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Block Of Ice
Just B Divorced with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel says things with her ex-hubby, Jason Hoppy, tanked so hard that sex with the guy was damn near impossible ... on her end, anyway.

On her podcast "Just B Divorced with Bethenny Frankel" -- which is all about their rocky marriage and messy divorce -- BF says her marriage with Jason was anything but hot and heavy -- in fact, she says he'd compare her to an ice block for dodging intimacy in bed.

The 'RHONY' alum put it bluntly ... explaining she wasn't into doing the deed with him because, well, she just didn't respect him anymore and had no desire to bang at all.



Mariska Hargitay -- known as Olivia Benson on 'Law & Order' -- temporarily became a real-life cop after a lost little girl was searching for her mother ... and came to her for help.

The child is said to have thought Mariska was an actual police officer as she clocked her prop cop badge .... bolting straight to her for help while the actress was in the middle of filming an 'SVU' episode in NYC last week.

Witnesses report the little girl -- who became separated from her mom while at Anne Loftus Playground in Fort Tryon Park -- didn't even notice the filming crew or Mariska's scene partner, Ice-T, in her search for help. She just went straight for Mariska, apparently.

Kim Kardashian Locks Lips With Emma Roberts ... During 'AHS' Episode

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Kim Kardashian kisses Emma Roberts in the star-studded crowd at the Oscars. Who would think that would ever happen?

Well, it did Wednesday on Fox's latest episode of "American Horror Story: Delicate," starring Kim and Emma.

Per the season 12 show titled "Little Gold Man" ... Kim, a publicist named Siobhan Corbyn, is promoting actress Anna Victoria Alcott played by Emma for an Oscar.

Kim Kardashian Besa a Emma Roberts... En "American Horror Story"

Gran beso

Kim Kardashian besando a Emma Roberts, entre una multitud de estrellas atendiendo los Oscar. ¿Quién iba a pensar que eso sucedería?

Bueno, esto pasó en el último episodio de "American Horror Story: Delicate", emitido el miércoles en FOX, protagonizado por Kim y Emma.

Según el programa de la temporada 12 titulado "Little Gold Man", Kim, una publicista llamada Siobhan Corbyn, está promoviendo a la actriz Anna Victoria Alcott, interpretada por Emma Roberts, para un Oscar.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Sydney Sweeney Blasted ... Bianca Censori, Jontay Porter's Ban


It's only Wednesday, but TMZ's already reported on tons of hot topics this week. Check out some of the best clips below.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles break down Hollywood producer Carol Baum's comments about Sydney Sweeney's looks and talent.

Tiroteo fatal en Ohio Expertos en tecnología y estafadores... Cómo evitar el desastre


Una pobre mujer perdió la vida porque ella y su presunto asesino estaban siendo estafados por un tercero, y hablamos con algunos expertos que dicen que esto no va a parar.

El experto en tecnología Lance Ulanoff -que ha estado cubriendo este campo como periodista durante años- estuvo en "TMZ Live" el miércoles para discutir el tiroteo fatal de Loletha Hall, que fue asesinada a tiros a finales del mes pasado en Ohio después de que William Brock, de 81 años de edad, la confundió con una estafadora.

"hay que mantener la calma"

Lance nos dice que este es un caso extremo de este tipo de historias, y asegura que suceden todo el tiempo. Dice que por lo general no llegan a este nivel de violencia y tragedia. Desgraciadamente, en este caso sí... y dice que es un cuento con moraleja sobre los peligros de estos malos actores.

Fatal Ohio Shooting Tech Expert & Scam Busters Weigh In ... How to Avoid Disaster!!!

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A poor woman lost her life because both she and her alleged murderer were being scammed by a nefarious third party -- and we talked to some experts who say ... this ain't gonna stop.

Tech expert Lance Ulanoff -- who's covered this field as Editor at TechRadar -- came on "TMZ Live" Wednesday to discuss the fatal shooting of Loletha Hall ... who was gunned down late last month in Ohio after 81-year-old William Brock mistook her for someone trying to secure a ransom out of him.


Lance tells us this is an extreme case of these types of stories -- which he says happen all the time, but usually don't rise to this level of violence and tragedy.

Unfortunately, here it did, and he says it's a cautionary tale on the dangers of these bad actors.

'RHONJ' Star Siggy Flicker Stepson Arrested Over Jan. 6 ... She Posted Capitol Pics


Siggy Flicker's stepson has been arrested -- now facing charges for his alleged role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot after authorities say his stepmom posted pics of him in the building.

Tyler Campanella -- the former 'Real Housewives' star's stepson -- was taken into custody in New York City Wednesday and booked on five misdemeanor charges, according to NBC News.

The feds claim Campanella's stepmom posted pictures of him from inside the Capitol Building alongside the caption, "I love patriots so much. Stay safe Tyler. We love you.”

Brian Cox Va tras Joaquin... "Verdaderamente terrible" como Napoleón


Brian Cox nunca ha tenido pelos en la lengua y esta vez le ha tocado a Joaquin Phoenix recibir sus dardos por su interpretación en la película "Napoleón".

La estrella de "Sucesión" lanzó una serie de comentarios en el HistFest de Londres esta semana, en donde criticó la representación de Phoenix de la figura histórica en 2023, como francamente horrible e incluso sugirió que debería haberle hecho más justicia al papel.

Brian dice: "Terrible. Terrible. Una actuación realmente terrible de Joaquin Phoenix. Es realmente espantosa. No sé en qué estaba pensando. Creo que es totalmente culpa suya y no creo que Ridley Scott lo ayudara".

