Britney Spears Tuvo una experiencia paranormal... Tras la ruptura con Justin

Britney Spears dice que una vez sintió algo de otro mundo mientras conducía por el desierto de Arizona, una espeluznante sensación que en su libro describe como Dios, un poder superior o una experiencia paranormal.

La cantante dice que la sensación se apoderó de ella mientras aceleraba por el desierto en un convertible con una amiga. Cuenta que había decidido escapar a Arizona para recuperarse mentalmente de su aborto y de la ruptura con Justin Timberlake.

En su libro de memorias "The Woman In Me", Britney dice que la ruptura la hizo sentir como si estuviera bajo una maldición y se fue a Arizona con una amiga que había terminado con el mejor amigo de Justin más o menos al mismo tiempo, para alejarse de todo.

Escribe que el cielo estaba lleno de estrellas y que conducían con la capota abajo y el viento soplándoles en el pelo cuando "una sensación espeluznante se apoderó de ella", describiéndola más tarde como "una belleza profunda y de otro mundo".

Dice que se contuvo para no preguntarle a su amiga: "¿Crees en los extraterrestres?".

Britney dice que "se quedó callada y se quedó allí sentada durante un largo tiempo", hasta que su amiga le preguntó: ¿Sientes eso? ¿Qué es eso?"

Aunque la estrella del pop no pudo precisar lo que vivieron aquella noche en el desierto, dice que "lo sintieron porque lo necesitaban. "Estábamos tan abiertas espiritualmente y tan heridas. Nos mostró que había más de lo que podíamos ver".


'UFO' Over Texas Just an Elon Thing ... And People Still Freaked Out!!!


A bunch of Texans could've sworn they saw something extraterrestrial in the sky last night -- but fortunately, it was just an out-of-this-world personality from this planet ... Elon Musk.

Several sightings got reported online Friday evening -- with a purported UFO being spotted flying over multiple different cities all throughout the the Lone Star State. In all the clips -- some of which have been obtained by TMZ -- everyone's seeing the same thing.


Take a look ... all these folks see a bright light up in the heavens, which looks to be cruising along -- only to spit out a giant plume of smoke, which expands into an ever-growing ring.

The reactions in about all the videos are pretty much the same ... THE HECK IS THAT???


In the 1st clip above, people are watching a local football game when they spot the celestial phenomenon -- captured right in Dallas. The second clip was filmed in nearby Greenville, TX ... and a third clip was shot quite a ways away in Georgetown, TX, closer to Austin.

Like we said, all of these folks seem to have thought they witnessed a classic flying saucer -- but as it turns out ... it was just a Starlink satellite launch courtesy of EM's SpaceX company.

The subsidiary announced they'd be launching a new fleet from a station of theirs in Florida -- and noted it'd be in "low-Earth orbit." The giant halo effect is called a "space jellyfish" ... something that happens when a rocket's propulsion emission hits sunlight at a certain angle.

In other words ... it ain't aliens, people. Everyone knows their ships are faster and way more elusive than this. Carry on ... 😅

Ring Cameras Offers $1 Million Prize For Alien Footage ... Captured On Our Tech!

Ring, the company known for its doorbell and home security cameras, wants to see proof of alien life ... and is offering up a hefty cash prize for anyone who can capture footage.

The company launched its "Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials" this week, offering up a $1M grand prize for anyone who has "unaltered proof of Extraterrestrial life" -- specifically documented on one of its Ring cameras.

Ring says the footage can be of an unearthly being walking around your backyard, or even a UFO pullin' up to your driveway ... but all submitted materials will be looked at by an expert for approval.

Skeptics might see this as an easy challenge from Ring -- putting up big bucks for something that may not be legit ... but for those that buy the strange phenomenon, here's your shot.

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In case ya forgot, we spoke with Neil deGrasse Tyson in August about the potential of alien life visiting our planet -- especially as the topic's being taken more seriously in the U.S.

According to Neil, the high-tech world we live in is a reason why he's not so sure UFOs are here ... mostly because the only alleged footage we've seen is grainy as hell! But, Ring's big challenge might put Neil's concerns to rest.


BTW, people who don't have legit proof can still participate for the company's "Out of this World" prize of a $500 Amazon gift card ... as long as you submit a clip of yourself in an Alien costume, or of your best homemade UFO!

