Elon Musk Zuck's Fault MMA Fight Didn't Happen I'm Still Down 'Anytime, Anywhere, Any Place'

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, the biggest fight that never happened, ain't dead just yet ... 'cause the billionaire X owner says he's still ready to beat up Zuck!

52-year-old Musk joined Joe Rogan's JRE pod on Tuesday ... when the convo turned to the fight with the 39-year-old Facebook founder. For the first time, Elon explained, from his perspective, why negotiations broke down, torpedoing the bout.

The Joe Rogan Experience/Spotify

“Italy actually was willing to let us use the Coliseum,” Musk told Rogan.

“I was like, well, can’t turn that down. Then I was like, well, if it’s going to be in the Coliseum, I like UFC and everything, but we don’t have tons of ads in UFC branding on the Coliseum 'cause it’s a place of great history. You don’t want to have it be all like NASCAR. And then Zuck pulled out.”

Of course, talk of the fight between the two ultra-wealthy moguls started around the time Zuck launched his X-competitor, Threads. Elon tweeted he was "up for a cage match," and Mark responded, channeling Khabib, saying ... "Send me location."

And, we were off ... unfortunately, a deal never materialized, and Zuck accused Musk of screwing around with no intention to actually fight.

"[Zuckerberg] accused me of not being serious, and I said, ‘Listen, at the end of the day, I’ll fight you any place, anywhere, under any rules,’” Elon told Joe.

As for who'd win the fight, Elon's clearly heard the people who say Mark would kick his ass because of his jiu-jitsu experience. He doesn't agree.

“I’m like 50% heavier than him,” 6'2", 240-ish lb. Musk said.

“I’ve got my patented 'walrus' move. I just lie on him. A walrus doesn’t need martial arts training because it’s really big.”

Bottom line ... the fight may be on life support, but Elon's indicating there's still a chance it goes down, and he says he's ready to crack right now.

“I don’t need any time, no time at all."

Your move, Zuck! 👊


Elon Musk y Mark Zuckerberg, la pelea más grande de la historia, no es una idea que quedará en el olvido ¡porque el multimillonario propietario de X dice que todavía está listo para golpear a Zuck!

Musk, de 52 años, se unió al podcast de Joe Rogan el martes. La conversación giró en torno a la pelea con el fundador de Facebook, de 39 años. Por primera vez, Elon explicó por qué las negociaciones se rompieron y terminaron por detener el combate.

"Italia en realidad estaba dispuesta a dejarnos usar el Coliseo", dijo Musk a Rogan.

"Yo estaba como, bueno, no puedo rechazar eso. Luego me dije, bueno, si va a ser en el Coliseo, me gusta la UFC y todo, pero no pondremos toneladas de anuncios de la marca UFC en el Coliseo porque es un lugar histórico. No quieres que sea todo como la NASCAR. Y entonces Zuck se retiró".

Por supuesto, se empezó a hablar de la pelea entre los dos magnates ultrarricos en el momento en que Zuck le lanzó amenazas su competidor por X. Elon tuiteó que estaba "listo para un combate en jaula", y Mark respondió: "Envíame ubicación."

Por desgracia, el acuerdo nunca se materializó y Zuck acusó a Musk de hacer ruido sin la intención de luchar en realidad.

"[Zuckerberg] me acusó de no ser serio, y yo le dije: "Escucha, al final del día, voy a luchar contra ti en cualquier lugar, en cualquier lugar, bajo cualquier regla'", dijo Elon a Joe.

En cuanto a quién ganaría la pelea, Elon ha escuchado claramente a la gente que dice que Mark le patearía el culo por su experiencia en jiu-jitsu. Él no está de acuerdo.

"Soy como un 50% más pesado que él", dice Musk, de 1.90 m y 80 kilos.

"Tengo mi movimiento "morsa" patentado. Me tumbo sobre él. Una morsa no necesita entrenamiento en artes marciales porque es muy grande".

En pocas palabras, la lucha puede estar peligrando, pero Elon dice que todavía hay una posibilidad de que esto pase y dice que está listo.

