Kyle Rittenhouse Trolls LeBron's 'Lemon Heads' Diss ... With Anti-Biden Meme

It's been months since LeBron James shaded Kyle Rittenhouse for crying in a courtroom ... but he is clearly nowhere near ready to let it go, 'cause he trolled the Lakers star's diss while sharing an anti-Joe Biden meme Thursday.

The 19-year-old posted the short video on his Twitter page ... taking a shot at LeBron's famous "lemon heads" comment while going after Biden over America's high gas prices.

The meme featured footage of a tearful Rittenhouse from his day on the stand ... edited onto an arm holding a gas pump.

"No, it's not Lemon Heads ...," Rittenhouse captioned the video, jabbing at Lebron, "it's the burning hole in my pocket thanks to a Joe Biden presidency."

Rittenhouse went on to thank the "mememaster" who created the piece in another tweet for sending it his way.

You'll recall, LeBron blasted Rittenhouse back in November after he believed the teenager was fake-crying while on the stand during his murder trial.

"What tears?????" LeBron said after watching Rittenhouse's reaction in court. "I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court."

Turning Point USA

Rittenhouse -- who was eventually found not guilty on all charges -- has fired away at LBJ ever since ... saying in December "f***" him."

In February, he said he was intending to sue the NBA superstar over the comments.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Message to Putin Protesters in Russia ... 'You're My Heroes'


12:38 PM PT -- Interestingly enough, it appears Putin's Twitter account follows both Arnold and Elon Musk ... unclear if it happened before or after Arnold's message.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is using the power of his celebrity to reach Russian citizens and members of the military ... applauding the Putin dissenters from within and giving others the lowdown on what is REALLY going on in Ukraine.

Arnold posted a 9-minute video in which he praised those who are taking a stand against the Russian President, saying, "The world has seen your bravery. We know that you have suffered the consequences of your courage. You have been arrested. You have been jailed, and you have been beaten. You are my new heroes."

Schwarzenegger may have unique power to break through the modern version of the Iron Curtain ... he's such a massive, world star, his social media posts may seep through the cracks for his Russian fans.

Arnold has history in Russia ... he was the first Western star to film in Moscow -- in "Red Heat" back in 1988.

Arnold is urging Putin to "Stop this war." Putin won't care, but again, if Russian citizens hear this, they're gonna think twice about Putin's claim it's not a war at all.

Originally Published -- 6:53 AM PT

D.L. Hughley Hey Kanye, You Made Kim Go White!!!

D.L. Hughley just took the gloves off in his online battle with Kanye, and ... well, on a level it's hilarious.

For starters, D.L. mused, "Kanye do you know how horrible you gotta be to make a #Kardashian date a white man! #TeamDl."

D.L. wasn't done ... "Ye is at it again huh?? Welp at least I wasn’t crying on the phone about how big Pete’s Peter is! If you want her back instead acting up why don’t you try doing some d**k ups! #TeamDl"

D.L. was triggered by Kanye's comments Wednesday morning, when he posted a pic of D.L. in fatigues and said, "This grown ass man picked this outfit out himself Is he influential or under the influence???"

Now, here's where DL may have crossed the line a bit ... "Kanye how dare you talk about the way someone dresses, look at you!! All those people in your head and not one of em got a Macys card? #TeamDl"

As you know by now, Kanye has gone in hard on D.L., Trevor Noah and, of course, Kim and Pete. D.L. posted over the weekend, "You can tell when people surround themselves with real ones. REAL ONES in your corner would NEVER allow you to threaten a man or his family, especially in a public forum."

He went on ... "Kanye supposedly has all these goons who will kill for him, but not one of them will get his prescriptions filled?"

D.L.'s parting shots, "Kanye ain’t it funny how you can explain my jokes, but not your behavior? #TeamDl."

No doubt Ye will respond ... he's in that mood today.

UFC's Ilia Topuria Hotel Skirmish W/ Paddy Pimblett Over Offensive Tweet


Ilia Topuria and Paddy Pimblett -- two rising stars in the UFC -- threw punches and bottles in a wild hotel lobby altercation  ... and it was all over an offensive tweet.

