'Love Is Blind' Chelsea Speaks on Jimmy Reunion ... It's a 'Sticky Situation!!!'

Chelsea habla sobre volver con Jimmy

Chelsea Blackwell is staying tight-lipped on whether she's officially back with ex-fiancé Jimmy Presnell -- despite their recent hookup in Florida, she's not ready to publicly declare a romantic reunion.

The "Love is Blind" star -- who just appeared on the Season 6 reunion -- joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," where she tried to play it cool when it comes to the subject of Jimmy.

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While Chelsea says she's trying to keep the current status of her relationship under wraps ... she was beaming as she hinted at more information to come on ... perhaps on the "Love Is Blind: After the Altar" special. So yeah, she got the showbiz plug thing down pat.

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She did confirm the 'LIB' reunion was filmed 3 weeks ago ... so a lot's clearly happened between now and then. Remember, we got video of her and Jimmy getting very cozy last week in Fort Lauderdale -- and Chelsea did spill some tea about why they were down there together.

She made a not-so-subtle reference to Jimmy's "party animal life" -- which might have been more of a dig at him than anything else.

During this 'LiB' season ... Jimmy's partying was a contentious topic for the couple, and definitely played a role in them breaking up before they even got to the altar.

That being said, Chelsea says she and Jimmy are in a good place now and enjoying each other's company -- unlike some of their other castmates.

Yeah, we're looking at you, Trevor!

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She also reminded us she's got a day job as a flight attendant, and it's time to get back to her normal life ... outside of showbiz.

She'll be back on flights starting Friday, and is already anticipating some big changes when it comes to her interactions with passengers.

Don't be surprised if Chelsea is giving the safety speech at the start of your next flight.

BRIAN PECK CARTAS DE MARSDEN, KILLAM & THICKE Apoyando al abusador de Drake Bell

El abusador de Drake Bell -Brian Peck- tuvo un ejército de apoyo de parte de las celebridades durante su sentencia de 2004, y tenemos un montón de cartas que todos escribieron, incluyendo las de James Marsden, Taran Killam y Alan Thicke, quien habló elogiosamente sobre el tipo.

TMZ ha obtenido un total de 41 cartas escritas al juez en el caso penal de Peck, y mientras había decenas de tipos de Hollywood prestando sus voces en apoyo del pederasta condenado -todos defendiendo su carácter y pidiendo clemencia- estos tres son los nombres más grandes.

La carta de Marsden es la más larga, y detalla su extensa historia personal y amistad con Peck, diciendo que lo conocía desde hace 14 años (ten en cuenta que escribió esto en 2004, por lo que aparentemente se remontan a mucho tiempo atrás) y en general respondiendo por su carácter.

Escribe: "Me llamo James Marsden, y estoy muy orgulloso de decir que soy amigo íntimo de Brian Peck desde hace unos 14 años. Soy originario de Oklahoma y conocí a Brian a través de un amigo actor. Brian creyó en mi talento como actor y alentó mi decisión de mudarme a Los Ángeles y perseguir este sueño que tenía".

Marsden continúa diciendo que él y Brian se mantuvieron cerca los últimos años, diciendo que Brian fue un mentor y lo entrenó -todo de forma gratuita- y que formaron un vínculo muy estrecho, con Brian sirviendo como un modelo a seguir y la inculcación de rasgos de carácter íntegro.

Marsden dice que "no podía respirar" cuando los cargos cayeron. Él dice que vivió en su casa durante meses y compartieron habitaciones de hotel, y dice que nunca se sintió incómodo o comprometido estando cerca.

Y termina escribiendo: "Brian es una buena persona con un miedo y un respeto muy sanos por la ley, y les aseguro que lo que Brian ha pasado en el último año es el sufrimiento de cien hombres. No quiero victimizar a Brian, ni él lo desearía nunca, pero sí me siento obligado a arrojar luz sobre el hecho de que él ha aprendido la lección".

Taran -que trabajó en "The Amanda Show" y que también conocía muy bien a Brian- fue igualmente elogioso en su propia carta de apoyo al juez que preside el caso, llamándolo su "compañero de trabajo y amigo" y diciendo que no es alguien que deba estar en la cárcel.