"No necesito tiempo, nada de tiempo".

¡Tu turno, Zuck! 👊


el flow de halloween

Lil Nas X sin duda tenía un aspecto interesante para Halloween de este año, mezclando gore con la higiene femenina y optando por vestirse como un tampón sangriento.

El rapero de "Old Town Road" reveló el impactante look en Instagram el martes por la noche mientras las celebridades hacían lo mismo. El video de Nas comienza mostrando una vagina hecha de materiales caseros antes de mostrar su atrevido look.

La mayoría de sus fans vieron el disfraz con sentido el humor, con comentarios como: "Realmente dijo PERIOD" y "no te dejes llevar por la corriente".

Sin embargo, algunos se ofendieron por el atuendo, escribiendo: "Me gusta este look, pero el hecho de que tú personalmente nunca hayas experimentado el estigma, la vergüenza o el dolor que implica tener la regla me hace pararme a pensar........ Pero, ¿por qué?".

Otro dijo: "No es gracioso. En realidad es bastante misógino. Y ser gay no te da un pase".

Disfraz de tampón ensangrentado

Lil Nas X no es ajeno a empujar los límites, especialmente en las redes sociales, por lo que esto no debería sorprendernos, aunque claramente, todavía está causando una división.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Lil Nas X I Had a Bloody Good Time This Halloween!!!


Lil Nas X certainly had an interesting look for Halloween this year, mixing gore with feminine hygiene ... and opting to dress as a bloody tampon.

The "Old Town Road" rapper revealed the shocking look on Instagram Tuesday night as celebs took to the platform to show off their looks. Nas' video starts out with a homemade vagina before panning out to the rest of his look ... complete with a blonde wig and high white boots.

Most of his fans found humor in the costume, with comments like, "Really said PERIOD." and "Some would say you have a heavy flow."

However some took offense to the outfit, writing, "I enjoy this look but the fact that you personally have never experienced the stigma, shame or pain involved with having a period makes me pause and think……. But why though?"

Another said, "Not funny. Actually quite misogynistic. And being gay does not give u pass."

Bloody Tampon Costume ...

Lil Nas X is no stranger to pushing the PC boundaries, especially on social media, so the look shouldn't be THAT shocking ... but clearly, he's still causing a divide.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Cardi B Puede que alivie la sentencia de $3.4 mil de Tasha K

No hagas daño a los demás

¡¡¡¡Cardi B podría estar suavizando su postura cuando se trata de su archienemiga, la bloguera Tasha K y los 3,4 millones de dólares que le debe!!!!

La rapera de "Bodak Yellow" dio a sus fans un testimonio emocional en las primeras horas de la mañana del jueves, advirtiéndoles que nunca confundan su bondad con debilidad, al mismo tiempo que admitía que está pensando si seguir persiguiendo la sentencia que el tribunal dictaminó que Tasha debe desembolsar.

La revelación de Cardi se produjo unas horas después de que Tasha apareciera en directo la noche del miércoles, llorando y hablando de sus propios traumas pasados, mientras se disculpaba con Cardi y se refería a su propia relación patas arriba con Nicki Minaj.

Los aficionados advirtieron a Cardi que no cayera en lo que muchos ven como un engaño de Tasha. La bloguera de chismes se declaró en quiebra en mayo, cuando la sentencia de $3,4 millones aún se avecinaba. Su disputa hirvió en Twitter poco después.

Recuerden que todo esto comenzó después de que Tasha falsamente acusara a Cardi de abuso de drogas y prostitución, lo que llevó a la cantante a presentar una demanda por difamación. Cardi ahora dice que solo su madre y sus abogados pueden darle el consejo que necesita para tomar la decisión final.

Dice que su familia y amigos, incluyendo Offset, inmediatamente la convencerían de presionar para que se haga justicia, lo que incluye exigir esos 3,4 millones de dólares de las manos de Tasha. Pero Cardi dice que ver a alguien sufrir, no la hace feliz.

En cualquier caso, la rapera quiere que Tasha deje de hacer daño a la gente con sus podcast, algo en lo que ambas parecen estar de acuerdo. Al menos, por ahora.

