Gypsy Rose Blanchard Defends Mother's Day Tribute After Death Threats

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is facing some serious backlash over her Mother's Day tribute -- and now, she's defending herself ... this while fending off serious threats online, TMZ has learned.

GRB tells TMZ ... her heartfelt tribute on TikTok -- which mentioned her late mother, Dee Dee, as well as other mother figures in her life -- was simply meant to acknowledge her stepmother Kristy and boyfriend Ken Urker's mom ... as they've done a lot for her in recent years.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

We're told the post was in no way meant to be disrespectful to Dee -- whose name she invoked in her lengthy tribute, which a lot of people took offense to ... and yet, Gypsy's being inundated with hate as a result -- including some major threats on her safety.

DR. CYRIL WECHT Famed Forensics Expert DEAD AT 93 ... Worked on JFK Assassination Case

Renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht -- known for his work on high-profile cases such as JonBenét Ramsey and JFK's assassination -- has died.

The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts announced the former Allegheny County medical examiner's death Monday ... saying in a statement he brought "comfort and justice for countless grieving and victimized families around the globe" through his work.

Wecht performed roughly 21,000 autopsies and around 42,000 postmortem examinations during his long-standing career.

Gypsy Rose Returns Wedding Ring to Ryan

Gypsy Rose Blanchard has already given back her wedding ring to estranged husband Ryan Anderson ... because the piece of jewelry meant quite a bit to him, TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ … she felt it was the right thing to give back the ring -- as it was a family heirloom given to Ryan by his mom. We're told Gypsy Rose left the ring with Ryan when she made the decision to end her marriage  ... along with an apology note next to their bed on March 22.

The note read ... "I'm sorry, you and I deserve happiness."

Gypsy Rose Devuelve el anillo de boda a Ryan

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ya le devolvió su anillo de bodas a su marido Ryan Anderson, pues la pieza de joyería significaba mucho para él, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy Rose le dicen a TMZ que sintió que era lo correcto, ya que era una reliquia familiar que Ryan había recibido de su madre. Nos dicen que Gypsy Rose le dejó el anillo a Ryan cuando tomó la decisión de poner fin a su matrimonio junto con una nota de disculpa en su cama el 22 de marzo.

La nota decía: "Lo siento, tú y yo merecemos ser felices".

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Heading to Hollywood ... Wants to Meet Joey King!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's coming to the City of Angels ... with sources close to her telling TMZ she's got business in L.A. -- and dreams of an A-List meetup!

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ ... she's coming out to Los Angeles for a few days this week to promote season 2 of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup."

We're told Gypsy's very excited about her first visit to Tinseltown, and she's hoping to meet up with someone who's tried to walk a mile in her shoes ... actress Joey King.

O.J. Simpson Cause Of Death Revealed

O.J. Simpson's official cause of death has been revealed ... one of the most infamous, high-profile Americans of all time died from prostate cancer, TMZ has learned.

Malcolm LaVergne, Simpson's longtime attorney and the executor of his estate, tells us he has received the death certificate for the disgraced former football superstar and actor, confirming our report that O.J. succumbed to cancer.

76-year-old Simpson died on April 10 after spending several months in hospice.

O.J. Simpson Causa de muerte revelada

La causa oficial de muerte de O.J. Simpson, uno de los estadounidenses más infames de todos los tiempos, ha sido revelada: murió de cáncer de próstata, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Malcolm Lavergne, abogado de Simpson desde hace mucho tiempo y albacea de su patrimonio, nos dice que recibió el certificado de defunción de la deshonrada ex superestrella de fútbol y actor, lo que confirma nuestro informe de que O.J. sucumbió al cáncer.

Simpson, de 76 años, falleció el 10 de abril tras pasar varios meses en un centro de cuidados paliativos.

OWEN WILSON rechazó el papel en la película que presenta a O.J. Simpson como inocente

Owen Wilson no quiso tener nada que ver con una película que se inclina por la idea de que O. J. Simpson era inocente de los infames asesinatos del 94, rechazando una gran cantidad de dinero por el papel principal.

El director de la película parcialmente terminada -Joshua Newton- admite que pensó que Owen era perfecto para el papel del abogado Douglas McCann, pero dice que incluso ofreciéndole un cheque de $12 millones no pudo convencer a Owen a firmar.

Newton le dice a Rambling Reporter que las conversaciones inicialmente fueron bastante profundas con Owen sobre el papel de McCann, un abogado de la vida real que fue vinculado a varias teorías de conspiración durante el juicio penal de Simpson en 1995.


Owen Wilson wants nothing to do with a movie leaning into the idea O.J. Simpson was innocent of the infamous '94 murders -- turning down a boatload for the lead part.

The partially finished flick's director, Joshua Newton, admits he thought Owen was perfect for the role of attorney Douglas McCann, but he says even dangling a whopping $12 million check couldn't sway Owen to sign on the dotted line.