Ring Cameras Ofrece $1 millón por imágenes extraterrestres ... ¡Capturadas con nuestra tecnología!

Ring, la compañía conocida por sus cámaras de seguridad para el hogar, quiere ver pruebas de vida extraterrestre y para ello está ofreciendo un premio en efectivo bastante considerable para quien pueda capturar esas imágenes.

La compañía lanzó la campaña "Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials" esta semana, en donde ofrece un premio de 1 millón de dólares para quien tenga una "prueba inalterada de vida extraterrestre", y tiene que estar documentada específicamente en una de sus cámaras.

Ring dice que las imágenes pueden ser de un ser sobrenatural caminando en tu patio trasero, o incluso de un OVNI acercándose hasta la entrada de tu casa, pero todos los materiales serán examinados por un experto para su aprobación.

Los escépticos podrían ver esto como un reto fácil para Ring, esto es, poner mucho dinero en algo que puede que no sea legítimo, pero para aquellos que compran estos extraños fenómenos, esta puede ser su oportunidad.

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¿Extraterrestres en la tierra?

En caso de que lo hayan olvidado, hablamos con Neil deGrasse Tyson en agosto sobre la posibilidad de que los extraterrestres visiten nuestro planeta, sobre todo considerando que el tema se está tomando más en serio en Estados Unidos.

Según Neil, el mundo de alta tecnología en el que vivimos es una de las razones por las que no está tan seguro de que los ovnis estén aquí, ¡sobre todo porque las únicas supuestas imágenes que hemos visto son muy granuladas!

Pero el gran reto de Ring podría acabar con las preocupaciones de Neil.

Mira este especial

¡Por cierto, las personas que no tienen pruebas legítimas todavía pueden participar en la campaña "Fuera de este Mundo", y obtener una tarjeta de regalo de $500 en Amazon! Esto, siempre y cuando envíen un clip disfrazados de Alien o de su mejor OVNI casero.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Think Science Is Wack? Lemme Tell Ya About This Asteroid!!!


An asteroid the size of the Empire State Building has a slight chance of smashing into Earth, but Neil deGrasse Tyson says the fact scientists were able to recover samples of the space rock might be even bigger news.

Neil joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" ... talking us through NASA's remarkable mission to send a probe -- dubbed the OSIRIS-REx -- to collect rocks and dust off the ancient asteroid known as Bennu.

What's amazing is that probe launched from Earth 7 years ago, aiming to hit a moving target ... and now it's expected to land this weekend in Utah!!!

Neil wants to make sure everyone's aware of just how spectacular this is -- he's throwing a little jab at the science deniers out there, too.

BTW, a new report revealed Bennu could hit Earth around 2182, but the odds of it happening are currently about 1 in 3,000 ... so we're probably good. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Of course, marveling at humankind's scientific accomplishments puts new perspective on what a potential alien species might be able to do.

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Remember, governments and scientists around the world are taking UFO reports more seriously these days -- and Neil says there's plenty of reason to believe we're not alone in the universe.

But, check out his rationale for why they're probably not here among us.

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And, in case ya forgot, NdT was singin' the same tune last month when we talked to him. Bottom line ... he hasn't seen enough tangible evidence to change his mind about aliens.

Not yet, anyway.


que gran momento para estar vivo

Un asteroide del tamaño del Empire State Building tiene una pequeña posibilidad de estrellarse contra la Tierra, pero Neil deGrasse Tyson dice que el hecho de que los científicos fueran capaces de recuperar muestras de la roca espacial podría ser una noticia aún mayor.

Neil se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" y nos habló de la notable misión de la NASA de enviar una sonda (OSIRIS-REx) para recoger rocas y polvo del antiguo asteroide conocido como Bennu.

Lo sorprendente es que la sonda se lanzó desde la Tierra hace 7 años con el objetivo de alcanzar un objetivo en movimiento ¡¡¡y ahora se espera que aterrice este fin de semana en Utah!!!

Neil quiere asegurarse de que todo el mundo es consciente de lo espectacular que es esto. Además, aprovecha de lanzar un pequeño golpe a los negacionistas de la ciencia.

