JOE BIDEN Cosigns ELMO'S WELL-BEING CHECK 'Be There for Each Other'

President Biden is the latest public figure to weigh in on Elmo's viral mental health pop-in -- saying the famed puppet was right to check in on folks ... 'cause we're all hurting.

It all started when the "Sesame Street" star's X followers began trauma-dumping in his comments earlier this week when he asked how everyone was doing ... something that's taken the Internet by storm over the past 48 hours.

In a follow-up tweet, Elmo said he was glad he asked -- reminding us all of the importance of checking in with a friend. Unclear if that was Elmo's intention, but that's what it became.

Welp, Joe himself signed off on Elmo's tweet and the broader implications of what it morphed into ... retweeting it to add his own words of wisdom -- writing, "I know how hard it is some days to sweep the clouds away and get to sunnier days."

He drew focus back to our friend Elmo ... acknowledging his underlying message was spot on, "We have to be there for each other, offer our help to a neighbor in need, and above all else, ask for help when we need it. Even though it's hard, you're never alone."

Of course, Elmo's initial message sent the Internet ablaze ... with actress Rachel Zegler viewing it as a safe space for her to admit she was "kinda sad." Heck, even T-Pain commented: "That's love, pull up any time bruh ... Check in on your people."

The comments section also became a safe space for others to talk about issues as small as running out of milk for the day ... to more significant topics such as exhaustion, the 9-5 grind, and mental health in general.

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One takeaway from this ... a little Elmo-tional support goes a long way. People were clearly more than ready to share their problems and then some -- they just needed someone to ask.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Taylor Swift My Name's Searchable On 'X' Again ... With No Sexually-Explicit Images

Taylor Swift fans around the world can breathe a sigh of relief ... the mega pop star is searchable again on X!!!

In a statement released Monday, X's rep, Joe Benarroch, broke the news about Taylor after her name was blocked from being searched on the platform last weekend following a flood of sexually explicit AI images of the singer.

Benarroch wrote that X had reinstated all searches for Taylor after temporarily blocking them due to the raunchy images.

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The spokesman promised to "continue to be vigilant for attempts to spread this content and will remove it wherever we find it.”

As millions of Taylor fans recall, they woke up Saturday to the harsh reality of not being able to search for the music giant on X.

All they got when they typed in Taylor's name was an error message, essentially saying there was no news about her on the app, formerly known as Twitter.

Now that the problem has been solved, everybody can relax.

Taylor Swift Se puede encontrar de nuevo en X Sin imágenes sexuales explícitas

Los fans de Taylor Swift en todo el mundo pueden respirar aliviados, ¡¡¡ya que la mega estrella del pop se puede volver a encontrar en X!!!

En un comunicado publicado el lunes, el representante de X Joe Benarroch, dio la noticia después de que su nombre fuera bloqueado de la plataforma el fin de semana pasado tras una avalancha de imágenes sexualmente explícitas generadas con IA de la cantante.

Benarroch escribió que X había restablecido todas las búsquedas de Taylor después de bloquearlas temporalmente debido a las imágenes subidas de tono.

TMZ investiga
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El portavoz prometió "seguir vigilando los intentos de difundir este contenido y que lo eliminarán donde lo encuentren".

Como recuerdan millones de fans de Taylor, se despertaron el sábado con la cruda realidad de no poder buscar a la gigante de la música en X.

Todo lo que obtuvieron cuando escribieron el nombre de Taylor fue un mensaje de error, que informaba que no había noticias sobre ella en la aplicación, antes conocida como Twitter.

Ahora que el problema se ha resuelto, todo el mundo puede relajarse.

Neuralink de Elon Musk Implantan primer chip cerebral en un ser humano

Elon Musk y Neuralink han hecho historia... el multimillonario dice por primera vez hay un ser humano equipado con el chip cerebral de la startup neurotecnológica.

Elon hizo el gran anuncio el lunes en su plataforma de redes sociales X, antes Twitter, afirmando que los primeros resultados se ven bien.

Musk dice que el paciente, parte del primer grupo de prueba humano de Neuralink, recibió el implante el domingo y se está recuperando bien.

Añade: "Los resultados iniciales muestran una prometedora detección de picos neuronales".

El chip cerebral, explica Elon, se llama Telepatía y dice que "permite controlar tu teléfono u ordenador, y a través de ellos, casi cualquier dispositivo, solo con el pensamiento".

