TikTok Trend Fake Celeb Death Prank Takes Over The Holidays


The latest TikTok trend is all about tuggin' on family members' heartstrings, announcing the fake death of a beloved celeb ... and while the reactions are pretty hilarious, the viral clips have been met with some "bah humbugs" online.

The trend's picked up some serious steam on social media -- especially as families reconnect for the holidays, and what better way to pass the time than by (falsely) announcing the death of George Clooney or Kris Jenner ... right??

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Gotta admit, there are some funny reactions in the mix ... from blood-curdling screams to almost reaching tears, it really goes to show just how much these stars mean to people.

While TikTokers are gettin' a good laugh, the joke ain't landing with some ... because a good chunk of the comments sections on these clips are filled with people calling the prank "unsettling."

Some are even blasting the younger generation for making light of the death of a celeb, even with their passing being untrue ... one even commented on a post, "This is so sick."

However you're spendin' the holidays, just make sure you don't give grandma a heart attack with "Elton John Dead At 75!"

Kid Cudi Travis Scott Collab Album Not Happening THE MOMENT HAS PASSED

Kid Cudi crushed plenty of his fan’s dreams on Wednesday ... revealing his once-proposed joint album with Travis Scott is no longer a thing.

Cudi shut down the album on Twitter, flatly telling the inquiring fan the moment had passed them by ... despite being a chart-topping moment!!!

Cudi and Travis officially formed their short-lived duo back in April 2020 and dropped their theme song “The Scotts” ... which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 that May.

The song became Cudi’s first No. 1 hit and was the sound of “Fortnite” for a time … but the two superstar artists haven’t hit the booth since.

It doesn’t appear to be beef, however. Cudi replied to another fan that he’s down to do more songs …. just not a bunch in a row to release at one time, apparently.

Elon Musk Says He's Resigning As Twitter CEO... Wonders Who Would Be 'Foolish Enough' To Take Job

Elon Musk says he's out as CEO of Twitter ... as soon as he finds a replacement.

Musk confirmed the news in an amusing tweet Tuesday night..."I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take this job!"

He added..."After that, I will only run the software & servers teams." Pretty shocking stuff from a guy who recently purchased the company for $44 BILLION!!

Of course, the move stems from a poll Musk took earlier in the week, asking millions of Twitter users to vote on whether he should remain the boss. More than 57 percent of the people voted to oust Elon, compared with just over 42 percent who wanted him to stay as head honcho.

The poll seemed tied to Elon's misstep on Sunday when he implemented a policy that barred accounts from promoting competing platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Twitter users expressed anger over the new rule because they're accustomed to sharing messages across open social media networks. Musk quickly buckled, adjusting the policy to suspend accounts whose primary purpose is to give free advertising to rival companies.

Elon's troubles with Twitter have only been mounting. Last week, Musk temporarily suspended the accounts of several prominent journalists after he accused them of doxxing him by revealing his personal information and the whereabouts of his private jet in real-time.

harvey babcock elon musk

The reporters claimed Elon was getting retribution for their negative coverage of him. It all came to a head during a heated online video chat, which ended with Elon abruptly leaving their meeting.

Meek Mill Taking 'Twitter Fingers' to YouTube ... Done with All the Bots & Weirdos!!!

Meek Mill has closed the book on his life on Twitter ... he's just the latest celeb to jump ship since Elon Musk took over in October.

The Philly rapper made the abrupt decision Sunday evening to close his account, and cited too many bots and weirdos as his reason for flying the coop on the bird app.

He says he’ll now interact with fans via YouTube as he prepares for his next career stage as an independent artist.

Meek was one of the most notorious rappers to ever tweet ... amassing more than 11 million followers before he killed his account.

His most infamous moment came in 2015 when he called out Drake for ghostwriting ... birthing his "Twitter fingers" nickname.

Meek's not alone in hating Twitter these days — Toni Braxton, Shonda Rimes and Whoopi Goldberg are just a handful of celebs who don't like the new direction ... but the current climate could very well change any minute.

Elon just got trounced in his own poll after asking users whether or not he should continue on as Twitter's CEO. He says he'll give the people what they want, but we'll see.