BRIAN COX COMES FOR JOAQUIN 'Truly Terrible' As Napoleon

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Brian Cox has never been one to mince his words, and Joaquin Phoenix is on the chopping block this time over his performance in the "Napoleon" movie.

The "Succession" star unleashed a rapid-fire tirade at London's HistFest this week ... slamming JP's 2023 portrayal of the historical figure as downright awful -- even suggesting he would've done the role more justice.

Brian says, "Terrible. It's terrible. A truly terrible performance by Joaquin Phoenix. It really is appalling. I don’t know what he was thinking. I think it’s totally his fault and I don’t think Ridley Scott helps him."

Sydney Sweeney responde al comentario de que "no es guapa" La productora se muestra arrepentida


El equipo de Sydney Sweeney no ha perdido el tiempo respondiendo a los ataques contra su aspecto y sus dotes interpretativos por parte de una productora de Hollywood... aunque la propia mujer se retracte.

Un representante de la actriz de "Euphoria" llamó a Carol Baum por sus recientes comentarios que clasifican SS como "no es bonita" y no una buena actriz, diciendo: "Qué triste que una mujer en la posición de compartir su experiencia y conocimientos elige en lugar de atacar a otra mujer".

El representante añade: "Si menospreciar a otra mujer es lo que Carol ha aprendido durante sus décadas en el negocio, y considera apropiado transmitirlo a sus alumnas, entonces es verdaderamente vergonzoso. Despreciar injustamente a una compañera productora dice mucho del carácter de la Sra. Baum".


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Sydney Sweeney's camp hasn't wasted time clapping back at the attack on her looks and acting chops by a Hollywood producer ... even though the woman herself is walking it back.

A rep for the "Euphoria" actress called out Carol Baum for her recent remarks that classified SS as "not pretty" and not a good actress, saying, "How sad that a woman in the position to share her expertise and experience chooses instead to attack another woman."

The rep adds, "If that’s what she’s learned in her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that’s shameful. To unjustly disparage a fellow female producer speaks volumes about Ms Baum’s character.”

Caitlin Clark 'Terrified' For 'SNL' Appearance ... 'I Was So Nervous!!!'


Caitlin Clark doesn't mind packed arenas, zone defenses or contested shots ... but she admitted Wednesday there is one thing that terrifies her -- "Saturday Night Live" cameras!!

The 22-year-old met with reporters in Indiana for the first time since the Fever picked her in Monday night's WNBA Draft ... and amid questions about her game and her future, someone just had to ask about her hilarious appearance on 'SNL' over the weekend.

Clark revealed that while she looked calm and cool on the outside -- she was anything but that on the inside ... saying, "I was terrified."

"I was so nervous," she said. "My heart was about to explode out of my chest."

Of course, Clark -- as she does so often on the hardwood -- came through in the clutch despite the nerves ... and delivered funny line after funny line in her four-minute cameo with Michael Che and Colin Jost on Weekend Update.

She roasted Che for making fun of women's sports ... and then made him read some jokes about himself that she said on the show that she "wrote."

Clark revealed Wednesday she didn't actually pen them herself -- "I'm not that funny," she quipped  -- but she was pleased nonetheless with how it all turned out.

"It was good," she said. "It was a good platform for women's sports. Everybody loved it."

As for if we'll see her on the show again -- she said she'd love to make another appearance -- although don't count on her hosting anytime soon, 'cause she made it clear that'd just be too nerve-racking for her right now!

Sydney Sweeney She's 'Not Pretty, Can't Act' ... Says Hollywood Producer

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Sydney Sweeney ain't as hot as we all think ... that's Hollywood producer Carol Baum's take, anyway, and she's teeing off on the actress' looks and acting ability.

Carol ripped into Sydney during a discussion before a screening of her 1988 film, "Dead Ringers" -- and kinda outta nowhere, she took issue with Sydney's recent romantic comedy, "Anyone But You" ... slamming it as unwatchable.

Carol -- whose credits include "Father of the Bride" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" -- said she'd asked her students at USC to explain the craze surrounding Sydney.

Sydney Sweeney No es linda, no sabe actuar... Dice una productora de Hollywood


Sydney Sweeney no es tan guapa como todos pensamos, o al menos eso piensa la productora de Hollywood Carol Baum, quien despotricó sobre la apariencia de la actriz y su capacidad de actuación.

Carol arremetió contra Sydney durante una discusión antes de la proyección de su película de 1988, "Dead Ringers", y un poco de la nada tuvo problemas con la reciente comedia romántica de Sydney "Anyone But You", la que calificó de insoportable.

Carol, cuyos créditos incluyen "Father of the Bride" y "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", dijo que le pidió a sus estudiantes de USC que le explicaran la locura en torno a Sydney.

Zendaya Ni una palabra sobre el regreso de "Euphoria" 3 ... "Está más allá de mí"


Incluso Zendaya no está segura sobre el futuro de "Euphoria", quien compartió que tiene cero idea de si la temporada 3 se realizará alguna vez.

Durante el estreno de su nueva película "Challengers" el martes en Los Ángeles, Zendaya dejó saber que no tiene nada que decir sobre si la producción de HBO comenzará nuevamente, a pesar de que está acreditada como productora ejecutiva.

Zendaya le dijo a Variety: "Yo no estoy a cargo. Pero, por supuesto, si es lo correcto para los personajes y todo resulta como debería, por supuesto. Pero está más allá de mí".