Dos hombres han sido declarados culpables de asesinar a Jam Master Jay de Run-DMC, dándole fin a uno de los casos más antiguos del hip hop.

El jurado en el Tribunal Federal de Brooklyn declaró culpables a los acusados Ronald Washington y Karl Jordan Jr. el martes, poco menos de un mes después de que comenzara el juicio.

Jay fue asesinado a tiros hace más de 21 años la noche del 30 de octubre de 2002. Los fiscales argumentaron que Washington y Jordan le tendieron una emboscada en su estudio sobre un acuerdo de drogas fallido, lo que terminó con Jordan ejecutándolo a quemarropa con múltiples disparos en la cabeza.

Un tercer acusado, Jay Bryant, será juzgado en una fecha posterior después de haber sido implicado en el asesinato.

Los investigadores dicen que Bryant dejó un artículo que contiene su ADN en la escena, ya que se dice que fue el hombre clave que le permitió a Washington y Jordan acceder al estudio para asesinar al icono del hip hop.

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Antes del juicio, el Fiscal General Merrick Garland retiró la pena de muerte de la mesa, pero ambos hombres se enfrentan a un mínimo de 20 años de prisión cada uno.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Su esposo Ryan aviva los rumores de embarazo

Gypsy Rose Blanchard podría estar embarazada, o al menos eso es lo que su marido podría estar diciéndonos.

Scott Anderson publicó una foto en Instagram el martes, que muestra su brazo sobre lo que parece ser el vientre de Gypsy mientras están acostados en la cama. Su pie de foto es aún más revelador y dice: "Yo y mi pequeña familia acurrucados juntos ❤️ @gypsyrose_a_blanchard".

Aunque Gypsy no ha contestado explícitamente ni ha respondido al post de Ryan, sí le puso me gusta, lo que es interesante, por supuesto, pues parece estar aprobando su mensaje.

Lo que ambos parecen estar diciéndole al público es que ella podría estar embarazada, lo que queda aún más demostrado con su visita al hospital la semana pasada.

Hay fotos de Gypsy y Ryan en un centro médico en Lake Charles, Louisiana, las que han estado circulando en las redes sociales con muchos afirmando que se trata de un asunto de bebé. De ser cierto, eso daría credibilidad a lo que Ryan parece estar anunciando ahora.

Como todos sabemos, Gypsy corrió directamente a los brazos de Ryan después de ser liberada. Ambos contrajeron matrimonio mientras ella estaba tras las rejas.

Gypsy habló efusivamente sobre su relación en el programa de Lifetime "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard". Ella le dijo a Ryan que estaba enamorada de él por teléfono, a lo que él respondió que ya se había enamorado de ella también.

Ryan le propuso matrimonio solo cuatro meses después de conocerse. Desde su liberación, han sido inseparables y han aparecido por todas partes juntos.

Por su parte, Gypsy ha estado defendiendo ferozmente a su hombre de todos los haters y casualmente dejó a entrever lo impresionada que estaba con sus habilidades en el dormitorio.

Si la noticia del posible embarazo es cierta, parece que han decidido ampliar la familia.

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TMZ Studios

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Gypsy para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard may be pregnant -- at least that's what her husband seems to be telegraphing anyway.

Ryan Scott Anderson posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday, which showed his arm wrapped around what appears to be Gypsy's belly as they lie in bed. His caption is even more telling -- it reads, "Me and my little family cuddling together ❤️ @gypsyrose_a_blanchard."

While Gypsy hasn't explicitly replied or responded to Ryan's post ... she did like it, so that's interesting too of course. On its face, she seems to be cosigning the message he's sending.

What they both appear to be telling the public ... she might have a bun in the oven -- which looks to be further proven by the fact they paid a visit to the hospital last week.

Photos of Gypsy and Ryan at a medical facility together in Lake Charles, LA have been circulating online, with many on social media claiming they were there for baby stuff. If true, that would lend credence to what Ryan's seemingly announcing now.

As we all know ... Gypsy ran straight into the arms of Ryan after her prison release, this after marrying him while she was imprisoned.