Cardi B I Might Let Tasha K Off $3.4 Mil Hook


Cardi B just might be softening her stance when it comes to her archenemy, blogger Tasha K, and the $3.4 million she owes Cardi!!!

The "Bodak Yellow" rapper gave her fans an emotional testimonial in the wee hours of Thursday morning ... warning them never to mistake her kindness for weakness, but also admitted she's debating if she should continue to pursue the fat judgment the court ruled Tasha needs to fork over.

Cardi's revelation came a few hours after Tasha went live Wednesday night ... tearfully speaking of her own past trauma, while apologizing to Cardi and speaking on her own topsy-turvy relationship with Nicki Minaj.

Fans warned Cardi not to fall for what many see as crocodile tears from Tasha -- the gossip blogger filed for bankruptcy in May as the $3.4 million judgment still loomed. Their beef boiled over into the Twitter streets shortly after.

Remember, this all started after Tasha falsely accused Cardi of drug abuse and prostitution ... prompting Cardi to file a defamation lawsuit. Cardi now says only her mother and lawyers can give her the advice she needs to make the final decision.

She says her family and friends, including Offset, would immediately talk her into pushing for justice -- including clawing that $3.4 mil out of Tasha's hands. But, Cardi said seeing someone else in pain doesn't make her happy.

Either way, Cardi wants Tasha to stop hurting people with her podcasts ... something upon which both appear to agree. At least, for now.


Nick Bosa sin duda está poniendo de su parte para llamar la atención sobre SKIMS este lunes por la mañana, despegando como trending topic en menos de una hora después del lanzamiento de la nueva campaña de la compañía.

Tenemos más fotos de la estrella de los San Francisco 49ers usando la marca. Aparece  posando en ropa interior sin camisa y en otras mostrando algunas de las camisetas de SKIMS.

la fotos de nick

Como ocurre con casi todo lo que Kim Kardashian y su equipo sacan al mercado, las redes sociales no tardaron en notarlo, disparando a Nick en las tendencias de Tuiter, alcanzando el puesto #16 en general, mientras SKIMS alcanzaba el #9 en la lista de tendencias.

Los comentarios también fueron excelentes: "Se me hace agua la boca" "VOY A COMPRAR......" "OH KIM SABES LO QUE HACES", "ella sabía que tenía que alimentar a los gays también" y "sí sí sí sí y más sí".

Por supuesto, Nick no es el único en la primera campaña masculina, el icono del fútbol internacional Neymar Jr. y la estrella de Los Angeles Clippers Shai Gilgeous-Alexander también posaron en SKIMS.

POR CIERTO, SKIMS MENS se lanza el 26 de octubre.

Nick Bosa Hot SKIMS Pics Fuel Thirst Tweets Trends on The Platform

Nick Bosa is certainly doing his part to bring attention to SKIMS and his other assets this Monday morning ... taking off as a trending topic less than an hour after the company's new campaign launched.

We've got more new photos from the San Francisco 49ers' star's shoot wearing the brand -- posing for shirtless underwear pics and showing off some of SKIMS tees and tanks.


As with just about everything Kim Kardashian and team push out ... social media was quick to notice, shooting Nick up the Twitter trends, hitting spot #16 overall as SKIMS reached #9 on the trend list.

The comments were also good as gold ... including, "the way my mouth just watered????" "I WILL BE BUYING......" "OH KIM YOU KNOW WHAT UR DOING," "she knew she had to feed the gays too" and "yes yes yes yes yes and more yes."

Of course, Nick's not the only one in the first-ever men's campaign ... international soccer icon Neymar Jr. and Los Angeles Clippers star Shai Gilgeous-Alexander also posed in SKIMS.

BTW ... SKIMS MENS launches October 26.

Jay-Z Are You Crazy?! Take $500K Over Dinner with Me

Jay-Z is advising all Twitter philosophers out there to take the proverbial "$500,000" over having dinner with him ... he's saying all the "jewels" they think they'll get are in his old albums!!!