TMZ investiga
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Dicho de otra manera, Elon dice: "Imagínese si Stephen Hawking podría haberse comunicado más rápido que un mecanógrafo o un subastador. Ese es el objetivo".

El primer ensayo en humanos de Neuralink involucra a personas que han perdido el uso de sus extremidades.

La empresa de Elon está probando la seguridad del implante y del robot quirúrgico que inserta el chip en el cerebro. Neuralink dice que también quiere ver cómo funciona la futurista tecnología en el mundo real.

La FDA despejó el camino para este ensayo en mayo, y es solo un paso en un largo proceso hacia la aprobación final de la FDA.

Aun así, es un gran paso para Elon, su empresa ... Y la humanidad.

Elon Musk's Neuralink First Brain Chip Implanted in Human

History for Elon Musk and Neuralink ... the billionaire says there's now a human being fitted with the neurotech startup's brain chip for the first time.

Elon made the big announcement Monday on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, claiming the early results are looking good.

Musk says the patient, part of Neuralink's first human test group, received the implant Sunday and is recovering well.

Elon adds ... "Initial results show promising neuron spike detection."

The brain chip, Elon explains, is called Telepathy ... and he says it "enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking."

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Put another way, Elon says ... "Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."

Neuralink's first human trial involves people who have lost the use of their limbs.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023

Elon's company is testing the safety of the implant and the surgical robot that inserts the chip in the brain. Neuralink says it also wants to see how the futuristic tech works in the real world.

The FDA cleared the way for this trial back in May, and this is just one step in a long process toward final FDA approval.

Still, it's a big step for Elon, his company ... and humanity.

Taylor Swift Unsearchable on X ... Amid X-Rated AI Photos Scandal

Taylor Swift junkies can't get their fix ... 'cause she's totally unfindable on X -- and AI-generated NSFW images might just be the cause.

Fans of the mega-popular hitmaker woke up Saturday to what we can only assume is on the list of their worst nightmares -- an error message when trying to search her name on the social media network.

It's a short error message, not big on details ... but the gist of it is clear -- no Taylor Swift news on the app formerly known as Twitter.

While it's not totally clear why this is happening, it's a pretty good guess it has to do with AI pornographic images that went viral on the site earlier in the week ... images that whipped Swifites into a frenzy.

As we previously reported ... renderings featuring the 34-year-old billionaire flooded X all week -- showing a fake Swift in different graphic sexual situations. Some people relished in the pics, but Swift's supporters took a different tact ... telling people not share the pics.

It got so big, even the White House got involved ... with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying the Biden administration is alarmed at the pics -- and they'll be pushing Congress to pass laws against it.

Seems like a lot of social media sites are being mindful of Taylor's image/security these days ... a popular Instagram account that documented the movement of T-Swift's jet was shut down just last month.

While we don't know exactly why that happened, we do know Taylor's had issues with stalkers in the past -- so it's possible social media companies are very aware of those issues.


We've reached out to X and Taylor's team ... so far, no word back.

Taylor Swift Inencontrable en X... En medio del escándalo por las imágenes porno creadas con IA

Los adictos a Taylor Swift no podrán conseguir su dosis de la cantante, pues esta se encuentra totalmente inencontrable en este momento en X y las imágenes generadas a través de la inteligencia artificial podrían ser la causa.

Los fans de Taylor se despertaron con lo que podemos suponer está en la lista de sus peores pesadillas, esto es, con un mensaje de error al intentar buscar su nombre en la red.

Es un mensaje de error corto, sin muchos detalles, pero lo esencial está claro: no hay noticias de Taylor Swift en la aplicación antes conocida como Twitter.

Si bien no está totalmente claro por qué pasa esto, una suposición bastante clara tiene que ver con las imágenes pornográficas generadas a través de IA que se hicieron virales a principios de la semana y que pusieron en alerta a los Swifties.

Como informamos anteriormente, renders de la cantante de 34 años, inundaron X durante toda la semana, en donde ella aparece en diferentes situaciones sexuales gráficas. Algunas personas disfrutaron de las fotos, pero los partidarios de Swift tuvieron un trato diferente, pidiéndole a la gente que no compartiera las fotos.

El asunto alcanzó tal magnitud que incluso la Casa Blanca se involucró en el asunto. La secretaria de prensa Karine Jean-Pierre declaró que la administración Biden está alarmada por las fotos y que presionará al Congreso para que apruebe leyes en contra de ellas.

