Tameka Foster Happy For Usher's Marriage/SB Show... ... Can't Say Same For Jermaine Dupri's Style 😅

Style Over Fashion

Usher is a newly married man once again ... an event his ex-wife couldn't be happier about for him -- 'cause she's got motion of her own ... moving and grooving over the news!!!

TMZ Hip Hop spoke to Tameka Foster on Tuesday, ahead of the launch of her new reality series, "Bold and Bougie" ... but she tells us she had a blast at the Super Bowl last Sunday, just like her ex-hubby did during his halftime show.

Tameka's been one of Atlanta's most sought-after stylists for YEARS, so first things first -- we had to get her thoughts on the viral backlash regarding Jermaine Dupri's schoolboy-style uniform ... and him trying to use its Louis Vuitton labels as somewhat of a defense.

Hundreds of comments rejected JD's rebuttal and you can add Tameka to that list too. She tells us relying heavily on designer brands won't always breed the best style results ... sorry, JD ... these are just her confessions.

Bottom line ... she's not very approving, just like the rest of the Internet didn't.

As for Usher, social media users couldn't help but bring her name up when we broke the deets on his marriage to Jennifer Goicoechea on Sunday ... Tameka's blowing them off.

They've been divorced for eons now -- since 2009, actually  -- but do have two children together ... and Tameka tells us he's a great dad. As a matter of fact ... one of their sons just may follow in his singing shadow sooner than later, 'cause he's a helluva crooner himself.

In any case, Tameka's not entertaining negativity on her side -- and neither are her gal pals Malaysia Pargo, Gocha Hawkins, Princess Banton-Lofters and Crystal Smith in their new TV venture.

Ya can't be a boss and be bothered by online BS ... and Tameka certainly isn't as it pertains to Usher's new marriage.

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The past is the past ... and Tameka's focused on her future!

Usher se casó con Jennifer Goicoechea El domingo del Super Bowl


3:33 PM PT -- Usher no fue a la capilla Little White Wedding en Las Vegas para casarse como tantas celebridades antes que él lo han hecho, pero lo hizo en otro lugar, y su madre estuvo ahí para ver que todo salga bien.

TMZ ha obtenido el certificado de matrimonio completo, y muestra al Sr. Raymond casado con Jenn en Vegas, que es, literalmente, justo al final de la calle y un poco menos conocido.

Se confirma que se casó el domingo, y su madre -Jonnetta Patton- fue su testigo. La ceremonia fue oficiada por el reverendo Ronald Joseph Pokrywka. Otro dato interesante... Usher parece estar reclamando Usher como su hogar permanente por ahora, mientras que Jenn sigue reclamando Atlanta. El certificado enumera a Usher como... Usher Raymond IV de Las Vegas Nevada.

Melody Willis-Williams, presidenta de Vegas Weddings, le dice a TMZ: "¡Felicidades a los recién casados! ¡Qué gran partido y la actuación de Usher fue fenomenal! Estábamos más que encantados de acoger en este día épico a Usher y a su nueva esposa. ¡Siempre seremos fans de Usher!"

Usher y su novia desde hace mucho tiempo -Jennifer Goicoechea- se casaron este fin de semana y lo hicieron el mismo día que actuó para el espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl.

El cantante dijo "Sí, quiero" el domingo, de acuerdo con el certificado de matrimonio de Usher, obtenido por TMZ. La fecha de la boda aparece como 11 de febrero 2024 y por ahora no hay más detalles disponibles.

No hay detalles de la hora en la que se casaron, presumiblemente fue después del espectáculo.

Recordemos que Usher había obtenido una licencia de matrimonio con Jenn el 8 de febrero -solo unos días antes del Super Bowl- y mientras que técnicamente tenía un año para hacerlo desde entonces, ahora está claro que sus corazones estaban en la misma sintonía.

después del super bowl

Usher y Jenn han sido pareja desde el 2019 y le han dado la bienvenida a dos niños juntos.

Los recién casados estaban recibiendo un montón de elogios y felicitaciones en el Super Bowl después de la fiesta y como resultado, terminaron como marido y mujer.

Al principio, era difícil ver si estaban luciendo sus anillos de boda, pero finalmente se pudieron ver brillando en sus dedos anulares durante la noche.

Este es el tercer matrimonio de Usher, él ha estado casado dos veces antes, con Tameka Foster y Grace Harry, respectivamente y comparte hijos con la primera.

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Nada más que decir aquí que, ¡felicidades!