Gypsy gushed about how their relationship kick-started on Lifetime's "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... saying she told Ryan over the phone she was smitten -- and he said he'd had already fallen in love with her as well.

Ryan then popped the question just four months after they met face-to-face. Ever since her release -- they've been inseparable ... popping up all over the place side by side.

For her part, Gypsy's been fiercely defending her man from all the haters, while casually letting everyone know she's impressed with his skills in the bedroom.

If this would-be pregnancy news holds any truth ... it sounds like they're expanding their family.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Gypsy's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.


El juicio por homicidio involuntario de Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed comenzó el jueves, y tanto la fiscalía como la defensa han revelado sus pasos en la batalla judicial, con la fiscalía echándole la culpa directamente a Hannah mientras que la defensa apunta a un fallo institucional más amplio.

La armera de "Rust" -que fue acusada de homicidio involuntario en la muerte de la directora de fotografía Halyna Hutchins- apareció en un tribunal de Nuevo México, y las declaraciones de apertura se llevaron a cabo no hace mucho tiempo.

La fiscalía comenzó todo el juicio diciendo que creen que fue culpa de Gutiérrez-Reed la ronda que mató a Hutchins en el primer lugar.

Los fiscales dicen que Hannah no siempre se adhiere a los protocolos de seguridad en el set y afirman que no se ofreció a mostrarle a los actores las rondas dentro del arma o tener el arma inspeccionada delante el proceso, un protocolo que los fiscales insisten que se suponía que debía seguir.

Hannah no siguió los protocolos de acuerdo a la fiscalía, la cual afirma que van a proporcionar varios testigos que declararán que Guiterrez-Reed no realizaba adecuadamente sus funciones.

Dicen que regularmente dejaba armas y municiones tiradas por el plató e incluso permitió que munición real se abriera paso en el set. Incluso afirman que Hannah no podía reconocer una ronda en vivo.

Los abogados de Hannah dicen que se le encomendó la tarea de múltiples puestos de trabajo en el set cuando ella tenía solo 24 años -tanto armera como asistente de utilería- lo cual es mucho de que ocuparse. Su equipo afirma que la edad de Hannah y su relativo anonimato la convierten en el chivo expiatorio ideal para la tragedia.

NBC News

También dicen que hizo bien su trabajo, señalando que incluso le pidió al director de producción más días de armera, porque estaba dividiendo el tiempo entre los puestos de trabajo y quería centrarse en sus responsabilidades. Sus abogados dicen que su solicitud fue denegada en última instancia por la producción.

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"el peor día de mi vida"

Además, la defensa dice que la OSHA -una agencia gubernamental encargada de la salud y la seguridad en los lugares de trabajo- encontró numerosos errores en la producción en general, los cuales no se le pueden adjudicar solo a Reed. La defensa añadió que OSHA multó a la producción, y fue una de las más grandes en la historia de Nuevo México.

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fuera de sus labores

Alec Baldwin también fue mencionado, con Hannah diciendo que violó la regla más básica de seguridad de armas: no apuntes un arma a alguien a menos que quieras disparar. Dicen que o bien tenía el dedo en el gatillo o tiró de él, pero de cualquier manera, no fue culpa de Hannah.

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Se supone que el juicio durará hasta el 8 de marzo y seguramente va a estar lleno de giros y vueltas.

Manténgase en sintonía...

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Begins ... Opening Statements

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's manslaughter trial kicked off Thursday, and both the prosecution and defense have revealed their hands for the court battle ... with the prosecution laying the blame squarely on HGR while the defense is pointing to a broader institutional failure.

The "Rust" armorer -- who was charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins -- appeared in a New Mexico court, and the opening statements took place not long ago.

The prosecution started the whole trial by first saying they believe it was Gutierrez-Reed's fault the live round that killed Hutchins ended up on set in the first place.

Prosecutors say Hannah didn't always adhere to safety protocols on set ... for example, they claim she didn't offer to show the actors the rounds inside the weapon or have the gun inspected in front of them -- a protocol prosecutors insist she was supposed to follow.

