T.J. House Openly Gay Ex-MLB Pitcher I'm Married Now!!!

Retirement is opening new chapters for former Toronto Blue Jays pitcher T.J. House -- one of only a handful of openly gay ex-MLB players -- as he just got married to his longtime partner!!

The 34-year-old lefty tied the knot with Ryan Neitzel on Friday in New Orleans ... during a lavish outdoor wedding that came with all the bells and whistles.

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The nuptials -- and the ensuing party -- featured a cigar roller, a tarot card reader and even a parade through the streets with a jazz band! There were also glow sticks ... and, yes, a ton of dancing.

"Jersey Shore" Grandes anuncios de compromiso... El de Sammi es real, el de Vinny no

Los anuncios de compromiso de las estrellas de "Jersey Shore" Sammi Giancola y Vinny Guadagnino no fueron parte de las bromas del April Fool... Bueno, no del todo.

El compromiso de Sammi Sweetheart con su novio Justin May, de hecho, sucedió. La personalidad de MTV le aseguró a sus seguidores que su relación no era una broma del Día de los Inocentes, sino que Justin le hizo la pregunta el 16 de marzo, pero tomaron la arriesgada decisión de compartir la noticia y las primeras fotos del anillo, el 1 de abril.

Sus compañeros de reparto compartieron unas sinceras reacciones en el post. Jenni "JWoww" Farley, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Angelina Pivarnick y Pauly "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio dejaron sus felicitaciones en la sección de comentarios.

'Jersey Shore' Big Engagement News ... Sammi's Real Deal, Vinny's a 'Fool'

"Jersey Shore" stars Sammi Giancola and Vinny Guadagnino's dueling engagement announcements on April 1 were not a part of a prank war ... well, not entirely.

Sammi Sweetheart's engagement to boyfriend Justin May did, in fact, happen ... as the MTV personality assured her followers her relationship update was not an April Fools' Day joke. She says Justin popped the question on March 16, but they made the risky decision to share the news -- and first photos of the diamond ring -- on April 1.

Her costars offered up some sincere reactions ... as Jenni "JWoww" Farley, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Angelina Pivarnick and Pauly "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio all shared their congratulations in the comments section.

Siamesa Abby Hensel Mi marido es un veterano condecorado

El matrimonio de la siamesa Abby Hensel con Josh Bowling está lleno de medallas del servicio militar, porque el tipo es un veterano condecorado, según ha averiguado TMZ.

El portavoz del Ejército de Estados Unidos, Heather J. Hagan le dice a TMZ que Bowling fue un especialista de salud del Ejército entre febrero de 2010 y febrero de 2014. Durante este tiempo, Josh estuvo tres veces en el extranjero, en Irak, Kuwait y Afganistán.

El chico también acumuló una tonelada de medallas durante su tiempo de servicio, incluyendo las Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, National Defense Service Medal, y al menos otras 6 más.

Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Hubby Is a Decorated Veteran

Conjoined twin Abby Hensel's marriage to Josh Bowling is one that's filled with military service medals -- 'cause the guy is a decorated vet ... TMZ has learned.

U.S. Army spokeswoman Heather J. Hagan tells TMZ ... Bowling was a healthcare specialist in the Army from February 2010 to February 2014. During this time, Josh was deployed 3 times overseas ... stationed in Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.

The guy racked up a ton of medals during his time in service too -- including the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, National Defense Service Medal and at least 6 others.


Gerry Turner and his wife Theresa Nist are currently living in separate states -- but despite the distance, the sun isn't setting on their relationship ... in fact, it's quite the opposite.

Sources close to the 'Golden Bachelor' stars tell TMZ the couple -- who married in a 'Golden Wedding' special on Jan. 4 -- are doing the long-distance thing, with Gerry chilling at his Northern Indiana lake house while Theresa's over in New Jersey.

We're told there are a few reasons why they haven't taken the leap to live together just yet ... and a lot of it has to do with the fact that moving is a complete and total hassle.

Conjoined Twins Abby & Brittany Fire Back at Haters Over Wedding ... Nothing New Here, Folks!!!

Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel don't understand why everyone's flipping their lid over news that one of them got hitched -- calling out all the gawkers on social media.

Abby and Brittany have posted a few videos on TikTok that seem to be in direct response to the big news that dropped yesterday -- albeit, quite late -- that Abby had gotten married to Army vet Josh Bowling ... something that happened way back in 2021, but just came to light.

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As we reported ...  the 'Today' show publicly aired out the fact that Abby and Josh had tied the knot -- and it sent the internet into a tizzy, with a lot of people asking a lot of questions.

Siamesas Abby y Brittany Hensel Disparan contra los que critican su boda...