Parece que muchos sitios de redes sociales están siendo conscientes de la imagen de Taylor y su seguridad por estos días. Una popular cuenta de Instagram que documentó el movimiento del jet de T-Swift fue cerrada el mes pasado.

Aunque no sabemos exactamente por qué sucedió, sabemos que Taylor ha tenido problemas con los acosadores en el pasado, por lo que es posible que las empresas de las redes sociales estén muy conscientes de estos problemas.

Tercera vez

Nos pusimos en contacto con X y el equipo de Taylor, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Taylor Swift X-Rated AI Pics Flood Internet ... Fans Outraged & Disgusted

Taylor Swift has been trending these past couple days for all the wrong reasons -- somebody cranked out a bunch of X-rated/NSFW AI photos of her ... and they're absolutely wild.

Here's the deal ... tons of different mockups and renderings depicting fake Taylor in a bunch of sexual situations have been flooding Twitter over the past 24 hours or so, and they all come from artificial intelligence programming. And yes, they do look somewhat real, too.

The "photos" show AI Taylor in graphic fashion -- whether it's her being groped and fondled by fans/players at a Kansas City Chiefs game ... or, in some instances, more explicit sex.

In all the AI KC renderings that are circulating, fake Taylor is basically being tossed around and used as a sex prop -- and she's depicted in red paint, and often fully nude as well. There are other AI offerings that are surfacing too ... and she's again being sexualized.

While some pervs are relishing in the images -- and trying to crank out even more, it seems -- more than enough Swifties have come out in fierce defense of their hero/idol.

In fact, that's exactly why "PROTECT TAYLOR SWIFT" is trending on X right now ... it's her fans who are denouncing the flood of AI photos, pointing out she's being victimized here.

Not just that ... but it looks like the Swifties are flagging accounts that are allegedly spreading all this -- and while X tends to let porn slide, it does appear that moderators on the site are flagging these and yanking them. Some accounts also seem to be getting dinged.

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Of course, Taylor herself hasn't addressed this yet -- and frankly, she doesn't need to ... it's very much so beneath her. But the fact these AI porn pics made their way onto the internet in the first place signals a dangerous time for stars. Your image/likeness is in the wind!

We've seen other instances of AI trying to impersonate/replicate stars -- be it through music or otherwise -- and now ... deep-fake images showing them in gross settings is the latest.


Scary times we live in ... but at least T-Swift has her army fully behind her in this cause.

Taylor Swift Fotos porno inundan Internet... Los fans están indignados

Taylor Swift ha sido trending estos últimos días por todas las razones equivocadas, y es que alguien lanzó un montón de fotos porno de ella usando la IA y son absolutamente salvajes.

Este es el asunto, toneladas de diferentes maquetas de una falsa Taylor en un montón de situaciones sexuales han estado inundando Twitter en las últimas 24 horas y todas provienen de la programación de inteligencia artificial. Y sí, también parecen algo reales.

Las "fotos" muestran a una Taylor de IA de forma explícita, ya sea, siendo manoseada y acariciada por aficionados/jugadores en un partido de los Kansas City Chiefs o, en algunos casos, en situaciones sexuales más gráficas.

En todos los renders que circulan, la falsa Taylor Swfit es básicamente manoseada y utilizada como accesorio sexual y se la representa con pintura roja y a menudo también completamente desnuda.

Aunque algunos pervertidos se deleitan con las imágenes y tratan de sacar aún más, al parecer, más que suficientes Swifties han salido a defender ferozmente a su heroína.

De hecho, esa es la razón por la que el hashtag "PROTECT TAYLOR SWIFT" es tendencia en X en este momento. Son sus fans los que están denunciando la avalancha de fotos IA, señalando que está siendo víctima aquí.

No solo eso. Parece que los Swifties están marcando las cuentas que supuestamente están difundiendo todo esto, y aunque X tiende a dejar pasar la pornografía, parece que los moderadores en el sitio están marcando estos sitios y los están removiendo. Algunas cuentas también parecen estar siendo marcadas y rechazadas.

TMZ investiga
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Por supuesto, la propia Taylor no ha abordado esto todavía y, francamente, no necesita hacerlo, es muy bajo para ella. Pero el hecho de que estas fotos porno de AI lleguen a Internet sugiere un momento peligroso para las estrellas. ¡Su imagen está en el viento!

