Gypsy Rose Blanchard Cena, tatuajes y paseos por New Orleans... Full reconexión con su ex!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está muy ocupada recuperando el tiempo perdido con su ex-prometido Ken Urker y TMZ tiene todos los detalles de su encuentro en Louisiana.

Gypsy Rose se reunió con su antiguo amor en New Orleans esta semana y nos dicen que los ex hicieron mucho más que hacerse tatuajes de perros siberianos en Cut Off.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy le dicen a TMZ que Ken voló el domingo de Texas a Louisiana para visitar y apoyar a su ex en medio de su separación de Ryan Anderson.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Tattoos, Dinner & Sightseeing in NOLA ... Full Reconnect with Ex!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is real busy making up for lost time with her ex-fiancé, Ken Urker ... TMZ got all the deets on their Louisiana rendezvous.

GRB linked up with her former flame in NOLA this week -- and we're told the exes did a whole lot more than just getting matching husky tattoos in Cut Off, LA.

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ ... Ken flew Sunday from Texas to Louisiana to visit and support his ex amid her separation from Ryan Anderson.

Britney Spears Se escapa a la playa... Revela que está pasando por un momento oscuro

Britney Spears compartió unas fotos suyas en la playa, donde aparentemente estaba pasando un buen rato, pero dijo que hay mucho más que contar y es muy oscuro.

Esta es la cuestión, la estrella del pop publicó una serie de fotos en Instagram el miércoles, donde se veía en bikini mientras disfrutaba del mar en algún lugar hermoso y exótico.

Bastante dulce, ¿cierto? Bueno, no exactamente para Brit, quien escribió en su pie de foto que "nada es lo que parece a veces".

Britney Spears Hits The Sunny Beach ... Reveals She's Going Through Dark Period

Britney Spears showed herself seemingly having a good time on the beach during her most recent getaway, but she says there's much more to the story, and it's all very dark.

Here's the deal ... the pop star posted a series of Instagram photos Wednesday, capturing her in a bikini as she frolicked in the ocean somewhere beautiful and exotic.

Pretty sweet, right? Well, not according to Brit who wrote in her caption that "nothing is what it seems sometimes!!!"


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New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce acaba de ofrecer una muy buena excusa por no lucir su trabajado cuerpo mientras que en las Bahamas, explicando que su peso ha subido en este momento porque, bueno, es marzo.

La estrella de los Kansas City Chiefs tocó este tema mientras conversaba con su hermano mayor, Jason, y el nuevo corredor de los Eagles Saquon Barkley en el último episodio de "New Heights".

Saquon le preguntó a los hermanos cuál de los dos podía beber más, y fue cuando se pusieron a bromear, lo que llevó al siguiente tema... sus respectivos pesos.

Travis Kelce Explains Dad Bod ... 'It's March!!!'

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New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce just offered up a pretty good excuse for not showing off his most chiseled physique while out in the Bahamas ... explaining his weight's up right now because, well, it's the heart of his offseason!

The Kansas City Chiefs star touched on his dad bod while having a conversation with his older brother, Jason, and new Eagles running back Saquon Barkley on the latest episode of "New Heights."

Saquon asked the bros of the two, who could drink more ... and after the guys bantered a bit back and forth -- their respective weights entered the chat.

TAYLOR y TRAVIS Amantes en las Bahamas...

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce se pusieron calientes en las Bahamas la semana pasada, besándose en el agua mientras se quitaban sus trajes de baño.

La pareja se metió en el océano el jueves mientras disfrutaban de Harbour Island, y estaban listos para hacer disfrutar sus vacaciones al máximo, porque eso es exactamente lo que hicieron.

Taylor estuvo encima de Travis mientras él la abrazaba en el agua, con un brazo alrededor de su cuerpo, y la otra mano sosteniendo una bebida.

Taylor & Travis Lovers in the Bahamas ... Packing On PDA in the Water!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce got hot and heavy in the Bahamas last week -- making out in the water while they were stripped down to their bathing suits ... and it's a familiar sight.

The couple got into the ocean Thursday while enjoying Harbour Island -- and they were ready to make out and get cozy on their vacation ... 'cause that's exactly what they did, not just among the waves but on the actual beach as well.

Take a look at the hot pics for yourself -- Taylor was all over Travis while he held her as they took a dip ... with one arm wrapped around his body, and the other hand holding a drink.

Celebs With Cherry Blossoms Bloom, Baby, Bloom!

There's a fresh floral scent in the air, so sharing these pretty pics of celebs with cherry blossoms is only fair! Budding light pink, dark pink and white flowers, there's been a bunch of famous blooming beauties bragging on the 'gram!

Just beneath these beautiful blossoms, famous faces like Kim Kardashian buddied up with Chicago in the flower's native land of Japan, TikToker Benji Krol sprung into a cherry-packed selfie, and last bud not least, Christina Milian and hubby Matt Pokora snapped a cherry tree selfie in Paris.

