'Bridgerton' Nicole Coughlan Less-Naked Edit Made of Show ... For Her Parents to Enjoy

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Bridgerton stars are used to filming saucy scenes for their show ... but some of their parents don't really like them -- and one actress wanted to avoid the awkwardness.

Nicola Coughlan -- who stars as Lady Penelope on the hit Netflix show -- revealed on SiriusXM Hits 1 she didn't want her fam exposed to all the show's nudity ... so she demanded a less-scandalous cut of the show for her parents.

The way NC describes it ... her family's Irish Catholic and all of the sex and nudity in the show just isn't their vibe -- so, she wanted a tamer version her parents could still enjoy.

Actor de "Yellowstone" Cole Brings Plenty es encontrado muerto... A días de desaparecer


Cole Brings Plenty, mejor conocido por el spinoff de "Yellowstone", "1923", fue encontrado muerto en Kansas, esto, a menos de una semana de que desapareciera, según han confirmado las autoridades.

La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Johnson, dijo en un comunicado el viernes que encontraron a Cole, cuyo tío es la estrella de "Yellowstone", Mo Brings Plenty, el viernes por la mañana en una zona boscosa luego de que una persona se percatara de un vehículo desocupado cerca y notificara a las autoridades.

Los oficiales del Condado de Johnson están actualmente a cargo de la investigación y siguen presentes en la escena. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte aún no se han revelado.


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Cole Brings Plenty -- best known for the "Yellowstone" spinoff "1923" -- has been found dead in Kansas ... this less than a week after he went missing, law enforcement has confirmed.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Friday they discovered Cole -- whose uncle Mo Brings Plenty stars in "Yellowstone" -- late Friday morning in a wooded area after a person noticed an unoccupied vehicle nearby and notified authorities.

Johnson County deputies are currently leading the investigation ... and investigators are still present at the scene. The exact circumstances of his death have yet to be revealed.

Pete Davidson Parting Gifts to 'Bupkis' Staff ... Cold, Hard Cash!!!


Pete Davidson's making sure his friends on "Bupkis" have good memories of him -- as he makes his exit, Pete's dishin' out thousands to some of the show's staff ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us, Pete's handing out cash prizes -- totaling hundreds of thousands -- to some creators who worked on season 1 of "Bupkis" to thank them for all their hard work on the show, pre-cancelation.

We're told Davidson gave the money to just a handful of people ... all of whom were involved with season 1, but who weren't necessarily working on the now-dead second season.

Pete Davidson Reparte regalos al equipo de "Bupkis" Puro efectivo!!!

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Pete Davidson se está asegurando de que sus amigos en "Bupkis" tengan buenos recuerdos de él mientras cierra ese capítulo, ya que el actor está repartiendo miles de dólares a algunos miembros del personal, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Las fuentes nos dicen que Pete está entregando premios en efectivo, por un total de cientos de miles, a algunos de los creadores que trabajaron en la primera temporada de "Bupkis". Todo, para darles las gracias por su duro trabajo, antes de su cancelación.

Nos dicen que Davidson le dio dinero a solo un puñado de personas, todos quienes estaban involucrados en la temporada 1, pero que no estaban necesariamente trabajando en la segunda temporada, ahora cancelada.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Taylor Swift At WeHo Dive Bar ... Diddy's Son Accused of Sexual Assault, Bronny's Draft Stock


Saturdays are for the boys ... and TMZ TV hot takes, too. Check out the best clips from the past week!

TMZ Live


Starting on "TMZ Live," where Harvey and Charles talk Taylor Swift hanging out in a West Hollywood dive bar ... without her better half, Travis Kelce.

'Quiet on Set' Host Soledad O'Brien Parents Are Being Preyed Upon, Too ... Industry is Slimy

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The parents of those who claim to have been victimized on 'Quiet on Set' had no real shot to protect their kids -- so says Soledad O'Brien, who slams the industry.

We talked to the veteran journo -- who's set to host a moderated convo with some of those who were interviewed on 'Quiet on Set' in a new episode airing this weekend -- and she gives us her two cents about where some of the parents land in this equation in terms of blame.

She gives us an interesting take ... while she says many in the public believe some of these child stars might've been groomed at Nickelodeon ... Soledad argues the parents were too.

'SOPRANOS' DREA DE MATTEO Defends ONLYFANS GIG To Her Son!!! Here's My Savage Response

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The Sage Steele Show

Drea de Matteo's not backing down when her son, Waylon, calls her out for her OnlyFans career ... revealing how her winning argument puts him in his place in an instant.

The "Sopranos" star calls her 12-year-old a "greedy little bastard" on the latest episode of "The Sage Steele Show" ... and she reminds him of all the luxuries he's enjoying when he brings up her ass-showing ways on the platform.

