Tyler, the Creator Apologizes to Selena Gomez ... For Old, NSFW Tweets

Tyler, the Creator seems to be trying to get ahead of the Twitter outrage machine by apologizing to Selena Gomez (via song) for old tweets that are seriously screwed up.

The rapper addresses messages he posted online back in the early 2010s that were specifically aimed at Selena, Justin Bieber and other female artists ... many of whom he was talking about in incredibly graphic/sexual terms, which are too much for us to re-post here.

The tweets -- some of which are still live, BTW -- are in the vein of sexual fantasies and would-be exploits ... but one touches on SG and JB's former relationship, to which TTC took a sour tone and wrote, "Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Is F****** Dating. F***."

Apparently, Tyler was into Bieber back in those days (in a romantic way, it seems) ... something he touches on in his new track, "Manifesto," where he briefly gets into this.

On Tyler's second verse, he talks about being "canceled" before cancel culture was a thing -- at which point he says he already apologized to Selena for these abhorrent tweets. In the same breath, he gives more context ... "Back when I was tryna f*** Bieber, Just-in"

Tyler and Justin have hung out in the past, and the former has done interviews in which he said he felt Selena didn't like him ... and was always "mean-mugging" when he was around her then-boo. Turns out, it might've been for good reason ... Tyler was apparently out to bang JB.

If that feels like it's coming out of left field for you, it shouldn't -- Tyler has suggested he's part of the LGBTQ+ community, and seems to get down with both guys and gals.

As for the past online behavior ... it looks like he's made amends and put the matter to bed.

Chrissy Teigen I'm 'Good,' John's Been My Rock ... No Word on Oprah Sit-Down


Chrissy Teigen is finally speaking out on camera amid her cyberbullying scandal, crediting her husband John Legend for having her back -- but she's tight-lipped about a potential Oprah interview.

Photogs got Chrissy as she arrived at her office Monday -- while bumping some Destiny's Child, btw -- and asked her if she's really going to sit down with O.

She says she doesn't know if that's happening, or at least that's how she makes it seem ... and Chrissy appeared to laugh off a suggestion from Courtney Stodden.


As we reported ... Courtney wants in on Chrissy's possible interview with O, seeing as she was the victim of Chrissy's cyberbullying before the latest round of claims from Michael Costello and others.

Later in the day, Chrissy explained how John's been her everything while she's been laying low -- this is one of the first times she's been seen in public since the bullying scandal began.

Watch the clip, she also told us what she's been doing to keep her mind off things -- super fancy arts and crafts are still her thing.

Courtney Stodden Oprah's Gotta Get Me On With Chrissy ... We Can Help People!!!


Courtney Stodden thinks an Oprah interview with Chrissy Teigen on cyberbullying would be remiss to leave out one important piece to the story ... Courtney Stodden!!!

Courtney was on their way into their show Friday at the 1720 in downtown Los Angeles when a photog asked if Stodden would like to go on Oprah for a Megan Markle-type interview with Chrissy.

As you know ... Chrissy's reportedly in talks with Oprah for her first interview after her cyberbullying scandal, which involves Courtney and, more recently, Michael Costello. Courtney claims Chrissy once sent a DM telling Stodden to commit suicide, and CT has since apologized for the merciless online bullying.

Courtney, who is nonbinary, says Chrissy's potential sit down with Oprah would be really interesting ... and they want to come on and share their story too, as long as doing so would help folks dealing with cyberbullies.

Of course, the ball is very much in Oprah's court.

Stay tuned ...

Eyelid Bite Victim Chihuahua Lovers Attacking Me Now!!! Claim I'm Hating on Breed


Kelsey Salmon is fending off a different kind of attack -- chihuahua lovers are accusing her of dragging the breed through the mud over her eyelid-biting incident.

Kelsey tells TMZ ... she's been flooded with tons of social media hate from the chihuahua community ... claiming she conjured up this whole episode just so people would turn on the tiny breed.

The victim shaming is pretty obvious just from looking at Kelsey, and her reattached eyelid, for Pete's sake!!! Yet, she still wants to make it clear, she's in no way saying all chihuahuas are violent.