HOV weighed in on the viral social media question Monday with Gayle King on "CBS Mornings," where he finally gave fans the answer key ... well, his, at least.

In case you’re not hip, fans have been having a field day with the topic for YEARS ... debating if having just ONE dinner with Jay is worth more than $500K cash upfront.

Clearly an obvious choice for many, but some have argued that Jay will bless them with the missing link to create their own billion-dollar empire!!!

Jay’s not exactly disagreeing with them, but he’s saying there’s a $499,989.01 discount just for listening to one of his old albums!!!

He touted cash-saving tactics on his last released album “4:44” back in 2017, and way back in 2009, he infamously rapped the lines ... "HOV on that new s**t, n****s like "How come?" N****s want my old s**t, buy my old albums."

Jay says he didn't name a batch of his albums "The Blueprint" just because ... he says the songs contain his life's work and everything he rapped about became true.


With over 100 million records sold, the most Grammy wins for a rapper, and his Roc Nation label still going strong, no one's questioning him either.

Lil Baby Dude in Male Fellatio Vid Ain't Me ... Stop Clout Chasing!!!

The Internet seems to think Lil Baby got caught in a sex act that would suggest he's into men -- but the dude's speaking up and calling BS ... while telling everyone to cool their jets.

The rapper is trending right now because of a viral video that's making the rounds -- which is sexually explicit and graphic ... depicting a man giving another man fellatio. It's one of those weird, fuzzy recordings of a recording type of clip ... the source of which is unknown.

The man who can be seen in the clip apparently bares a passing resemblance to Lil Baby -- at least that's what a lot of people believe, anyway ... a notion that's further fueled by a caption that's partially covering this guy's full face, which reads "Nah lil baby 😭."

In other words, some random clip of a guy giving oral sex to another man was screen recorded, someone attached Lil Baby's name to it ... and then tried passing it off as legit.

Of course, Twitter's having a field day with this right now ... with a ton mean-spirited and homophobic jokes flying at LB's expense -- but he's already pouring cold water on it all.

He took to his IG Stories and wrote quite clearly, "Y'all gotta stop using my name and likeness when y'all get bored , then the extremes mfs go to for clout is sick. Ain't no mystery in my history on NO LEVEL. This is my last time addressing any kind of dumb ass click bait."

So, there you have it ... Lil Baby's saying definitively it isn't him. Also, FWIW, the guy that's in this viral video could be anybody -- it doesn't even really look like LB based on what you can see, and considering his face is heavily obscured ... even more reason to be dubious.

In the age of deep fakes/AI ... it's easier than ever to spread misinformation. Be careful, folks.

Shaun King Insists He Helped Free U.S. Hostages Despite Family Pushback

A man known in social justice circles has claimed to have helped with the release of two American hostages amid the Israel-Hamas conflict -- but the family's calling BS.

Shaun King has been trending all weekend over a post he threw up Friday -- which seemed to be him taking credit, at least in part, for the safe return of Judith Raanan and her teenage daughter, Natalie Raanan.

King said he was grateful Natalie and her mother had been freed, adding ... "As I said last week, Natalie and her family have been supporters of mine and have protested police violence in America alongside us."

He continued, "I am also thankful for the Qatari government for helping to negotiate this. Dozens of us worked frantically behind the scenes to help make this possible."

King finished by saying ... "I spoke to Natalie's family this afternoon and they are anxiously awaiting more updates."

Well, his version of events apparently doesn't quite align with what the Raanan family's aware of -- 'cause they're saying they straight up don't know this guy. The family released a statement, saying ... "Today we came across bizarre posts on the Instagram page of one Shaun King, who turns out to have millions of followers, who claims that our relative Natalie Raanan supports the anti-Israeli messages he uploads to his page."

The family goes on ... "First and foremost, we make it clear that he is lying! Our family does not and did not have anything to do with him, neither directly nor indirectly. Not to him and not to anything he claims to represent." They go on to say Natalie has never met Shaun, and she first learned about him today amid all the speculation ... of which there's been much.

