Disfrutando la nieve Celebridades de vacaciones en Aspen

Es temporada de vacaciones todo el año cuando eres un pez gordo de Hollywood, y este mes el panorama de invierno definitivamente viene con una etiqueta de precio: ASPEN, conocido por sus boutiques de lujo, sus restaurantes de lujo y la exclusiva gente que va a sus pistas. Piérdete en estas fotos de deshielo.

La multimillonaria Kim Kardashian y su hermana Kendall Jenner saben lo que es bueno: ambas estuvieron besando a su muñeco de nieve, mientras el propietario de Aspen, Mauricio Umansky, se deslizaba por las pistas sin camiseta junto a Lele Pons y Anitta, esquiando y bebiendo burbujas en toalla. ¡Arriba los meñiques!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de famosos que viven la buena vida y se divierten en la nieve de Aspen.

Celebs Vacaying In Aspen ... Say It Ain't Snow!

It's vacay season year-round when you're a Hollywood big-shot, and this year's Winter hotspot definitely comes with a price tag: ASPEN ... known for its bougie boutiques, fancy schmancy restaurants and posh people hittin' the slopes HARD! Come get lost in these thaw-dropping shots!

Billionaire Kim Kardashian and sis Kendall Jenner know what's up -- blowing kisses to their snowman in the fluffy powpow, while Aspen home-owner, Mauricio Umansky, shredded some gnar shirtless and Lele Pons and Anitta skied and sipped on some bubbly in terry cloth towels ... Pinkies up!

Plow into our gallery of celebs livin' the good life and havin' snow much fun in Aspen!

Bahamas Shark Attack Blood From Bit Child Fills Tank ... Gruesome Video Shows


Chilling new video of the Bahamas shark attack shows the terrifying moments after the boy nearly got his leg chomped off as the water in the tank turned a misty blood red.

TMZ has obtained shocking footage capturing the seconds after the 10-year-old boy -- who was the victim in this case -- frantically swam to the top of the tank as his father, who heroically jumped into the water, helped him over to a ladder. It's as dramatic as can be.

Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... the dad carried the boy up the ladder onto a landing before rushing off with his son to get him medical attention, which can be seen in one of the photos. We're told the boy's mom and Atlantis Resort staff assisted the father in his efforts.

According to one source ... the boy climbed down into the tank with a chaperone on January 15 as part of the shark experience for guests at the Atlantis Bahamas Resort.

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The terrifying footage

Wearing a large white helmet and heavy oxygen tank, the boy stood with the chaperone on the floor of the tank as the sharks whipped past them. Two of the reef sharks were aggressively swimming around the boy -- and one of them darted through his legs.

This caused the boy to lose his footing and straddle the shark, which turned its head around and sank its sharp teeth into one of his legs near the calf area. That caused him to bleed.

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The overcrowded Area

The boy's mom freaked out, screaming, "Did that just bite him?" She then realized, "Oh my gosh, that's my son." The mom, along with the boy's father, sprung into action to assist.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force said the boy -- on vacation from Maryland -- got bit on the right leg and was taken to the hospital ... thankfully, he was in stable condition, and Atlantis shut down their tanks immediately.

Remember, we got a hold of footage and photos that showed what this same shark tank looked like just a couple days prior to this incident -- and while it might've looked a bit crowded in there (with more sharks than humans), we were assured that's standard.

This attraction at the resort has since been shut down ... as they reevaluate their procedures for their guests moving forward.

TMZ Studios

We reached out again to Blue Adventures by Stuart Cove -- the company that manages this excursion at the resort -- for new comment ... so far, no word back.

Bahamas Shark Attack New Vid Of Tanks Before Attack ... Guests Face to Face w/ Sharks!!!

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The overcrowded Area


5:35 PM PT -- We talked to a rep for Blue Adventures by Stuart Cove -- the business that runs the shark experience at the resort ... who tells us the maximum number of participants is five and a group of five would be accompanied by three chaperones.

The encounter depicted in the vids featured three guests with two team members in the water at all times.

The Atlantis Bahamas resort shut down its shark tank after a child was attacked ... and now we have an idea of how the excursion operated days before the tragedy.

A couple clips -- obtained by TMZ -- show guests heading down into one of the resort's tanks last Saturday ... just two days before a 10-year-old was attacked by one of the sharks.

Guests are all donning big white helmets while staff members are floating around in more traditional scuba suits -- and the ratio seems a bit skewed, with a lot more guests than employees floating around.

And, check out how near the guests are getting to the underwater beasts ... talk about up close and personal!


