Machine Gun Kelly New Razor Blade Guitar Slammed ... 'Promoting Self-Harm'

Machine Gun Kelly's new signature guitar is being picked apart ... with critics saying the razor blade design promotes self-harm with impressionable youth.

Schecter Guitars just released a new instrument called the Machine Gun Kelly Razor Blade and it's being universally ripped online ... with tons of folks saying it promotes, glorifies and advocates cutting.

The issue ... razor blades are often used by people who cut themselves on purpose -- and not just that, but there's a stereotype about fans of pop-punk/emo rock engaging in self-harm ... which only heightens this convo, considering Kelly's affiliation with the genres.

In light of all that ... the company's Instagram post announcing the new MGK signature guitar is being bombarded with negative comments -- with folks slamming the guitar as Schecter's worst offering ever.

In introducing the guitar at a recent gig, Machine Gun Kelly explained it's "kind of an ode to Tickets To My Downfall, the line on title track and also an ode to my 20s and all the crazy times that I had." Unfortunately, folks are calling this out as promoting cutting, even if indirectly.

MGK's heard all the noise, and now he's singing a different tune ... saying, "I'll never explain my art because art is conversational and always up for interpretation, but I will say, most of you constantly interpret it wrong."

Seems like the early negative feedback may be affecting the sale price ... Schecter originally listed the guitar for $2,169 but the price tag has already been slashed to $1,499 ... a $700 reduction.

The Razor Blade is MGK's second signature guitar from Schecter ... the first was the Machine Gun Kelly Signature Pink PT Electric Guitar, which didn't ruffle as many feathers.

Critican la nueva guitarra Razor Blade de MGK... dicen que promueve la autolesión

La nueva guitarra de Machine Gun Kelly está recibiendo críticas... dicen que el diseño de hoja de afeitar promueve la autolesión entre los jóvenes impresionables.

Schecter Guitars acaba de lanzar un nuevo instrumento llamado Machine Gun Kelly Razor Blade y está siendo duramente criticado en redes sociales. La gente comenta que promueve, glorifica y aboga por la autolesión.

Las cuchillas de afeitar son a menudo utilizadas por personas que se cortan a propósito, además, los fans del pop-punk/emo-rock en ocasiones son adolescentes que recurren a estas prácticas y el estilo musical de MGK a veces toma estos tintes.

La gente ha criticado la guitarra como la peor oferta de Schecter en toda su existencia.

En la presentación de la guitarra en un concierto reciente, Machine Gun Kelly explicó que es "una especie de oda a Tickets To My Downfall, la línea en la canción principal y también una oda a mis 20 años y todos los momentos locos que tuve". Desgraciadamente, la gente está tachando esto de promoción del corte, aunque sea indirectamente.

MGK ha escuchado el ruido y dice: "Nunca voy a explicar mi arte porque el arte es conversacional y siempre se presta a la interpretación, pero debo decir que la mayoría de ustedes lo interpretan mal constantemente".

Parece que los primeros comentarios negativos pueden estar afectando al precio de venta... Schecter originalmente había listado de la guitarra por $2.169, pero la etiqueta de precio ya ha sido rebajada a $1.499... una reducción de $700.

La Razor Blade es la segunda guitarra de MGK firmada por Schecter, la primera fue la Machine Gun Kelly Signature Pink PT Electric Guitar, que no levantó tanto revuelo.

Tucker Carlson Congratulates Don Lemon On New Show ... Welcome to X, Despite Our Differences

Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon definitely don't see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, but that didn't stop the former Fox News anchor from congratulating Don on joining him on Team X.

As you know, Don entered a partnership with X -- formerly Twitter -- on Tuesday, where he'll have a new 30-minute show airing on the platform 3 times a week, and which comes after his firing from CNN last year.

The whole thing was similar to Tucker's situation, as he's already got a show on X. Remember, the 2 of them got canned on the same day, and Tucker extended an olive branch to the guy, despite their long-standing beef ... telling him, "Congratulations. It’s a new world.”

Doesn't mean the dust has settled in their drama, though -- Don replied in the most polite, yet unenthusiastic way possible ... "Thanks Tucker."

Tucker and Don would often butt heads while they were doing their cable news shows ... with Tucker insulting Don and mispronouncing his name on purpose, and Don calling Tucker for what he saw as wild takes.