Elon Musk Twitter Users Vote For Him to Step Down as CEO!!!


6:16 AM PT -- 12/19 -- The people have spoken ... with 57.5% voting "yes" to 42.5% voting "no" for Elon Musk to step down. Musk hasn't yet addressed the results, whether he'll abide by them or reveal if he has anyone else in mind to take over.


Elon Musk seems to have heard all the Twitter criticism loud and clear -- which is why he's leaving his position at the company in the hands of the people ... quite literally.

The Chief Twit took to his favorite platform Sunday, and started off by apologizing for what sounds like Twitter's no-more-personal-promotion policy ... in which they'll ban anyone who plugs other social media profiles of theirs on Twitter.

He wrote, "Going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes. My apologies. Won’t happen again." After that, he posed a question and interesting proposition, asking ... "Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll."

It's a simple Yes/No poll, and as of this writing ... nearly 6 million people have weighed in, with about 58% in favor of Yes, and 42% saying No. There's still about 10 hours left to vote.

In a somewhat ominous and cryptic follow-up post, he wrote ... "As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it." To us, that means he will, in fact, abide by the outcome ... like he previously has in other polls. Bringing Trump back comes to mind.

Now, there are some cynics who feel like this an empty promise from Elon -- as they suspect he'll simply install a sock-puppet CEO ... while he continues to pull the strings BTS. He will still be the majority owner of Twitter, after all -- so he could still presumably call the shots.


He did recently allude to that type of carte blanche rule earlier this year when he was discussing his Content Moderation Council -- basically saying, what I say goes, period.

Elon, however, appeared to shoot this notion down -- saying he doesn't have somebody else in mind for the gig ... and that there is no successor. He says no one would really want this job. Time will tell if he follows through, and what that'll mean for Twitter at large. 👀

Vox Populi, Vox Dei!

Originally Published -- 12/18 5:34 PM PT

50 Cent Equal Opportunity Troll??? Megan/Jussie Diss Sparks Debate

50 Cent trolled the hell out of Megan Thee Stallion -- and while he's catching flak for it, the real question that seems to be getting asked is ... does he single out women to beef with???

That's the conversation taking place on Twitter right now -- this after Curtis posted a meme this weekend that showed MTS morphing into Jussie Smollett. He captioned it, "Damn i’m confused all this shit going around 🤷🏽‍♂️ i don’t know what to think. LOL."

In other words ... he doesn't seem to believe Megan's claims against Tory Lanez. Nothing all that profound, but his poking fun has gotten bird app users all fired up over whether this is par for the course -- aka, going after females -- or if he's an equal opportunity rabble-rouser.

The debate was sparked by one woman who wrote, "50 cent literally only brings that energy towards women. A coward." While she turned off her replies, people are retweeting this and pointing out the countless feuds Fitty's been in with prominent men over the years.

Some of the fellas 50 Cent has publicly beefed with (in emphatic terms) ... The Game, Floyd Mayweather, Fat Joe, Diddy, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Young Buck, Benzino and, of course, Ja Rule. Oh, and he's had a lot of issues with his own son, Marquise.

Now, the guy has also gotten into it with a fair amount of famous women as well -- most notably ... Vivica A. Fox, Lala Kent, Madonna, Teairra Mari and even Oprah Winfrey.

There's also been several times where 50 has made clear ... he's not afraid of the smoke, apparently from anyone. But, on the issue of whether he's got a deeply-rooted hatred of women (especially WOC) -- the evidence seems to support that he clowns everyone.

Meanwhile, Megan's trial continues next week ... when closing arguments could be made.

Twitter Ya Can't Promote Other Socials Here ... Linktree Included!!!

New rule alert at Twitter -- Elon Musk apparently wants to keep the bird app exclusive, so he's banning the promotion of any other social media accounts ... including via Linktree.

The official Twitter Support account made the announcement Sunday, writing ... "We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms. However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter."

They add, "Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post."

Some clarification ... Twitter Support notes this doesn't mean they're banning the use of links to other social media sites, including cross-posting of content (like throwing up an IG link on Twitter, for instance). What it sounds like they won't stand for now ... unadulterated plugging of one's other accounts that might lead Twitter users away from the platform.