Por cierto, un nuevo informe revela que Bennu podría chocar con la Tierra en torno a 2182, pero las probabilidades de que esto ocurra son actualmente de 1 entre 3.000... así que probablemente estemos bien. 🤷🏽‍♂️

revelando al alien

Por supuesto, maravillarse con los logros científicos de la humanidad pone una nueva perspectiva sobre lo que una especie alienígena potencial podría ser capaz de hacer.

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Recordemos que los gobiernos y los científicos de todo el mundo están tomando los informes de ovnis más en serio estos días, y Neil dice que hay un montón de razones para creer que no estamos solos en el universo.

Sin embargo, échale un vistazo a su razonamiento de por qué probablemente no están aquí entre nosotros.

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hay que hacerse cargo de lo que uno dice

En caso de que lo hayas olvidado, nuestro amigo estuvo afirmando las mismas teorías mes pasado cuando hablamos con él.

Lisa Ling Los humanos no se unirán contra los extraterrestres Miren nuestro historial...

Más armonía en la tierra

Lisa Ling no es una creyente extraterrestre, al menos cuando se trata de pensar que el descubrimiento de vida alienígena podría unir a todos los seres humanos.

Nos encontramos con Lisa en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de los supuestos cadáveres de extraterrestres que se mostraron recientemente en una sesión informativa sobre ovnis para el gobierno mexicano.

descubrimientos alienígenas

Lisa definitivamente no cree que los seres humanos se unirían si alguna vez nos enfrentamos a pruebas irrefutables de formas de vida extraterrestre, y de hecho, pareciera que piensa que ocurriría todo lo contrario.

Básicamente, dice que el pobre historial de extinción de animales en nuestro planeta nos muestra que trataremos a los extraterrestres del mismo modo, y nos dividiremos aún más.

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Hechos, no palabras!

Su opinión coincide con lo que Neil deGrasse Tyson nos dijo recientemente. Ambos predicen que el descubrimiento de vida extraterrestre no supondría un gran momento de armonía para todos los terrícolas.

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Aunque parece que cada vez hay más evidencias de que no estamos solos en el universo, Lisa está más enfocada en que los humanos reparemos nuestras relaciones actuales con otras especies terrestres, con las que ya interactuamos a diario.

Lisa Ling Humans Won't Unite Against Aliens ... Just Look at Our Record!!!


Lisa Ling's not an extraterrestrial believer ... at least when it comes to the notion that the discovery of alien life might be the one thing to band all humans together.

We got Lisa at LAX and our photog asked her about the alleged alien corpses that were recently displayed during a UFO briefing for the Mexican government.


Lisa doesn't buy the idea human beings will unite as one if we are ever faced with irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial lifeforms, and actually, it sounds like she thinks the opposite would unfold.

Basically, Lisa says our poor track record with animal extinctions on our planet means we will treat aliens like crap too ... and become even more divided.

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Lisa's view jibes with what Neil deGrasse Tyson recently told us ... they're both predicting the discovery of alien life would not be some big kumbaya moment for all Earthlings.

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While there seems to be mounting evidence we're not alone in the universe, Lisa's more focused on repairing our existing relationships with other terrestrial species we already interact with on the daily.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Aaron Rodgers I Saw A UFO In 2005 ... Like A Scene Out Of 'Independence Day'

Aaron Rodgers has been seeing things before he ever dabbled in psychedelics -- the New York Jets quarterback went in depth about the time he believes he saw a UFO on "Hard Knocks" this week ... saying he felt like he was in a movie!!

The four-time MVP opened up on the 2005 experience on the season finale of the Max series Tuesday night ... when he was staying with his old college teammate, Steve Levy, in New Jersey prior to the NFL Draft and heard an alarm going off outside.

Naturally, the guys left the house to investigate ... and Rodgers couldn't believe his eyes.

"Up in the clouds, we heard this sound and we saw this tremendously large object moving through the sky," Rodgers said. "And it was like a scene out of 'Independence Day,' when the ships are coming into the atmosphere and they're creating this kind of like explosion-type fire in the sky."

"And we just saw this incredibly large object and froze, as anybody would because what the hell was going on? And eventually it went out of sight and nobody said a word."

Shortly after, the signal-caller says he heard the sound of fighter jets zooming above them ... as if aircrafts were chasing whatever they just saw.

"Again, we just stood there in just disbelief for another few minutes," Rodgers added. "Nobody said a word. Then we all looked at each other like, 'Did we just see what we think we just saw? What was that?'"