Remember, Kelsey told us she loves dogs -- owns pooches of her own -- and she didn't even say the eyelid tech's dog that chomped on her should be put down.

Still, she says the messages have been vicious. One person wrote, "You only saying Chihuahua instead of Chihuahua Mix [because] a lot of hate going towards the bred, which already gets hate because of bad owners. Maybe instead of hating the dog, you should hate its owner for raising it like that."

Kelsey says it's all ratcheting up her anxiety ... even as she's in danger of losing the reattached eyelid. She described what doctors will do if that happens, and it ain't pretty.

BTW, Kelsey tells us she still hasn't heard from the lash tech. As for a lawsuit ... the family's contacted their lawyer but still, no decision has been made whether to move forward.

So far, her medical bills total at least $5k -- she's set up a GoFundMe to help cover costs for now -- and that's expected to rise, based on additional therapy and appointments on the horizon.

Chrissy Teigen Michael Costello Calls Fake DM Claims 'Victim-Blaming' ... John Legend Responds


10:33 AM PT -- Chrissy's husband, John Legend, is coming to her defense and accusing Costello of faking the DMs to insert himself into the controversy she's dealing with.


John points to the story that broke alleging the DMs were manipulated as "receipts," and claims ... "This exchange was made up, completely fake, never happened."


The singer adds ... "I encourage everyone who breathlessly spread this lie to keep that same energy when they correct the record."

Michael Costello's doubling down on claims Chrissy Teigen's bullied and traumatized him, and says her attempts to discredit him confirm "she remains the same bully."

The "Project Runway" star's responding to news that broke Thursday night -- Chrissy's team alleges the 2014 Instagram direct messages Costello shared earlier this week to show how she bullied him ... are fake, or at least manipulated.

Chrissy's side claims the purported DMs between Teigen and Costello contain technical inconsistencies suggesting they were altered.

As we reported ... Costello claims Teigen attacked him because she mistakenly believed he had posted something racist, and he says it led to a yearslong campaign to get him blacklisted from the fashion industry. He also claims Chrissy nearly drove him to suicide.

Though Chrissy's team is calling the DMs into question, Costello maintains that for 7 years he's been "a victim of trauma and bullying by Chrissy Teigen both online and offline" ... and points to public comments she posted as further proof.

He adds ... "When a victim feels like their only recourse is to speak up, and the abuser’s first move is to discredit the victim and shame him publicly, this perpetrates victim-blaming and it costs lives."

Costello also alleges he has emails and documents unreleased to the public that show Chrissy went beyond social media to blacklist him in the real world, "making him endure over seven years of suffering - mentally and financially."

While Chrissy has said she plans to reach out personally to some of the people she bullied -- the continued back and forth allegations between Michael and her don't bode well for any sort of face-to-face ... as he had invited her to do.

Originally Published -- 9:06 AM PT

Farrah Abraham Slams Chrissy Teigen for Non-Apology ... Mean What You Say & Reach Out!!!


Farrah Abraham has read Chrissy Teigen's apology for cyberbullying, and says it rings hollow until she backs it up with some specific actions -- and yet, she doesn't want Chrissy canceled.

We got the former 'Teen Mom' star Wednesday in L.A., and asked her if she'd gotten an apology from Chrissy. Remember, the former SI swimsuit model didn't name names when she said she was going to reach out to people she's hurt in the past.

Farrah -- who responded to Chrissy's apology with her own post -- tells us Chrissy has NOT reached out, and she thinks she has an idea why: Farrah says she doesn't think Chrissy "has the emotional or mental capability at this time to apologize properly to anyone."

In fact ... Farrah scoffs at Chrissy's posted apology and says it's just her way out of having to deal with the real problem at hand ... making serious amends.

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Farrah's advice ... don't ignore the obvious task at hand and reach out. Farrah says if Chrissy actually did have a breakthrough, she'd do exactly that.

Farrah was one of Chrissy's targets back in the day ... calling her a "w****" in a 2013 tweet while taking shots at her about her sex tape and saying everyone hates her.