Las siamesas Abby y Brittany Hensel no entienden por qué todos están tan sorprendidos con la noticia de que una de ellas se ha casado y están llamando la atención a todos los mirones en las redes sociales.

Abby y Brittany publicaron algunos videos en TikTok que parecen ser en respuesta a la gran noticia de ayer, de que Abby se casó con el veterano del Ejército Josh Bowling, algo que sucedió en 2021, pero que acaba de salir a la luz.

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El primer baile

Como informamos, el programa "Today" informó públicamente del matrimonio entre Abby y Josh y enloqueció a todos en las redes, con un montón de gente haciendo preguntas.

Montell Jordan Young MC Wedding Just the Start ... Wifey & I Want Everybody Married!!!


Montell Jordan just helped his homie Young MC tie the knot ... and now Montell and his wife are making it their mission to see even more couples hitched under their watch!!!

MJ tells TMZ Hip Hop ... he and the "Bust a Move" rapper's friendship dates back 30 years, and even though Young MC is now 56, he says it's never too late to say "I Do."

'Til Death "How We Do" Us Part
Instagram / @therealkyleeustice

We broke the story ... MJ hit Arizona last weekend to officiate Young MC's wedding to his fiancée Chantal -- an event attended by several other '90s artists such as Tone Loc and Rob Base.

Starting in April, Montell and his wife Kristin will begin throwing "This Is How We Date Night" parties in Atlanta, where they're inviting couples and singles to get mixy and mingle in hopes they can network, and find a lasting relationship.

Montell and Kristin are approaching their 30-year anniversary, and they believe everyone can achieve marital bliss ... with the right amount of counseling that is!!!

Their event name is a clear play on MJ's "This Is How We Do It" jam, a staple at parties since being released in 1995. Side note here, but we're shocked the track hasn't been certified Diamond yet ... like so many other recognizable records.

Montell tells us record label politics go over his head these days. but his song's still getting plenty of product placements -- which means he and Slick Rick have been eating good!!!

Famosa siamesa Abby Hensel Se casa con su novio... ¿Y su hermana?

Las siamesas Abby y Brittany Hensel, quienes saltaron a la fama en el programa "Oprah" y un reality show de TLC, han logrado un hito importante: le dieron la bienvenida en secreto a un cónyuge en su poco convencional hogar.

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El primer baile

Los registros públicos muestran que Abby se casó con el veterano del ejército Josh Bowling en Minnesota en 2021, según TODAY.

Como Abby y Brittany son siamesas, una rara ocurrencia en la que comparten todos los órganos por debajo de la cintura, las nupcias han suscitado muchas preguntas sobre el arreglo de la pareja con Brittany de por medio.

Famous Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Marries Boyfriend ... What About Her Sis???

Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel -- who skyrocketed to fame on 'Oprah' and a TLC reality series -- have achieved a major milestone ... secretly welcoming a spouse into their unconventional home.

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Public records show Abby married army veteran Josh Bowling in Minnesota back in 2021 ... according to TODAY.

As Abby and Brittany are dicephalus conjoined twins -- a rare occurrence, where they share all organs below the waist -- the nuptials have sparked many questions about the couple's arrangement with Brittany at home.


Leonardo DiCaprio y su novia -Vittoria Ceretti- no están comprometidos a pesar de las grandes especulaciones después de que ella luciera un anillo en ESE dedo, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Leo no le ha hecho la pregunta a la modelo italiana, a pesar de que muchos asumieron que era el caso después de que ella luciera un anillo en su dedo anular mientras almorzaban en un restaurante de Los Ángeles el martes.

Mientras que la joya podría haber parecido bastante reciente para algunos, nuestras fuentes dicen que Vittoria en realidad ha estado usando el anillo desde al menos 2022, mucho antes de comenzar a salir con Leo.


Leonardo DiCaprio and his girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, are not engaged despite major speculation after she was rocking a ring on THAT finger ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us LDC has not popped the question to the Italian model -- even though many assumed that to be the case after she flaunted a sparkler on her ring finger while out to lunch with her man at a restaurant in Los Angeles on Tuesday.

While the bling might've looked fairly recent to some -- our sources say Vittoria has actually been wearing the ring since at least 2022, well before she started dating Leo.


Sydney Sweeney es la nueva it girl favorita de todo el mundo en Hollywood, pero para cualquiera que lo haya olvidado, ella está comprometida, algo que dejó claro esta semana.

La actriz estuvo en la ciudad de Nueva York el jueves, caminando de la mano con Jonathan Davino, con quien ha estado comprometida desde hace unos 2 años, aunque se conocen desde el 2018.

Como se puede ver, son una pareja adorable. Él también parecía muy feliz, ¿y quién no lo estaría con alguien como Sydney a su lado?