In Tuesday's announcement, Don called Elon Musk's platform  “a place for honest debate and discussion without the hall monitors" ... but it'll be interesting to see how 2 feuding hosts handle being in the same space.

Miami Alien 'Creature' Cops Address Mysterious Image Caught on Video

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The "alien creature" conspiracy theorists on Twitter are running wild after a video appears to show an out-of-this-world figure walking near cop cars during an emergency response ... and we now have some answers as to what really went down.

Here's the deal ... a growing conspiracy theory online suggests the massive police response on New Year's Day in Miami isn't what it seems. Folks are pointing to one specific piece of footage they say shows a strange figure moving near police cars.

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Twitter / @DC_Draino

The person who posted the video says he zoomed in on some TikTok videos and claims he found a "gray creature."

However, spokesperson for Miami PD tells TMZ … "What is seen on this clip is the shadow of someone walking. If you look at the bottom of the shadow, you can see the person. No creature."

So that's that ... and as for how the whole thing started, folks thought the sheer number of police cars at the scene seemed to be way more than necessary. Cops were called to the shopping mall over a group of teens fighting, launching fireworks and causing chaos at the mall ... but there's reports some thought the fireworks was gunfire, which likely triggered the massive police response.

The good news ... it was only humans fighting, and NOT aliens.

Criatura extraterrestre en Miami La policía aborda una misteriosa imagen captada en video

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¿es un extraterrestre?

Los aficionados a las teorías conspirativas de "criaturas extraterrestres" se están volviendo locos en las redes después de ver un video que parece mostrar una figura fuera de este mundo caminando cerca de los carros de policía durante un operativo de emergencia ... y ahora tenemos algunas respuestas en cuanto a lo que realmente pasó.

Este es el asunto. Una creciente teoría conspirativa en las redes sugiere que este operativo policial en Miami, realizado el día de Año Nuevo, no es lo que parece, y las personas están apuntando a un registro en particular, que dicen que muestra a una extraña figura en movimiento cerca de los carros de policía.

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Gran presencia policial
Twitter / @DC_Draino

La persona que publicó el video dice que hizo Zoom en algunos videos de TikTok y encontró una "criatura gris".

Sin embargo, el portavoz de la policía de Miami le dice a TMZ: "Lo que se ve en este clip es la sombra de alguien caminando. Si nos fijamos en la parte inferior de la sombra, se puede ver a la persona. No hay criatura".

Así que eso es todo, y en cuanto a cómo empezó este rumor, la gente pensó que la gran cantidad de carros de policía en la escena era mucho más de lo necesario. Los policías fueron llamados al centro comercial por un grupo de adolescentes que estaba peleando, lanzando fuegos artificiales y causando el caos en el centro comercial. Pero hay informes de que algunos pensaron que los fuegos artificiales eran disparos, lo que probablemente desencadenó la respuesta masiva de la policía.

La buena noticia es que solo eran seres humanos luchando, y no extraterrestres.

El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts desmiente los rumores de transición

El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts, J.D. Rooney, ha estado fuera del radar durante mucho tiempo, pero ha vuelto para aclarar las cosas sobre su vida personal y hacerle frente a los rumores de que se estaba convirtiendo en una mujer.

El artista country publicó una larga actualización en X el miércoles, donde se abrió sobre dónde ha estado, lo que ha estado pasando y lo que no es cierto acerca de su viaje personal. Aquí es cuando desmiente el rumor de que se estaba sometiendo a cirugía de reasignación de sexo.

Rooney comienza su carta abierta a los fans pidiendo disculpas por haber estado desaparecido en los últimos años, y luego añade ... "En primer lugar, ¡estoy vivo! Ha habido muchos rumores y opiniones sobre mí, pero por fin estoy sano y listo para el mundo. Y NO, no voy a hacerme mujer.  Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza. No tengo nada en contra de la comunidad trans, pero necesitaba dejar las cosas claras."

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

El famoso guitarrista continúa diciendo que tocó fondo en septiembre de 2021 cuando fue arrestado por conducir ebrio en Tennessee, un incidente salvaje que TMZ cubrió con gran detalle en ese momento.

Rooney dice que después de eso se fue a Utah para desintoxicarse, un proceso que requirió mucho de su parte, pero del que salió sobrio y mejor que nunca. JDR reflexiona sobre lo que él dice es su alcoholismo causado por grandes rupturas en sus relaciones.