Escribe: "Cuando me enteré de la detención de Brian me sorprendí mucho. Brian es la última persona que esperaría que fuera acusada de actividades delictivas. Lo primero que pensé fue 'esto es un error'. Sé que muchos de nuestros amigos comunes tuvieron pensamientos similares. Está demasiado fuera de lugar".

Por último, está el difunto Thicke, cuya carta era mucho más corta, y apoya a Brian comentando sus días juntos en "Growing Pains", un período en el que Alan dice que Brian era un "mentor altamente profesional y nutritivo de los jóvenes en nuestro set de televisión". Thicke dice que Brian nunca fue inapropiado.

Hay docenas de otras cartas de personas que fueron a batear a favor de Brian, incluyendo a las estrellas de "Boy Meets World" -Will Friedle y Rider Strong-, la estrella de "Growing Pains" -Joanna Kerns-, y los directores de "Suite Life" -Rich y Beth Correll-, show en el que Brian trabajó brevemente después de la condena.

Usted puede ver sus cartas aquí en su totalidad también ... pero hay aún más, presentada por actores como Ron Meléndez, James Marshall, Kimmy Robertson y otros actores del mundo del espectáculo.

Como hemos informado, Drake se establece para detallar exactamente lo que dice Brian le hizo antes de que él tuviera su propio show en Nickelodeon en el nuevo documental "Quiet on Set". "Quiet on Set" se estrena durante 2 noches en ID, a partir de las 9 PM el 17 y 18 de marzo.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con los representantes de Marsden y Killam, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Brian Peck Marsden, Killam & Thicke's Letters ... Praise Drake Bell's Abuser

Drake Bell's abuser, Brian Peck, had an army of A-list support behind him during his 2004 sentencing -- and we got a hold of the letters they all wrote, including ones from James Marsden, Taran Killam and Alan Thicke ... who spoke glowingly about the guy.

TMZ has obtained a total of 41 letters written to the judge in Peck's criminal case, and while there were scores of Hollywood types lending their voices in support of the convicted child molester -- all defending his character and asking for leniency -- these 3 are the biggest names.

Marsden's letter is the longest, and he details his extensive personal history and friendship with Peck, saying he'd known him for 14 years (mind you, he wrote this in '04, so they go way back apparently) and generally vouching for his character.

JM writes, "My name is James Marsden and i am very proud to say that i've been a close friend of Brian Peck's for about 14 years now. I am from Oklahoma originally and i met Brian through an actor friend ... Brian believed in my talent as an actor and encouraged my decision to move to Los Angeles and pursue this dream i had."

Marsden goes on to say he and Brian remained close over the years, saying BP mentored and coached him -- all free of charge -- and that they formed a very close bond, with Brian serving as a role model and instilling upstanding character traits.

Marsden says based on what he knows about Brian, he "couldn't breathe" when the charges came down. He says he had lived at his house for months and had shared hotel rooms with Brian -- and he says he never felt uncomfortable or compromised being around him.

He finishes by writing, "Brian is a good person with a very healthy fear and respect for the law and, i assure you, what Brian has been through in the last year is the suffering of a hundred men. I don't want to victimize Brian, nor would he ever wish that, but i do feel compelled to shed light on the fact that (he) has learned his lesson."

Taran -- who worked on the "The Amanda Show" and who also knew Brian very well -- was equally praising in his own letter of support to the judge presiding over the case, calling him his "co-worker, my friend" and saying he's not someone who belongs in jail.

TK writes, "When I found out about Brian being arrested I was shocked. Brian is the last person I would expect to be charged of criminal activities. My first thought was 'this is a mistake.' I know many of our mutual friends had similar thoughts. It is too out of character."

Finally, there's the late Thicke ... whose letter was much shorter but just as supportive of Brian, commenting on their days together on 'Growing Pains,' a period in which Alan says Brian was a "highly professional and nurturing mentor of the young people on our television set." Thicke says BP was never inappropriate.

There are dozens of other letters by people who went to bat for Brian -- including "Boy Meets World" stars Will Friedle and Rider Strong, "Growing Pains" star Joanna Kerns and 'Suite Life' directors Rich and Beth Correll ... whose show Brian worked on briefly, post-conviction.

