Harry & Meghan Let's Get This Show on the Road! Wedding Rehearsals Begin!


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived at Windsor Castle Thursday afternoon as the military began its rehearsals for Saturday's wedding.

We're hearing Meghan and Harry are rehearsing their moves for the "I Dos" at Saint George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.

The person we haven't seen yet ... Meghan's mom, Doria Ragland, who presumably will walk her down the aisle, now that her dad is out of the picture.

TMZ broke the story, which Meghan just confirmed, that Thomas Markle cannot attend the wedding because he will be laid up in the hospital after serious heart surgery. Meghan's mom is the only family member on her side who will be attending the nuptials.

Their arrivals at Windsor Castle today marks the first time we've seen them together since Meghan's family meltdown earlier this week.

Prince William and Kate Middleton -- that's Wills behind the wheel -- were also spotted driving away from the Castle, so this looks like a full-blown rehearsal.

Meghan Markle Confirms Dad Won't Attend Wedding

Meghan Markle confirmed what TMZ reported Wednesday ... that her dad won't -- indeed can't -- walk her down the aisle Saturday when she marries Prince Harry.

Kensington Palace just issued a statement from Meghan, which reads, "Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health."

TMZ broke the story ... Thomas Markle is laid up in the hospital after undergoing serious heart surgery Wednesday, and won't be discharged in time for the nuptials. Fact is, he couldn't go even if he was out of the hospital because of his health.

Thomas had a serious heart attack a little more than a week ago, and on Wednesday doctors went in to clean up some of the plaque and insert 3 stents. Thomas was told by doctors he had to avoid getting excited.

As we reported, Thomas believes his heart attack was triggered by his son's vicious attack against Harry and Meghan.

It's all but certain Meghan's mom will walk her down the aisle on Saturday.

Elton John Will Perform at The Royal Wedding

Elton John will take the stage at the royal wedding ... a fitting choice given the singer's history with Prince Harry, Princess Diana and the Royal Family.

Sources close to Elton tell TMZ the singer is set to perform during Saturday's event ... it's still unclear whether he'll get behind his piano at the church ceremony or at the reception later in the night.

Elton's been tight with the Royal Family for years ... he was an extremely close friend of Princess Diana. The two worked together to raise money for AIDS research and awareness of the disease.

The singer was also a tremendous source of support for Prince Harry and Prince William when Diana died in 1997. Elton famously performed "Candle in the Wind" as a tribute for Diana at her funeral.

Elton had originally booked shows in Vegas for this weekend, but they were rescheduled months ago due to a "scheduling conflict" ... guess now we know the conflict.

Samantha Markle You Can't Censor Me, Meghan ... I'm an American!!!


Meghan Markle's half-sister says England's new princess-to-be has no right to tell her when to talk, or what to say -- 'cause this is 'Merica, damnit!!! Yes ... seriously.

We spoke with Samantha Markle a few days ahead of Meghan's wedding with Prince Harry -- amidst a ton of family drama brewing among the Markles -- and she tells us she doesn't care if her sis wants her to refrain from blabbing to the media as much as she has.

Samantha insists she's not bad-mouthing Meghan ... she's just defending herself. And besides, Samantha says whatever censorship laws the U.K. have on the books don't apply to her across the pond ... even if Meg's now a big deal there.

You gotta hear her for yourself -- she's certainly got her opinions of Meghan.

BTW ... we dared to ask Samantha if she got Meg and Harry a wedding gift.

Meghan Markle's Mom Jetting Out for Royal Wedding ... Rolling in VIP Style!!!


Walking Meghan Markle down the aisle to marry Prince Harry has its privileges, and her mother is enjoying one of 'em right now as she jets off to England for the royal wedding.

Doria Ragland got picked up Tuesday at her L.A. home, where she and her luggage were loaded into a chauffeur-driven SUV. A Caddy, of course. Doria's first class journey started even before she boarded her flight.

You gotta see her arrival to LAX. Doria was dropped off at the new Private Suite -- a terminal reserved for the super rich and famous, which guarantees her privacy before she's driven across the tarmac ... directly to her flight. It also costs several thousand dollars just to enter the place, but we're guessing QE2's covering that.