The skirmish went down just days before UFC Fight Night in London ... where Topuria is slated to fight Jai Herbert, and Pimblett is set to face off against Rodrigo Vargas.

But it was Topuria vs. Pimblett on Tuesday ... as the 11-0 Georgian fighter confronted him for crossing the line in a Twitter exchange last year.

The video is pretty nuts -- Topuria walks right up to 17-3 Pimblett and appears to either throw an object or swipe at him. In response, Paddy throws a bottle.

The two then throw punches ... but nothing seems to connect before Ilia is pulled away by his team.

FYI -- "The Baddy" was called out for tweeting "Lad how stupid are these Georgians man ... no wonder the Russians terrorize their lives" in April of last year.

Paddy later deleted the tweet and apologized ... but it's clear Topuria hasn't forgotten about it, nor has he forgiven the 27-year-old.

Topuria, 25, posted the quick altercation on Instagram just minutes ago ... saying, "I warned you! This is what happens when you disrespect me and my country!"

"You saw me and wanted to greet me because you s*** your pants ... and you should thank my team because if it wasn’t for them separating me, I would have taken your head off."

"This is not Twitter, this is real life!"

Elon Musk Hey Daddy Vladdy, Let's Rumble ... Winner Takes Ukraine!!!

Elon Musk is asking Vladimir Putin to put his dukes up -- and not just that, but he's posing the challenge in the dictator's native language ... with the ultimate stakes at play.

The Tesla and SpaceX chief dared VP to a battle of brawn Monday morning, doing so over Twitter of course ... where he wrote, "I hereby challenge Владимир Путин  to single combat." EM followed up by saying ... "Stakes are Україна."

The translation is pretty simple, he's just asking Putin to rumble -- noting that the winner takes Ukraine. As you know ... Elon has directly involved himself with the conflict (in a good way) by offering Internet support and other tech resources to help Ukrainians/deter Russia.

Just make sure Vlad and co. got the message, Elon asked ... "Вы согласны на этот бой? @KremlinRussia_E." That simply means, "Do you agree to this fight?"

Obviously, Elon seems to be kidding -- we don't think he expects Russia's President to take him on ... but just for the sake of argument, ya gotta wonder who might take the W  -- because they each have some fighting experience.

Perhaps more famous in throwing down would be Putin ... we've seen photos of the guy laying dudes out on the mat while dressed head to toe in martial arts gear, and he even has an honorary taekwondo black belt (which he was stripped of in the wake of him invading).

Less known is Elon's training ... he once told Joe Rogan that he trained in karate as a kid. On top of that, he said he's also dabbled in taekwondo, judo and a little jiu-jitsu.

No word on where each of them might be currently on their brawling skills -- but it's an interesting matchup for sure. Place your bets ... but don't hold your breath either. 😅

Katt Williams Show Ends Mid-Joke After Bomb Threat

Katt Williams pulled the plug early on his Nashville show Saturday night, after the venue received a bomb threat.

Katt was in Tennessee for his "World War III" Tour -- yeah, we get that it's jarring -- when 10 minutes before it was supposed to end someone on the crew told him about the threat.

Williams had to make a tough decision ... tell the crowd about the threat or just end the show and let them naturally walk out.

You gotta think Astroworld was on his mind ... worrying that full disclosure might result in a stampede, so Katt just left the stage without saying why. The venue was cleared without incident.

Security took it seriously enough that they escorted Katt off stage and hustled him out of there. Katt left the venue without drama.

There had been rumors of some sort of threat online ... both a bomb threat and a gun threat.

The fans apparently learned of the threat after the fact. One tweeted, "Just left Katt Williams' show in Nashville, where security escorted him off stage mid-joke. Then the lights came on and everyone was told to leave."

As far as we can tell, the place was swept and no device was found.

Jeremy Renner Fan Cast to Play Zelenskyy in Biopic But, Like, Too Soon, No???

The Ukraine crisis is still very much underway, and yet ... some are already opining about who could play Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a movie -- and Jeremy Renner seems to be it.

Twitter users are up in arms again over this one ... perhaps for good reason. Essentially, this is a debate about whether talking about a would-be biopic is appropriate when the situation is unfolding live -- let alone musing about which actor could star as Ukraine's president.