Put the pedal to the metal and check out our gallery of celebs with cherry blossoms ... thank you cherry much!

Taylor & Travis Sleuths Suspect Bahamas Getaway ... Same Island as Joe?!?

Sleuths covering Taylor Swift's every move think she and Travis Kelce are on a getaway together -- and if they're at this specific spot ... she may be a couple's vacay repeater.

Here's the deal ... despite her best efforts, people are still tracking Taylor's private jets -- or trying to anyway -- and one particular group thinks they've got her latest flight pinned down ... specifically, for a trip down to the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

This group of people who track jets suggest she may have been on a flight Sunday from L.A. to North Eleuthera -- and the reason they might be on to something  ... some purported pics of T-Swift and TK surfaced online Monday, and it appears to show them in a tropical setting.

More accurately, the photos published by Deuxmoi appear to show Taylor and Travis walking along a dock -- although the publication doesn't offer any details on where this might be.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Luckily for us, we've done some digging -- and we think we got it figured out ... 'cause the dock they're on looks awfully similar to one that's just a hop and skip away from the main Eleuthera island ... namely, one featured at the Valentines Resort & Marina at Harbour Island.

Take a close look for yourself -- it's hard to say for certain ... but on its face, some of the characteristics seem to line up in appearance. So yeah, it's possible this is where they're at.

If true -- and we're not 100% sure it is at this point, although there are signs it might be -- then this is really interesting ... 'cause Taylor vacationed with her ex, Joe Alwyn, in Eleuthera as well once upon a time. In fact, it looks like she may be doing some of the same stuff.

Remember, in 2022 ... Taylor and Joe also jetted down to the Bahamas -- and they were staying in Eleuthera as well back then ... in none other than an airstream trailer owned by Lenny Kravitz. No word on whether she's shacking up there again with Trav ... hopefully not.

What's interesting about this too ... the fact Joe was just in L.A. the other day, this while Travis and Taylor were in town. Seems to be a lot of flashbacks going on with her ex-BF.


One last thing that pretty much confirms these two are enjoying a little R&R -- this on the heels of his NFL season being over, and Taylor enjoying a break from her international tour.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Taylor and Travis have had a vacation planned for a while -- although we didn't hear exactly where they were going. However, our sources say that after they went on this vacay -- which, for now, sure seems like it's happening right now -- they were due to come back to Los Angeles and continue hanging out/playing house.

Taylor and Travis have been shacking up together at her Bev Hills crib for the past couple weeks -- and while Taylor hasn't been spotted out ... Trav's been hitting the town a lot solo.

The guy's been cruising around with his buddies, and he even went to the Justin Timberlake show last week ahead of the debut of his new album ... where he got an *NSYNC reunion.

Anyhoo ... assuming these two are on the getaway we think they're on -- this would mark their first real trip together where it's completely non-work-related ... another step in their relationship ... and just more evidence that they're truly getting serious.

As for the Joe shadow hovering over the Bahamas ... hey, shake it off. New man, new memories! We've reached out to Taylor and Travis' camp ... so far, no word back.

Greg Vaughan La estrella de las telenovelas está hospitalizado Líquido en los pulmones

Greg Vaughan se está recuperando después de que una aterradora dolencia lo enviara al hospital y, resulta que todo se debe a que se expuso a demasiada, demasiada altura.

La estrella de las telenovelas, mejor conocido por interpretar a Eric Brady en casi 1.000 episodios de "Days of Our Lives" y Lucky Spencer en más de 600 episodios de "General Hospital", publicó un par de fotos donde aparece conectado a una máquina de oxígeno.

Vaughan le aseguró a los fans que estaba mucho mejor, pero que tuvo que correr a urgencias después de ser golpeado gravemente con el mal de alturas.

El actor dice que llevó a sus hijos a Breckenridge, Colorado para esquiar y hacer snowboard, pero comenzó a sentirse cansado, congestionado y sin aliento, en un día que suponía debía ser divertido y relajado.

Greg dice que hizo estallar algunos NyQuil y bebió una tonelada de Pedialyte, pero eso no solucionó el problema y terminó bajando de la montaña para buscar atención médica.

Aunque pensó que el problema no iba a ser nada grave, Vaughan tiene suerte de no haber intentado resistirse a la enfermedad, porque dice que el nivel de oxígeno en su sangre era de un mísero 54% y que el líquido estaba llenando sus pulmones.

Vaughan dice que le conectaron a un par de vías intravenosas y le dijeron que probablemente era mejor que se dirigiera a una altitud más baja.

En última instancia, Greg está utilizando su experiencia para enseñar y decirle a la gente que las montañas no son una broma, así que tengan cuidado la próxima vez  que vayan a hacer esquí.

De "General Hospital" a hospitalizado, ¡nos alegramos de que te encuentres mejor, Greg!

Greg Vaughan Soap Opera Star Hospitalized ... Fluid in Lungs From Altitude Sickness

Greg Vaughan's recovering after a scary illness sent him to the hospital ... and, it turns out it's all because he got too high, too fast.

