Tragedia en una boda Video muestra el lugar en llamas ... Un invitado corre para protegerse

Un nuevo video al interior de una boda en Irak muestra la rapidez con que se propagaron las llamas, solo segundos antes de que un horrible incendio matara a más de 100 personas.

Los clips muestran a la feliz pareja bailando dentro del salón de bodas Al Haithem cerca del pueblo de Qaraqosh, también conocido como Al-Hamdaniya, el martes por la noche. A continuación se ve que una serie de bengalas estallan a su alrededor, provocando el incendio y sembrando el pánico entre los invitados.

Completamente en llamas

Las flores que colgaban de un enorme soporte que estaba encima de la pareja parecieron actuar como combustible para el fuego, pues las llamas treparon casi de inmediato.

Después de que la mayoría hubiera evacuado la sala principal, unas enormes vigas, completamente en llamas, se estrellaron contra el suelo. Las imágenes posteriores al fatal incidente muestran la intensa destrucción causada en el edificio.

Aparentemente, los novios salieron con vida, pero Reuters afirma que se ha confirmado la muerte de 113 personas y que otras 150 sufrieron heridas. Al parecer, el Ministerio del Interior de Irak emitió órdenes de detención en contra de los propietarios del salón de bodas, uno de los cuales ya estaba esposado desde el jueves.

Los sobrevivientes del incendio afirman que el lugar no estaba equipado para un desastre como este y una mujer dijo a la salida: "Esto no era una boda. Esto fue un infierno", mientras lloraba y se golpeaba a sí misma tras perder en el incendio a su hija de 27 años y a sus tres nietos, uno de los cuales tenía solo 8 meses.

Los familiares en duelo se reunieron afuera de una morgue en la cercana ciudad de Mosul, en donde lloraron su terrible dolor.

Kourtney Kardashian Calls Kim A Selfish 'F***ing Witch' In Drama-Fueled Brawl

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Kourtney Kardashian had some brutal words for her sister, Kim, during a white-hot fight ... calling her "egotistical, selfish" and even a "f***ing witch."

The beef went down on the new season of "The Kardashians," which premiered Thursday -- with the 2 sisters getting into a heated argument over Kourtney's displeasure over Kim's Dolce & Gabbana collab, which mirrored the trappings of Kourtney's wedding.


It was a big issue at the end of season 3, and it still seems to be a sore subject ... while Kim claims she did everything to not rip off her sis' big day, Kourtney claimed she's "talking about the bulls*** details cause it's all your egotistical, selfish mind can think about."

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Kourt says Kim spoiled the mood at her and Travis' 2022 wedding, complaining all day long. Kourtney says she's only happy when she gets "the f*** away" from her family, "Specifically you."

Kim pushes back on her sister's harsh claims -- and Kourtney claps back, saying "It's you and my friends and my kids and everyone against me. You're just a f***ing witch and I f***ing hate you."

A lot of drama's already going down -- and we're just on episode 1!

Are you team Kim or Kourtney in the Kardashian sisters' latest feud? Vote below.

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN Llama a Kim "maldita bruja egoísta" En una explosiva pelea

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Eres una bruja

Kourtney Kardashian tuvo algunas palabras brutales para su hermana Kim durante una pelea al rojo vivo, en la que la llamó "egoísta, egoísta" e incluso una "maldita bruja".

La pelea se produjo en la nueva temporada de "The Kardashians", que se estrenó el jueves, con las 2 hermanas teniendo una acalorada discusión sobre el descontento de Kourtney con la colaboración de Kim con Dolce & Gabbana, que reflejaba los adornos de su boda.

Fue un gran tema en el final de la tercera temporada, y todavía parece ser un asunto delicado. Mientras Kim asegura que hizo todo lo posible para no sabotear el gran día de su hermana, Kourtney dice que estuvo "hablando de los p*** detalles porque es todo lo que su mente egoísta y egoísta puede pensar."

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Kourt dice que Kim estropeó el ambiente de su boda con Travis en 2022, quejándose todo el día. Al final de la discusión, Kourtney le dice que ella solo consigue ser feliz cuando está lejos de su familia, y especialmente de ella.

Kim se defiende de las duras afirmaciones de su hermana y Kourtney contraataca diciéndole: "Eres tú y mis amigos y mis hijos y todo el mundo en mi contra. No eres más que una p*** bruja y te odio".

Un montón de drama ya está sucediendo, ¡y solo estamos en el episodio 1!

