'Young and the Restless' Star Marla Adams Dead at 85 ... Played Dina For 37 Years

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Marla Adams -- the soap opera star who played Dina Abbott Mergeron for nearly 40 years on "The Young and The Restless" -- has passed away.

Matt Kane -- the director of media and talent for the show -- announced the news yesterday ... saying Marla passed away in Los Angeles Thursday. He didn't provide any other information.

Adams was born in Ocean City, New Jersey in 1938. She started on Broadway before moving out to Hollywood and landing a role in "Splendor in the Grass" -- starring alongside Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty in his first film role.

Bill Maher Anti-Israel Protesters ... Ignorant, Off-Base Narcissists

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Collective Narcissism

Bill Maher came in hot Friday night, blasting college anti-Israel Protesters as self-involved, ill-informed, and mostly out-of-work narcissists.

The 'Real Time' host lit into protesters who are blocking roads and bridges, along with those disrupting college campuses, saying their lack of knowledge over the conflict between Israel and Hamas is breathtaking.


He says amusedly, the protesters who think Israel is an apartheid country are crazy ... and he offers receipts. He ticks off countries protesters are ignoring that subjugate women and minorities, and target the LGBTQ community for death.

Bill Maher Manifestantes anti- Israel Ignorantes y narcisistas...

Narcisismo colectivo

Bill Maher entró en terreno caliente el viernes por la noche, al criticar a los manifestantes universitarios anti-israelíes como narcisistas egocéntricos, mal informados y en su mayoría sin trabajo.

El presentador de "Real Time" arremetió contra los manifestantes que están bloqueando carreteras y puentes, así como contra quienes interrumpen los campus universitarios, diciendo que su falta de conocimiento sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás es impresionante.

Caos en el campus

Dice que los manifestantes que piensan que Israel es un país de apartheid están locos y ofrece pruebas, como que los países manifestantes ignoran la subyugación a las mujeres y las minorías y llevar a la muerte a la comunidad LGBTQ.

Frank Grillo Sly Didn't Insult 'Tulsa King' Extras ... Casting Supervisor Wasn't Doing Job!!!

Frank Grillo

Frank Grillo's standing up for Sylvester Stallone ... saying Sly never insulted any extras on the "Tulsa King" set -- and the casting supervisor's lying because she didn't do her job.

We caught up with Grillo -- who's starring in 'TK' season 2 -- at LAX and he says he was on set the day Stallone allegedly launched a string of insults at the extras -- he claims it never happened.

Frank says he thinks casting sup., Rose Locke, got caught not doing her job properly ... adding we're living in a time where anyone can claim their feelings are hurt, and ya gotta deal with it.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Joe Biden's Suicidal Thoughts ... Emma Stone, Xavier Worthy


The end of another hectic week, but -- before you hit the town Saturday -- check out some of our best clips from the week.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles discuss President Joe Biden's Howard Stern interview ... where he reveals he contemplated suicide after his first wife's tragic death.

'Survivor' Season 1 Sonja Christopher Dead at 87 ... 1st One Voted Off Ever

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Sonja Christopher -- the first person ever voted off the show "Survivor"  -- has died ... this according to a current contestant on the show.

Liz Wilcox -- who stars in season 46 of "Survivor," which is underway right now -- announced the sad news on X Friday ... saying she met Sonja over Christmas and shared a photo of the two talking on FaceTime on her account.

She writes, "Today, the legend herself Sonja Christopher of Season One passed away. I had the pleasure of meeting her on Christmas. She had so much spunk + love for Survivor and what the show brought to her life. I hope you’re singing + playing your heart out somewhere beautiful, Sonja."

Ellen DeGeneres I Got Kicked Out of Showbiz ... For Being 'Toxic,' 'Mean'

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Ellen DeGeneres says she got thrown out of Hollywood for being mean and toxic -- something she's making light of now in a new stand-up show ... which is coming to Netflix.

The comedian did a live show in L.A. this week, which some reporters had attended -- and she ended up addressing her leaving her famed talk show ... which came to an end in 2022 on the heels of claims from former staffers that the workplace was a nightmare.

Ellen says, "What else can I tell you? Oh yeah, I got kicked out of show business. There’s no mean people in show business."


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Rick Caruso's calling USC's decision to nix its graduation ceremony amid a flood of pro-Palestine protests a masterclass in leadership -- something other universities are still scrambling to learn ... so he says.

On "TMZ Live" Friday, Rick -- a member of USC's Board of Trustees -- affirmed students' right to free speech ... but emphasized when expression veers into hate speech and bullying, university administrations must prioritize campus safety above all else.

RC doesn't beat around the bush ... telling us leaders need to show backbone and courage to make tough decisions, even if it means they won't be popular with everyone.

DR. PHIL TRUMP'S JURY TROUBLING ... For Prosecution, Defense

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Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in NYC could face an unfair playing field based on the jury -- but in terms of who it benefits, it's a crapshoot ... so says Dr. Phil.