Hemos visto otros casos de IA tratando de suplantar y/o replicar estrellas, pero estas falsas imágenes de celebridades en contextos desagradables es lo último.

Vivimos tiempos aterradores, pero al menos T-Swift cuenta con todo su ejército.

Pro-Palestine Protesters Shut Down Street Outside Sundance ... Melissa Barrera, Indya Moore Attend

Pro-Palestine protesters shut down a street near the Sundance Film Festival on Sunday afternoon ... and a couple famous faces joined their numbers.

About 100 protesters reportedly showed up on Park City's Main Street for a protest organized by "Let Gaza Live" ... with police in the small Utah town shutting down the block to traffic.

Among those protesting ... former 'Scream' star Melissa Barrera -- who was fired for her comments on the war between Israel and Hamas -- and model/actor Indya Moore.

MB kept a low profile with her hood on and sunglasses covering her eyes while IM was more front and center ... at one point using a megaphone at the rally.

BTW, Barrera's been talking a lot about her firing recently ... telling the Associated Press Friday night that getting laid off from the popular franchise was a "big awakening" for her adding she's "grateful" for everything that's happened.

The protest was pretty peaceful all morning ... with videos populating social media of passionate protesters -- though their chants stirred up some controversy.

Some of the protesters used the phrase "From the river to the sea" which is a point of contention between Israel supporters and Palestine supporters ... they're also going right after President Biden calling him "Genocide Joe" and repurposing an old condemnation of Lyndon B. Johnson -- asking him how many kids he's "killed today."

Protesters in support of Israel were also on the streets in Park City ... seemingly mounting a counter-protest and chanting "Bring them home" in reference to hostages taken by Hamas during the tragic October 7 attack.

It should be noted that the protest was not affiliated with Sundance, instead just running near it ... a move other political protesters have used in the past to capitalize on media attention. Thousands of protesters gathered back in 2017 to protest then-newly inaugurated President Trump.

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Festival representatives released a statement before the march saying they were aware of the demonstration and working with local law enforcement to keep festivalgoers safe.

Meek Mill Asks How Africans Stream Music ... X Unites Against Him

Meek Mill must be feeling a lot like one of his songs right now ... because his day is "Going Bad" -- after he asked what seemed an innocent question on X.

The Philly-born rapper took to the social media network formerly known as Twitter Saturday morning where he asked his followers if he's big on other continents ... specifically Africa.

MM asked, "Do a lot of people play my music in South Africa I remember having on big show [there a] few years back … how do yall listen to our music in South Africa???? On what platform or in Nigeria?"

A seemingly innocuous question ... Meek's probably not super well-versed on how other countries and cultures consume music -- but the internet gave him no mercy and instead relentlessly roasted the man.

Check out the Meek Mill trend on Twitter to see what we're talking about ... the guy's getting mercilessly mocked over this tweet -- with many seemingly calling Meek out for insinuating Africa isn't technologically advanced.

Mill ain't letting the haters bother him though ... instead following up that tweet with another saying he's trying to figure out where his fans in Africa are located so he can put on a show for them.

Not For Clout

The 36-year-old's not about to let doubters get to him now -- he released a new album with Rick Ross just a few months ago and recently got teary-eyed during a probation reform bill signing last month in Philly ... he's living an authentic life, no cap.

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Maybe internet trolls need to go back to elementary school ... there's no such thing as a stupid question.

John Oliver le responde a Elon Musk llamándolo "progre"

John Oliver
definitivamente es un tipo sensible

John Oliver y Elon Musk han tenido sus desencuentros últimamente, y John nos ha dado algunas declaraciones.

Nos encontramos con el comediante el lunes en LAX y le preguntamos acerca de esta nueva disputa en la que parece encontrarse con el jefe de Tesla, quien recientemente lo etiquetó de "progre", además de "débil". Por supuesto, Elon parecía estar respondiéndole a John en su programa el mes pasado.

Esto es lo que Elon tenía que decir en respuesta a un artículo que básicamente destrozó el segmento "Last Week Tonight", Elon escribió: "Es bastante trágico ver a un comediante tan capaz como @iamjohnoliver convertirse en alguien débil".

Y añadió: "La razón por la que no es muy divertido estos días, es porque está demasiado dispuesto a complacer a los progres, lo cual es fundamentalmente una mentira, mientras que el gran humor se trata de revelar la verdad".