Of course, some Tweeters couldn't help themselves ... firing off takes about how Hollywood is already cooking up a flick behind the scenes, and how Renner may well be the top choice to portray VZ.

The reason ... well, they look high-key alike -- almost dead ringers, if we're being honest. Same type of facial structure and everything ... and they're especially similar in appearance when wearing fatigues and whatnot.

But even if they are doppelgangers of one another, the other question is ... what difference does it make??? A good majority of folks online argue -- *now* is NOT the time to be discussing a possible film about Zelenskyy or Ukraine, because it's a serious situation.

Indeed, people are dying and/or fleeing for their lives ... so it does seem like a bad time to be making light of things -- and publicly spit-balling about a possible biopic down the road certainly feels like that ... namely, it's too freakin' soon to even bring up as a topic.

Interestingly, those who are batting this type of thinking down are attributing it to a uniquely American mindset -- suggesting that U.S. citizens often seem to be more interested in entertainment than real-life lives that are actually at risk.

We'll leave that philosophical ball for the Twittersphere to kick around -- but here's one thing that can't be denied ... Renner and Zelenskyy do bear a striking resemblance, and yes ... Renner is a fantastic actor, proven time and again in his pre-Marvel days.

And yes ... there may even be a studio out there that has a script in mind -- that's certainly not outside the realm of possibility, as Tinseltown never sleeps on the next big thing, and Zelenskyy's life story alone is totally worthy of the movie treatment (objectively).

Still, it sounds like what's got people pissed off is, obviously, the timing of such discussions -- but also, the callousness and lack of thoughtfulness in cavalier posts like these.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Renner, meanwhile, is minding his own business out in the woods of Lake Tahoe ... so ya gotta figure he might be upset to hear how he's getting roped into this nonsense.

In other words, leave him out of it. For now, anyway ... 😅

Elon Musk SpaceX Will Save the Day ... If Russia Tries Sending ISS Hurtling Toward Earth


12:01 PM PT -- It seems Elon can walk and chew gum at the same time -- while he was declaring he'd save the world if push came to shove with Russia ... he was also chowing down with locals in Texas.


Check out these photos we got of EM at the Sombrero Festival in Brownsville Saturday, where Papa Bear showed up with his young son, X, whom he was holding.


We're told he was in town giving a speech about SpaceX, and after someone invited him to the festivities ... he decided to take 'em up on the offer.


Looks like he was given some fresh barbecue too while he was at it ... Elon was photographed wolfing down some sort of kebob thing, with a spiral potato on the stick. That's good eating for a potential Earth savior ... keep the guy well-fed, Texas!

Elon Musk has vowed to become a real-life action hero, saving the world -- or at least part of it -- by thwarting any attempt by the Russian Government to send the International Space Station hurtling toward earth.

Musk is reacting to a Russian space official who menacingly suggested the ISS could lose its trajectory and careen toward the U.S. or Europe if the Russians sabotage the craft. The official suggested sanctions could trigger the move. Russia controls the engines on the ISS, and it can direct the trajectory accordingly.

Musk's Twitter response ... a SpaceX logo.

Someone on Twitter inquired if E.M. was suggesting SpaceX would prevent the ISS from plummeting to earth. His response -- "Yes."

Musk acknowledged another tweet with the ISS, but one thing was missing -- any evidence of Russia. Instead, the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft was front and center.  Elon responded, "Good thread."

The ISS could do lots of damage for sure ... it weighs in at 500 tons.

As for how serious the threat, the Russian official said, "The ISS does not fly over Russia, therefore all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them?"

NASA says nothing's changing with respect to ISS operations. What's unclear ... can Russia do what it's threatening?

Don't count Musk out ... NASA has increasingly relied on SpaceX for space exploration.

Originally Published -- 6:43 AM PT

Jarvis Landry I'd Like To Stay With Browns ... Despite Dramatic IG Post

Jarvis Landry insists he doesn't want to pull an Odell Beckham and get the hell outta Cleveland ... saying he would like to stay with the Browns, despite a cryptic social media post suggesting otherwise.