When we asked Farrah if she thinks Chrissy should be canceled ... she surprised us by saying no. Instead, she'd like to see something else happen. It's actually a decent take on cancel culture.

Chrissy Teigen I Am So Sorry ... Adds to Last Apology, Vows to be Better

Chrissy Teigen insists she's a changed woman who's become more empathetic since her days of Internet trolling ... but she's still trying to own up to her mistakes and better herself.

Chrissy's issued a more in-depth apology on the heels of the backlash she received last month when old tweets resurfaced ... in which she was mean and demeaning to Courtney Stodden.

Much like the last time around when Teigen publicly said sorry for her past behavior, she acknowledges she was "a troll, full stop," and is ashamed ... but she also admits it wasn't just Courtney who deserves an apology.

Chrissy doesn't name names, but says she's reaching out privately to other people she insulted in an attempt to make amends. Along with Stodden ... folks have pointed out that Lindsay Lohan and Farrah Abraham were past targets of Teigen's trolling.

Chrissy says ... "Many of them needed empathy, kindness, understanding and support, not my meanness masquerading as a kind of casual, edgy humor."

She goes on to offer an explanation for why she used to behave online the way she did, but says it's no excuse and was simply a manifestation of her own insecurities and immaturity.

Chrissy adds that she's done a lot of growing up since then, gotten a lot of therapy, and gone through many life experiences she claims have made her more empathetic and understanding ... and hopes people will give her a second chance.

As we told you ... Stodden seemed open to that idea if Chrissy was sincere, and it sure seems like she's trying her best to show that she is.

Kid Rock Doubles Down on Homophobia ... Repeats Anti-Gay Slur in Response to Video

Kid Rock's hatefulness is showing again, and he seems pretty damn proud of it -- while responding to the video of him hurling a homophobic slur, he's choosing to repeat the word and attack his critics.

The singer publicly addressed the video TMZ posted of him using the epithet at a Tennessee bar last weekend by tweeting this ... "If Kid Rock using the word f***** offends you, good chance you are one."

He attempted to put a friendly spin on it by adding, "Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day."

Kid credited the comment to Bob Ritchie -- his legal name -- in what seems to be a warped use of the third person to excuse his behavior or dismiss the backlash he's getting.

Either way, it's an incredibly bad look, but he clearly doesn't care much what anyone thinks.

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We broke the story ... Kid was on the mic Saturday night at FishLipz Bar & Grill when he dropped the homophobic slur in the middle of a rant about the crowd recording him with smartphones.

It's all pretty on-brand for the rocker, as he's made it a habit to blurt out whatever he's thinking onstage, or anywhere else.

Donald Trump Pants on Ass-Backwards!?! Lookin' Like a No-Fly Zone

@BFriedmanDC / Twitter

Donald Trump traveled to North Carolina for a speech to Republicans, but the headline may be in his pants!

Check out the video and pics ... there isn't any apparent zipper in the front of his suit pants, which had Twitter going insane. The question ... did Trump put his pants on backwards?

One meme was captioned, "No fly on Trump's pants? I think I know where it went." The pic is of the fly that landed on Mike Pence's noggin during the Vice Presidential debate.

As for the speech, Trump zeroed in on China again, in the wake of reports COVID may have originated in a lab and not a wet market. He said China should pay reparations to the world.

He defended Putin. He asked for credit for the vaccine. He groused forever about what he falsely claims is election fraud, asserting for the thousandth time he won the 2020 election.

He went on and on for 90 minutes ... but those pants!!!

Chrissy Teigen Pulls Out of Acting Gig ... In Wake of Bullying Controversy

Chrissy Teigen has pulled out of an acting gig in the wake of criticism over past bullying.

Chrissy had planned on doing voiceovers for an upcoming Netflix show, "Never Have I Ever" Season 2 ... well according to Variety, she's decided to take a pass on the gig.

“Never Have I Ever” follows a teenage girl who's a first-generation Indian American and her days in high school.