Our sources tell us ... the tank's got about 15-20 sharks with the largest measuring about eight feet. Three chaperones help the guests get into the water and walk around for about 20 minutes -- before sending them back to the water park.

In terms of whether or not that's safe ... we can't say for sure -- we're not experts on the subject ... and this wasn't taken at the time of the attack, so we don't know if this is the same setup the resort had going Monday -- what we do know is it look like a whole bunch of tourists getting real familiar with some massive sharks.

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The terrifying footage

We broke the story ... shocking video showed the aftermath of the brutal attack on a 10-year-old -- with people screaming and what appeared to be employees in blue shirts running for help.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force said the boy -- on vacation from Maryland -- got bit on the right leg and was taken to the hospital ... thankfully, he was in stable condition, and Atlantis shut down their tanks immediately.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to the resort for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 1:48 PM PT

Ataque en Bahamas Nuevos videos muestran a los tiburones antes del ataque

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El resort Atlantis Bahamas cerró su estanque de tiburones después de que un niño fuera atacado, y ahora tenemos una idea de cómo funcionaba la excursión días antes de la tragedia.

Un par de clips obtenidos por TMZ muestran a los huéspedes en dirección a uno de los tanques del complejo el sábado pasado, apenas dos días antes de que un niño de 10 años fuera atacado por uno de los tiburones.

Todos los huéspedes llevaban grandes cascos blancos, mientras que los miembros del personal estaban flotando alrededor en trajes de buceo más tradicionales, y la proporción parece un poco desbalanceada, con muchos más clientes que empleados flotando alrededor.

Echa un vistazo para ver lo cerca que estaban los huéspedes de las bestias submarinas, ¡eso sí que es tener intimidad!

Criaturas mortales

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el tanque tenía alrededor de 15-20 tiburones y que el más grande medía alrededor de ocho pies. Tres acompañantes suelen ayudar a los visitantes a entrar en el agua y caminar durante unos 20 minutos, antes de enviarlos de vuelta al parque acuático.

En términos de si eso es seguro o no, no podemos decir con seguridad. No somos expertos en la materia, y esto tampoco fue tomado en el momento del ataque, así que no sabemos si se trata de la misma configuración del resort en el momento del accidente el lunes. Lo que sí sabemos es que se ve como que un montón de turistas están acercándose, quizás muy de cerca, a algunos tiburones.

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Aterrador registro

TMZ informó primero la noticia, un impactante video mostraba las secuelas de un brutal ataque a un niño de 10 años. La gente estaba gritando y los empleados de camisas azules parecían correr en busca de ayuda.

La Policía de las Bahamas dijo que el niño, que es de Maryland y estaba de vacaciones, fue mordido en la pierna derecha y llevado al hospital. Afortunadamente, estaba estable y Atlantis cerró sus tanques de inmediato.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el centro turístico para que realicen comentarios, pero de momento no nos han contestado.

ataque de un tiburón en las Bahamas el video muestra a un niño gritando

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el terrible video

Un video escalofriante del ataque de un tiburón a un niño en un complejo turístico de las Bahamas muestra al niño de 10 años gritando de dolor mientras su familia entra en pánico para sacarlo del agua.

TMZ obtuvo un video del momento en que un tiburón en uno de los tanques en el complejo Atlantis Bahamas en Paradise Island le dio un mordisco a un niño de 10 años de edad, un accidente extraño que ha sido absolutamente horrible de escuchar, pero que ahora se puede ver.

Otra familia está filmando el tanque de tiburones y tobogán de agua, cuando de repente, oyen gritos desde el lado opuesto con la gente apresuradamente a la superficie de una experiencia bajo el agua con tiburones nodriza y de arrecife.

Los gritos llenan el aire y la gente empieza a pedir ayuda, y el niño es arrastrado hasta el borde del tanque y sacado del agua. Parece que el personal comenzó inmediatamente a atenderlo.

El ataque del tiburón se produjo el lunes, con la Real Fuerza de Policía de Bahamas diciendo que el niño fue mordido en la pierna derecha y llevado a un hospital en condición estable. Se desconoce el alcance de sus heridas, pero a primera vista suena increíblemente doloroso.

La experiencia de nadar con tiburones del complejo —gestionada por una empresa externa— se ha cerrado, al menos temporalmente. Tiene sentido... podemos imaginar que esto podría asustar a la gente y con razón.

Aconsejamos siempre ser precavidos.

Bahamas Shark Attack Child Screams In Chilling Footage ... Get Him Outta the Water!!!

