Travis Scott Cancels Concert In Chicago ... Mystery Swirls

Travis Scott bailed on his show in Chicago Friday night ... and it's still a mystery why it was postponed.

The rapper was supposed to hit the stage at United Center in the Windy City around 8 PM after the gates were scheduled to open for fans to come in about an hour and a half before the event.

But the venue posted a message on X in the afternoon, explaining that the concert had been postponed with no future date announced. Once the show is rescheduled,   all tickets will be honored at the door.

As for Travis, he has yet to weigh on what caused the concert cancellation. We hope it's not too serious. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he says.

Travis Scott Cancela su concierto en Chicago... Misteriosa decisión

Travis Scott abandonó su show en Chicago el viernes por la noche y todavía es un misterio por qué se pospuso.

Se suponía que el rapero iba a subirse al escenario del United Center en la Ciudad de los Vientos alrededor de las 8 PM. Esto es alrededor de una hora y media antes de la hora programada para que los aficionados entraran al evento.

Pero el lugar publicó un mensaje en X por la tarde, explicando que el concierto había sido pospuesto sin una próxima fecha anunciada. Una vez que el espectáculo sea reprogramado, todos los boletos serán honrados en la puerta.

En cuanto a Travis, aún no se ha pronunciado sobre el motivo para cancelar su concierto. Esperemos que no sea demasiado grave. Tendremos que esperar a ver qué dice.

Suge Knight I've Been Hacked!!! Says X & FB Pages Are Fake

Suge Knight says he's got nothing to do with the recent string of social media posts drumming up Tupac conspiracy theories and old beefs with Snoop Dogg and Diddy … because he has no access to those accounts.

Suge tells TMZ Hip Hop ... someone is out to destroy his reputation by hacking into his Twitter and FB accounts. He says the hacker is attempting to come off as the real deal by posting clips from Suge's “Collect Call” podcast and old photos.


The incarcerated music mogul says he has no issues standing on anything he's ever said, on the podcast or otherwise, but he can't condone the activity on the social accounts ... which created Daz Dillinger's current rift with Snoop.

Suge's currently serving a 28-year prison sentence and tells us the errant posts have caused him a ton of unnecessary stress -- and he wants Twitter and FB to boot the hacker.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He's adamant he wouldn't invite such negative energy to his situation, and says his only official account is his Instagram page.

Suges' podcast is already spicy enough -- no need to over-season on social media!!!

Justin Timberlake I Perform at Fontainebleau, But Sleep at Wynn

Justin Timberlake apparently made a boatload of $$$ for his performance during the grand opening of the Fontainebleau Hotel in Vegas Wednesday, but he triggered a hotel war by staying overnight at the Wynn.

Justin shared a pic after his big appearance at Fontainebleau's big event, strolling down a hotel hallway with his wife, Jessica Biel. Thing is ... something looked off.

Social media sleuths noticed the hallway isn't part of the Fontainebleau ... it's the Wynn! So dude got a reported $6.1 million from the Fontainebleau and chose to put his head on a Wynn pillow.

The folks over at Wynn found JT's post irresistible ... re-posting the pic on the hotel's IG with the caption, "where everyone ends up."


Wynn's post has been taken down, but point well made!


We checked with Fontainebleau and although rooms Wednesday night were not available to the public, they were available to the celebs, including Justin, who attended the grand opening.

The feud between Fontainebleau and Wynn has been brewing for a while. Wynn had accused Fontainebleau of poaching its employees, so this was payback.

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Cry Him A River
TikTok / @Chynnatok

Fontainebleau cost $3.7 billion to get up and running. Gotta start renting those rooms to make it back!

Madonna ¡¡Los fans están locamente (molestos) contigo!! Empieza 2.5 horas tarde


8:10 AM PT -- Una fuente cercana a Madonna dice que las puertas estaban abiertas a las 7:30 PM, su telonero, DJ Honey Dijon estaba a las 8:30 y luego Madonna estaba programada para subir al escenario entre las 9:30 y las 10.

Nuestra fuente dice que hubo problemas con el audio, lo que retrasó aún más su hora de entrada. Terminó subiéndose alrededor de las 10:45 y dio un espectáculo completo.

Madonna llegó más que elegantemente tarde al show de inicio de su gira mundial por Norteamérica y los frustrados fans se apresuraron a descargarse con la "Material Girl".