Usher Got Hitched on SB Sunday ... Mom Was His Witness!!!


3:33 PM PT -- Usher didn't go to the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas to get hitched -- as so many celebs before him have done -- but he did another quick-wedding spot nearby ... and his mother on hand to watch it all go down.

TMZ has obtained the full marriage certificate ... and it shows Mr. Raymond married Jenn at Vegas Weddings, which is literally right down the street, and only slightly lesser known.

It confirms he got hitched Sunday ... and his mom, Jonnetta Patton, served as his witness. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. Ronald Joseph Pokrywka. One other interesting tidbit -- Usher seems to be claiming Sin City as his permanent home for right now ... whereas Jenn is still claiming Atlanta. The cert lists Usher as ... Usher Raymond IV of Las Vegas, NV.

Melody Willis-Williams, president of Vegas Weddings, tells TMZ … "Congratulations to the Newlyweds! What a great game and Usher’s performance was phenomenal! We were beyond thrilled to host in this epic day for Usher and his new wife. As much as we love, love, this is the couple’s news to share any further details on. We’ll always be fans of Usher! Yeah!"

Usher and his longtime girlfriend, Jennifer Goicoechea, did in fact get married this weekend -- and did so on the same day he performed for the Super Bowl halftime show.

The singer said "I do" Sunday in Sin City ... according to Usher's marriage records, obtained by TMZ. The wedding date is listed as Feb. 11, 2024 -- and for now, no other details were immediately available.

No word on when exactly Sunday they got hitched ... presumably, it was after the show.

Remember, Usher had actually obtained a marriage license with Jenn on Feb. 8 -- just a few days before the Super Bowl -- and while they technically had a year to get it done from then ... it's now clear their hearts were set on walking down the aisle sooner than later.

Post Super Bowl Stroll

Usher and Jenn have been an item since 2019 ... and they've welcomed 2 kids together.

The newlyweds were getting a lot of praise and congratulations at his Super Bowl after-party -- and as it turns out, they hit up the shindig as a newly-minted bride and groom.

At first, it was hard to see whether they were rocking their wedding bands then and there, but he eventually flashed some fresh hardware on his left ring finger later on in the evening while posing next to his bride, and there it was front and center -- all gold, too.


This marks Usher's third marriage ... he's been hitched twice before, to Tameka Foster and Grace Harry, respectively ... and he shares children with the former.

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Nothing left to say here other than ... congratulations!!!

Originally Published -- 2:38 PM PT

Usher Obtains Marriage License in Vegas ... Getting Hitched with GF?!?

Usher and his girlfriend seem to be headed toward one of the wedding chapels in Vegas -- at least that's what these legal filings suggest ... which gives 'em a green light to get hitched.

The singer and his longtime partner, Jennifer Goicoechea, obtained a marriage license on Feb. 8 in Clark County -- this according to court records obtained by TMZ. Their marriage certificate is not yet filed ... so for now, it seems they haven't said "I do" yet.

Unclear if Usher and Jenn are actually gonna get married tonight -- considering he just had a huge Super Bowl Halftime show an hour ago ... something tells us they might.

If they don't do it now ... they got a year to get it done in Clark County before it expires.

Usher and Jenn were first seen chit-chatting in 2016 -- but they went official as a couple in late 2019, and have been together as a couple ever since. In other words, they have history.

Usher's been married twice before -- namely, to Tameka Foster and Grace Harry -- and if he walked down the aisle again ... this would be his third go-around. He already has two children with Tameka, and he welcomed two children with Jenn as well in recent years.

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BTW, Jenn is in the music biz too -- but on the business side. She's an A&R exec at Epic Records. She's not nearly as much in the spotlight as he is, but definitely holds him down.

We'll see if Usher and Jenn are ready to tie the knot in front of Elvis here tonight.

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In any case, a congratulations is in order! These two are out here making love on the strip!

TAYLOR SWIFT & TRAVIS KELCE Offered Free Cannabis Wedding ... Sin City Style!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have their choice of Vegas wedding venues if they get engaged at the Super Bowl ... their latest offer is from a weed operation and it's pretty blunt.

Some folks think Travis is gonna pop the question after the Big Game, and while everything we've reported says that's a long shot... one wedding venue is throwing up a Hail Mary.

Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings is offering Taylor and Travis a complimentary weed wedding after the Super Bowl ... trying to sell them on the idea of getting hitched at a grow house.

