Amber Portwood Meets with Vivid, Porn Talks Begin

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"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood is ready for the next stage of her career -- and it's looking like it could be in porn, because she's met with porn giant Vivid Entertainment.

Sources connected to negotiations tell us Amber and her boyfriend, Matt Baier, met with Vivid honcho Steven Hirsch in L.A. on May 8. We're told Hirsch had reached out to Amber in the past, and since she was already in town for the MTV Movie & TV Awards ... she decided to have the sit-down.

It's unclear if she's signed on the dotted line yet, but ya don't have to be a rocket scientist to know why Hirsch wanted this meeting. Vivid's made a bundle with its Farrah Abraham movies, and since Amber's always been one the most popular "Teen Mom" chicks ... it totally makes sense.

Amber and Matt tell us, "The meeting with Steven and Vivid was very professional and low key." They wouldn't say if a deal is done. Ditto for Hirsch ... who would only confirm he had the meeting.

Something tells us ... we've seen this movie before.

Draymond Green $100k Vivid Offer 'Perfect' Penis For Porn!!

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The guy behind the Kim Kardashian sex tape says he wants a piece of Draymond Green -- saying he was so impressed with Dray's monster penis, he's offered the guy a 6-figure porn deal!

Ted Cruz Vivid Offer We'll Make Your Tit Flick!!

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Ted Cruz could fill his campaign coffers with a million bucks ... with a teeny tiny string attached -- he has to star in a porn flick.

As you probably know, back in the day, Ted rhapsodized about starring in a "teen tit film."

Well, not unexpectedly, Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch has extended Mr. Cruz an offer to star in an XXX film -- far more graphic than an '80s boob movie. Hirsch suggests the title, "Cruzin for Bush."

He's willing to donate $1 mil through the Super Pac of Ted's choice.

WWE Diva Tammy Sytch Mega Offer Comes In For H.O.F. Ring ... But There's A Catch

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WWE Diva Tammy Sytch might soon be free of the Hall of Fame ring she's auctioning off ... a bidder's come forward with a sweet 6-figure deal and one condition ... Tammy's gotta do porn.

Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch made the offer ... $100k for the ring and in return he wants Tammy to shoot a 90 min sex tape. He's even giving her some options on the specifics of the shoot, letting her to choose her partner and the location.

No word yet on if Tammy will accept but Hirsch isn't playing around ... he wants the whole thing done in less than two weeks.

Time's a wastin'.

David Ortiz Gets $100k Porn Offer ... BATTER UP!!

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MLB slugger David Ortiz may finally get his X-rated wish ... in the form of a REAL $100,000 SEX TAPE OFFER ... after Big Papi revealed that he's always wanted a secret career as a porn star.

19-Inch Penis Man Vivid Says Correctional Surgery's On Us

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Roberto Esquivel Cabrera -- the man sporting a 19-inch penis -- just got an offer that could change his life...and the way he walks.

We're told Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch offered to pay for medical treatment on Cabrera's two pound penis.

Apparently Hirsch was so shocked by the pics of Cabrera's penis, he agreed to pony up the surgery loot, even if they couldn't strike a deal on a sex tape.

FYI ... some reports claim Cabrera only has a 6-inch penis and the rest is excess skin.


19-Inch Penis First Video ...

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Roberto Esquivel Cabrera just got an offer that could earn him a fortune ... all because he has a 19-inch penis.

We're told Vivid Entertainment approached the 52-year-old Mexican citizen in an attempt to negotiate a deal for a sex tape, but it's complicated by language barrier, expectations of money and basic anatomy challenges.

We got this video of Cabrera documenting his life, showing the proportions of his penis and even its weight. For the record it's TWO POUNDS.

It's an amazing story ... Cabrera says he carries a heavy burden ... his penis has cost him relationships, jobs and it's too large for him to kneel in church and pray.

Vivid Honcho Steve Hirsch Kylie Jenner's Sex Tape Could Be Bigger Than Kim K.'s

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Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch thinks a Kylie Jenner sex tape could outperform her big sister's tape at the box office.

Steve says he's undaunted by Larry Flynt, who pooh-poohed Vivid's $10 million offer to Kylie, saying she was worth $2 mil max. Steve threw plenty of shade on Larry, saying he's out of touch.

As for Kylie, Steve says he knows whereof he speaks, because he's the brains behind the Kim K sex tape video, which has made tens of millions of bucks.

Kylie Jenner So Many Porn Offers ...

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Kylie Jenner is getting flooded with 7-figure offers ... to do porn.

TMZ has learned Vivid Entertainment has already fired off a letter to the freshly-minted adult, offering her a $10 million deal for a video featuring her and Tyga. Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch writes, "Kim's sex tape helped launch her career and would be nothing but positive for you."

Vivid has some stiff competition. BangYouLater sent its own written overture, offering $1.8 million up front, saying, "This event will make you even more famous than either Kim K or Paris Hilton."

BangYouLater is banking on a good performance by Tyga, writing, "Your scene must be at least 22 minutes in length."

Digital Playground is making a different pitch, claiming it produces the biggest porn movies in the biz, and asking Kylie to become its front woman. The company writes, "Now that you are of legal age, we would like to offer you the opportunity to be Digital Playground's Brand Ambassador!"

They also would like her to do porn: "We know you'll be great at this and with your banging body to match, maybe you'll be interested in becoming an adult star yourself! Join and be welcomed into a new, hornier family."

So many offers to juggle.