Bueno, ahora John le está respondiendo a Elon, acusándolo de ir por la vida como un "progre"... básicamente la palabra favorita de Musk estos días. En nuestro paseo y charla con John, básicamente se encogió de hombros sobre lo que cree que Elon piensa de él.

La única cosa que John sabe con certeza acerca de Elon es que es bastante sensible, pero en cuanto a lo que Elon argumenta ... John dice que no puede hacer de psicólogo para un tipo como el Sr. Musk. ¡De hecho, dice que no está seguro de que Elon sepa lo que quiere decir!

Nuestro fotógrafo le hizo una gran pregunta: ¿crees que la disputa continuará? A lo que John tuvo una respuesta hilarante. Esto demuestra que Elon está equivocado respecto al sentiudo del humor de John.

Échale un vistazo y opina por ti mismo.

John Oliver Responds to Elon Trashing Him ... WTF's He Talking About?!?

John Oliver
He's Definitely Sensitive

John Oliver and Elon Musk have been in a little back and forth lately -- and with the ball technically in JO's court ... he's now picking it up and giving his response to us.

We got the comedian Monday at LAX and asked about this new feud he seems to find himself in with the Tesla chief -- who recently labeled him "woke" ... not to mention calling him "weak sauce." Of course, Elon appeared to be responding to John highlighting him on his show last month.

Here's what Elon had to say in response to an article that basically trashed John's 'Last Week Tonight' segment -- which picked Elon apart in great detail. EM wrote, "It is rather tragic to see an otherwise capable comedian like @iamjohnoliver become weak sauce."

He added, "The reason he is not very funny these days is because he is too keen to pander to wokeness, which is fundamentally a lie, whereas great humor requires revealed truth."

Welp, now John's weighing in on Elon's gripe with him -- namely, accusing him of going "woke" ... which is basically EM's favorite word these days. In our walk-and-chat with JO ... he basically shrugged his shoulders on what it is he thinks Elon thinks of him.

The one thing John knows for sure about Elon is that he's thin-skinned as hell -- but as far as what Elon's getting at with his "woke" argument ... John says he can't play psychologist for a dude like Mr. Musk. In fact, he says he's not sure Elon knows what he means!

Our photog asked one big question -- do you think your feud will continue on??? John has a hilarious response ... and to us, it kinda proves Elon wrong in his assessment of humor.

Check it out and weigh in for yourself.

La película biográfica de Amy Winehouse estrena tráiler y hay opiniones divididas

El casting de Marisa Abela como Amy Winehouse ha estado cabreando a la gente durante un año y las cosas siguen igual después de que el trailer salió a la luz.

Por lo que podemos ver, Marisa no es idéntica a la fallecida cantante, pero se acerca lo suficiente, pasando de ser una londinense común y corriente a una poderosa mujer con tatuajes en el primer tráiler de la película —"Back to Black"—, que muestra su ascenso en la industria músical.

Algunos se niegan a dar el brazo a torcer y un montón de haters ya se han hecho escuchar en X. El enojo es más que nada el casting de Marisa y también han pronosticado que la película se hundirá en taquilla. Resumiendo: muchos usuarios creen que no es creíble como la difunta Amy, tanto por su aspecto como por su voz.

Sin embargo, no todo es sombrío, otros admiten que están gratamente sorprendidos por el tráiler —lo suficiente como para ir al cine— añadiendo que se ve muy emocional.

El tráiler definitivamente despertó algo de conmoción. Se oye a la Winehouse de Abela decir que no escribe canciones para ser famosa y que solo lo hace porque no sabe qué otra cosa haría si no lo hiciera.

Ella también espera que la gente se olvide de los prejuicios cuando escuchen su voz. Amy tocó millones antes de su trágico fallecimiento a los 27 años de intoxicación accidental por alcohol en 2011.

La reacción mixta a la película biográfica dirigida por Sam Taylor-Johnson no es una sorpresa, ya que los fans de Amy se han estado quejando durante un tiempo de que Marisa no se parecía en nada a la estrella - también criticando la necesidad de una película biográfica en el primer lugar.

Sin embargo, el propio padre de Amy —Mitch— está totalmente de acuerdo con la película biográfica, diciendole a TMZ a principios del año pasado que Marisa es una gran elección para el papel, incluso si ella no se ve exactamente como Amy.