Jonathan Majors Calls Meagan Good 'Missus' ... Hinting at Marriage?!?

Jonathan Majors just dropped a major hint that he and Meagan Good might be husband and wife -- 'cause the dude called her something you really only say when you're married.

The actor was at the Black and White Gala in D.C. Saturday night -- which was hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus. Meagan was one of the key people speaking at this shindig -- and it looks like JM was backing her up on stage.

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Meagan said she was happy to be there and to see so many Black faces come out for a positive cause. Toward the end of her brief remarks, she turned to Jonathan and said ... "Babe, you want to say anything?"

His response is telling ... Jon replied, "Y’all heard the missus, so that’s what it is."

The crowd's reaction was kinda two-fold ... they cheered with praise, but there was also a sense of ooh'ing and ahh'ing over what he'd just implied -- namely, that she's Mrs. Majors.

There wasn't any further elaboration from either Jonathan or Meagan, but people are off to the races online with the intrigue. Obviously, that'd be a huge deal if they were, in fact, hitched ... as they've only been together as a couple for a handful of months now.

While their relationship is seemingly fairly new -- they've been tied at the hip, both here in the States and abroad. We've seen Jon and Meagan jet-setting all over the world of late, and when it comes to his criminal case in NYC ... she's been right by his side there too.

Meagan has caught flak by some for standing by him amid disturbing allegations -- but she clearly feels he's an upstanding dude. Mind you, JM has claimed innocence from the start.


We've also seen Jon do the right thing in public amid this tumultuous time -- just the other week, he was out here in L.A. breaking up a fight between high school kids.

Adele More Wifey Talk in Vegas ... Are You Married or What???

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Adele sure does love a good tease -- 'cause she keeps on suggesting she's a married woman again ... this time, the latest example includes her using a very special title.

The singer was doing her usual thing in Vegas Saturday ... chatting it up with guests during her residency show, and going on a random tangent. Here, she's talking sports -- American football, specifically, and how she just doesn't understand the game.

In video obtained by TMZ, she says her "partner" Rich Paul loves the NFL ... which is why she's now trying to get into the sport more -- despite her admitted ignorance of it.

At one point as she's talking here, Adele says she's "not the greatest wife when it comes to football" and it gets a laugh from the crowd. On its face, it sounds like she's indicating she and RP and happily hitched couple.

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Remember, just a couple weeks ago ... Adele was referring to Rich as her "husband" -- this after she'd already sparked marriage rumors over a year ago when people noticed a book at her house titled "The Pauls."

Adele has yet to address any of this speculation, but it sounds like she's happy with the guy.

Hulk Hogan Marries Sky Daily ... Check Out the Wedding Pics!!!

Hulk Hogan is a married man yet again -- having walked down the aisle with his new bride, Sky Daily ... and the wedding photos are really something to behold.

The WWE icon tied the knot Friday in a relatively small ceremony down in Clearwater, FL -- with just their closest family members in attendance -- where sources with direct knowledge tell us it was not only an intimate affair ... but a spiritual one too.

We're told Hulk and Sky got hitched at their go-to place of worship -- Indian Rocks Baptist Church. Pastor Aaron Filippone handled the marrying duties as their wedding officiant.

As you can see in these photos of the happy couple -- they were dressed to the nines for the special day ... especially Sky, whose dress came courtesy of Rue de Seine's bridal gown collection. Her jewelry collection here is also top-tier -- earrings made of 18kt white gold, encrusted with 4-carat diamonds. Her bracelet and necklace pendant are made of the same white gold material ... and those too are laced with shimmering diamonds as well. 💎

As for the rings ... true beauts -- which our sources say are valued at $500k. BTW, that massive engagement ring Sky's been flashing is at the center of her band -- and it glistens a helluva lot because it's got more carats than Peter Cottontail can eat in one sitting!

Word play aside ... we're told the nuptials were lovely, and that their own respective kids were the only ones there to bear witness to this coming-together. That includes Sky's children, as well as Nick Hogan ... we're told Brooke couldn't make it on such short notice.

If this sounds like it happened kind of spur of the moment ... that's 'cause it did. Our sources tell us these two were itching to be husband and wife ASAP -- and that they simply couldn't wait any longer, being totally over their BF/GF label ... wanting to make it official.

Remember, the Hulkster popped the question just this past July ... and Sky said yes. This marks his third marriage -- and the guy looks like he couldn't be happier.


