Ice Cube Rips Warner Bros Over 'Friday' ... Let Me Make Sequels!!!

Ice Cube is just as pissed as you are that there hasn't been a "Friday" sequel in nearly 20 years, and he's blaming Warner Bros for blocking the franchise.

Cube just fired a shot at WB on Twitter, claiming the media giant is refusing to hand him the reins on the "Friday" franchise to make more sequels, and thus hijacking the "happiness of the culture."

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Ice Cube has been really pissed off with how he's been treated by Warner Bros through the years, and the dispute over more sequels is just the tip of the iceberg -- no pun intended.

Our sources say WB owns the rights to the 'Friday' franchise, and the studio doesn't seem interested in making any more sequels at the moment. The OG "Friday" was released in 1995, followed by 2000's "Next Friday" and 2002's "Friday After Next."

We're told Cube is pissed because Warner Bros is refusing to release the rights to him so he can produce sequels somewhere else ... and our sources say Cube feels like the 'Friday' franchise is his art, and if WB doesn't want to make more movies they should give him the rights so he can.

We reached out to WB ... so far no word back.

Chrissy Teigen POTUS Unfollow is Just Funny ... Biden Probably Has No Clue!!!

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Chrissy Teigen has no regrets about requesting a Twitter unfollow from President Biden because she's a realist, and figures the Prez doesn't run the account anyway.

We got Chrissy leaving E Baldi in Beverly Hills shortly after she lost her @POTUS follow, and she reiterates what she tweeted about feeling free ... but this time without all the profanities. Sorry.

She concedes it's all in good fun though, and not like she really thinks Biden was scrolling through his feed and reading her tweets in the first place. In fact, she doubts he even knows about the whole follow-unfollow saga.

Either way, Chrissy says she adores the Prez and suggests the fact he's in office has made her a different person on the social media platform ... much more peaceful.

Let's see if it lasts.

Chrissy Teigen Thanks for the Unfollow, Biden ... *&%#@$* I am FREE!!!

Chrissy Teigen's Twitter dreams came true when she got a follow from President Biden, and now they've come true again ... because he clicked "unfollow."

Let us explain -- the popular supermodel tweeter pleaded for a follow from Biden on his inauguration day, and hours later ... she was one of only 11 accounts @POTUS was following. The rest were all his family and staff.

Chrissy was thrilled, but apparently ... since January 20 she has not felt like she can be her Twitter self with the Prez keeping an eye on her feed. So on Tuesday, she made this request -- "In order for me to flourish as me, I must ask you to please lord unfollow me. I love you!!! It’s not you it’s me!!!!"

Almost immediately afterward, @POTUS was no longer one of her followers, and Chrissy replied ... "b***h f**k s**t suck the d I am FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hopefully, that was worth the wait for her, but ya gotta think she's used up all of her Presidential favors ... at least on Twitter.

Tim Matheson Files Police Report ... I Got Death Threat After Melania Tweet!!!

"Animal House" star Tim Matheson says he's getting threatened with way more than a food fight after tweeting something "ignorant" about the former First Lady.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Matheson told cops someone’s been harassing him online since he took a jab at Melania Trump last month, by saying it was wonderful to have a First Lady who can speak English.

Ironically, it's the kinda thing you'd expect to hear from Melania's husband.

Tim later apologized, but we're told the threats keep escalating -- from the person saying they're going to kick Tim's ass to ... "pay me big bucks or I will kill you."

Our sources say the actor contacted the LAPD after the death threat, filed an extortion report because of the money demands ... and now cops are investigating.

As for Tim's Twitter snafu -- he replied to Melania's farewell message on Twitter to say sorry. He wrote, "Thank you for your work as the First Lady.I apologize to you for a stupid, ignorant,& foul remark that I made."

Apologies on Twitter? Don't see that everyday.

Ted Cruz Here's a Bottle of Water ... Now Forgive Me???


12:00 PM PT -- Cruz also shared photos of him serving BBQ to firefighters.


Ted Cruz may have come up with a bright idea on his flight back from Cancun -- if no one else gives him props, he'll do it himself.

Cruz posted pics Saturday of him delivering water to his desperate constituents. You see Cruz carrying a case of H2O ... shaking hands with a fellow Texan.

And, speaking of cases ... this may be one of too little, too late. As you know, while Texans were freezing and dying, the Senator from Texas and his family jetted down to Cancun for some fun in the sun. He blamed his daughters for the trip and even suggested he was merely escorting them down and flying right back. That was a lie, although he did fly back the next day after being almost universally shamed.

What's super interesting ... AOC flew to Texas this week to help the folks and raised millions for relief efforts, and it ain't even her state! BTW, the Congresswoman, who's way more liberal than most of the state, was received warmly and enthusiastically.