Several users have already gotten into the weeds of Twitter's new policy, and they appear to confirm this will apply to Linktree URLs -- which allow people to go and find someone's entire social media presence, among other useful links. Content creators use Linktree quite often.

Twitter also says that phrases like "Follow me on XXXX" will likely get someone banned as well. This has been happening a lot lately under the new Musk regime -- folks have been touting their Mastadon accounts, and others, as prominent users have migrated over.

It's just the latest crackdown on Elon's watch. Remember, he's been suspending journos who cover/criticize him ... handing down bans and reversals of those bans on the drop of a dime.

Fun times ...

Elon Musk Pardons Suspended Journalists from Twitter Jail

Elon Musk has let several prominent journalists out of Twitter jail ... he just reinstated their suspended accounts for doxxing him -- or so he claimed.

The Twitter honcho released a statement late Friday ... "The people have spoken. Accounts that doxxed my location will have their suspensions lifted now."

Of course, Musk is referring to a Twitter poll he took Thursday night, asking voters if the reporters' accounts should be promptly restored or put on ice for 7 days. A majority of people -- over 58 percent -- voted to have the accounts reinstated immediately. So Elon obliged.

As we reported ... Musk came under fire earlier this week when he suspended the accounts of at least 7 journalists, including Donie O'Sullivan (CNN), Drew Harwell (Washington Post), Matt Binder (Mashable), Ryan Mac (New York Times) and Micah Lee (The Intercept). The Chief Twit accused the reporters of tracking his private jet using publicly available data and doxing him online by disclosing his personal details and whereabouts.


But, the journalists insisted they never published Elon's private information, and believe the real reason Musk temporarily shut down their accounts is because of their unfavorable coverage of him. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff also blasted Musk for suspending the accounts.


There was more drama ... Musk attended an online chat with the reporters he suspended. The journalists pointed out Elon was doing the same thing he criticized the former Twitter bosses of doing when they suppressed the Hunter Biden story. Musk bolted the chat room after putting a bow on it ... "If you dox, you get suspended, end of story, that's it."

Elon Musk & Twitter Bolts Outta Chat Over Suspended Reporters ... Doxx and You're Off!!!


11:16 AM PT -- We had Micah Lee from The Intercept on TMZ Live Friday to talk about his suspension. Lee tells us he believes it was his harsh coverage of Elon that got him the boot ... saying Elon's a hypocrite for allowing Trump and people like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the platform and suspending journalists.


He also expanded more on why the platform is so important to news and reporters.

Elon Musk is dropping the hammer on Twitter, and he's in no mood to talk about it -- he fled an online chat as soon as upset reporters tried to grill him about suspending a bunch of journalists.

The Chief Twit jumped into a Twitter Spaces chat Thursday evening to lay out his new rules about real-time doxxing -- namely that anyone who shares real-time locations of individuals will be immediately suspended from the bird app.

After some back-and-forth in the chat, Elon finally said, "If you Dox you get suspended, end of story, that's it." Moments later, he hopped out of the chat without announcing his exit.

As we reported, Musk shut down a handful of reporters' Twitter accounts Thursday without explanation. Some of them say they never posted any location info, so they felt the suspensions were really due to negative reporting on Elon.

During the abbreviated chat, journalists challenged him -- pointing out he was shutting down journalism in the same way he's criticized the Twitter regime of killing stories about Hunter Biden. Y'know, the whole free speech thing Musk said he wanted to champion when he dropped $44 billion to buy Twitter.

BTW, Elon asked his followers when, if at all, he should unsuspend the accounts who doxxed him ... but he clearly wasn't a fan of the results, saying "Sorry, too many options. Will redo poll."

He did redo it, but was still met with a majority saying he should unsuspend now. He's also reportedly shut down all Twitter Spaces chats since last night. 😬

Elon Musk Suspending Twitter Accounts For Reporters Who Cover Him

Elon Musk is hitting journalists who make a living reporting on the billionaire where he can ... silencing their Twitter accounts.