Now, this isn't any old weed operation ... Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings says they marry people at the world's largest dispensary, Planet 13.

Taylor's favorite number is 13 ... hey, just saying.

LVCW owner Maxine Fensom would officiate the wedding ... she's an ordained minister.

Again, it's a long shot and, as we've told you, Taylor and Travis have already been offered a free wedding at the famous Little White Wedding Chapel ... not that they would accept that offer either.

Couples who aren't the celeb type are getting offered a deal here too ... Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings plans to offer $87 cannabis-themed nuptials for the first 100 couples if Travis' Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII.

The $87 weed weddings, priced after Travis' No. 87 Chiefs jersey, are only for Valentine's Day ... and there's a Taylor connection here too, because T-Swift once starred in a movie called "Valentine's Day."

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If Taylor and Travis don't get engaged, they've also got an offer on the table from a famous Vegas strip club.

For more Traylor news, check out "The TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce Les ofrecen una boda gratis con cannabis ... Al puro estilo Las Vegas

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce tienen algunas opciones para casarse en Las Vegas si deciden comprometerse durante el Super Bowl y su última oferta es de un dispensario de cannabis y es bastante contundente.

Algunas personas piensan que Travis le va a hacer la proposición a Taylor después del Gran Juego, y aunque les hemos informado que esa posibilidad es remota, un lugar de bodas está haciendo una jugada de último minuto.

Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings le está ofreciendo a la pareja una boda de hierba después del Super Bowl, tratando de venderles la idea de que se casen en una casa de cultivo.

Ahora, esta no es cualquier operación de marihuana. Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings dice que casan a la gente en el dispensario más grande del mundo, Planet 13.

El número favorito de Taylor es el 13 ... hey, solo digo.

El dueño de Las Vegas Cannabis Wedding, Maxine Fensom, oficiaría la boda, pues es una ministra ordenada.

De nuevo, es una posibilidad remota y como les hemos contado, la famosa capilla Little White Wedding ya le ofreció a Travis y Taylor una boda gratis. Aunque bueno, tampoco es que vayan a aceptar esta oferta automáticamente.

A las parejas que no son celebridades también se les ofreció un descuento aquí. Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings planea ofrecer nupcias con temática de cannabis por $87 para las primeras 100 parejas si los Kansas City Chiefs de Travis logran vencer a los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl LVIII.

Las bodas de cannabis a $87, valoradas en ese precio por la camiseta No. 87 de Travis en los Chiefs, son solo para el Día de San Valentín y hay una conexión con Taylor aquí también, porque T-Swift una vez protagonizó una película llamada "Día de San Valentín".

TMZ investiga
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Si Taylor y Travis no se comprometen, también tienen una oferta sobre la mesa de un famoso club de striptease de Las Vegas.

Para más noticias sobre Traylor consulta "The TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast", disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Taylor y Travis Vengan a casarse a nuestra capilla Este fin de semana...

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce estarán en Las Vegas este fin de semana, y con el amor en el aire y su romance viento en popa, un lugar está ofreciendo hacerlos marido y mujer, ¡gratis!

Con los visitantes acudiendo en masa a la Ciudad del Pecado para el Super Bowl este fin de semana, se podrán imaginar que no hay mejor momento para dar el "sí, quiero", y eso es exactamente lo que la capilla Little White Wedding Chapel tiene en mente y por eso ha decidido extenderle una invitación a Tay Tay y Travis Kelce.

El lugar de la boda le dice a TMZ que le están ofreciendo a Taylor y Travis un servicio matrimonial si tienen ganas de atar el nudo en algún momento este fin de semana, y sus puertas están abiertas para los negocios, a pesar de que cubrirán completamente el costo.

La capilla dice: "Taylor y Travis, ¡ya tienen suficiente, así que déjennos hacernos cargo! Taylor solo tiene que traer su afortunado y fabuloso vestido de los Grammy y nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Tenemos a nuestro florista a la espera para el ramo de tus sueños y nuestros ministros y Elvis están listos también. Lo que quieras, ¡¡nuestra capilla está preparada para atenderte!!".

Por cierto, su oferta no solo se extiende a T-Swift y Travis, en realidad se aplica a todos los jugadores de fútbol y parejas que se puedan encontrar en la ciudad en los próximos días.

Nos han dicho que Little White correrá con los gastos de cualquiera de los miembros de los equipos San Francisco 49ers y Kansas City Chiefs, incluidos los entrenadores: cualquiera de los afiliados tiene la oportunidad de casarse allí, ¡gratis!

