Lo mejor de TMZ en TV El ataque a Korra Obidi... Wendy Osefo, Allen Iverson y mucho más


El domingo es un día de descanso para mucha gente, así que, ¡siéntate, relájate y disfruta de algunas de las mejores historias que cubrimos la semana pasada!

TMZ Live

Terrible ataque

En "TMZ Live", Harvey y Charles hablaron sobre la estrella de "So You Think You Can Dance", Korra Obidi, quien tuvo que ser llevada al hospital después de ser atacada con un cuchillo y ácido en Londres.

TMZ en televisión
Lo mejor de TMZ TV

El equipo de "TMZ en TV" habló de la casa de "The Real Housewives of Potomac" Wendy Osefo, que fue robada después de que publicara fotos en vacaciones.

TMZ Sports
Pequeño tributo

El equipo de "TMZ Sports", en tanto, abordó la controversia en torno al tamaño de la estatua de Allen Iverson en Filadelfia.

Comprueba la programación local para ver cuándo se emite TMZ en tu zona o ponte al día con los episodios anteriores.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Korra Obidi Attacked ... Wendy Osefo, Allen Iverson


Sunday's a day of rest for a lot of people ... so, sit back, relax and take in some of the best stories TMZ covered this past week!

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles break down "So You Think You Can Dance" star Korra Obidi going to the hospital after a knife and acid attack in London.



The "TMZ on TV" squad talks "The Real Housewives of Potomac" Wendy Osefo's home being burglarized after she posted photos on vacation.

TMZ Sports


And, the "TMZ Sports" crew addresses the controversy surrounding the size of Allen Iverson's statue in Philadelphia.

Check your local listings for when TMZ is on in your area or catch up on past episodes!

Bill Maher Sits Down With William Shatner ... Interracial Kiss Mystery Solved

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Bill Maher tackled one of the most burning questions in the history of "Star Trek" Friday ... and thanks to William Shatner, we now have our answer!

The 'Real Time' host interviewed Shatner on his HBO show – and, at one point during their convo, Bill asked about the famous interracial kiss between Admiral James T. Kirk (white) and Lt. Nyota Uhura (Black).

Shatner, as Kirk, planted the lip smacker on Nichelle Nichols, as Uhura, in the 1968 Star Trek episode titled, "Plato's Stepchildren." The moment was very controversial because NBC – which aired "Star Trek" – was afraid of turning off their conservative Southern audience.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Caitlyn Jenner Slams Trolls ... Travis Kelce, Rashee Rice


It's finally the weekend, and TMZ covered a whole lotta wild stories this week. Check out the best of the past week below.

TMZ Live

I AM NOT O.J.!!!

On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles discuss Caitlyn Jenner slamming social media users for comparing the tragic car crash she was a part of to O.J. Simpson's alleged crimes.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Saddle Up For New Show ... Serena Rides Along!!!

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's new Netflix venture's already poppin' with star power ... 'cause early filming saw Serena Williams hangin' with the duo!

The Sussexes were down in Miami shooting their new show for Netflix all about the polo world ... attending the Royal Salute Polo Challenge Friday.

Check out the pics ... Harry's all decked out in his polo gear -- ready to hop on a horse and score a few points with cameras ready to cover it all.

Hermana de Kris Jenner Causa de muerte revelada


La hermana de Kris Jenner, Karen Houghton, falleció debido a problemas al corazón, de acuerdo con su certificado de defunción.

TMZ obtuvo una copia del documento que señala como causa oficial de muerte de Karen un paro cardíaco y una arritmia cardíaca repentina. También señala la diabetes tipo 2 como una causa secundaria subyacente.

Los documentos también dicen que Karen tenía trastorno bipolar y que fue incinerada después de su muerte el 19 de marzo. Ella tenía 65 años.


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Kris Jenner's sister, Karen Houghton, passed away due to heart issues ... according to her death certificate.

TMZ obtained a copy of the document which lists Karen's official cause of death as cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac arrhythmia. It also notes Type 2 diabetes as a secondary underlying cause.

The docs also say Karen had bipolar disorder, and was cremated following her death on March 19. She was 65.

World's Oldest Conjoined Twins Lori & George Dead at 62

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The world's oldest conjoined twins Lori & George Schappell have died -- according to online obituaries.

The twins passed at a hospital in Pennsylvania ... though the exact cause of their death, reportedly last Sunday, has not been disclosed.

Lori & George were born in 1961 ... fused partially at the skull, and sharing 30% of their brains, the parietal and frontal lobes.