The new owner of the bird app is suspending Twitter accounts for reporters from major news outlets like The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN ... plus independent journos and folks who report for Mashable and The Intercept.

Among those losing their ability to tweet about Elon ... Donie O'Sullivan from CNN, Drew Harwell from WaPo, Matt Binder from Mashable, Ryan Mac from NYT, Micah Lee from The Intercept, plus Keith Olbermann and Aaron Rupar.

Lots of folks getting the boot have been writing and tweeting critically about Elon ... but the fact is Musk owns Twitter so he can do what he wants with his private company.

Of course, Elon's claimed he's a champion of free speech ... and some folks say that's just not jiving with suspensions for reporters.

Here's what some of those banned reporters are seeing when they try to log in to their Twitter accounts ... a message telling them their account is permanently suspended for violating Twitter rules.

Elon's been changing Twitter terms of service on the fly ... and it's unclear what rules the journalists supposedly violated to earn a suspension.

It appears more accounts are being suspended.

Stay tuned ...

Elon Musk 'Crazy Stalker' Attacked My Car with Son Inside ... Blames Flight-Tracker


1:50 PM PT -- A spokesperson for LAPD tells TMZ the department's threat management division is looking into the incident and is in touch with Elon's team ... as of now, there has not been an official report filed.

Elon Musk claims a "crazy stalker" put his son in danger, and now the Twitter honcho's threatening to take legal action against someone who's publicly exposing his location ... which he believes led to the attack.

Elon tweeted Wednesday night that a car carrying his 2-year-old boy, "lil X," was followed by an unknown person ... adding they later blocked the vehicle and climbed onto the hood.

elon stalker car
Twitter / @elonmusk

He also posted a clip of the alleged stalker, showing their license plate -- asking "Anyone recognize this person or car?"

In a clearly related move, he says legal action's being taken against programmer Jack Sweeney, the person who started Elon's flight-tracking account in 2020.

This call-out came shortly after Elon dropped a new rule for Twitter -- "Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation. This includes posting links to sites with real-time location info."

Elon notes people are allowed to post locations someone's been at on a "slightly delayed basis," saying it isn't a safety problem.

Jack's account has since been suspended, and many online see that move as a sign Elon's free speech pledge is a one-way street -- as soon as the "free speech" harmed him, he shut it down.

FYI -- Jack claimed Elon messaged him last year, offering him $5K to take the account down ... but after acquiring Twitter, Elon said he wouldn't touch the tracking account. Of course, that ain't the case anymore.

Diddy Appears To Shade Akademiks ... Yung Miami Is NOT A Side Chick!!!

Diddy is reaffirming his love for Yung Miami following Akademiks' labeling of the City Girl as a "side chick" after the Bad Boy mogul announced he just welcomed a new baby girl into the world.

In a pair of tweets Tuesday, Diddy denied Miami was ever a side chick ... even dishing out a new nickname for her -- "Shawty Wop."

Diddy also promised to pop up at any house of someone who "hurts" those he loves ... a fitting threat because Akademiks has been inviting people to visit him in Jersey.

Ak and Miami were tussling on Twitter Monday ... when "Grown-ish" actor Luka Sabbat entered the chat -- only to be dragged for filth by Ak on Twitch during a quasi-homophobic rant.

As we told you earlier in the week ... Diddy welcomed a new baby girl by the name of Love Combs with 28-year-old cyber security pro Dana Tran.

If Diddy says Miami isn't a side chick, Ak should back off and all will be good in the world, right?

Twitter Cleaning House at Headquarters ... With Massive Online Auction

Twitter is dumping more than just thousands of employees ... the company is also unloading hundreds of office supplies in an online auction.

The items -- ranging from a Twitter blue logo to computers and chargeable exercise bikes -- all went up Sunday with prices starting at $25. Of course, that's expected to rise -- especially since some of it is super pricey kitchen equipment.

There's also a Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine with a pump, a high-performance Task chair ... and a Sculpture Planter in the shape of a huge "@."

As you know, Elon Musk became CEO after buying the app for $44 billion. You'll recall, nearly half the workforce was slashed, and the fired employees filed suit against EM for violating California and federal laws.