Un cañón de confeti de cortesía se incorporará a la celebración para los miembros del equipo ganador. Hablando de anotar a lo grande dentro y fuera del campo. Ambos equipos del Super Bowl recibirían ramos de flores especialmente creados para la ocasión, lo que hará que sea un campo de juego parejo para todos.

La capilla también señala que aunque las bodas son tradicionalmente más protagónicas para la novia, quieren mostrar un poco de amor por los hombres del Super Bowl, porque el evento deportivo es una de las cosas más emocionantes e importantes que suceden en Las Vegas por estos días. Así que sí, ¡quieren mostrarles su amor!

También nos dicen que esperan que la oferta sirva como promoción añadida para el local y que los aficionados al fútbol también acudan a la capilla para casarse después del partido. Ahora, no esperen que les cubran la boda, eso es solo para las cabezas del Super Bowl.

TMZ investiga
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No es que la capilla realmente lo necesite, con los gustos de Ben Affleck y Jennifer López, Britney Spears y Jason Alexander y más celebridades intercambiando votos allí. ¡Incluso tienen a un imitador de Elvis como testigo, por supuesto!

Taylor & Travis Come Get Hitched at Our Chapel ... On the House This Weekend

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be in Vegas this weekend -- and with love in the air and their romance at an all-time high ... one venue's offering to make them man and wife for free!

With visitors flocking to Sin City for the Super Bowl this weekend, you'd figure there's no better time than Saturday/Sunday to say "I do" ... which is exactly what the Little White Wedding Chapel is thinking, and why they're extending an invite to Tay Tay and TK.

The wedding venue tells TMZ they're offering Taylor and Travis a comped marital service if they're feeling like tying the knot at some point this weekend ... and their doors are open for business, even though they'll completely cover the cost.

LWWC says, "Taylor and Travis – you two have enough on your plate so let us take care of you! Taylor just bring your lucky, and Fabulous Grammys gown and we can handle the rest! We have our florist on standby for the bouquet of your dreams, our ministers and Elvis are ready too. Whatever you want, our chapel is ready to take care of you!!

BTW, their offer here doesn't just extend to T-Swift and Travis -- it actually applies to all the football players and their significant others who might be in town in the next few days.

We're told Little White will cover the costs for any of the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs team members, including coaches -- anyone affiliated has the chance to get married there ... for free. From the aisle to the pitch ... that'll be one tight turnaround!

A complimentary confetti canon will be incorporated into the celebration for members of the winning team. Talk about scoring big on and off the field. Both SB teams will get specially created bouquets for the occasion, which will make it an even playing field for everyone.

LWWC also notes that while wedding days are traditionally all about the bride ... they wanna show some love to the SB men, 'cause the sporting event is one of the most exciting and important things happening in Vegas now. So yeah, they wanna show the dudes love!

They also tell us they hope the offer can serve as an added promo for the venue ... with football fans coming to the chapel to get married in a spur of the moment kinda deal after the game. Don't expect them to cover those weddings though -- just SB heads, y'all.

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Not that the chapel really needs it ... with the likes of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander, and more celebs exchanging vows there -- with an Elvis impersonator as a witness, of course.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms starting today!

David Tutera 'My Fair Wedding,' Now My Divorce Hubby Files to End It

David Tutera is famous for having planned celebrities' weddings over the years -- but now, he's gonna have to plan his divorce ... 'cause his husband's throwing in the towel.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Joey Toth just signaled in court that he wants a dissolution of his marriage -- citing irreconcilable differences ... and also listing the date of their separation as the same day he filed for divorce -- and that would be today.

There are a few things Joey wants right off the bat in his petition -- for starters, he wants David to be ordered to pay spousal support to him ... and for a judge to make it so David himself can't receive any alimony from Joey.

As far as their kids -- the couple shares two young children, aged 4 and 10 -- Joey has some thoughts on that too ... but on that front, he's more open to sharing. Joey is asking for joint legal and physical custody.

One last thing ... he's asking for is David being ordered to pay his attorney fees. The other interesting thing worth noting is the fact Joey actually filed for divorce from David in 2020 -- this after they got hitched in 2017 -- but he withdrew that at the time, per court records.

Sounds like things have gotten rocky again, 'cause he's pulling the plug officially.

Tough break for a guy whose whole life has been organizing people's happiest days. Better luck next time, we suppose ...

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ayuda a Matt Iseman a hacer la gran pregunta...