Hannah not following protocols was common on set according to the prosecution, which claims they'll provide several witnesses who will testify about Gutierrez-Reed not adequately performing her duties.

They say she regularly left guns and ammo just lying around the set ... and even allowed live ammo to make its way on set. They even claim Hannah couldn't recognize a live round when it was sitting in her lap.

In Hannah's defense, her lawyers say she was tasked with multiple jobs on set when she was just 24 -- both armorer and prop assistant -- which was a lot to ask her to do. Her team claims Hannah's age and relative anonymity make her an ideal scapegoat for the tragedy.

NBC News

And, they're also saying she did her job well ... noting she even asked the production manager for more armorer days -- because she was splitting time between jobs and wanted to focus on her responsibilities in that domain. Her lawyers say her request was ultimately denied by the production.

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In addition, the defense says OSHA -- a government agency in charge of health and safety for workplaces -- found numerous mistakes in the production overall that can't just be pinned on Reed individually. The defense added OSHA fined the production ... a fine they say was one of the largest in New Mexico's history.

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Alec Baldwin was also mentioned ... with Hannah's layers saying he violated the most basic gun safety rule -- don't point a gun at someone unless you want to shoot them. They say he either had his finger on the trigger or pulled it ... but either way, it wasn't Hannah's fault.

TMZ Studios

The trial's supposed to run through March 8 ... filled with what we imagine will be a ton of twists and turns.

Stay tuned ...

JOE EXOTIC ENLOQUECe CON EL NUEVO TATUAJE DE MGK Un tigre, metanfetamina y ¡es mío!

El nuevo tatuaje blackout de Machine Gun Kelly le ha encantado a Joe Exotic.

La estrella de Netflix abiertamente suspiró por MGK en X miércoles -desde su cuenta, nada menos- al compartir una instantánea del rapero mostrando su torso superior entintado junto con el coqueto mensaje: "Un tigre y un poco de metanfetamina y puedo hacer a MGK gay".

En el pie de foto, Joe escribió: "¿Alguien recuerda esa línea de Tiger King? @machinegunkelly". Como si su enamoramiento no fuera obvio, compartió otro meme de MGK, añadiendo: "Una vez que vayas a Tiger King te olvidarás de la Fox".

Sí, parece que Joe podría estar enamorado.

Joe -que actualmente está tras las rejas- ya parecía manifestar su amor, y personalmente le suplicó al creador de "Bad Things" que le ayudara a salir de la cárcel.

Añadió un texto extra sobre uno de los memes, escribiendo: "Ahora que somos prácticamente amigos, ayúdame a salir de aquí".

Es una especie de súplica a Kelly para ayudarlo a salir de la cárcel, algo que ha estado haciendo también con otras celebridades.

Desafortunadamente para Joe, MGK probablemente no estará dispuesto a explorar nada romántico, como todos sabemos, él está en una relación bastante comprometida con Megan Fox.

Además, MGK explicó en Insta que su nuevo tatuaje tenía fines espirituales, y que quería alejarse del caos de su vida, lo cual probablemente no encajará bien con el estilo colorido y salvajes de Joe.

Joe podría tener que seguir buscando a  un buen compañero de andanzas, pero MGK probablemente no está interesado.

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Aguanta, Joe.

JOE EXOTIC Going WILD OVER MGK'S NEW Body Tat Tiger, Meth & He's Mine!!!

Machine Gun Kelly's new blackout tattoo has really done it for Joe Exotic ... 'cause the 'Tiger King' star is apparently pretty into it ... and pretty into him too.

The Netflix star openly pined for MGK on X Wednesday -- from his account, no less -- by sharing a snap of the rapper showing off his upper torso inking along with the flirtatious message ... "A tiger and a bit of meth, I can make MGK gay."

In the pic's caption, Joe wrote: "Anyone remember that line from Tiger King? @machinegunkelly." As if his head-over-heels infatuation wasn't obvious, he shared another MGK snap meme, adding ... "Once you go Tiger King you'll forget about the Fox."

Yup, looks like Joe might have a bit of a crush here.

