NFL's Antonio Cromartie Calls Drew Brees 'Stupid MF' ... Over Flag Comments

More backlash against Drew Brees -- this time it's former NFL star Antonio Cromartie calling the QB a "coward" and "stupid MF" over Drew's position against NFL kneeling protests.

"[Drew Brees] you a coward!!! You are the damn problem,"
Cromartie said.

FYI -- Cromartie was one of the players who took a knee during his stint with the Indianapolis Colts -- and believes he was cut and subsequently blackballed from the league as a result.

So, as you can imagine he didn't take too kindly Wednesday when Brees said, "I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America."

Here's Cro ...

"You are in the locker with nothing but Black men. For you to sit here and think [the kneeling protest] was about a f**king flag. A Flag don’t give a sh*t about the black community."

Cromartie listed several black people who died as the result of police brutality -- including Tamir Rice, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Philando Castile.

"The list goes on you stupid MF," Cro added.

"That’s why we took a knee. Some of us lost our jobs because we wanted to take a stand 4 those that couldn’t."

"And you on here talkin abt a damn flag."

"When I have to teach my sons and daughters how 2 act around cops and that may not even help save them. F YOU."

L.A. Sheriff's Dept. Roll Up on Kids, Drive-By Style ... Firing Rubber Bullets!!!


2:56 PM PT -- L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says he's aware of the video involving he deputies and his department is actively investigating. He's also encouraging witnesses to contact the LASD.

Cops pulled a drive-by on some black kids in Los Angeles. Seriously, and it's all on video.

To be fair to cops, the video doesn't show how this interaction started, but the conclusion is suspicious. The group of about 5 to 6 apparent teens -- many with backpacks and skateboards -- were walking on a sidewalk, and not in the middle of a protest.

Suddenly, an L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. cruiser pulled up on the street corner and unleashed a hail of rubber bullets on the group of kids ... who were already running away from the cops.

Again, we don't yet know what sparked this confrontation, but here's what's clear from the video -- at the moment the shooting started, the kids were calmly walking together down the street. The video caught the attention of Lil Nas X who tweeted, "This is why we need to push as hard as ever this time."

To Lil Nas' point ... this appears to be exactly the kind of police behavior against which millions are protesting right now.

We've reached out to the Sheriff's Dept for more information.

Originally Published -- 7:31 AM PT

NYPD Scanner Calls for Violence Against Protesters ... 'Shoot Motherf*****s' Heard, But Who Said It?


NYPD officers allegedly urged police to shoot and run over protesters -- at least that's what was heard over the citywide police scanner ... but the question now is whether those words came from a cop or someone who stole a radio.

As protesters marched toward the 77th Precinct in Brooklyn, you could hear someone on the scanner calling in to describe the scene before another voice urges cops to, "Shoot those motherf*****s."

Later in the evening, the scanner picked up what sounded like officers saying they were surrounded by protesters near the intersection of Albany and Dean Streets in Crown Heights. A voice on the scanner responds, "Run them over."

Obviously, the scanner broadcasts are beyond alarming IF they really came from police officers. NYPD tells us ... they're aware of the comments and are looking into it.

TMZ independently found the radio transmissions on a website that records police scanners -- so the audio is legit. However, law enforcement sources tell us ... during this latest wave of civil unrest, police radios have gone missing, and there is a possibility the transmissions on the scanner did not originate from police.

As you know ... NYPD officers have been physically clashing with protesters for days, with an officer appearing to pull a gun on demonstrators, and cops appearing to drive a police car into a crowd of protesters behind a barricade.

Cop Hit By Car

Additionally, 2 NYPD officers were injured -- one of them seriously -- Monday night in separate incidents in the Bronx.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has also ripped Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD for their response to protests.

LeBron James Rips Social Media Clout Chasers ... Using L.A. Chaos For Content

"They’ll Do ANYTHING for Clout!! Cardi and Offset tried to tell y’all."

That's LeBron James taking aim at two women who used the chaos in L.A. as photo opportunities ... and yeah, the King is BIG MAD over it all!!

Here's the deal ... rioters and looters wreaked havoc on stores and shops in Santa Monica all day and night Sunday -- and on Monday, two women showed up to take pics with the rubble.

While citizens aided in the rebuilding effort ... one woman faked the use of a power tool on storefront plywood and then bolted off.

"This lady stopped someone boarding up a store in Santa Monica so she could hold the drill for a picture, then drove away," one witness said of the scene. "Please don’t do this."