Propuesta perfecta!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger es un hombre muy multifacético y de cara al fin de semana se puso el sombrero para jugar de cupido, nada menos que de Matt Iseman.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, que muestra al ex Mr. Olympia haciendo su mejor trabajo de director de orquesta el viernes en Austria, donde ha estado de visita por una mezcla de negocios y placer. Como se puede ver, el actor estaba liderando a la banda y cantando una melodía, con un montón de gente alrededor.

Nos han dicho que en realidad se trataba de una fiesta previa a las competencias de Hahnenkamm, un importante evento de esquí que se celebra anualmente y que atrae a grandes multitudes en todo el mundo.

De todos modos, mientras Arnie estaba haciendo lo suyo con la banda, el Sr. Iseman, famoso por ser anfitrión de "American Ninja Warrior", por no hablar de ganar el "New Celebrity Apprentice" con Arnold en 2017, también estaba allí disfrutando de la diversión ... Pero luego las cosas se volvieron románticas con su novia.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt acompaña a Arnold en casi todas sus apariciones -recuerden que acaba de ser el anfitrión de la gran subasta que incluía el problemático reloj no registrado- y también es el maestro de ceremonias.

Probablemente por eso Arnold lo ayudó a proponerle matrimonio a la abogada Britton All, que claramente no esperaba comprometerse en ese mismo momento. Arnold estaba obviamente comprometido con la idea. Por cierto ... John Kerry también estaba entre la multitud, como hemos dicho, esta es una fiesta del tipo quién es quién.

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Es seguro decir que Britton dijo que sí y Arnold estaba allí para ayudar. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Helps Matt Iseman Pop the Question ... Plays Love Conductor!!!

Pitcher-perfect proposal

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man of many hats -- and heading into the weekend, he put on his wings and picked up a wand to play a musical cupid for none other than Matt Iseman.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, showing the former Mr. Olympia doing his best conductor work Friday out in Austria ... where he's there for a mix of business and pleasure. As you can see, he was leading a band and singing a tune, with a lot of people around.

We're told this was actually at a pre-party ahead of the Hahnenkamm Races -- a major skiing event out there that they do annually ... and which draws big crowds across the world.

Anyway, while Arnie was doing his thing with the band ... Mr. Iseman -- famous for hosting "American Ninja Warrior," not to mention winning the "New Celebrity Apprentice" with Arnold in 2017 -- was also there enjoying the fun ... but then, things turned romantic with his GF.

Our sources say Matt accompanies Arnold for pretty much all his appearances -- remember, he was just hosting this big auction for that troublesome watch -- and he MCs those too.

That's probably why Arnold helped him propose to criminal defense attorney Britton All ... who was clearly not expecting to get engaged right then and there. Arnold was obviously in on it. Oh, BTW ... John Kerry was in the mix there too -- like we said, a who-who type shindig.

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Safe to say ... Britton said yes -- and Arnold was there to lend an assist ... congrats!!!

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce No Engagement In The Works, For Now

People really should pump the brakes on all the engagement talk between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce ... 'cause we're told a proposal isn't forthcoming in the near future either.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... there's absolutely no engagement in the works between Taylor and Travis right now -- despite some reports suggesting they're racing to the altar. To the contrary, we're being told TK ain't getting on bended knee anytime soon.

There were rumblings this week people in Taylor's camp had T-Swift and Trav pegged for an early summer engagement, but we're being told that's just not the case. In fact, our sources tell us some folks on the inside of this don't think it'll go the distance.

We're told some members of their inner circles see Taylor and Travis as still being in a honeymoon phase, of sorts -- and they say it's just too early to tell if they'll ever advance past the dating stage.

Hear that ... that's the sound of Swiftie bubbles bursting, and premature wedding bells going silent.

Our sources also point out their about to enter a very challenging stage of their relationship --  Taylor's continuing her international tour starting in February, which will have her overseas for several months.

Of course, once his NFL season is over, Travis could join her at times -- but folks in their orbit are saying let's see how they deal with the really long distance before jumping to engagement talk.


Neither Taylor nor Travis has been engaged before, and it sounds like that won't change any time soon.

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce no se comprometen por el momento

La gente realmente tiene que calmarse al momento de querer un compromiso entre Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce, porque nos informan que no hay ninguna señal de propuesta en el futuro cercano.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que no hay absolutamente ningún compromiso entre Taylor y Travis en este momento, a pesar de algunos informes que sugieren que están pensando en el altar. Por el contrario, nos dicen que Travis no tiene ganas de comprometerse por el momento.