Adele Marriage Rumors Again Calls Rich Paul 'My Husband'

TikTok / @adeleslittleloveee

Adele may be a married woman again -- at least that's what the Internet thinks, yet again, after she gave her boyfriend, Rich Paul, a very significant promotion in the title department.

The singer was doing her Vegas residency show Saturday, and per usual ... she was going around chopping it up with her audience, weaving in and out of rows of seats and interviewing folks on the spot Oprah-style. What else is new, right?

However, this time around -- a slip of the tongue appears to have befallen Adele ... 'cause when a female fan asked if she could marry her, Adele said she was already hitched.

Check it out -- Adele turns this woman's marriage proposal down in hilarious fashion ... saying she's straight, and not just that, but that her "husband" was in the crowd and probably wouldn't appreciate it. She didn't say Rich's name -- but he's the only dude she's seeing.

It's unclear if Adele simply misspoke here, or if she did actually say "I do" the famous basketball agent -- who reps the likes of LeBron James and tons of other NBA stars.

We do know that Adele has spoken glowingly of Rich Paul since they first got together a couple years ago. She's even gone so far as to say she's the happiest she's ever been in a relationship with him ... so, it's easy to see her walking down the aisle with him.

This is far from the first time people have speculated on where things are between Rich and Adele. There's already been a first wave of marriage rumors dating back to last September ... when eagle-eyed fans noticed a book at her house that a title of "The Pauls."

Adele didn't address all the attention back then, and she seems primed to do the same again now. FWIW, we've reached out to Adele's team for clarification, no word back yet.

Chrissy Teigen y John Legend renuevan sus votos en italia Con muchas estrellas invitadas 👀

Chrissy Teigen y John Legend están diciendo "Sí, quiero" una vez más. Por lo que sabemos, la feliz pareja está renovando sus votos en una boda de destino (pt. 2) con algunos grandes nombres.

Fuentes con conocimiento del evento nos comentan que ambos renovarán sus votos en el Lago Como (Italia) este fin de semana. El mismo lugar donde se casaron hace 10 años.

La lista de invitados es bastante impresionante por lo que nos dicen, con una gran cantidad de amigos famosos de la pareja... aunque no está claro quién va a aparecer.

Los asistentes estarán ocupados todo el fin de semana. Un cóctel el viernes con comida y juegos, la ceremonia de renovación de votos el sábado y una fiesta en la piscina el domingo.

La pareja no tiene lista de regalos, pero los invitados gastarán mucho en llegar y alojarse en este destino tan especial. Los hoteles de la zona tienen habitaciones que rondan los 6.000 dólares la noche. Aunque eso debería ser una gota en el océano para la mayoría de los invitados.

Como recordarás, la pareja se casó allá por 2013. Desde entonces han tenido muchos altibajos a lo largo de su década de matrimonio, desde nacimientos hasta la pérdida de su hijo, pasando por el drama de las redes sociales y mucho más.

Después de todo lo que han pasado juntos, parece que un fin de semana en Italia es la combinación perfecta. ¡Felicidades John y Chrissy!

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend Renewing Vows In Italy ... A-Listers On Invite List 👀

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are saying "I do" once again -- we've learned the happy couple is renewing their vows at a destination wedding (pt. 2) with some big names.

Sources with knowledge of the event tell TMZ ... the 2 will be renewing their vows at Lake Como, Italy this weekend -- the same place where they tied the knot 10 years ago.

The guest list is pretty spectacular from what we're told, with a number of the couples celebrity friends invited ... although it's unclear who will show up.

Those in attendance will be kept busy all weekend long -- a cocktail party on Friday featuring food and games, the vow renewal ceremony going down Saturday, and a pool party Sunday.

The couple doesn't have a gift registry, but guests will spend plenty getting to and staying at the special destination. Hotels in the area have rooms that go for around $6k a night, but that should be a drop in the bucket for most of the guests in attendance.

You'll recall, they got married back in 2013. Since becoming one, they've had a lot of highs and lows throughout their decade of marriage ... from births to the loss of their son, to social media drama, and more.

After all they've been through together, it seems like a weekend in Italy is the perfect fit. Congratulations, John and Chrissy!

Caos en una boda pelea contra la policía Todo capturado en video

una boda salvaje

Una celebración se convirtió en caos cuando una boda en Rhode Island terminó en una pelea sin cuartel con los agentes de policía... y todo está en video.