Como hemos dicho, J.D. está mucho mejor ahora, añadiendo: "Mi vida ha cambiado para siempre y estoy agradecido por el cambio. Llevo sobrio casi 28 meses desde el 13 de enero. Nunca creí que pudiera vivir mi vida sin beber. Se había convertido en una parte tan importante de mi rutina diaria y nocturna... Dios intervino y me ayudó a recuperar mi vida".

Él le agradece a los fans por las oraciones y los buenos deseos y a cambio espera que todo el mundo tenga un gran 2024.

Hablando de una puesta al día muy necesaria.

Rascal Flatts J.D. Rooney Breaks Silence I'm Alive, Also ... Not Transitioning!!!

Rascal Flatts' J.D. Rooney has been off the radar for a long while -- but he's back to clear the air on his personal life ... and addressing the rumors he was transitioning to a woman.

The country artist posted a lengthy update on X Wednesday, where he opened up about where he's been, what he's been going through and what's NOT true about his personal journey ... namely, he debunks a rumor that he was undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

Rooney starts his open letter to fans by apologizing for being MIA over the past few years or so, and then adds ... "First off, I am alive! There have been so many rumors and opinions thrown around about me - but I’m finally healthy and ready for the world. And NO, I’m not transitioning to be a woman.  That thought has never entered my mind. Nothing against the trans community whatsoever but I needed to set the record straight."

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

The famed guitarist goes on to say he hit rock bottom in September 2021 when he got busted for a DUI in Tennessee -- a wild incident TMZ covered in great detail at the time.

Rooney says after that, he went away to Utah to get clean ... a process he says took a lot out of him, but from which he came out the other side sober and better than ever. JDR reflects on what he says his alcoholism caused ... like major rifts in his relationships.

Like we said, J.D.'s doing much better now -- adding, "My life has been changed forever - and I’m grateful for the change. I’ve been sober now for almost 28 months come this Jan 13. I never believed I could actually live my life without drinking. It had become such a huge part of my daily and nightly routine ... God intervened and helped me to get my life back."

He thanks fans/supporters for the prayers and well-wishes -- and dishes those back to 'em in return ... hoping everyone has a great 2024, which he certainly seems to be having himself.

Talk about a much-needed catchup.

Iggy Azaela Nope, Not Finishing My Album!!! Design Is My Thing Now

Iggy Azalea is calling it quits on the album she’s been working on for months -- most of them with Tory Lanez -- and she doesn’t know if she’ll return to music, because her heart’s no longer in it!!!

The Aussie-born rap star penned a lengthy note to her fans Wednesday ... blindsiding many in the process by declaring hanging it up was the best course of action for her in 2024.

Iggy denied she was bullied or pressured to drop the mic, but admitted she no longer loves expressing herself through music.

She says, "In truth what I’ve known for a long time is that I feel more passionately about design and creative direction than I do about song writing. To many of you that’s no shock to read. It shows in my work. 😢 ... Haha! Jokes aside, i do spend a lot more time on that part of things… because Im most confident at that."

The "Fancy" rapper then revealed she's no longer moving forward with her next album project -- she says production's been stalled for months, and there was 0% urge to finish it.

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Iggy had been working with Tory in-studio throughout 2022 but their pairing obviously hit a skid when TL was found guilty of shooting Megan Thee Stallion, and sentenced to 10 years in prison ... a verdict Iggy did not like.


Without Tory steering the ship, Iggy spent much of 2023 teasing singles without delivering them ... which brings us to present day, and her waving the white flag.

She won't have to apply for unemployment -- Iggy's done some hosting in the past, and her OnlyFans account is still active ... so, she'll be just fine.




1:53 PM  PST -- The family just posted a second video of the little girl ... saying despite what the internet might think, they were NOT the ones who gave her the Slim Tea. Instead, they say it was sent from a "supporter" of their video page.

A clip of parents hoping to motivate their young daughter to lose weight -- by gifting her Slim Tea for Christmas -- is repulsing people viewing the clip on social media.

Take a look for yourself -- the excited youngster unwraps the gift to unveil a box of the slimming aid ... she's clearly too young to understand what it is, though her older siblings immediately catch on, and throw their parents looks of disgust.

Despite the siblings knowing the gift is inappropriate for a young child -- the dad behind the camera is undeterred, as he urges his youngest to be grateful for the gift.

The video shared to X drew intense scrutiny ... with one person commenting the parents bullying the girl for her weight was disgusting, as they were the ones responsible for feeding her in the first place.