Joe -- who's currently behind bars -- already appeared to manifest their relationship and personally pleaded with the "Bad Things" hitmaker to help him get the hell outta prison.

He added an extra text caption over one of the memes, writing ... "Now that we're practically a new item. Help me get the hell out of here."

So ... he's kinda begging Kelly for prison help too now, something he's been throwing out there lately with certain celebs.

Unfortunately for Joe, MGK most likely won't be down to explore anything romantic -- as we all know, he's in a pretty committed relationship with Megan Fox.

Also, MGK explained on IG that his new tat was for spiritual purposes, and he wanted to steer clear of chaos from his life -- which probably won't mesh well with Joe's colorful and wild ways.

Joe might have to keep looking for his partner in crime ... MGK probably ain't interested.

TMZ Studios

Hang in there, JE ...

Gabby Petito Family Settles Emotional Distress Lawsuit ... Avoids 'Prolonged Personal Conflict'

Gabby Petito's family has reached a settlement with her killer Brian Laundrie's family in their emotional distress lawsuit ... but the details aren't being released to the public.

An attorney for the Laundries, Steve Bertolino, released a statement on the settlement Wednesday, according to CNN, saying the two sides had reached an accord to avoid going to trial in the case.

Bertolino said the terms of the settlement are confidential ... so, unclear exactly how much money they settled for, if any. But, it ends a years-long saga that began when Brian killed Gabby in late August 2021.

The Petito family also made a statement through their lawyer who said the sides "reluctantly agreed" to avoid a difficult legal battle and "prolonged personal conflict."

A couple days after Laundrie killed Petito, he reportedly called his parents and told them Gabby was "gone" and he was going to need a lawyer before going on the run and sparking a statewide manhunt. He was later found dead, and the death was eventually ruled a suicide.

This call was apparently made weeks before Gabby's body was found in Wyoming ... a killing Brian later seemingly confessed to in a series of writings found at his death scene.

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Petito's family is still engaged in another lawsuit ... as we previously reported, Gabby's parents are suing the Moab City Police Department who interviewed Gabby and Brian on the side of the road in the weeks leading up to her death.

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Moab Police Department

Gabby told officers Brian grabbed her face and scratched her ... but cops only separated the couple for the day. GP was killed about two weeks later.

Compton Pit Bull Attack All Dogs Involved in Mauling Death Euthanized ... By L.A. Animal Control Dept.

The dogs involved in the deadly mauling attack in Compton last week are now dead themselves -- because the county put them down, every last one ... TMZ has confirmed.

A rep for the Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control tells us all the pit bulls found at the scene of a home in South L.A. Friday -- where the owner of the dogs had been discovered dead in the backyard after getting mangled -- have now been euthanized.

We're told this decision was not made lightly, but deemed necessary ... as there was evidence linking them to the fatal attack, and due to a potential threat to the community in possibly releasing them after this ... we're told the county chose to have them killed.

In other words ... it was a safety issue, and this result isn't all that surprising big picture -- although, it is certainly sad.

Fox 11 Los Angeles

The DACC also clarified to us ... all thirteen dogs on the premises were euthanized, including several puppies. Remember, there were only 5 fully grown pit bulls found to be in the mix.

County officials say part of the attack last week was caught on surveillance video -- and based on what they saw, they believe the owner was feeding the pooches when things went south. DACC says some of the pitties started fighting each other and then turned on him.

Not much is known about the man who died -- other than he lived alone and appeared to be in the business of breeding and selling pits ... per investigators. His girlfriend is reported to have discovered the next morning and called police.

When first responders arrived, a woman who was at the property and trying to escape the dogs out back needed rescuing -- something filmed by news choppers -- although, unclear what her relationship to the victim was, and whether she was the one who called 911.

TMZ Studios

The man who died was only 35. An investigation is ongoing.


Los perros implicados en el ataque mortal en Compton de la semana pasada han sido sacrificados... TMZ ha confirmado.

Un representante de Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control, nos dice que todos los pitbulls encontrados en la escena de una casa en el sur de L.A. el viernes -donde el dueño de los perros había sido descubierto muerto en el patio trasero después de ser destrozado- ahora han sido sometidos a eutanasia.