You can see their letters here in full too ... but there are even more, filed by actors like Ron Melendez, James Marshall, Kimmy Robertson and other showbiz players.

As we reported ... Drake is set to detail exactly what he says Brian did to him before he got his own show on Nickelodeon on the new documentary 'Quiet on Set.' "Quiet on Set' premieres across 2 nights on ID, starting at 9 PM on March 17 and 18.

We've reached out to reps for Marsden and Killam ... so far, no word back.

Pierce Brosnan Se declara culpable de hacer senderismo ilegal... Debe pagar $1.500

Pierce Brosnan acaba de declararse culpable en el caso de senderismo ilegal en Idaho, después de haber ingresado una declaración de no culpabilidad hace apenas dos meses.

De acuerdo con documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, Pierce se declaró culpable de uno de los dos cargos de senderismo ilegales presentados en su contra después de que supuestamente se metiera en una delicada fuente termal en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone en noviembre de 2023.

A cambio, el otro cargo fue desestimado. La declaración de culpabilidad de Brosnan le costará alrededor de $1,540 en multas y otros costos de la corte.

Recuerden, el agente 007 publicó un par de fotos en una zona que parecía estar fuera de los límites del parque, áreas que están cerradas a los turistas, tanto por la seguridad de los manantiales como de los excursionistas.

Esas fotos fueron recogidas por TouronsOfYellowstone, una página de IG que señala a los turistas/ atorrantes que rompen las reglas de senderismo en el hermoso parque nacional.

Brosnan se enfrentaba a una multa de hasta 5.000 dólares e incluso seis meses de cárcel si era declarado culpable. En lugar de eso, parece que la estrella decidió poner todo este asunto legal a descansar.

Pierce Brosnan Pleads Guilty in Yellowstone Case ... Ordered to Pay $1,500

Pierce Brosnan just took a plea deal in his hot springs hiking case out in Idaho ... this after initially entering a not-guilty plea just two months ago.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ ... Pierce pled guilty to one of two charges brought against him -- namely, one count of foot travel in all thermal areas and within Yellowstone Canyon confined to trails -- after he allegedly wandered into a delicate hot spring at Yellowstone National Park in November 2023.

In exchange, the other charge was dismissed. Brosnan's guilty plea lands him with about $1,540 in fines and other court costs.

Remember ... 007 appeared to post a couple pics from an off-limits area in the park -- areas that are closed to tourists for both the safety of the springs and the safety of hikers.

Those pics got picked up by TouronsOfYellowstone -- an IG page that highlights the tourists/morons who break hiking rules in the gorgeous national park.

Brosnan was facing a fine of up to $5,000 or even six months jail time if he was found guilty ... instead, it seems like the star's putting this legal issue to rest.

Regina King Se abre sobre la muerte de su hijo Ian... y se emociona

El duelo es un viaje

Regina King finalmente se está abriendo sobre el suicidio de su hijo Ian, diciendo entre lágrimas que respeta su decisión y también compartiendo su propia experiencia con el dolor.

La actriz y directora se sentó a conversar con "Good Morning America", donde profundizó sobre la trágica muerte de Ian en 2022, y tocó el difícil viaje que ha vivido desde entonces.

Regina King piensa que el dolor es como el amor que no encuentra un lugar hacia donde ir, y que está tratando de celebrar a su hijo por todo lo que es. Ella incluso utiliza el tiempo presente para referirse a él, pues dice que Ian está siempre con ella. King añade que realmente no ha tenido tiempo de meditar sobre la decisión de Ian, la que dice que entiende, porque es claro para ella que él ya no quería estar aquí.

Regina dice que lo que más le gustaba de sí misma era ser la mamá de Ian, y que al final, simplemente tiene que respetar el proceso a pesar de que también se pregunta sobre lo que posiblemente podría haber hecho mejor como madre.

Como informamos, Ian Alexander Jr., el único hijo de King y su ex marido Ian Alexander Sr., se quitó la vida en enero de 2022 en su cumpleaños número 26.