Others say they've taken her childhood away from her ... making her aware of her body from a young age, and entitling people to comment on it by sharing it on social media.

When it comes to slim teas, the FDA doesn't recognize them as being effective -- and its key ingredients like caffeine and senna, which claim to detox the body, also don't have much evidence in aiding weight loss.

So, the video's disheartening on several levels -- the parents providing misinformation and possibly poor nutrition, but also the psychological impact on their young daughter.

Originally Published -- 9:54 AM PT

Padres reciben críticas Por regalarle a su hija un té para adelgazar

¿En serio?

Un clip de unos padres que le regalan Slim Tea a su hija para Navidad, con la esperanza de motivarla a bajar de peso, está causando repulsión entre los usuarios de redes sociales.

Echa un vistazo tú mismo, la emocionada chica aparece desenvolviendo su regalo hasta que descubre que es una caja de té para ayudarla a adelgazar. Ella es claramente demasiado joven para entender lo que es, aunque sus hermanos mayores inmediatamente se dan cuenta y le lanzan a sus padres miradas de disgusto.

A pesar de que los hermanos saben que el regalo es inapropiado para una niña, el padre detrás de la cámara ni se inmuta e insta a la pequeña a ser agradecida por el regalo.

El video compartido en X atrajo un intenso escrutinio. Una persona comentó que era repugnante que los padres intimiden a la niña por su peso cuando son ellos los responsables de su alimentación en primera instancia.

Otros dicen que le han quitado su infancia, haciéndola consciente de su cuerpo desde ya y dándole derecho a la gente a comentar sobre ella al compartirlo en las redes sociales.

Cuando se trata de tés adelgazantes, la FDA tampoco los reconoce como eficaces y sus ingredientes clave, como la cafeína y el sen, que dicen desintoxicar el cuerpo, tampoco tienen mucha evidencia de que ayuden a perder peso.

Así pues, el video es descorazonador en varios niveles: por la desinformación y la posible mala alimentación de los padres, pero también por el impacto psicológico para su hija.

Blake Shelton Ripped Over NYE TV Gig ... Hey, This Isn't 'Live'

Blake Shelton is being dragged online for his prerecorded New Year's Eve performance ... and some are saying it's an embarrassment to country music.

Here's the deal ... Blake was featured on CBS's "New Year's Eve Live: Nashville's Big Bash" in what was billed as a live show, but folks figured out it was prerecorded and then trashed him.


Blake and Trace Adkins reunited for the CBS show, singing some of their oldies like "Hillbilly Bone" and "Hell Right."

Thing is ... Blake's performance aired only a few minutes before he took the stage in real life at a casino in Oklahoma.

Fans quickly caught on and ripped the network and Blake for double-booking ... firing off some angry tweets.

One user said Blake was "an embarrassment to country music" ... while another said Blake and Trace's duet was "one of the dumbest songs."

Blake's legit live gig went down at Oklahoma's WinStar Casino ... where he performed his hits to much better reviews.

Meanwhile, Blake's wife Gwen Stefani was working too ... she had a gig over in Las Vegas ... and it was live.

Can't please everyone!!!

John Legend Covers '21 Questions' Twitter Has Field Day w/ Jokes 😅

John Legend got onstage with 50 Cent to do his best version of Nate Dogg -- and while he certainly dished his own twist ... not everybody's feeling it, and they're letting him know too.

The singer celebrated his 45th birthday Thursday in NYC -- where he and Chrissy Teigen hired Fitty to perform, with the rapper doing his classic "21 Questions" live in front of a crowd. At first, it was just 50 Cent handling the hook and verses ... but JL eventually jumped in.


Very impromptu, John grabbed the mic from 50 and started belting out the chorus ... singing, "Girrrrl, you seem to love me now // Would you love me if I was down and out."

Looks like John kept singing while 50 continued to rap -- and in the moment, everyone seemed to receive it pretty well ... cheering on the bday boy and giving him props.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Unfortunately, it was a bit of a different reaction on the old bird app (now X) ... 'cause folks saw this clip and roasted the hell outta John -- some kinda meanly, others more lovingly.

You can hop into the trend to see what people had to say ... but essentially, the jokes amounted to John sounding more like a church crooner than an R&B stud with his take on the famous hit. As someone put it, "John legend made it sound like a negro spiritual."

Like we said, it's all in good fun ... but let's just say his version certainly took people aback.