The Raanan family says folks shouldn't buy what King's selling ... and that his claims amount to misinformation -- which they say is spreading like wildfire. They also note they have more family members and loved ones in captivity that they're working to have released.

Now, as for King ... he's already defending himself by now sharing who exactly he spoke with -- and as it turns out, he says it was a brother of Natalie's ... going to post receipts of conversations he says he had with the guy, detailing his efforts to have her freed.

He also claims he just spoke to the Raanan family -- presumably the same people who released this blistering statement -- and insists they're being forced to distance themselves from him. So, at this point ... there seems to be conflicting accounts over what's going on.

King has been accused of inserting himself into high-profile situations like these in the past -- and there are certainly a lot of folks who don't believe him. Still, he's standing firm.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson New Wax Figure Has Fans Confused ... What The Hell Is This?!

A new wax figure of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has fans questioning what the artist was thinking when they made it ... with many taking to social media to voice their concerns.

Here's the deal, Dwayne's been memorialized -- or, maybe not so much -- in a new wax figure that's going on display at the Grevin Museum in Paris ... but fans of the actor have been left pretty disappointed by the way it looks.

Some say the choice to put Dwayne in an outfit that screams "dad" was a bad call ... while many pointed out how the skin tone isn't accurate -- one simply wrote, "Bro is white."

Apart from Mr. Clean and Pitbull being a couple of names folks have compared it to, there's another person folks on X have said it resembles more -- Vin Diesel, his costar from the 'Fast & Furious' movies.

As we reported, the 2 have had on-set beef in the past, which even led to Dwayne leaving the series for a hot minute ... so some online have pointed out how pissed Dwayne's gonna be when he finds out it looks more like Dom Toretto than him.

Making wax figures ain't easy ... but this one seems to have missed the mark more than most.


Una nueva figura de cera de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson tiene a los fans preguntándose en qué diablos estaba pensando el artista cuando hizo el trabajo, y muchos están usando sus redes sociales para expresar sus preocupaciones.

Esta es la cuestión, Dwayne ha sido hornado -o, tal vez no tanto- en una nueva figura de cera para el Museo Grevin de París, pero los fans del actor se han quedado bastante decepcionados por la forma en que se ve.

Algunos dicen que la idea de poner a Dwayne en un traje que grita "papá" fue una mala decisión, mientras que muchos otros aseguran que el tono de piel no es exacto... uno simplemente escribió: "Bro, es blanco".

Aparte de Mr. Clean y Pitbull, dos rostros con los que ha sido comparada esta nueva figura, hay otra persona con la que sus seguidores en X dicen que se parece más: Vin Diesel, su coprotagonista en las películas de "Fast & Furious".

Como ya les contamos, los dos han tenido problemas en el set en el pasado, que incluso llevaron a Dwayne a dejar la serie, por lo que algunos están augurando lo enojado que estará cuando se entere de que se parece más a Dom Toretto que a él mismo.

Hacer figuras de cera no es fácil, pero esta parece haberse desviado más que la mayoría.

Kanye West I'm Not Bipolar ... Car Crash Gave Me 'Signs of Autism'

Kanye West wants the public to know -- he's not bipolar, as he's previously claimed -- instead, he says, he has "signs of autism" caused from his car crash in 2002.

In a bizarre text-rant to Elon Musk, Kanye states, "When are we going to speak. You owe me nothing. You never have to speak to me again. But if we do speak. The nature of the relationship has to change. I’m not bi polar. I have signs of autism from my car accident."

He continues, "You can’t watch Kim keep my kids from me. And not say anything publicly then call yourself my friend so I can bring my audience to your struggling platform."

The texts were posted by Ian Connor, a guy who has run in Kanye's circle for years, you can see Kanye instructed him to get the message out ... as Kanye's lost access to almost all of his social media accounts.

Elon suspended Kanye's Twitter account in December for antisemitic remarks the rapper made, including stating he was going to go, "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE." The account was reinstated again in July, but Kanye hasn't been active on the platform.

Unclear if Kanye and Elon have had private discussions on bringing him back onto Twitter with some other type of opportunity or what spurred his texts to the Tesla founder.