Media docena de miembros de la fiesta de la boda fueron detenidos la madrugada del domingo después de una pelea con la policía fuera de un restaurante de Newport. Las imágenes muestran cómo el incidente pasó de una interacción tensa a un combate brutal.

En el vídeo, los puñetazos lanzados por ambas partes vuelan y se conectan y una mujer con un vestido naranja —que la policía identificó más tarde como Alexandra Flaherty— se ve pateando a un policía en la ingle.

Otra mujer de la boda queda inconsciente y cae al suelo cuando un agente la reduce.

En el informe obtenido por TMZ, el policía dice que la mujer estaba por alcanzar su arma de fuego cuando se dio la vuelta y le lanzó un puñetazo que conectó con su mandíbula. La policía dice que la mujer —más tarde identificada como Rachael Onik— finalmente tomó conciencia y fue detenida.

La policía dice que el marido de Rachael, David Onik, inició todo el asunto luego de que se le negara la entrada a un bar. La policía dice que David se puso violento con el personal del bar y llamaron a la policía.

La policía dice que cuando los oficiales llegaron a hablar con David, su esposa "comenzó a meterse en el incidente y a no cooperar" y cuando un oficial trató de hacerla retroceder, tropezó en la calle empedrada. Ahí es donde el vídeo recoge y se desata el desastre.

Las imágenes también muestran a un hombre con traje y corbata al que la policía identificó más tarde como Robert Nash, golpeando a un policía en la cara, tirándolo al suelo y golpeándolo después.

Cuando se calmaron los ánimos, tres hombres y tres mujeres fueron detenidos y acusados de delitos penales.

Wedding Party Fights Police In Wild Video!!!


Celebration turned to chaos as a Rhode Island wedding party got into an all-out brawl with police officers ... and it's all on video.


Half a dozen members of the wedding party were arrested early Sunday morning following a melee with cops outside a Newport restaurant ... and footage shows the incident escalating from a tense interaction to straight-up combat.

In the video, punches thrown by both sides fly and connect ... and a woman in an orange dress, who police later identified as Alexandra Flaherty, is seen kicking a cop in the groin.

Another woman in the wedding party gets knocked out cold ... hitting the deck when an officer throws her to the ground.

In the police report, obtained by TMZ, the cop says the woman was reaching for his firearm when he turned around and threw a punch connecting with her jaw. Police say the woman, later identified as Rachael Onik, eventually became conscious and was arrested.

Cops say Rachael's husband, David Onik, started the whole thing when he threw a fit after being denied entry to a bar. Police say David got physical with bar staff, who called the cops.

Police say when officers arrived to talk to David, his wife "began injecting herself into the incident and becoming uncooperative" ... and when an officer tried to move her back, she tripped on the cobblestone street. That's where the video picks up and all hell breaks loose.

Footage also shows a man in a suit and tie, who police later identified as Robert Nash, punching a cop in the face, taking him to the ground and then pummeling him.

When the dust settled, three men and three women were arrested and hit with criminal charges.

Chris Evans Reportedly Marries Alba Baptista!!!

Chris Evans is a married man -- that is, if a report about his would-be nuptials is to be believed.

Page Six cites insiders who claim the 'Avengers' star got hitched this weekend to actress Alba Baptista during an intimate ceremony at their Boston-area home. The outlet says they only close friends/family, but even then ... made sure to lock down any potential leaks.

The way they apparently did this, per PS ... making everyone sign NDAs and confiscating phones. As far as any famous faces who witnessed it -- Chris's Marvel costars Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner and Chris Hemsworth are said to have been among the guests.

If true, obviously that's huge ... as Chris hasn't ever been married, despite being one of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood for years. He's rumored to have been linked to a number of women ... but we know he's dated Jessica Biel, Jenny Slate and Minka Kelly.

As far as his relationship with Alba, it's been as low key as you can imagine -- with Chris dropping only glimpses into their romance here and there since going IG official in January. They're reported to have begun dating in 2021, and spent much of 2022 living together.

At only 26, she's not a huge star at all -- with roots in Portugal -- and yet, seems to have captured Captain America's heart. We've reached out to Chris's reps ... no word back yet.

Damian 'D.O.L.L.A.' Lillard PDX Wedding Crasher... Surprises Newlyweds With Live Performance!!!


Damian Lillard may have his hopes set on playing with the Miami Heat next season but his heart’s clearly still with his Portland Trail Blazers fanbase … he recently crashed the wedding of two of his biggest supporters!!!