The 5-time Pro Bowler had the Dawg Pound running wild on Monday after posting a super-dramatic video to his Instagram page ... featuring a snippet of the movie "Passengers," which says -- "You're not where you want to be. You feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Now, Landry is going to Twitter to provide detail on his current situation with the team ... saying he was banged up all last season because he returned from an injury too early.

"Reality behind all this is I came back to play in the best shape of my life, I got hurt week 2 with a high grade MCL Sprain, Partial quad tear and bone bruise," he said minutes ago.

"Then came back way to early and ended up staying hurt the entire season. You never heard me mention anything about it."

Then, Landry dropped this.

"I have put the ball in CLE court by telling them I would like to stay but if not then I’m confident enough in myself to be a better healthy me this year and moving forward to helping do my part in winning a championship elsewhere."

Landry also has a message for anyone questioning his toughness and durability ... saying, "Before this year I missed 0 games. So push y'all narrative, it's noted ✊🏾✊🏾"

Landry has certainly seemed at least a bit pissed off with the Browns in recent months ... and even sparked more concern after he hit the "like" button on a message OBJ tweeted that said "QBs matter for receivers."

JL has been credited with changing the culture in Cleveland ... but a messy breakup with a team leader would be a fitting ending to an awful year in the 216.

Camila Cabello's 'Cinderella' Leading #FanFave Oscar Race: Report ... Over 'Spider-Man'???

Tom Holland might’ve thought he’d make it to the Oscars this year -- but it could be Camila Cabello who actually comes out on top as a fan fave ... how ‘bout that?!

According to Deadline, her ‘Cinderella’ movie -- which was released straight to Prime earlier last year -- is supposedly leading the race for the #OscarsFanFavorite category that the Academy cooked up out of nowhere ... apparently in a bid to boost ratings and include mainstream popcorn flicks somehow.

Indeed, a lot of folks are also screaming “What?!?!” on the bird app, obviously wondering ... how can this be???

No shade to CC, Billy Porter and James Corden ... but their take on the fairy tale classic wasn’t well-received by critics, and (mostly) ditto for normies who actually watched it. It goes without saying -- "Spider-Man: No Way Home" was the clear crowd-pleaser this year, proven at the box office with record ticket sales.

So ... what gives? Well, per Deadline, it would appear folks tracking these numbers on the Academy’s site/Twitter see a trend ... rabid fan bases swooping in and flooding the digital voting booths for their heroes and icons. In this case, it seems Camila has quite the following online -- and they appear to be catapulting her to the top on just their love for her alone.

The outlet says there was actually a huge push for "Zack Snyder’s Justice League" -- which has a mega stan culture all its own -- but since it’s a redo, it unfortunately isn’t eligible.

'NWH' is the close second at the moment, and there’s still several days to vote before the show starts later in March. But don’t worry ... there’s no real stakes here, no actual hardware will be presented to whichever film wins this made-up category.

It’s mostly for kicks and bragging rights .... but at the moment, Cinderelly, might have all of that over Tom and co. What a world!

Awkwafina Talks About Using AAVE in the Past ... Takes Break from Twitter

Awkwafina has been accused of trying to pose as a Black person in the past -- be it in song or on camera -- and now ... she's sorta owning up to it, but stopping short of an apology.

The actress/rapper/internet personality addressed a long-running criticism that's been years in the making -- acknowledging she's aware that folks have dogged her for using African-American Vernacular English ... but at the same time, denying any mal-intent.

Awkwafina took to Twitter Saturday -- her first post in nearly three years -- with a lengthy statement that touched on the fact that Black culture, including AAVE, is often hijacked and monetized by others ... and then passed off as general pop culture and/or modern slang.

She then says this ... "But as a non-Black POC, I stand by the fact that I will always listen and work tirelessly to understand the history and context of AAVE, what is deemed appropriate or backwards toward the progress of ANY and EVERY marginalized group."

Awkwafina adds, "But I must emphasize: To mock, belittle, or to be unkind in any way possible at the expense of other is: Simply. Not. My. Nature. It never has, and it never was."

She goes on to address her upbringing and how she's carved out her own American identity, and essentially says ... there's some learning she's gotta do in reflecting that publicly and in her day-to-day life ... as do Asian Americans at large, she contends.