The auction goes live January 17.

Elon Musk Threatens to Sue Twitter Employees ... Who Break NDAs

Elon Musk is sick of all the leaks plaguing Twitter lately -- so he's threatening to enforce the company's NDAs with his workforce ... at the risk of potential litigation.

The Chief Twit reportedly fired off an email to employees that detailed ramifications if they were found to be leaking sensitive insider info to the media ... this according to Platformer's Zoë Schiffer, who says she obtained a copy of the correspondence and quoted from it.

Schiffer says the email from EM begins ... "As evidenced by the many detailed leaks of confidential Twitter information, a few people at our company continue to act in a manner contrary to the company's interests and in violation of their NDA."

Elon reportedly goes on to say this, "This will be said only once: If you clearly and deliberately violate the NDA that you signed when you joined, you accept liability to the full extent of the law & Twitter will immediately seek damages."

There is a little wiggle room, it seems ... as Elon apparently told his fellow birds that an accidental or occasional slipup was understandable -- but also made a distinction between that and what he says has been happening en masse ... outright squealing to the press.

There has, in fact, been a lot of news about how Twitter's operating under Elon's regime -- with word of one of the HQs being turned into a motel of sorts, the mass firings/attempted rehires ... and, of course, the scarecrow moderation council he plans to install.


Some have called out EM as a hypocrite for trying to silence his own staff, while continuing to explicitly leak internal Twitter files to journos like Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss.


Elon Musk Blasts City of S.F. ... For Investigating Twitter's Offices-Turned-Bedrooms

Elon Musk has reportedly been turning Twitter's office space into sleeping spaces for employees putting in extra time -- and he's pissed the city of S.F. is looking into whether or not the new setup violates any codes.

Twitter's CEO fired back to a report Tuesday that said S.F.'s department of building inspection would be launching an investigation into claims that parts of the company's HQ were retrofitted to include makeshift bedrooms.

Forbes reported mattresses were set up in some Twitter office rooms, with other homey modifications. Recent reports also suggested a handful of employees were spending the night due to the intense nature of the job and long hours under Musk's new regime.

Well, Elon didn't take too kindly to the idea of San Fran cracking down -- responding to a tweet about the news by writing … "So city of SF attacks companies providing beds for tired employees instead of making sure kids are safe from fentanyl. Where are your priorities @LondonBreed!?" London Breed is S.F.'s mayor.

He also attached an article about a toddler who OD'd after coming across fentanyl on a playground. Luckily, the kid survived.

One thing Elon's tweet didn't address though ... whether or not the employee bedrooms exist.

PETA Urging Twitter to Call Out Elon Over Neuralink Animal Testing

PETA wants Elon Musk's animal testing at Neuralink shut down, and says the best way to make it happen is for millions of bird app users to speak up, and against the Chief Twit.

A rep for the animal rights org. tells TMZ ... "Neuralink and the University of California-Davis are responsible for the deaths of at least 15 monkeys because of Elon Musk’s quest to stick a chip in a human’s brain."

PETA says this kind of experimentation dates back at least 2 decades at other companies -- but notes, in just a few short years, Neuralink is piling up animal corpses all on its own.

The org adds, "Experimenting on and killing animals is never good science, and since monkeys in Musk’s experiments have also died for reasons that have nothing to do with these studies, the laboratory should be closed."

PETA's solution, we're told, includes urging the USDA's inspector general to get to the bottom of why animal protection laws were allegedly violated -- as cited in a Reuters report, which detailed in-house workers' concerns with the growing number of animal tests and deaths. Reuters says at least 1,500 animals have been killed at Neuralink since 2018, in the advancement of research, and to meet Musk's alleged timetable for the chip.

Now, PETA's looking to put the pressure on Elon by using his new $44 billion toy against him -- it's calling on Twitter users to flood the app with protest tweets tagging @elonmusk and his company @neuralink.

Neuralink has made promises of being able to help combat paralysis by allowing patients to simply think out a task that machinery would then complete.

Earlier this year, there was some indication Elon would start human trials, but it doesn't seem that's happened yet.

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