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The terrifying footage

Chilling video of the shark attack on a child at a Bahamas resort shows the 10-year-old boy screaming in pain ... as his family panics to get him out of the water.

TMZ obtained video of the moment a shark in one of the tanks at the Atlantis Bahamas resort on Paradise Island took a bite out of a 10-year-old boy from Maryland ... a freak accident that's been absolutely horrifying to hear about, but which can now be seen.

Watch ... another family is filming the shark tank and water slide, when suddenly -- they hear screams from the opposite side  ... with people hurriedly surfacing from an underwater experience with nurse and reef sharks.

Shrieks fill the air and folks start calling for help ... and the boy is pulled to the edge of the tank and dragged out of the water. It appears staffers immediately started tending to him.

The shark attack went down Monday, with the Royal Bahamas Police Force saying the boy was bitten on the right leg, and taken to a hospital in stable condition. The extent of his injuries is unknown -- but on its face, it looks and sounds incredibly painful.

The resort's swimming with sharks experience, which is operated by an outside company, has since shut down ... at least temporarily. Makes sense -- ya gotta imagine this might spook folks for a bit.

In the meantime ... be safe out there, everyone.

Pierce Brosnan Relajado tras declararse inocente En caso de Yellowstone

Pierce Brosnan no está preocupado por las acusaciones de aguas termales, de hecho, es exactamente lo contrario, aparentemente se siente fabuloso aquí en la soleada California muy lejos de sus problemas legales en Wyoming.

El actor de Bond desde hace mucho tiempo estaba en Malibú el miércoles, consolidando su sentido pionero del estilo con una chaqueta azul marino, bufanda a juego y gafas de sol. Por supuesto, también estaba mostrando una enorme sonrisa mientras recorría la ciudad, ¡sin ningún sentido de culpa en absoluto!

Pierce tenía una bolsa de sobras en la mano después de salir de un almuerzo en el restaurante Lucky y sí, su confianza es palpable, como su increíble sentido de la moda. El actor va muy elegante.

Es interesante verlo caminar sin una aparente preocupación en el mundo, recordemos que acaba de presentar una declaración de inocencia en su caso de Wyoming, donde las autoridades lo acusan de allanamiento de morada en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, alegando que irrumpió en la zona de aguas termales, y todo parece estar respaldado por una foto en la que aparece en un entorno similar.

Todo el mundo pensó que lo admitiría y pagaría cualquier multa que le impusieran, pero Pierce ha indicado que planea presentar algún tipo de batalla. El juez accedió a su solicitud en una conferencia virtual el 20 de febrero en lugar de una comparecencia en persona.

Como informamos anteriormente, las autoridades lo citaron el mes pasado por supuestamente ir fuera de pista cerca de Mammoth Hot Springs el 1 de noviembre, violando varias leyes.

Todo esto le puede costar a Pierce una multa de $5.000 o incluso seis meses en prisión si es declarado culpable. Por su aspecto... no está sudando ni un poco.

PIERCE BROSNAN Taking WY Case in Stride ... Do I Look Like the 'Guilty' Type?!?

Pierce Brosnan is unbothered by hot spring allegations -- in fact, he's the exact opposite ... apparently feeling fabulous here in sunny California ... miles from his legal woes in Wyoming.

The longtime Bond actor was out and about in Malibu Wednesday ... cementing his trailblazing sense of style in a navy blazer, matching scarf, and shades. Of course, he was also flashing a huge smile while hitting the town there ... no sense of guilt at all!

Pierce had a leftover bag in hand after leaving a lunch meeting at Lucky's restaurant ... and yes, his confidence is palpable -- as is his incredible fashion sense. Dude's looking sharp.

It's interesting that he's walking around without an apparent care in the world like this -- remember, he just entered a not guilty plea in his Wyoming case, where officials are accusing him of trespassing at the Yellowstone National Park ... claiming he waded into the hot springs area, which actually seems to be backed by a photo of him in a similar surrounding.

Everyone thought he'd cop to it and pay whatever fine they'd throw at him -- but now, PB has indicated he plans to put up a fight of some sort. BTW, the judge in his case granted his request for a virtual conference on Feb 20 instead of an in-person court appearance.

As we previously reported ... authorities cited 007 last month for allegedly going off-trail near Mammoth Hot Springs on Nov 1 -- violating several closures.

Pierce's alleged license for thrill may cost him a $5,000 fine or even 6 months of hard time ... that is, if he's found guilty. By the looks of him, he's not sweating this one bit.