The TV personality spoke to "TMZ Live" Friday about the 12 jurors who'll decide DT's fate -- the bios for whom have been released ... including their work backgrounds and their education. As it turns out ... this jury is full of a bunch of smart cookies.

There are two lawyers on the jury ... and Phil says that could both hurt and help Trump and co., depending on how they feel politically. Take a listen ... his analysis is kinda spot-on.

Ellen DeGeneres Me echaron del mundo del espectáculo... Por ser "tóxica" y "mala"


Ellen DeGeneres dice que fue desterrada de Hollywood por ser mala y tóxica, algo que ella está abordando en un nuevo espectáculo de stand-up que estaría llegando a Netflix.

La comediante hizo un show en vivo en Los Ángeles esta semana, a la que asistieron algunos periodistas, en el que terminó hablando de su salida de su famoso programa de entrevistas, el que llegó a su fin en 2022 a raíz de los reclamos de algunos ex empleados de que el lugar de trabajo era una pesadilla.

Ellen dijo: "¿Qué más puedo decirte? Oh sí, me echaron del mundo del espectáculo. No hay gente mala en el mundo del espectáculo".

TMZ TV Hot Takes Neil Tennant Blasts Taylor Swift ... Harvey Weinstein, Reggie Bush

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Almost the end of the week, and TMZ's got more hot takes for ya. Take a look at the best from a controversial Thursday.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live" Harvey and Charles address the controversial comments Neil Tennant of Pet Shop Boys fame made about Taylor Swift.

Brendan Fitzpatrick en "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills" ¿Lo recuerdas?


Brendan Fitzpatrick, estrella estadounidense de realities y agente inmobiliario de lujo, tenía 24 años cuando fue elegido para formar parte de "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills", el exitoso reality show de E! que se emitió por primera vez en 2014 y duró cuatro temporadas.

Brendan se paseó por Rodeo Drive con algunas de las estrellas más llamativas de la televisión, incluyendo a su ex cónyuge, Morgan Stewart, como la rubia bloguera en busca de éxito profesional, Dorothy Wang como la hija de un multimillonario, y EJ Johnson como el hijo de Magic Johnson, tratando de hacer su propio nombre por sí mismo.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Brendan Fitzpatrick On 'Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills' 'Memba Him?!


American reality star and luxury real estate agent Brendan Fitzpatrick was 24 years old when he was cast to be a part of "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills" -- E!'s hit reality show, first airing in 2014 and running for four seasons.

Brendan brought the bougie vibes and cruised down Rodeo Drive with some of television's flashiest stars including his former spouse, Morgan Stewart as the blonde blogger searching for career success, Dorothy Wang as the daughter of a billionaire, and EJ Johnson as the son of Magic Johnson, trying to make his own name for himself.

Guess what he looks like now!

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la Casa Blanca por la reforma a la justicia penal

Para segundas oportunidades

Kim Kardashian volvió a la Casa Blanca para abogar por la reforma a la justicia penal, solo que esta vez se reunió con el equipo de Biden, demostrando que ella es leal a la causa y no a ningún partido político.

La estrella de los realities, que ha utilizado regularmente su plataforma para abogar por esto, se reunió con la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el jueves en una mesa redonda. Esto, luego de que el Presidente concediera la clemencia a 16 personas previamente condenadas por delitos de drogas no violentos.

Aquí para ayudar

Al hablar con la vicepresidenta y algunas de las personas indultadas, dejó claro que su única agenda era abogar por una reforma penitenciaria, no importa quién esté en la oficina, y agradeció a los sujetos recientemente liberados por compartir sus historias y poner foco en el tema.

Kim Kardashian Back at White House For Criminal Justice Reform

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to second chances

Kim Kardashian went back to the White House to advocate for criminal justice reform -- only here, it was with Biden's camp ... proving she's loyal to the cause, and not to any party.

The reality star -- who has regularly used her platform to advocate for this -- met with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday for a roundtable discussion after POTUS granted clemency to 16 people previously convicted of nonviolent drug offenses.

here to help

As Kim spoke with the Veep and some of the pardoned individuals, she made it clear her only agenda was to advocate for prison reform, no matter who's in office ... and she thanked the recently released subjects for sharing their stories and putting a spotlight on the issue.

Richard Gadd, protagonista de "Baby Reindeer" "Dejen de especular sobre quién es quién..." "¡No es el punto del show!"


Richard Gadd le pide a los detectives aficionados que dejen de intentar descubrir la verdad detrás de su nueva serie de Netflix, porque están acusando e identificando a las personas equivocadas.

La exitosa serie aborda los encuentros de la vida real del actor con una acosadora -llamada Martha en el show para proteger la identidad de la persona real- y los fans han estado haciendo sus propias investigaciones.

Los detectives de Internet están tratando de desenmascarar la verdadera identidad de Martha, así como la de otros personajes, incluyendo a uno que aparece en la serie como el violador de Gadd... esto ha terminado con gente inocente siendo acusada de terribles actos.