Another woman posed in front of a store that had been ransacked just hours earlier ... with a witness there saying, "This girl is making her boyfriend take a picture of her in front of a smashed T-Mobile. Oh my God!"

Both scenes were blasted HARD on social media ... with LeBron calling them out as clout chasers -- and P!nk lashing out at the fake power drill woman as well.

"What is wrong with these entitled a**holes?!" the "What About Us" singer said. "Who the f*ck are you and who are your parents you horrible person. How can anyone defend this???!!!"

For their part, the alleged women in both videos have yet to go public explaining their sides of the story.

USC Athletic Director Slams Booster Over 'Abhorrent' Tweets ... Revokes Season Tickets

USC athletic director Mike Bohn just went scorched-earth on a school booster for "abhorrent and blatantly racist" tweets ... revoking the person's privileges to Trojan season tickets.

A Twitter user operating under the handle "@SoCalMAB" -- an account that has since been deleted -- fired off several disturbing tweets over the weekend during national protests.

In some, the user -- whose account had a profile picture of former USC receiver Michael Pittman standing next to a female fan -- advocated to "shoot the protestors."

The tweets got so nasty ... Pittman himself felt the need to intervene, telling the account to remove his picture from the profile ASAP.

"@SoCalMAB if you truly believe the things you have said, I politely ask you to take me out of your profile picture," the Indianapolis Colts rookie said. "This is disappointing, I know my true Trojan family would never. In times like this, it is important for us to stand together."

Bohn said on Monday the school launched an investigation into the tweets after they were made aware of the disturbing content ... and after they identified the fan as a school booster, they dropped the hammer.

"Following an immediate investigation into the matter, we informed the individual that their season ticket and Trojan Athletic Fund membership privileges have been revoked and their payments will be promptly returned," Bohn said. "Their account has been flagged in our system to prevent future purchases."

Bohn added, "Thank you to the USC community for helping us identify this individual so that we could move swiftly to terminate our relationship. We stand in solidarity with the Black community."

For the Twitter user's part ... the person reportedly released an apology before deleting the account, writing, "My remarks were made in a fit of anger at circumstances in general. It was a stupid thing to say. And wasn’t directed at anyone’s race. Just upset at all the destruction."

Donald Trump Vicious Dogs Ready to Attack Protesters

Donald Trump sounded like a southern governor in the '50s or early '60s Saturday morning, boasting that the protesters at The White House had a surprise in store -- attack dogs.

The President said nothing about the reason for the protests. Rather, he talked about how safe he felt inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ... "Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService ... I was inside, watched every move, and couldn't have felt more safe. They let the 'protesters' scream & rant as much as they wanted, but whenever someone got too frisky or out of line, they would quickly come down on them, hard -- didn't know what hit them."

White House

He went on ... "The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic. Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted by the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons I have ever seen."

And, then the most bizarre comment ... "Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action."

He suggested the young agents were the most aggressive, seemingly quoting a Secret Service officer ... "'We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and ... good practice.'"

So the President of the United States has shown his utter contempt for the demonstrators, suggesting something nefarious when he says it was "professionally organized." And, he seemed to revel in the possibility of violence against the protesters.

Donald Trump Looters Should Be Shot


9:42 AM PT -- Governor Tim Walz just addressed Trump's tweet.

Tim Walz
Fox 9 KMSP

Donald Trump has his own way of handling the civil unrest in Minneapolis, following the brutal cop killing of George Floyd -- he wants the looters shot.

True-to-form Trump tweeted his outrage, "....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!"

That last threat -- "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" -- is lifted from a threat made by a former Miami police chief back in 1967 ... after brutal police practices resulted in civil unrest.

Now, check this out ... Twitter immediately tagged Trump's post, saying, "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public's interest for the Tweet to remain accessible." Translation -- Trump's appalling, yet predictable, call to violence is irresponsible, but we need to know that's his mindset.

And, he all took an insulting, gratuitous shot at Minneapolis' Mayor, "I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right....."

Mayor Frey shot back, "Weakness is refusing to take responsibility for your own actions. Weakness is pointing your finger at somebody else during a time of crisis."

Mayor Jacob Frey
Fox 9 KMSP

Shameik Moore Sorry for Controversial George Floyd Rant ... Here's What I Meant

Shameik Moore

Shameik Moore is trying to clarify his controversial remarks about the George Floyd killing and police brutality ... after his rant sparked backlash and outrage.

The actor -- best known for his work as the voice of Miles Morales in "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" -- says he's sorry for offending folks Thursday in the black community with several heated tweets.