So, regarding Ted ... is it true -- better late than never?

Originally published -- 7:37 AM PT

Dan Levy Mom Skewers Camp Bullies ... Before Son's 'SNL' Hosting Gig

Dan Levy’s mom got sweet revenge against the boys who bullied her son at summer camp ... with a little help from Lorne Michaels.

Deborah Devine celebrated her son's latest honor -- hosting 'SNL' -- with a pre-show tweet ... "This goes out to the bully punks at Camp WTF who made life miserable for a certain cabin-mate back in the summer of '96 -- just because he was different."

And then, Deb lowers the boom ... "Well, after all these years I have just 7 words to say to you: 'Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!'" BOOM!!!

Dan, who's gay both in real life and on his uber-award-winning show "Schitt's Creek," hosted 'SNL' for the first time.

He opened with this ... "I'm so honored to be hosting 'Saturday Night Live.' Somewhere my 13-year-old self has fainted in a really melodramatic way."

Dan's dad, Eugene, was actually the first Levy to appear on 'SNL' alongside John Candy way back in 1985.

Take that, camp bullies.

Sen. John Thune Running for Prez Ain't What it Used to be ... Thanks to Trump


Sen. John Thune says becoming President used to be the dream for Senators, but now the bloom is off the rose ... the job's less about being qualified and a good leader and more about being famous and loud ... like a certain ex-President.

The Republican Senator from South Dakota was at the Reagan National Airport in D.C. Friday when he took a thinly veiled shot and Donald Trump ... suggesting the presidency is far less appealing due to the celeb and social media-obsessed culture.

Thune tells us the "kind of person" who would be successful as Commander in Chief these days has to run a different type of campaign than traditional methods, have a big online following ... and be more "ostentatious" than presidential.

It's a pretty stunning statement coming from a Senator, who even cites a John McCain quote about how every Senator aspires to become Prez .... until they're embalmed.

Sure seems Thune's not down with aspiring to POTUS status ... so don't expect him to throw his hat in the ring for 2024, but his take seems like it also applies to other senators as well.

As for his perceived jab at Trump ... the 2 had a falling out in December, when Trump lashed out at Thune on -- you guessed it, social media -- after the Senator denounced his own party's efforts to overturn the Electoral College results.

Chris Pratt Racist, Anti-Muslim Tweets are Fake ... Twitter Backs That Up

Chris Pratt's been trending for posting horribly bigoted tweets from back before his Marvel Universe days, but he says the backlash is unwarranted ... because the tweets are phony.

A spokesperson for the "Guardians of the Galaxy" star tells TMZ ... he never posted the offensive messages that began circulating Wednesday morning. They appeared to be from 2012 and 2013, with one saying "calling another n***a a 'n****r' is hilarous idc" ... and the other "Muslims scare me so much."

You can see why fans would be upset, but Pratt's rep says, "Chris never tweeted the offensive things that are being circulated today. Any suggestion that he did is not only totally false but also defamatory."

Twitter, where the fake tweets have trended all day, was also suspicious, and a senior exec for the platform says they "strongly believe these [tweets] to be fake."

There were 2 other tweets circulating, but they were relatively innocuous jokes. Pratt's rep confirms one of them -- suggesting all the Miss America contestants are super skinny -- is real.

Hardly cutting edge humor, but that one you can still see on Chris' timeline. His camp says there was no deleting of tweets -- the offensive ones never existed ... until someone else made them up.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Sued by MeidasTouch ... Blocking Us is Unconstitutional!!!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is getting hit with one of the side effects of holding elected office in the 21st century -- she's getting sued for blocking someone on Twitter.

The freshman Republican congresswoman from Georgia just got slapped with a lawsuit by a political action committee that's actually pretty popular online. It's called MeidasTouch, and they're known for criticizing politicians -- especially right-leaning ones -- and getting unique hashtags trending every now and then ... much like The Lincoln Project or Really American.

Anyway, according to the docs -- obtained by TMZ and filed by Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok -- Meidas says Greene blocked them at some point after Jan. 6 ... which they believe was in direct response to her being ticked off about their scrutiny/commentary of her for allegedly posting conspiracy theories.

As a result, Meidas says it's unable to view any of her tweets from her official account -- @mtgreenee from which she more often tweets personal views -- which they claim is unconstitutional, because she's a public political figure.

In the suit, Meidas claims she can't ice someone out just because she disagrees with them.

It's interesting ... they cite another famous example of political Twitter blocking involving Trump ... who was sued a few years ago for blocking someone in a similar situation. In that case, the federal court ruled it was unconstitutional to block specific viewpoints in this way ... although Trump's lawyers are trying to appeal the case to the Supreme Court.