Teigen has been on the hot seat for going after Courtney Stodden, who married a 60-year-old when they were just 16. Chrissy had sent them cruel DM's, including -- "I can't wait for you to die."

She has repeatedly apologized and said she was a different person then ... seeking attention in the wrong way. She has been off Twitter and Instagram for nearly a month.

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For her part, Stodden hasn't been very forgiving, calling Chrissy a hypocrite when she bowed out of Twitter for a time because of the bullying.

It's an interesting saga ... Chrissy is well-liked and very popular. The question ... will that goodwill eventually put all this behind her?

To be continued ...

President Trump Still on Facebook, Instagram Time-Out ... Despite Frenzied Rumor

President Trump's still persona non grata on Facebook and Instagram ... despite a rumor that spread like wildfire.

Folks got all up in arms Wednesday after a popular Trump critic tweeted that 45's social media ban on 2 major platforms appeared to be lifted ... but a rep for Facebook and a source close to Trump tells us that's NOT the case.

We're told Trump's profile page is simply still viewable, but he can't put up new posts, as it's been for the past several months. His last post, from January 6, is still the one at the top of his page.

As we reported ... Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg banned Trump from Facebook in the wake of the Capitol riot ... saying it was too great a risk to America for Trump to remain on the platform.

Zuck had hoped Facebook's oversight board would make a final decision on Trump's ban, but instead, the board kicked that decision right back up to Zuckerberg. The next decision as to whether or not Trump will continue to be banned from the platform will happen in November.

It's been a bad day for Trump's faithful ... who just hours ago also had to deal with Trump shutting down his personal blog less than a month after launching it, after it failed to gain any traction.

Chuck Liddell Shoots Down Potential Jake Paul Fight ... I'd Hurt Him


Sorry, fight fans ... Chuck Liddell says there will be no upcoming boxing match with Jake Paul -- the UFC legend tells TMZ Sports he'd HURT the YouTuber if a scrap ever went down.

Liddell told us out in L.A. that even though the two have beefed publicly over the past couple weeks ... it just makes no sense for Jake to box him, even at Chuck's current age.

"He's not good enough to fight me," the 51-year-old said of the 24-year-old.

"It just doesn't make sense for him. None of it makes sense for this guy. He's going to risk getting hurt like that?!"

If you're wondering why it's even being rumored ... it's 'cause the two went after each other on social media following Jake's huge win over Ben Askren.

A fan on Twitter asked Chuck to shut Jake up ... and Liddell responded, "I’m ready anytime for that clown."

Paul fired back a short time later, posting a pic of the two after the Askren fight and saying, "This guy Chuck Liddell begged me for a pic after my fight and now is talking s*** on Twitter."

But, check out the clip ... Liddell, who by the way denied asking to take the pic with Paul, said he's content staying away from the ring and possibly injuring Jake -- for now.

Cynthia Nixon Let Desperate People Steal Necessities ... Without Prosecution

Cynthia Nixon believes those who shoplift basic necessities should get a pass -- but her intended compassion is falling on deaf ears -- and the actress is getting hammered for it.

In a rather Robin Hood moment, Nixon tweeted, "The CVS on my corner has started locking up basic items like clothing detergent. As so many families can’t make ends meet right now, I can’t imagine thinking that the way to solve the problem of people stealing basic necessities out of desperation is to prosecute them."

Of course, what Nixon is saying is that people who can't afford necessary items and steal out of desperation shouldn't face criminal charges.

However, Twitter users took issue with her sentiment ... one user said, "I grew up poor, and we never took anything that we hadn't paid for. It's insulting that you think the less fortunate have no ability to discern right from wrong."

Another pointed out that in allowing theft, store would jack up prices, hurting more consumers and the market in general.

Nixon ran to become Governor of New York in 2018, but if she plans to dabble in politics again, this is one viewpoint she may want to leave out of her campaign.

Richard Marx Continues Mocking Rand Paul ... After Senator Accuses Him of Inciting Violence

If Senator Rand Paul wants to keep beefing with Richard Marx, it sure seems like the '80s hitmaker will be right here waiting for him ... on Twitter.