TMZ Hip Hop obtained video from September 3 of Dame in D.O.L.L.A. mode … at the nuptials for Jay & Kelly Virdee … a true Trail Blazers love tale if there ever was one.

We’re told the couple have been together for 6 years after meeting at a Portland winery and are huge fans of Dame … Jay actually grew up in the same Bay Area region as the NBA All-Star before making the move to Portland for work.

Their mutual friend, L.A. rapper Dreebo, collaborated with Dame in the past and convinced him to surprise the couple and perform a song during the wedding reception … fittingly their collab titled “Home Team.”

Dame requested a trade back in July after playing 11 seasons with the Trail Blazers. Even if he never suits up with the team again, it looks like a chunk of Rip City still has his back!!!

Lakers Owner Jeanie Buss Says 'I Do' to Comedian Jay Mohr Married on Malibu Beach!!!

Jeanie Buss is usually rocking power suits in business meetings, but over the weekend -- she was decked out in all white on the beach ... this after getting married, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the Lakers owner got hitched to comedian Jay Mohr Sunday during a small, intimate ceremony in Malibu -- where about 20 close friends and family members in attendance ... and the bride and groom looking happy as can be.

As you can see in this photo, Jay was over the moon when Jeanie said "I do" ... sweeping her off her feet and holding his bride up with a gorgeous backdrop behind them. BTW, our sources say there weren't any famous people in attendance ... meaning no players.

That's reflected in the vibe here -- super casualchill, but Jeanie looks great in her gown -- which is quite traditional. It's a great ending for a couple who's been together for years now.

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While she first went public with their relationship just in 2021 ... we know she and Jay had quietly started dating as early as 2017 -- this after she broke it off with one-time fiancé Phil Jackson in 2016. Since then, Jeanie and Jay have been inseparable -- and very in love.

They announced their engagement in December 2022 ... and now 9 months later, they're man and wife.

Congrats, you two!

Matty Healy Taylor's Ex Shops for New Guitar As She's at Antonoff Wedding

Taylor Swift certainly had love on her mind at Jack Antonoff's wedding, but while that was going down, her ex-boyfriend Matty Healy was on the other coast ... laser-focused on music.

We've learned The 1975 frontman was browsing around a music shop, Norman's Rare Guitars, in Tarzana, CA on Saturday ... the same day Taylor was watching Jack and actress Margaret Qualley tie the knot.

The musician swung by the store with his tour manager, ultimately buying a guitar -- unclear how much dough he put down for it, but it looks like a pretty sweet Fender 6-string.

While Matty was shopping on the west coast, Taylor was at the big ceremony on the Jersey Shore ... where, as we reported, droves of Swifties flooded the main street on Long Beach Island to get a glimpse of the singer.

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Tik Tok/@brandeegaar

You'll recall, Matty and Taylor were briefly an item, spotted hanging out quite a bit in May, and he even snuck into her NYC pad ... but sources told us Taylor was "single" again in June, although it's unclear why they called things off.

So, Matty missed out on being Tay's plus 1 at the wedding, but still ended the weekend with a new musical companion! Small consolation.

Taylor Swift Team Met with Cops Before Jack's Wedding ... Prepared For Fan Swarm!!!

Taylor Swift is no stranger to the fact she draws a crowd ... making sure her team met with local cops before Jack Antonoff's wedding to prep for the crush of fans showing up to catch a glimpse of their favorite singer.

Beach Haven Police Chief James Markoski tells TMZ ... security for the singer and her producer pal met with the department 2 weeks before the weekend wedding, and Jack's wedding planner paid for 3 additional officers to be on duty during the event.

We're told 2 viewing areas were set up for fans outside the Long Beach Island bash in New Jersey -- cops also shut down 3 intersections to prevent cars from getting near the folks in the designated areas, hoping to get a peek of the celebs.

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For those unaware, a fishing competition and a block party were going down in the area at the same time ... but we're told there were no arrests, tickets, or major injuries that went down during all the ruckus.

As for the swarm of fans, Markoski tells us they stuck around for nearly 12 hours, showing up around 2 PM and getting out of there after Taylor finally left the wedding around 1:30 AM.

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Some locals were a bit irked when streets were impassible during the rehearsal dinner the night before thanks to Taylor's fans. The police chief says he was expecting "much worse" on the big day ... but adds, "I couldn't believe how calm it was." Way to go, swifties!

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