Some gave Awkwafina props, while others didn't let her off the hook -- noting she never said sorry. In response, it seems she's putting the bird app up on the shelf for a while ... saying she's retiring from Twitter over what sounds like demands she kill herself. Yikes ...

If you're wondering where the AAVE evidence is, go watch her in "Ocean's Eight" and "Crazy Rich Asians," not to mention her earlier work on "Tawk with Awkwafina," among other works. Basically, many say she talks with a "Blaccent" when hamming it up for the cameras ... and as a result, comes off as a caricature -- and, by extension, disrespectful in some folks' eyes.

As you might know, Awkwafina is a rising star in Hollywood -- she's already broken into Marvel, and she's gotten rave reviews as a serious actor as well. It'll be interesting to see how this affects her trajectory.

Susan Sarandon I'm Sorry For My Anti-Cop Tweet ... Was 'Deeply Disrespectful'

Susan Sarandon is apologizing for a social media post comparing a funeral for a fallen NYPD officer to fascism ... confessing it was "insensitive and deeply disrespectful."

The actress issued the mea culpa Friday after facing tons of backlash for her Tuesday tweet, when she shared a meme bashing cops with an image of slain NYPD officer Jason Rivera's funeral procession.

Susan says she deeply regrets sharing the meme and claims she reacted quickly without connecting the meme to a police funeral. She says she now realizes "how insensitive and deeply disrespectful it was to make that point at that time."

The image Susan posted -- then deleted -- featured a tweet from podcaster Danny Haiphong with a photo of cops lining NYC streets and the caption, "I'm gonna tell kids this is what fascism looks like."

Further anti-cop sentiment was added to the meme ... "So, if all these cops weren't needed for CRIME that day, doesn't that mean they aren't needed ANY day?" ... but Susan's saying she was just sharing someone else's handiwork.

A bunch of police organizations slammed Susan for the social media post ... as well as a horde of Twitter users.

Now Susan's apologizing to the family of the slain officer "for causing additional pain during their time of grieving."

Andrew Wiggins Snags All-Star Starter Spot ... Thanks To K-Pop Star

The power of K-Pop is real ... just ask Golden State Warriors star Andrew Wiggins, who landed a spot in the NBA All-Star Game starting lineup with the help of one of the genre's biggest stars -- Got7 member BamBam.

The starting 5s for the ASG in Cleveland were officially announced on Thursday ... and while LeBron James, Nikola Jokic, Ja Morant and Steph Curry unsurprisingly made the cut for the West, many were wondering how Wiggins landed the honor.

So, how did it happen?? As the SF Gate points out, BamBam -- who became the Dubs' global ambassador this season -- called on his millions of social media followers to vote for the 26-year-old baller on Twitter earlier this month ... and the Ahgase fan base clearly delivered.

Of course, the 2014 #1 overall pick is having a great year -- 18 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists per game -- and may very well deserve All-Star recognition this season, but getting the third-highest fan votes (3.45 million) among frontcourt players in the conference was completely unexpected.

But, if you know anything about K-Pop fans, they're the most loyal supporters in all of music ... and proved it by tweeting their fingers off to lock in the spot for Wiggins on Thursday.

FYI -- fan votes counted for 50% of the final results, with players and media accounting for the other half.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Wiggins finished with 46 votes from the players -- less than 1/3 of the other frontcourt starters -- earned 4 total votes from the media, and had 1 million more votes than the next frontcourt player, Draymond Green.

BamBam wasn't the only celeb trying to get their favs into the ASG -- Kendall Jenner rallied her millions of followers to vote for her boyfriend, Devin Booker ... but he came up short of Curry and Morant.

NBA teams should be calling BTS and BLACKPINK pronto if they're trying to get All-Star votes ... 'cause you can't deny this strategy works.

Taylor Swift Claps Back at Blur Singer!!! 'I Write ALL My Own Songs'


2:11 PM PT -- Damon Albarn has just responded to Taylor Swift. He wants to squash any beef between the two of them. In a tweet, the Gorillaz singer says he agrees with T Swift, after all … He wrote, “I had a conversation about songwriting and sadly it was reduced to clickbait. I apologise unreservedly and unconditionally. The last thing I would want to do is discredit your songwriting. I hope you understand.”