Rodgers -- who did his research on the subject after a lack of media coverage on the incident -- seemingly believes it was, in fact, a UFO ... because he heard an alarm go off at a nearby nuclear power plant, which tracks all the information he's gathered.

"And if you know anything about UFOs, there are a lot of sightings around nuclear energy, around volcanoes, around power plants," the Super Bowl winner said.

Rodgers admits he doesn't know "whatever the hell it was" ... but "it was definitely unidentified, it was definitely flying and it was definitely a large object."

Neil deGrasse Tyson You Really Think Our Gov Has UFO Secrets? ... Come On, Man!!!

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Neil deGrasse Tyson is happy UFOs are being taken more seriously by our government ... but he highly doubts we've been visited by aliens, and he's got one big reason.

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We got Neil at LAX, and he jumped on the subject of aliens visiting planet Earth, saying it's highly improbable out-of-this-world visitors could escape omnipresent video from cellphones.

Neil says he'd love for our government to be more open about any recorded phenomenon, but he doesn't think a full-on invasion has gone down that officials are keeping a secret.

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Fox News

In case you missed it, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had a laugh during the Republican debate over UFOs... but promised to give Americans the 411 if he gets elected.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

EST Gee Walks Outta Interview ... I'm Talking Music, Not Aliens & Pornstars!!!

EST Gee didn't feel like his upcoming album was getting enough plug time during a chat with Bootleg Kev -- so, talking turned to walking, as he bolted midway through the convo!!!

Kev had been trying to inquire about EST's past stint as a football player, but the Kentucky-born rapper wasn't feeling the topic, as Kev seemed kinda hazy on details of the question.

EST expressed his desire to discuss his album "El Toro 2," and was noticeably bored as he fiddled with his ashtray.

When Kev inquired about EST signing with Yo Gotti, EST decided he was both done and finished and removed himself from the studio. The interview lasted about 20 minutes before the meltdown and Kev claimed EST was 2 hours later for the meeting.

Shortly after, EST hopped on IG to scold Kev for posting the interview while his vacated seat was still warm. He also denied the football questions made him mad, and said it was more about the wacky questions about porn star Brian Pumper and UFOs!!!

Kev tells TMZ Hip Hop he got the vibe EST didn't want to be there from the start, but hopes they can do another interview down the line.

EST might not have gotten any album questions, but in today's social media age, his outburst is great publicity for the project!!! And Kev's channel if we're keeping it a buck.

REP. TIM BURCHETT UFO Testimony Just the Start ... Following Up On Spacecraft, Alleged Murders

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Rep. Tim Burchett says he's determined to get to the bottom of several disturbing UFO allegations ... and that means digging deeper into the bombshell claims that just came out in Congress.

The U.S. Congressman from Tennessee joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," and we asked how he and other lawmakers intend to follow up on former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch's suggestion murders were committed as part of a government conspiracy to hide evidence of extraterrestrials ... including recovered spacecraft and non-human lifeforms piloting them.

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Rep. Burchett says he's hoping to get into a super secret room with Grusch to get specific details on who was allegedly killed as part of a UFO conspiracy ... and to get more info about what kind of alien craft our government might have in its possession.

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Remember ... Wednesday's historic Congressional hearings on UFOs included some bombshell testimony from Grusch, and Burchett explains the meaning behind a term that kept coming up -- "SCIF," short for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility -- and why it's so important here.


Rep. Burchett is among the lawmakers most determined to share information on UFOs, and possibly alien life -- and he says some of his colleagues have actually seen UFOs, but were scared to come forward.

It's an important conversation ... and while Burchett says Congress will follow up with Grusch,  he says he's run into plenty of roadblocks when it comes to getting full disclosure from the government.

UFO Congressional Hearing People Murdered in Cover-Up Plot?!? U.S. Military Whistleblowers Testify

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The federal government goes to great lengths to keep alien spacecraft secret from the public, even killing its own citizens ... at least that's what a whistleblower is strongly suggesting.

The bombshell claim was levied during Wednesday's historic Congressional hearing on UFOs ... with former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch hinting murder has been a key part of a government conspiracy to hide evidence of extraterrestrials.

Ya gotta see the exchange on Capitol Hill ... Rep. Tim Burchett straight-up asks Grusch if he has any personal accounts of people being murdered over something they've seen in our skies.