Marx is not taking a social media break after Paul publicly accused the singer of calling for violence against him, which the Senator suggested was the reason a suspicious, powder-filled letter was delivered to his home Monday.

If you missed it, Sen. Paul tweeted ... "I take these threats immensely seriously. As a repeated target of violence, it is reprehensible that Twitter allows C-list celebrities to encourage violence against me and my family."

Rand added ... "Just this weekend Richard Marx called for violence against me and now we receive this powder filled letter." BTW -- the authorities determined the substance in the package was non-toxic.

So, what did Marx say that got Paul so riled up? According to Marx, it was just a "wise-crack" about Rand's neighbor ... you know, the one who beat up Rand in 2017 over a reported landscaping dispute.

Marx tweeted on Sunday ... "I'll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume."

That was enough for the Senator to accuse the singer of inciting violence, but Marx is not backing down or apologizing for his initial tweet.

Instead, he's publicly scoffing at the claim and pointing out all the ways he says Paul has put people at risk with his behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic ... including recently stating that he's against getting vaccinated.

Marx has also been responding to people saying he should be kicked off Twitter by sending links to stories of GOP figures -- including former President Trump -- allegedly inciting violence or being reckless with their words.

Shoulda known better, Richard ... Twitter is a helluva place.

Jordan Yamamoto Begs Mets Fans To Stop Harassing Wife ... After Poor Outing

MLB pitcher Jordan Yamamoto says Mets fans spewed vile and nasty things toward his wife after his poor outing on the mound Sunday ... and now, he's pleading with them to stop.

Just hours after Yamamoto completely melted down in NY's 5-1 loss to the Miami Marlins ... the 25-year-old says Mets Twitter let his wife have it.

He claims she was on the receiving end of harassment and hatred ... and he issued a lengthy statement urging fans to please let it go.

"I know Twitter is sometimes not a very nice place and to some of you it may seem fun to troll people. But you don't go an harass my WIFE!" Yamamoto wrote.

"She isn't the one playing the game nor wearing the uniform!"

If you missed it, Yamamoto -- playing against his former Marlins team -- was not good at all Sunday ... allowing 6 hits, 2 walks and 5 runs in just 4 innings of work. He also suffered a shoulder injury during the game as well.

The pitcher acknowledged his poor performance in his statement Monday morning ... but begged Mets fans to direct their hate toward him -- not his family.

"They don't deserve that!" Jordan said. "No one deserves that."

It's unclear what exactly was said to Jordan's wife on the website ... but it is Twitter, so it ain't exactly hard to guess.

And, it goes without saying, but please listen to Jordan and leave players' families alone.

Oscar De La Hoya Wants to Fight Dana White ... I'll 'Kick Your Ass'

Oscar De La Hoya wants to settle his beef with Dana White once and for all ... with violence.

The boxing legend is pissed off at White -- claiming Dana blocked UFC legend Georges St-Pierre from participating in a boxing match with Oscar.

St-Pierre seemingly confirmed the move in a recent interview with CinemaBlend -- saying, "I understand that Dana didn't want me to fight."

He added, "However, it would have been fun. Because my career as a professional fighter, to become the best in the world in mixed martial arts, is done. "

"However, to rather fight a boxing match under the rules that Triller put on against the legendary Oscar De La Hoya? For me, it would have been a dream come true, because he is my second favorite boxer of all time, behind 'Sugar' Ray Leonard."

Dana hasn't publicly commented on the matter -- but Oscar is fuming ... and Friday, he called out the UFC honcho on Twitter.

"[Dana White], Quit blocking [Georges St-Pierre's] chance to fight," Oscar said.

"How about we get into the ring first little B*#ch then after I kick your ass, I’ll fight a real man."

So far, no response from Dana.

The two have feuded publicly for years -- with things really escalating in 2017 when Oscar slammed White for his involvement in the Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather boxing match.

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Oscar put out a statement calling it a "circus" and said it would hurt the sport of boxing. Dana didn't appreciate that and blasted him as a lying, stupid "cokehead."

Yeah, no love here.

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