This isn't just a GOP issue, BTW -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was also recently sued over this exact type of thing. Meidas is asking the court for damages and to force Rep. Greene to unblock them.

Ja Rule Trump's Welcome on My New App ... Just Not the Proud Boys!!!


Donald Trump's banned from Twitter, but he can still have a voice on Ja Rule's new app ... but Ja says he has a few ground rules, and the Proud Boys aren't welcome.

The rapper tells TMZ ... the ex-Prez can start a page on his celebrity booking app, Iconn, and start fresh with a clean slate ... which is more than almost every digital platform's willing to give him these days.

As you know ... Trump's permanently banned from Twitter because of the Capitol riots he's accused of inciting, and a bunch of other apps are keeping the former President in social media timeout.

Ja says Trump's welcome on Iconn, as long as he doesn't use it to rile up his base and do "crazy things." Ja says any funny business from Trump, like bringing in the Proud Boys, will get him booted.

Stay tuned to see if 45 joins -- of course, it's a long shot -- but as we've seen, unfortunately, almost anything goes with Trump. So, Ja's making a pretty strong pitch here.

Rep. Cori Bush Marjorie Taylor Greene Came After Me!!! Greene Says She's the Victim


11:28 AM PT -- Rep. Greene says Rep. Bush is lying about the confrontation and she's the one who was berated by Bush, not the other way around.


MTG just posted video of the incident from inside the halls of Congress, and in the clip she's walking with her mask below her chin and ranting into the camera when someone yells at her to put on her mask. Greene puts her mask over her nose and mouth and yells back. She says the heated exchange shows the temperature in Congress.


Bush says the incident happened Jan. 13, one day after other members of Congress tested positive for COVID, and says she called out Greene for not wearing the mask properly out of concern for colleagues and staff.


Rep. Bush says Greene and her staff's response was berating, and claims one Greene staffer yelled, "Stop inciting violence with Black Lives Matter."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is under fire again, and this time from other members of Congress ... Rep. Cori Bush claims a maskless Greene berated her in a Capitol hallway.

The newly-elected Congresswoman from Missouri sounds shaken by the alleged incident ... she says she's moving her office on Capitol Hill as far away from Greene's as possible.

Rep. Bush says Greene wasn't alone during the incident ... she had backup from her staff. She also points out Greene had already targeted her and others on social media.

As we've reported ... Greene, the freshman Congresswoman from Georgia, is getting heat for old Facebook activity suggesting she was cool with executing Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. MTG says it's just "fake news."

Rep. Bush doesn't want to just move her office away from Greene's ... she says she wants MTG booted from Congress for inciting the insurrection.

Originally Published -- 10:55 AM PT

Jon Stewart Get Me on Twitter ... Wall St. is Screwing Redditors!!!

Jon Stewart's so pissed about the Robinhood controversy, he's doing something he's never done before ... all to stand up for the little guy against Wall Street big wigs.

The comedian and host fired off his very first tweet Thursday night to say "This is bulls**t" that Robinhood blocked the Reddit investor group in the GameStop-Wall Street beef.

Stewart joined Twitter -- @jon_actual -- specifically to share his take on the hottest story in the country ... saying the subReddit WallStreetBets isn't cheating at all. As Jon put it, "They're joining a party Wall Street insiders have been enjoying for years."

As you've heard, the trading app Robinhood blocked investors Thursday from buying stocks in failing companies like GameStop, AMC, Nokia and BlackBerry ... after investments from WallStreetBets helped them surge astronomically.

Robinhood was immediately blasted for the move, which was seen as protecting Wall Street's established hedge fund managers and screwing everyday folks. Friday morning, it reopened "limited buys" and of course ... GameStop stock is surging again.

Jon made it clear the Redditors are simply beating Wall Street at its own game. He said, "Don't shut them down ... maybe sue them for copyright infringement instead!!!"

You can tell fans have missed the ex "Daily Show" host -- he's already got over 700k followers -- and he promised, "to only use this app in a sporadic and ineffective manner."

Jon's no stranger to fighting the good fight ... from testifying on Capitol Hill on behalf of 9/11 victims to ripping Congress over the mistreatment of veterans.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won't Work with Ted Cruz ... 'You Almost Had Me Murdered'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to reach across the aisle to fix the Robinhood investors controversy -- as long as she doesn't have to work with Sen. Ted Cruz, who she says he tried to get her killed.

AOC blasted Cruz on Twitter after he agreed with one of her Thursday tweets questioning Robinhood's trading halt amid the GameStop stock surge ... she says he needs to sit this one out or resign because of his role in the failed coup.