The whistleblower's answer is revealing ... "I have to be careful answering that question. I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities."

UFO 4/27/20

Grusch is one of 3 whistleblowers from our military testifying under oath about UFOs and secret government programs allegedly involving extraterrestrial technology. He claims almost 95 percent of UFO sightings go unreported, mainly out of fear of being blackballed, or worse.

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The 2 other men being sworn in are Navy fighter pilot commander David Fravor, a witness of the infamous "Tic Tac" UFO sighting, plus former pilot Ryan Graves.

Grusch also testified the U.S. has known about extraterrestrials since at least the 1930s, with the feds covering up a longstanding government program that retrieves and reverse engineers UFOs ... or as he put it, "non-human" spacecraft and pilots.


Meanwhile, the Pentagon has denied the claims.

UFO Expert Jeremy Corbell Marines Know More About Mysterious Sighting ... Won't Release Data


Jeremy Corbell believes the U.S. military is covering up evidence of an eerie UFO sighting over a Marine base in the California desert.

The UFO expert and filmmaker joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live," to dig deeper into the bombshell footage he released this week showing a huge triangular-formation of lights hovering over the Camp Davis in Twentynine Palms, CA.

Weaponized with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

Jeremy says the Marines he's talked to all told him they could see the shape of an aircraft in the night sky ... and he says the fact the sighting happened over a Marine base means the government is sitting on tons of data that might reveal what was up there.

While skeptics were quick to dismiss the footage as flares, Jeremy says that's just not the case -- he says the Marines fired flares at the UFO to illuminate the craft, but when the flares got close, the UFO vanished into thin air.

Jeremy says there were at least 50 witnesses, mostly Marines ... but he's hoping other folks who were out in that part of the California desert that April night in 2021 will come forward with their own footage.

After all, Jeremy and George Knapp are seasoned UFO investigators ... and they're not going to let the government stop them from getting to the truth.

UFO Mass Sighting Over CA Military Base!!!

Weaponized with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

There's something strange happening in our sky ... new footage shows a mass UFO sighting in the California desert, and it's eerily reminiscent of a famous UFO event.

Experts Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp revealed the startling footage Tuesday morning on their podcast, "Weaponized," saying the video and photos were shot back in April 2021 over Twentynine Palms, CA.

Jeremy says the UFO was hovering over the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Camp Wilson ... and he says the event lasted for 10 minutes, with more than 50 eyewitnesses, including dozens of Marines being trained at the sprawling base.

Ya gotta see the footage ... the triangular formation of lights looks like California's version of the famous "Phoenix Lights" sighting from March 1997 in Arizona.

Jeremy says the UFO appeared at 8:20 PM and after hovering over the base for 9 minutes, the Marines launched a significant air and ground response.

He says the Marines fired flares at the UFO, and the mysterious craft disappeared just before the flares got close enough to expose the UFO.

Based on the footage, Jeremy estimates the UFO -- which was silent -- could be as big as a 3-bedroom, 2-story house.

Jeremy and George are calling the sighting a "dream UFO case" .. and it sounds like they're gonna be dropping a bunch of other evidence as the pod continues, too.

Taylor Swift Concert Lights Mistaken for UFOs ... In Florida, Anyway!!!

Taylor Swift's Eras Tour is so big she might have aliens in on the act -- that's what some folks in the Tampa area were thinking, as lights from her show led to UFO sightings!!!

TayTay performed at Tampa's Raymond James Stadium for 3 days at the end of last week, but lots of Floridians got a show even outside the stadium ... where they whipped out phones to document strange activity in the sky.

Tik Tok/@yourtampabayrealtor

It's funny now, but you can hear the panic in the voice of one concerned resident, who posted a video to TikTok, showing a wide band of lights shifting across a cloudy sky. Ya gotta see it ... she repeatedly screams, "Bro, what the f***???"

Now, all the sky gazers seem aware T-Swift was playing nearby that night ... but they're completely convinced the lights in question are not from her concert, and instead something otherworldly.

At one point, a woman in the vid exclaims "that is NOT Taylor Swift!"

Of course, the lighting effect they were staring at was 100% from her show, but with all the recent UFO buzz -- from politicians and military leaders -- hard to blame these folks!

Maybe 😂😂😂