TMZ broke the story ... Thomas Markle, Meghan's dad, will almost definitely NOT be able to attend the wedding because he's undergoing a heart procedure Wednesday.

Doria's expected to step in and do the honors of "giving away" Meghan on Saturday. Makes sense her travel's fit for a queen -- or at least the mother of a princess-to-be.

Meghan Markle's Dad Heart Surgery Scheduled ... Can't Attend Wedding

Thomas Markle is not going to walk his daughter, Meghan, down the aisle Saturday, nor will he travel to England, because we've learned he's dealing with something far more serious ... major surgery.

Thomas tells TMZ, he will go into surgery at 7:30 AM Wednesday. He tells us, "They [doctors] will go in and clear blockage, repair damage and put a stent where it is needed."

TMZ broke the story, Thomas had a heart attack a week ago and began having chest pains Monday. He checked himself into the hospital Tuesday and a battery of tests determined he needed surgery. Thomas said the heart attack did significant damage.

As we reported, he had decided Monday not to attend the wedding because he felt he had embarrassed Meghan and the Royal Family by staging a photo op with a paparazzi agency. Thomas' daughter, Samantha, tells us he received only $1,500 in payment plus a small percentage of the royalties.

Thomas had a change of heart Tuesday ... after receiving texts from Meghan saying she loved him and was concerned for his health. He told us he hoped he could get out of the hospital and travel to England to walk Meghan down the aisle, but now he realizes it's all but impossible given the upcoming surgery.

BTW, Thomas also says he believes the open letter his son, Thomas Jr., wrote to Prince Harry discouraging him from marrying Meghan is what triggered his heart attack.

Meghan Markle's Dad I Changed My Mind I Want to Walk Her Down the Aisle, BUT ...

Meghan Markle's dad has had a change of heart -- this after his daughter contacted him -- and he now wants to go to England and walk her down the aisle ... but there's a serious snag.

Thomas Markle just told us he's back in the hospital after experiencing serious chest pains and doctors are performing a battery of tests on him. He says the doctors told him his heart was "seriously damaged" after his heart attack a week ago.

Thomas tells TMZ Meghan tried calling him Monday but he was not near his phone. She followed up with a text telling him she loved him and was concerned about his health. He says she harbors no ill feelings toward him for making a deal with a paparazzi agency to stage photos of him getting ready for the wedding.

As for the Queen being upset with him, Thomas scoffed, saying, "I don't think the Queen is thinking about what I'm doing."

Thomas says he's thought about it and now believes what he did with the photos was not a serious transgression, although he calls it "stupid." He says he now wants to make the trek to England, telling us, "I hate the idea of missing one of the greatest moments in history and walking my daughter down the aisle."


Thomas says if doctors let him out of the hospital he will risk his health and fly to England so he can be with his daughter. Whether he gets released this week is problematic. Thomas says he's lobbied the doctors, asking if he can get out Wednesday, but they have been noncommittal.

As for his eldest daughter, Samantha, talking to the press, Thomas echoed the sentiment our Meghan Markle sources have sounded, saying Samantha has had no real relationship with Meghan as an adult and has no knowledge of Meghan's relationship with Prince Harry.

Bottom line, he says, "Of course I'd walk her down the aisle. This is a historic moment. I'd like to be a part of history."

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Palace Blindsided By Thomas Markle's Decision to Bail on Wedding

Kensington Palace was caught flatfooted by TMZ's story that Meghan Markle's dad will not walk his daughter down the aisle ... because we found out the palace had made elaborate plans for him.

Our palace sources say the plans included a security detail for Thomas Markle, along with accommodations and access to various events.

TMZ broke the story ... Thomas Markle told us he would not attend the wedding because he felt shame that he made a deal with a paparazzi agency that photographed him in staged shots.

One source connected to Meghan confirms what we posted Monday ... that Meghan's mom is now the frontrunner to give her daughter away. We're told the 2 are extremely close.