Se nos dice que esta decisión no fue tomada a la ligera, pero se consideró necesario ya que había pruebas que los vinculan con el ataque fatal y debido a una amenaza potencial para la comunidad en la posible liberación de ellos después de esto, se nos dice que el condado optó por matarlos.

En otras palabras, se trataba de una cuestión de seguridad, y este resultado no es tan sorprendente, aunque ciertamente es bastante triste.

un terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

El DACC también nos aclaró que los trece perros en las instalaciones fueron sometidos a eutanasia, incluyendo varios cachorros. Recuerde, solo había cinco pitbulls adultos encontrados en el lugar.

Los funcionarios del condado dicen que parte del ataque de la semana pasada fue capturado en video de vigilancia, y en base a lo que vieron, creen que el propietario estaba alimentando a los perros cuando las cosas se salieron de control. DACC dice que algunos de los perros comenzaron a pelear entre sí y luego se volvieron contra él.

No se sabe mucho sobre el hombre que murió, aparte de que vivía solo y parecía estar en el negocio de la cría y venta de pits. Al parecer, su novia lo descubrió a la mañana siguiente y llamó a la policía.

Cuando los socorristas llegaron, una mujer que estaba en la propiedad y tratando de escapar de los perros en la parte trasera necesitaba rescate. Algo de esto fue filmado por helicópteros de noticias, aunque no está claro cuál era su relación con la víctima y si ella era la que llamó al 911.

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El hombre que murió tenía solo 35 años. Hay una investigación en curso.

John Wayne Gacy HERMANA DE LA VÍCTIMA CRITICA LA NUEVA SERIE ¿Por qué desenterrar un pasado doloroso?

John Wayne Gacy, el famoso "Payaso asesino", será el protagonista de una nueva serie limitada de Peacock, una noticia que fue anunciada esta semana y que ha consternado a uno de los miembros de la familia de sus víctimas.

Lorie Sisterman, hermana de James Haakenson, quien fue identificado como la víctima número 24 de Gacy en 2017, 40 años después de su desaparición, le dice a TMZ que no apoya el proyecto de ninguna manera, forma o modo y no entiende la necesidad de revivir viejas heridas y desenterrar un pasado doloroso.

Para colmo, nos dice que nadie se puso en contacto con ella sobre la serie, que se basa en una docuserie de Peacock "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise" de 2021.

Lorie reitera que la serie no debería permitirse porque aún hay personas vivas que están de duelo por las acciones de Gacy. Como recordarán, este fue ejecutado en 1994 tras ser condenado por el asesinato de 33 jóvenes y niños durante los años 70. El hombre enterró la mayoría de los cuerpos bajo su casa en Chicago.

Dentro de las víctimas también hay miembros de la familia de Gacy, y Lorie señala que la nueva serie no es justa con ellos tampoco, especialmente con sus hijos, quienes cambiaron sus nombres para comenzar una nueva vida.

Lorie también aborda el tratamiento que Hollywood da a las historias de crímenes reales, señalando que la serie de Netflix protagonizada por Evan Peters "Dahmer - Monster: La historia de Jeffrey Dahmer" debe haber sido igual de horrible para las familias de las víctimas.

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Ella no vio el show de 2022, pero está preocupada de que la serie de John Wayne Gacy lo coloque en un pedestal como a Dahmer.

Con todo, Lorie dice que aunque han pasado varias décadas, Chicago todavía está tratando de superar la tragedia y esta nueva serie es un gran revés para ellos.


John Wayne Gacy, the notorious "Killer Clown," is set to be the subject of a new Peacock limited series -- news announced this week that's appalled one of his victims' family members.

Lorie Sisterman, sister of James Haakenson, who was identified as Gacy's 24th victim in 2017, 40 years after he went missing, tells TMZ she's not supportive of the project in any way, shape, or form ... and doesn't understand the need to rehash old wounds and drudge up a hurtful past.

To add insult to injury, she tells us no one reached out to her about the scripted series ... which is based on Peacock's 2021 docuseries "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise."