‘Teen Mom’ Mackenzie McKee I Have A Sex Tape ... But You Can't See It

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Mackenzie McKee has gone to Vivid Entertainment about a sex tape, telling them if they dare release it she will nail their ass harder than Farrah Abraham's ever was.

TMZ obtained a letter Mackenzie's lawyer fired off to the porn giant, acknowledging there's a tape but warning it will remain private, or else.

It's unclear how Vivid got hold of the tape, but here's what IS clear ... the only way Vivid can release the video is if she signs off, and her lawyer has given Vivid 10 days to declare its intentions.

As for her sex tape partner, it's unclear who it is, but she's been a married woman for 2 years.

WWE Diva Sunny I Wanna Get Slammed Between The Sheets ... Not The Ropes

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WWE junkies can rejoice, because WWE Diva Sunny may get in the ring for a XXX face plant, because we've learned she's inclined to sign on with a huge porn company.

Sunny tells TMZ she's been mulling over Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch's 6-figure porn offer and is now 60/40 in favor of it.

But there's a snag. Hirsch really wants the scene set in a wrestling ring, but Sunny thinks the gag has been played out.

Sunny favors the more traditional setting, like a hotel room.

The 42-year-old won't get flak from her boyfriend. She says her 27-year-old man is excited and wants an advance screening.

As for the lucky guy who gets to suplex Sunny ... she doesn't care who he is "as long as he's hot."

Ex-WWE Star Tammy Sytch Porn Stars Gushing for Her Sex Debut ... She Can Pin Me Anytime!

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Former WWE star Tammy Sytch is being welcomed in the porn star sisterhood with open arms -- and other stuff -- because the sex game's biggest names say she comes pre-trained for sex-on-cam.

TMZ Sports broke the story ... Tammy, aka Sunny, is close to inking a six figure deal with Vivid Entertainment, and porn star Joanna Angel says she will fit right in -- "Porn is just like wrestling, it's sex on steroids, exaggerated. Wrestling is kinda like fighting on steroids ... it's the same thing."

For the record ... the WWE vehemently frowns on steroids.

That being said ... if Tammy wants to shoot a wrestling themed porn for her debut -- she'll have her pick of co-stars. Missy Martinez told us she's game to go a few rounds -- and Tanya Tate said, "She’s the first ever WWE Diva. I’d like to get pinned by her! Tag me in."

As for the big swinging male stars -- Nat Turner says what Tammy's really got going for her is ... "Dude's have been obsessed with her for years so she's already got the fan base. The more the merrier."

Like a Royal Rumble .. except that's not sweat on the mat.

WWE Hall of Famer Pinning Down Porn Deal '6-Figure Offer On Table'

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WWE Hall of Famer Tammy Lynn Sytch ... aka "Sunny" ... could be doing an entirely different kind of rear-naked choke in the VERY near future -- 'cause she's thiiiiis close to signing a monster porn contract.

TMZ Sports has learned ... Sunny -- widely considered the very first "WWE Diva" -- has been in talks with Vivid Entertainment, the same company that produced Chyna's "Backdoor to Chyna" video.

Vivid tells us the two sides have spoken several times and a 6-figure offer is on the table for Sunny to become a "genuine porn star" -- not just a 1-time sex tape thing.

"After the tremendous success of Chyna, this makes total sense. Hoping we can work it out," Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch tells us.

We're told the deal is "VERY close" to being done ... and that Sunny is prepared to start shooting right away.

No word on what the first title would be ... but here are some suggestions:
-- "Piledrivin'"
-- "N.W.O-face"
-- "Monday Night Raw Dog"
-- "HummerSlam"
-- "D-Generation Triple-X"
-- "The People's Anal"

Ok, your turn ...

Courtney Stodden My Solo Sex Tape Pleasured Tens of Thousands

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Courtney Stodden's sex tape broke records for masturbation ... TMZ has learned.

Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch tells TMZ 10,000 new customers signed up at $39.95 a pop to watch Courtney stick an ice cream cone in her hoo-ha. We're told another 20,000 existing members forked over the cash. That's a skosh under $1.2 million in 24 hours and Hirsch says it's already the most successful self-pleasure video and it's tracking to beat Farrah Abraham's back-door vid.

On top of that, 2 million people jumped on the site to view the 5-minute trailer.

Realistically, that's all it should take.

Courtney Stodden Sex Tape Interruptus Thanks to Hackers

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Courtney Stodden's big sex tape debut was derailed by hackers who were trying to steal the code and pilfer the porn. unveiled Courtney's solo tape Thursday and everything was humming along, until the IT department noticed someone was trying to steal the code to the tape.

Vivid honchos believed the hackers were gunning for some kind of general release, bypassing the porn giant ... so the IT department shut down the entire site for more than an hour while they figured out how to block the hackers.

Vivid says the cyber attack failed. Poor hackers -- where will they ever find porn on the Internet?

Courtney Stodden Sex Tape Dirtiest Ice Cream Sundae ... Hold the Sprinkles, Please

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Courtney Stodden LOVES ice cream -- well, parts of her really love ice cream ... as the world is about to find out when her sex tape hits the open market today ahead of schedule.

TMZ obtained a few screen grabs from "Courtney Uncovered: The Courtney Stodden Sex Tape" -- and let's just say ... if you play with ice cream cones in bed, you're gonna need a bath.

The good folks at Vivid Entertainment say fans have been clamoring for the video since finding out it even exists, so they decided to move up the release by a few days.