As for who's not close to Meghan ... her half-sister, Samantha Grant. Our Meghan sources say the 2 have "absolutely no relationship" and "she knows nothing about Meghan's life." The sources warn that Samantha is trying to take the media for a ride by planting stories with no basis in fact.

Finally, we tried to find out if Meghan has reached out to her dad to see if she could change his mind. So far, no word back.


Meghan Markle Dad Suffering New Chest Pains ... Will Head to Hospital

Meghan Markle's dad is hurting from the fallout over his deal with a paparazzi agency -- hurting both physically and emotionally, and it looks like he's going back to the hospital as early as Monday night.

Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he's experiencing serious chest pains ... this after his heart attack 6 days ago. He says the pains have been triggered by emotional upset. He specifically mentioned his oldest daughter, Samantha Grant, who has been shading Meghan in the weeks leading up to the wedding.

Thomas tells us, "I've been popping Valium for the pain, especially when I hear about my oldest daughter."

He tells us he has not heard from Meghan since TMZ ran the story that he has decided not to go to the wedding and give her away.

Thomas thinks Meghan's mother -- his ex-wife -- Doria Ragland, is a good choice for walking Meghan down the aisle.

He says he checked out of General Hospital in Mexico a few days ago, which he says is a "charity hospital," but he feels he needs to go to another hospital soon because he's worried he might be on the verge of another heart attack. The coronary he suffered 6 days ago was his second.

'Harry & Meghan' Star I Might Not Look Like William, But ... I Nailed the Royal Accent!


The guy who played Prince William in Lifetime's "Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance" says even he was surprised when he wasn't given a prosthetic to play the future king of England.

We spoke to actor Burgess Abernethy about his role in the TV movie, which was met with a ton of criticism because a lot of viewers didn't think he looked anything like the real Wills -- and turns out, Burgess didn't think so either.

Burgess says hair, wardrobe and makeup helped a little, and he's still got the bald spot to prove it ... but ultimately, nailing the accent was his saving grace and helped him embody Will's spirit -- even if he's not a dead ringer for the guy. Like he says ... it was his own version of PW.

As for the haters ... seems there's only really one critique Burgess cares about.

Meghan Markle Yoga Mom Now Leading Candidate To Give Meghan Away

Meghan Markle's mom may have to make a quick transformation -- both in apparel and location -- because she's now the leading candidate to walk her daughter down the aisle.

Doria Ragland was going about her business in L.A. Monday, just 5 days before her daughter gets hitched to Prince Harry. The yoga instructor has been keeping a low profile, but that's about to change.

TMZ broke the story ... Doria's ex-husband, Thomas Markle, was supposed to give Meghan away, but he tells TMZ he's no longer going to the wedding because of the photo scandal. He made a deal with a paparazzi agency for some photo ops in return for cash, and the story presumably pissed off the Royals.

Thomas says he wanted to go to the wedding so badly ... he left the hospital prematurely after suffering a heart attack just 6 days ago because he wanted to attend the nuptials.

No official word on who will be substituting for Thomas, but we're sure it's not her half sister, so our money's on Doria.

Meghan Markle's Extended Family Wedding Crashers ... Here Comes Trouble!!!

Meghan Markle's extended family wasn't invited to the Royal wedding, but that didn't stop them from jetting off to London.

Meghan's nephew Tyler and his brother, Thomas Dooley, arrived at London Heathrow Airport along with their mother Tracy Dooley, who was the wife of Meghan's half brother, Thomas Markle Jr. Despite no invite, the family does have a purpose there -- they will be special correspondents on "Good Morning Britain" ... presumably dishing family deets for Saturday's big day.

Also not going to the wedding? Meghan's father, Thomas. TMZ broke the story ... Thomas decided not to go because he doesn't want to embarrass the Royal Family or his daughter. The decision comes on the heels of the fallout over him selling photos of himself.

James Corden I'm a Royal Guest For Wedding and VIP Bash!

At least one late-night TV talk show host will have insider access at the upcoming Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ... and that lucky guy is James Corden.

Sources close tell TMZ ... Corden and his producing partner, Ben Winston, are on the guest list for next Saturday's wedding at St. George's Chapel in England, and BOTH receptions to follow.