Lorie reiterates the series should be off-limits 'cause there are people alive who are still grieving over Gacy's actions. You'll remember ... he was executed in '94 after being convicted of murdering 33 young men and boys during the '70s, burying most bodies under his Chicago-area home.

Among those grieving are members of Gacy's family ... and Lorie notes the new series isn't fair to them either -- especially for his children, who changed their names to start a new life.

Lorie also addresses the Hollywood treatment given to true crime stories, noting that the Evan Peters-starring Netflix series "Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" would've been equally as horrible for the victims' families.

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She didn't watch the 2022 show ... but she's worried JWG will be put up on a pedestal like Dahmer.

All in all, Lorie says that even decades later, Chicago's trying to move on from the evil tragedy ... but this new series is a massive setback for them.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Cameo Gypsy Isn't Me ... Imposter Account Appears Deactivated


2/17 11:22 AM PT -- It seems this account's a fake ... Gypsy Rose Blanchard tells TMZ this isn't actually her, and she's saddened someone would do this in her name.

We've also checked Cameo ... it appears the account's been deactivated.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's post-prison media tour may be winding down ... but she's undeterred, turning to Cameo to continue cashing in on her life story.

The recently-released ex-con joined the personalized video message platform site this week to engage with fans further and shed new light on her experiences -- but it comes at a high cost ... $20 for a message and $100 a pop for a video.

BTW, she's also going by her married name now -- Gypsy Rose Anderson -- on Cameo, listing her occupation as "influencer." Her bio reads: "Survivor & Advocate, Overcoming Challenges, Finding My Own Path, Advocate for Mental Health Awareness, #SurvivorStrong."

She has amassed a huge following post-prison -- so yeah, that title technically applies.

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Gypsy fans will be thrilled to know there are various video types to choose from. Whether it's a personalized birthday message, a pep talk or advice session, or simply a response to a general question, there's something available for everyone on her menu here.

Safe to say, GRB's hoping to foster a positive online community ... especially since TMZ revealed last month she was getting a lot of hate for her ex-BF, Nick Godejohn, still being behind bars -- despite him being the mastermind behind her mother Dee Dee's slaying.

With that in mind, while Gypsy has said she feels a lot of guilt over the situation to this very day ... she also finds it strange that Nick's receiving sympathy from folks who want him freed.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without the possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence but was released on parole in Dec, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

TMZ Studios

Now that she's on the outside again ... she's looking for new modes of revenue -- and for now, Cameo is just the ticket.

Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

Sharon Stone Ex-LAPD Officers Don't Buy O.J. Tale

Sharon Stone claims LAPD officers came to her home during the O.J. Simpson chase and whisked her away -- but cops who were on the force back then don't have any such memory.

David Gascon -- who was a commander at the LAPD's Media Relations department during the O.J. years -- tells TMZ ... he's never heard of cops showing up to Sharon's crib on June 17, 1994, when officers were in hot pursuit of Simpson during that infamous televised low-speed chase.

Not only is Gascon personally unaware of it happening ... he says he'd never heard a single report of Sharon's involvement, at least not until she talked about it this past week.

Ditto for Tom Lange ... the lead LAPD detective on the O.J. case tells us he hadn't heard a peep about Sharon's claim cops ushered her to a hotel for safety reasons. In fact, Lange asks the obvious question ... why would O.J. go after Sharon at the time?

Lange insists, if Sharon's Simpson saga happened, he would've heard of it. As for Sharon's M.O. in telling it ... he suspects it might have to do with the 30th anniversary coming up in June.

Last, but not least, we spoke to a retired former LAPD officer -- who worked in the South L.A. division back in 1994 -- and he also says any Sharon-O.J. connection is news to him!

This retired officer questions how or why O.J. would have any reason to go to Sharon's house at the time ... especially with 20 patrol cars chasing him down the freeway.

The way Sharon put it in her new interview, her "Basic Instinct" fame from '92 is what supposedly spurred a bunch of officers to show up to her house to hide her at a hotel. Although, as many here have noted, she had no apparent connection to O.J. in those days.