Anderson .Paak se relaja en México con la cantante Sterre días después de pedir el divorcio

Anderson .Paak no pierde el tiempo... solo unos días después de terminar oficialmente su matrimonio, se le vio México con una nueva pareja caminando en la playa.

El escriba de Silk Sonic fue visto en Puerto Vallarta el domingo con la cantante holandesa Sterre Marith Tapilatu, y claramente son pareja... tomados de la mano durante un romántico paseo al atardecer.

El impresionante paisaje hace que parezca que están en un video musical de uno de sus clásicos de R & B "Leave the Door Open".

No está claro cuándo se conocieron, pero su salida pública como pareja se produjo pocos días después de que el ganador del Grammy presentara la demanda para poner fin a su matrimonio de 13 años con la cantante Jae Lin.

TMZ publicó la historia, en los documentos de divorcio, Anderson está buscando la custodia compartida de los dos hijos que él y Jae Lin tienen juntos y quiere dividir sus bienes por igual.

Anderson no estaá de vacaciones demasiado tiempo, sin embargo - su Apple Music 1 podcast "Paak House Radio" acaba de lanzar su segunda temporada y parece que podría tener algo más que música para discutir...

Anderson .Paak Jets to Mexican Beach With Dutch Singer Amid Divorce Filing

Anderson .Paak's wasting no time getting back in the dating game ... days after officially pulling the plug on his marriage, he's hitting the beach in Mexico with a new songbird.

The Silk Sonic scribe was spotted in Puerto Vallarta Sunday with Dutch singer Sterre Marith Tapilatu, and they're clearly a couple ... holding hands during a romantic walk at sunset.

The breathtaking scenery makes it seem as if they're in a music video for one of his R&B classics -- cue up "Leave the Door Open."

It's unclear when AP and Sterre first got together, but their public coming out as a couple happened just days after the Grammy winner filed to end his 13-year marriage to singer Jae Lin.

TMZ broke the story, in his divorce docs, Anderson is seeking joint custody of the 2 kids he and Jae Lin have together, and wants to divvy up their assets equally.

AP won't be schmoozing on vacay too long, though -- his Apple Music 1 podcast "Paak House Radio" just launched its 2nd season. Seems like he might have more than music to discuss ... if he chooses.


Kendall Jenner isn't exactly leaving the past in '23 ... she rang in the New Year with her ex Bad Bunny, which we knew, but now she's showing off pics of their trip.

Though there's no romantic reconciliation to see here, folks -- the model and rapper are clearly amicable exes were nestled amongst a large group of pals in the snap from a Barbados beach.

The whole group was there taking in the fireworks to celebrate the start of 2024.

Kendall only shared that one shot of her ex ... the rest in her IG gallery are smokin' hot bikini snaps.

The Bad Bunny images fully confirm what we reported last week -- there's a snap of him chatting with Kendall on the beach ... and in a clip shared by Kendall's pal, you can hear him wishing everyone, "Feliz Año Nuevo!" during the NYE extravaganza.


This comes after sources with direct knowledge told us the two remain close -- despite their recent breakup.


K and BB enjoyed a whirlwind romance ... kicking off things on a double date with good friends Justin and Hailey Bieber in Feb last year.

By April, TMZ got snaps of them on a horseback riding date .... before they made things official, cuddling up at Drake's show and doing a Gucci campaign together.


News of their breakup emerged last month -- but given how much time they're spending together, a reunion could be in the cards for the pair this year. Or not.

Kendall Jenner comparte la primera foto con su ex Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner no está dejando el pasado atrás, ya que pasó el Año Nuevo con su ex Bad Bunny —cosa que ya sabíamos— pero ahora está mostrando las fotos del viaje.

Aunque no hay reconciliación romántica, la modelo y el rapero claramente siguen siendo amigos. Estaban muy juntos compartiendo con un grupo de amigos en la instantánea de una playa de Barbados.

Todo el grupo estaba allí mirando los fuegos artificiales para celebrar el inicio de 2024.

Kendall solo compartió esa foto de su ex, el resto en su galería de Insta son fotos en bikini.

Las imágenes de Bad Bunny confirman plenamente lo que informamos la semana pasada, hay una instantánea de él charlando con Kendall en la playa y en un clip compartido por el amigo de Kendall, se le puede escuchar deseandole a todos, "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!" Durante la extravagancia de NYE.

¿juntos otra vez?

Esto viene después de que fuentes directas nos dijeron que los dos siguen siendo cercanos a pesar de su reciente ruptura.

Kendall y Bad Bunny disfrutaron de un romance relámpago. Se les vio en una cita doble con sus buenos amigos Justin y Hailey Bieber en febrero del año pasado.