En ese momento, Regina dijo: "Nuestra familia está devastada en lo más profundo por la pérdida de Ian. Él es una luz tan brillante que se preocupaba profundamente por la felicidad de los demás. Nuestra familia pide consideración y respeto durante este momento privado. Gracias".

Ian era un invitado habitual de Regina en la alfombra roja e incluso la llamó "Super mamá" en la alfombra roja de los Globos de Oro en 2019 y publicó un sentido homenaje para ella cuando cumplió 50 años en 2021.

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Parece que Regina está dando el siguiente gran paso en su viaje, aunque claramente Ian nunca está lejos de su mente.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o texto 988 o chat 988lifeline.org.

Regina King Opens Up About Son Ian's Death ... Gets Emotional in Interview


Regina King is finally opening up about her son Ian's suicide ... saying through tears she respects his choice to take his own life and touching on her own experience with grief.

The actress/director sat down for an interview on "Good Morning America" where she delved into Ian's tragic 2022 death ... and touched on her difficult journey in the aftermath.

RK says she thinks of grief as love without anywhere to go, and she's trying to celebrate her son for everything he is -- she even uses the present tense because she says Ian is always with her. King adds she hasn't really had time to simply sit with Ian's decision ... which she says she understands -- because it's clear to her he didn't want to be here anymore.

Regina says her favorite part of herself was being Ian's mom, and ultimately she simply has to respect the journey despite also asking herself questions about what she possibly could've done better as a parent.

As we reported ... Ian Alexander Jr. -- the only son of King and her ex-husband Ian Alexander Sr. -- took his life back in January 2022 on his 26th birthday.

At the time, Regina said, "Our family is devastated at the deepest level by the loss of Ian. He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others. Our family asks for respectful consideration during this private time. Thank you."

Ian was a regular guest of Regina on the red carpet, even calling King a "Super Mom" on the 2019 Golden Globes red carpet and posting a heartfelt tribute to her on her 50th birthday in 2021.

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It seems Regina is taking the next big step in her journey ... although Ian is clearly never far from her mind.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Ex-Disney Star Hutch Dano I Feel for Drake Bell ... Disney Protected Me, No Issues

While Drake Bell was living through a nightmare at Nickelodeon -- another fellow child star from a competing network says the Mouse House protected him during his own run.


Hutch Dano -- an actor who appeared in "The Suite Life on Deck" and "Zeke and Luther" in his youth -- sat down for an interview with TMZ Verified this week ... and he told us he never experienced any abuse while working for Disney, unlike Drake at Nick.

Dano says his heart goes out to the victims of abuse -- including Drake -- but he himself was never one of them ... something he says he'd absolutely admit if there was any truth to it.

HD described what his experience was like on set as a kid -- telling us he only worked with some of the best professionals in the biz on every project, adding he felt Disney did a good job keeping its actors safe. It's not a dig ... Dano's just recounting his own experience.

HD says he considers himself lucky -- as others in his position were obviously subjugated to terrible things ... and big picture, he says he's happy this issue is being brought to the light.

As we reported Drake is set to recount what happened between him and his one-time dialogue coach Brian Peck ... who was convicted of molesting Drake in the early 2000s. The full interview sharing Drake's story will air in full later this weekend ... and it's apparently brutal.

As you may know, Peck pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a 16-year-old back in 2004 -- and Drake reveals the guy even had a lot of stars step up to bat for him and his character, both in person and in letters.

Our full convo with Hutch can be heard on TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms. The Nickelodeon doc 'Quiet On Set' premieres on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.


Robyn Bernard -famosa por su trabajo en "Hospital General"- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

El forense del condado de Riverside le dice a TMZ que identificaron el cuerpo de la actriz usando sus huellas dactilares después de que los agentes respondieron a una llamada de investigación de muerte ayer en la ciudad de San Jacinto, California. Nos dicen que el cuerpo de Robyn fue encontrado las primeras horas de la mañana del 12 de marzo.

El forense del condado de Riverside dice que aún no se ha determinado la causa de muerte. Una autopsia está programada para el miércoles, pero la toxicología tomará varias semanas.