Sharon has previously talked about how crazy it was for her in the '90s after her then-viral movie skyrocketed her to A-list status ... not to mention making her a bona fide sex symbol.

Again, the fact these former officers are taking her story with a grain of salt does not mean what Sharon is saying didn't occur -- but as far as they're concerned, it was never on their radar.

TMZ Studios

Guess there's no one else to have weigh-in at this point besides O.J. himself ... kidding.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Cobrando en cameo, baby... ¡¡¡$100 por un video!!!

La gira de Gypsy Rose Blanchard por los medios de comunicación tras su salida de la cárcel puede estar terminando, pero ella es imparable y ha recurrido a Cameo para seguir cobrando por la historia de su vida.

La recientemente liberada convicta se unió a la plataforma de mensajes de video personalizados esta semana para comprometerse con los fans y arrojar nueva luz sobre sus experiencias. Pero tiene un alto costo, $20 por un mensaje y $100 por un video.

Por cierto, también está usando su nombre de casada en Cameo, Gypsy Rose Anderson, y está definiendo su ocupación como "influencer". Su biografía dice: "Superviviente y defensora, superando retos, encontrando mi propio camino, defensora de la concienciación sobre la salud mental, #SupervivienteFuerte".

Gypsy ha acumulado un gran número de seguidores después de su salida de la cárcel, así que sí, ese título es técnicamente aplicable.

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Los fans de Gypsy estarán encantados de saber que hay varios tipos de video para elegir. Ya sea un mensaje de cumpleaños personalizado, una charla de ánimo, un consejo o simplemente una respuesta a una pregunta general. Hay algo para todos los gustos.

Es seguro decir que Gypsy Rose Blanchard espera fomentar una comunidad positiva en línea, especialmente desde que TMZ reveló que estaba recibiendo mucho odio por su ex-novio Nick Godejohn, quien todavía está tras las rejas. Esto, a pesar de que él fue el cerebro detrás del asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

Con eso en mente, aunque Gypsy ha dicho que se siente muy culpable por la situación hasta el día de hoy, también encuentra extraño que Nick esté recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que lo quiere en libertad.

Recuerden, Nick fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional por asesinato en primer grado. Gypsy obtuvo una sentencia de 10 años, pero fue puesta en libertad condicional en diciembre, después de más de 8 años de encarcelamiento.

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TMZ Studios

Ahora que está libre nuevamente está buscando nuevas formas de obtener ingresos, y por ahora, Cameo es la opción.

Selena Traveled with Yolanda After She Allegedly Stole $$$ ... Saldívar Family Claims

Selena Quintanilla didn't cut Yolanda Saldívar out of her life after her father accused Yolanda of embezzling from Selena's clothing boutique ... because they jetted to Mexico together.

That's what Yolanda's family is claiming, saying they have airplane tickets showing Selena and the woman who would later kill her flew first class to Monterrey only a week after Abraham Quintanilla confronted Yolanda about missing funds.

Why Continue???
Oxygen True Crime

The shocking allegation is featured in the upcoming Oxygen docuseries, "Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them."

In a clip from the series, obtained by TMZ, Yolanda's family discovers first-class United Airlines tickets for Selena and Yolanda on March 17, 1995 ... only 8 days after Yolanda was accused of embezzlement.

Yolanda's family says the previously unknown trip raises new questions -- like, why would Selena continue her business relationship with Yolanda after her pops made serious allegations?

Selena's dad fired Yolanda on March 9, 1995, after accusing her of embezzling money from the Tejano star's clothing company, which was planning to open a boutique in Monterrey.

Yolanda ended up shooting and killing Selena 2 weeks after their flight to Mexico ... and now she's serving a life sentence, though she's eligible for parole on March 30, 2025.

In an interview from prison, Yolanda claims Selena would not accept her resignation and wanted to keep her around to run the clothing line and oversee things down in Mexico.

Selena's father has blasted the doc, telling us it's a slap in the face to his family. He also says Yolanda's story is packed with lies.

TMZ Studios

The first part of the docuseries drops on February 17, and this clip is from the second part, which airs on February 18.