Shameik weighed in on the Floyd killing by saying the black community needs to learn how to deal with police better, and stop blaming everything on racism.

He also called out the community for black-on-black violence, suggesting that's the bigger problem African-Americans need to tackle.

Shameik didn't call for an end to police violence, instead asked if the black community could find ways to avoid being killed or hunted. Saying, he wants to see how they can help stop these recurring incidents.

He does say "power-hungry policemen" should be reprimanded and punished for their behavior and treatment of blacks, but adds folks have been hoping for better treatment since before he was born, and not much has changed.

Shameik says he gave his take on the situation after seeing a video of a young black man "barking" at a cop, and simply wanted to start a conversation on how to de-escalate interactions with police.

In the end, Shameik apologizes to anyone who was offended by his rant ... but his explanation for it is also not going over that well online.

Prez Trump on George Floyd The Feds Are on It ... Justice Will Be Served!!!

President Trump is speaking out about the killing of George Floyd, saying federal law enforcement is on the case ... and promising there will be justice.

POTUS tweeted Wednesday about George's death, saying ... "At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd."

He went on to say, "I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all of the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!"

It's interesting ... we already knew the FBI was involved, but the fact the DOJ is jumping in right away as well is pretty telling. Seems the President is aware of how angry and fed up millions of Americans are after seeing the video of George's killing.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

It's a more emphatic reaction than he had several days after the video surfaced of Ahmaud Arbery getting shot to death -- saying it was a horrible thing, and he was awaiting the results of several investigations.

In any case, it's good to see the case has caught the attention of the most powerful person in the country ... who can actually do something about this at the highest level.

Some more consistency would be nice, but we'll take it.

Conor McGregor Chased by Gators, Attacks Fans ... In Dana White Spoof Vid!!!

Conor McGregor was chased by alligators, before he went on the attack against a runner, people in a crowd and then, of all people, Dana White -- but obviously, there's a catch.

The UFC honcho posted the parody, and it's hilarious!!! Conor glides across a river as a gator gives chase, but the UFC star is unfazed.

Cut to Conor going on a tear ... attacking runners, spectators and even a bullfighter, before turning on Dana himself and opening a can of whup-ass.

It's a little life imitating art ... what with Conor's past hijinks where he threw dollies into tour buses, smashed cell phones and even punched an old guy who didn't want to drink his whiskey.

Conor's rehabbing his image of late ... showing a softer, more charitable side, which is probably why Dana dropped the vid.

NBA China TV Still Banning Games After Daryl Morey Tweet

As it turns out, time DOESN'T heal all wounds ... 'cause China's state-run TV network is holding firm on blacking out NBA games following Daryl Morey's support for Hong Kong protesters last year.

Remember, the Houston Rockets GM started an international crap storm for tweeting "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong," with a pic of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong in October.

The Tweet created a ton of backlash in China ... with massive Chinese e-commerce site Taobao yanking all Rockets merchandise and CCTV pulling NBA games from broadcast.

China Central Television released a statement to the Global Times in Beijing earlier this week ... "reiterating its consistent stance on national sovereignty" -- AKA, the NBA is still banned from TV.

The statement comes one day after Michael Ma -- son of CCTV co-founder Ma Guoli -- was named the CEO of NBA China ... which initially led people to believe the NBA could return to programming.

But, all that speculation can be put to rest with CCTV shooting down the rumors.

Sorry to all NBA fans in China hoping to see some action if/when the season returns.

Tekashi69 Sounds Off In Live Stream ... Sets Records With Rant

Tekashi just streamed from in-home incarceration, setting an Instagram Live record with 2 million people tuning in.

1:19 PM PT -- Tekashi just streamed from in-home incarceration, setting an Instagram Live record with 2 million people tuning in.


6ix9ine trolled off the bat, bumping "Bad Boys" while toying with a pair of handcuffs.


Tekashi got a lot off his plate ... admitting to being a rat and justifying his snitching. He apologized for singing like a canary, questioned the street code and then bragged about his money, bling and music.


So, pretty much the same Tekashi.


12:05 PM PT -- Tekashi is proud of being a snitch ... he just flexed his ankle monitor in his new music video, which dropped following Friday morning's beef with Meek.


The video also has lots of twerking models and a cute pup.

Meek Mill believes there's only one thing Tekashi 6ix9ine should be doing on Instagram Live ... saying sorry for being a snitch and to all the people he harmed along the way.

The hip-hop star slammed his fellow rapper on Twitter Friday morning ... ahead of 69's first live social media appearance since he was released from prison and ordered to home confinement due to COVID-19 concerns.