Jack O'Connell interpreta al marido de Amy, Blake Fielder-Civil, y Juliet Cowan y Eddie Marsan interpretan a su madre y su padre, Janis y Mitch Winehouse.

Estamos a favor de darle a la película una oportunidad... lo que ocurrirá cuando "Back To Black" llegue a los cines el 10 de mayo.

AMY WINEHOUSE Marisa Abela Critiques Resume ... As Biopic Trailer Drops

Marisa Abela's casting as Amy Winehouse has been pissing people off for about a year -- and loads are STILL fuming after the trailer for the biopic dropped ... can't win 'em all.

As far as we can see, Marisa's not a dead ringer for the late icon ... but she's close enough -- going from an average everyday Londoner to a beehive-wearing, heavily-tatted powerhouse in the first international teaser trailer for "Back to Black," showing her rise in the biz.

Some refuse to cut her slack, with a crap ton of haters hitting X with their fuming takes on Marisa's casting & also predicting the movie will tank at the box office. Long story short -- a lot of users feel she's just not believable as the late, great AW ... both in look, and in voice.

It ain't all bleak, though -- others admit they're pleasantly surprised at the trailer ... enough for them to make a theatre trip -- adding that it looks super emotional.

The trailer definitely stirs up some poignancy ... Abela's Winehouse is heard saying she doesn't pen songs to be famous ... only doing it cause she doesn't know what else she'd do if she didn't.

She also hopes people forget their troubles when listening to her voice -- which arguably they did as Amy's music touched millions before her tragic passing at 27 from accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011.

The mixed reaction to the Sam Taylor-Johnson-directed biopic doesn't come as a surprise as Amy fans have been venting for a while over Marisa looking nothing like the star -- also slamming the need for a biopic in the first place.

Though, Amy's own dad Mitch is totally cool with the biopic ... telling TMZ early last year Marisa's a great choice for the role -- even if she doesn't look exactly like Amy.

Jack O'Connell plays Amy's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, and Juliet Cowan & Eddie Marsan play her mom and dad, Janis and Mitch Winehouse.

We're all about giving the movie a fair shot ... which will happen once "Back To Black" hits cinemas on May 10.

Lil Nas X Christian College Letter's Bogus ... 'Memba, Thou Shall Not Lie

Lil Nas X's claim of being accepted to a Christian college was a fib of biblical proportions -- at least according to the higher ed institution itself ... who says they've never heard of him.

A spokesperson for Liberty University tells TMZ Hip Hop, "We can confirm that Liberty University did not issue the Montero Hill 'acceptance letter' posted yesterday to social media, and we have no record of Montero Hill applying to the University. Liberty University exists to glorify God by equipping men and women in higher education in fidelity to the Christian faith expressed through the Holy Scriptures."

"We continue to pray for America and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed across this land. We welcome all to apply and join us at Liberty University."

LNX posted the phony placard as part of his new song rollout that's hellbent on convincing fans he's not the devil-worshipping dandy that Dave Chappelle made him out to be in his newest Netflix special.

Many people noted the letter he posted was edited/old ... 'cause the ex-Prez whose John Hancock is on there died a long time ago -- so it was easy to spot the fake. Still, now we got LU officially shutting it down ... and sending prayers Nas X's way too to boot.

Of course, this stunt is just the latest LNX has pulled over the past few weeks to plug this new single of his -- 'J Christ' -- which is very much the opposite of his devil song from a few years ago ... "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)." Now, he's trying to seem holier than thou.

Speaking of this new track ... Lil Nas X dropped a teaser of the music video for it on Wednesday -- and there's a bunch of celebrity lookalikes heading up to the pearly gates.

Funny enough, we saw photos of these same actors a couple months ago doing a shoot -- and while we didn't know what this was for at the time ... we certainly do now. You can take a peek and check out the photos yourself to see what was happening behind the scenes.

Montero may not be a holy roller on campus next semester but he's still pumped to take his fans on a divine journey ... judging from his upcoming "J Christ" music video that spoofs several celebrities walking up the stairways to heaven.

We got a hold of some pics from the shoot ... doppelgängers of everyone from Taylor Swift to Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Kanye West -- even Queen Elizabeth can be seen Nasing it up!!!

He insists the art will contain a deeper meaning ... what that is, we'll just have to wait until Friday, which is when this song's coming out.

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