En abril, TMZ consiguió fotos de ellos en una cita montando a caballo antes de que hicieran las cosas oficiales, abrazándose en el show de Drake y haciendo una campaña de Gucci juntos.

¿momento romántico?

La noticia de su ruptura surgió el mes pasado, pero dado el tiempo que están pasando juntos, una reunión podría estar en las cartas para la pareja este año... soñar no cuesta nada.

Shawn Mendes se lanza a la nieve en trineo sin camiseta en un nuevo post de Thirst Trap

clima frío, cuerpo caliente
Instagram / @shawnmendes

Shawn Mendes parece disfrutar de la naturaleza durante todo el año, evidenciado por el hecho de que está en las colinas nevadas en nada más que su ropa interior... regalándonos algunas buenas imágenes.

La estrella del pop publicó algunos clips de él y sus amigos en un país sin revelar, donde se le puede ver en una cabaña y completamente rodeado de nieve. El clima perfecto para andar en trineo.

El chico estaba sin camiseta en los videos que ha publicado en los que se le ve ansioso por montar su propio Rosebud.

De hecho, Shawn finalmente bajó por la mini pendiente, pero antes, perdió el aliento por un momento en el camino. Una vez dentro, Shawn se puso un atuendo apropiado para el frío. Incluso se lo pasó en grande junto a una hoguera. ¡Acogedor!

En pocas palabras, se trata de una excusa para mostrar su físico cincelado, no es que haya nada malo en ello, por supuesto. La gente está babeando por este material en línea en este momento, por lo que sin duda aprecian el contenido.

No hay señales de alguna una dama a su lado esta vez... es solo él y sus amigos y como Shawn señala; podrán sacarlo de Canadá, pero nunca le quitarán su preciada nieve.

Nacido para ser salvaje, como dicen por ahí.

Shawn Mendes Goes Snow Sledding Shirtless ... Shiver Me Timbers!!!

Instagram / @shawnmendes

Shawn Mendes seems to be a bit of a nature boy year-round -- evidenced by the fact that he's out hitting snowy hills in nothing but his boxers ... making for some great footage.

The pop star posted some clips of him and friends out in an undisclosed winter wonderland, where they're in a cabin of some sort and completely surrounded by blankets of white powder. Perfect for sledding, obviously -- but maybe not so much without clothes on???

Nonsense ... at least that's how Shawn feels about it, anyway. Dude was shirtless (and pant-less) in these clips he posted ... where he's pretty eager to ride his very own Rosebud.

Indeed, SM eventually went down the mini slope ... but before, he got a little winded along the way. Once they were back inside, Shawn put on some cold-weather-appropriate attire -- and it looks like he was even jamming out a bit too next to an open fire. Cozy!

Bottom line here ... this is a straight up thirst trap, and just an excuse for Shawn to show off his chiseled physique -- not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. People are drooling all over this footage online right now ... so they certainly appreciate the content.

No sign of a lovely lady at his side this time ... it's just him and the homies. And like Shawn notes, you can take the boy outta Canada -- but the Great White North's always in him.

Born to be wild, as they say.

Alex Rodriguez Lookin' Ripped On Vacay!!! ... An Ab-Bomb From A-Rod

Alex Rodriguez isn't a pro athlete anymore, but don't tell his abs ... the legendary slugger shared a shredded shirtless photo, posing with his equally jacked girlfriend, and they look incredible!

48-year-old A-Rod and his fitness trainer boo Jaclyn Cordeiro are on vacation in the Dominican Republic ... and the couple shared some snaps from the trip. Alex's daughter Ella is also on the vacay.


Rodriguez last played baseball in 2016 as third baseman for the New York Yankees, before hanging up his glove and leaving the sport as one of the most feared hitters ever.

Despite being an immortal player, A-Rod admittedly let himself go a bit in retirement, so much so his family expressed concern for him in late 2021, saying he "looked unhealthy."

Rodriguez decided to make some changes to his life (more plants, less red meat, intermittent fasting, and walking) ... and he says it made all the difference.

In 2023, Alex revealed, with help and support from Jac, he'd lost 32 pounds!

Rodriguez didn't spend the whole trip posing without a shirt (though could you blame him?) ... he also spent some quality time with his fam, from some fun in the sun to a chess game with his daughter.

A-Rod isn't the first athlete we've seen who actually looks fitter in retirement ... 46-year-old Tom Brady has avoided shirts like the plague since he retired, and he looks amazing! 🔥