Siameses más viejos del mundo Lori y George mueren a los 62

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Los siameses más viejos del mundo, Lori y George Schappell han fallecido, de acuerdo a los obituarios en línea.

Los gemelos fallecieron en un hospital de Pennsylvania, aunque la causa exacta de su muerte, al parecer el domingo pasado, no ha sido revelada.

Lori y George nacieron en 1961, con sus cráneos parcialmente fusionados. Compartían el 30% de sus cerebros, los lóbulos parietal y frontal.

Ex participante de "SYTYCD" Es llevada al hospital tras un ataque con un cuchillo y ácido

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Ataque con un cuchillo

La ex participante de "So You Think You Can Dance", Korra Obidi, está a la caza de información después de haber sido presuntamente atacada en Londres por un desconocido que portaba un cuchillo.

La bailarina nigeriana, que se hizo famosa por una audición para "So You Think You Can Dance" mientras estaba embarazada en 2019, compartió con sus seguidores de Instagram que tuvo que ser llevada al hospital después de que alguien la atacara con un cuchillo y le arrojara líquido, que ella temía que fuera ácido.

En un video subido a su feed el jueves, Korra compartió las secuelas del ataque, en el que tuvo que pedirle una Coca-Cola a un transeúnte para poder enjuagarse la cara que le ardía.

'SYTYCD' Alum Korra Obidi Taken to Hospital After Knife, Acid Attack

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"So You Think You Can Dance" alum Korra Obidi is on the hunt for info after she was allegedly attacked in London by a stranger wielding a knife.

The Nigerian dancer, who famously auditioned for 'SYTYCD' while pregnant in 2019, shared with her Instagram followers she was taken to the hospital after someone attacked her with a knife and threw liquid on her -- which she feared was acid.

In a video uploaded to her feed Thursday, Korra shared the aftermath of the attack ... in which she asked a bystander for their Coke so she could rinse off her burning face.

TMZ TV Hot Takes O.J. Simpson Dead ... Bianca Censori, Shohei Ohtani


It's almost the weekend, but another busy day of big news hit Thursday ... and, TMZ was there to cover it all.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Charles and Jason break down O.J. Simpson's death ... discussing the life of an incredibly polarizing public figure.

Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry Doblan sus esfuerzos en TV Con dos nuevas series para Netflix!!!


Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry planean lanzar 2 nuevos espectáculos para el gigante del streaming, esto, después de un montón de preguntas sobre su capacidad para producir.

Según Deadline, los ex miembros de la realeza están produciendo un nuevo programa de cocina, jardinería y estilo de vida protagonizado por Meghan, y aparentemente inspirado en su nuevo negocio American Riviera Orchard, que incursionará en varios de estos temas.

Meghan está reclutando a algunos profesionales de la cocina para lanzar su nueva serie de Netflix, entre ellos, el productor de "Selena + Chef" y el director de "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" para ayudar a dirigir el proyecto. Meghan es la productora ejecutiva.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Double Down on TV Career 2 New Netflix Shows Coming!!!


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are launching 2 new shows for the streaming giant -- this after a lot of questions about their ability to produce.

According to Deadline, the former senior royals are in production for a new cooking/gardening/lifestyle show starring Meghan ... seemingly inspired by the actress' new American Riviera Orchard business, which will dabble in a lot of the same stuff.

Meghan is enlisting the help of foodie pros to launch her new Netflix series ... as the producer of "Selena + Chef" and director of "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" are being brought on to help shepherd the project. Meghan is executive producing this one.

TMZ TV Hot Takes New Morgan Wallen Roof Pics ... Megan Thee Stallion, Terrell Suggs

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We're almost at the finish line in the week, but just getting started on TV!

TMZ Live


Let's kick things off with 'TMZ Live' ... where Babcock and Charles talked about the latest development with Morgan Wallen -- namely, these new photos we got that place on the rooftop of the Nashville bar where he allegedly threw a chair over the edge.

TODD CHRISLEY Will Struggle Paying $755K JUDGMENT ... So Says His Attorney

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Todd Chrisley is gonna have a hard time paying the 3 quarters-of-a-million dollar judgment against him while behind bars -- so says his attorney, who tells us TC's got bigger fish to fry.

The reality star's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ ... he spoke with Todd Tuesday, and it's been made clear Todd doesn't have an income right now while he's doing time in prison -- so it'll be an uphill battle figuring out a way to pay off the $755k he just got hit with.

Surgent says Todd's been deprived of his ability to work while in lock-up -- and not just that ... but there's an even bigger tab he owes somebody right now to the tune of millions.