Meek says ... "I hope that rat going live to apologize to the people he told on or the victim." He seems to be upset over Tekashi seemingly getting a pass on snitching from fans, and wants to remind people that another "rat" was allegedly responsible for the death of his friend, Nipsey Hussle, last year.

Mill's suggesting Nip's alleged killer, Eric Holder, had a history of being an informant just like 6ix9ine ... which is why he was on the streets in the first place.

The insinuation's pretty clear -- once a rat, always a rat ... and Meek's not buying into 6ix9ine's act.

Nevertheless, Tekashi's no longer behind bars for his crimes and is hyping up his Instagram Live show ... in typical boastful fashion.

He's also already fired back at Meek, replying ... "Imagine having a new born baby come into the world & be pressed about a Mexican with rainbow hair." As we reported, Meek's GF gave birth to a baby boy on his 33rd bday.

6ix9ine's hours away from going live, and a lot of people will be watching to see what he's gotta say. Ya gotta think Meek will be paying attention too.

Originally Published -- 9:54 AM PT

Elon Musk & Grimes Son Can't be Named X Æ A-12 ... That's Illegal in Cali!!!

Elon Musk and Grimes can call their newborn baby son whatever they want, but on his birth certificate, X Æ A-12 is a no-go ... TMZ has learned.

According to a supervisor at the Department of Public Health Vital Records Office in Los Angeles -- where the baby is believed to have been born -- it is against California law to include numbers or symbols in a name.

The law states names must only include the 26 letters of the English alphabet ... obviously, the name Musk and Grimes are claiming for their boy does not meet that criteria.

As we reported ... the Tesla honcho revealed the news of the baby's birth and photos via a series of Twitter replies Monday, along with the odd name choice.

Grimes later explained the name was inspired by the A-12 plane -- a precursor to the couple's favorite aircraft, which was a CIA spy plane used during the Cold War -- among other interesting things.

That might all be moot now, though, as the kid's legal name will have to be something else ... unless they just shorten it to A for Archangel, or go with "metal rat."

Ya never know with these 2.

China's Humen Bridge Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On ... Road Rippling Like Water!!!

This is insane, as in, insanely dangerous -- the commute over a Chinese bridge looked more like a roller coaster ride as winds made the structure move like ocean waves.

Check it out ... the bridge appears to rock and sway vertically, almost like it's pulsating, as hundreds of cars continued to drive through. It almost doesn't look real!

Officials in the Guangdong province temporarily closed the wobbly bridge around 3:30 PM local time as a safety measure. Seems like the only decision to make when you see how wavy the road got.

Despite the crazy bending ... Chinese press is saying experts have confirmed there's no damage to the main structure.

Folks on Twitter claiming to be on the bridge during the swaying described the experience as "terrifying" and one person said it made them carsick. Winds in the area at the time were measured around 38 mph, which was described as rare by the press.

Though the Humen Bridge is a suspension bridge designed to be flexible and still remain safe ... it's no less terrifying.

'LHHATL' Stars Kirk & Rasheeda Shut Down Rumors About Their Past ... No Adoption or Wedding at 17!!!


"Love & Hip Hop Atlanta" stars Kirk Frost and Rasheeda are laughing off rumors he adopted her as a teenager and then married her when she was 17 ... and calling out wannabe Internet sleuths they say got it all wrong.

The couple addressed the allegations together in a mocking tone, with Kirk saying he normally doesn't answer "stupid s**t" but felt compelled to do so this time ... probably because some people were buying into it.

Here's some background -- Kirk and Rasheeda have a tumultuous relationship history, but they've made it work and recently celebrated 20 years together ... which has been a big story on 'LHHATL.'

A twitter user took that 20-year timeline and accused Kirk -- without any evidence -- of adopting Rasheeda when she was 15, having relations with her as her parent when she was a minor, and getting married when she was 17 and he was 30. The tweet also compared him to R. Kelly.

Adding fuel to the gossip is the fact Rasheeda's listed age on the Internet is 37, so if they've been together for 20 years ... well, do the math.

Here's the thing ... Rasheeda responded to the tweet with a flat denial, saying she didn't even know Kirk when she was 15 and "wasn't thinkin bout gettin married @ 17."

In the video, Kirk makes it clear he never adopted Rasheeda and denies marrying a minor ... and they both strongly suggest their ages listed online are inaccurate.

So, it seems the message the couple wants to get across is ... don't believe everything you see on the Internet, and let them live their life.