Estaba programado que la cantante comenzara su show en el Barclays Center de Brooklyn a las 8:30 PM el miércoles por la noche. Esta es la primera parada en Estados Unidos de su gira "Celebration". Pero cuando el reloj marcó pasadas las 10:30 PM, los fans comenzaron a inquietarse e irse en contra de Madge en las redes sociales.

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Elegantemente tarde
Tik Tok / @notanotherfangirl_

Una persona compartió una vista desde sus asientos, con todo el mundo esperando impacientemente a que comenzara el espectáculo. Otro tuiteó: "Me importa una m*** si eres Madonna, si llegas 3 horas tarde, eres jodida*** grosero".

Otro enojado fan dijo que toda la multitud comenzó a corear "bulls***" (mier**) mientras las horas seguían pasando. Una persona escribió: "QUIERO UN REEMBOLSO AHORA".

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Me encanta Nueva York!!!

Alrededor de las 11, Madonna terminó dando inicio al espectáculo, y dejando de lado la tardanza, la cantante dio un gran espectáculo con su enorme catálogo de éxitos, y parecía que la multitud estaba teniendo una gran noche también.

Por cierto, una fuente cercana a Madonna confirma a TMZ que el retraso se debió a problemas de sonido y nos dicen que las afirmaciones de que llegó 3 horas tarde son imposibles.

Aun así, ¡2,5 horas de retraso fueron suficientes para que los fans se expresaran!

Publicado originalmente -- 7:59 AM PT

Madonna Fans Crazy (Mad) for You!!! Starts Super Late in NYC


8:10 AM PT -- A source close to Madonna says doors were at 7:30 PM, her opener, DJ Honey Dijon went on at 8:30 and then Madonna was scheduled to hit the stage between 9:30 and 10.

Our source says there were issues with the audio, so it further delayed Madonna's start time ... she eventually hit the stage around 10:45 and gave a full show.

Madonna was more than fashionably late to kick off the North American portion of her world tour ... and frustrated fans were quick to unload on the "Material Girl."

The singer was scheduled to start her Barclays Center show in Brooklyn Wednesday night at 8:30 PM -- the first U.S. stop of her "Celebration" tour -- but as the clock ticked past to 10:30 PM, fans started getting restless in their seats, and started ripping Madge on social media.

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Tik Tok / @notanotherfangirl_

One person shared a view from their seats, with everyone impatiently waiting for the show to begin ... and another tweeted, "I don't give a f*** if you're Madonna, if you're 3 hours late, you're just f***ing rude."

Another angry fan claimed the whole crowd started chanting "bulls***" as the hours kept going by ... with a separate person writing, "I WANT A REFUND NOW."

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Around 11, Madonna ended up starting the show ... and tardiness aside, she still put on a helluva performance with her huge catalog of hits -- and it looked like the crowd was having a blast as the late night went on.

BTW, a source close to Madonna confirms to TMZ that the delay was due to sound issues ... and we're told claims she was 3 hours late are impossible.

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Still, 2.5 hours late was enough for fans to express themselves!

Originally Published -- 7:59 AM PT

Un padre de Sandy Hook llama "sociópata" a Elon Musk por permitirle a Alex Jones volver a X

La decisión de Elon Musk de dejar al teórico de la conspiración Alex Jones volver a X es especialmente molesta para el padre de una víctima del tiroteo en la escuela Sandy Hook, y  tiene algunas palabras fuertes para el multimillonario.

David Wheeler, cuyo hijo, Benjamin, fue uno de los estudiantes de primer grado asesinados en la escuela primaria en 2012, le dice a TMZ que la llamada de Elon para dejar que Alex vuelva a la aplicación de medios sociales es una prueba más de que el tipo es un "sociópata".

Como era de esperar, se siente de la misma manera acerca de Jones, quien ha repetido atrozmente su teoría de que el tiroteo de Sandy Hook fue un engaño, por lo tanto, David piensa que Musk y Jones se merecen el uno al otro.

Él dice que no le sorprende que Elon reincorporade a Jones a la plataforma de redes sociales.

David dice que dejó de usar X/Twitter cuando Elon tomó las riendas y continúa diciendo que Elon y Alex no se preocupan por él, y esa es la forma en la que opera el mundo.

Como informamos, Elon puso una encuesta en su plataforma preguntándole a la gente si la cuenta de Jones debe o no ser restaurada y alrededor del 70 por ciento votó a favor de traerlo de vuelta.

Jones fue expulsado en 2018 mientras estaba hasta el cuello en demandas por difamación de las familias de las víctimas de Sandy Hook. Demandas que perdió y por las cuales terminó debiendo casi mil millones de dólares a los demandantes. En ese momento, Tuiter citó el comportamiento abusivo en su cuenta como la razón por la que lo estaban expulsando.