Hubo rumores esta semana de que Swift y Trav habían planeado comprometerse a principios del verano, pero nos dicen que eso no es cierto. De hecho, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que algunas personas muy cercanas a la pareja pueden asegurarnos que esto no es así.

Nos dicen que algunos miembros de sus círculos íntimos ven a Taylor y Travis como si todavía estuvieran en una fase de luna de miel, y dicen que es demasiado pronto para saber si alguna vez avanzarán más allá de la etapa de citas.

Los swifties tendrán que tranquilizarse y silenciar las campanas de boda que hicieron sonar muy precipitadamente.

Nuestras fuentes también señalan que están a punto de entrar en una etapa muy difícil de su relación, Taylor continúa su gira internacional a partir de febrero, la cual la tendrá en el extranjero durante varios meses.

Por supuesto, una vez que su temporada de la NFL haya terminado, Travis podría unirse a ella por momentos, pero la gente a su al rededor dice que está por verse cómo se las arreglarán con la distancia.

Ni Taylor ni Travis se han comprometido antes, y parece que eso no va a cambiar pronto.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Luce radiante en las fotos de su boda antes de morir

La memoria de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell sigue viva, especialmente a través de las impresionantes fotos de su boda en marzo de 2023.

Tenemos las imágenes, en donde la hija de Mama June se ve resplandeciente en su vestido blanco, en la íntima boda con Eldridge Toney. La ceremonia se llevó a cabo en el condado de Wilkinson, Georgia, un poco después de ser diagnosticada con un carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4.

Anna llevaba un vestido blanco y Eldridge una camisa blanca y pantalones. Sus damas de honor -que fueron sus hermanas- sus 2 hijas y Mama June, los acompañaron sonriendo frente a la cámara.

TMZ dio la noticia, la pareja obtuvo un certificado de matrimonio, que muestra que el marido de una de las hermanas de Anna, Pumpkin, ofició la ceremonia.

El rodaje de "Mama June: From Not to Hot" también estaba sucediendo en ese momento. Equipos de cámara estaban presente.

Anna, que estaba recibiendo quimioterapia en el momento, no podría haber estado más radiante durante la ceremonia.

Un millón de recuerdos, todos ahora atesorados tras el trágico fallecimiento de Anna el mes pasado.


Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's memory is living on -- especially through her stunning wedding pictures from March 2023.

We've got the snaps ... Mama June's daughter looks glowing in bridal white from her intimate wedding to Eldridge Toney in Wilkinson County, Georgia ... shortly after her stage 4 adrenal carcinoma diagnosis.

She's in a plunging white gown, Eldridge wears a white shirt and trousers ... with the bridesmaids, aka Chickadee's sisters, her 2 daughters, and Mama J, smiling big for snaps.

TMZ broke the story, the two obtained a marriage certificate ... which shows the husband of Anna's sister Pumpkin was the officiant during the day.

Filming for "Mama June: From Not to Hot" was also happening ... with camera crew present.

Anna, who was undergoing chemotherapy at the time, couldn't have looked more radiant during the ceremony.

A million memories made ... all now cherished following Anna's tragic passing last month.



Before things got hot and heavy under the covers ... Ryan Scott Anderson asked Gypsy Rose Blanchard to marry him while she was still in prison -- a moment from 2022 he fondly recalls in her new doc.

Speaking in Lifetime's "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," Louisiana teacher Ryan said he was spurred to pop the question 4 months after they first met in person ... when the famous former inmate quizzed him on where he saw their relationship going.

He says Gypsy told him over the phone she was smitten and had developed romantic feelings for him -- a confession that delighted him as he'd already fallen in love with her ages before.

Following the convo, Ryan tied an engagement ring to his chain ... sneaking it into the visitation room at Chillicothe Correctional Center in Missouri during his third visit to see her.

Gypsy, who was still in prison when asked about the proposal, is heard in audio footage reminiscing ... saying he took her by the hand and told her he loved her.

Ryan adds their chemistry was electric ... and that just by sitting across from Gypsy -- who looked cute with her makeup done -- he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. That's when he popped the question.


So far, he's taken his husband duties seriously ... staying by Gypsy's side since she was released from prison Dec. 28 after serving 7 of her 10-year prison sentence.


In return, Gypsy has defended her man from haters ... also letting everyone know she's impressed with his skills in the bedroom.

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