No harm, no foul -- dude was just having fun, and Fitty seemed to appreciate the assist. Happy birthday, Mr. Legend ... here's to more soulful renditions in the years to come!

Cardi B 2024 Will Be a Toxic-Free Zone!!!

Cardi B seems a little annoyed by her fans ... many of whom don't believe her when she says she's moving on -- presumably from Offset.

Cardi tweeted, "I must be a lil toxic cuz I enjoyed cursing ya out today… but we not taking that into 2024. Now have a good day. No make it a bad day!"

It's actually mild compared to the video she posted on social, telling her legion of fans to "shut the f*** up" about her relationship status.

Fans started questioning her after Cardi and Offset were seen together on Xmas day ... unfair, because they spent it with the kids, and that doesn't mean she's backing down.


Cardi said as much, when she liked a post essentially saying people were making up stories about a reconciliation.

Thing is ... AFTER Xmas, they were spotted in the same store in NYC, which led some fans to double down, suggesting Cardi was fully back with her hubby.

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Instagram / @iamcardib

We will see, but she's been sending the same message now for a month ... seems it's over.

Cardi B ¡¡¡Los reportes de que he vuelto con Offset son falsos!!!

Cardi B puede haber asumido el papel de la señora Claus para la Navidad, pero eso no significa que ella y Offset se hayan reconciliado después de su desagradable separación, al menos eso es lo que sugieren sus redes sociales.

Navidad con los niños

La rapera de "Bongos" y Offset pasaron el 25 de diciembre juntos, y al día siguiente llevaron a los niños a ver a Travis Scott en Nueva Jersey, lo que inevitablemente despertó los rumores de reconciliación entre ellos.

Cardi ha derrumbado esa posibilidad, al ponerle like a un meme de "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" en su cuenta de X este miércoles, que avergüenza a la gente que inventa historias falsas sobre que ella y Offset están juntos nuevamente.

Han pasado dos semanas desde que Cardi incendió las redes con un arrebato emocional sobre Offset, en donde lo acusaba de haberla "tratado mal" por muchos años. Y fue clara ... su maridito está en el pasado.

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Descargándose con Offset
Instagram / @iamcardib

Estar en casa para las vacaciones no significa estar en casa para siempre, gente.

Cardi B Reports I'm getting back with Offset Are Fake!!!

Cardi B may have assumed the Mrs. Claus role for Christmas but that doesn't mean she and Offset reconciled after their nasty split ... at least that's what her social media strongly suggests.


The "Bongos" rapper and Offset spent December 25 together and took the kids to see Travis Scott in NJ the next day ... which inevitably sparked reconciliation rumors.

Cardi shot that down, by liking a "Real Housewives of Atlanta" meme on her X feed Wednesday ... that shames people making up fake stories about her and Offset hopping back in the saddle.

It's been two weeks since Cardi set the internet ablaze with an emotional outburst about Offset "doing her dirty" for many years. She was clear ... her hubby's in her rear view.

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Instagram / @iamcardib

Being home for the holidays does not mean home for good, people.

Blueface Sued By Soulja Boy's Baby Mama ... For Saying They Had Sex Before Baby Shower

Blueface has been hit with a lawsuit by Soulja Boy's baby mama after claiming he slept with her the day before her baby shower ... among other things.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jackilyn Martinez beelined it to court Friday ... claiming Blueface made false and defamatory statements about her and her child.


In case you missed it ... Blueface and Soulja Boy have been beefing heavily on social media this week, which started after the two began arguing about who would win in a Verzuz battle.

Well, things escalated quickly ... and Blueface made some pretty outlandish comments to Soulja Boy about Jackilyn, which includes, "Because I fucked your baby mama the day before your baby shower."

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Instagram / @souljaboy

The docs say Blueface went on to say things like, "Till Soulja get a DNA test that's my child lil bro I'm the daddy now," and "What's old about your baby mama sucking my d--k."

However ... the docs say Jackilyn and Blueface did have protected sex one time in 2018, but since then there's been no sex of any kind.

Jackilyn's attorneys say they sent Blueface a cease and desist letter on Tuesday -- demanding he remove all these defamatory statements from social media -- but instead he mocked Jackilyn by posting on IG, "Nobody ever said your name ... I don't even know who you are."

Jackilyn claims she has been receiving death threats since it became known she sent Blueface a C&D letter.

We reached out to a rep for Blueface ... so far, no word back.

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