Curiosamente, hace aproximadamente un año, Musk —después de comprar Tuiter— juró que no reincorporaría a Jones, porque habiendo perdido él mismo a un hijo, no tenía "piedad con nadie que utilizara la muerte de niños para obtener beneficios, política o fama".

David nos dice que el hecho de que Elon diera marcha atrás sobre el estatus X de Jones "basándose en las opiniones de los usuarios y no en sus propias convicciones, me dice que no tiene convicciones".

Recomienda a los usuarios de X que cierren sus cuentas y borren la aplicación ya que Alex es libre de empezar a publicar de nuevo.

Elon Musk 'Sociopath' for Letting Alex Jones on X ... Says Sandy Hook Parent

Elon Musk's decision to welcome conspiracy theorist Alex Jones back on X is especially upsetting to the parent of a Sandy Hook school shooting victim, who now has some strong words for the billionaire.

David Wheeler, whose son, Benjamin, was one of the first graders murdered at the elementary school in 2012, tells TMZ ... Elon's call to let Alex back on the social media app is further proof the guy is a "sociopath."

As you'd expect, he feels the same way about Jones -- who's heinously repeated his theory the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax -- so, David thinks Musk and Jones deserve each other.

For that reason, he says he's not at all shocked Elon reinstated Jones on the social media platform.

David says he stopped using X/Twitter when Elon took the reins ... and goes on to say Elon and Alex don't care about him, and that's just how they operate in the world.

As we reported, Elon put up a poll on his platform, asking folks whether or not Jones' account should be restored ... and about 70 percent voted in favor of bringing him back.

Jones was given the boot in 2018 while neck-deep in defamation lawsuits from families of the Sandy Hook victims -- which he lost and owes nearly $1 billion to the plaintiffs. At the time, Twitter cited abusive behavior on his account as the reason it was 86'ing him.

Interestingly, about a year ago, Musk -- after buying Twitter -- vowed he would not reinstate Jones because, having lost a child himself, he had "no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame."

David tells us the fact Elon reversed field on Jones' X status "based on the opinions of users and not his own convictions, tells me that he has no convictions."

He recommends X users close their accounts and delete the app ... as Alex is free to start posting again.

Beyoncé Called Out By Artist Hajime Sorayama Over 'Renaissance' Visuals

Beyoncé might have fresh beef stewing with a famous artist, who's strongly insinuating she -- or someone on her team -- ripped off his work for her "Renaissance" tour.

Here's the deal ... artist Hajime Sorayama just took aim at Beyoncé on social media, posting a few of her tour visuals alongside some of his artwork and insinuating she didn't ask permission to copy him.

In his post, Hajime says ... "Yo @beyonce You should have asked me 'officially' so that I could make much better work for you as like my man @theweeknd."

Thing is ... during Beyonce's wildly popular "Renaissance" tour, many people were under the belief her visuals were inspired by Hajime, with tons of folks assuming Hajime had given Queen B his permission to channel his art.

Hajime's post seems to indicate that's not the case -- however, it's unclear if he's angry and considering legal action ... or simply calling out the similarities between his art and her tour.

BTW, Hajime mentions The Weeknd because they collaborated in the past for some concert artwork, and, obviously, he feels he could've done the same for Beyoncé ... had she just asked.

Beyoncé hasn't publicly responded to Hajime yet ... stay tuned.

Beyoncé Es criticada por el artista Hajime Sorayama Por las visuales de Renaissance

Beyoncé podría tener una nueva disputa con un famoso artista, que está insinuando fuertemente que ella —o alguien de su equipo— copió su trabajo para su gira "Renaissance".

Esta es la cuestión, el artista japonés Hajime Sorayama acaba de señalar a Beyoncé en sus redes sociales, compartiendo algunas visuales de su gira junto a algunas de sus obras de arte e insinuando que no pidió permiso para copiarlas.

En su post, Hajime dice: "Yo @beyonce Deberías haberme preguntado 'oficialmente' para que pudiera haber hecho un trabajo mucho mejor para ti como mi hombre @theweeknd".

La cosa es que durante la popular gira de Beyoncé "Renacimiento", muchas personas tenían la idea de que sus visuales habían sido inspiradas por Hajime. Un montón de gente asumía que Hajime le había dado su permiso a Queen B para canalizar su arte.

El post de Hajime parece indicar que eso no es así, sin embargo, no está claro si está enojado o considerando acciones legales o simplemente llamando la atención respecto de las similitudes entre su arte y el de la gira.