Robyn nació en Gladewater, Texas, y con el tiempo se labró una carrera como actriz con pequeños papeles en series de televisión de los 80 como "Diva", "The Facts Of Life", "Simon & Simon" y "Tour of Duty".

Su gran oportunidad llegó en 1984 en la telenovela "General Hospital", interpretando el papel de Terry Brock durante 145 episodios hasta 1990.

Su último papel como actriz acreditada llegó en 2002, cuando interpretó a una psicóloga en la película "Voces del instituto".

Desde que abandonó el mundo de la interpretación, Robyn mantuvo una vida relativamente privada y alejada de los focos.

Tenía 64 años.


Robyn Bernard 'General Hospital' Star DEAD AT 64

Robyn Bernard -- famous for her work on "General Hospital" -- is dead ... TMZ has learned.

Riverside County Coroner tells TMZ they identified the actress' body using her fingerprints after deputies responded to a death investigation call yesterday in the town of San Jacinto, CA. We're told Robyn's body was found in the early morning hours of March 12.

The Riverside County Coroner says no cause of death has been determined yet. An autopsy is scheduled to be performed on Wednesday, but toxicology will take several weeks.

Robyn was born in Gladewater, Texas, and eventually carved out an acting career for herself with small parts in '80s TV shows like "Diva," "The Facts Of Life," "Simon & Simon," and "Tour of Duty."

Her big break came in 1984 on the soap opera "General Hospital" ... playing the role of Terry Brock for 145 episodes until 1990.

Her final credited acting role came in 2002, when she played a psychologist in the movie, "Voices From the High School."

Since exiting the acting scene, Robyn kept a relatively private life, out of the spotlight.

She was 64.


Jenifer Lewis Real Story of My Near Fatal Fall ... Fortitude to Get Back Up!!!


Jenifer Lewis is using her nearly deadly fall in Africa to teach life lessons ... emphasizing the importance of getting up after suffering such a catastrophic crash.

The beloved actress joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" and recounted her frightening tumble in Africa, but told us she prefers to focus on the incredible steps she took to get back up on her feet again.

Lewis said she walked out onto a deck at her luxurious accommodation on the Serengeti of Tanzania -- she says it was pitch black outside, so she never saw a huge gap in the deck between her and the infinity pool. Suddenly, she plummeted down 10 feet and slammed to the ground.

Jenifer was unable to move and had to scream for her travel companion to come to her aid, and call for medical assistance ... which took a long time. She told us, while she was down there she had some scary encounters with wild animals, before a Doctors Without Borders team airlifted her to Nairobi, Kenya.

JL says she suffered through a 9-hour surgery before spending the next 6 days in the ICU ... and then she had to start a long stretch in a hospital bed.

She's got a ton of kind words for the people who took care of her when she couldn't walk or go to the bathroom by herself.

As for why she's sharing her story now ... Jenifer wanted to tell people she'd fallen once she could also tell the world how she'd gotten back up -- an inspiring message no doubt.

Jeni was on the verge of tears as she recalled her ordeal, but soldiered through the convo, displaying the kind of strength that got her back to her feet.

Lewis is moving on from this incident ... and giving fans new inspiration for their next difficult day.

Olivia Munn Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis ... Had Double Mastectomy

Olivia Munn's opening up about her health struggles ... revealing she's been fighting breast cancer for the better part of a year, and also saying she's undergone a double mastectomy.

The actress shared a series of pics to IG Wednesday featuring her in a hospital gown -- getting a battery of tests run on her. She also posted a video of her sobbing while lying in a hospital bed while a medical professional appeared to be consoling her.

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Munn also dropped text posts explaining her cancer journey so far in greater detail -- the first time anyone has heard about this -- and admitting she's kept this a secret for a while.

Olivia was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2023 after a doctor decided to calculate her Breast Cancer Risk Assessment score. She said she's had four surgeries since the diagnosis and has spent numerous days laid up in a hospital bed.

Munn says that in February 2023, she took a genetic test with her sister that checks you for cancer genes, including BRCA -- which she says she tested negative for. She also had a routine mammogram, which was also clear but her OBGYN suggested doing further testing due to her age and family history. Olivia credits her doctor with saving her life after the doctor found that her lifetime risk for breast cancer was 37% and a biopsy then found she had Luminal B cancer.