This includes the reception immediately after the ceremony at Windsor Castle, and later in the evening at the more exclusive party at Frogmore House ... where Meghan and Harry snapped their engagement pics.

James and Prince Harry have been friends for years, but Corden previously implied he didn't think he'd get an invite to the wedding ... but he just wanted to go to Harry's bachelor party anyway.

Looks like he was just bluffing. Corden had recently bought Kate and Prince William a baby gift for little Prince Louis too, so there's no denying it -- he's royalty adjacent.

Spice Girls Attending Royal Wedding Not Performing, Though ... For Now

Mel B might've played too fast and loose with the truth by implying the Spice Girls were performing at the Royal wedding, 'cause they're not -- at least for now ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us that while Scary Spice and co. will, in fact, be attending Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's nuptials later this month ... there are no current plans to have the group perform at any point in the festivities. M&H haven't asked ... neither has Kensington Palace.

What's more ... we're told the Spice Girls haven't rehearsed anything for the wedding either, as of now, and with about a week or so before the Royal couple ties the knot ... it ain't likely they'll get an act together in time for a showstopper. The last time the Spice Girls performed together was in 2012 at the London Olympics ... so they're probably a little rusty.

As we reported ... Mel B led on that the Girls were hitting the stage together for the wedding while chatting with the ladies of "The Real." She didn't come out and say it outright, but she didn't deny it either ... which led everyone, including us, to believe just that.

Unfortunately, we're told she was getting ahead of herself ... 'cause there's simply no truth to that as of right now. Keep in mind ... the wedding is on May 19.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

All that said ... it wouldn't be implausible to see the Spice Girls possibly do something to entertain the crowd -- they're all gonna be under one roof for crying out loud, which doesn't happen all that often. Mel, Geri Halliwell and Emma Bunton recently got together ... sans Victoria or Mel C, though.

Hopefully, they can give us a bow ... a note ... ANYTHING to tease this upcoming tour of theirs.

Meghan Markle LEGOLAND Lightens Her Skin For Royal Wedding Exhibit

Meghan Markle has the exact same skin color as her fiance, Prince Harry -- at least according to LEGOLAND's special display ahead of the royal wedding.

LEGOLAND's Windsor Resort unveiled a new exhibit this week in honor of Meghan and Harry's big day, which is just over a week away. The problem is LEGO Meghan is pretty whitewashed. We all know the real Prince is very fair-skinned ... so there's no way his bride-to-be's skin tone should match his.

Biracial Meghan -- half black, half white -- obviously has tanner skin than Harry, so LEGOLAND clearly missed the mark. Their explanation? Not enough brown LEGOs. Seriously.

A rep for LEGOLAND tells TMZ ... "Our small LEGOLAND figures are not detailed representations of any of the characters and are all built using a limited range of [primary] brick tones."

That's funny, 'cause their figurines of Mel B and Meghan's mom, Doria Ragland, look a lot more realistic, skin tone-wise than Meghan's character does.

Is it the end of the world? Of course not, but interesting choices made by the LEGO artists. Another way to look at this -- LEGO Harry's way too dark!

Mary Carey Yo Judge, Speed Up My Divorce ... I'm Getting Married Again!!

Mary Carey's got big plans -- she's got a brand new fiance, and she's getting out of the porn biz ... but there's a tiny issue with that first part.

According to new docs, Mary's still not divorced from her current husband, and she's officially asking the judge to sign off ASAP. She says her wedding date's July 7, but that's gonna be problematic if the expedited divorce hearing doesn't go her way.

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As for her wedding plans, we got the former Cali gubernatorial candidate last week at LAX and asked her for some deets. She says it's a destination wedding in Cuba, but before that ... she has a couple strip club appearances to make.

Once she's hitched, though ... Mary says she's only stripping for her man, and she's tightening up her game too. Yes, she told us about the surgery she's having to make their wedding night more pleasurable.

She's a woman of her word. Right after filing for divorce in 2016, Mary told us she was on the hunt for her future husband. Two-year turnaround? Not too shabby.