The soap opera star -- best known for playing Eric Brady on nearly 1,000 episodes of "Days of Our Lives" and Lucky Spencer on over 600 episodes of "General Hospital" -- posted a couple photos from earlier this week of him hooked up to an oxygen machine.

Vaughan assured fans he was doing just fine before but had to rush to an urgent care after getting hit with a really bad case of altitude sickness.

GV says he took his kids to Breckenridge, Colorado for a skiing and snowboarding trip, but started feeling tired, congested, and short of breath just a day into what was supposed to be a fun, relaxing vacay.

Greg says he popped some NyQuil and drank a ton of Pedialyte ... but that didn't fix the problem, and he ended up heading down the mountain to seek some medical attention.

While he thought the issue wasn't going to be anything too serious ... Vaughan's lucky he didn't try and tough through this illness -- 'cause he says the oxygen level in his blood was at a paltry 54% and fluid was filling his lungs.

Vaughan says they hooked him up to a couple IVs and told him it was probably best he head for some lower altitude.

Greg's ultimately using his experience as a teaching moment ... telling people the Rockies are no joke -- so be careful on your next ski trip.

From "General Hospital" to generally hospitalized ... glad you're feeling better, Greg!

Stars Go Big In Dubai ... Just Dune It!

From the skyline to shoreline, Dubai is a vacay hot spot for the stars. Enjoy riding through these sandy shots and views for days with a bougie trip to Dubai! The sky's the limit when you're rich and famous ...

A happy Will Smith snapped a selfie at the top of the iconic Burj Khalifa, Ayesha and Steph Curry brought camel-chicness to the 'gram during a magical camel ride through the desert, and leave it to Liam Hemsworth to ignore the "no flex zone" in the dunes!

Soak up the souks and skyscrapers with our opulent gallery of celebs vacaying in the United Arab Emirates!

'Black-ish' Star Jenifer Lewis Suffered Massive Fall in Africa ... Thought She Would Die

Jenifer Lewis fell from a balcony while vacationing in Africa a couple years back -- and she says the horrific experience nearly took her life ... part of which was caught on video.

The "Black-ish" star recounted this awful story to Robin Roberts on 'GMA' Tuesday ... and yes, it's terrible as it sounds -- as JL says she practically died from this accident -- which happened while she was in Serengeti ... this after traveling to Cape Town and Rwanda.

This all happened in late 2022, after Jen had wrapped production on Season 8 of her hit show ... and she was doing a little traveling with friends. She says things were looking up.

Anyway, when she got to Serengeti ... Jenifer says she checked into a hotel -- one she didn't get a tour for, she notes -- and that's when this nightmare unfolded. As she was in her room at night, Jen says she saw an infinity pool right outside on her own deck.

She thought she could just access it directly from the balcony -- but because it was so dark ... she didn't see that there was a massive gap, through which she fell a whopping 10 feet.

Jenifer says there was no warning sign that someone could fall there -- and goes on to describe the excruciating pain she felt ... once the initial shock wore off, of course.

She says ... "My right hip took the impact. My shoulder went up against the stone. A lightning bolt went through my mind's eye. In pitch black, I didn't know I was falling. nothing would move."

Jenifer continues ... "So I laid there and said, 'Move your body, baby. Come on Jenny, move your body.'" Eventually, people came to her aid -- but she was still in danger ... because there were wild animals roaming about, including a Cape buffalo that got very close.

Jenifer says she's spent the better part of the past year recovering from her injury -- and now, she's ready to talk about it. The full 'GMA' interview is now streaming on Hulu.

CELEBRIDADES DISFRUTANDO DEL SOL ¡Hollywood se ilumina para el horario de verano!

Es posible que te hayas levantado un poco aturdido y confundido esta mañana -el cambio de hora y todo- pero no te preocupes, porque estas fotos soleadas de celebridades te pondrán en marcha e iluminarán tu domingo.

Famosos de ojos brillantes como Brody Jenner y Tia Blanco comenzaron su día bajo la luz natural, Jennifer López disfrutó de días más largos de luz con una selfie iluminada por el sol para demostrarlo, y Kylie Jenner estaba radiante y se mantuvo fiel a sus raíces: "Rise N' Shine!"

Tu lunes empieza mañana una hora antes, pero no es nada que te quite el sueño... ¡Despierta tus sentidos con estas estrellas soleadas!

Sunny Celebrities ... Hollywood Gets Lit For Daylight Savings!

You may have woken up a tad dazed and confused this morning -- time change and all -- but don't fret, because these sunny snaps of celebs will get you goin' and light up your Sunday!

Bright-eyed celebs like Brody Jenner and Tia Blanco started their day off right under the natural light, Jennifer Lopez enjoyed longer days of light with a sun-lit selfie to prove it, and Kylie Jenner was glowing and stayed true to her roots: "Rise N' Shine!"

Your Monday is starting an hour earlier tomorrow, but it's nothing to lose sleep over ... Awaken your senses with these sunny stars!