Newton tells Rambling Reporter talks initially went pretty deep with Owen about playing McCann ... a real-life attorney who got sucked into various conspiracy theories during Simpson's 1995 criminal trial.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Loving Her New Single Life, But ... Ryan Wants to Reconcile!!!

There's a snowball's chance in hell Gypsy Rose Blanchard and Ryan Anderson work things out and reunite, because she is loving her new bachelorette lifestyle ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ ... it's highly unlikely the estranged spouses will ever get back together since Gypsy's really embracing singledom, and feeling totally free for the first time in her life.

Remember, Gypsy Rose -- a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy -- spent seven years in prison for the second-degree murder of her mother Dee Dee Blanchard.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Not Shooting Scenes with Ryan ... All About Her Own Journey

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's moving on from Ryan Anderson, and not just in her marriage ... she hasn't shared a second of camera time with him since their split, and we've learned that's not going to change anytime soon.

"Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up" production sources tell TMZ ... the estranged couple didn't shoot together after the breakup, and the production's going to focus more on Blanchard from here on out.

We're told the doc crew filmed the fallout between Blanchard and Anderson ... but, now it doesn't make sense to shoot them together because not only do they not live together, but quite frankly their lives are moving in totally separate directions.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard no hay escenas con ryan Todo es sobre su propia historia

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está pasando de Ryan Anderson, y no solo en su matrimonio, ella no ha compartido un segundo de tiempo de cámara con él desde su separación... y supimos que esto no va a cambiar a corto plazo.

Fuentes que trabajaron en "Gypsy Rose: La vida después del Lock Up", le dicen a TMZ que la pareja distanciada no ha rodado después de la ruptura, y la producción va a centrarse más en Blanchard de aquí en adelante.

Nos dicen que el equipo del documental filmó la caída entre Blanchard y Anderson, pero ahora no tiene sentido filmarlos juntos porque no solo no viven juntos, sino que sus vidas se están moviendo en direcciones totalmente opuestas.

Patricia Arquette Le desea lo mejor a Gypsy Rose... Le preocupa su obsesión con las redes

"Ella ha pasado por mucho..."

Patricia Arquette tiene una debilidad por Gypsy Rose Blanchard y le desea paz y felicidad en abundancia, al mismo tiempo que comparte sus preocupaciones por su explosiva presencia en redes sociales.

Nos pusimos al día con Patricia en LAX, quien interpretó a la mamá de Gypsy, Dee Dee Blanchard, en la serie de 2019 "The Act" y le preguntamos qué pensaba sobre la atención que rodea a Gypsy, y ella piensa que toda su carrera como influencer parece demasiado.

Básicamente, la ganadora del Oscar dice que el circo mediático que rodea a Gypsy Rose no es lo que ella hubiera querido para ella, pero agrega que no le corresponde decir si Gypsy está disfrutando de la atención pública o no.

Patricia Arquette Wishing Gypsy Rose the Best ... Big Social Media Obsession

"She's Lived Through A Lot"

Patricia Arquette's got a soft spot for Gypsy Rose Blanchard ... wishing her peace and happiness galore -- while sharing concerns about her exploding social media presence.

We caught up with Patricia -- who played Gypsy's mom, Dee Dee Blanchard, in the 2019 series "The Act" -- at LAX and asked what she thought of all the attention surrounding Gypsy, and she says she thinks her whole influencer career seems like a lot.

Basically, the Oscar winner says the media circus surrounding GRB isn't what she might've wanted for her ... but adds it's not her place to say if Gypsy's enjoying the spotlight.

O.J. Simpson Es oficialmente cremado Su abogado y otros testigos estuvieron presentes

O.J. Simpson ha sido oficialmente cremado y parece que solo estuvo presente un selecto grupo de personas, incluyendo su abogado, ahora convertido en albacea de su patrimonio.

Malcolm LaVergne confirma a TMZ que el cuerpo de su cliente por muchos años fue incinerado el miércoles en una instalación llamada Palm Mortuary en Las Vegas y dice que estuvo presente, al igual que algunos otros, aunque no quiso decir exactamente quiénes.

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Nuevo sombrero, nuevas obligaciones

Nos dicen que la cremación se llevó a cabo esta mañana alrededor de las 10 AM. LaVergne dijo a AP que no había planes inmediatos para hacer un memorial público.

O.J. Simpson Officially Cremated Atty., Others Were Present

O.J. Simpson has officially been cremated -- and it sounds like there were only a select few people around to bear witness ... including his attorney-turned-executor of his estate.

Malcolm LaVergne confirms to TMZ that his longtime client's body was burned to ashes Wednesday at a facility called Palm Mortuary in Las Vegas ... and he says he was present, as were some others, although he wouldn't say exactly who.

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We're told the cremation went down this morning around 10 AM. LaVergne told AP there were no immediate plans for a public memorial.