What's clear from the messages, Kanye's still at war with Kim Kardashian, claiming she's keeping the kids from him. Interestingly enough, we've seen Kanye in Italy for months with his wife, Bianca Censori, and only with his kids a couple of those times -- including a visit from Saint only a few weeks ago.

As for the car crash he's referring to which caused his alleged "signs of autism" ... Kanye was driving home from a recording studio around 3 AM in October 2002 when he allegedly fell asleep behind the wheel of a rented Lexus -- crashing into an oncoming car.


Kanye completely shattered his jaw in the accident, and the other driver broke both legs. Kanye had to have his jaw wired shut during the healing process -- the inspo behind his hit "Through the Wire."


Kanye West quiere que el público sepa que no es bipolar, como ha afirmado anteriormente, sino que tiene "signos de autismo" causados por su accidente de carro en 2002.

En un extraño mensaje de texto dirigido a Elon Musk, Kanye afirma: "¿Cuándo vamos a hablar? No me debes nada. No tienes que volver a hablarme. Pero si hablamos. La naturaleza de la relación tiene que cambiar. No soy bipolar. Tengo signos de autismo por mi accidente de coche".

Y continúa: "No puedes ver cómo Kim oculta a mis hijos de mi. No decir nada públicamente y luego llamarte mi amigo para que pueda llevar a mi audiencia a tu plataforma en apuros".

Los textos fueron publicados por Ian Connor, un tipo que ha estado en el círculo de Kanye durante años, se puede ver que Kanye le dio instrucciones para transmitir el mensaje, debido a que ha perdido el acceso a casi todas sus cuentas de redes sociales.

Elon suspendió la cuenta de Tuiter de Kanye en diciembre por los comentarios antisemitas que el rapero hizo, como por ejemplo: "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE". La cuenta fue restablecida de nuevo en julio, pero Kanye no ha estado activo en la plataforma.

No está claro si Kanye y Elon han tenido discusiones privadas sobre traerlo de vuelta a Tuiter, o cuál es el motivo de los textos para fundador de Tesla.

Lo que queda claro en los mensajes es que Kanye sigue en guerra con Kim Kardashian, alegando que le está ocultando a los niños. Curiosamente, hemos visto a Kanye en Europa durante meses con su mujer, Bianca Censori, y solo con sus hijos un par de esas veces.

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En cuanto al accidente de coche al que se refiere y que causó sus supuestos "signos de autismo", Kanye volvía a casa de un estudio de grabación pasadas las tres de la madrugada en octubre de 2002, cuando supuestamente se quedó dormido al volante de un Lexus alquilado, chocando contra un coche que circulaba en sentido contrario.

Kanye se destrozó completamente la mandíbula en el accidente, y el otro conductor se rompió las dos piernas. Kanye tuvo que llevar la mandíbula alambrada durante el proceso de curación, lo que inspiró su éxito "Through the Wire".


Los fans de DJ Quik (y sus haters) ya no pueden meterse con él en Tuiter (ahora X). El pionero de la Costa Oeste tuvo que elegir entre la plataforma de medios sociales y terminar su décimo álbum.

Una fuente cercana al campamento de Quik le informó a TMZ Hip Hop que el tiempo fuera de X ha sido beneficioso, y mientras él todavía está en Insta, también ha estado metido de lleno en su trabajo. Los fans pueden esperar capas de instrumentación, como en la mayoría de los álbumes de Quik.

Quik había anunciado el proyecto aun sin título en marzo y puso en marcha el lanzamiento con un nuevo track, pero pronto comenzó a hacer titulares para hacer competir su vida en redes con el rap.

Nos informan que el álbum va en un 80% y que su vibración se pondrá en manifiesto en noviembre, cuando Quik interprete su "Quik's Grooves" con una banda en vivo.

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Si recuerdas, Quik ha sido serio acerca de obtener el mismo respeto que su homólogo de Compton Dr. Dre cuando se trata de su legado en el hip hop.

En pocas palabras para Quik, cuando se está creando la grandeza, ¡no se puede perder el tiempo y la energía discutiendo con los trolls!

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