Por cierto, Hajime menciona a The Weeknd porque ambos colaboraron en el pasado para el desarrollo de algunos diseños para sus conciertos y, obviamente, cree que podría haber hecho lo mismo por Beyoncé, si ella se lo hubiera pedido.

Beyoncé aún no ha respondido públicamente a Hajime... quédense muy atentos.

Offset Denies Blueface Claim That He Banged Chrisean Rock

Blueface claims Offset slept with Chrisean Rock -- something she seems to be denying ... and which he's most certainly calling BS on ... this amid his latest issues with Cardi B.

The rapper made the allegation online Sunday amid his ongoing feud with Chrisean ... with the latest hurdle between them now being about their child together -- which Blue just announced the other day was not, in fact, his after he allegedly got confirmation.

On the heels of that drama, Blue tweeted out ... "Being tatted ona hoe is not a flex you literally f****d cardi B husband couple weeks ago I’m tired of n****s looking at me while they f*****g you get the rest of em gone asap please."

It looks like Chrisean is tweeting back at Blueface right now and saying it ain't true, to which Blue responded with specific dates and times ... "So you ain’t f*** cardi husband November 10th at 4am at their house in LA…I’m making this up ?"

Welp, Offset chimed in on the back and forth ... and he's saying yeah, Blue is making it up.

Offset wrote in direct response to one of Blueface's tweets, "I ain't never  talk or touch that lady. Real talk man you need some help!" To that, Blueface appears to have replied and said this ... "If the truth tears you down you living a shameful life and I feel bad for you cuz I ain’t never gone lie on my d*** if I hit it ima admit it on SY."

As for Chrisean -- who's been feuding a lot with Blueface lately, especially pertaining to her baby boy -- she threw out her own accusations at him ... including claims that she'd seen Blueface's Internet search history of late and saw some gay porn results, which he denied. She, of course, also denied his Offset claim, saying ... "U just crashing out making up s***."

Now what's interesting about Blueface's accusation here is the fact that Offset and Cardi do, in fact, appear to be going through more difficulties -- as she's been cryptically implying she's over him ... seemingly referring to him as "dead weight" and straight up unfollowing him.

She hasn't clarified what exactly the problem is ... but considering his history of alleged infidelity, something tells us it might be about that -- especially with this latest development.

Cardi hasn't responded to any of this mess so far, but she very well might soon.

Alex Jones Reinstated on X ... After Elon Musk Poll

Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it ... and as they say, the people have spoken.

The notorious conspiracy theorist -- who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it -- regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.

This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims ... but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn't why he got banned -- different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.

For Twitter -- the last social media company to ban him -- they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account ... similar to what the other companies ended up saying.

In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, "Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei." After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in -- and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.

Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote ... "The people have spoken and so it shall be." He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X -- but Elon clarified, "He cannot break the law." So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.

Jones hasn't tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return -- including Andrew Tate, who wrote ... "To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero -  tell a globalist to get f****d today." Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.

Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily -- but, he doesn't have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.

He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson ... who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.

Now that he has a big platform again, we'll see what he says ... and if he goes too far for Elon's taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.

El tráiler de "Grand Theft Auto VI" se filtra un día antes y Rockstar retira las imágenes

El tráiler del esperadísimo Grand Theft Auto VI que saldrá a la venta esta semana, se ha publicado un día antes de lo previsto debido a una filtración, la cual Rockstar Games se esfuerza por deshacer.

Así es la cosa... el tráiler de "GTA 6" estaba previsto que se publicara oficialmente el martes, pero 24 horas antes, una cuenta de Tuiter/X publicó el tráiler completo y circuló por la red durante un par de horas. No está claro cómo sucedió esto.

El tráiler duraba un minuto y medio y mostraba un montón de cosas que los fans pueden esperar en la nueva entrega, incluidos nuevos personajes (como un coprotagonista masculino y otro femenino) y un montón de papeles secundarios. Los mapas también se desvelaron en la versión filtrada.

¡feliz navidad!

Casi todas las cuentas de juegos y tecnología que cubren este tipo de cosas citaron en Tuiter a la cuenta que publicó el tráiler, pero ahora el video ha sido eliminado por completo de Internet, así que parece que Rockstar y compañía se están apresurando en retirarlo y quieren publicarlo mañana bajo sus propios términos.