OM says she went in for a double mastectomy one month after her biopsy ... and she encourages other women to go to their OBGYN to have their own cancer risk assessed early and often.

Munn thanked friends and family in the post ... specifically mentioning her partner, comedian John Mulaney, for all the support he'd given her through this trying time. BTW, Munn showed up with John Sunday at the Oscars ... and nobody suspected a thing about this.

She goes on to say she kept a framed photo of John and their son Malcolm on her bedside throughout every medical procedure ... making sure it was the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Olivia didn't mention being cancer-free or in remission in her post ... so it's unclear if she's out of the woods on this front.

In any case, brave of her to come forward and share this. She's getting a lot of kudos too.

BEN SHAPIRO U.S. Retirement Age Should be Raised ... Keep Working, Dammit!!!

"Raise The Retirement Age"
The Ben Shapiro Show

Ben Shapiro's popping off on retirement in the U.S., saying people who want to hang it up professionally at age 65 are off their rocker ... arguing the threshold should be raised.

The conservative talk show host made his case loud and clear on Tuesday's "The Ben Shapiro Show" ... saying the notion that retirement age should remain at 65 is absolutely absurd -- especially since President Biden is running for reelection at the ripe age of 81.

Ben says he's actually shocked the retirement age hasn't been bumped up already -- especially considering folks in the U.S. are living a lot longer nowadays.

The host continues arguing that working well past retirement age is a good thing ... 'cause, according to him, everyone he knows who's retired around 65 has lost their purpose in life. BS adds that it's ridiculous folks would solely rely on Social Security benefits for the next two decades after retirement rather than work ... seemingly suggesting it's a lazy way to go.

Ben uses his parents as a shining example of people older than 65 who've stayed on the grind -- although, it's unclear exactly how old they might be. Point is ... he thinks people oughta keep working into old age, and he says there's many examples of people doing so.

He also makes the point that people retiring at 65 and leaning SS isn't financially sustainable for the country ... a right-wing talking point that's been brought up by Republicans, etc.

It probably goes without saying ... but his hot take here is getting dragged all over X. Of course, some actually seem to agree with Ben's fundamental point ... different strokes. 🤷🏽‍♂️

OLIVIA MUNN REVELA EL DIAGNÓSTICO DE CÁNCER DE MAMA Luego de someterse a una mastectomía doble

Olivia Munn se está abriendo sobre sus luchas de salud, revelando que ha estado luchando contra el cáncer de mama durante la mayor parte del año, y también diciendo que se ha sometido a una mastectomía doble.

La actriz compartió una serie de fotos en Insta el miércoles, que la muestran a ella en una bata de hospital sometiéndose a muchos exámenes. También publicó un video de ella sollozando mientras yacía en una cama de hospital mientras un profesional médico parecía consolarla.

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manteniéndose firme

Munn también envió mensajes de texto explicando su historia con el cáncer hasta ahora con más detalle -la primera vez que alguien ha oído hablar de esto- y admitiendo que lo ha mantenido en secreto durante un tiempo.

Olivia fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en abril de 2023 después de que un médico decidiera calcular su puntuación de Evaluación de Riesgo de Cáncer de Mama. Ella dijo que ha tenido cuatro cirugías desde el diagnóstico y ha pasado numerosos días acostada en una cama de hospital.

Munn dice que en febrero de 2023, se hizo una prueba genética con su hermana que te comprueba los genes del cáncer, incluyendo BRCA, el cual asegura que dio negativo. También se hizo una mamografía rutinaria, que también salió bien, pero su ginecólogo le sugirió que se hiciera más pruebas debido a su edad y a sus antecedentes familiares. Olivia le atribuye a su médico el haberle salvado la vida después de que el este descubriera que su riesgo vital de cáncer de mama era del 37% y una biopsia descubriera entonces que tenía cáncer Luminal B.

Olivia dice que se sometió a una mastectomía doble un mes después de su biopsia, y ella anima a otras mujeres a ir a su ginecólogo para tener su propio riesgo de cáncer evaluado temprano y con frecuencia.