Drea recalls asking him once, "Do you like that jacket you just asked me to buy you? You like all the things that you want that make you happy? You like that new PC that you begged for for Christmas? Because you wouldn't have that s*** if Mommy didn't show her ass!"

Angie Harmon's Deceased Dog Instacart Worker Insists He Was Bitten ... So Say Cops

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9:49 AM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.

Angie Harmon's deceased dog was not as innocent as she claims ... at least according to the cops.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ … they are standing by their decision to not press charges against the Instacart shopper who shot and killed Angie's dog Oliver over Easter weekend.

While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog.

TMZ TV Hot Takes MJ Accusers Seek His Junk Pics ... Joe Rogan Slams 'The View,' Chelsea Green Speaks Out


The weekend is almost upon us ... and what better way to celebrate than with some TMZ TV hot takes???

TMZ Live


Let's kick things off with "TMZ Live," where Harvey and Charles break down Michael Jackson's production company's attempt to block accusers Wade Robson and James Safechuck from getting his criminal file -- 'cause they think they're trying to get pics of his junk.


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Former Nickelodeon host Marc Summers says he walked out of his interview for the 'Quiet on Set' doc ... 'cause he says he was duped into the sit-down from the get-go.

Marc says he wasn't clued in on producers' true intentions to expose the network's toxic workplace claims ... explaining on the "Elvis Duran and the Morning Show" that initially, he thought this was just an innocent look-back on his Nick days.

I Was Ambushed
Elvis Duran and the Morning

However, he claims the producers pulled a bait-and-switch maneuver on him ... allegedly hitting him with some footage that they asked him to react to, which was unsettling.

Rip Micheals Wife Left Me On My Death Bed 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 ... Fans Kept Me Alive

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Comedian Rip Micheals recovered from his near-fatal heart attack this past November but returned home to a cold bed -- he says his wife left him while he fought for his life!!!

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Rip told Angela Yee the alarming news Thursday on her show "Way Up" ... he joked his ex-spouse Veronica -- to whom he was married for 2 years -- didn't care much for the "til death do you part" aspect of their vows, and started plotting her exit while he was in his darkest hour.

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We got Rip out last month in NYC, and he had nothing but hilariously morbid jokes for his congestive heart failure condition -- laughing is better than crying any day of the week!!!

Adrian Schiller Estrella de "Victoria" y "Last Kingdom" muere a los 60 años


El actor inglés Adrian Schiller ha fallecido. Así lo confirmó el jueves, su agencia de talentos desde hace mucho tiempo, Scott Marshall Partners.

En un comunicado a People, el equipo de Adrian compartió que el actor había fallecido el miércoles y describieron su muerte como "repentina e inesperada".

La agencia agregó: "Ha muerto demasiado pronto, y nosotros, su familia y amigos cercanos estamos devastados por su pérdida".

Adrian Schiller 'Victoria,' 'Last Kingdom' Star Dead at 60

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English actor Adrian Schiller has died ... his longtime talent agency, Scott Marshall Partners, confirmed Thursday.

In a statement released to People ... Adrian's team shared the actor passed away on Wednesday, describing his death as "sudden and unexpected."

The agency added, "He has died far too soon, and we, his family and close friends are devastated by the loss."

Joe Rogan Arremete Contra "The View" Lo califica de "gallinero infestado de rabia"

Haciendo pedazos a "The view"
The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan hizo pedazos a "The View" luego de que su último invitado contara lo que él cree que fue una mala experiencia en el programa, y tuvo algunas palabras para las damas.

El comediante y podcaster recibió a Coleman Hughes en 'JRE' el miércoles y ambos recapitularon su aparición en "The View" la semana pasada, en la que Coleman se metió en una discusión con Sunny Hostin sobre el tema de la raza y cómo esta no debería influir en el tratamiento legal o social que recibe una persona (color blindness).

Coleman Hughes, que tiene un libro que sostiene que la sociedad necesita centrarse menos en la raza y más en la clase y el estatus socioeconómico, dice que cree que Sunny lo atacó injustamente.

STEPHEN COLBERT FIGHTS BACK TEARS ... As 'Late Show' Mourns Staffer's Death

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Stephen Colbert was choked up as he mourned the loss of his longtime executive assistant, Amy Cole.

The heartbreaking news came at the end of Monday's episode of 'The Late Show' ... and you can see Stephen struggling to talk, and looking somber as he walked off stage before a black title card popped up, saying, "Dedicated to our dear friend Amy Cole, 1970-2024."

LateNighter reports audience members who were at the taping mentioned the show started with the usual fun and games. But then, out of nowhere, things took a serious turn.