La popularidad de Sydney ha explotado el último año, y sigue llamando la atención en casi todos los eventos a los que va. Por supuesto, ella es absolutamente hermosa y es probablemente una de las mayores actrices rubias que hemos visto en mucho tiempo.

Mientras que todo el mundo parece estar sediento por ella últimamente, Davino a menudo aparece escondido en el fondo y, sin embargo, parece muy confiado en la relación.

Recordemos que el año pasado se especuló mucho sobre la posibilidad de que hubiera algo entre ella y su coprotagonista Glen Powell, pero capearon el temporal y siguieron adelante. Incluso la acompañó a los Oscar hace unas semanas.

Otro hecho curioso es que tienen un negocio juntos, ella y Jon co-producen proyectos bajo su compañía, Fifty-Fifty Films, por lo que, obviamente, están muy unidos.

No está claro cómo se conocieron exactamente, pero Jon ha estado presente en casi todo el meteórico ascenso de Sydney en Hollywood, y a pesar de su creciente fama, el tipo no parece estar acomplejado al respecto.

Lo que también es interesante es que ella y Jon mantienen las cosas en privado. No se sabe mucho acerca de él o de su dinámica. En cualquier caso, ella está enamorada.

Muchos chicos pueden o no ser conscientes del hecho de que ella está fuera de las pistas, pero si no lo sabías, te damos un recordatorio de que está felizmente comprometida.

Mientras tanto, Sydney sigue rodando películas a diestra y siniestra, y la última de ellas es una de terror que llegará a los cines esta semana.

SYDNEY SWEENEY PARADES Fiancé AROUND IN NYC ... Lil' Reminder, Engaged!!!

Sydney Sweeney's everyone's new favorite it girl in Hollywood --  but for anyone who's forgotten, she's engaged ... something she made loud and clear this week with her fiancé.

The actress was out and about in NYC Thursday, walking hand-in-hand with Jonathan Davino -- to whom she's been engaged for about 2 years now, and dated even longer going all the way back to 2018.

As you can see, they're 2 peas in a pod ... and SS flashed a big smile with her man. He was looking pretty happy too -- and who wouldn't be with someone like Sydney at your side?

Sydney's blown up over the past year as an A-list star, and she continues to turn heads at just about every event she shows up to -- for good reason, too, as she's absolutely gorgeous and is probably one of the biggest blonde bombshell actresses we've seen in a long time.

While everyone seems to be thirsting over her lately, Davino is often tucked away in the background -- and yet, he's clearly confident in the relationship ... as is Sydney, it seems.

Remember, there was a lot of speculation last year that something might've been going on between her and her costar Glen Powell ... but she and Jon weathered the storm, and they're going strong. He even accompanied her to the Oscars a couple weeks ago.

Another fun fact ... they're in business together -- she and Jon co-produce projects under her production company, Fifty-Fifty Films ... so, they're obviously very tight and in lockstep.

Unclear how exactly they first hooked up ... but Jon's been in the picture pretty much all throughout Sydney's meteoric rise in Hollywood. Despite her growing fame, the dude doesn't appear to be bothered one bit ... and ditto for Sydney.

What's also interesting is that she and Jon are incredibly private ... not much is really known about him or their dynamic. In any case, she's smitten with the guy.

Lots of dudes out there may or may not be aware of the fact she's off the market -- but if you didn't know ... here's a reminder -- there's no chance of shooting your shot with her, 'cause she's happily taken!

In the meanwhile, Sydney keeps on rolling with gigs -- she's pumping out movies left and right these days ... and her latest includes a horror movie that's hitting theaters this week.

Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker I Hope Travis And Taylor Get Hitched ... Start A Family!!!

Travis Kelce's teammate is hoping his relationship with Taylor Swift results in love, marriage and a baby in a carriage ... 'cause Harrison Butker can't get enough of the tight end's girlfriend!!

The Chiefs kicker revealed his wishes for the two lovebirds in an interview with EWTN's "In Depth" recently ... when he was asked his thoughts on the pop superstar's presence at Kansas City games this season.

Butker admitted he was initially nervous to meet Swift at first (despite not really identifying as a Swiftie) ... but praised how down-to-earth the "Karma" crooner is in person.

He pointed out the feeling was mutual ... as Swift was mind-blown over the fact he's able to kick balls so far and accurately.

Butker pointed out he hung out with Swift for a bit at a New Year's Eve party ... and it was "a great experience" and he couldn't say enough good things about her.

As for Traylor's future, Butker is wishing nothing but long-term success for the power couple ...  saying "I hope they get married and start a family."

The comments are pretty interesting -- Butker has no issue putting that kinda pressure on Kelce, so maybe the guys have talked about the tight end's true feelings toward Swift and what his intentions are in the relationship.

Perhaps an engagement really is coming someday!!

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