Munn agradeció a amigos y familiares en el post, mencionando específicamente a su pareja, el comediante John Mulaney, por todo el apoyo que le había dado a través de estos momentos tan difíciles. Por cierto, Munn apareció con John el domingo en los Oscar y nadie sospechaba nada de esto.

Ella continúa diciendo que mantuvo una foto enmarcada de John y su hijo Malcolm junto a su cama durante cada procedimiento médico, asegurándose de que era lo primero que veía cuando se despertaba.

Olivia no mencionó estar libre de cáncer o en remisión en su puesto, por lo que no está claro si ella está fuera de peligro en este frente.

En cualquier caso, es muy valiente de su parte abrirse como lo ha hecho y le deseamos lo mejor.

EL PADRASTRO DE MATTHEW PERRY habla sobre su muerte "Él creía que estaba venciendo su adicción"

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ganando la batalla
Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison dice que su hijastro Matthew Perry pensó que estaba superando su adicción antes de su repentina muerte, pero en realidad, no era así.

En su primera entrevista desde el fallecimiento de Matthew en octubre, el corresponsal de "Dateline", que está casado con la madre de Matt -Suzanne- reveló recientemente en el pódcast de Hoda Kotb que el querido actor sentía que estaba superando su adicción e incluso se le veía feliz.

Keith reconoció que Matt tuvo una lucha particularmente dura con el alcohol y las drogas, algo que todos sabíamos. Describió la batalla de Matthew contra la adicción como "virulenta", señalando que la enfermedad lo persiguió sin descanso durante años.

Con esto en mente, Keith dice que no estaba totalmente sorprendido por el final prematuro de Matt. Aún así, añadió: "Él no llegó a tener su tercer acto, y eso no es justo". Es una conversación muy triste.

Como informamos, la autopsia de Mathew señaló que había estado limpio durante 19 meses, pero su muerte fue un accidente causado por los efectos agudos de la ketamina.

Perry se había sometido a una terapia de infusión de ketamina para tratar su depresión y la ansiedad, y su último tratamiento fue una semana antes de su muerte, la cual TMZ cubrió en su momento.

Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi... el ahogamiento y la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria se destacaron más tarde como factores adicionales en su causa oficial de muerte.

Keith admitió que todavía está luchando con el dolor por la muerte de Matthew, pero confesó que su esposa (la madre de Matt) está pasándolo aún peor, incluso tantos meses después.  Según Keith, Matthew y Suzanne estaban más unidos que nunca justo antes del fallecimiento del actor.

Por supuesto, Keith también fue uno de los primeros familiares en llegar al lugar de la muerte de Matt.

Matthew Perry's Stepfather Morrison Speaks on Death He Thought He Was Beating Addiction

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Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison says his stepson Matthew Perry thought he was overcoming his addiction before his sudden death ... but in reality, says he knew he really wasn't.

In his first interview since Matthew's passing in October, the "Dateline" correspondent -- who's married to Matt's mother, Suzanne -- recently revealed on Hoda Kotb's podcast that the beloved actor felt he was beating his addiction and in a good place ... happy, even.

Keith also acknowledged that Matt had a particularly tough struggle with alcohol and drugs -- something we all knew. He described Matthew's addiction battle as "virulent" ... noting the disease went after him relentlessly over the years.

With this in mind, Keith says he wasn't totally surprised by Matt's untimely ending. Still, he added ... "He didn't get to have his third act, and that's not fair." It's a somber conversation.

As we reported ... Mathew's autopsy noted he'd been clean for 19 months ... but his death was ruled an accident having been caused by the acute effects of ketamine.

MP had been using ketamine infusion therapy to treat his depression and anxiety -- and his last treatment came a week before his death, which TMZ broke at the time.

Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi ... drowning and coronary artery disease were later highlighted as additional factors on his official cause of death.

Keith admitted that he's still struggling with grief over Matthew's death ... but confessed his wife/Matt's mom is having a harder time with it all, even all these months later.  According to Keith, Matthew and Suzanne were closer than ever just before the actor's passing.

Of course, Keith was also one of the first family members on the scene of Matt's death.