In her scathing response, AOC says Cruz "almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago" during the insurrection ... and she's happy to work with "almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed."

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Remember ... AOC said she thought she was toast when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in search of lawmakers, detailing her harrowing experience in an eye-opening video.

AOC's been going in on Cruz and other Republicans who sowed doubt about the election results before and after the siege ... and it's obvious there's still bad blood.

Josie Canseco I Ripped My Dad A New One For Beefing With Logan Paul

Josie Canseco says she has completely blocked her ex-MLB slugger dad out of her life ... that is, until the former Bash Brother stops publicly feuding with her ex, Logan Paul.

Of course, 56-year-old Jose Canseco has been going after the 25-year-old Internet superstar for months on social media ... vowing to whoop the dude's ass over his breakup with Josie.

Now, Jose's model daughter is finally breaking her silence on her dad's "f***ing rampage" on Twitter ... calling the whole situation "selfishly embarrassing."

"When it comes back to character, integrity, I don't f*** with those selfish moves," Josie said on the "Between Good & Evil" podcast with Charlotte D'Alessio.

"It's just embarrassing. What are you doing, father? Dad, help. Explain to me, please. Why are you being this way?"

Josie says she told Jose exactly how she felt about the beef with Logan ... and it wasn't pretty.

"I went off, I ripped him a new a**hole," Josie said ... adding Jose clapped back by telling her she had no control over his social media antics.

Josie explained her frustration about the whole ordeal ... saying, "I don't f*** with that fake internet s***. I just do not care. I don't need press. I don't need publicity. I don't care to be famous. I don't care for attention."

As for her relationship with Paul, Josie admits the couple "went through some s***," but still have love for each other and remain very close.

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Sports Talk Chicago/WCKG

In other words, Josie is accusing her dad of making the breakup seem more dramatic to get more hype around a potential fight with Logan.

"I'm just like, 'Fine, then I won't speak to you as long as you're doing this and bringing in my personal life, my relationship, to your social media for attention and for money and for clout.

"'I have no respect for that, so do not speak to me as long as this is where your perspective is at in life.'"

Manchester United Rips 'Idiot' Fans After 2 Players Racially Abused Following Loss

Manchester United officials are sick after 2 of its players were racially abused following a loss Wednesday ... and now, the team is urging social media platforms to find and ban the "mindless idiots" who spewed the vile comments.

Following Man U's 2-1 defeat to Sheffield United ... Black players Anthony Martial and Axel Tuanzebe faced some heinous, racist remarks and emojis on their social media pages.

In fact, the outpouring of sewage got so overwhelming, Tuanzebe reportedly deleted his entire Twitter page.

A short time later, Man U officials dropped a scathing statement ... ripping people for the racist attacks -- and demanding it all stop ASAP.

"Everyone at Manchester United is disgusted by the racial abuse received by players via social media after last night’s game," the team said.

“We utterly condemn it and it is encouraging to see other fans condemn this on social media also."

Team officials continued, "Identifying these anonymous mindless idiots remains problematic. We urge social media platforms and regulatory authorities to strengthen measures to prevent this kind of behaviour."

Manchester United captain Harry Maguire, meanwhile, took to his social media page to defend his teammates as well, writing, "UNITED against racism. We will not tolerate it."

Man United added in its statement, "Manchester United has zero tolerance of any form of racism or discrimination and a long-standing commitment to campaigning against it through our All Red All Equal initiative."

'MyPillow Guy' Mike Lindell Banned from Twitter ... Over Trump, Election Lies


8:19 AM PT -- Lindell tells us he'll be contacting his legal team to figure out what, if any, action can be taken. He claims Twitter posted on his behalf on his own account during his initial suspension.

Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, is just like his pal, Donald Trump -- Twitter's permanently banned him for continuing to push the baseless claim Trump won the election.

Twitter says it decided to pull the plug on the "MyPillow Guy's" account "due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy" ... according to a spokesperson.

The Twitter policy was put in place in September to combat misinformation -- specifically about the election -- and has primarily been used since the January 6 Capitol riots as the basis for permanently suspending people.

It's unclear which of Lindell's tweets was the final straw, but he's continued to claim the election was rigged, even after President Biden's inauguration.

His allegations also led to his MyPillow products being pulled from shelves at Bed Bath & Beyond earlier this month. Shortly after the attack on the U.S Capitol, Lindell called it "very peaceful" and blamed the mayhem on "undercover Antifa" ... while continuing to voice support for Trump and insist he'd remain President for 4 more years.

As he left office, Trump vowed he'd be back in some form -- though clearly not on Twitter. His MyPillow BFF might have to follow in his footsteps.

Originally Published -- 6:37 AM PT

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