

He claims he will use money from the sale to oppose Hillary Clinton's campaign, and to fight what he calls Black Lives Matter fueled "violence against Law Enforcement officers."

He says the gun is "a piece of American History."