Por desgracia para ellos, las capturas de pantalla del tráiler están circulando por todas partes y todo el mundo ha visto ya lo que incluirá "GTA 6". Esto incluye un montón de cosas de alta tecnología dentro del propio juego, como retransmisiones en directo de los propios personajes.

La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta y sí, es una putada que le hayan robado el protagonismo a Rockstar. Pero bueno, la gente está feliz de que este juego finalmente esté llegando después de 10 años.

Por cierto, "Grand Theft Auto VI" no saldrá hasta 2025, así que habrá que esperar un poco más. Los sufridos fans de "GTA" tendrán que sufrir un poco más.

'Grand Theft Auto VI' Trailer Leaks a Day Early ... Rockstar Yanks Footage

The trailer for the highly-anticipated 'Grand Theft Auto VI' is dropping this week -- but it did so a full day early due to a leak ... which Rockstar Games is now scrambling to undo.

Here's the deal ... the trailer for 'GTA 6' was scheduled to be officially released on Tuesday -- but a good 24 hours beforehand ... an account on Twitter/X posted the whole damn thing in full, and it made the rounds for good couple hours or so online. Unclear how this happened.

The trailer was a minute and a half long, and it featured a lot of goods from what fans can expect in the new installment -- including new characters (like a male and female co-lead) and a bunch of other side roles. The maps were also unveiled in the leaked version.


Just about every tech/gaming account that covers this sort of stuff quote-tweeted the one account that posted the trailer -- but now, that video has been removed from the internet entirely, so it appears Rockstar and co. are leaping up and down to yank it ... and want to release it on their own terms tomorrow.

Unfortunately for them, screengrabs from the trailer are circulating all over the place ... and everyone's already seen what 'GTA 6' will entail. That also includes a lot of high-tech stuff within the game itself, including live streams from the characters themselves.

It certainly looks pretty cool ... and yeah, it sucks that Rockstar's thunder got stolen here. But hey, people are just happy this game is finally landing after a whopping 10 years.

BTW, 'Grand Theft Auto VI' won't actually come out 'til 2025 ... so there's a bit more waiting in store. Long-suffering 'GTA' heads will suffer just a bit more.

Adidas Slams 'Dusty' Kevin Durant ... For Anthony Edwards Shoe Diss

Adidas woke up and chose violence on Friday ... the sportswear giants went straight for "dusty" Kevin Durant's neck after he took a shot at T'Wolves star Anthony Edwards' sneakers, and fans are losin' it!

It all started when the question was posed ... would KD, a Nike-signed athlete, ever rock Edwards' signature Adidas kicks? 35-year-old Durant answered the question himself, emphatically writing, "Won’t EVER see me put a big toe in them Mfers."

Adidas wasn't going to take that lying down ... their official account, with over 4 million followers, responded, and it was harsh.

"U dusty," Adidas replied. "Bouta retire soon anyway."

The burn has since been deleted, begging the question ... was the tweet sent accidentally from the official brand X account?

That's an answer we don't yet have ... but there's some evidence it wasn't a mistake.

Adidas later added, "Meant to send that from the burner account..."

Of course, Kevin, as NBA fans are well aware, has been caught using burners in the past.

FYI, Edwards' AE1s drop on December 16 ... just in time for Christmas.

Obviously, we won't see 'em under KD's tree.

Elon Musk Rips Iger, X Advertisers ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'


Elon Musk has a message for Disney CEO Bob Iger and all the other advertisers fleeing his social media platform -- don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and go screw yourselves while you're at it.

The owner of X was talking shop on CNBC -- on the heels of his recent Israel visit, and in the wake of antisemitism allegations -- and he fired away about the exodus of corporations cutting ties with him.

Check it out ... he says he actually hopes they stop advertising permanently, and then dropped a very clear "Go f*** yourself" proclamation to everybody who's jumping ship.

You can tell the host was shocked by Elon's choice words -- especially while live on the air -- so, naturally, EM said it again, and then asked if he'd made himself clear. He certainly had!

Elon explained that he feels like he's being blackmailed by these companies with the hope of paying for ads, and emphasized he wouldn't sacrifice his free speech policies for monetary gain ... even if, apparently, it means hurting his bottom line.

Funny enough, Elon singled out Iger in his remarks here, playfully calling out "Bob" as someone who was probably watching in the audience. Indeed, Disney was one of the major companies to pause its advertising with X ... as did many others.


Iger actually addressed that today as well -- before Elon's snipe -- and said, "We know that Elon is larger than life in many respects, and that his name is very much connected to the companies he founded or owns. By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us."

Seems like the relationship's getting worse, not better.

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