Taylor Swift has a zero-tolerance policy for folks saying she doesn't write her own music ... and, as a result, the lead singer of Blur and Gorillaz just caught her wrath.

Taylor responded to a Los Angeles Times article quoting Damon Albarn's thoughts about current top-charting artists. He said, "'Billie Eilish? "I think she’s exceptional" -- but his take on Taylor? "She doesn’t write her own songs."

Oh, no he didn't. 😤

Taylor fired right back at Damon -- "I was such a big fan of yours until I saw this. I write ALL of my own songs. Your hot take is completely false and SO damaging."

Taylor's producer, Jack Antonoff, also jumped to her defense, pointing out Albarn's never been in a studio to see Taylor do what she does. Jack told Damon, "if you were there ... cool ... go off. if not... maybe ... shut the f**k up?"

T-Swift's not hiding her disappointment and anger, she tagged Damon in her tweet, and added ... "You don’t have to like my songs but it’s really f**ked up to try and discredit my writing. WOW."

Ye and Scooter Braun, can take the back seat ... Taylor's got a new nemesis!!!

Originally Published -- 1:50 PM PT

Antonio Brown Trolls Bucs After Playoff Loss ... 'ICant 🤣'

It's been three weeks since Antonio Brown's breakup with the Bucs, but he's still clearly not over it -- 'cause he trolled the hell out of his old team after its playoff loss Sunday.

Just minutes after the Rams took down Tom Brady with a last-second field goal at Raymond James Stadium ... AB took to Twitter to rub salt in the wound.

Brown posted an edited picture from his shirtless temper tantrum at MetLife Stadium earlier this month ... showing him holding a sign that said: "Bucs eliminated."

He captioned the pic with a crying emoji, and the words, "ICant."

Brown has had big beef with the Bucs ever since the meltdown during the Jets game ... accusing Bruce Arians and the team of trying to force him to play on a badly injured ankle.

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Brown's departure got so messy, he actually shaded Brady following the whole ordeal.

But, it seemed Brown had been moving on -- he told TMZ Sports last week he and Brady had hashed out their issues ... and he also admitted to photogs recently that his shirtless rant was not very professional.


Still, looks like there's quite a ways to go before the water is officially under that Bucs bridge.

RFK Jr. Anne Frank Analogy to 'Rona Mandates Your Wife Works w/ Larry???

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Anne Frank had a better shot escaping Nazis than folks do under COVID mandates today -- a comparison that's invoking one name ... Larry David.

Here's the deal ... RFK Jr. made these inflammatory remarks Sunday at the "Defeat the Mandates" rally in D.C., where he suggested Frank and the rest of the Jews fleeing/hiding for their lives during WWII actually had a stronger chance to dodge tyranny/death compared to people subjected to vaccine regulations in 2022.

Yes, seriously. He goes on to describe how American citizens are able to be tracked with ease with modern-day tech -- citing 5G, satellites and a lot of other kooky conspiracies. He says that while Frank and others could theoretically go undetected back in those days ... today's average Joe has no chance at eluding the government or its partners.

Wild stuff, we know -- especially coming from the son of the late Bobby Kennedy -- but RFK Jr.'s been on this far-right wing tip for a good long while now ... so no real surprises there.

What people do seem somewhat shocked by is the little-known fact that Robert's wife is actress Cheryl Hines, to whom he's been married since 2014. She has a big role on LD's HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm," where she plays his TV wife of the same name.

People started tweeting their disbelief that Larry could possibly work with someone who's involved with RFK Jr. on a deep level ... especially in light of today's comments, which many are calling anti-Semitic, or at the very least ... highly insensitive to the Jewish community.

Of course, Larry's a prominent and proud Jewish man ... and he's made his distaste for Republicans and Trumpers well-known over the years, especially through his show.

Unclear how he might react to this -- especially as it relates to Cheryl, who he'll presumably see on set in the near future -- but one org has thoughts ... the Auschwitz Memorial. Their response summed up what a lot of people think about RFK Jr.'s words ... 'nuff said.

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